Legends' update - Patch notes

Thảo luận trong 'Thư viện' bắt đầu bởi AndyKEhn, 4/6/10.

  1. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    release note v1.0.0.105

    [spoil]New Skins in the Store

    * Nightblade Irelia
    * Aviator Irelia
    * Feral Warwick
    * Monarch Kog’Maw
    * Secret Agent Miss Fortune

    PVP.net v1.23.10

    * The Harrowing map has replaced the Winter map and can be selected by choosing "Autumn" when creating a Practice Game
    * You will now receive a warning when your IP or XP boost is about to expire
    * Fixed a bug where a user from a duo queue would automatically get the Captain slot
    * Fixed a bug where the Leaver status was not displayed in the Recent Games list
    * Fixed a bug where chat would automatically move the display to the bottom when a message was received

    League of Legends v1.0.0.105
    Irelia, the Will of the Blades

    * Bladesurge: Irelia dashes forward to strike her target. If it kills the target, Bladesurge's cooldown refreshes and half the mana cost is refunded.
    * Hiten Style: Irelia is skilled in the art of Hiten, passively giving her physical attacks health restoration. Activating Hiten Style adds true damage to her physical attacks for a short duration.
    * Equilibrium Strike: Irelia's attack balances the scales, dealing damage and slowing the target. However, if the target has a higher Health % than Irelia, then the blow stuns the target instead.
    * Transcendent Blades (Ultimate): Irelia summons four spirit blades which she can fling at her enemies. These blades deal magic damage to enemies that they pass through, siphoning life from them and healing Irelia.
    * Ionian Fervor (Passive): Each nearby enemy champion (to a maximum of three) reduces the effectiveness of Crowd Control on Irelia.


    * Fixed a bug with Pulverize where the stun particle would show over units that don't get stunned


    * Curse of the Sad Mummy
    o Curse of the Sad Mummy is now consistent with other similar skills (Dark Binding, Crescendo) and will deal damage to Black Shield
    o Fixed a bug where it was disabling enemies for too long
    o Now deals 150/250/350 damage initially rather than 150/300/450 damage over the duration


    * Fixed a bug where Ice Wall could trap Champions inside for the duration


    * Summon: Tibbers tooltip cleaned up for clarity and included the damage values for Tibbers' area of effect damage


    * Fixed a bug with Rupture that showed cooldown in the levelup tooltip even though the cooldown did not change


    * Fixed Valkyrie's level-up tooltip to show the effects of Corki's current cooldown reduction
    * Missile Barrage
    o Base damage reduced to 120/190/260 from 125/200/275
    o Mana cost increased to 30/35/40 from 25/30/35
    o Big Ones now deal 60% increased damage, down from 100%
    * Cleaned up Gatling Gun and Missile Barrage tooltips


    * Crowstorm now immediately applies Dread to the surrounding area after using Crowstorm


    * Idol of Durand
    o Fixed a bug where casting would break an enemy's Spell Shield and then taunt them again
    o Fixed a bug where the taunt particle sometimes played on targets that blocked the taunt
    o Fixed a bug where Idol of Durand's ability power ratio was inconsistent
    o Ability power ratio decreased to .8 from 0.85
    * Bulwark duration reduced to 3.5 seconds from 4
    * Righteous Gust base damage reduced to 65/110/155/200/245 from 70/115/160/205/250
    * Righteous Gust ability power ratio reduced to 0.65 from 0.8
    * Resolute Smite ability power ratio increased to 0.70 from 0.6


    * Reduced Garen's selection size


    * Clarified Wall of Pain's tooltip slightly to emphasize that target movement speeds are restored over time


    * Fixed several tooltip errors with Death Lotus related to number of champions hit


    * Fixed a bug where Bio-Arcane Barrage was doing more damage than intended
    * Fixed a bug where Bio-Arcane Barrage was dealing physical damage instead of magic damage


    * Mimic cooldown decreased to 40/35/30 from 40 at all ranks
    * Armor per level increased to 3.5 from 3.0


    * Prismatic Barrier
    o Missile width Increased 22%
    o Mana cost reduced to 60 from 75
    o Fixed a bug where Prismatic Barrier was granting less ability power ratio than stated
    o Ability power ratio increased to .35 from .3
    * Lucent Singularity
    o Fixed a tooltip bug causing Lucent Singularity to display the wrong values
    o Slow increased to 20/24/28/32/36 from 14/18/22/26/30
    o Detonation radius increased to 350 from 300
    * Finales Funkeln now ignites the Illumination debuff if the target is afflicted by it and refreshes the Illumination debuff duration


    * Fixed a bug with Ground Slam where it broke through Spell Shields and still affected the target

    Miss Fortune

    * Standard attack missile speed reduced to 2000 from 2250
    * Bullet Time
    o Fixed a bug where the bullets sometimes dealt too much damage.
    o Fixed a bug where the tooltip was calculating bonus damage from Attack Damage incorrectly (at 45% instead of 40%)
    o Lowered cone width by about 25%
    * Fixed a bug with Strut where the bonus movement speed could go slightly above 70
    * Make It Rain base damage reduced to 90/145/200/255/310 from 95/155/215/275/335


    * Mace of Spades now has a 0.2 ability power ratio
    * Fixed a bug where Mace of Spades didn't gain proc effects from Sheen, Lich Bane, and other similar items


    * Black Shield now only blocks disabling buffs (stuns, silences, taunts, blinds, slows, fears, roots, snares, and suppressions). For example, Akali's Mark of the Assassin, Soraka's Starcall, and Morgana's Tormented Soil will now go through Black Shield. The damage they deal will still be absorbed.


    * Javelin Toss can now be cast out of range, and it will cast in that direction
    * Fixed a bug where Javelin Toss would not hit stealthed Champions


    * Fixed a bug with Puncturing Taunt where the taunt particle sometimes played on targets that blocked the taunt


    * Fixed a bug with Shadow Dash where the taunt particle sometimes played on targets that blocked the taunt


    * Updated Insanity Potion's tooltip


    * Cryptic Gaze missile speed increased to 1600 from 1100
    * Fixed a bug with Death's Caress where the detonate tooltip was showing incorrect damage values


    * All aura durations reduced to 2 seconds from 3
    * All aura buff durations reduced to 0.25 seconds from 1
    * Hymn of Valor
    o Attack damage and ability power aura reduced to 6/8/10/12/14 from 8/11/14/17/20
    o Mana cost increased to 65/70/75/80/85 from 55/60/65/70/75
    * Song of Celerity
    o Active movement speed boost reduced to 8/10/12/14/16 from 8/11/14/17/20
    o Mana cost increased to 65/70/75/80/85 from 55/60/65/70/75
    * Aria of Perseverance mana cost increased to 65/70/75/80/85 from 55/60/65/70/75
    * Crescendo range reduced to 1000 from 1100


    * Fixed a bug with Starcall where it would stop dealing damage if the target reaches max stacks


    * Decrepify leash range slightly increased
    * Torment range increased to 625 from 600
    * Ravenous Flock cooldown decreased to 10 seconds from 15 seconds
    * Updated Swain's recommended items

    Twisted Fate

    * Fixed a bug with Destiny where the teleport spell was not being cancelled by suppression effects


    * Debilitating Poison slow duration reduced to 2/2.6/3.2/3.8/4.4 seconds from 2.5/3.25/4/4.75/5.25
    * Spray and Pray attack speed reduced to 30/45/60%, from 40/60/80%


    * Transfusion will now heal Vladimir even if the target is spell immune
    * Hemoplague will no longer damage enemies if it is dispelled

    Xin Zhao

    * Fixed a bug where Xin Zhao was considered to be a ranged Champion for the purpose of items like Frozen Mallet, etc


    * Oracle's Elixir now shows a particle on the Champion who has True Sight
    * New Item: Hexdrinker
    o Long Sword + Long Sword + Null-Magic Mantle + 570 gold. Total cost is 1800 gold
    o +35 Attack Damage
    o +30 Magic Resistance
    o UNIQUE Passive: If you would take Magic Damage which would leave you at less than 30% of your Maximum Health, you first gain a shield which absorbs 300 Magic Damage for 4 seconds. 45 second cooldown.
    * Sword of the Divine combination cost reduced to 500 gold from 700 gold
    * Sword of the Divine attack speed bonus increased to 60% from 55%
    * Hextech Revolver spell vamp increased to 15% from 10%
    * Hextech Gunblade spell vamp increased to 20% from 13%
    * Hextech Gunblade life steal increased to 20% from 15%
    * Will of the Ancients combination cost reduced to 465 gold from 765 gold
    * Will of the Ancients spell vamp increased to 20% from 15%
    * Vision Ward and Sight Ward tooltips updated


    * The Harrowing map has replaced the Winter map and can be selected under "Autumn" when creating a Practice Game
    * The icon on all towers should now properly display as the correct icon for True Sight
    * Baron Nashor has been moved to the center of his arena and he can no longer knock you out of his arena
    * Halloween Quintessence armor penetration reduced to 3.08 from 3.62
    * Fixed a bug where Tier 2 attack damage Seals were giving a third of their intended value
    * Fixed a bug where casting a spell while moving and being silenced would cause the spell to fizzle
    * Fixed a bug where Champions could accidentally walk through walls


    * Fixed bug causing Lux’s illumination impact audio not to play
    * Fixed Baron Nashor's audio playing through FOW
  2. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    release note v1.0.0.106

    [spoil]This patch is focused upon the following main issues:

    * Area of Effect damage and disable spells being too powerful
    o Area of Effect is taking a pretty large hit this patch, especially to the damage on Galio’s Idol of Durand, Morgana’s Soul Shackles and Vladimir’s Hemoplague. After seeing its effect on the game over a longer period of time, we’ve found something more akin to Annie’s Summon: Tibbers is a proper mix of area size, damage, and disable. We have several area-effect skills in the game that have snuck past this and we’re looking to bring these back to acceptable levels.

    * Strong supports are able to protect powerful ranged carries too well, cancelling their fragility too easily
    o We’re starting with a duration nerf to Morgana's Black Shield and Janna's Eye of the Storm to reward better timing of the spell reactively and to raise the skill ceiling a bit on these spells. If this proves too little, we’ll evaluate the need for additional changes in a future patch.

    * Ranged carries, holistically, are too safe considering their damage output
    o While we predict bigger changes will be required, our first adjustments are to lower the movement speeds of ranged carry-style champions to provide more of a tradeoff, and nerf Blessing of the Lizard Elder when used on ranged champions. We’d like to keep ranged carries “safer” than melee, while beginning to provide more tradeoffs that both give melee a place in the game and differentiate the roles of melee and ranged characters.

    New Skins in the Store

    * Lil’ Slugger Trundle
    * Junkyard Trundle
    * Brolaf
    * Blade Mistress Morgana

    Trundle, The Cursed Troll

    * Rabid Bite: Trundle bites his opponent, dealing damage and sapping some of their attack damage.
    * Contaminate: Trundle infects a target location with his curse, gaining attack speed, movement speed, and crowd control reduction while on it.
    * Pillar of Filth: Trundle creates a plagued beacon at a target location, which becomes impassable terrain and slows all nearby enemy units.
    * Agony (Ultimate): Trundle immediately steals his target’s health and a percentage of their armor and magic resistance. Over the next six seconds the amount of health, armor, and magic resistance stolen is doubled.
    * Decompose (Passive): Whenever an enemy unit near Trundle dies, he heals for a percentage of their maximum health.


    * Fixed a bug where Shadow Dance could sometimes deal damage even if interrupted by a knockup / knockaway


    * Overdrive no longer has a movement speed reduction when it ends
    * Fixed a bug where Power Fist was not breaking spell shields
    * Fixed a bug where Static Field and Power Fist did not display the hit particle when they killed a unit
    * Base attack speed increased.
    * Updated recommended items


    * Phosphorous Bomb no longer reveals stealthed units
    * Fixed a bug where Gatling Gun could hit unseen, non-champion stealthed targets like wards
    * Fixed a bug where Gatling Gun was dealing too much damage
    * Fixed a tooltip typo with Missile Barrage
    * Base movespeed reduced to 300


    * Resolute Smite ability power ratio increased to 0.75 from 0.7
    * Righteous Gust ability power ratio reduced to 0.5 from 0.65
    * Righteous Gust movement speed bonus increased to 20/25/30/35/40% from 20/24/28/32/36%
    * Idol of Durand
    o Ability power ratio reduced to 0.6 from 0.8
    o Damage percent increase on hit reduced to 5% from 10%
    o Total damage cap reduced to 140% from 180%


    * Tailwind will now persist for her allies while Janna is dead
    * Eye of the Storm duration reduced to 5 seconds from 10
    * Monsoon heal per second reduced to 70/110/150 from 90/130/170
    * Monsoon slow reduced to 30% from 40%


    * Kayle now counts as a ranged attacker while using Righteous Fury


    * Base movement speed reduced to 305 from 310


    * Seismic Shard damage reduced to 70/120/170/220/270 from 80/135/190/245/300

    Miss Fortune

    * Base movement speed reduced to 300 from 310
    * Double Up base damage reduced to 25/60/95/130/165 from 35/70/105/140/175


    * Black Shield duration reduced to 5 seconds at all levels from 4/5/6/7/8
    * Soul Shackles
    o Stun duration reduced to 1.0/1.5/2.0 from 1.5/2.0/2.5
    o Ability power ratio reduced to .8 from .9
    o Cooldown increased to 120 seconds at all levels


    * Pounce no longer deals damage if her jump is interrupted by another movement effect


    * Spear Shot base damage reduced to 20/31/42/53/64 from 30/40/50/60/70
    * Heartseeker Strike attack damage conversion increased to 28/31/34/37/40% from 18/22/26/30/34%
    * Grand Skyfall mana cost reduced to 150 from 150/250/350
    * Aegis Protection now shows a counter as you build up charges
    * The threshold required to trigger the Aegis Protection now increases with Pantheon's level.


