Legends' update - Patch notes

Thảo luận trong 'Thư viện' bắt đầu bởi AndyKEhn, 4/6/10.

  1. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Patch 3.03 Notes


    These changes slightly reduced Amumu’s burst damage and allow his opponents to spread out during team fights, avoiding all being locked down by Curse of the Sad Mummy.

    Bandage Toss
    Damage reduced to 80/130/180/230/280 from 80/140/200/260/320
    Curse of the Sad Mummy
    Radius reduced to 550 from 600


    As a classic ranged AD carry, we wanted to make her standout as a bigger late game threat.

    Attack Speed per level increased to 4% from 3.34%


    These changes reduce Darius’ ability to snowball during the laning phase while preserving his multi-kill chains of Noxian Guillotine in team fights.

    Noxian Guillotine
    When Noxian Guillotine kills the target, it can be recast within the next 12 seconds. This can occur multiple times in succession
    Cooldown adjusted to 120/100/80 seconds from 100 at all ranks


    Several of Fiddlesticks' visual effects have been updated


    We’ve slightly reduced Garen’s resilience as he no longer gains bonus Armor and Magic Resist from his base stats. Garen will lose between 4-14 Armor and Magic Resist depending on his level.

    Heal amount reduced to 0.4% of maximum Health per second from 0.5%
    Decisive Strike
    Fixed a bug where the cast time was faster than intended
    Passive adjusted to now increase bonus Armor and Magic Resist (from items, runes or masteries) by 20% instead of total Armor and Magic Resist by 20%
    Demacian Justice
    Fixed a bug where the cast time was faster than intended


    These changes make Hecarim’s durability more consistent by smoothing out his early game jungle clear while reducing his late game survivability in team fights.

    Damage increased to 60/95/130/165/200 from 50/85/120/155/190
    Spirit of Dread
    Healing adjusted to 20% at all ranks from 10/15/20/25/30%
    Cooldown increased to 20/18.5/17/15.5/14 seconds from 14 at all ranks
    Fixed a bug where Spirit of Dread was stating it dealt more damage than it actually was


    Mana cost reduced to 100/150/200 from 150/225/300


    We’ve made Nether Blade consistent against all structures. As an already effective mobile assassin, Kassadin does not need unnecessary pushing power.

    Nether Blade
    Fixed a bug where Kassadin's basic attacks with Nether Blade active triggered Muramana's active damage more than once
    Nether Blade's active no longer deals damage to inhibitors or the nexus


    These changes remove the least noticeable points of excess power on Kayle’s kit. To increase Reckoning’s immediate impact, its slow is becoming stronger but now has a shorter duration.

    No longer gains Magic Resist per level
    No longer amplifies damage while the target is slowed
    Now applies a stack of Holy Fervor to the target
    Slow duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4
    Slow amount adjusted to 35/40/45/50/55% from 35% at all ranks
    Missile Speed increased to 1500 from 1300


    These changes clarify Cougar form’s intended strengths of high damage and high mobility rather than durability.

    No longer gains Magic Resist per level
    Ability Power ratio increased 0.6 from 0.4
    Aspect of the Cougar
    No longer grants bonus Armor or Magic Resist


    Ruthless Predator
    Fixed a bug where Ruthless Predator was unable to critically strike on any of the attacks; Ruthless Predator can now critically strike on the first attack


    These changes provide opponents with early lane counterplay to Taric by reducing the amount of passive Armor granted by Shatter. In return, Taric is gaining meaningful ways to potentially scale into the later game, new itemization options and better ability to engage his opponents at close range.

    Base Attack Damage reduced to 57 from 62
    Gemcraft - Remade
    Taric's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 2% of his maximum Mana; this bonus damage is doubled against champions
    Passive Armor aura adjusted to 12% of Taric's Armor from 10/15/20/25/30 (Taric's self-Armor bonus remains 10/15/20/25/30)
    Active damage now additionally scales with 30% of Taric's Armor
    Mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 50/60/70/80/90
    Mana cost reduced to 75 from 95


    As with Ashe, we wanted to make her standout as a bigger late game threat.

    Attack Speed per level increased to 4% from 3.01%


    These changes preserve the intended gameplay and counterplay of Bloodlust by forcing AP Tryndamere build up Fury before being able to fully take advantage of his heal. Using Bloodlust at 100 Fury will result in the same 1.5 AP ratio as before the patch.

    Ability Power ratio adjusted to 0.3 + 0.012 per Fury consumed (total 1.5 at maximum Fury) from 1.5


    These changes help alleviate some of the high pressure of playing Vayne by allowing her more liberal use of Tumble and Condemn.

    Mana per level increased to 35 from 27
    Mana cost reduced to 30 from 40


    These changes reduce her early jungle presence by slowing down her clearing speed. We reintroduced counterplay to Vault Breaker by rewarding opponents for interrupting her while she is charging up.

    Base Attack Damage reduced to 54 from 58
    Vault Breaker
    Vault Breaker now goes on a 3 second cooldown and refunds 50% of the Mana cost when interrupted instead of fully refreshing the cooldown and refunding 100% of the Mana cost
    Denting Blows
    Damage reduced to 4/5.5/7/8.5/10% of maximum Health from 6/7/8/9/10%

    Xin Zhao

    These changes reduce Xin Zhao’s ability to stick to his target in early engagements and reduce his burst damage especially when building purely defensive items.

    Audacious Charge
    Damage reduced to 70/105/140/175/210 from 70/110/150/190/230
    Cooldown increased to 14/13/12/11/10 seconds from 13/12/11/10/9
    Crescent Sweep
    Base damage reduced to 75/175/275 from 125/225/325
    Cooldown increased to 120/110/100 seconds from 100/90/80


    These changes differentiate Razor Shuriken as a higher risk, higher reward alternative to Shadow Slash.

    Razor Shuriken
    Damage increased to 75/115/155/195/235 from 75/110/145/180/215
    Shadow Slash
    Damage reduced to 60/90/120/150/180 from 60/95/130/165/200


    Warmog's Armor
    Passive Health Regen reduced to 1% of maximum Health per 5 seconds from 1.5%

    Bilgewater Cutlass

    These changes make Bilgewater Cutlass a better early pickup for champions who want to utilize its UNIQUE Active.
    Recipe Changed: Long Sword + Vampiric Scepter + 200 gold = 1400 gold
    Attack Damage reduced to 25 from 40
    Life Steal increased to 12% from 10%
    UNIQUE Active damage decreased to 100 from 150
    UNIQUE Active slow reduced to 25% from 30%
    UNIQUE Active range increased to 500 from 400
    UNIQUE Active cooldown increased to 90 seconds from 60 seconds

    Blade of the Ruined King

    These changes make Blade of the Ruined King a more universally useful item for Attack Damage champions and allow it to better fulfill its role in their arsenal as an item to combat high Health targets.
    Recipe Changed: Dagger + Dagger + Bilgewater Cutlass + 650 gold = 2850 gold
    Attack Damage reduced to 30 from 45
    Now grants 40% Attack Speed
    Life Steal increased to 15% from 10%
    UNIQUE Passive adjusted to "Deals 5% of the target's current Health in bonus physical damage (max 90 damage vs. monsters and minions) on hit"
    UNIQUE Active changed to "Deals 15% of target champion's maximum Health as physical damage (min. 100), heals for the same amount, and steals 30% of the target's Movement Speed for 4 seconds (60 second cooldown)"
    UNIQUE Active range increased to 500 from 400

    Spirit of the Elder Lizard
    Incinerate damage reduced to 14-50 over 3 seconds from 15-66

    Game UI

    Players can now access 4 new pings in game through a radial menu
    "Enemy Missing", "On My Way", "Danger", and "Assist Me"
    Fixed a bug in which the tooltip for the item shop button would remain over the item shop once it opened

    Spectator Mode

    In Spectator Mode, the ping button on the minimap has been removed

    Co-op vs AI

    Retreat behavior on bots in Dominion Co-op vs AI has been improved


    We made a bunch of quality of life improvements to passive on-attack effects so they’re no longer consumed when attacking wards

    Tidecaller's Blessing is no longer consumed when attacking wards
    Death Sentence is no longer consumed when attacking wards
    Statikk Shiv
    Passive is no longer consumed when attacking wards
    Spellblade is no longer consumed when attacking wards
    Trinity Force
    Spellblade is no longer consumed when attacking wards
    Spellblade is no longer consumed when attacking wards
    Iceborn Gauntlet
    Spellblade is no longer consumed when attacking wards

    Cursors in colorblind mode have been updated
    All red cursors have been recolored to orange
    The spellcasting cursor has been recolored to a lighter shade of blue
    LeaverBuster has been improved to account for client-related issues
    Fixed an issue that would cause some particles to be invisible for the duration of the match (ex: Nidalee spears, Dr. Mundo cleavers, Lux’s Lucent Singularity)
    Fixed an issue that would cause some spells to go on cooldown without casting when the target entered fog of war
    Health bars will now display thicker black lines for every 1000 health
    Enabling HUD animations now animates health and resource bars on the HUD.
    The death screen has been upgraded: Enemy and allied particles and champions will now retain light coloration while your champion is dead.

    With every patch, we strive to improve the look of the game in varying degrees. We recommend that you have the latest available video card drivers installed.[/spoil]
  2. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Patch 3.04 Notes


    Elise has been rewarded too well for playing safely, so we shifted some of her power to her spider form to increase the reward for taking risks.

    Cast range reduced to 625 from 650
    Damage reduced to 40/80/120/160/200 from 50/95/140/185/230
    Venomous Bite
    Damage increased to 60/110/160/210/260 from 50/95/140/185/230

    Howling Gale
    Fixed a bug where the knockup duration was not increasing based on charge time
    Knockup duration when fully charged increased to 1 second from 0.75 seconds
    Jarvan IV
    Jarvan has been bringing too much utility to his team, so we've removed the armor component of Demacian Standard's aura.

    Golden Aegis
    Shield amount per nearby enemy champion increased to 20/30/40/50/60 from 20/25/30/35/40
    Mana cost reduced to 45/50/55/60/65 from 65
    Demacian Standard
    Active no longer grants bonus Armor

    Tidecaller's Blessing
    Added new visual effects to better communicate the amount of charges left
    Duration increased to 6 seconds from 5
    Singed is intended to be incredibly durable and to gradually burn down his opponents in team fights. By making disables more effective against him and reducing his initial burst damage, Singed’s opponents now have more time and ways to deal with him in these situations.

    Damage reduced to 80/125/170/215/260 from 100/150/200/250/300
    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.75 from 1.0
    Insanity Potion
    No longer reduces the duration of disables
    Last patch's changes opened up different playstyles for Taric but did not effectively address his power level. These changes reduce Taric's lane dominance by lowering his burst damage and forcing him to make more tradeoffs when choosing which spells to level up.

    Damage reduced to 50/90/130/170/210 from 60/105/150/190/240
    Armor damage ratio reduced to 20% from 30%
    Stun duration adjusted to 1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6 seconds from 1.5 at all ranks

    Blade of the Ruined King - Hotfixed 3/5
    Attack Damage reduced to 25 from 30
    Combine cost increased to 1000 gold from 650 (total cost increased to 3200 gold from 2850)
    Maximum damage dealt to minions and monsters reduced to 60 from 90
    Active heal amount is now reduced by the target's Armor
    Aegis of the Legion
    Aura grants an additional 50% Health Regen, Armor and Magic Resist for minions
    Runic Bulwark
    Combine cost reduced to 400 gold from 650 (total cost reduced to 2950 gold from 3200)
    Health reduced to 300 from 400
    Magic Resist aura reduced to 25 from 30
    Aura grants an additional 50% Health Regen, Armor and Magic Resist for minions
    Locket of the Iron Solari
    Locket of the Iron Solari is mainly picked up by junglers and supports, roles that most frequently earn less gold than others, for the team-wide active. We've reduced both the cost and personal stats on the item to lessen its gold impact while preserving its team utility.

