Justice League (2017)

Thảo luận trong 'Phim ảnh' bắt đầu bởi KNIGHT Light, 24/7/16.


Nhân vật cuối trailer mới là ai?

  1. Superman

    98 phiếu
  2. Supergirl

    19 phiếu
  3. Green Lantern

    34 phiếu
  4. Flash Tương lai

    14 phiếu
  5. Shazam

    9 phiếu
  6. Martian Manhunter

    6 phiếu
  7. Nhân vật khác

    6 phiếu
  1. Max[SaD]

    Max[SaD] snake, snake, snaaaake Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Old Trafford
    Vừa xem lại lần 2 với gấu. Phim vẫn là phim của Zack cho đến hết đoạn Superman vs The League, mà đm đéo hiểu sao cho Bruce thở ra được cái “definitely bleed” được..
    Xem xong càng cảm thấy khó chịu và ghét bỏ Wedone và WB và buồn cho Zack, quá buồn anh em ạ!
    boykorea279, dhd91 and WarCyber01 like this.
  2. Moe~~~

    Moe~~~ You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    lul mấy thằng làm VFX có vẻ bọn nó cũng tức nên gián tiếp nói toẹt mẹ ra hết rồi =)) Gì chứ 4 phim liên tiếp ăn chửi làm gì chả cáu

    Nói mà có phải reshoot đéo đâu, mà bê Well Done về để remake =)) Rốt cục nát như đặc sản

    Anw 8 cảnh trong vô số cảnh bị cắt


    Cảnh Flash chọc vỡ kính đã bị cắt trong cái trailer nó là cái vid JL6, cũng là cái clip nói về thằng Flash cứu Iris
    Master Bruce thích bài này.
  3. gin-1994

    gin-1994 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    coi ở đây cho gọn, cyborg bị cắt nhiều vl
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 19/11/17
    Zainor Dean and Shooter_CD like this.
  4. Gaorangers.Yellow

    Gaorangers.Yellow Mr & Ms Pac-Man GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đấy, vậy giờ tin là đưa tin Zack chọn Whedon về kế thừa ý chí của Zack rõ ràng là cover sự thật đáng nguyền rủa của WB :)).

    Thảo nào chú Ben cũng nản muốn rút sớm. Thằng Wedone nó đi đêm với WB rồi.
  5. hoibideptrai

    hoibideptrai The Chosen Undead Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thực sự thấy nên cho sw đào mồ superman, chứ cho chính diện đào mồ người ta thấy kì quá
  6. Gaorangers.Yellow

    Gaorangers.Yellow Mr & Ms Pac-Man GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Steppen đào mồ Superman làm gì :v
  7. bloodomen

    bloodomen Temet nosce GVN LEGENDARY ⛨ Empire Gladiator ⛨ Moderator

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Trong JL chị có mặc bộ này nè, chỉ là búi tóc lên thôi.
  8. Gaorangers.Yellow

    Gaorangers.Yellow Mr & Ms Pac-Man GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cần gì bền, thăng hoa là đủ. Con ww nó chịch choạc lung tung.
  9. gin-1994

    gin-1994 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái ảnh này là trong aquaman hay JL nhỉ ( để xác nhận cai thông tin có cảnh mera lên bờ gặp aquaman bị cắt trong JL )
  10. SHAZAM!

    SHAZAM! Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Rock of Eternity
    Ảnh này trong Aqua, có 1 ảnh khác Zack share đang đứng trên bờ :))
  11. Moe~~~

    Moe~~~ You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Full list nè, Whedon remake phải phân nửa phim =))

    -superman in the cell phone footage is Whedon

    - intro with Batman was Whedon, same with Batman in the plane talking to Alfred

    - World without Hope montage was Snyder. The Lois bit with the empty bed next to her is actually from a later point in the movie repurposed for this

    - Snyder original cut had the World without Hope montage go straight into Batman meeting with Aquaman in the village which went on longer as well. Same with their conversation after as Aquaman swims off

    - Deleted Snyder scene with Martha and Lois talking in the apartment.