    * Hymn of Valor base damage reduced to 60/110/160/210/260 from 70/120/170/220/270
    * Hymn of Valor ability power ratio reduced to 0.5 from 0.6
    * Aria of Perseverance healing reduced to 30/55/80/105/130 from 40/65/90/115/140
    * Song of Celerity active movespeed reduced to 6/8/10/12/14% from 8/10/12/14/16%


    * Base movespeed reduced to 300 from 310.
    * Rocket Jump no longer deals damage and slows if her jump is interrupted by another movement effect


    * Spray and Pray duration reduced to 6 seconds from 7.
    * Base movespeed reduced to 305 from 310


    * Baleful Strike missile speed increased by 100
    * Equilibrium mana regeneration percent increased to 0.75% from 0.5%.
    * Basic attack missile speed increased by 100


    * Fixed a bug where Tides of Blood was not providing Vladimir with enough increased regeneration and healing
    * Fixed a bug where Tides of Blood did not deal full damage if you had 4 stacks before casting
    * Hemoplague
    o Cooldown increased to 150/135/120 seconds from 120
    o Damage amplification effect changed to 14% at all ranks from 10/14/18%
    o Base damage reduced to 150/250/350 from 200/300/400
    o Ability power ratio reduced to 0.7 from 0.75


    * Eternal Thirst
    o Heal per stack increased to 6/12/18 from 5/10/15
    o Maximum number of stacks reduced to 3 from 4
    o Duration increased to 4 seconds from 3
    * Base attack speed reduced slightly

    Xin Zhao

    * Audacious Charge no longer deals damage and slows if Xin Zhao's dash is interrupted by another movement effect


    * Aegis of the Legion no longer buffs allies while the holder is dead
    * Chalice of Harmony passive effect unique to match the tooltip
    * Doran's Blade
    o Damage increased to 8 from 6
    o Health reduced to 100 from 120
    o Lifesteal reduced to 3% from 4%
    * Doran's Ring
    o Ability power increased to 15 from 10
    o Health reduced to 100 from 120
    o Mana regeneration per 5 reduced to 4 from 5
    * Frozen Mallet tooltip now shows slow % for melee and ranged attackers
    * Innervating Locket no longer buffs allies while the holder is dead
    * Rylai's Scepter
    o Slow duration reduced to 1.5 from 2
    o Updated the tooltip to reflect slow information for single target and damage-over-time slows
    * Sword of the Divine has a new hit effect and a new activation particle
    * Tiamat tooltip now shows splash % for melee and ranged attackers
    * Will of the Ancients no longer buffs allies while the holder is dead
    * Wriggle's Lantern wards now show a duration in the mana bar like sight and vision wards


    * Fixed a bug with Rank 2 of Utility Mastery where it was not working properly


    * Blessing of the Lizard Elder now slows for 10/20/30% if melee and 5/10/15% if ranged
    * Autumn Summoner's Rift Moved Nashor to the same location as the summer version of Summoner's Rift.
    * Twisted Treeline - Grez the Lizard Lord
    o Health per player level increased to 175 from 150
    o Magic resistance increased to -20 from -30
    o Gold granted reduced to 50 from 100
    * Twisted Treeline Super Minions
    o Health increased to 1200 from 1000
    o Base damage increased by 30
    * Fixed a bug where various 'modified attacks' were not firing while taunted or silenced (examples: Twisted Fate's Pick a Card, Udyr's Bear Stance)
    * Fixed a bug where players that never connect were not being granted +1000 magic resist
    * Removed "hun" from the word filter


    * Reduced the size of the Monarch Kog'Maw skin by approximately 10%
  3. syvil

    syvil Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Theo dự kiến, 9h sáng mai (giờ Việt Nam) sẽ diễn ra match Ionia vs Noxus

  4. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    release note v1.0.0.107

    [spoil]New Skins in the Store

    * Siren Cassiopeia
    * Desperada Cassiopeia
    * Santa Gragas
    * Reindeer Kog’Maw
    * Silent Night Sona
    * Re-Gift Amumu
    * Ragdoll Poppy
    * Candy Cane Miss Fortune

    Snowdown Showdown Spoils

    * The Winter Map is back for the Showdown!
    * Red and Blue Eggnog to provide Health and Mana
    * Minions with elf and reindeer hats
    * Festive skins
    * Festive Tier 3 runes
    * Festive PVP.net landing page

    PVP.net v1.25.13

    * Improved Leaver Buster - PVP.net will now automaticaly ban leavers. This works similar to a 'driving points" system for driver's licenses.
    o You gain ‘leave points’ by leaving games, and if you have enough leave points, you will be suspended or banned.
    o You lose ‘leave points’ by having good behavior – by completing your games, and not leaving over a long period of time.
    * Mastery saving has been improved
    o Repseccing your masteries no longer saves an empty mastery page to the server. This means you’ll never accidentally enter the game with no masteries.
    o You can now remove saved mastery points individually without having to return all your points.
    o When you have unsaved changes in your rune page or mastery page, you will now be prompted to save when navigating away.
    * Lowered the volume level of audio in PVP.net at all slider positions. You may want to adjust the audio levels in PVP.net as a result.
    * Fixed a bug where viewing another users Champions would display your own Champions instead. This option is now greyed out when viewing another users profile.
    * Fixed a bug where the "Play Again" button would not work at the End of Game screen for arranged teams
    * Fixed a bug where you could not select the "Random" marker in Champion Selection
    * Fixed a bug where PVP.net would crash at certain resolutions

    League of Legends v1.0.0.107
    Cassiopeia, the Serpent’s Embrace

    * Noxious Blast - Cassiopeia blasts an area with a delayed high damage poison, granting her increased Movement Speed if she hits a champion.
    * Miasma - Cassiopeia releases a growing cloud of poison, lightly damaging and slowing any enemy that happens to pass through it.
    * Twin Fang - Cassiopeia lets loose a damaging attack at her target. If the target is poisoned the cooldown of this spell is refreshed.
    * Petrifying Gaze (Ultimate) - Cassiopeia releases a swirl of magical energy from her eyes, stunning any enemies in front of her that are facing her and slowing any others with their back turned.
    * Deadly Cadence (Passive) - After casting a spell any subsequent spellcasts will cost 10% less for 5 seconds. This ability stacks up to 5 times.


    * Rupture delay reduced to 0.75 seconds from 0.8
    * Carnivore health restored reduced to 34-68 from 40-82
    * Carnivore mana restored reduced to 7-15.5 from 8-16.5


    * Base damage increased to 47.6 from 45
    * Damage per level increased to 3 from 2.6
    * Base attack speed increased to 0.665 from 0.658


    * Terrify cooldown changed to 14/13/12/11/10 from 12
    * Terrify mana cost reduced to 65/80/95/110/125 from 65/85/105/125/145
    * Drain mana cost reduced to 80/90/100/110/120 from 80/95/110/125/140
    * Crowstorm mana cost reduced to 150/200/250 from 200/300/400


    * Decisive Strike attack damage ratio increased to 120% from 100%
    * Decisive Strike base damage reduced to 30/45/60/75/90 from 40/60/80/100/120
    * Judgment
    o Base damage per second changed to 60/90/120/150/180 from 30/70/110/150/190
    o Scaling increased to 100% per second from 70%
    o Now scales off of only bonus attack damage rather than all attack damage


    * Drunken Rage damage reduction reduced to 10/12/14/16/18% from 10/14/18/22/26%
    * Drunken Rage mana restoration changed to 40/55/70/85/100 from 50/60/70/80/90
    * Explosive Cask cooldown increased to 90/75/60 seconds from 60


    * Bouncing Blades
    o Now scales off of 80% bonus attack damage (instead of 100% of all attack damage)
    o Base damage increased to 60/95/130/165/200
    o Now has a 0.35 ability power ratio
    * Death Lotus
    o Base damage decreased to 40/50/60 from 50/65/80
    o Now scales off of both attack damage and ability power rather than one or the other
    o Now hits the closest 3 targets rather than 3 random targets
    o Cooldown reduced to 60/55/50 seconds from 60


    * Ethereal Chains root duration increased to 1/1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2 seconds from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2
    * Mimic cooldown reduced to 40/32/24 seconds from 40/35/30


    * Seismic Shard slow and haste changed to 14/17/20/23/26% from 10/15/20/25/30%
    * Seismic Shard cast range reduced to 625 from 700
    * Ground Slam mana cost increased to 60/65/70/75/80 from 60


    * Null Zone percent of health damage increased to 5/6/7/8/9% from 4/5/6/7/8%
    * Null Zone no longer has a minimum damage dealt
    * Voidlings now spawn after 4 casts instead of after 5


    * Mace of Spades now resets the attack timer when used
    * Iron Man shield generation reduced to 20/25/30% from 30%
    * Iron Man shield decay increased to 5% from 3%


    * Fixed a bug where she would have lower base damage in cougar form than human form


    * Undertow now deal physical damage instead of magic damage
    * Vicious Strikes health scaling changed to 0.5% at all ranks from 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5%
    * Vicious Strikes base damage changed to 10/17/24/31/38 from 12/18/24/30/36
    * Ragnarok damage reduction reduced to 20/30/40 from 25/45/65


    * Spear Toss base damage reduced at earlier ranks to 16/28/40/52/64 from 20/31/42/53/64
    * Heartseeker Spear scaling damage reduced at earlier ranks to 20/25/30/35/40% from 24/28/32/36/40%


    * Fixed a bug with Diplomatic Immunity where the particles didn't display for their full duration at ranks 2 and 3
    * Fixed a bug with Diplomatic Immunity where the tooltip didn't reflect the increase in duration when ranking up
    * Fixed a bug with Diplomatic Immunity where the leveling tooltip didn't reflect the increase in duration with higher ranks


    * Carrion Renewal now restores mana instantly


    * Spray and Pray
    o Now fires a maximum of 5/6/7 shots
    o Duration increased to 12 seconds from 6
    o Now increases Twitch's attack damage by 15/25/35 instead of providing 30/45/60% Attack Speed


    * Tiger Stance
    o Initial damage is now 150% attack damage plus 40/80/120/160/200 from 180/210/240/270/300% attack damage
    o Persistent effect no longer splits Udyr's attacks
    o Udyr now gains half attack speed for 5 seconds after activating Tiger and half while in Tiger stance
    * Phoenix Stance base damage of activation effect reduced to 10/18/26/34/42 from 15/25/35/45/55
    * Phoenix Stance base damage of on hit effect increased to 50/90/130/170/210 from 40/80/120/160/200


    * Fixed a bug that was causing Urgot's auto-attack to have a slight delay when clicking a unit for the first time
    * Range increased to 425 from 400
    * Attack damage reduced to 51.6 from 54.1
    * Attack damage per level increased to 3.6 from 3.1
    * Acid Hunter
    o Base damage reduced to 15/45/75/105/135 from 30/60/90/120/150
    o Attack damage ratio increased to 0.85 from 0.7
    * Terror Capacitor base shield changed to 80/140/200/260/320 from 80/120/160/200/240
    * Noxian Corrosive Charge
    o Now deals physical damage instead of magic damage
    o Damage changed to 75/130/185/240/295 (+0.6 bonus attack damage) from 100/155/210/265/320
    o Now reduces 12/14/16/18/20% of the target's armor instead of 10/15/20/25/30 flat armor
    * Updated recommended items


    * Banshee's Veil
    o Health reduced to 375 from 450
    o Mana reduced to 375 from 400
    o Magic resist reduced to 50 from 57
    * Elixir of Agility
    o Now grants 12-22% Attack Speed and 8% Critical Chance, reduced from 15-25% Attack Speed and 15% Critical Chance
    o Cost reduced to 250 from 300
    * Elixir of Brilliance
    o Now grants 20-40 Ability Power and 10% Cooldown Reduction, reduced from 31-65 Ability Power and 10% Cooldown Reduction
    o Cost reduced to 250 from 300
    * Elixir of Fortitude
    o Now grants 140-235 Health and +10 Attack Damage, reduced from 230-400 Health and +11-28 Attack Damage
    o Cost reduced to 250 from 300
    * Infinity Edge attack damage reduced to 75 from 80
    * Innervating Locket has been removed
    * Last Whisper
    o Combine path changed: now requires Pickaxe and Long Sword, instead of Recurve Bow and Long Sword
    o Upgrade cost increased to 700 from 500
    o Now provides +40 Attack Damage and 40% Armor Penetration
    * Phantom Dancer
    o Upgrade cost reduced to 400 from 900
    o No longer provides Dodge Chance
    * Randuin's Omen
    o Armor reduced to 80 from 90
    o Cooldown reduction reduced to 8% from 15%
    * Shurelya's Reverie
    o Move speed duration increased to 3 seconds from 2
    o Health regeneration increased to 30 from 25
    o Mana regeneration increased to 15 from 12
    * Sight Ward
    o Health reduced to 1 and armor reduced to 0
    o Reduced collision and spellhit sizes
    o Duration reduced to 3 minutes from 4.5
    * Vision Ward
    o Health reduced to 1 and armor reduced to 0
    o Reduced collision and spellhit sizes
    o Duration reduced to 3 minutes from 3.5
    * Wriggle's Lantern Ward
    o Health reduced to 1 and armor reduced to 0
    o Reduced collision and spellhit sizes
    * Spirit Visage
    o Now builds out of Kindlegem instead of Ruby Crystal
    o Upgrade cost reduced to 300 from 375 (total cost increased to 1550 from 1250)
    o Health increased to 250 from 200
    * Sunfire Cape
    o Upgrade cost increased to 800 from 700
    o Passive is now unique
    * Warden's Mail
    o Armor reduced to 50 from 60
    o Health regeneration reduced to 20 from 25

    Summoner Spells

    * Flash no longer pops projectiles
    * Flash cooldown increased to 255 seconds, from 240


    * Flat energy, energy per level, and energy regen per level runes increased 10%
    * Flat energy regen runes increased 5%


    * Minion count on the scoreboard will now only update for Champions that you have vision of
    * Solo lanes will see a slight reduction in their experience gain. Junglers and Dual lanes will be unaffected.
    * Dragon no longer provides any global experience, but provides more global gold
    * All turrets now provide less global experience, but more global gold
    * Baron Nashor can now be debuffed with non-disables (for example, poisons)
    * "Healing" due to a level up will now be adjusted by a portion of your missing health. In general, less health will mean less recovery. Healing from Catalyst the Protector remains unaffected.
    * Monster AI has been improved and will now attempt to switch to a nearby target when you leave their leash range. Monsters can now reaggro if anyone in their camp is attacked while they are retreating.


    * Vladimir - changed volume balance of spells.[/spoil]
  5. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    release note v1.0.0.108

    [spoil]League of Legends v1.0.0.108
    Caitlyn, the Sheriff of Piltover

    * Piltover Peacemaker - Caitlyn revs up her rifle for 1 second to unleash a penetrating shot which deals physical damage (deals less damage to subsequent targets).
    * Yordle Snap Trap - Caitlyn sets a trap to reveal sneaky yordles. When sprung, the trap immobilizes the champion and deals magic damage over 1.5 seconds.
    * 90 Caliber Net - Caitlyn fires a heavy net to slow her target, the recoil knocks Caitlyn back.
    * Ace in the Hole (Ultimate) - Caitlyn takes time to line up the perfect shot, dealing massive damage to a single target at a huge range. Enemy champions can intercept the bullet for their ally.
    * Headshot (Passive) - Every 8 attacks (attacks while in brush count as 2), Caitlyn will fire a headshot, dealing either 150% damage to a champion or 250% damage to a minion.