    Combine cost reduced to 520 gold from 670 (total cost reduced to 1850 gold from 2000)
    Health reduced to 300 from 400
    Runaan's Hurricane
    Secondary target radius increased to 375 from 300
    Fixed a bug where Hurricane could target invisible enemies
    Combine cost reduced to 365 gold from 425 (total cost reduced to 1200 gold from 1260)
    Trinity Force
    Total cost reduced to 3843 gold from 3903 gold
    Lich Bane
    Combine cost increased to 940 gold from 880 (total cost unchanged)
    Iceborn Gauntlet
    We've noticed that, in general, champions who buy Iceborn Gauntlet are front-line champions with more emphasis on surviving than dealing AP burst damage. We've adjusted Iceborn Gauntlet's stats to accommodate this play case.

    Combine cost increased to 700 gold from 640 (total cost unchanged)
    Armor increased to 70 from 60
    Ability Power reduced to 30 from 40
    Ravenous Hydra
    Combine cost reduced to 200 gold from 400 (total cost reduced to 3300 gold from 3500)
    Life Steal increased to 12% from 10%
    Recipe changed: Stinger + Pickaxe + 725 gold = 2850 gold (total cost unchanged)
    Attack Damage increased to 25 from 20
    Warden's Mail
    Attack Speed reduction reduced to 15% from 20%
    Randuin's Omen
    Attack Speed reduction reduced to 15% from 20%
    Seeker's Armguard
    Ability Power reduced to 20 from 25
    Continuing our efforts from Patch 3.02 to standardize cooldown reduction, we've slightly buffed Cooldown Reduction runes to provide less awkward stat amounts. For example, nine Tier-3 Scaling Glyphs of Cooldown Reduction previously provided 8.62% cooldown reduction at level 18, but will now provide an even 10%.

    Cooldown Reduction and Cooldown Reduction per Level runes have been increased at all Tiers (varying from 2-35% increase)
    Spectator Mode

    Fixed a bug that would cause the spectator client to crash when using chat commands (ex: /joke, /taunt)
    Restricted Chat Mode
    In an effort to encourage active reform and shield players from toxicity, we’ve implemented a new account restriction that limits in-game chat for toxic players.

    Certain players (identified by Tribunal and by Player Support) will have a limited number of in-game messages available and limited access to [All] Chat.
    Restricted players that successfully complete matchmade games will earn their chat privileges back.

    Ready checks no longer return players to the PvP.Net landing page
    "Random" has been moved to the top of champion select
    Chat notifications in the bottom right-hand corner of the client now wait to appear until players have closed the AFK popup dialogue first
    Battle Training bots no longer acquire unavailable items
    Dragon, Baron, Towers and Inhibitors now show assists[/spoil]
  3. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Patch 3.05 Notes

    [spoil]Karma, the Enlightened One

    Karma has been relaunched with updates to her model, her kit and her story. If you would like more information, you can read more here.

    Gathering Fire (Passive)
    Reduce’s Mantra’s cooldown every time Karma damages an enemy with one of her abilities (Half-effect for Karma’s basic-attacks).

    Inner Flame (Q)
    Fires a blast of energy that explodes upon enemy contact, dealing magic damage and slowing all enemies in the area.
    Mantra Bonus – Soulflare: Deals additional magic damage and leaves a circle of flame at the impact area (or upon reaching maximum range), heavily slowing all enemies inside the circle. After a brief delay the circle erupts, dealing heavy magic damage to all enemies in the area.

    Focused Resolve (W)
    Links Karma to target enemy champion, revealing them and dealing magic damage over 2 seconds. If the link is not broken, the enemy is rooted.
    Mantra Bonus – Renewal: Focused Resolve deals bonus magic damage over time and heals Karma for a percent of her missing health while linked to her target.

    Inspire (E)
    Target ally gains a shield, granting movement speed for a brief duration and absorbing damage.
    Mantra Bonus – Defiance: The shield overflows with energy, dealing magic damage to all enemies around the shielded unit. Allied champions near the shielded unit gain half of that amount as a shield and are hasted.

    Mantra (Ultimate)
    Karma empowers her next ability within 8 seconds for an additional effect.


    Akali’s Twilight Shroud was behaving inconsistently before this patch, so we’ve adjusted it to better match its visual and theme, and to provide greater opportunity for counterplay.

    Twilight Shroud
    Akali is now immediately stealthed/revealed upon entering/leaving the Shroud zone
    Akali is now immediately stealthed when casting Twilight Shroud directly on herself
    Akali is now revealed from stealth upon casting a spell or beginning an attack rather than upon dealing damage
    Delay on re-stealthing increased by 0.15 seconds


    Fixed a bug where Crystallize could stop uninterruptible movement abilities such as Malphite's Unstoppable Force


    Now displays the Critical Strike chance bonus on the buff bar


    Spinning Axe
    Now leads Draven more accurately when he is benefiting from Movement Speed increases
    Axe drop location will no longer be placed partially inside walls / terrain


    The previous version of Spirit of Dread did not offer enough opportunities for tactical decision-making. With higher cooldowns, our goal is to reintroduce strategic choices other than merely activating the ability whenever it is available.

    Spirit of Dread
    Cooldown increased to 22/21/20/19/18 seconds from 18/17/16/15/14

    Master Yi

    Double Strike
    Double Strike swing time now scales with Master Yi's Attack Speed instead of being fixed at 0.6 seconds
    Fixed a bug where the second strike of Double Strike could critically hit turrets


    Wind Slash
    Fixed a bug where Riven could cast Wind Slash a second time after using Zhonya's Hourglass


    Rumble’s ultimate was intended to be an area control effect but, with the large upfront damage it deals, it tends to be used more as a long-range nuke instead. With this patch, we’re adjusting The Equalizer to better match its original intent.

    Fixed a bug where the visual effect would disappear before the actual end of the projectile
    The Equalizer
    No longer deals initial impact damage but the area burn damage now starts immediately instead of after a 0.5 second delay
    Burn damage per second increased to 130/185/240 (+0.3 Ability Power) from 100/140/180 (+0.2 Ability Power) (total damage dealt across the full duration is unchanged)


    Pillar of Filth
    Fixed a bug where Pillar of Filth could stop uninterruptible movement abilities such as Malphite's Unstoppable Force


    In this patch, we’ve made some substantial changes to Udyr. Our goals were to make changing stances feel more impactful, transfer power from passive stats to actual noticeable effects and reduce problematic lane issues. For example, Turtle Stance currently allows Udyr to become an immovable object in lane once he gets ahead, and we want to address that.

    Mana cost of all stances decreased to 47/44/41/38/35 from 55/50/45/40/35
    Monkey's Agility
    Now grants 5 Movement Speed per stack instead of 4% bonus Armor and Magic Resistance
    Turtle Stance
    No longer returns mana when dealing damage
    Shield increased to 60/100/140/180/220 from 60/95/130/165/200
    Udyr can now critically strike in Turtle Stance
    Bear Stance
    Udyr now ignores unit collision while the movement speed bonus is active
    Udyr now performs a slight dash toward his target on stunning attacks while the movement speed is active
    Bear stance attacks can no longer be self-interrupted mid-attack
    Movement speed increased to 15/20/25/30/35% from 15/18/21/24/27%
    Movement speed duration reduced to 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3 seconds from 2/2.5/3/3.5/4
    Phoenix Stance
    First attack after activating Phoenix Stance now immediately procs the fire cone in addition to every 3rd attack
    No longer grants bonus Ability Power and Attack Damage when activated
    Ability Power ratio on the fire cone increased to 0.45 from 0.15
    Updated the fire cone's spell effect to be more visible


    Hunter's Call
    Now displays range indicator on mouseover
    Blood Scent
    Now displays range indicator on minimap on mouseover


    Living Shadow
    Fixed a bug where Living Shadow would sometimes cast in a random direction


    Nashor's Tooth
    Combine cost increased to 430 gold from 200 (total cost increased to 2500 gold from 2270)
    Spirit of the Elder Lizard
    UNIQUE Passive damage reduced to 6-40 over 3 seconds from 14-50
    Maw of Malmortius
    Fixed a bug where the Lifeline shield was lasting for 3 seconds instead of 5

    Champion Select AFK Detection
    When any player in a match-made game fails to select a champion before their timer expires, the game is terminated.
    A player who fails to select a champion is given a queue dodge penalty. The dodge penalty functions exactly the same as if the player closed their PVP.net client.
    Solo players who succeed in selecting a champion are returned to the front of the matchmaking queue.
    Arranged teams whose members all succeed in selecting a champion are returned to the front of the matchmaking queue.
    Arranged teams with one or more members who fail to select a champion are returned to the arranged team lobby.
    Draft mode is handled on a pick-by-pick basis. If a player fails to pick a champion during their turn, the game is terminated immediately. Players later in the draft order, who did not have an opportunity to pick a champion, are given the benefit of the doubt and not assigned a dodge penalty.
    This feature currently only applies to match made games. Custom games still assign a random champion if one is not selected.



    In Season 3, we made a few changes that made turrets feel less like a safe haven for defenders – especially in the early parts of the game. Specifically, with turrets attacking minions in a set order and some champions itemizing for health earlier on, it’s become easier for teams to push aggressively and even dive turrets with low risk. These changes should give defending players more of a fighting chance when under their own turret.
    Turrets now deal 105% damage to champions for the first attack, increased from 94.5%
    Turrets now deal 25% additional damage for consecutive attacks on the same champion (max 225%), increased from 20% (max 210%)
    Siege Minions
    Siege Minions now take 70% damage from Turrets, increased from 50% damage
    Siege Minions now deal 150% damage to Turrets, reduced from 200% damage
    Super Minions
    Super Minions now take 70% damage from Turrets, increased from 50% damage

    We are fixing a bug with Teleport where its visual effect would disappear if cast on an expiring temporary unit. Teleport should always be visible to opponents who have vision of the area, much like how casting it on a non-revealed ward still displays a visual effect.
    Fixed a bug where Teleport's "incoming" visual effect on the target unit would disappear if cast on an expiring temporary unit, such as Jarvan's Standard or Thresh's Lantern
    Fixed a bug where new players could not be invited to Matchmaking lobbies after teammates miss a ready check
    Smart casting with charge-up abilities should be more responsive now
  4. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Patch 3.5 balance update


    As an assassin, Akali should be a champion with high risk and high reward. These changes increase her early game risk while retaining her later game potential.

    Mark of the Assassin
    Initial damage reduced to 35/55/75/95/115 from 45/70/95/120/145
    Mark detonation damage Ability Power ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4
    Shadow Dance
    Essence of Shadow charge rate increased to 35/25/15 seconds from 25/20/15


    Missile Barrage
    Now fires a Big One every 3rd missile instead of every 4th
    Missile charge rate reduced to 12/10/8 seconds from 12


    These changes to Karma include several quality of life improvements and enhance her ability to generate multiple Mantras in well-executed fights.

    Gathering Fire
    Mantra cooldown reduction increased to 2 seconds at all levels from 1/1.5/2
    Inner Flame
    The detonation area now occurs at the actual point of missile impact instead of at the center of the initial target that is hit
    Focused Resolve
    Mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 from 70/80/90/100/110
    Now applies Gathering Fire's effect on each instance of damage dealt instead of only once on initial application, but now deals damage 3 times over the duration instead of 6
    Movement Speed duration increased to 1.5 seconds from 1.25
    Fixed a bug where the tooltip stated the shield was 80/115/150/185/220 instead of its actual value of 80/120/160/200/240
    Mantra Bonus - Defiance
    Movement Speed bonus is now always 60% instead of 20/30/40/50/60% (based on Inspire's current rank)
    Ally shield / haste range increased to 700 from 600


    Previous to these changes, Kayle's support spells could often be cast completely off-screen from her opponents. With these reduced ranges, it should be easier for opponents to anticipate her presence in fights.

    Divine Blessing
    Cast range reduced to 900 from 1000
    Cast range reduced to 900 from 1200


    On top of her long range and wide array of defensive utility, Lux was also among the fastest ranged champions in the game. These changes force Lux to be more mindful of her timing and positioning as opponents now have more opportunities to capitalize on her mistakes.

