Introduce yourself here!

Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Hung Long, 16/11/02.

  1. Hank Williams

    Hank Williams Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Teenage Wasteland
    You have the name of one of my idols :).

    Some info about me:
    -Like: watching soccer, watching cartoons, reading comic books (Lucky Luke, Benoit, Spirou and Fantasia, Thần Đồng Đất Việt, ...), music (of course). I also like reading books and articles about Science ( Archaeology, Unexplainable secrets about The Ancient Egypt, Maya, Aztek, Inca, Rome,..., paranormal and abnormal phenomena).
  2. AVAVT  

    AVAVT   Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Funny.. so what if mine's -2Mp? ;))
  3. kidsnextdoor

    kidsnextdoor The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Got Married :)
    About myself:

    My name is Han N Tran.
    My birthday is: 09/18/1990
    I live in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
    I came to United States when I was 11 years old.
    I live with my parent and my big brother.
    Currently, I'm a freshman in E.H.T HS
    I am an avid gamer. My brother and I like to collect all old game consoles. My most favorite console is GameCube. I like Japanese games although I don't understand Japanese language but I still like them a lot and also that is country which I want to visit someday.
    My favorite food are Hambuger, French Fries(Mc Donald's), Pizza and instant Noodle. I hate to eat DIM SUM.

    Very nice to meet you,guys.
  4. Săn Qủi

    Săn Qủi Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Vô Gia Cư
    Great place here ! I totally find someplace right for me to introduce myself to everyone . I'll tell you everything (except something :;) ).
    Full name : Nguyễn Tùng Long
    Sex : male
    Age : 14
    Birthday : 17/7/1991
    Home : Hồ Chí Minh city
    I like many things : Games , anime , Robots , Hip hop , Break dance , Pops , and girls ::) .
    I'm in grade 8th of a very small Secondary school of Bình Thạnh distric . I have a girlfriend ( for about a month ) , Some times , I's caught in troubles with her . She is a cute girl but sometimes , she does somethings I can't explain X( , but after all I love her and she Love me , that's all I need .
    Wanna ask me somethings else ? No problem , email to me at : or add my nick in Y/M (Yahoo Messenger ) .
    It's glad to know about all of you guys here . :D
    P.S : Please dont use the Spam , I hate to delete them in my inbox .
  5. Justwonder

    Justwonder Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    I guess everyone in this box has known something about me, so it won't be long!

    Name: go here, you'll get to see a bonus of my pic. Give me a chance to remind everyone about myself, elf! :))

    Age: Read this You know, I'm lazy to post long msg, and beside, I only eat fish, I don't fish. :))

    Hobbies: Keep messing around.

    Ambitions: Solve all the unsolved math problems. :))

    Job: Do I have to repeat it? It's boring to say one thing over and over!

    Future plan: Still planning! More to come once I know what I'm doing here! :))
  6. Lang

    Lang Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nice topic ^^
    Name: Đào Khánh Duy
    Sex: male and i'm 15 years old ^^
    My brithday : 28-11-1989
    I'm living in Ho Chi Minh city
    I like to play game , make game( both graphic and program ^_^),web design
    Now , i'm studying in Nguyễn Khuyến ( dis.10) and i'm always go to Hội Đồng Kỷ luật ( dunno how to say it :D) with many reason: dun finish homework , make noise in class , break glasses :D play game in class ( with PSP :))) and my best friend is Sổ đầu bài :)) ( i'm often have name in Sổ đầu bài ^^) but my true reason is i dun want to study in that's school anymore( i can study in better school but my parents make me study in that school coz my aunt teach in that school ( so damn >.<)and i'm trying to show them that's a wrong choice :D( bad boy ^^) but my mark often 5 -> 10 ( maybe i dun want to studyin that's school but i cant make my parents sad coz my mark)