    * Base movement speed increased to 310 from 305
    * Noxius Blast movement speed buff increased to 3 seconds from 2
    * Twin Fang ability power ratio increased to .55 from .45
    * Petrifying Gaze slow increased to 60% at all levels from 40/50/60%
    * Petrifying Gaze cooldown changed to 130/120/110 seconds from 120 at all levels


    * Judgment base damage increased to 60/100/140/180/220 from 60/90/120/150/180 per second


    * Bladesurge cast range increased to 650 from 600
    * Equilibrium Strike cast range increased to 425 from 375
    * Transcendent Blades base damage increased to 90/140/190 from 80/130/180
    * Title is now 'The Will of the Blades' instead of 'the Will of the Blades'


    * Shunpo will now place Katarina on the other side of the target (relative to Katarina), rather than behind the target


    * Base attack damage increased to 51 from 48
    * Attack damage per level increased to 3.1 from 2.9


    * Fixed a bug where the Malefic Visions spell cast by opposing Malzahars behaved improperly


    * Vicious Strikes health scaling increased to 1%, from 0.5%
    * Vicious Strikes base damage reduced to 7/14/21/28/35 from 10/17/24/31/38


    * Grand Skyfall is now more visible to allies. The green circle that allies see now appears when Pantheon starts channeling. The red circle that enemies see still draws when he leaps into the air


    * Tiger Stance
    o Base damage changed to 30/80/130/180/230 from 40/80/120/160/200
    o No longer scales off of ability power
    o Attack damage scaling increased to 1.7 from 0.5
    o Persistent attack speed in Tiger Stance increased to 20/25/30/35/40% from 15/20/25/30/35%
    o Initial damage effect can now be triggered any time in Tiger Stance, or within 5 seconds of casting if you switch stances
    o Restored the hit particle to Tiger Stance's basic attacks
    * Phoenix Stance
    o Breath damage reduced to 40/80/120/160/200 from 50/95/140/185/230
    o Now casts fire cone every 3 attacks instead of every 4


    * NEW ITEM - Ionian Boots of Lucidity
    o UNIQUE Passive: Reduces ability cooldowns by 15%.
    o UNIQUE Passive: Enhanced Movement 2.
    * Zhonya's Ring has been decommissioned.
    * NEW ITEM - Zhonya's Hourglass
    o +100 AP +50 Armor
    o UNIQUE Active: Places your champion into stasis for 2 seconds, rendering you invulnerable and untargetable but unable to take any action. 90 sec cooldown.
    * NEW ITEM - Rabadon's Deathcap
    o +155 AP UNIQUE Passive: Increases Ability Power by 30%
    * Rod of Ages, Warmog's Living Armor, and the Bloodthirster now show you in their tooltip what their stats are. Look for this to spread to other items like Trinity Force and Tiamat soon
    * Phantom Dancer attack speed increased to 55% from 50%
    * Sunfire Cape no longer continues to deal damage while dead
    * The Black Cleaver
    o Damage reduced to 55 from 75
    o Now adds 30% increased attack speed
    o Unique Passive - Now shreds 15 armor per stack from 12 but has a maximum of 3 stacks from 5.
    * Sight Ward
    o Cost reduced to 75 gold from 90 gold
    o Now has 3 health, is immune to healing effects and takes only 1 damage from every attack
    * Vision Ward
    o Now has 3 health, is immune to healing effects and takes only 1 damage from every attack
    * Will of the Ancients ability power granted to the owner increased to 50 from 40
    * Wit's End
    o Now damages enemies that do not have mana
    o Fixed a bug where Wit's End did not interact correctly with clones
    * Wriggle's Lantern
    o The ward created now has 3 health and is immune to healing effects and take only 1 damage from every attack

    Summoner Spells

    * Exhaust now reduces (auto/basic) attack damage by 70% and ability/item damage by 35% instead of the blinding for the duration


    * Baron Nashor
    o Base health increased to 8000 from 6500
    o Magic resistance increased to 70 from 35
    o Damage increased by approximately 15%
    * Dragon
    o Global gold reward reduced to 190 from 240
    o Magic resistance increased to 30 from 0
    o The on-hit burning debuff now affects the target of his attack but nobody else (previously it afflicted enemies in a cone but ignored the attack target)
    o The burning debuff now also reduces attack speed by 20%
    o Updated the tooltip to reflect that the Dragon no longer grants global experience
    * Monster experience range reduced to 800 from 1250
    * Removed mana from all inhibitor minions
    * Shrine (spawn) turrets now ignore all resistances and immunities
    * The Options menu now has a 2nd slider that scales the chat box independent of the rest of the UI


    * Miss Fortune - Fixed audio timing of 'Make It Rain' and fixed a bug that caused the audio not to play at certain distances.

  6. trantu2008

    trantu2008 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Patch preview :

    Theo như tin tức trên trang chủ của LoL , sẽ chuẩn bị ra mắt ep2. Trong ep này : những hero bị nerf sẽ là :

    1, Evelyn : cô nàng chân dài sẽ bị nerf về status để khó có thể Jungle hơn, bởi vậy nếu bạn không thấy cô nàng trong lane trong khoảng thơi gian nhất định --> đang jungle rừng.

    2, Pantheon : Skill W sẽ bị giảm CC , vì vậy nếu bạn chú ý có thể tránh được skill này , giúp cho game cân bằng hơn

    3, Rammus ( cham ưa thích của mền >..<) : Được phán một câu xanh rờn là chúng ta sẽ cứ chỉ nerf Rammus thôi chứ hả ?? --> Okie :((
    Ngược lại sẽ có hero đựoc buff đó là

    1, Heimerdinger : thay vì chỉ có thể đặt được số turrent nhất định, bây giờ Hei có thể store ( dự trữ) turrent và đặt ở vị trí mong muốn ( Dự trữ như Akali , corki) .Ulti cũng được buff thêm , không chỉ khiến cho turrenr hồi máu và frezzing như trước còn tăng thêm ....( không thể hiểu nó tăng thêm gì về ulti) ---> nhiều người chơi Hei hơn.
    2, Caithlyn : Được buff thêm dame ( total dam) ở Skill Q :D ---> để cho dù chọn hứong DPS vẫn có lợi về late game và Ulti sẽ đc chỉnh sửa lại, tia ngắm sẽ có khả năng bị làm mờ đi, có nghĩa phải tanker vip có khả năng ngắm chuẩn mới có thể chặn đạn cho đồng đội. Việc giữ ngắm bắn của skill R sẽ đc giảm

    Thêm sự thay đổi về hệ thống matching system :D Tăng độ balance hơn:D

    Vì đây chỉ là nghe video của trang chủ và viết lại nên không được tốt, mọng mọi người thông cảm .... ;))
  7. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.109

    [spoil]PVP.net v1.27.47

    * Fixed a bug where selecting a Skin late in the countdown process would produce an error
    * Fixed a bug where players that had been disconnected from chat could not enter the Matchmaking queue

    League of Legends v1.0.0.109

    Renekton, the Butcher of the Sands

    * Renekton uses a new resource system called Fury. Renekton gains Fury by attacking or dealing damage with spells. When he has gathered enough Fury, the resource will be expended to empower his skills with bonus effects.
    * Cull the Meek: Renekton swing his blade, dealing damage to nearby enemies and healing for a portion of the life dealt. Fury Bonus: Heal amount raised dramatically.
    * Ruthless Predator: Renekton's next attack swings twice, dealing a portion of his weapon damage, stunning his target briefly and applying on-hits each time. Fury Bonus: Renekton's next attack swings three times, dealing a huge portion of his weapon damage, stunning his target greatly and applying on-hits each time.
    * Slice and Dice: Renekton dashes forward, dealing physical damage to targets along the way. If he hits a target, he can use Dice for a brief period of time for the same effect. Dice Fury Bonus: Renekton deals 50% increased damage and reduces the armor of units hit.
    * Dominus (Ultimate): Renekton empowers himself with dark energy, gaining size and bonus health. He deals periodic damage to enemies around him and rapidly gains Fury.
    * Reign of Anger (Passive): Renekton gains 5 Fury per autoattack. Having sufficient fury empowers Renekton’s abilities with bonus effects, but this drains Fury. Out of combat, Renekton loses 5 Fury per second.


    * Piltover Peacemaker
    o Base damage changed to 20/65/110/155/200 from 40/70/100/130/160
    o Attack damage ratio increased to 1.3 from 1
    o Damage loss per unit increased to 10% from 6%
    o Maximum damage loss increased to 50% from 30%
    * Ace in the Hole
    o Base damage increased to 250/475/700 from 250/400/550
    o Now provides vision on the target for the duration and thus is not canceled when the target leaves line of sight
    o Fixed a bug where Ace in the Hole didn't scale from the Havoc mastery
    o Damage is now treated as a spell instead of an attack
    o No longer triggers hit effects like Blessing of the Lizard Elder
    o Now triggers spell hit effects like Rylai's Crystal Scepter
    o Cannot be dodged or blocked by Pantheon's Aegis Protection


    * Feast now loses half stacks (rounded up) instead of 3 stacks on death


    * Base mana reduced to 180 from 212
    * Mana per level increased to 42 from 38
    * Base damage reduced to 48 from 53
    * Damage per level increased to 3.3 from 2.9
    * Base armor reduced to 12.5 from 14.75
    * Hate Spike mana cost increased to 12/15/18/21/24 from 8/10/12/14/16
    * Shadow Walk duration reduced to 10/20/30/40/50 from 20/30/40/50/60
    * Shadow Walk cooldown reduced to 12/11/10/9/8 from 12 at all ranks upon breaking stealth
    * Malice and Spite duration reduced to 10 seconds from 15


    * Judgement bonus attack damage scaling increased to 1.2 from 1.0 per second


    * H28G Evolution Turret
    o Improved Turret AI so they will prioritize attacking Champions that attack Heimerdinger
    o Turrets now work on an ammo system (25 second ammo cooldown)
    o 1 second placement cooldown
    o Levelup progression changed:
    + Rank 2 - places green turrets
    + Rank 3 - places 2 turrets
    + Rank 4 - +150 Health
    + Rank 5 - places red turrets
    o Fixed a bug where Upgraded!!! turrets would stop firing resistance piercing and area-effect shots
    o Turrets now gain 15 health per Heimerdinger level down from 21
    o Turret magic resistance increased to 80 from 60
    o Tooltip now references 'turrets' rather than 'towers.'
    * Upgrade!!!
    o Now increases number of Hextech Micro Rockets to 5 while active
    o Now increases missile speed on Ch-1 Concussion Grenade to 1000 from 750 while active
    * Fixed a bug where Techmaturgical Repair Bots provided less health regeneration than stated


    * Leap Strike cooldown reduced to 13/11/9/7/5 from 17/14/11/8/5.
    * Counter Strike now shows a brighter particle when Jax has recently dodged an attack and Counter Strike is ready


    * Shunpo damage changed to 80/120/160/200/240 from 90/120/150/180/210


    * Mark of the Storm duration reduced to 8 seconds from 12
    * Electrical Surge range decreased to 800 from 825


    * Fixed a bug that caused Lux to have 0 base mana regen


    * Shield decay reduced to 3% from 5%


    * Base movement speed increased to 325 from 320
    * Siphoning Strike damage bonus per kill increased to 3 from 2


    * Undertow
    * Fixed a bug where Undertow was dealing too much damage
    * Attack damage scaling increased to 0.5 from 0.3
    * Base damage reduced to 50/90/130/170/210 from 65/110/155/200/245


    * Aegis of Zeonia stun duration reduced to 0.7/0.9/1.1/1.3/1.5 from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds


    * Puncturing Taunt cooldown increased to 12 from 9


    * Ricochet bounce radius reduced to 450 from 500
    * Ricochet damage loss per bounce increased to 25% from 22%


    * Fixed a bug with Radiance where it would cause performance issues while on


    * Undying Rage duration reduced to 5 seconds from 6
    * Battle Fury passive critical chance increased to 10-50% from 0-50%


    * Base attack range increased to 500 from 475
    * Ambush duration reduced to 10/20/30/40/50 from 20/30/40/50/60
    * Ambush's attack speed bonus now reaches its maximum duration twice as fast


    * Blood Scent now properly remembers toggle state when you respawn

    Xin Zhao

    * Three Talon Strike cooldown changed to 10 from 12/11/10/9/8
    * Crescent Sweep base damage reduced to 125/225/325 from 125/250/375


    * Chronoshift duration reduced to 10 seconds from 13


    * Chain Vest now shows 6 items it builds into instead of 5
    * Longsword upgrade paths updated
    * Wards no longer grant experience on death
    * Vision Ward cost reduced to 125 from 150
    * Rabadon's Deathcap cost increased to 3400 from 3300
    * Black Cleaver now appears in the Attack Speed tab


    * Ardor
    o Now provides all of its benefit at level 1 rather than half at level 1 and the other half scaling up to level 18
    o Fixed bugs where Ardor was not counting Ability Power and Attack Speed from many sources - essentially anything that wasn't an item
    o Fixed a bug where Ardor and Zhonya's Ring/Rabadon's Deathcap were double multiplicative
    o Clarified the tooltip


    * We have changed how critical strike and dodge chance work. You will now get fewer ‘lucky’ or ‘unlucky’ streaks where you get no critical hits/dodges in a row, or a lot of them in a row. Your average chance to get a crit is the same as before though – if you have a 50% crit rate, and you make 100 attacks, you’ll still crit about 50 times.
    * Baron's Wrath of the Ancients spell no longer targets stealthed units
    * Jungle monsters that previously had negative magic resistance now have magic resistance of zero
    * Monster camps will now properly updated when scouted with vision
  8. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.110

    [spoil]New Skins in the Store

    * Sun Goddess Karma
    * Sakura Karma
    * Lion Dance Kog’Maw
    * Djinn Malzahar

    League of Legends v1.0.0.110
    Karma, the Enlightened One

    * Heavenly Wave: Karma sends forth hidden blades from her fans, dealing magic damage to units in a cone in front of her. Mantra Bonus: In addition to dealing damage to enemies, Heavenly Wave will also heal allies in the cone based on a % of their missing life.
    * Spirit Bond: Karma bonds an ally or enemy creating a beam between them. Allied anchors have increased movement speed and enemy anchors have reduced movement speed. Enemy units that come in contact with the beam take magic damage. Karma strengthens the bond to double the effect of the movement speed modifier.
    * Soul Shield: Karma summons a protective shield that absorbs incoming damage. Mantra Bonus: In addition to casting the shield, energy radiates out from the shield dealing damage to enemy units around Karma's target.
    * Mantra: Karma empowers her next ability to do an additional effect. Mantra is available at level 1 and does not require a skill point.
    * Inner Flame (passive): Karma gains increased Ability Power corresponding to her % of missing Health.