    - Wonder Woman sequence in London is mostly all Snyder but trimmed down as the original had her taking out all the bad guys and additional slow-mo. Snyder loves his close up to convey information as there's a close up of the lead bad guy changing the gun from single to automatic mode after Wonder Woman stops the first bullet. Reshoots did add dialogue between Wonder Woman and lead bad guy before she stops all the bullets. This reshoot had everything finished to get it ready for the movie so I suspect this will be in extended version

    - this cuts into the Amazonian which is Snyder and mostly not changed. A scene they removed was an Amazon being turned into a demon during Steppenwolf initial encounter. She kills herself before the transformation finishes. This shot was finished so maybe extended version

    - anything with the russian family is Whedon

    - Cyborgs dad talking to the janitor at Star Labs was Whedon

    - Cyborg intro with his dad is a longer scene as well and Snyder . The scene starts with him looking at the people walking around the streets enjoying their lives as he looks on with envy.

    - Wonder Woman meeting up with Batman while he repairs the jet was Snyder, them discussing the nature of the motherboxes on the Lake was Whedon.

    - Thousand year battle is mostly the same in Snyder version, there was a back and forth between adding more focus on the Green Lantern or not. Darkseid actually showed up here as a visual stand in for Steppenwolf as one point the model wasn't quite ready yet.

    - Flash scene filling out the forms and visiting his dad is Snyder

    - Batman meeting Flash was Snyder. Whedon added 'people are slow, I'll try to keep up' bit

    - Aquaman saving the man out in the sea was originally the end montage footage repurposed to here and it was Snyder. I believe the bits of him dumping the guy at the bar is Snyder as well

    - Aquaman coming back as Steppenwolf tries and succeed in taking the motherbox is Snyder still. The only real change up is when Aquaman and Mera have a discussion which again went on longer and was a mix of both Snyder, Whedon and Wan as Aquaman was filming at the time

    The discussion between Mera and Aquaman was deleted at some point and I believe someone fought hard for this to come back in the edit which I'm glad they kept in.

    - janitor being taken by the demon is Snyder

    - Woman on tv about her missing husband, Lois/Martha at the daily planet is Whedon

    - Cyborg calling out to meet Wonder Woman and their meeting on the streets is mostly Snyder. There may be some minor bits with Cyborg as a reshoot but unsure. Alfred line about date night may have been ADR later

    - Cyborg dad being kidnapped by demon to Gordon in the station to the gang meeting up on the roof and then heading to the sewers is Snyder but trimmed by a few seconds.

    - Wonder Woman talking about 'doing this together as a team' and Cyborg 'didn't think you were real' were cut

    - Flash panicking and Batman encouraging him to save one person is Whedon

    - Cyborg saving his dad is mostly the same so Snyder.

    - Wonder Woman openly taunts Steppenwolf was cut before shoving him through the wall. The fight is Snyder with added Whedon dialogue as Wonder Woman looks pissed Steppenwolf mentioned his axe having amazon blood on it.

    - Flash interrupts Batman as he fights the demons, this is where the dodge sequence occurred and later cut. There was an attempt to keep it in for many versions with even a reshoot element of Flash saying 'I thought we were suppose to do this together!' Flash pushing the demon through the wall was later repurposed as Cyborg doing it. Most likely will not be extended version

    - I believe Batman yells at Flash to ensure the Star Labs people are out with Cyborgs help as a demon starts to overpower Batman

    - Scene with Cyborg getting people out as Flash looks on is cut

    - the Flash getting people out one at a time is Whedon as is Cyborg dad explaining to him that they're after the box as Cyborg shoots a demon (repurposed from earlier)

    - Batman fighting the demon on the higher level is Snyder with the WW fight still the same.

    - Steppenwolf throws WW to the wall and then charges his axe at her which she dodges, this attack causes a chain reaction in which the building starts to crumble on the outside and there's now falling debris which leds towards a cut of the Star Labs people outside with the Flash. He see the debris falling so he uses his speed to punch the debris out of the way from the people but somehow misses the last big piece in which Cyborg shoots it out of the way. This was cut and in the original trailer:

    This sequence had mostly finished VFX but I doubt you will see this in extended

    - Batman saying 'my turn' is Snyder and is cut replaced with 'I didn't bring a sword' and 'he's tall' is Whedon.