    Base Movement Speed reduced to 330 from 340
    Final Spark
    Cooldown increased to 80/65/50 seconds from 80/60/40


    Dark Binding
    Mana cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 60/75/90/105/120
    Soul Shackles
    Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks from 100/150/200


    Tidal Wave
    Range increased to 2750 from 2500
    Cooldown reduced to 120/110/100 seconds from 140/120/100
    Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks from 100/150/200


    Base Armor increased to 19 from 15
    Titan's Wrath
    Cooldown reduced to 22/21/20/19/18 seconds from 26/24/22/20/18


    Absolute Zero
    Cooldown reduced to 110/100/90 seconds from 150/120/90
    Mana cost reduced to 100 from 150


    Valor now marks targets slightly more frequently
    Targets are now marked more immediately when Valor lands on the target
    Quinn now lands closer to her target when using Vault from far away


    Acid Hunter / Noxian Corrosive Charge
    Now displays Acid Hunter's lock-on range while there is a visible, nearby enemy champion marked by Noxian Corrosive Charge


    Volibear was both an extremely powerful duelist as well as an almost guaranteed initiator for early skirmishes. In order to preserve his presence as a threatening fighter, these changes instead reduce Volibear's ability to force engagements early on.

    Rolling Thunder
    Movement Speed bonus toward champions adjusted to 30/35/40/45/50% from 45% at all ranks


    Spirit of the Ancient Golem
    New Recipe: Spirit Stone + Kindlegem + 450 gold = 2000 gold (total cost reduced from 2300 gold)
    No longer grants +30 Armor
    Now grants +10% Cooldown Reduction
    Spirit of the Elder Lizard
    New Recipe: Spirit Stone + Long Sword + Long Sword + 500 gold = 2000 gold (total cost reduced from 2300 gold)
    Attack Damage reduced to 45 from 50
    Seraph's Embrace
    Active Mana cost reduced to 20% current Mana from 25%
    Active Shield adjusted to 20% of current Mana + 150 from 25% current Mana
    Toggle damage changed to physical from magic[/spoil]
  5. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Patch 3.6


    Lissandra the Ice Witch is in the 3.6 build and will be released at a later date.


    Sejuani has been relaunched with a new model, updates to her story and a revised kit. For more information on the Winter’s Wrath, click here.

    Frost Armor (Passive)
    Damaging an enemy with an ability or basic attack grants Sejuani bonus armor and reduces movement-slowing effects on her for a short duration
    Arctic Assault (Q)
    Sejuani charges forward, knocking enemies into the air and dealing magic damage to them based on their maximum health. The charge stops after knocking an enemy champion into the air
    Flail of the Northern Winds (W)
    Sejuani's next basic attack deals bonus magic damage to her target and all nearby enemies. She then spins her flail, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies for a few seconds
    Permafrost (E)
    Passive: Sejuani’s abilities and basic attacks apply Frost to enemies
    Active: Sejuani damages and slows all nearby enemies afflicted with Frost
    Glacial Prison (Ultimate)
    Sejuani throws a frost-forged bola in a line. If the bola hits an enemy champion, it shatters, stunning the target and all nearby enemies. If the bola reaches its maximum range without striking an enemy champion, it shatters and slows nearby enemies


    Trundle has been relaunched with a new model, updates to his story, and changes to his kit. For a full rundown of the Troll King’s changes, click here.

    King's Tribute (previously Decompose)
    No gameplay changes
    Chomp (previously Rabid Bite)
    Damage adjusted to 20/40/60/80/100 (+1.0/1.05/1.1/1.15/1.2 attack damage) from 30/45/60/75/90 (+0.8/0.9/1/1.1/1.2 attack damage)
    Now slows target by 75% for 0.1 seconds on hit
    Animation speed scales with Trundle's attack speed
    Frozen Kingdom (previously Contaminate)
    Attack speed bonus increased to 20/35/50/65/80% from 20/30/40/50/60%
    Now grants 8/11/14/17/20% increased healing to Trundle
    No longer grants tenacity
    Pillar of Ice (previously Pillar of Filth)
    Now interrupts channels
    Duration reduced to 6 seconds from 6.5
    Subjugate (previously Agony)
    Now deals 20/22/24 (+2 per 100 AP)% max health damage instead of 200/350/500
    Armor and magic resist drain adjusted to 20% from 15/20/25%
    Second drain effect now applies over 4 seconds and keeps the stats for another 4 seconds afterwards instead of draining over 6 seconds


    Now properly bounces to other targets after hitting an enemy affected by Blaze


    Missile Barrage
    Fixed a bug where using Missile Barrage restarted the cooldown for gaining another missile

    Dr. Mundo

    Infected Cleaver
    Can be cast at any health value, but will not reduce health below 1
    Can be cast at any health value, but will not reduce health below 1


    In Patch 3.5, we changed Draven’s Spinning Axe to lead Draven more accurately when he was benefitting from movement speed increases. Unfortunately, these changes were very disruptive for dedicated Draven players and didn’t offer enough potential for skilled players to showcase their skill through covering long distances between throwing and catching. We decided to revert the change.

    Spinning Axe
    Reverted a recent change affecting how Draven was led by Spinning Axe, restoring prior functionality
    Axe drop location will no longer be placed on the far side of impassable terrain from Draven


    Pulsefire Ezreal
    Fixed a bug where Pulsefire Ezreal would occasionally not see gold popups for some of his last hits on targets in plain view
    Fixed a bug where Pulsefire Ezreal would play his death animation a second time if Trueshot Barrage was leveled up while dead


    Drain Life
    Fixed a bug where Fiddlesticks would not immediately attack his target after successfully channeling Drain Life


    With our previous patch changes, we increased Karma’s overall usability and Mantra generation. These changes are more focused on smoothing out Karma’s early game presence by giving a damage increase to Inner Flame’s lower levels and buffing Inspire to make it far more effective at level one.

    Additionally, by lowering the cooldowns of three of Karma’s abilities – including her Mantra – Karma will synergize better with Gathering Fire, allowing her to scale into late game.

    Inner Flame
    Damage increased to 80/125/170/215/260 from 60/110/160/210/260
    Focused Resolve
    Cooldown reduced to 16/15/14/13/12 seconds from 16/15.5/15/14.5/14
    Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 12
    Movement speed bonus increased to 40/45/50/55/60% from 20/30/40/50/60%
    Cooldown reduced to 45/42/39/36 seconds from 45


    Mana per level increased to 55 from 50
    Mana cost increased to 60/65/70/75/80 from 40/50/60/70/80


    Call of the Void
    Mana cost reduced to 80/85/90/95/100 from 80/90/100/110/120
    Null Zone
    Mana cost reduced to 90/95/100/105/110 from 90/100/110/120/130


    With a 95% movement speed and attack speed reduction at max levels, Wither was completely shutting down champions reliant on auto-attacks with no opportunity for counterplay. By reducing the attack speed slow, Nasus is still effective at suppressing champions, but his victims will now have the option to turn and fight.

    Attack speed slow amount has been halved


    No longer expends Visionary if the target dies before Consume resolves


    Reckless Swing
    Can be cast at any health value, but will not reduce health below 1


    We wanted to highlight Quinn’s great strengths as an unconventional AD carry with high cross-map mobility. As such, Quinn can now use Tag Team more reliably in and out of fights, and the additional movement speed on Heightened Senses should allow her to remain more elusive in skirmishes.

    For the other two changes, we gave Blinding Assault an ability power ratio so that players can gain some additional power when building items like Trinity Force or when receiving the Baron Nashor buff. For Vault, we added a mini stun on Quinn’s target as she dashes toward them, making it more reliable as an escape.

    Blinding Assault
    Now has a 0.5 ability power ratio
    Heightened Senses
    Passive as Quinn now grants 20/30/40/50/60 movement speed in addition to the attack speed bonus
    Now briefly interrupts the target
    Tag Team
    Maximum movement speed bonus increased to 80/90/100% from 80% at all ranks
    Base movement speed bonus increased to 20/30/40% from 20% at all ranks
    Cooldown reduced to 140/110/80 seconds from 140/120/100
    Skystrike can now be cast 1 second after activating Tag Team, down from 2.5


    No longer prevents Rumble from automatically acquiring basic attack targets


    Ki Strike
    Fixed a bug that caused Ki Strike to be consumed when attacking wards


    Fleet of Foot
    Now also grants its effect when Boomerang Blade and Ricochet hit enemy champions


    Death Sentence and its passive were providing too many benefits at early levels with their high poke, burst damage, and lowered cooldowns. By moving the passive damage bonus from Death Sentence to Flay, Thresh players will now need to think strategically about how they level their skills.

    Death Sentence
    Damage increased to 80/120/160/200/240 from 80/110/140/170/200
    Passive moved to Flay
    Damage reduced to 65/95/125/155/185 from 65/105/145/185/225
    Now has Death Sentence’s previous passive (bonus damage on basic attacks)
    Fixed a bug that caused the passive's damage to be consumed when attacking wards
    Fixed a bug where Flay sometimes dealt more damage than intended


    With these changes, we wanted to accomplish a few separate things. First, we wanted to tone down Udyr’s overpowering early game Tiger Stance damage, but we also wanted to let him scale better into late game. These changes were implemented by scaling the attack damage ratios on Tiger Stance’s active damage.

    Second, by changing the active damage of Tiger Stance from magical to physical, it should be more intuitive to itemize against Udyr. Additionally, it will also be easier for Udyr to itemize properly, as he will gain further benefits from attack damage focused items like Black Cleaver or Last Whisper.

    Tiger Stance
    Active damage changed to physical instead of magic
    Active damage changed to 30/80/130/180/230 (+1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6 attack damage) from 30/80/130/180/230 (+1.5 total attack damage)
    Active attack speed increased to 30/40/50/60/70% from 15/20/25/30/35%
    No longer grants attack speed as a persistent effect
    New persistent effect: Basic attacks deal 15% of his total attack damage as bonus physical damage on hit
    Bear Stance
    Udyr now only dashes when stunning champions


    Range now accurately matches her attack range


    Vault Breaker
    Fixed a bug that caused Vault Breaker to become uncastable after activation
    Excessive Force
    Can no longer be cast while charging Vault Breaker


    Increased transparency when in brush


    Previously, Zed could safely farm large minion waves with Shadow Slash by consistently resetting the cooldown of Living Shadow. These changes were intended to promote aggressive play with Zed while also creating a window for players to engage on him in lane.

    Living Shadow
    Cooldown reduced to 18/17/16/15/14 seconds from 22/20.5/19/17.5/16
    Shadow Slash
    Hitting minions and monsters no longer reduces Living Shadow's cooldown
    Hitting enemy champions reduces Living Shadow's cooldown by 2 seconds, up from 1


    Elixir of Fortitude is meant to be an “all-in” burst of power for players looking to take control of a situation. With its low cost, however, players were simply defaulting to it as a general starting item with no significant repercussion. Increasing the gold cost of Elixir of Fortitude aligns it better with the risky strategy it was intended for.

    Elixir of Fortitude
    Cost increased to 350 gold from 250

    Alongside our Elixir of Fortitude change, we wanted to tackle ultra-high sustain starts where players were beginning the game with as many health potions as possible in order to safely sustain in lane for long periods of time. However, these high sustain starts also destroy any incentive players have to interact. Manaless champions in particular benefitted from these starts, resulting in some mana-based opponents being unable to burn through the high levels of sustained HP. We will monitor starting item builds and champions that relied heavily on high potion starts, but wanted to focus on addressing passive high-sustain builds first.

    Health Potion
    Limited to 5 Health Potions at a time
    Mana Potion
    Limited to 5 Mana Potions at a time
    Ionian Boots of Lucidity
    Upgrade cost reduced to 650 gold from 700 (total cost is now 1000 from 1050)
    Combine cost reduced to 265 from 665 (total cost is now 1900 from 2300)
    Attack damage reduced to 40 from 50
    Ravenous Hydra
    Combine cost increased to 600 from 200 (total cost unchanged)

    The Howling Abyss

    The Howling Abyss has replaced The Proving Grounds in custom games and the basic tutorial
    A 5v5 All-Random queue has been enabled for matches played on the Howling Abyss
    Restricted to players of level 5 or above
    Players may reroll for a different champion in Champion Select for 200 reroll points
    All players have been credited with 200 reroll points
    Additional reroll points are gained by completing matchmade Howling Abyss games
    Reroll point gains increase based on the number of champions the player owns
    Reroll point count can be checked in the player profile.