    * Twin Disciplines no longer deals bonus damage to towers


    * Twin Fang range increased to 700 from 675


    * Rising Spell Force now has a particle to indicate the amount of stacks
    * Fixed a tooltip bug that stated Ezreal was gaining 15% per stack instead of 10%
    * Fixed a bug where some of Ezreal's spells were displaying incorrect text on cast


    * Resolute Smite's area of effect size and projectile speed have been increased slightly


    * Fixed a bug where Barrel Roll was not properly drawing aggro from towers and monsters


    * Fixed a bug where Jax would lose health while leveling in some instances


    * Death Lotus
    o Base Damage per dagger increased to 50/65/80 from 40/50/60
    o Ability power ratio reduced to .25 from .3
    o Attack damage ratio reduced to .5 from .55

    Miss Fortune

    * Fixed a bug where Strut sometimes wouldn't show a particle while active
    * Fixed a bug with Bullet Time where it would occasionally scale off of ability power instead of attack damage even though attack damage provided slightly more overall damage


    * Fixed a bug with Iron Man where the tooltip said it had 5% decay but was actually 3%
    * Shield generation increased to 25/27.5/30% from 20/25/30%


    * Fixed a bug where Undertow could not deal damage to the same target within 1 second of the previous hit


    * Powerball slow duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4
    * Powerball slow percent reduced to 20/25/30/35/40 from 28/36/44/52/60


    * Cull the Meek
    o Cooldown changed to 8 seconds from 12/11/10/9/8
    o Base damage increased to 60/90/120/150/180 from 40/70/100/130/160
    o Attack Damage ratio increased to 0.8 from 0.6
    o Healing reduced to 7.5% from 15% (Fury-enhanced heal unaffected)
    o Champion healing increased to 4x from 3x
    * Ruthless Predator cooldown reduced to 13/12/11/10/9 from 14/13/12/11/10
    * Slice and Dice armor reduction changed to 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% from 10/15/20/25/30
    * General
    o Health per level increased to 87 from 82
    o Base health increased to 513 from 508
    o Armor per level increased to 3.8 from 3.2
    o Base armor increased to 19 from 17.2
    * Fixed a bug where Renekton was gaining bonus attack damage while wounded


    * Fixed a bug where Deceive could be dodged


    * Astral Blessing
    o Base heal changed to 60/120/180/240/300 from 80/130/180/230/280
    o Ability power ratio reduced to 0.9 from 1
    o Buff duration reduced to 4 from 9
    o Armor buff increased to 20/35/50/65/80 from 15/20/25/30/35
    * Removed Innervating Locket from her tips


    * Move Quick - Ability Rework
    o Passive - Now grants 10/15/20/25/30% increased movement speed until struck by a champion or turret
    o Active - Teemo gains double his passive move speed for 4 seconds. This bonus is not lost on hit


    * Sanguine Pool
    o Slow percentage reduced to 40% from 50%
    o Slow duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5 seconds
    * Tides of Blood health cost reduced to 30/40/50/60/70 from 30/45/60/75/90
    * Fixed a bug where Vladimir would lose health when leveling in some instances


    * Boots of Speed now shows Ionian Boots of Lucidity as a build option instead of Ninja Tabi
    * Doran's Shield
    o Cost increased to 475 from 435
    o Armor increased to 9 from 8
    o Health regen per 5 seconds increased to 10 from 8
    * Doran's Blade
    o Cost increased to 475 from 435
    o Damage increased to 9 from 8
    * Doran's Ring
    o Cost increased to 475 from 435
    o Mana regen per 5 seconds increased to 5 from 4
    * Last Whisper cost increased to 2290 from 2090
    * Fixed a bug with Lich Bane where the cost was inadvertently increased and the mana gain lowered
    * Rabadon's Deathcap cost increased to 3600 from 3400

    Summoner Spells

    * Rally
    o Fixed a bug where Rally provided ability power whether or not you had the mastery
    o Fixed a bug where Rally was granting less ability power and attack damage than it stated
    o Each unit now gains ability power and attack damage based on the caster's level, rather than each individual unit's level


    * Strength of Spirit mana to health regeneration converted reduced by about 33% and clarified the tooltip to show that it was regeneration per 5 seconds
    * Meditation mana regeneration reduced by 40%
    * Veteran's Scars health reduced to 12/24/36/48 from 15/30/45/60


    * Clarity Runes reduced in effectiveness by about 33%
    * Quintessences of Fortitude reduced in effectiveness by about 20%


    * Fixed several spells that did not preload properly, causing a delay the first time used in game
    * Adjusted many champions' PVP.net attack, defense, spell, and difficulty ratings
    * Removed many PVP.net tags (like heal, stun, and pet) and made the remaining tags more accurate
    * Updated many Champion's recommended item lists
    * All Champions with mana had their base mana regeneration increased by 2.5 mana per 5 seconds and mana regeneration per 5 seconds per level increased by 0.2
    * Dragon is now immune to disables

  9. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.111

    [spoil]New Skins in the Store

    * Totemic Maokai
    * Charred Maokai
    * Longhorn Alistar

    PVP.net v1.29.23

    * Created a new UI flow for joining games of all types
    * Updated the Friend List UI
    * Runes are now stacked in the Summoner profile
    * A new game mode approaches: Co-op vs. AI!
    o This mode pits a team of all human players against a team of all AI bots on Summoner's Rift.
    o This mode is supported by matchmaking, and allows summoners to join the queue solo or with friends.
    o Summoners may choose between two AI bot difficulty settings: Beginner or Intermediate.
    o IP and XP rewards are earned, and adjusted based on summoner level and difficulty setting.
    o The following bots are enabled for Co-op vs. AI:
    + Annie
    + Ashe
    + Cho'Gath
    + Miss Fortune
    + Nunu
    + Renekton
    + Ryze
    + Shen
    + Soraka
    + Taric
    + Trundle
    + Warwick
    o Coop versus AI will be available to play in the coming days after the patch goes live, but not on release day.

    XP & IP Rate Changes

    * We have completely overhauled the IP and XP system in order to make it more fair. Our intention was to leave the overall XP and IP gained by players unchanged.
    * Previously, IP and XP were awarded for winning or losing a game. Now, they are granted based on how long the game was, and whether you won or lost.
    * In a long game, you will make significantly more XP and IP than before. However, in a very short game, you will make less IP and XP. We found it frustrating to be stuck in an hour long games, and then get what was effectively 30 minutes of IP reward.
    * When calculating the number of minutes the game took, we only award for actual game time. However, we give all games a small fixed bonus reward, which is to give you credit for time in queue and champion selection.
    * Other details:
    o We have also tweaked the formulas so that new players get larger quantities of IP in their first 10 or so levels so that they can unlock their first Champions more quickly.
    o First Win of the Day remains unchanged – it is still a flat bonus you will receive when you are eligible.
    o We removed the no-leave-streak bonus and increased the IP rewards in general to compensate. The reason we did this is because we felt that with the new LeaverBuster system, this was no longer necessary.

    League of Legends v1.0.0.111
    Maokai, the Twisted Treant

    * Sap Magic (passive): Each time a champion near Maokai casts a spell, he gains a charge of Magical Sap. When he has 5 charges, Maokai's next melee attack drains energy from his target, healing him for a percentage of his maximum HP.
    * Arcane Smash: Maokai slams the ground, the force of which knocks nearby enemies back and sends an arcane shockwave forward, damaging and slowing his enemies.
    * Twisted Advance: Maokai dissolves into a cloud of arcane energies. He regrows near a target enemy, dealing damage and rooting it in place.
    * Sapling Toss: Maokai hurls a sapling, dealing damage on impact. The sapling becomes implanted in the ground, warding a nearby area. When enemies approach, the sapling attacks, exploding in an arcane blast that damages enemies.
    * Vengeful Maelstrom (ultimate): Maokai shields his allies by drawing power from hostile spells and attacks, reducing non-tower damage done to allied champions in the area. Maokai can prolong the effect as long as he has mana to spend on it. When the effect ends, Maokai unleashes the absorbed energy to deal damage to enemies within the vortex.


    * Fixed a bug where the sound of Mark of the Assassin could persist after her target died


    * Base damage increased to 47 from 45
    * Base armor increased to 18 from 15
    * Tantrum passive physical damage reduction increased to 2/4/6/8/10 from 1/2/3/4/5
    * Despair mana cost reduced to 8 from 10 at all levels
    * Despair now has a new particle to match the area of effect


    * Fixed a bug where Flashfrost stunned for 0.75 seconds instead of 1 second as the tooltip stated
    * Fixed a bug where unlike other skillshots, Flashfrost could not be cast from out of range
    * Glacial Storm
    o Initial mana cost increased to 100/150/200 from 25/35/45
    o Cost per second reduced to 40/50/60 from 50/70/90
    o Slow duration reduced to 1 second from 2.5
    * Rebirth
    o Armor/magic resist modifier changed to -40/-25/-10/5/20 from -40/-20/10/40
    o Rebirth now always shows the passive in the passive slot, and an additional buff in the buff bar with the current status (ready, active, or on cooldown)

    Dr. Mundo

    * Fixed a bug where Infected Cleaver's PvP.net description was incorrect


    * Base magic resistance reduced to 30 from 35


    * Fixed a bug where the Transcendent Blades cooldown tooltip was incorrect


    * Spirit Bond now properly assigns assist markers to allies that receive the haste bonus
    * Fixed a bug where Spirit Bond would break friendly spell shields and not apply the haste bonus
    * Fixed a display bug where Spirit Bond's beam would appear at Karma's feet for enemy players


    * Fixed a display bug with Bio-Arcane Barrage attacks on several skins


    * Fixed a bug where the sound of Sigil of Silence could persist after her target died


    * Fixed a bug where attack damage granted by Fury of the Sands was not showing in your stats/character sheet
    * Fury of the Sands now updates the buff tooltip to explicitly state how much attack damage granted


    * Fixed a bug where Undertow could hit the same target twice


    * Heartseeker Strike now deals damage slower - it takes 0.5 seconds longer to deal full damage
    * Grand Skyfall now has a small area near the center that deals full damage (previously it was impossible to deal full damage to any target)


    * Powerball speed reduced by about 15%


    * Fixed a bug where Slice and Dice would remember your order after casting, causing him to move toward previous locations


    * Overload
    o Cooldown reduced to 3.5 from 11/10/9/8/7
    o Base Damage reduced to 30/55/80/105/130 from 50/90/130/170/210
    o Mana cost changed to 70/70/70/70/70 from 30/65/80/95/110
    o Missile speed increased to 1400 from 1200
    o Ability power ratio decreased to .2 from .45
    o Range increased to 675 from 600
    * Rune Prison
    o No longer deals damage per tick and deals 60/95/130/165/200 damage up front (down from 80/120/160/200/240 over the duration)
    o Ability power ratio changed to a flat .6 from .4/.6/.8/1/1.2 (depending on snare duration)
    o Now deals 5% of Ryze's maximum mana in bonus damage
    o Cast range increased to 625 from 600
    o Duration reduced to 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 from 1.2/1.5/1.8/2.1/2.4
    * Spell flux
    o Ability power ratio per hit reduced to .35 from .38
    o Cooldown increased to 14 from 9
    o Mana cost reduced to 60/75/90/105/120 from 60/80/100/120/140
    o Cast range increased to 675 from 625
    o Base damage reduced to 50/70/90/110/130
    * Desperate Power
    o No longer grants ability power but now grants 15% spell vamp
    o Area of effect damage percentage reduced to 50% from 65%
    o Cooldown changed to 70/60/50 from 50/50/50
    o Duration changed to 5/6/7 from 8
    o Now grants a passive 75/150/225 mana
    * General
    o Reduced base magic resistance to 30 from 35
    o Fixed a bug where Ryze's base mana regen did not get updated properly during the previous patch's revamp


    * Boomerang Blade
    o Damage reduction to each subsequent target increased to 20% from 10%
    o Now scales from bonus attack damage instead of total attack damage
    o Base damage increased to 75/120/165/210/255 from 20/70/120/170/220
    o Attack damage ratio increased to .95 from .75


    * Fixed a bug where Undying Rage could not be used while suppressed


    * Crimson Pact Bonus ability power gained reduced to 1 ability power per 40 bonus health from 25 health
    * Sanguine Pool no longer grants a speed bonus on use
    * Fixed a bug where Turrets would sometimes idle while Vladimir was pooled
    * Fixed a bug where Sanguine Pool would occasionally not properly draw aggro upon exiting his pool


    * Base magic resistance reduced to 30 from 35


    * Fixed a bug where Vampiric Scepter improperly showed it could build into Malady
    * Sight Wards and Wriggle's Lantern wards now have a green top
    * Vision Wards now have a pink top
    * Doran's Shield
    o Fixed a bug where it said it provided 9 armor but actually provided 8
    o Armor increased to 10 from 8
    o Health regen per 5 seconds reduced to 8 from 10
    * Frozen Heart
    o Combine cost reduced to 650 from 800
    o Cooldown reduction decreased to 20% from 25%
    * Glacial Shroud
    o Combine Cost reduced to 425 from 575
    o Cooldown reduction decreased to 15% from 20%
    * Ionian Boots of Lucidity cost increased to 700 from 550
    * Quicksilver Sash magic resistance increased to 56 from 48
    * Randuin's Omen cooldown reduction decreased to 5% from 8%
    * Spirit Visage cooldown reduction decreased to 10% from 12%
    * Soul Shroud cooldown aura reduced to 10% from 15%
    * New Item: Morello's Evil Tome
    o Builds out of Fiendish Codex and Blasting Wand (Total Cost of 2350)
    o +75 ability power
    o +12 mana regeneration per 5
    o UNIQUE passive: 15% cooldown reduction


    * Added a new UI to better convey Shields on the health bar.
    * Surrender time on Summoner's Rift reduced to 20 minutes from 25
    * Surrender time on Twisted Treeline reduced to 15 minutes from 17
    * Smite now deals true damage instead of magic damage
    * Updated tooltips for Akali, Annie, Ashe, Caitlyn, Cassiopeia, Jax, Malphite, Rammus, Singed, and Zilean
  10. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v.

    PVP.net v1.30.17

    * The Login Queue will now update your position more regularly
    * The Login Queue will no longer lock the focus of the application
    * You can now disable the Music at the main login page
    * Clickable URLs can now be sent via player to player chat
    * Updated the splash art for Twitch, Evelynn, Katarina, and Annie
    * Fixed several bugs with the Login Queue
    * Fixed a bug where your IP/RP balance would display incorrectly as 0
    * Fixed a bug where Summoners would display as Level 1 before displaying their correct Level and Rating
    * Fixed a bug where the display style for the Buddy List was overly dark
    * Fixed a bug where the Recently Purchased section of the Profile was working incorrectly

    League of Legends v1.0.0.112

    Jarvan, the Exemplar of Demacia

    * Dragon Strike: Jarvan IV charges through his opponent, dealing physical damage and lowering their armor by a %. This will pull Jarvan IV to a Standard if it encounters one, knocking up all enemies in his path.
    * Golden Aegis: Jarvan IV calls upon the ancient kings of Demacia to shield him from harm and slow surrounding enemies.
    * Demacian Standard: Passively grants Jarvan bonus attack speed and armor. Active: Throws a Demacian flag, dealing physical damage and granting passive benefits to nearby allies.
    * Cataclysm (Ultimate): Jarvan IV heroically leaps at his target, dealing physical damage and creating a circle of terrain around them for a few seconds.
    * Martial Cadence (Passive): Jarvan IV exploits his target's opening, dealing a % of the target's current HP as magic damage. This effect cannot occur on the same target for 6 seconds.