    - Cyborg asking Flash to go check on the others is cut. VFX was finished as well

    - Flash helping WW with her sword is Snyder. Face plant joke after is Whedon

    - Whedon reshoot of Flash replying with 'does he mean me?' when Steppenwolf mentions the Old Gods blood is cut

    - WW doing her arm thing, Flash being taken by the demons, Cyborg taking over the vehicle and shooting at Steppenwolf and the flood is Snyder

    - Reshot element from Wan of Aquaman emerging from the water to kick Steppenwolf before turning back to try to help slow down the flooding.

    - 'did he just bail?' is ADR in, not part of Snyder original cut.

    - Meeting up with Gordon and Cyborg coming back with the box is Snyder. Some scenes trimmed down

    - Steppenwolf speech about finding the last box is mostly the same in Snyder.

    - The gang going to the Batcave is Whedon, there was an extended scene with Flash and Alfred and Flash hugs Alfred some reason.

    - The gang talking about the nature of the boxes and bringing back Superman is Whedon. Gal was not available during this time as she was doing press tour for Wonder Woman so her double was her stand in and even did some acting and that bit with her hitting Batman. In the wide shots if you look carefully you can still see that it's not Gal.

    The footage of Gal was shot on a later date with green screen and composited in

    - Batman talking to Alfred about Superman was Whedon

    - Batman overlooking the ship is Snyder. Batman talking to Wonder Woman about the plan overlooking the kryptonian ship is Whedon

    - the Lois shot from earlier in the opening montage movie was a part of this sequence as Alfred attempts to call her as well. Snyder

    - break into the kryptonian ship was a longer, Cyborgs dad fakes a code red to get everyone out of the lab so the gang can get in without any major issues. There was some more additional dialogue with Flash and Aquaman. Snyder with a small chance that this may be in the extended

    - preparing Superman body for the ship is Snyder.

    - deleted scene - Cyborg having a premonition during his countdown. During the count of 'one' he starts to see things of possibly future events such as the end of the League, knightmare world and more importantly Darkseid.

    - Superman resurrection and battle with the league members is mostly Snyder with bits trimmed down.

    - Flash mentioning 'pet semenetary' is Whedon

    - Flash actively tries to kick Superman during their fight which was cut

    - Anytime Superman is talking during this is Whedon, even 'do you bleed?'

    - Batman making a quip about if he's bleeding is Whedon

    - Steppenwolf stealing the last box is the same in all versions

    - Superman coming home to his farm with Lois is Snyder.

    - Gang discussing their plan of attack now is Whedon

    - Batman and Wonder Woman talking about leadership and her fixing his arm is all Whedon

    - Superman talking about the ring is Snyder and cut. Superman talking to Lois in the field is Whedon. Not sure if Martha showing up to meet her son is Whedon or Snyder

    - Steppenwolf preparing the unification is the same in all versions

    - Cyborg finding the location is Whedon which leads to the gang getting on the ship is Snyder

    - deleted scene of Superman coming back to the kryptonian ship and getting his suit back. VFX was finished so maybe extended version

    - Aquaman with the lasso of Truth is all Whedon, Gal again wasn't here so body double in the wide shot with Gal elements being shot later

    - Batman taking down the shield and the league helping each other out to reach Steppenwolf is Snyder. Close up of Wonder Woman smiling is a Whedon as well Batman making quips during this scene

    - Deleted scenes - showing various people around the worlds reacting to the unification process as red skies and lightening start to happen (Martha/Lois, Cyborg Dad, Gordon, Aquaman village at the beginning, london and so forth)

    - Trailer scene with Wonder Woman saying 'shall we?' with Aquaman and Cyborg was adjusted. 'Shall we' was cut and replaced with the new Whedon line

