You guys seem to turn this place into some interrogation room with forms to be filled in. Please see this offer to introduce yourself as you would do in real life. Give yourself vitality, if you wish to advance. Make it personal, share with us things considered worth-reading and not rubbish facts like DOB, POB,...
but again, no one said that this thread can't be like a form so people can fill it in, everyone's entitled to wut dey sayin. But i'll follow ur lead. Hey, my name's xfamx dom3nat0r (no real name here). Im from washington D.C, lived here for 5 years since 2004. I'm a gamer, I beleive im a pretty good basketball player . I love rap, NBA (go Washington Wizards), NFL (go Washington Redskins) and of course games. I go to Gar-field High School, which ironically using a Native American as our school symbol (just like the Redskin). Btw, im 17 years old. There you go, long and lengthy.
Would you explicate your school symbol? I can't find it ironic anyhow. After all, this land was, with sincere courtesy, "robbed" by European.
oh god,hmm... it a native indian dude with alot of feathers in his head, and a hammer (i think) on his hand, just a typical native american nothin special.
oh, just because when i studied history, i would hate how much the white people took the indian's land, the person i hate most was probably Andrew Jackson (all those indian removal law), but here i am, supporting a Redskin football team and even the school i go to is Gar Field Indian, that all.
oh well, our president is African American, dude. Somehow, I wonder whether one VNese will be the governor of California State. I will vote for Mr Witt. Our abnormal philosophy.
Your analysis is interesting. Since you already have a foundation of U.S. history knowledge, it would be easier to debate over this controversy. Let it be more specific, the European, mainly Spaniards, "trades" with the Indians, who have no idea about private property. For the European, we buy the land. For the Indians, we share the land. Therefore, the first thirteen colonies are born on a misunderstanding of trading. Now with Jackson, who is, besides his radical policy, known as an Indian fighter. With our present perspective, the method is cold-hearted. However, it is off the course to look at it that way. Did Jackson not carrie these Indian removal acts, would the U.S. have the strength and wealth to expand to the west coast, to buy Lousiannas from Napoleon, or to win the American Mexican war? The proper way to view this matter is to put ourselves in their shoes, who are then citizens of a so-so country, target of European superpower. Put the history lesson aside, whether it is Redskin or Gar Field or Johnson is irrelevant as the condition has changed a lot. Andrew Jackson or whoever's government that support those Indian genocides is definitely not the one who names your school. Haha, let me repeat the fact that many of you already know. Obama is half-black half-white. Why ignores the other half? I say, it is to elevate his triumph to more than it usually is.
Thanks Witt for reminder me of his half white. Btw, Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School. How cool he is. Witt: we should stop discussing political issue. Our "hime" will be angry.
To categorize these matters as political conversation is too rash, I say. Also, in this week, I may create a place to exchange our writing, and believe me, politics and religious controversy may be my main theme.
Hello, lads. I'm Satan Claws, a newbie. I'm not good at English, many things that I need to learn from you guys. I love video games, movies, coke, broken rice, beautiful girls, .... It's a pleasure to meet all of you!
Hello everybody ~ I'm Jew,you can call me Dã Miên :P I'm interesred in English,I wanna improve my E so.. Hope to make good friends with all of you I'm playing many off games,and don't know how to play any online games .. I'm a normal girl who like shopping,sulfing the Internet,chattting,ect Thanks for watching
Suddenly I realised that I've been quite a long time but haven't introduced myself yet, so.. here it is: Name: Little Thing (but you can call me Little) Race: Xenomorph Age: Unknown (who knows) Gender: Male Orientation: Homosexual Interests: games, novels, parkour, nature, sci-fi, IT, other xenomorphs and aliens.. lots Dislike: hot temperature (might be more) Description: I'm a friendly xenomorph, Runner type. Most of my body color is green, but some parts are black. I came here to meet people, make friends with them. About my orientation, it just my preference, not my personality (I'm still a dominant male, of course) Well, that's all for now. Hope for the worst, hrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..