    * Glacial Storm initial mana cost decreased to 75/125/175 from 100/150/200


    * Ace in the Hole
    o Projectile speed increased to 3200 from 2200
    o Range increased to 1600/1900/2200 from 1400/1800/2200
    o Initial cast time leading up to the channeling time has been significantly decreased


    * Trueshot Barrage now scales with bonus attack damge at a 1.0 ratio


    * Decisive Strike
    o Movement speed boost increased to 3 seconds from 2
    o Total duration available to proc the silence and hit reduced to 6 seconds from 7
    o Bonus damage ratio increased to 150% from 120%
    * Judgment cooldown reduced to 14/13/12/11/10 from 15/14/13/12/11 seconds


    * Monsoon no longer slows enemies who re-enter the storm


    * Heavenly Wave base heal increased to 35/55/75/95/115/135 from 30/45/60/75/90/105
    * Spirit Bond cooldown reduced to 15/14/13/12/11/10 from 20/18/16/14/12/10.
    * Soul Shield Increased the shield strength by 10 at all ranks.
    * Mantra cooldown reduced to 25 seconds from 30 seconds.


    * Ethereal Chains ability power ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4 for both damage components


    * Twisted Advance levelup tooltip now correctly displays the increase in mana cost
    * Fixed a bug where Maokai's death animation would not play if he is slain during Twisted Advance


    * Mace of Spades ability power ratio increased to 0.4 from 0.2


    * Fixed a bug that was causing Poison Trail to have a 1 second cooldown upon activation


    * Fixed a bug with Boomerang Blade that was causing certain items to not show their bonus attack damage in the tooltip


    * Fixed a bug with Acid Hunter that was causing missile lock to shoot further then intended


    * Primordial Burst ability power ratio increased to 1.2 of Veigar's ability power and reduced to 0.8 of his target's ability power


    * Fixed a bug where the particle on Time Warp would not persist through the full duration of the movement speed modifier at later ranks


    * Fixed a tooltip bug where Haunting Guise said it provided 180 Health and 20 Ability Power, when it actually provided 200 Health and 25 Ability Power
    * Morello's Evil Tome cooldown reduction increased to 20% from 15%
    * Sight and Vision Wards can now be stacked 5 per slot
    * Tiamat
    o Attack damage increased to 50 from 42
    o Mana regeneration per 5 seconds increased to 5 from 4
    o Shop tooltip is now more descriptive, matching the inventory tooltip
    * Spirit Visage increased healing and regeneration effects reduced to 15% from 20%

    Summoner Spells

    * Ghost duration decreased to 10 from 14


    * Death Timers have been reduced on Summoner's Rift to 12-50 seconds from 28-50 seconds
    * Minions
    o Melee minion magic resist now increases 1.25 per 3 minutes (up from 0.5)
    o Ranged minion armor now increases 1.25 per 3 minutes (up from 0.5)
    o Cannon minion armor and magic resist now increase 3 per 3 minutes (up from 2)
    o After 20 minutes, cannon minions now spawn every 2 waves (up from every 3 waves)
    o Cannon minions and super minions now reduce turret damage by 65% (up from 50%)
    o Fixed a tooltip bug "This unit receive..." with cannon minions and super minions
    o Minions now deal about 50% more damage to turrets
    * Turrets
    o Turrets deal about 10% less base damage to champions
    o Turrets now have 20% armor penetration
    * Fixed several typos in the Options Menu
  11. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.113

    [spoil]PVP.net v1.31.27

    * Made several usability improvements to the Join Custom Game screen
    * Private games are now hidden by default. There's a new checkbox to show them
    * Made improvements to the Login Queue UI
    * Login Music checkbox now saves correctly between sessions
    * The player list in the end of game screen will now correctly always show all of your teammates
    * The "View Profile" button in personal messages now works correctly
    * Fixed several bugs with viewing runepages when a match is found that was causing bad behavior

    League of Legends v1.0.0.113
    Nocturne, the Eternal Nightmare

    * Duskbringer: Nocturne throws a shadow blade which deals damage, leaves a Dusk Trail, and causes champions to leave a Dusk Trail. While on the trail, Nocturne ignores unit collision and has increased Movement Speed and Attack Damage.
    * Shroud of Darkness: Nocturne empowers his blades, passively gaining attack speed. Activating Shroud of Darkness allows Nocturne to fade into the shadows, creating a magical barrier which blocks a single enemy spell and doubles his passive attack speed if successful.
    * Unspeakable Horror: Nocturne plants a nightmare into his target's mind, dealing damage each second and fearing the target if they do not get out of range by the end of the duration.
    * Paranoia (Ultimate): Nocturne reduces the sight radius of all enemy champions and removes their ally vision in the process. He can then launch himself at a nearby enemy champion.
    * Umbra Blades (Passive): Every 10 seconds, Nocturne's next attack strikes surrounding enemies for physical damage and heals himself for each target hit. Nocturne's physical attacks reduce this cooldown by 1 second.


    * Adjusted Twin Disciplines to trigger at 9.5 AD and 19.5 AP to account for rounding


    * Glacial Storm mana cost reduced to 75 at all ranks from 75/125/175
    * Updated all of Anivia's animations to be less frigid


    * Headshot now requires 8/7/6 attacks to trigger at level 1/7/13 respectively from 8 attacks at all levels


    * Feral Scream damage reduced to 75/125/175/225/275 from 80/130/180/240/300
    * Vorpal Spikes
    o Damage increased to 20/35/50/65/80 from 20/30/40/50/60
    o Ability power ratio increased to .3 from .2
    * Feast
    o Damage reduced to 300/475/650 from 300/550/800.
    o Ability power ratio increased to .7 from .5
    * Carnivore mana received on kill has been reduced by 50%
    * Base health reduced to 520 from 550
    * Base armor reduced to 19 from 21


    * Fixed a bug where Hate Spike's tooltip showed the damage incorrectly at earlier ranks


    * Righteous Gust mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 from 80/85/90/95/100


    * Barrel Roll damage reduced to 85/135/185/235/285 from 100/150/200/250/300
    * Drunken Rage mana restored while channeling reduced to 30/45/60/75/90 from 40/55/70/85/100


    * Equilibrium Strike
    o Damage reduced to 80/130/180/230/280 from 80/135/190/245/300
    o Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 9
    o Ability ratio reduced to .5 from 1
    * Transcendent Blades damage reduced to 85/135/185 from 90/140/190
    * Base health reduced to 515 from 575
    * Movement speed reduced to 320 from 330

    Jarvan IV

    * Golden Aegis' PVP.net description no longer states it triggers automatically


    * Force Pulse
    o Damage reduced to 60/115/170/225/280 from 60/120/180/240/300
    o Cooldown increased to 6 seconds from 5
    o Ability power ratio reduced to .7 from .8
    * Riftwalk ability power ratio increased to .5 from .4
    * Void Stone damage reduction reduced to 10% from 15%


    * Prismatic Barrier shield increased to 60/85/110/135/160 from 50/75/100/125/150
    * Finales Funkeln ability power ratio reduced to .75 from .85


    * Granite Shield Increased the re-use time of your shield reactivating upon taking damage to 12 seconds from 8.
    * Ground Slam bonus damage based on armor decreased to 50% from 70%


    * Arcane Smash damage increased to 70/115/160/205/250 from 50/95/140/185/230
    * Twisted Advance damage increased to 80/115/150/185/220 from 80/110/140/170/200
    * Sapling Toss lifetime increased to 35 from 25 seconds.
    * Vengeful Maelstrom
    o Casting delay reduced by 50%
    o Initial mana cost changed to a static 75 from 75/125/175
    o Continual mana cost changed to a static 30 from 30/35/40 per second


    * Fixed a bug where Mordekaiser's per-level health, armor, attack speed, damage, and magic resist were lower than intended


    * Armor per level decreased to 3.5 from 4.2


    * Death's Caress damage and shield reduced to 100/150/200/250/300 from 110/160/210/260/310
    * Base health reduced to 507 from 577
    * Base health regeneration decreased to 1.58 per 5 seconds from 1.62
    * Health regeneration per level reduced to 0.19 from .2


    * Fixed a bug where Fleet of Foot had stopped working


    * Power Chord now deals 14 damage + 9 x lvl (from 24 + 12x bonus magic damage) in bonus magic and a bonus effect depending on Sona's last song played.
    * Hymn of Valor
    o Base damage reduced to 50/100/150/200/250 from 60/110/160/210/260
    o Ability power ratio increased to .7 from .5
    o Mana cost changed to 75 from 65/70/75/80/85
    o Power Chord - Stacatto: Deals double power chord damage
    * Aria of Perseverance
    o Base heal increased to 35/70/105/140/175 from 30/55/80/105/130
    o Ability power ratio reduced to .35 from .5
    o Mana cost normalized to 75 from 65/70/75/80/85
    o Power Chord - Diminuendo: Debuffs the target to deal 20% less damage for 3 seconds
    * Song of Celerity
    o Mana cost changed to 75 from 65/70/75/80/85
    o Power Chord - Tempo: Slows the target by 25% for 2 seconds
    * Crescendo
    o Cooldown decreased to 140/120/100 from 170/150/130
    o Ability power ratio increased to .8 from .7


    * Added a funky new dance for Veigar - rock on!


    * Time Bomb
    o Mana cost increased to 70/85/100/115/130 from 60/75/90/105/120
    o Base damage reduced to 90/145/200/260/320 from 100/155/210/270/330
    * Chrono Shift
    o Base revive increased to 600/850/1100 from 500/750/1000
    o Ability power ratio reduced to 2 from 3
    o Buff duration reduced to 7 from 10


    * Banshee's Veil refresh time increased to 45 seconds from 30 seconds.
    * Doran's Blade
    o Fixed a bug where Doran's Blade was providing an unintended effect
    o Damage increased to 10 from 9


    * Experience
    o When more than 1 champion is sharing experience, 10% extra experience is split among all targets
    o Two champions each gain 55%, up from 50%
    o Three champions each gain 36.7%, up from 33.3%
    o Four champions each gain 27.5%, up from 25%
    o Five champions each gain 22%, up from 20%
    * Death timers increased slightly for levels 4-17
    * Minions
    o Cannon and super minion turret resistance returned to 50% from 65%
    o Minions now deal 50% damage to turrets from 60%
    o Cannon minions now start spawning every other wave after every 35 minutes, increased from 20
    * Effects that prevent you from dying will now always occur in a set order
    o Undying Rage
    o Chronoshift
    o Guardian Angel
    o Rebirth

  12. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.114

    [spoil]New Skins in the Store

    Kennen M.D.
    Firefang Warwick
    Workshop Shaco

    League of Legends v1.0.0.114

    Due to difficulties containing Lee Sin's power within the design team, Lee Sin is delayed until April 1st to give us time to nerf him hard enough to stop one-shotting Jesse Perring all the time.


    Attack speed per level increased to 3 from 2.6
    Yordle Snap Trap max trap count increased to 3 from 2

    Dr. Mundo

    Fixed a bug where Infected Cleaver was slowing targets additively instead of multiplicatively


    Fixed a bug where Ezreal's Arcane Shot could target unseen minions such as wards


    Idol of Durand area of effect increased to 550 from 500


    Base movement speed increased to 320 from 315
    Courage damage reduction increased to 20/24/28/32/36 from 10/15/20/25/30


    Leap Strike now prefers to target enemies over allies when your cursor overlaps both


    Fixed a bug where the Mantra version of Heavenly Wave was not granting assists for healing allies
    Spirit Bond's leash range has been increased by a small amount
    Mantra now scales with level on a 30/25/20 second cooldown at levels 1/7/13 respectively instead of on 25 second cooldown at all levels


    Shunpo now prefers to target enemies over allies when your cursor overlaps both


    Fixed a bug where Distortion and Mimicked Distortion would break the target's spell shield and still deal damage


    Fixed a bug where Vengeful Maelstrom was reducing true damage


    Made Shroud of Darkness shield brighter and easier to see


    Fixed a bug where Aegis Protection triggered after every 4 attacks, but every 5 spell casts (reduced casts required to 4)


    Updated the shield texture on Paragon of Demacia
    Fixed several unintended interactions between Heroic Charge and spell shields. Notably, Poppy won't push herself past the target anymore.


    Updated Feint's tooltips to properly match the functionality and adjusted Shen's playing tips referencing Feint
    Ki Strike can now be cancelled mid-attack (and will not say 'Cannot Move While Casting')
    Fixed a bug where Ki Strike could kill a target and not trigger Vorpal Blade's heal effect
    Fixed a bug where Shadow Dash could move a shorter distance than intended if Shen was greatly slowed


    Fixed a bug where some of her tooltips referred to 'Spiral Blade' instead of 'Boomerang Blade'


    Infuse now prefers to target enemies over allies


    Base health reduced to 526 from 546
    Acid Hunter base damage reduced to 10/40/70/100/130 from 15/45/75/105/135
    Fixed a bug where Terror Capacitor's slow was stacking
    Fixed a bug where Zaun-Touched Bolt Augmenter was reducing true damage


    Fixed an issue on the Leprechaun Veigar skin where the enemy Event Horizon still had green pillars


    Fixed a tooltip bug with Deathfire Grasp


    Fixed a bug where normal Golems were improperly labeled "Neutral Monsters" instead of "Monsters"
    Fixed a bug where a clone with Madred's Razor / Wriggle's Lantern could deny its owner of Monster buffs if they dealt the killing blow to the monster
    Base turret attack speed increased to +30% from 20%
    Turret base armor and magic resist increased by 10
    Turrets no longer gain up to 25% attack speed and 25 armor and magic resist for having a nearby defending champion
    Turret to champion damage increased by 5%
    Slow Stacking penalty increased to 65% from 50%


    Fixed a bug where Greater Mark of Might's tooltip was incorrect

  13. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Mã Pí Lèng
    Release Notes v1.0.0.115
    League of Legends will be updated during scheduled maintenance on 4/12 from 1:30AM until 11AM.