    Game Interface

    Smart Ping
    Updated the ping icons to better match other game visuals
    Item shop
    Can now be resized by dragging from the bottom right-hand corner
    Default size now determined by screen resolution


    Fixed an issue where the end of game screen would incorrectly show "League info processing" instead of updating immediately
    Champion headers designed for each specific league have been added to the Leagues tab in player profiles
    LP 'clamping' has been smoothed. Players will experience more predictable LP gains and losses as they approach 100 LP
    Dodging a match in a promotional series now counts as 1 loss. This will still end your series if you were one loss away from losing it


    Baron Nashor/Dragon
    Now immune to effects that would reduce their damage
    Baron Nashor, Dragon, and Vilemaw kill messages are now bolded in chat
    Twisted Treeline altar capture messages are now bolded in chat
    Items with charges now display the charge counter in the inventory rather than displaying as a buff
    Players will no longer see reconnect messages from the enemy team
    Trundle has replaced Master Yi in the basic tutorial
    Spell shields now only block one spell even if multiple spells hit the target in rapid succession
    Blind Random has been added as a pick type in custom games. This mode works the same as All Random, but the enemy team's champions will not be displayed in champion select
    Players with video cards that use software vertex shaders (primarily integrated cards like those in laptops) should see a 10-40% FPS performance improvement across all maps
    This note was falsely added due to reporting errors which falsely indicated performance increases. We apologize for the mistake and are continuing to look into real performance improvements across all hardware.

    With every patch, we strive to improve the look of the game in varying degrees. We recommend that you have the latest available video card drivers installed.[/spoil]
  6. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Patch 3.7


    These two changes are intended to give Akali's kit some utility. With Twilight Shroud now granting vision where it's placed, Akali can perform interesting jungle and lane jukes by first casting Twilight Shroud to gain vision of an enemy or jungle monster, and then using Shadow Dance as an escape tool. Overall, it should be a cool little trick that adds some depth to this ability.

    Twilight Shroud
    Now grants vision in the area of effect
    Shadow Dance
    Essence of Shadow charge time reduced to 30/22.5/15 seconds from 35/25/15


    Caitlyn was crowding out a lot of other AD champions with her potent siege capabilities and strong lane trading potential. We wanted to highlight her weakness to extended trades as a sniper by reducing her base attack speed.

    Additionally, by removing the accrual of headshot stacks when attacking turrets, it'll be a little more difficult for Caitlyn to perpetually siege towers in early game while zoning out enemies with the threat of a headshot.

    Base Attack Speed reduced to 0.625 from 0.668
    Attack Speed per level increased to 4% from 3%
    No longer gains stacks when attacking structures


    Twin Fang
    Now counts as a single target spell for the sake of items like Rylai's Crystal Scepter


    As a melee champion, Diana should have an inherent weakness to lane harass. These changes are to reduce some of the safe and efficient wave clear Diana was getting from auto-attacking with her shield up in lane.

    The shield change will help Diana in mid- to late-game team fights when she needs to dive into multiple enemies to engage. Before the changes, Diana's shield refreshed almost immediately and she got no benefit from the first stack unless she took damage very quickly upon initiating. Now with her shields stacking on top of each other, Diana will gain a little more survivability in these kind of engagements.

    Moonsilver Blade
    Damage reduced to 20/25/30/35/40/50/60/70/80/90/105/120/135/155/175/200/225/250 (+0.6 Ability Power) from 20/25/30/40/50/65/80/95/110/125/140/155/175/195/215/240/265/290 (+0.6 Ability Power)
    Range of the cleave behind Diana reduced
    Pale Cascade
    Total damage changed to 66/102/138/174/210 from 60/105/150/195/240
    Shield reduced to 40/55/70/85/100 (+0.3 Ability Power) from 55/80/105/130/155 (+0.45 Ability Power)
    The second application of the shield now stacks with the first shield instead of replacing it


    Removing the bonus Armor and Magic Resist in Spider Form while increasing the ability power ratio on Skittering Frenzy will better position Elise's offensive capabilities and vulnerabilities. Elise continues to be a very strong lane bully; she will just need to think carefully about when she can win a trade.

    Skittering Frenzy
    Ability Power ratio increased to 0.04 from 0.02
    Spider Form
    No longer grants bonus Armor and Magic Resist

    Jarvan IV

    Demacian Standard
    Vision radius of the Standard reduced to 700 from 850


    Inner Flame
    Mantra Bonus - Soulflare
    Slow area now spawns directly under the primary target

    Miss Fortune

    Miss Fortune excels at trading in lanes, but her Impure Shots were building too quickly and dealing too much burst damage with the use of Double Up. With this change, Miss Fortune loses some of her burst potential, but will do around the same damage in extended trades.

    Impure Shots
    Max stacks increased to 5 from 4
    Damage per stack reduced to 4/6/8/10/12 from 6/8/10/12/14


    Recommend items updated


    These general usability buffs are for Nami to feel more impactful in team fights and skirmishes. In particular, with Surging Tides giving more movement speed and Aqua Prison having a longer stun duration, Nami players should feel better about playing aggressive in a lane.

    Basic Attack Missile Speed increased to 1500 from 1350
    Surging Tides
    Bonus Movement Speed increased to 40 from 30
    Aqua Prison
    Stun duration increased to 1.5 seconds from 1.25


    Nunu naturally fits in the jungle with his strong objective control and high map mobility – these changes should add more depth within that role. Above all, we want Consume to be a cool spell –Consume has traditionally languished in late game for everything besides objective control, so making it an attractive spell with these changes adds more depth and rank-up incentive.

    Damage increased to 600/700/800/900/1000 from 500/600/700/800/900
    Healing reduced to 90/130/170/210/250 from 125/180/235/290/345
    Healing ratio reduced to 0.75 from 1.0
    Consume now grants bonuses for 120/150/180/210/240 seconds based on the type of monster consume was used on:
    Golem-type monsters grant 10% increased size and maximum Health
    Lizard-type monsters grant Nunu's attacks and spells additional magic damage equal to 1% of Nunu's maximum Health
    Wraith or Wolf-type monsters grant 15% movement speed for 3 seconds after Nunu kills a unit


    Fixed a bug where Vault failed to interrupt targets that were immune to slows


    Puncturing Taunt
    Can no longer target minions


    We did tone down some of Rumble's overall damage, but we also took this opportunity to make Danger Zone more impactful in Rumble's overall play. Here we've decided to increase his benefits for staying in the Danger Zone, so Rumble players will have more incentive to carefully manage their abilities.

    Damage decreased to 75/135/195/255/315 (+1.0 Ability Power) from 90/160/230/300/370 (+1.35 Ability Power)
    Danger Zone damage bonus increased to 50% from 25%
    Damage decreased to 45/70/95/120/145 (+0.4 Ability Power) from 55/85/115/145/175 (+0.5 Ability Power)


    Scatter the Weak
    Improved detection of Dark Spheres at longer ranges

    Twisted Fate

    With his huge global map pressure in early and mid-game, we wanted to reduce Twisted Fate's overall power without hitting the core components that make him fun. We're changing the passive cooldown reduction on Stacked Deck to attack speed to take out some of the free power he was getting without much gameplay interaction. Additionally, given Destiny's high impact, we've brought it more in line with other global ability cooldowns

    Pick a Card
    Blue card now restores 50/75/100/125/150 Mana instead of 26/39/52/65/78 (+0.6 total Attack Damage)
    Stacked Deck
    No longer grants Cooldown Reduction
    Bonus Attack Speed increased to 10/15/20/25/30% from 3/6/9/12/15%
    Cooldown increased to 180/150/120 seconds from 150/135/120
    Tooltips updated


    Tiger Stance
    Fixed a bug that caused Tiger Strike to only apply in the first 5 seconds of the stance


    Hail of Arrows makes Varus very strong in lane trades and zoning enemies out, but the strength of this ability was crowding out the intended use of Piercing Arrow as a high-damage snipe. With these changes, Hail of Arrows still has its strength in area control but it no longer completely trumps Piercing Arrow as a method of proccing Blighted Quiver and dealing high burst damage.

    Base Movement Speed reduced to 330 from 335
    Piercing Arrow
    Minimum damage increased to 10/47/83/120/157 from 10/43/77/110/143
    Maximum damage increased to 15/70/125/180/235 from 15/65/115/165/215
    Improved hit detection at the end of the missile
    Hail of Arrows
    Damage reduced to 65/100/135/170/205 from 65/105/145/185/225
    Chain of Corruption
    Improved hit detection at the end of the missile


    These are mostly quality of life changes for Warwick, who actually spent more time channeling Infinite Duress than he spent suppressing his target. Additionally, the fact that Warwick will now always place himself in front of the target rather than in a random location around them should add a little more strategic depth to who he suppresses and when.

    Infinite Duress
    Channel time reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2.1 (the target is still suppressed for the full 1.8 seconds)
    Infinite Duress now always places Warwick in front of the target rather than a random spot around the target


    For all of the utility and sustain he brings, Zac was just a little too strong across the board. These changes should tone him down in places where he had excessive power – reducing the burst power of his ultimate and his already unusually high sustain from bloblets.

    Base Health Regen reduced to 7.0 from 12.5
    Let's Bounce!
    Damage reduced to 140/210/280 from 160/240/320
    Fixed a bug where Let's Bounce! was applying a 0.25 Ability Power ratio on every bounce rather than 0.4 on the first bounce, halved on subsequent bounces
    Tenacity reduced to 50% from 75%


    As a resourceless champion, Zed was able to farm efficiently and safely without giving his opponent much opportunity for interaction. These changes should hit his wave clearing efficiency, especially at early levels. The vision reduction on Zed's Living Shadow was just to bring it more in line with other abilities of this type.

    Razor Shuriken
    Damage dealt to secondary targets reduced to 45/69/93/117/141 (+0.6 bonus Attack Damage) from 60/92/124/156/188 (+0.8 bonus Attack Damage)
    Living Shadow
    Vision radius of the Shadow reduced to 700 from 1300
    Shadow Slash
    Cooldown increased to 4 seconds from 3


    Thorn Spitter and Vine Lasher plants now correctly display their bonus damage from Ability Power
    Thorn Spitter and Vine Lasher plants now benefit from Banner of Command's minion damage aura


    Mana Manipulator

    Recipe changed: Faerie Charm + 120 gold = 300 total gold
    Mana Warp Passive Aura reduced to 5 Mana Regen per 5 seconds from 6

    Mikael's Crucible

    Mikael's Crucible is a very strong item for supports who want to stay on the back line out of harm's way. Most supports, however, opt for Philosopher's Stone in early game, which makes them adverse to buying another high-sustain item like Mikael's Crucible. These changes also open up more diversity for supports when upgrading their Philosopher's Stone - Shurelya's offers more offensive and defensive disengage, but Mikael's Crucible offers more in-fight potential.

    Recipe changed: Philosopher's Stone + Chalice of Harmony + 920 gold = 2500 total cost
    Grants 7 Health Regen per 5 seconds from 0
    Grants 18 Mana Regen per 5 seconds from 9
    No longer grants Mana
    Active Heal changed to "Heals for 150 + 10% of the target's Maximum Health" from "Heals for 150 + 15% of the target's Missing Health", Cleanse effect unchanged
    Active travel time changed to 0.2 seconds from variable with distance
    Fixed an issue with the hit effect particle

    Shard of True Ice

    Total cost reduced to 1600 gold from 1700
    Mana Warp Passive Aura reduced to 5 Mana Regen per 5 seconds from 6

    Summoner's Rift

    While this change doesn't seem significant, it will help auto-attack reliant laners when trading against ability-based laners. Champions who rely on lane harassment through abilities typically don't draw minion attacks as much as auto-attack champions, and this disparity was forcing a lot of champions to opt for high-sustain starts in order to compensate. This change will have a larger overall effect on lane trading as the game progresses.