    - Cyborg and Flash stuff here is mostly now all Whedon

    - Batman telling Flash to get people to safety is Whedon

    - lots of Wonder Woman and Aquaman fighting are adjusted or reordered but still Snyder

    - Superman coming back is all Whedon. There was a wide shot of Superman during the 'I like truth' which was removed but the final edit of how it plays out is better in my opinion

    - Superman with the slow mo punch dodge is Snyder. As before anything with Superman talking is Whedon during this finale

    - Original previs was Wonder Woman cutting off Steppenwolf head but later changed. Steppenwolf demise was reworked a few times

    - Steppenwolf fear demise through the boomtube is Whedon

    - there was concept art showing the trinity looking through the end of the boomtube revealing Darkseid. Unsure if this element was ever filmed as the movie itself never had it in any version I saw.

    - The slow mo shot of all of them with Flash fist bumping Cyborg is Snyder

    - close up with the trinity is three different elements composited together as the actors were not available at the same time.

    - the end montage is Snyder (yes, even that weird run Flash does) with Whedon element being Wonder Woman stopping the robbery in London


    Flash doing the race with Superman = Whedon
    Lex discussing forming their own league = Snyder

    My main thought which was a better version:

    - I believe that Snyder original version was more leading towards a UC style edit like BvS as I felt there was a lot of moments for the movie to breath but with some wtf ness in characters moments (flash basically standing around and doing nothing when he could do stuff) where as I feel Whedon had a lot more character beats and dialogue between them to punch it up.

    - I'm not too sure if there will be an extended version but if there was I can easily see an additional 10-20 minutes.

    Cứ những cái joke nhạt toẹt là Whedon cầm trịch, cả cái sequence người Nga cũng thế =))

    THÁNH CHUẨN Mr & Ms Pac-Man GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thì đm để Screenplay by Chris Terio & WD mà, đâu phải Zack đâu...
  13. WarCyber01

    WarCyber01 Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hài nhạt là chuẩn welldone rồi, ko ngờ nhiều thế?, đm remake chứ reshoot đéo đâu :2cool_burn_joss_sti
    nguồn tin chắc chứ thím trên :5cool_sweat:
  14. Master Bruce

    Master Bruce Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    dceu thì thằng elfman cút cmnd là ta chờ nhất
    bớt chửi đi , ảnh hưởng tới người đi xem
  15. Gaorangers.Yellow

    Gaorangers.Yellow Mr & Ms Pac-Man GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Một số cái ko chắc chứ hầu hết những cái nhảm có trong phim là chắc r đó =))

    giao hoan đất trời cả lò thằng whedon và chóp bu wb phát nữa
  16. Moe~~~

    Moe~~~ You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nguồn tin giờ mà "chắc" thì thằng đưa tin nó bị WB giết rồi.

    Nó chỉ chắc ngang cái thằng leak đống video JL bị cut thôi
    WarCyber01 thích bài này.
  17. ngdinhluat

    ngdinhluat Ryu & Ken Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Chưa bao giờ mong cho doanh thu phim fail như bây giờ.
    Ow < 100m, DOM < 250m, WW < 750m :2onion2:
  18. Gaorangers.Yellow

    Gaorangers.Yellow Mr & Ms Pac-Man GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    - Batman saying 'my turn' is Snyder and is cut replaced with 'I didn't bring a sword' and 'he's tall' is Whedon.

    Đm chỉ có đầu óc bã đậu của mấy thằng fan marvel mới hợp với cái "he s tall" này của wedone thôi đcm =)). Nó phải cắt cả thoại của Zack để thêm hài của nó vào :))
    LilSam2202, dhd91 and ProjecK like this.
  19. Master Bruce

    Master Bruce Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    giao hoan đất trời cả lò thằng elfman
    hài nhất là thằng đạo diễn hạng V phancine cũng chửi , trong khi méo có tư cách cc gì
  20. Namikaze Minato

    Namikaze Minato Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đm chửi thằng wedoom đéo oan. Mấy đoạn đặc sản đái nhạt toẹt toàn của nó.

Chia sẻ trang này