    New Skins in the Store
    Vandal Brand
    Apocalyptic Brand
    Gragas, Esq.
    Time Machine Zilean

    League of Legends v1.0.0.115
    Brand, The Burning Vengeance
    Blaze (Passive): Brand's spells light his targets ablaze, dealing 2% of their maximum Health in magic damage per second for 4 seconds.
    Sear: Brand launches a ball of fire forward that deals magic damage. If the target is ablaze, the target will be stunned for 2 seconds.
    Pillar of Flame: After a short delay, Brand creates a pillar of flame at a target area, dealing magic damage to enemy units with the area. Units that are ablaze take an additional 25% damage.
    Conflagration: Brand conjures a powerful blast at his target, dealing magic damage to them. If the target is ablaze, the conflagration spreads to nearby enemies.
    Pyroclasm (Ultimate): Brand unleashes a devastating torrent of fire, dealing damage each time it bounces. If a target is ablaze, Pyroclasm's missile speed increases.

    Twin Fang cast animation sped up
    Petrifying Gaze
    Cast animation sped up
    Cast range increased to 850 from 700 (effect now roughly matches the particle)
    Damage increased to 200/325/450 from 150/275/400
    Cooldown reduction with rank is now reflected in the levelup tooltip
    More accurately targets enemies that move in/out of the area during the cast time

    Dr. Mundo
    Base health reduced to 522 from 560
    Health per level reduced to 89 from 92
    Sadism cooldown increased to 75 seconds from 60

    Fixed a bug where Mystic Shot was granting 2 charges of Guinsoo's Rageblade/Tear of the Goddess upon cast

    Resolute Smite
    Damage increased to 80/135/190/245/300 from 60/115/170/225/280
    Ability power ratio increased to 0.8 from 0.75
    Cooldown reduced to 7 from 8
    Righteous Gust
    Movespeed increased to 20/28/36/44/52 from 20/25/30/35/40
    Righteous Gust now applies the movespeed buff to Galio more quickly
    Damage reduced to 60/105/150/195/240 from 65/110/155/200/245

    Fixed a bug where the visual for Heavenly Wave occasionally wouldn't align with the direction cast
    Mantra Soul Shield now shows an area of effect indicator when your cursor hovers over an ally

    Fixed a bug where the visual for Force Pulse occasionally wouldn't align with the direction cast

    Killer Instincts healing reduction on Bouncing Blades duration reduced to 5 from 10

    Fixed a bug where Void Ooze counted as individual units and could break things like Mushrooms, block skillshots, etc

    Lee Sin
    Sonic Wave
    Base damage reduced to 50/80/110/140/170 from 60/90/120/150/180
    Improved the general missile usability
    Resonating Strike base damage reducedto 50/80/110/140/170 from 60/90/120/150/180
    Safeguard range increased by 50
    Iron Will lifesteal and spell vamp percent reduced to 5/10/15/20/25 from 10/15/20/25/30
    Changes deployed in the April 5th hotfix
    Sonic Wave bonus attack damage scaling increased to 1.0 from 0.8
    Resonating Strike bonus attack damage scaling inceased to 1.0 from 0.8
    Tempest bonus attack damage scaling inceased to 1.0 from 0.6
    Dragon's Rage bonus attack damage scaling inceased to 2.0 from 1.5
    Flurry passive energy gain increased to 15 from 10 per hit

    Base movespeed increased to 310 from 305
    Base health per level increased to 90 from 82
    Base armor per level increased to 4.0 from 3.5

    Miss Fortune
    Impure Shots healing reduction debuff duration reduced to 3 from 8

    Duskbringer attack damage bonus reduced to 15/25/35/45/55 from 20/30/40/50/60
    Unspeakable Horror
    Cast range reduced to 475 from 500 and leash range reduced to 550 from 600
    Fixed a bug where breaking the leash near the end would still trigger the fear
    Fixed a bug where adding a spell shield like Banshee's Veil while Unspeakable Horror was on you would block the fear effect
    Paranoia range reduced to 2000/2750/3500 from 2500/3250/4000

    Fixed a bug where Ragnarok was reducing true damage

    Aegis Protection now shows an alternate run animation for Pantheon while active

    Cull the Meek
    Heal reduced to 5% from 7.5%
    Fury heal reduced to 10% from 15%
    Slice and Dice
    Damage reduced to 30/60/90/120/150 from 45/75/105/135/165
    Attack damage ratio increased to .9 from .6
    Cooldown adjusted to 18/17/16/15/14 from 20/18/16/14/12
    Dominus damage reduced to 40/70/100 from 50/75/100

    Stand United shield strength reduced to 200/475/750 from 300/525/750

    Insanity Potion
    Fixed a bug where the particle lasted longer than the buff
    No longer gives attack speed or attack damage, but now gives magic resist and crowd control reduction(10%/20%/30%)

    Cryptic Gaze stun duration reduced to 1.5 from 2 at all levels

    Hymn of Valor mana cost reduced to 65 from 75
    Aria of Perseverance mana cost reduced to 65 from 75
    Song of Celerity mana cost reduced to 65 from 75
    Fixed a bug where Power Chord: Diminuendo was reducing true damage

    Infuse now grants assist credit on ally cast.

    Noxious Trap
    Mushroom reload time increased to 35/31/27 from 30/26/22
    Damage reduced to 200/400/600 from 250/475/700
    Fixed a bug that calculated the AP coefficient lower than intended
    Move Quick cooldown increased to 22 seconds from 13

    Explosive Shot
    Damage now applies over 5 seconds instead of 4 to 8
    Total damage increased to 110/140/170/200/230 up from 100/125/150/175/200
    Healing reduction duration is now a static 5 from 3 to 8

    Twisted Fate
    Pick a Card
    Fixed a bug where Red Card would sometimes fail to damage targets that were moving away from you
    Fixed a bug where Pick a Card's locked particle wouldn't show to enemies after leaving brush
    Fixed a bug where Red and Gold card damage did not match the tooltip
    Pick a Card now deals entirely magic damage, rather than normal physical damage plus bonus magic damage
    Blue Card now restores mana equal to 50% of the damage dealt
    Updated the 'Lock Card' tooltip with more detailed damage information
    Fixed a bug where Destiny would show allies it was always ready to cast, even if it wasn't
    Fixed a bug where Gate's channel could be dispelled by Cleanse or Quicksilver Sash, teleporting him immediately
    Fixed a bug where Destiny's duration was not being properly reflected in the tooltip (6/8/10 seconds)
    Destiny now shows a buff so Twisted Fate knows how long he has to teleport
    Tango Twisted Fate skin run animation has been fixed to look more natural

    Battle Cry duration reduced to 5 from 7
    Crescent Sweep duration reduced to 6 from 8
    Audacious Charge cooldown adjusted to 16/15/14/13/12 from 18/16/14/12/10

    Fixed a bug where a capped Leviathan was reducing true damage
    Wriggle's Lantern
    Combine cost increased to 150 from 75
    Life Steal increased to 18% from 14%
    Changed proc to magic damage from physical damage
    Heart of Gold
    Recipe Changed: Ruby Crystal + 350 Gold
    Now gives: +250 Health +5 Gold per 5
    Randuin's Omen armor reduced to 53 from 80
    B.F. Sword
    Attack damage reduced to 45 from 50
    Gold Cost decreased by 200
    Cloak Of Agility gold cost decreased by 50
    Infinity Edge
    Attack Damage increased to 80 from 75
    Critical Strike increased to 25% from 20%
    Hextech Revolver spell vamp increased to 20% from 15%
    Hextech Gunblade spell vamp increased to 25% from 20%
    Will of the Ancients spell vamp increased to 25% from 20%

    Fixed a bug where several monster camps wouldn't remove the skull if you scouted them and they were empty
    Fixed a bug where Miasma, Nevermove, and CH1 Concussion Grenade would inconsistently reveal their champion from brush[/spoil]
  14. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Mã Pí Lèng
    Release Notes v1.0.0.115
    League of Legends will be updated during scheduled maintenance on 4/12 from 1:30AM until 11AM.

    New Skins in the Store
    Vandal Brand
    Apocalyptic Brand
    Gragas, Esq.
    Time Machine Zilean

    League of Legends v1.0.0.115
    Brand, The Burning Vengeance
    Blaze (Passive): Brand's spells light his targets ablaze, dealing 2% of their maximum Health in magic damage per second for 4 seconds.
    Sear: Brand launches a ball of fire forward that deals magic damage. If the target is ablaze, the target will be stunned for 2 seconds.
    Pillar of Flame: After a short delay, Brand creates a pillar of flame at a target area, dealing magic damage to enemy units with the area. Units that are ablaze take an additional 25% damage.
    Conflagration: Brand conjures a powerful blast at his target, dealing magic damage to them. If the target is ablaze, the conflagration spreads to nearby enemies.
    Pyroclasm (Ultimate): Brand unleashes a devastating torrent of fire, dealing damage each time it bounces. If a target is ablaze, Pyroclasm's missile speed increases.

    Twin Fang cast animation sped up
    Petrifying Gaze
    Cast animation sped up
    Cast range increased to 850 from 700 (effect now roughly matches the particle)
    Damage increased to 200/325/450 from 150/275/400
    Cooldown reduction with rank is now reflected in the levelup tooltip
    More accurately targets enemies that move in/out of the area during the cast time

    Dr. Mundo
    Base health reduced to 522 from 560
    Health per level reduced to 89 from 92
    Sadism cooldown increased to 75 seconds from 60

    Fixed a bug where Mystic Shot was granting 2 charges of Guinsoo's Rageblade/Tear of the Goddess upon cast

    Resolute Smite
    Damage increased to 80/135/190/245/300 from 60/115/170/225/280
    Ability power ratio increased to 0.8 from 0.75
    Cooldown reduced to 7 from 8
    Righteous Gust
    Movespeed increased to 20/28/36/44/52 from 20/25/30/35/40
    Righteous Gust now applies the movespeed buff to Galio more quickly
    Damage reduced to 60/105/150/195/240 from 65/110/155/200/245

    Fixed a bug where the visual for Heavenly Wave occasionally wouldn't align with the direction cast
    Mantra Soul Shield now shows an area of effect indicator when your cursor hovers over an ally

    Fixed a bug where the visual for Force Pulse occasionally wouldn't align with the direction cast

    Killer Instincts healing reduction on Bouncing Blades duration reduced to 5 from 10

    Fixed a bug where Void Ooze counted as individual units and could break things like Mushrooms, block skillshots, etc

    Lee Sin
    Sonic Wave
    Base damage reduced to 50/80/110/140/170 from 60/90/120/150/180
    Improved the general missile usability
    Resonating Strike base damage reducedto 50/80/110/140/170 from 60/90/120/150/180
    Safeguard range increased by 50
    Iron Will lifesteal and spell vamp percent reduced to 5/10/15/20/25 from 10/15/20/25/30
    Changes deployed in the April 5th hotfix
    Sonic Wave bonus attack damage scaling increased to 1.0 from 0.8
    Resonating Strike bonus attack damage scaling inceased to 1.0 from 0.8
    Tempest bonus attack damage scaling inceased to 1.0 from 0.6
    Dragon's Rage bonus attack damage scaling inceased to 2.0 from 1.5
    Flurry passive energy gain increased to 15 from 10 per hit

    Base movespeed increased to 310 from 305
    Base health per level increased to 90 from 82
    Base armor per level increased to 4.0 from 3.5

    Miss Fortune
    Impure Shots healing reduction debuff duration reduced to 3 from 8

    Duskbringer attack damage bonus reduced to 15/25/35/45/55 from 20/30/40/50/60
    Unspeakable Horror
    Cast range reduced to 475 from 500 and leash range reduced to 550 from 600
    Fixed a bug where breaking the leash near the end would still trigger the fear
    Fixed a bug where adding a spell shield like Banshee's Veil while Unspeakable Horror was on you would block the fear effect
    Paranoia range reduced to 2000/2750/3500 from 2500/3250/4000

    Fixed a bug where Ragnarok was reducing true damage

    Aegis Protection now shows an alternate run animation for Pantheon while active

    Cull the Meek
    Heal reduced to 5% from 7.5%
    Fury heal reduced to 10% from 15%
    Slice and Dice
    Damage reduced to 30/60/90/120/150 from 45/75/105/135/165
    Attack damage ratio increased to .9 from .6
    Cooldown adjusted to 18/17/16/15/14 from 20/18/16/14/12
    Dominus damage reduced to 40/70/100 from 50/75/100

    Stand United shield strength reduced to 200/475/750 from 300/525/750

    Insanity Potion
    Fixed a bug where the particle lasted longer than the buff
    No longer gives attack speed or attack damage, but now gives magic resist and crowd control reduction(10%/20%/30%)

    Cryptic Gaze stun duration reduced to 1.5 from 2 at all levels

    Hymn of Valor mana cost reduced to 65 from 75
    Aria of Perseverance mana cost reduced to 65 from 75
    Song of Celerity mana cost reduced to 65 from 75
    Fixed a bug where Power Chord: Diminuendo was reducing true damage

    Infuse now grants assist credit on ally cast.

    Noxious Trap
    Mushroom reload time increased to 35/31/27 from 30/26/22
    Damage reduced to 200/400/600 from 250/475/700
    Fixed a bug that calculated the AP coefficient lower than intended
    Move Quick cooldown increased to 22 seconds from 13

    Explosive Shot
    Damage now applies over 5 seconds instead of 4 to 8
    Total damage increased to 110/140/170/200/230 up from 100/125/150/175/200
    Healing reduction duration is now a static 5 from 3 to 8

    Twisted Fate
    Pick a Card
    Fixed a bug where Red Card would sometimes fail to damage targets that were moving away from you
    Fixed a bug where Pick a Card's locked particle wouldn't show to enemies after leaving brush
    Fixed a bug where Red and Gold card damage did not match the tooltip
    Pick a Card now deals entirely magic damage, rather than normal physical damage plus bonus magic damage
    Blue Card now restores mana equal to 50% of the damage dealt
    Updated the 'Lock Card' tooltip with more detailed damage information
    Fixed a bug where Destiny would show allies it was always ready to cast, even if it wasn't
    Fixed a bug where Gate's channel could be dispelled by Cleanse or Quicksilver Sash, teleporting him immediately
    Fixed a bug where Destiny's duration was not being properly reflected in the tooltip (6/8/10 seconds)
    Destiny now shows a buff so Twisted Fate knows how long he has to teleport
    Tango Twisted Fate skin run animation has been fixed to look more natural

    Battle Cry duration reduced to 5 from 7
    Crescent Sweep duration reduced to 6 from 8
    Audacious Charge cooldown adjusted to 16/15/14/13/12 from 18/16/14/12/10

    Fixed a bug where a capped Leviathan was reducing true damage
    Wriggle's Lantern
    Combine cost increased to 150 from 75
    Life Steal increased to 18% from 14%
    Changed proc to magic damage from physical damage
    Heart of Gold
    Recipe Changed: Ruby Crystal + 350 Gold
    Now gives: +250 Health +5 Gold per 5
    Randuin's Omen armor reduced to 53 from 80
    B.F. Sword
    Attack damage reduced to 45 from 50
    Gold Cost decreased by 200
    Cloak Of Agility gold cost decreased by 50
    Infinity Edge
    Attack Damage increased to 80 from 75
    Critical Strike increased to 25% from 20%
    Hextech Revolver spell vamp increased to 20% from 15%
    Hextech Gunblade spell vamp increased to 25% from 20%
    Will of the Ancients spell vamp increased to 25% from 20%

    Fixed a bug where several monster camps wouldn't remove the skull if you scouted them and they were empty
    Fixed a bug where Miasma, Nevermove, and CH1 Concussion Grenade would inconsistently reveal their champion from brush[/spoil]
  15. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.116

    [spoil]New Skins in the Store

    Bilgerat Rumble
    Rumble in the Jungle
    Fiddle Me Timbers
    Dreadknight Nasus

    PVP.net v1.34.12

    Users can now grant other members of their Ranked or Normal team permission to invite other users.