    Caster Minions
    Base Attack Damage reduced to 23 from 25

    Howling Abyss

    High Winds duration and intervals tweaked to match the pace of the music
    Statue destruction algorithms tweaked to become more consistent throughout the match

    Game Interface

    Loss of Control UI
    Loss of control indicators now appear underneath a player's nameplate when the player's champion is afflicted by a crowd control effect
    A unique icon is displayed for each type of effect, and a shrinking progress bar indicates time remaining on the effect
    When multiple, unique crowd control effects are active:
    An additional icon is displayed for each unique effect type
    The progress bar represents whichever effect has the longest remaining duration
    Icons are removed as their associated effect type becomes inactive
    Indicators are visible to the afflicted player, that player's team and the player who inflicted the crowd control effect

    Co-op vs. AI

    Fixed a bug that caused Co-op vs. AI games on Twisted Treeline to award more IP/XP than intended for games under 20 minutes
    Fixed a bug that caused Co-op vs. AI games on Twisted Treeline to award less IP/XP than intended for games over 20 minutes

    League System

    Fixed a number of cases where icons on the league view were not showing up correctly


    Custom Item Sets
    Custom item sets can now be created and edited in the summoner profile.
    Saved item sets appear as an option in the Recommended tab of the in-game item shop
    Item sets can be associated with a specific champion, multiple champions or all champions
    Item sets can be associated with a specific map, multiple maps or all maps
    Silence, Taunt, Stun, Fear and Suppress effects have been updated with a new, consistent visual
    Karthus' Requiem should no longer have a major FPS performance hit across all maps.
    Rerolls in the ARAM queue will now prefer champions not being played by a member of the other team.
    The 'Random Champion' option is no longer available in ranked game champion select.
    Players who fail to connect to the game will now be granted the same bonus Magic Resistance/Armor that disconnected players receive.
    Fixed a bug with certain AMD Radeon video cards when playing Dominion.
    Players may now disable moving their champion via right-clicking on the minimap in the options menu.
    Logitech G-Key, LED, and LCD technologies are now supported.
    Fixed: Players joining private custom games in the PvP.net client were not able to submit passwords using the Enter key.
    Adobe AIR no longer uses the Debug Launcher and has been updated to version 3.7. This should result in increased client stability.[/spoil]
  7. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Patch 3.8


    Aatrox, the Darkin Blade is in this build but will be turned on at a later date.


    We’ve made some changes to Tibbers to make him a tankier and more threatening presence in late game team fights beyond his initial burst damage.

    Summon: Tibbers

    Tibbers’ Health increased to 1200/2100/3000 from 1200/1600/2000
    Tibbers’ Magic Resist increased to 30/50/70 from 25/45/65
    Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks from 125/175/225


    This change allows Ashe players to use her passive in more strategic ways beyond a level one poke or incidental crit.


    Ashe now gains 3/4/5/6 Focus stacks every second while not attacking instead of gaining Critical Strike Chance
    Ashe will critically strike on her next basic attack when she reaches 100 Focus stacks
    Initial Focus stacks are equal to Ashe's Critical Strike Chance


    Missile Barrage

    Fixed a bug where Missile Barrage would sometimes fail to deal damage


    As a strong sustain fighter, Hecarim was blowing up squishy targets with Onslaught of Shadows’ high damage and on-impact fear. To balance the ability out, we’ve taken away the landing damage and shifted it to the riders that travel with Hecarim.

    The Devastating Charge buff should let Hecarim jump over small walls and ledges to his opponents when he dashes to them. Keep in mind that when we say small ledges, there are only a few in the game like the river ramp ledges and very thin jungle walls.

    Devastating Charge

    If Hecarim's target is beyond narrow terrain, Hecarim will now leap over the terrain to the target

    Onslaught of Shadows

    No longer deals damage at the end location
    Rider damage increased to 150/250/350 (+1.0 Ability Power) from 100/200/300 (+0.4 Ability Power)


    Focused Resolve was impractical because whenever players wanted to use it, they needed the healing up front, not over time. This change still emphasizes the “leash break” gameplay, but now appropriately rewards Karma for using Mantra on her W and keeping her enemies close.

    Inner Flame

    Mana Cost reduced to 50/55/60/65/70
    Explosion radius increased to 250 from 230

    Focused Resolve

    Now correctly gives vision of the unit while rooted
    Mantra Bonus - Renewal
    No longer heals over time for 25% Missing Health
    Now heals Karma for 20% (+1% per 100 Ability Power) of missing Health immediately upon casting and another 20% (+1% per 100 Ability Power) of missing Health if the leash is not broken


    Mantra Bonus - Defiance
    Fixed a bug where Defiance's mini-shields weren't applying the Ability Power ratio


    The changes to Kha’Zix are ultimately about giving him more viable choices when picking evolutions. Evolving Void Spikes granted such huge damage, high poke, and great utility that it was crowding out his other evolutions. Now Void Spikes gets a slow as part of the base skill, so its utility is there even at level one. Taste Their Fear’s evolution was previously reliant on having targets isolated. Now it works whether they are isolated or not, but does more damage against isolated targets, making it a more reliable choice. We also increased Void Assault’s damage reduction while in stealth to make it a slightly more enticing choice and to remind players of its additional utility.

    Taste Their Fear

    Isolation bonus now increases damage by 45%
    Evolution adds 8% missing Health damage (Can be further increased by Isolation)

    Void Spikes

    Now slows targets hit by 20% for 2 seconds
    Mana cost reduced to 55/60/65/70/75 from 60/70/80/90/100
    Bonus Attack Damage ratio increased to 1.0 from 0.9
    Evolution no longer consumes passive to apply effects--instead triples shot
    Can no longer be cast during Leap

    Void Assault

    Damage reduction while in stealth increased to 50% from 40%


    Void Ooze

    Fixed a bug where the slow wasn't reduced by tenacity


    For a control mage with the kit she has, Lissandra was throwing out a lot of front-loaded damage. The intention of these changes was not only to lower her damage, but to also better highlight her in-fight control as her core strength.

    Ring of Frost

    Cooldown reduced to 14/13/12/11/10 seconds from 18/16/14/12/10
    Mana cost reduced to 50 from 70
    Fixed a bug where the root failed to apply if Lissandra died

    Glacial Path

    Cooldown now begins upon initial cast rather than upon recativation or at the end of the missile

    Frozen Tomb

    Self-cast duration increased to 2.5 seconds from 1.5
    Slow increased to 20/30/40% from 20/20/20%
    Damage reduced to 150/250/350 from 150/300/450


    If Nautilus gets ahead in levels, he ends up with both high damage and high tankiness when leveling Titan’s Wrath first. As a strong initiator tank with high crowd control, we’ve reduced some of that mid-game damage output so he’s less overwhelming when he snowballs.

    Titan's Wrath

    Damage changed to 40/55/70/85/100 from 30/55/80/105/130
    Fixed a bug where the Ability Power ratio on hits was lower than intended


    Heroic Charge

    Spell has been refactored to better detect terrain


    Sejuani’s rework left her incredibly powerful in terms of overall damage and crowd control potential. We’ve tuned back some of those strengths to bring her more in line with other initiator tanks.

    Northern Winds

    Bonus maximum Health ratio reduced to 10% from 16%


    Reduced slow duration to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds from 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3

    Glacial Prison

    Reduced stun and slow duration to 1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds from 1.5/1.75/2


    Sona is a consistently strong support, so after we fixed a long-standing bug with Power Chord: Diminuendo we felt she would be a dominant pick without additional balancing. On that note, we’ve reverted some of our older changes to Sona. These changes are designed to maintain her parity with other supports by lowering her early game burst and her late game durability while making her a little more forgiving in the early game.

    Base Health increased to 450 from 410
    Base Armor increased to 11.3 from 9.3

    Power Chord

    Base Power Chord damage changed to 13/20/27/35/43/52/62/72/82/92/102/112/122/132/147/162/177/192 from 8 + (10 x level)

    Aria of Perseverance

    Fixed a bug where Aria of Perseverance's Power Chord: Diminuendo was not decreasing damage dealt
    Lowered the duration of Aria of Perseverance's Power Chord: Diminuendo to 3 seconds from 4
    Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance to self and healed ally reduced to 6/7/8/9/10 from 8/11/14/17/20
    Changed aura bonus Armor and Magic Resistance to 6/7/8/9/10 from 3/6/9/12/15


    Death Sentence

    Fixed a bug where Thresh could cast Flash while casting Death Sentence


    Piercing Arrow

    Fixed a bug where casting Piercing Arrow while targeting an enemy would cause Varus to stop moving


    Blast Shield

    Fixed a bug where Blast Shield's cooldown at higher levels was 1 second longer than intended

    Vault Breaker

    Fixed a bug where casting Vault Breaker while targeting an enemy would cause Vi to stop moving.

    General Champion Notes

    Targeted wall-jump abilities now check both sides of the wall for the closest location of the cursor, so players don't fail-jump into a wall, when the other side was clearly in range.
    We've added new targeting indicators to show how far the target is knocked back for the following abilities:
    Alistar's Headbutt
    Lee Sin's Dragon's Rage
    Poppy's Heroic Charge
    Vayne's Condemn
    We've improved consistency for abilities that behaved inconsistently when the targeted enemy uses Flash. We’re cleaning up these interactions so that either the ability won’t cast or Flash won’t be used up (it will be one or the other, never both).
    Jayce's Thundering Blow
    Singed's Fling
    Skarner's Impale
    Volibear's Rolling Thunder

    Changes to Slow Zones

    All slow zones now update on a quarter-second interval, meaning when you move out of a slow field, the slow will wear off almost immediately unless you’re hit by an ability that applies an individual slow (like Kog’Maw’s Void Ooze). What this means: your champion's movement speed will be restored more quickly when leaving a slow field, but the slow within the fields have not been changed.

    This change should make interacting with slow zones more intuitive while rewarding players who react quickly (as stepping out of a slow field will reward you faster). This is a small nerf to most of the champions affected, but we will be closely monitoring champions affected by these changes.

    The following abilities have had their slow refresh rate reduced to 0.25 seconds:
    Singed's Mega Adhesive
    Lux's Lucent Singularity
    Gangplank's Cannon Barrage
    Lulu's Wild Growth
    Miss Fortune's Make It Rain
    Trundle's Pillar of Ice
    Varus' Hail of Arrows
    Viktor's Gravity Field
    Vladimir's Sanguine Pool
    Lux's Lucent Singularity also applies a 0.25 second slow to targets hit by the detonation
    Kog'Maw's Void Ooze missile also applies a 1 second slow to targets struck


    We’ve lowered the price on a number of starting items to give players more options with consumables and general builds.

    Boots of Speed

    Cost reduced to 325 from 350
    Items that build out of Boots of Speed have had their recipe costs increased by 25

    Doran's Ring

    Cost reduced to 400 from 475
    Health reduced to 60 from 80
    Mana restore on kill reduced to 4 from 5

    Doran's Shield

    Cost reduced to 440 from 475
    Armor reduced to 0 from 5
    Health Regen increased to 10 from 8
    UNIQUE Passive now blocks 8 damage from champion basic attacks from 6

    We’ve removed the randomness on Madred's and Wriggle's to increase consistency while allowing players to plan out their jungle routes better. Wriggle’s wasn’t very enticing so we’ve tuned up its stats to be worthy of a slot later in the game for those who can take advantage of it.

    All instances of Rend as a passive have been changed to Maim
    Maim is now the passive that refers to dealing bonus magic damage to monsters with every basic attack
    Butcher is the passive that refers to dealing percent bonus damage to monsters from all sources

    Hunter's Machete

    UNIQUE Passive - Rend changed to UNIQUE Passive - Maim
    Now deals 10 bonus magic damage to monsters with every basic attack

    Spirit Stone

    UNIQUE Passive - Rend changed to UNIQUE Passive - Maim
    Now deals 10 bonus magic damage to monsters with every basic attack

    Madred's Razors

    UNIQUE Passive - Maim
    Now deals 60 bonus magic damage to monsters with every basic attack
    No longer deals bonus damage to minions

    Wriggle's Lantern

    UNIQUE Passive - Maim
    Now deals 100 bonus magic damage to monsters with every basic attack
    No longer deals bonus damage to minions
    UNIQUE Active
    Ward duration reduced to 90 seconds from 180
    Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds from 180
    Attack Damage increased to 25 from 15
    Life Steal increased to 15% from 10%
    Armor reduced to 25 from 30
    Combine cost increased to 500 gold from 100 (total cost increased to 2000 gold from 1600)

    A few patches back we buffed a number of jungle items to make them more enticing for junglers. The changes, however, made these items so efficient that even lane champions were buying them with no regard for the Butcher passive. We still want lane champions to consider these in strategies that center on poaching jungle camps or helping with map objectives, but we ultimately want these to feel like the optimal choice for junglers first.