    I have Ps2 , Gamecube , Xbox , PSP and 1 PC ^^( i'm trying to buy new PC <- of coz must strong ^^)
    Now, i'm waiting until 20-3 , i will make a test to study in Arena ( you can see i'm trying to make my dream become truth ^^) and i wish i can pass that's test ^^( even i dunno much about multimedia )
    And my YM is and hotmail is
  7. V.I.P_Clone

    V.I.P_Clone Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    my name name is...Slim Shady :)
    i was born in VN...but somehow i got lost to the U.S last year
    address....i dunno i live in a cave covered by snow....
    my hobbies...nothing but games, sports and girls
    i suppose to be a girl....but my mom didnt like it so she made me become a guy...too bad
  8. Dogmeat

    Dogmeat C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    He he he, I'm a newbie in this box, I just knew about this E box few days ago (somebody invited me ehehehe). But, since I'm here, I guess it's no harm to say hello, neh?

    Name: Well, just call me Dogmeat.
    Birthday: I was born in June, but the day and the year, pls forgive me for not posting it.
    Nationality: as many people here, I'm VNese.
    Sex: M
    Professional: Engineer.
    Hometown: Hanoi.
    Where am I living: I'm not in VN at the moment, but I'll come back. Vietnam, wait for me :x
    Hobby: Game, game, and game.
    Favorite food: Everything cooked by my girlfriend.( She's a realy good cook. World No.1 to me eheheehh).
    Objective: more and more and more money, so I can by all game platforms, and by any new game anytime I want!

    PS: Pls, don´t call me "Thịt Chó", "Thịt Cầy" or mention something about Nhattan, Anhtu, "giềng mẻ" ect... My Nick is Dogmeat, but it doesn't mean meat of the dog!!!!

    @AVT: by your nick, I guess you're studying at HN-Amst Highschool, right?
    +3MP Just say your age, is not something you have to shy about.Welcome to English Speaking box.Hope you will not be a Next Fisher^^(shadow_cat)
  9. great_sephiroth

    great_sephiroth Mayor of SimCity GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    North Cave
    Blood Type: O
    Birth Place:Unknow.
    Birth Day:Unknow.^_^
  10. AVAVT 

    AVAVT  Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    What now? The death... I mean the famous Sephiroth too? :o
    Sry I mistaken.... he's not the one I know... ( =)) )
    GuRu....No chating here, understand?!(shadow_cat)
  11. =kiug=

    =kiug= The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    World of Fractal
    Name:Đoàn Vĩnh Phúc
    Birthday:16-1-1992(too young, huh?)
    Living in HCM city
    Address:secret !!!
    Like:Game and .....Rock music(classical Rock)
    dislike:hip hop(so stupid!!!) and too many things I can tell you all day
    Y!M:vp16_rocK(add it if you want to talk with me )
  12. Dogmeat

    Dogmeat C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hi guys, here I am again. But I'm not here to say hello, but to say good bye. I'm still a newbie in this box, and I still have alot of things that I want to talk with you. Unfortunately, after Easter( means the begining of next weeek), I'll be on a new assignment, and this requires alot of concentration. I'm afraid that I will have no time for Internet any more. It's a pitty I can't continue the topic I have created, though I'll try to spend some time in the comming holiday, precompose somethings I want to talk and post it when I have a chance.

    It was nice to know you, guys :hug: .
  13. dreamweavermx

    dreamweavermx Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hello men and women , sorry I mean boys and girls !
    Ok !
    My bday : 30-11
    About Dogmeat above : Dogmeat is the dog of Chosen One , the one like to save his village in post - nuclear era .
    About me : Ya u know Dreamweaver is the man who weave dreams , but it's a name of the Macromedia software ,well software is the ware which was written by programmers and then you know , programmer is .. ok I don't want follow endless road of explain.
  14. Cigar

    Cigar Độc Xà Vương

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hội Vườn Đ
    Hey,you dare to delete my introduction,it was the blame on the name of the Hero, he never give you the chance to collect information once again,you can understand that X(