    League of Legends v1.0.0.116
    Rumble, The Mechanized Menace

    Flamespitter: Rumble torches the area in front of him with his flamethrower dealing damage to all units in a cone for several seconds. While in the “Danger Zone,” this spell deals additional damage.
    Scrap Shield: Rumble creates a shield blocking incoming damage for several seconds and granting a short duration speed boost. While in the “Danger Zone,” the shield’s strength and speed boost increase.
    Electro-Harpoon: Rumble launches a missile that deals magic damage and applies a stackable slow on the target. A second shot can be fired for no additional cost within several seconds. While in the “Danger Zone,” the damage and slow percentage is increased.
    The Equalizer (Ultimate): Rumble calls down a line of rockets over the target location. Enemies in the scorched area take damage over time and are slowed.
    Junkyard Titan (Passive): Rumble's abilities generate heat. When Rumble is above 50 heat, he is in the "Danger Zone," causing all his basic spells to have additional effects. When Rumble reaches 100 heat he overheats, silencing himself and causing his physical attacks to deal additional magic damage. Rumble loses heat over time.


    Base movement speed increased to 305 from 300
    Base health reduced to 552 from 582
    Health per level reduced to 110 from 114
    Damage per level increased to 3.62 from 3.375
    Base damage reduced to 58.65 from 62.9
    Base mana increased to 253 from 225
    Mana per level increased to 38 from 33
    Trample (new Passive)
    Whenever Alistar casts a spell, he gains Trample for 3 seconds ignoring unit collision and dealing 10-23 (+10% ability power) area damage per second (double damage to minions and monsters)
    Added new animations and particles for Trample
    Damage reduced to 60/105/150/195/240 from 80/125/170/220/270
    Ability power ratio reduced to 0.8 from 1.0
    Cooldown changed to 17/16/15/14/13 from 15
    Range increased to 365 from 330
    Stun duration reduced to 0.5 seconds from 1 second (1 second knockup unchanged)
    Improved Headbutt's targeting/direction against moving targets
    Headbutt can now target minions
    Damage reduced to 85/135/185/235/285 from 90/140/190/245/300
    Cooldown changed to 14/13/12/11/10 from 12


    Fixed a bug where Pyroclasm could sometimes fizzle if there was an enemy stealthed nearby
    For consistency with other chain missiles, Pyroclasm no longer is consumed by spell shields


    Yordle Snap Trap
    Activation range increased to 150 from 125
    Mana cost reduced to 50 from 60
    90 Caliber Net mana cost reduced to 75 from 90
    Ace In The Hole
    Mana cost reduced to 100 from 150.
    Range increased at early levels to 1900/2050/2200 from 1600/1900/2200


    Mystic Shot now has an additive 0.2 ability power ratio
    Trueshot Barrage now scales additively with both attack damage and ability power


    Base armor increased to 14.5 from 8.25
    Armor per level increased to 3.5 from 3
    Movement speed increased to 310 from 300
    Range increased to 575 from 525
    Mana cost decreased to 65/75/85/95/105
    Ability power ratio increased to .5 from .48
    Life Steal amount reduced to 60/65/70/75/80% from 100%
    Leash Range decreased to 650 from 700
    Dark Wind
    Damage adjusted to 65/85/105/125/145 from 100
    Ability power ratio increased to .45 from .35
    Dark Wind now bounces 5 times at all levels
    Cooldown adjusted to 15/14/13/12/11 from 14
    Projectile speed decreased to 1100 from 1200
    Damage decreased to 125/225/325 from 150/250/350
    Cooldown adjusted to 150/140/130 from 150
    Ability power ratio increased to .4 from .35


    Movement Speed increased to 320 from 315
    Base mana increased to 255 from 239
    Mana per level increased to 40 from 34
    Raise Morale (remake)
    No longer targets a unit (Gangplank can no longer kill allied minions)
    Passive changed to 3/4/5/6/7% movement speed from 2/4/6/8/10% and 8/10/12/14/16 attack damage from 8/12/16/20/24
    Activating Raise Morale grants Gangplank 14/18/22/26/30% movement speed and 20/28/36/44/52 attack damage
    The activation also grants nearby allies 7/9/11/13/15% movement speed and 10/14/18/22/26 attack damage
    Duration reduced to 6 seconds from 10
    Mana cost changed to 50/55/60/65/70 from 60
    Cannon Barrage
    Reduced the size of the area affected by Cannon Barrage
    Now slows all enemies in the AoE for the duration, but slow reduced to 15/20/25% from 35/45/55%
    Reduced damage to 65/110/155 from 100/140/180
    Updated the random algorithm to not favor one quadrant over others
    Fixed a bug where the tooltip said it lasted for 8 seconds, but it actually lasted 7
    Base damage reduced to 20/45/70/95/120 from 20/55/90/120/150
    Extra gold gain reduced to 4/6/8/10/12 from 4/7/10/13/16
    Cooldown reduced to 5 seconds from 6
    Mana cost reduced to 40/45/50/55/60 from 50/55/60/65/70
    Remove Scurvy base heal changed to 80/150/220/290/360 from 70/125/195/280/380
    Grog-Soaked Blade
    Damage increased to 6-23 per second from 5-18
    Fixed a bug where it applied 9 damage ticks instead of 10


    Fixed a bug where Mimic: Distortion would not properly show allies if it was ready to cast or not

    Lee Sin

    Fixed a bug where Resonating Strike could follow the target over indefinite distance


    Fixed a bug where Paranoia would follow targets over variable amounts of distance depending on spell rank


    Overload mana ratio reduced to 8% from 10%
    Desperate Power spell vamp now scales to 15/20/25% from 15%


    Power Chord
    Diminuendo duration increased to 4 from 3
    Tempo slow amount increased to 40% from 25%
    Hymn of Valor's attack damage and ability power aura increased to 8/11/14/17/20 from 6/8/10/12/14


    Fixed a bug where Rabid Bite could be dodged

    Twisted Fate

    Pick a Card Blue Card mana restore increased to 65% from 50%


    Tiger Stance's hit particle no longer plays on turrets
    Udyr's hands will now always display hand particles when his next attack will shred the target

    Xin Zhao

    Base Attack Damage increased to 59.1 from 52.3
    Attack Damage per level decreased to 3.1 from 3.3
    Fixed a bug where Three Talon Strike could be activated while it was still active
    Battle Cry
    Passive Attack Speed is no longer removed while the ability is on cooldown
    Attack Speed increased to 20/25/30/35/40% from 15/20/25/30/35%
    Crescent Sweep
    Armor and Magic Resist reduced to 25
    Now scales and gives 7/10/13 Armor and Magic Resist for each champion hit


    Revised Zilean's idle animation loop
    Fixed a bug where Zilean's Chronoshift would sometimes not report to allies whether it was castable


    Randuin's Omen
    Cloth Armor added to the recipe
    Armor increased to 75 from 55
    Total gold cost increased to 3075 from 2775
    Blasting Wand now shows an upgrade path into Void Staff instead of Archangel's Staff


    Revised tooltips for Anivia, Dr. Mundo, and Tryndamere
    Updated numerous character bios
    Updated the following 'move-to-unit' spells so they will fail less often: Aegis of Zeonia, Audacious Charge, Bandage Toss, Bladesurge, Cataclysm, Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike, Headbutt, Heroic Charge, Leap Strike, Paranoia, Resonating Strike, Safeguard, and Twisted Advance
    Fixed a bug where Fear spells were slowing the target additively rather than multiplicatively
    Fixed a bug where Summoner Exhaust was slowing the target additively rather than multiplicatively
    Fixed a bug where Evelynn's new attack animations were playing too quickly
    Fixed a bug with Mordekaiser's Taunt animation
    Fixed a display issue with Kayle's Battleborn skin
    Changed the general frost slow particle (ie: Ashe's Frost Shot, Rylai's Crystal Scepter) to significantly reduce frame lag
    Improved the following spell particles: Trundle's Agony, Nunu's Absolute Zero
    Fixed a bug with the Sword of the Divine active particle
  16. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.118

    [spoil]New Skins in the Store

    Aristocrat Vayne
    Vindicator Vayne
    Lord Mordekaiser
    Safari Caitlyn

    League of Legends v1.0.0.118
    Vayne, The Night Hunter

    Night Hunter (Passive): Vayne ruthlessly hunts evil-doers. She gains bonus Movement Speed when moving toward nearby enemy champions.
    Tumble: Vayne tumbles, maneuvering to carefully place her next shot. She rolls toward the cursor and her next attack deals bonus damage.
    Silver Bolts: Vayne tips her bolts with a rare metal, toxic to evil things. The third consecutive attack or ability against the same target deals a percentage of the target's maximum Health as bonus true damage. (Max damage vs. Monsters is capped)
    Condemn: Vayne draws a heavy crossbow from her back, and fires a huge bolt at her target, dealing damage and knocking them back. If they collide with terrain, they are impaled, dealing bonus damage and stunning them.
    Final Hour (Ultimate): Readying herself for an epic confrontation, Vayne gains increased Attack Damage, stealth during Tumble, and quadruple the bonus Movement Speed from Night Hunter.


    Annie's run animation has been updated


    Armor per level increased to 3.3 from 2.8
    Attack speed per level increased to 2.75 from 2.35
    Attack range increased to 125 from 100
    Remove Scurvy cooldown reduced to 22/21/20/19/18 from 30/27/24/21/18
    Cannon Barrage
    Slow increased to 25% from 15/20/25%
    Cooldown reduced to 120/115/110 seconds from 120

    Jarvan IV

    Dragon Strike
    Cooldown increased to 10/9/8/7/6 from 9/8/7/6/5
    Mana cost increased to 45/50/55/60/65 from 40/45/50/55/60
    Golden Aegis shield strength reduced to 50/90/130/170/210 from 50/100/150/200/250
    Cataclysm damage reduced to 200/325/450 from 200/350/500
    Fixed a bug where Jarvan IV's banner caused a hitch the first time it was cast


    Leap Strike no longer locks Jax, allowing him to cast spells while leaping


    Fixed a bug where by casting spells in rapid succession you could charge multiple spells with a single Mantra
    Chakra now shows a cooldown


    Death Defied
    Duration reduced to 7 seconds from 8
    No longer reduces your respawn time
    Requiem ability power ratio reduced to 0.6 from 0.7

    Lee Sin

    Energy costs on all spells reduced to 50/30 from 60/40
    Safeguard shield no longer restores energy when the shield is destroyed
    Tempest range increased to 450 from 400


    Granite Shield recharge rate reduced to 10 seconds from 12 seconds

    Master Yi

    Alpha Strike teleporting behavior improved to be more consistent when near walls


    Attack range increased to 425 from 400
    Attack missile speed increased to 1200 from 1100


    Duskbringer damage reduced to 60/105/150/195/240 from 60/110/160/210/260
    Damage reduced to 150/250/350 from 150/300/450
    Fixed a bug where Paranoia caused a hitch the first time it was used


    Fixed a bug where Absolute Zero being cancelled immediately could deal more damage than intended


    Fixed a bug where casting Aegis of Zeonia from max range would sometimes fail to stun or damage the target (unrelated to terrain)


    Fixed a bug where the Flamespitter particle was lasting longer than intended
    Fixed a bug where the Electro Harpoon particle traveled further than the actual projectile
    Rumble's pathing size has been reduced


    Ki Strike
    Bonus damage now scales off 8% of Shen's bonus health instead of 3.5% of his maximum health
    Base damage reduced to 10 from 15
    Vorpal Blade damage reduced to 50/90/130/170/210 from 50/95/140/185/230


    Sona will no longer automatically acquire attack targets when Power Chord is charged


    Fixed a bug where the particle for Pillar of Filth could queue up in the fog of war


    Fixed a bug where Time Bomb didn't show its damage type in death recap


    New Stat: Tenacity
    Tenacity reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, snares, sleeps, silences, blinds and immobilizes by 1% per point. Multiple Tenacity effects do not stack, but Tenacity does stack multiplicatively with other disable reductions (for example Irelia's Ionian Fervor).
    New Item: Cloak and Dagger
    +20% Attack Speed
    +20% Critical Strike Chance
    +25 Tenacity
    New Item: Moonflair Spellblade
    +50 Ability Power
    +25 Tenacity
    New Item: Eleisa's Miracle
    +25 Health Regen per 5 sec
    +20 Mana Regen per 5 sec
    +25 Tenacity
    Mercury Treads now grant +35 Tenacity.
    Sunfire Cape area of effect damage per second reduced to 35 from 40
    Catalyst the Protector's passive now changed to upon level up, restores 250 Health and 200 Mana over 8 seconds
    Rod of Ages now retains Catalyst the Protector's passive when upgraded (Catalyst passive is still unique and will not stack with Rod of Ages)
    Wit's End
    No longer burns mana but still deals 42 magic damage on each hit
    New Passive: attacks increase your magic resist by 5 for 5 seconds (stacks 4 times)
    Combine cost reduced to 550 from 700


    Turrets will now correctly respond to calls for help when an allied champion who is Taunted, Feared, or Stealthed is attacked
    Baron Nashor now ignores debuffs if you are too far away to engage him. Notably this will prevent Heimerdinger from stacking the armor and magic resist reduction debuff from his turrets
    Added a gray version of the charging/cooldown icon for the following spells/passives/items: Pantheon's Aegis Protection, Kennen's Electrical Surge, Kassadin's Force Pulse, LeBlanc's Mirror Image, Annie's Pyromania, Anvia's Rebirth, Twisted Fate's Stacked Deck, Nunu's Visionary, and Guardian Angel
    Fixed a bug where the Strength of Spirit mastery didn't include mana gained from buffs (for example Ryze's bonus mana from Desperate Power, Tear of the Goddess)
    Teleport cancel delay increase to 1 second from 0.5
    Fixed a bug that was causing the line missile targeting display to be offset on the following spells: Renekton's Slice and Dice, Kog'Maw's Void Ooze, Shen's Shadow Dash, Corki's Valkyrie and Missile Barrage, Morgana's Dark Binding, and Gragas's Body Slam
  17. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.118b

    New Items in the Store

    Frostfire Annie
    Wasteland Miss Fortune
    Summoner Name Change

    PVP.net v1.36.14

    Summoners can now setup multiple mastery pages in their Summoner Profile to select from during Champion Selection, up to a maximum of 10.