    Spirit of the Ancient Golem

    UNIQUE Passive - Butcher
    Damage bonus to monsters increased to 30% from 25%

    Spirit of the Elder Lizard

    Attack Damage reduced to 35 from 45
    UNIQUE Passive - Butcher
    Damage bonus to monsters increased to 30% from 25%

    Spirit of the Spectral Wraith

    Ability Power reduced to 40 from 50
    UNIQUE Passive - Butcher
    Damage bonus to monsters increased to 30% from 25%

    We've moved Malady's passives to the two other Attack Speed on-hit items to further solidify Nashor's Tooth's niche role as an Ability Power focused auto-attacker item, while moving the magic shred onto Wit's End to better synergize with magic damage based fighters (Sunfire Cape combines quite well with Wit’s End even for champions that don’t deal magic damage). Malady has been removed as it has been a poor fit in the current space that it was in.

    Recurve Bow

    Cost reduced to 900 gold from 950


    Removed from the game

    Nashor's Tooth

    Combine cost increased to 920 from 500
    Ability Power reduced to 60 from 65
    Additional Passive - Basic attacks deal 15 (+15% of Ability Power) as bonus magic damage on hit

    Wit's End

    New Recipe: Recurve Bow + Null Magic Mantle + Dagger + 700 gold = 2400 gold
    Attack Speed increased to 42% from 40%
    Revised Passive - Basic attacks steal 5 Magic Resist from the target, stacks up to 5 times


    Summoner's Rift

    We’ve increased the initial spawn times of jungle creeps to get rid of the frustrating experience advantage players could get by killing certain jungle camps before laning phase. This was a much requested change from a lot of pro teams around the world, as the only real counter was to switch lanes or to try to prevent it altogether.

    The other changes are to reassure junglers since they won’t be able to start wolves or wraiths before heading to their buffs. Faster spawns will also help some champions who have exceptionally high clear times and want to just stay in the jungle. Overall, this will be a buff for junglers across the board as we’ve opened up additional jungle route options for them.

    On that note, junglers traditionally have high impact in the early game, so there is some concern that these changes may be making them too strong in that area. We will be closely monitoring the situation to see if we need to balance further.

    Initial spawn time increased to 1:55 from 1:40
    Respawn time reduced to 50 seconds from 60
    Initial spawn time increased to 1:55 from 1:40
    Initial spawn time increased to 1:55 from 1:40
    Respawn time reduced to 50 seconds from 60
    Ancient Golem
    Base Experience granted increased to 340 from 220
    Now plays a particle effect to show who the buff transferred to
    Lizard Elder
    Base Experience granted increased to 340 from 220
    Now plays a particle effect to show who the buff transferred to
    Young Lizard
    Base Experience granted reduced to 10 from 40

    Twisted Treeline

    Enabled several items
    Hunter's Machete
    Spirit Stone
    Spirit of the Ancient Golem
    Spirit of the Elder Lizard
    Spirit of the Spectral Wraith

    Crystal Scar

    Added Dominion variants of several items
    Tear of the Goddess (Crystal Scar)
    Mana per charge increased to 5 from 4
    Manamune (Crystal Scar)
    Mana per charge increased to 8 from 4
    Archangel's Staff (Crystal Scar)
    Mana per charge increased to 10 from 6
    Rod of Ages (Crystal Scar)
    Now gains stacks every 40 seconds, down from 60 seconds

    Howling Abyss

    Enabled several items
    Hunter's Machete
    Spirit Stone
    Spirit of the Ancient Golem
    Spirit of the Elder Lizard
    Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
    Shop close distance is now calculated from the spawn, not the shop
    Shop close distance increased to 1600 from 1400
    Fixed a bug causing players to become stuck if they wiggled behind blue laser turret
    Poros have gone through an 80s action movie training montage and now have some resistance to lasers

    Game Interface

    Minimap & HUD

    The Player's nameplate will now always be drawn last, causing it to always appear over ally and enemy health plates.

    Item Shop

    The search terms "Spooky Ghosts", "Bork", "Botrk", "AA", "NLR", "SOTO", "SOTD", "dshield", "dblade", and "dring" have been added to the in-game item shop.

    Custom Item Sets

    Item sets will no longer be lost when a player changes their Summoner name.

    Game Menus

    The Key Binding page has been reorganized to be easier to use

    Gifting Animation

    Gifting animation has been updated

    Custom Game Mini-maps

    Custom Game Mini maps updated to include unique mini maps for each map

    League System

    Added the ability to spectate players and teams in challenger tier via an option in the leagues menu.
    Added notifications to inform players when they are close to hitting LP decay for inactivity in ranked queues.

    Player Behavior

    Behavior Alerts

    The PVP.net client will display new warning alerts for players with spikes of negative activity, in order to help course-correct them as soon as possible with quick and direct feedback.

    Players with recently detected unsportsmanlike behavior will see a warning after the End of Game screen.
    Alerts will not follow every player report; alerts are targeted toward players that exhibit uncharacteristic spikes of highly negative behavior.


    The Loading Screen no longer appears off-center in your monitor after Champ Select, when in Borderless or Windowed mode.
    Included a possible fix for an issue that would cause LoL to open in the bottom right of the screen on computers under heavy load
    Logitech monochrome keyboards should no longer clear their display when the last two heads-up buttons are pressed.
    Logitech keyboards should no longer change their brightness when your champion is dead.[/spoil]
  8. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Patch 3.9 Notes



    Pillar of Flame

    Mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 from 70/80/90/100/110


    Mana cost increased to 70/75/80/85/90 from 60/65/70/75/80


    Mana cost reduced to 100/100/100 from 100/150/200


    A common Corki complaint is that he feels extremely mana constrained by the cost of Phosphorus Bomb. However, after looking at his abilities, Phosphorus Bomb needs to be expensive to balance out its lack of counterplay. So we instead reduced the cost on some of his other spells to make mana less of a constraint overall.


    Mana cost reduced to 50 from 100

    Missile Barrage

    Mana cost reduced to 20 from 30/35/40


    We lowered the early game damage output Draven got from his passive since it wasn't adding much in terms of satisfying gameplay. Unfortunately, to get the numbers right, we realized we would need to reduce his passive damage to a point where it would be even less satisfying. We instead opted to rework Draven's passive altogether into something that reinforces his current gameplay, something so… Draven… even his opponents will feel begrudged to applaud: Welcome… to the League of Draven.

    League of Draven (New Passive)

    When Draven catches a Spinning Axe, or kills a minion or monster, he gains one stack of Adoration. When Draven kills an enemy champion, he consumes half of his Adoration stacks and gains 3 gold per stack consumed. Draven loses half of his Adoration stacks upon death.


    Agony's Embrace

    Fixed a bug where the Sated buff and visual effect appeared when Evelynn hit only spell-shielded targets (visual change only)



    Mana cost increased to 24/28/32/36/40 from 25



    Fixed a bug where the buff icon countdown didn't properly match the 4-second channeling time


    By increasing the cooldown on Jayce's Acceleration Gate, we can keep his Shock Blast + Acceleration Gate combo impactful while toning down his poke and disengage potential. In addition, since later in the game not every Shock Blast will be accelerated, we've increased the base speed of the ability to make it better as a standalone skillshot.

    Shock Blast

    Basic missile speed increased to 1450 from 1350 (Accelerated Shock Blast missile speed remains the same)

    Acceleration Gate

    Cooldown increased to 16 seconds from 14/13/12/11/10


    Righteous Fury

    AoE effect no longer affects towers


    Yordle-made shurikens seemed a little too sharp and pointy, so we've tuned down some of Kennen's early game lane harass given how much teamfight potential he has.

    Base Attack Damage at level 1 reduced to 50.5 from 54.6

    Mark of the Storm

    Mark duration reduced to 6 seconds from 8


    LeBlanc's Mimic was less a decision point and more of a tool to one-shot someone with Sigil of Silence. These changes aim to make Mimic equally interesting with other skills. For one, Mimicked abilities will now deal their own base damage instead of amplifying the base spell. This means players will be able to use Mimic in more creative ways at level 6, rather than saving it for Sigil of Silence. Additionally, Sigil of Silence will now deal less damage up front but more damage on detonation in order to better promote LeBlanc's multi-skill interaction.

    Mirror Image

    The Mirror Image will now attempt to run instead of standing still

    Sigil of Silence

    Mana cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 70/75/80/85/90
    Damage changed to 55/80/105/130/155 (+0.4 Ability Power) for both initial impact damage and mark detonation damage
    Impact damage was 70/110/150/190/230 (+0.6 Ability Power)
    Mark damage was 20/40/60/80/100 (+0.3 Ability Power)
    Silence duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2


    Cooldown now starts on cast rather than after returning to your Distortion
    Mana cost increased to 80/90/100/110/120 from 80
    Fixed a bug where Distortion was visible in the fog of war

    Ethereal Chains

    Slow duration (and time until root) reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2
    Root duration changed to 1.5 seconds from 1/1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2
    Cooldown changed to 14/12.5/11/9.5/8 seconds from 10


    Mana cost reduced to 0 from 100/50/0
    All mimicked abilities now deal their own base damage instead of amplifying the base spell's damage

    Mimic: Sigil of Silence

    Now deals 100/200/300 (+0.65 Ability Power) damage once on impact and again if the mark is detonated

    Mimic: Distortion

    Cooldown now starts on cast rather than after returning to your Distortion
    Now deals 150/300/450 (+0.975 Ability Power) damage on impact

    Mimic: Ethereal Chains

    Now deals 100/200/300 (+0.65 Ability Power) damage once on impact and again if the target is rooted


    Call of the Void

    Now correctly grants vision on the entire line path
    Damaged targets will now always become visible

    Malefic Visions

    Will now jump when active on a zombified champion (i.e. Karthus, Kog'Maw, Zyra, etc.)

    Master Yi

    Double Strike

    Fixed a bug where Guinsoo's Rageblade wasn't properly giving 2 stacks


    Dark Binding

    Fixed a bug where Dark Binding wasn't properly snaring stealthed Champions


    Siphoning Strike

    Bonus damage now displayed as a buff on Nasus


    Dredge Line

    No longer travels through some walls


    We've reduced the overall damage of Consume to prevent it from outsmiting Smite at rank one.

    Health per level reduced to 96 from 108


    Damage reduced to 500/625/750/875/1000 from 600/700/800/900/1000


    Command: Protect

    Orianna now gains a passive range indicator that shows the range at which The Ball will return to her when attached to an allied Champion.


    Spear Shot

    Fixed a bug where Spear Shot was not scaling with bonus Critical Strike damage when hitting an enemy below 15% Health


    Broken Wings

    Fixed a bug that made it possible to chain more than 3 strikes


    Ki Strike

    Fixed a bug where the visual effect wasn't properly appearing at the start of the game


    We're repositioning Flame Breath as a core tool for objective control and faster jungle clear, while also emphasizing its use as a “burn down” ability to be followed up with auto attacks against tankier fighters. We've also fixed a long-standing bug with Shyvana's Burnout where it wasn't scaling with attack damage while in Dragon form. This fix - along with her increased fury gains and reduced fury decay – will help her in late game teamfights. Lastly, we've moved the descriptions of her previous passive effects to their new ability tooltips to help centralize information.

    Fury of the Dragonborn - Remade. All Fury of the Dragonborn effects have been moved to their respective abilities.

    Dragonborn - Gains 5/10/15/20 Armor and Magic Resist. These bonuses are doubled in Dragon Form.

    Flame Breath

    No longer reduces Armor by 15%
    Now passes through all units hit instead of stopping at the first
    Debuff duration increased to 5 seconds from 4
    Damage reduced to 80/115/150/185/220 from 80/125/170/215/260
    On-hit magic damage to debuffed targets changed to 2% of the target's maximum Health from 15% of Flame Breath's damage (12/18.75/25.5/32.25/39 + 0.09 Ability Power).