    I always have mistake in English,so don't try to find and fix it..sorry.
    The name is Ngoc,the same with alone wolf..and 3 years older.
    I was born in Hanoi,but my family moved to Dalat when I was 4,so I didn't know anything about the place where I was born..
    I have to move to Saigon to complete the University,and this is my last year in university.
    The yahoo ID is ndkmasterden,if you have times,please come talk with me.
    Hobbies:Talk about history of Chinese,play Guitar,listen to Rock.


    i|e : My apologies Cigar. ::)
  15. Guo Jia

    Guo Jia C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hội Vườn Đ
    how could a guy name Ngoc;)) it linked me to a girl's name,however,it do to the name of a character in Hong Lou Meng novel either,Jia Baoyu:D and didn't Jia Baoyu like rock,right@_@:)):p oh no,he liked face-powder and lipstick only!!! ^.^

    seems that my intro was deleted either,i must thank to who deleted it,i found out no any idea to post sumthing in this post,and this is my chance.

    birthday:you can see it in my profile
    like:rotk era and rotk games only ,i don't belive i can survive without it
    yahoo Id:spearwall-single and looking:p
  16. Quistis-th

    Quistis-th T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    đâu đó trên heaven
    hi, Cigar. I think that i knew u , not clearly. You're Ngoc's friend, right ? I mean alonewolf. ^^ I 'm his friend too.
    by the way , my name is Hong . My birth :05/10/1988 . So i think i'm youngest here , right ? I'm not sure. ^^ I have lived in HCm city since i was born. I love it very much .
    Y!M : shami0510->contact me if you want. I always welcome u !
    hobbies: too much , i like shopping , game , talking ....v.v.v.v
    And then , everybody said that i was a talkertive girl. I'm not sure about that ^^
    However, my english is not good. So if i make some mitakes , i hope that nobody will laugh me ^^
  17. Squall Leonaheart

    Squall Leonaheart ♠ HCuM oS EvoL 'N sSiM ♠

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Love Center Hall
    Hi all ! This is the first time i come here, pleased to meet you guys ! I heard IE - moderator of this room - has a large anime "storehouse" so I want to join this club, in order to borrow him some =)).
    Okay now, Im Tuan, 21 years old. Im an IT student, a programming developer and a hacker. My hoobies ? Oh, too much... but you can talk about it in 3 G chars : Games, Girls, Gold ;))
    YM! : anhtuan124. Contact me if you want but im always in invisible mode. Say hi to me, Ill answer you ! ^_^
  18. lightdevil

    lightdevil Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Under the sun
    My name : Linh
    Age: 16
    Birth : see my profile :D
    I'm a boy
    I'm now studying in America ( I just went here in Jan ), I live in St.Paul, Minnesota
    Hobbies : games , music, comic , cartoon ( just Yu Gi OH :)) )
    YM : lightdevil88,atemu88,....( too many :D )
  19. I am Derrick

    I am Derrick Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Man....So many familiar faces here.....
    I thought Cigar and Guo Jia were plain ROTK nuts that only resided in HVĐ or FE club.But they are here too. :))
    Ok,but now's the time for introduction,right?
    Don't think that i'm a rookie,bradas.My primary nickname is...Redeemer.Nice to meet you all.My real name is Tuấn.I'm 19 now,studying at National university....That's all :D
    You guys must be confused when i say that i'm Redeemer,because a long time ago,a man named...Redeemer came here.That's my troublesome olda brada ::( .We share the same nick and he use that to wreak havoc everywhere =(( Now i used this "I am Derrick" nickname to avoid his,and... other members' madness,but he's using it too! ::(
    Anyway,it's great to be here,folks :;)
  20. Squall Leonaheart

    Squall Leonaheart ♠ HCuM oS EvoL 'N sSiM ♠

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Love Center Hall
    What the heck is it ? There are too much persons who have the name is Tuan. My my, IS IT a beautiful name ? ^_^

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