    League of Legends


    Health per level reduced to 102 from 110
    Ability power ratio reduced to .6 from .8
    Reduced the chance of failed knockups near terrain
    Base damage reduced to 85/130/175/220/265 from 85/135/185/235/285
    Ability power ratio reduced to .8 from 1


    Ability power ratio increased to .75 from .6
    Damage reduced to 90/130/170/210/250 from 80/125/170/215/260
    Mana cost reduced to 60/70/80/90/100 from 60/75/90/105/120
    Ability power ratio increased to .8 from .6
    Damage reduced to 85/135/185/235/285 from 85/145/205/265/325
    Mana cost reduced to 80/95/110/125/140 from 80/100/120/140/160
    Summon: Tibbers
    Mana cost reduced to 125/175/225 from 150/200/250
    No longer gives experience on death
    Gold bounty increased to 50 from 15
    Now gains health per rank: 1200/1600/2000
    Now gains armor per rank: 30/50/70
    Now gains magic resist per rank: 25/45/65
    Lowered the duration to 45 seconds from 60 seconds
    Area-of-effect burn damage is now 35 at all ranks from 40/60/80, but now has a 0.2 ability power ratio
    Restored old animation (skip hop run) to Annie


    Reduced the chance of Rupture failing to knock up the target


    Idol Of Durand's damage range now matches the taunt range


    Bladesurge damage reduced to 20/50/80/110/140 from 20/55/90/125/160
    Transcendent Blades
    Now heals for 10% vs minions, and 20% vs champions.
    Ability Power ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4
    Deals physical damage instead of magic damage.
    Scales with attack damage and ability power


    Updated recommended items
    Caustic Spittle
    Cast range increased to 625 from 600
    Now lowers both magic resist and armor
    Bio-Arcane Barrage cooldown decreased to 15 seconds from 17
    Living Artillery now scales with attack damage and ability power at a 0.5 ratio
    Void Ooze width increased slightly


    Junkyard Titan bonus damage on basic attacks no longer procs Rylais or works with Spell Vamp
    Flamespitter cooldown increased by 1 second
    Fixed a bug where Rumble's ultimate would display the wrong team indicator on some machines with low graphics settings


    Boomerang Blade
    Missile speed increased to 1350 from 1200
    Attack damage ratio increased to 1 from .95
    Base damage increased to 80/125/170/215/260 from 75/120/165/210/255


    Movement speed reduced to 305 from 310
    Range decreased to 550 from 555
    Tumble mana cost increased to 40 from 35.
    Silver Bolts base damage reduced to 20/30/40/50/60 from 30/40/50/60/70
    Condemn base damage reduced to 50/90/130/170/210 from 60/100/140/180/220


    Transfusion heal reduced to 15/25/35/45/55 from 17.5/28.75/40/51.25/62.5


    Moonflair Spellblade combine cost lowered to 340 from 430
    Hextech Revolver's Spell Vamp component is now Unique


    Only very long-range abilities such as Enchanted Crystal Arrow will cast using the minimap, other spells will no longer cast using the minimap.
    Cursor-cast spells, which cast at the location of your mouse cursor without requiring a left-click, will cast through parts of the UI (including the minimap) as though you were targeting the ground underneath
    The Havoc mastery now increases total physical and magic damage dealt by 4%, instead of increasing base physical and magic damage dealt by 5%
  18. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Orianna Release Notes

    [spoil]New Skins in the Store

    Gothic Orianna
    Sewn Chaos Orianna

    Orianna, the Lady of Clockwork

    Clockwork Windup (Passive): Orianna’s autoattacks deal additional magic damage every hit, subsequent attacks on the same target within a few seconds will add more damage per hit. This bonus stacks up to three times.
    Attack: Orianna commands her ball to fly towards target location, dealing damage to targets hit but doing reduced damage for each additional target hit. Her ball remains behind at that location afterwards.
    Dissonance: Orianna commands her ball to emit a magnetic pulse, dealing damage to units around it. Afterwards, the ball leaves a field behind for a few seconds that speeds up allies and slows enemies.
    (Passive): The allied champion the ball is attached to gains bonus Armor and Magic Resistance.
    (Active): Orianna commands her ball to fly to and attach onto an allied champion, dealing damage to enemies it passes through and shielding the allied champion when it arrives.
    Shockwave: Orianna commands her ball to emit a shockwave after a short delay, flinging affected enemies in the vicinity into the air a set distance towards, and possibly over, her ball.
  19. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.120

    Yorick, the Gravedigger

    Omen of War: Yorick’s next attack will deal bonus physical damage and summon a Spectral Ghoul that deals additional damage and moves faster than Yorick’s other ghouls. While the Spectral Ghoul is alive, Yorick moves faster as well.
    Omen of Pestilence: Yorick summons a Decaying Ghoul that arrives with a violent explosion, dealing damage and slowing nearby enemies. While the Decaying Ghoul remains alive, nearby enemies continue to be slowed.
    Omen of Famine: Yorick steals life from his target and summons a Ravenous Ghoul that heals Yorick for the damage it deals.
    Omen of Death (Ultimate): Yorick conjures a revenant in the image of one of his allies. If his ally dies while its revenant is alive, the revenant sacrifices itself to reanimate them and give them time to enact vengeance.
    Unholy Covenant (Passive): Yorick’s attacks deal more damage for each summon that is active. Meanwhile, Yorick’s ghouls deal some percent of Yorick’s Attack Damage and have some percent of his total health.


    Fixed a bug where Molten Shield wouldn't trigger if the damage was shielded


    When Blitzcrank grabs a champion with Rocket Grab, he will now attempt to attack them as well


    Feast will now correctly show a particle on an enemy target when they can be killed by it


    Hate Spike missile speed increased
    Shadow Walk now applies a 3 second 30/35/40/45/50% slow instead of a stun
    Malice and Spite
    Passive heal reduced to 150/225/300 from 350/500/650
    Attack speed bonus reduced to 25/50/75% from 50/75/100%


    Range increased to 475 to 450
    Heal is no longer reduced if the damage is shielded
    Dark Wind damage increased to 65/90/115/140/165 from 65/85/105/125/145
    Ability power ratio increased to .45 from .4
    Channel duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2


    Idol of Durand will now correctly increase its damage when the damage taken is shielded


    Grog-Soaked Blade
    No longer reduces healing and regeneration, but now slows movement speed by 7%
    Now stacks up to 5 times, but duration reduced to 3 seconds from 10
    Damage changed to 4-21 from 5-19
    Fixed a bug where Parrrley could sometimes restore gold to other players
    Now applies Grog-Soaked Blade
    Raise Morale duration increased to 7 from 6
    Cannon Barrage damage increased to 75/120/165 from 65/110/155


    Fixed a bug where Recuperate could sometimes activate immediately after taking damage
    Now marks Garen as being in combat even if the damage is shielded
    Now shows the particle on Garen even if at 100% health


    Fixed a bug where his turrets would not assist him if damage from an enemy champion was shielded
    H-28G Evolution Turret mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 120/125/130/135/140


    Transcendent Blades
    Now heals Irelia based on the actual damage dealt (instead of a % of the raw damage dealt), but the heal is not reduced if the damage is shielded
    Heal versus Champions increased to 25% from 20%


    Tailwind now deactivates while dead

    Jarvan IV

    Demacian Standard
    Armor reduced to 10/13/16/19/22 from 10/14/18/22/26
    Attack speed reduced to 10/13/16/19/22% from 10/14/18/22/26%
    Martial Cadence damage reduced to 8% from 10%


    Leap Strike attack damage ratio reduced to 0.7 from 1


    Fixed a bug where Leblanc's clone would be permanently disabled if disabled when it spawns


    Nether Blade
    Passive mana restore increased at earlier ranks to 8/11/14/17/20 from 4/8/12/16/20
    Active changed to 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.15 ability power) bonus magic damage dealt on hit instead of 7/15/25/38/50 armor penetration


    Null Zone
    Damage reduced to 4/5/6/7/8% from 5/6/7/8/9%
    Ability power ratio reduced to 1% per 100 ability power from 1% per 80 ability power
    Cooldown reduced to 14 seconds from 16
    Nether Grasp's ability power ratio reduced to 1.3 from 1.5

    Miss Fortune

    Damage that is absorbed by a shield now properly removes Strut


    Iron Man's shield generation is no longer reduced if the damage done is shielded
    Fixed a bug where Children of the Grave could steal enemy passive abilities permanently


    Black Shield magic damage absorbed adjusted to 95/160/225/290/355 from 100/150/200/250/300


    Javelin Toss and Bushwhack will no longer target the wrong location when cast immediately after transforming back to human form


    Consume damage reduced at earlier ranks to 400/525/650/775/900 from 500/600/700/800/900
    Ice Blast slow reduced at earlier ranks to 20/30/40/50/60% from 40/45/50/55/60%


    Clockwork Windup
    Fixed a display error on the tooltip.
    Fixed a bug which was causing Clockwork Windup to add less damage than intended
    Fixed a bug with Command: Protect that was causing the shield particle to not display
    Fixed several interactions with clones or unusual movement types


    When Poppy Heroic charges a champion, she will now attempt to attack the target immediately afterward


    Fixed a bug where Defensive Ball Curl had an ability power ratio


    Cull the Meek's heal is no longer reduced if the damage is shielded
    Fixed a bug where damage absorbed by a shield wouldn't mark Renekton as in combat


    The Equalizer
    Burning damage reduced to 100/140/180 from 120/160/200
    Burning damage ability power ratio reduced to .2 from .25
    Cooldown increased to 105/90/75 from 90/75/60


    Hallucinate clone now correctly benefits from critical strikes
    Fixed the dance animation to loop properly


    Cannibalism is no longer reduced if the damage is shielded


    Fixed a bug where shields and Ignite could sometimes cause her spell sounds to get cut off early


    Ravenous Flock now heals Swain for 50% of the actual damage he deals (instead of 50% of the raw damage he deals), but the heal is not reduced if the damage is shielded


    Move Quick is now removed even if the damage is shielded


    Fixed a bug where Rocket Jump's cooldown reset could fail if Tristana's damage output was fully absorbed by a shield


    Fixed a bug where Undying Rage improperly showed "Endless Rage!" to represent damage being prevented

    Twisted Fate

    Blue Card mana restore is no longer reduced if the damage is shielded
    Loaded Dice now deactivates while Twisted Fate is dead
    Fixed a bug with Gate where activating Zhonya's Hourglass during the channel time would not interrupt it


    Mana cost of shifting decreased to 55/50/45/40/35 from 75/65/55/45/35
    Turtle Stance now heals Udyr based upon the actual damage dealt (instead of the raw damage dealt), but the heal is not reduced if the damage is shielded
    Phoenix stance's activation damage increased to 15/25/35/45/55 from 10/18/26/34/42


    Fixed a bug with Terror Capacitor where when attacking a champion, it was slowing for less than the tooltip stated
    Fixed a bug with Terror Capacitor where when using Acid Hunter with Terror Capacitor, it was slowing based upon Acid Hunter's rank rather than Terror Capacitor (but for the correct 20/25/30/35/40%)


    Silver-Tipped Bolts will no longer interact with spell shields
    Tumble bonus damage reduced to 40/45/50/55/60% from 55/60/65/70/75%
    Final Hour
    Movement speed bonus now triples instead of quadruples
    Attack damage reduced to 25/40/55 from 35/55/75
    Condemn damage reduced to 45/80/115/150/185 from 50/90/130/170/210


    Cooldown adjusted to 12/10/8/6/4 from 12/10/8/6/3
    Damage adjusted to 90/125/160/195/230 from 70/115/160/205/250


    Hungering Strike's heal is no longer reduced if the damage is shielded


    Crescent Sweep
    Percent health damage reduced to 15% from 20%
    Bonus armor and magic resist per champion hit reduced to 5/8/11 from 7/10/13


    Boots of Mobility will now mark you in combat for receiving/dealing any damage, even if it is shielded
    Fixed a bug where Spirit Visage was granting too much bonus regeneration
    Philosopher's Stone health regen per 5 reduced to 18 from 22.5 and mana regen per 5 reduced to 8 from 10
    Eleisa's Miracle cost increased to 500 from 400
    Quicksilver Sash cooldown decreased to 90 from 105
    Hextech Revolver spell vamp reduced to 15% from 20%
    The gold per 10 component of Philosopher's Stone, Heart of Gold, Kage's Lucky Pick, and Avarice Blade is now unique to itself


    Fixed a bug where minions were playing their particles multiple times when attacking
    Updated tooltips for many Champions
    Lifesteal and spell vamp are no longer reduced if the damage done is shielded
    Healing reductions now reduce lifesteal and spell vamp
    Spirit Visage now increases your lifesteal and spell vamp
    Maximum gold for killing a player on a long kill streak reduced to 500 gold from 1000
    Minimum gold for killing a player on a long death streak reduced to 15 gold from 90 gold
    Gold rewards for kills where the target is on a 3 kill or 3 death streak or less should give comparable amounts or even more gold than before
    Experience granted for kills is now determined by the dying champion's level. Killing champions higher level than you will now grant more experience while killing champions lower level than you will now grant less experience. Killing equal level champions is unaffected
    Wards and spawned minions that don't attack are no longer targetable/manipulated by spells (except Summoner Teleport). This means, for example, that wards will no longer be able to block Rammus' Powerball, Mushrooms will not block skillshots, and Jax is no longer able to Leapstrike onto a ward
  20. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The Hell
    Release Notes PVP.net v1.38.30

    [spoil] PVP.net patcher now has a “Region” selector. Players may choose language (English, German, French, Spanish, and Polish) and region (NA, EU West, EU Nordic + East)
    Updated the filter on summoner name creation and change
    Fixed a bug with multiple error pop-ups appearing in PVP.net
    Updated UI for the “Submit Log” interface
    Updated Custom Game Lobby interface
    Updated UI for Custom Game creation
    Added default names to Custom Game creation.
    Custom Games now have a “Quit” button in Champion Select. Players will no longer have to log back into PVP.net to cancel a custom game in Champion Select.
    Removed warnings for leaving Battle Training during Champion Select
    Updated Champion filters in the Summoner Profile
    Updated UI when viewing other players’ Mastery Pages
    Fixed a bug that could cause you to overwrite your own Mastery Pages
    Fixed a bug with viewing other players’ Rune Pages
    Added multiple rune purchases to the store. Players can now use the “+” and “-“ signs to choose how many runes of a certain type to buy, up to 9
    Multiple bug-fixes for the PVP.net store
    Updated matchmaking to make level 30s matching with non-30s rarer

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