    Fixed a bug where Burnout wasn't scaling with attack damage when Shyvana was in Dragon form

    Dragon's Descent

    Passive Armor/Magic Resistance component removed
    Passive Fury Gain increased to 1/2/3 per 1.5 seconds from 1/1/1
    Fury decay while in Dragon Form reduced to 5 per second from 6 per second


    After initially using Death Sentence the tooltip will now describe his Death Leap ability



    Fixed a bug where Twitch could revive in stealth when Guardian Angel or Chrono Shift was active on him


    Final Hour

    Stealth from Final Hour will now properly be broken upon launching a basic attack


    Elastic Slingshot

    Fixed a bug where aiming could preemptively break the targets' spell shields


    We wanted to make it easier and more rewarding for Ziggs to use Satchel Charge offensively, whether by detonating it immediately or leaving it as a threat on the battlefield to zone opponents. We also wanted to make Satchel Charge noticeably easier to use for players with moderate to high latency.

    Satchel Charge

    Can now be reactivated while in flight, causing the Satchel Charge to detonate on landing
    Missile speed increased to 1750 from 1600
    Increased knockback distance to 400 from 350
    Cooldown now starts when Satchel Charge is cast, not when it detonates

    General Champion Notes

    By constantly shifting between forms as they move about the map, certain champions have been artificially accelerating their access to fully stacked Tear items (Muramana and Seraph's Embrace) without using their mana.

    The following abilities no longer count as a spellcast for the sake of items like Tear of the Goddess, Sheen, etc.

    Elise's Spider Form / Human Form
    Nidalee's Aspect of the Cougar
    Jayce's Transform: Mercury Hammer / Mercury Cannon

    We've normalized the hit delay on a few spells that had slight discrepancies between when the spell was cast and when it would take effect.

    The following abilities have had their hit delay normalized:

    Brand's Pillar of Flame hit delay normalized to 0.625 secondsLeona's Solar Flare hit delay normalized to 0.625 seconds
    Swain's Nevermove hit delay normalized to 0.875 seconds
    Veigar's Dark Matter hit delay normalized to 1.25 seconds


    When used on a CC immune champion, it will only display "Can't be slowed"


    Summoners that disconnect while CCed will now properly run back to base


    In order to alleviate some of the gold pressure on supports as they push for vision dominance, we've made some changes to how the Oracle's buff works as well reworked the rewards for killing wards. First off, Oracle's Elixir no longer expires upon death, meaning players can be more aggressive with Oracle's, rather than just passively clear warded areas they know to be safe. Secondly, the gold from destroying a ward is now distributed between both the player who kills the ward AND the player who, whether through Oracle's or placing Vision wards, granted vision on that ward.


    Vision and Sight Ward are now worth 30 gold, up from 25
    Wriggle's Lantern Ward is now worth 20 gold, up from 15
    The reward structure for killing wards has been changed to the following:
    The killer of the ward gains 50% of the ward's base gold value
    Nearby allied champions with Oracle's Elixir, or allied champions that placed Vision Wards nearby, split 50% of the ward's base gold value
    Sightstone and Ruby Sightstone now display the number of placed Ghost Wards in their inventory tooltips

    Oracle's Elixir

    No longer expires on death
    Duration reduced to 4 minutes from 5
    Invisibility detection radius reduced to 600 from 750
    Now displays the radius of the detection effect to the buffed player

    Oracle's Extract

    Invisibility detection radius reduced to 600 from 750
    Now displays the radius of the detection effect to the buffed player

    Tear of the Goddess and Manamune were stacking up far too quickly given their low cost, so we've increased the cooldown per charge. On the other hand, Archangel's Staff is a top tier item and requires a higher gold investment, so we wanted to reward players who choose to invest in charging their Archangel's Staff faster.

    Tear of the Goddess

    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge
    Cooldown per charge increased to 4 seconds from 3
    Updated the tooltip to clarify its actual functionality


    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge
    Cooldown per charge increased to 4 seconds from 3
    Updated the tooltip to clarify its actual functionality

    Archangel's Staff

    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge
    Mana gained increased to 8 from 6
    Cooldown per charge increased to 4 seconds from 3
    Updated the tooltip to clarify its actual functionality

    Previously, champions whose attacks applied a secondary source of physical damage (we're looking at you Jarvan), could unintentionally gain additional stacks of Black Cleaver's shred with one hit. Characters like Shyvana or Renekton that can apply multiple basic attacks at the same time will still stack up shreds as normal.

    Black Cleaver

    Can no longer apply more than one stack of Armor Shred in a single basic attack

    We've made Maw of Malmortius' passive bonus easier to understand at a glance. Now Maw will grant its maximum AD when the shield procs, so players will know exactly when they're at peak power.

    Maw of Malmortius

    Attack Damage increased to 60 from 55
    Magic Resist increased to 40 from 36
    Passive now grants 1 Attack Damage for every 2% of missing Health, up from 2.5%
    Passive now capped at 35 Attack Damage, down from 40
    Fixed a bug where the cooldown was not properly resetting when upgrading from a Hexdrinker on cooldown

    Wooglet's Witchcap

    Fixed several unintended interactions with champion abilities and the Stasis active

    Zhonya's Hourglass

    Fixed several unintended interactions with champion abilities and the Stasis active


    Summoner's Rift

    We've made some changes to death streaks in order to address strategies where repeatedly dying to lower your kill bounty could be used to gain an advantage. We know this may affect games where people are not intentionally dying, and we'll continue to monitor this.

    Death Streak gold values have been reworked to be in line with pre-Season 3 values.
    A player killed three times in a row without resetting is now worth 220 gold (previously 182 gold)
    A player killed six times in a row without resetting is now worth 112 gold (previously 62 gold)
    Minimum kill value of a champion increased to 50 gold (previously 15 gold)

    With Patch 3.9, we are setting a new precedent by making separate, map-specific balance changes to certain champions. The intent is not to reach a balancing cadence similar to Summoner's Rift, but to address some egregious balance outliers to improve the overall player experience. In this patch we're toning down Kassadin on Crystal Scar and Singed on Twisted Treeline. If this approach proves successful we'll follow suit with additional tweaks where necessary.

    Twisted Treeline

    Armor per level reduced to 2 from 3.5 on Twisted Treeline
    Insanity Potion cooldown increased to 120 seconds from 100 on Twisted Treeline

    Crystal Scar

    Riftwalk cooldown increased to 9/8/7 seconds from 7/6/5 on Crystal Scar
    Riftwalk range reduced to 600 from 700 on Crystal Scar

    Howling Abyss

    Added new item: Orb of Winter
    Recipe: Rejuvenation Bead + Rejuvenation Bead + Negatron Cloak
    Total Gold Cost: 2080 (combine cost: 1180)
    +70 Magic Resist
    +20 Health Regen per 5 seconds
    Unique Passive: Grants a shield that absorbs damage. The shield will refresh after a short period without taking damage.

    Game Interface

    Fixed a long-standing bug where Attack-Move and Move commands could trigger while typing in chat
    Fixed a keybinding issue where some modifier keys could not be used with certain keys and mouse buttons
    Significantly improved performance when purchasing item upgrades

    League System

    Added the ability to spectate players and teams in challenger tier via an option in the leagues menu
    When viewing teams in the Leagues tab, clicking on a team will now show a list of the team's top players


    We worked with the Player Behavior team on a smaller change to remove all latency (ping) displays except your own. After looking closely at the data, it seems that showing pings during loading can add toxicity to games before they even begin. Ultimately we came to the conclusion that removing the ping display on champion load screens would lead to a healthier community overall, so we acted on it.

    The load screen now includes Summoner Icons
    The progress bar has been removed due to space constraints
    The ping of other Summoners has been removed

    The rune page has been significantly reworked to provide a more responsive experience:
    Filtering out all runes of a given type (such as Marks or Seals) will cause it to turn grey, indicating that it's empty
    Reverting the changes in the runebook no longer changes which is being edited
    It's now possible to open more than one rune type at a time in the rune inventory
    Right clicking or double clicking to rapidly add runes doesn't require waiting for the animation to complete
    Shifted the rune slots slightly to reduce certain gaps
    The scrollbars have been made more responsive and easier to click
    The dividers between effects in the stats pane now scale down when the scrollbar appears
    Dragging a rune into place no longer highlights slots near the drop target
    Rune combiner animations are simpler and less CPU intensive
    Rune combiner filters are now more consistent with rune page filters

    When Smart Cast Range Indicators are enabled, the keybinding for Self Cast Spell (ALT by default) will activate the ability immediately on key press, rather than on key release. This matches the behavior of abilities which are innately self-cast, such as Sivir’s Spell Shield.
    Added tooltips and visual indicators in the client to more clearly convey which game modes, maps, and types are locked for new and low level players
    PVP.net will now automatically scale itself down to 1150x720 or 1024x640, whichever is most appropriate. The most common desktop resolutions that will see their experience impacted are:
    Logitech hardware support can now be disabled by adding "LogitechSupport=0" to the "General" section in your game.cfg

  9. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Patch 3.10 Notes



    Summary: While cleaning up Ashe's passive, we found a small bug that had been granting unwarranted Focus stacks. We ordered an orbital strike on the bug, and gave Focus a minor buff to compensate.


    Focus stacks per second increased to 4/5/6/7/8 from 3/4/5/6/7
    Fixed a bug where Focus was granting stacks while on cooldown in certain situations


    Summary: Spiderlings are now less tanky overall, particularly against champions who build armor penetration. Spiderlings will also descend from Rappel after Elise, meaning if she Rappels with tower aggro and no friendly minions around, she'll be targeted first once she lands (towers used to target Spiderlings first because they would descend first). Rappel also no longer allows Elise to travel outside of the indicated range.

    Context: Elise has been a high-value pick in competitive play for some time thanks to the overall strength of her kit. We considered reducing the damage of some of her abilities, but felt like we should target her more frustrating aspects first. Specifically, we wanted to reduce the tankiness of Elise's spiderlings and lower their utility as damage sponges. With these changes we can add a little more counterplay for her opponents, meaning Elise players will need to think more carefully about her Spider Swarm passive.

    The other ability we targeted was the deceptively long range of Rappel. We initially designed Elise's Rappel to allow for some extra travel space outside of her indicated range, but in retrospect this made the skill extremely frustrating to play against. These changes mean the circular visual indicator will more accurately show who Elise is able to descend upon.


    Health reduced to 90-260 from 125-550
    Armor increased to 30/50/70/90 from 30 (based on Spider Form rank)
    Magic Resist increased to 50/70/90/110 from 50 (based on Spider Form rank)
    Multi-target damage reduction adjusted to 25% from 10/20/30/40%
    Spiderlings no longer continue taking actions before vanishing once Elise shifts into Human Form
    Spiderlings now group closer together while moving

    Volatile Spiderling

    Movement Speed has been reduced


    Elise can no longer descend outside of the indicated area
    Fixed a bug where Elise could begin casting spells and attacking as soon as she began her descent while she was still untargetable
    Spiderlings will now descend from Rappel slightly after Elise instead of descending at the same time



    No longer reduces Baron Nashor's, Dragon's or Vilemaw's Magic Resist



    Fixed a bug that occasionally caused rapid casts to deal no damage


    Lay Waste

    Now casts at max range when targeted beyond max range during Death Defied


    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.2 from 0.25
    Fixed a bug where Cooldown Reduction allowed Defile to be rapidly toggled, increasing its damage output


    Call of the Void

    Missile visibility from fog of war and brush now consistent with other missiles

    Summon Voidling

    Voidlings no longer repeatedly switch targets when more than one unit is affected with Malefic Visions

    Master Yi (remake)

    Summary: Master Yi has been reworked with a new model and changes to his kit. For a full rundown of the Wuju Master's changes, click here.


    Health per level increased to 92 from 86
    Base Mana reduced to 180 from 199
    Mana per level increased to 42 from 36
    Base Armor reduced to 15 from 16.3
    Armor per level reduced to 3 from 3.7
    Attack Speed per level reduced to 2.75% from 2.98%

    Double Strike

    Every 4th consecutive basic attack, Master Yi will attack twice, dealing 50% damage on the second strike

    Alpha Strike

    Master Yi becomes untargetable and dashes to up to 4 units, dealing 25/60/95/130/165 (+1.0 total Attack Damage) physical damage and 75/100/125/150/175 bonus damage to minions. Alpha Strike can critically strike for 60% of Master Yi's total Attack Damage.
    Alpha Strike's cooldown is reduced by 1 second each time Master Yi basic attacks
    Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100/110
    Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14


    Master Yi channels for 4 seconds, gaining 40/45/50/55/60% damage reduction and healing for 30/50/70/90/110 (+0.3 Ability Power) per second. This heal is increased by 1% for every 1% Health Master Yi is missing. The damage reduction is halved against turrets
    Mana Cost: 50/65/80/95/110
    Cooldown: 35

    Wuju Style

    Passive: Master Yi gains 7/9/11/13/15% Attack Damage
    Active: Master Yi deals 10/15/20/25/30 (+0.1/0.125/0.15/0.175/0.2 total Attack Damage) true damage on hit for 5 seconds. Wuju Style's passive bonus is lost while the skill is on cooldown
    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14


    Passive: When Master Yi kills a champion, the cooldowns on his basic abilities are reduced by 18 seconds (half for assists)
    Active: Grants Master Yi 30/55/80% Attack Speed and 25/35/45% Movement Speed for 10 seconds. If Master Yi scores a kill or assist while Highlander is active, Highlander's duration is extended by 4 seconds
    Mana Cost: 100
    Cooldown: 75


    Aqua Prison

    Fixed a bug where the stun sometimes lasted longer than intended


    Heroic Charge

    Fixed a bug where Poppy would retain her previous move or attack order after charging
    Fixed a bug that caused Poppy to stutter briefly after charging


    Summary:The ranges of Ryze's spells are being reduced this patch, but his Desperate Power movement speed buff has been increased to compensate.

    Context: With his spell range and high late game damage, Ryze could effectively nuke back line squishies from distance while still playing the role of “tanky beast” (when built in that way). We wanted to refocus on Ryze's core identity as a mid-range mage, meaning his positioning and proximity to the enemy team is more important than before, while his increased speed should allow him to get up close to priority targets to melt their delicate little faces.


    Cast range reduced to 600 from 650

    Rune Prison

    Cast range reduced to 600 from 625
    Mana cost reduced to 60/70/80/90/100 from 80/90/100/110/120

    Spell Flux

    Cast range reduced to 600 from 675

    Desperate Power

    Movement Speed increased to 60/70/80 from 35/45/55


    Summary: Thresh's reduced base health and armor make him more vulnerable at early levels, but collected souls now grant a flat bonus with no diminishing returns.

    Context: We wanted to make trading in lanes a little riskier for Thresh as he had a lot of crowd control through Death Sentence and Flay. Additionally, collecting souls, while a vital part of early game Thresh play, had the tendency to become negligible late game due to their diminishing returns. Giving souls a flat bonus means Thresh's passive stays relevant throughout the game.


    Base Health reduced to 500 from 541
    Base Armor reduced to 12 from 18


    Souls now always grant 0.75 Armor and Ability Power instead of starting at 1.0 and granting diminishing returns per soul collected

    Twisted Fate

    Summary: Loaded Dice no longer grants global bonus gold, but instead gives Twisted Fate between 1-6 gold per kill. Pick a Card has been changed, too, giving TF players a smaller window to throw the card after locking it instead of one long window to both lock and throw the card.

    Context: Loaded Dice was giving Twisted Fate and his team a lot of hidden power without feeling individually impactful. The change fits more thematically with his kit and allows his passive to feel more noticeable by giving TF more gold on average over the course of the match.

    The Pick a Card changes are intended to introduce more counterplay to the ability, as many players were locking their card within a second or two of shuffling, then sitting on the locked card for the rest of the duration to intimidate opponents. While these changes mean TF players have more time to utilize Pick a Card, they'll have a smaller window to act once they lock in their card.

    Loaded Dice (Remade)

    Upon killing a unit, Twisted Fate rolls his dice, gaining anywhere from 1 to 6 bonus Gold. Naturally, Twisted Fate has a higher chance to receive a larger bonus

    Pick a Card

    Now has 8 seconds to lock the card and 4 seconds to throw it instead of 10 seconds to do both


    Spirit Guard Udyr has new death animations



    Fixed a bug where the cast range was longer than intended (650 instead of 550)

    Final Hour

    Cooldown increased to 100/85/70 from 70 seconds


    Infinite Duress

    Fixed a bug where damage would continue to be dealt after being interrupted by enemy champions


    Elastic Slingshot

    Damage reduced to 80/120/160/200/240 from 80/130/180/230/280

    General Champion Changes

    Champions with dash abilities will no longer be able to activate them while taunted (Jax's Leap Strike, Katarina's Shunpo, and Shen's Shadow Dash)
    Champions that waste basic attacks or abilities on damage nullifying shields or absorption shields without breaking the shield (Kayle's Intervention, Poppy's Diplomatic Immunity, Morgana's Black Shield, Barrier, etc) will now be properly granted assists if that champion dies within the appropriate time frame


    Magic Resistance Items

    Summary: A new magic resistance item has been added to the game in the form of a mid-level MR item that builds into Spirit Visage and Banshee's Veil.

    Context: We wanted to reposition Magic Resistance as a personal stat as opposed to an aura-focused stat (see below for our Runic Bulwark updates). With these changes we specifically wanted to create more itemization options against sustained magic damage dealers in the mid game as well as create more options for tanks versus late game poke teams.

    New Item: Spectre's Cowl

    Recipe: Ruby Crystal + Negatron Cloak + 205 Gold = 1400 total Gold
    +200 Health
    +45 Magic Resist
    UNIQUE Passive: Grants +15 Health Regen per 5 seconds for up to 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion

    Spirit Visage

    Recipe Changed: Spectre's Cowl + Kindlegem + 375 Gold = 2625 total Gold, up from 2200
    Health increased to 400 from 200
    Magic Resist increased to 55 from 45
    Now additionally grants +20 Health Regen per 5 seconds

    Banshee's Veil

    Recipe Changed: Spectre's Cowl + Ruby Crystal + 875 Gold = 2750 total Gold, up from 2520
    Health increased to 450 from 400
    Magic Resist increased to 55 from 45
    Mana reduced to 0 from 300
    Additional UNIQUE Passive: Grants +45 Health Regen per 5 seconds for up to 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion or when the spell shield breaks

    Guardian Angel

    Recipe Changed: Negatron Cloak + Chain Vest + 1310 Gold = 2750 total Gold, up from 2600
    Magic Resist increased to 40 from 30

    Runic Bulwark and Locket of the Iron Solari

    Summary: Runic Bulwark has been removed from the game. Aegis of the Legion now builds into Locket of the Iron Solari.

    Context: We wanted to reduce the burden of buying an Aegis/Bulwark every game. By combining Aegis and Locket, we can more clearly push them into their strategic niche of team fight area-effect damage reduction items.

    Aegis of the Legion

    Combine cost reduced to 375 Gold from 625 (total cost reduced to 1900 Gold from 2150)
    Health reduced to 200 from 250
    No longer grants self-only Magic Resist
    UNIQUE Aura – Legion
    No longer grants Armor
    Magic Resist increased to 20 from 15
    No longer grants additional bonuses to minions

    Runic Bulwark

    Removed from the game

    Locket of the Iron Solari

    New build path: Aegis of the Legion + 600 Gold = 2500 Gold
    +300 Health
    +20 Armor
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Active retained
    Now grants UNIQUE Aura - Legion

    Blade of the Ruined King

    Active Haste/Slow duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4

    Warden's Mail

    Passive Slow duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5
    Cost reduced to 1000 from 1100

    Randuin's Omen

    Passive Slow duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5
    Cost reduced to 3000 from 3100 (combine cost unchanged)

    Frozen Heart

    Cost reduced to 2900 from 3000 (combine cost unchanged)

    New Icons

    The following items have received new icons
    Abyssal Scepter
    Catalyst the Protector
    Deathfire Grasp
    Glacial Shroud
    Haunting Guise
    Hextech Revolver
    Vampiric Scepter


    Summoner's Rift

    Jungle Monsters

    Summary: All camps outside of buff camps will now spawn later in the game. Some experience has been moved back from the Ancient Golem and Lizard Elder to their Young Lizard spawns meaning junglers will have to fully clear the camp in order to hit level 2, and not just kill the buff monster.

    Context: Our first jungle modifications in 3.8 were not quite enough to enact the changes we wanted, so we're pushing spawn timers even further to finish the job while fixing some other unintended side effects.

    Junglers could completely cripple their enemy team counterparts – especially early on – without fully committing to confrontation by smiting the buff and escaping, or killing their opponent with the immediate level advantage. We like the importance of aggressive early game invades, but want to make sure there's an appropriate amount of risk involved.

    Spawn time increased to 2:05 from 1:55
    Spawn time increased to 2:05 from 1:55
    Giant Wolf
    Base experience granted increased to 170 from 153
    Spawn time increased to 2:05 from 1:55
    Big Golem
    Base experience granted increased to 160 from 137
    Ancient Golem
    Base experience granted reduced to 260 from 340
    Base Health reduced to 1400 from 1500
    Lizard Elder
    Base experience granted reduced to 260 from 340
    Base Health reduced to 1400 from 1500
    Young Lizard
    Base experience granted increased to 50 from 10
    Base Health increased to 400 from 300

    Baron Nashor

    Summary: Baron Nashor now takes less physical and magical damage from targets affected by Voracious Corrosion (the single target debuff he applies to whoever's tanking him) as opposed to directly reducing Attack Damage.

    Context: Soloing Baron with sustained magic damage was too easy for a select few champions. This change makes things more consistent overall. A noted side effect is that teams who start fighting Baron will be at less of a disadvantage when engaged upon by the enemy team due to the fact that Voracious Corrosion no longer alters overall attack damage and instead only reduces damage directed at Baron Nashor. We'll continue to monitor this and act if it seems to be a significant problem.

    Voracious Corrosion
    No longer reduces the target's Attack Damage by 50%
    Now reduces the physical and magic damage the target deals to Nashor by 50%


    Summary: Turrets are now harder to push down within the very early stages of the game. We've also corrected a minor bug that gave purple side inner turrets slightly more armor than intended.

    Context: Due to the high global value of map objectives and the ease of taking down turrets in the early game with certain compositions, players – particularly in competitive play – have been entirely bypassing the laning phase. Ultimately we didn't want to completely eliminate this strategy but its prevalence was invalidating many champions who have high potential during the laning phase. These changes should introduce more risk into aggressive early-game objective-focused strategies without eliminating its viability completely.

    For additional context, while the numbers might initially seem high (in particular the Purple Side Inner Turrets having 10 more armor than intended), Turrets begin the game with much more armor relative to champions so these changes are not as significant as they might first seem.

    Outer turrets now gain 60 bonus Armor at the start of the game, which starts decaying after 4 minutes have passed and finishes decaying 4 minutes later
    Outer turret base Armor increased to 60 from 54
    Outer turrets no longer gain Armor over the first 8 minutes of the game
    Fixed a bug where purple side inner turrets had 10 more Armor than intended

    Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar

    General Changes

    Summary: Needlessly Large Rod and Deathfire Grasp have been removed from these map modes, with more mid-level AP items added in, including Liandry's Torment, Seeker's Armguard, and Moonflair Spellblade – a mid-tier defensive AP item. Blackfire Torch now has the same active ability of Deathfire Grasp.

    Context: This small-scale AP rework is intended to address AP survivability and viability in Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar. Needlessly Large Rod (and, by extension, Deathfire Grasp) have been removed because it was unreasonably difficult to save up for on these maps. The addition of Moonflair Spellblade and Seeker's Armguard should help with early-mid game survivability.

    Needlessly Large Rod removed
    Deathfire Grasp removed
    Liandry's Torment enabled
    Seeker's Armguard enabled

    RETURNING ITEM: Moonflair Spellblade (Ranged Only)

    Recipe: Seeker's Armguard + Negatron Cloak + 420 Gold = 2300 Total Gold
    +50 Ability Power
    +50 Armor
    +50 Magic Resist
    UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, and immobilizes by 35%

    Blackfire Torch

    Reworked: Blasting Wand + Fiendish Codex + 720 Gold = 2400 Total Gold
    +80 Ability Power
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Active: Deals 20% of target champion's maximum Health in magic damage over 6 seconds and increases all subsequent magic damage taken by the target by 20% (60 second cooldown)

    Wooglet's Witchcap

    New Build Path: Seeker's Armguard + Blasting Wand + Amplifying Tome + 1045 Gold = 3500 Total Gold
    Armor increased to 45 from 40

    Bug Fixes

    Vilemaw now properly selects his melee attack for melee champions with more than 100 range
    Vilemaw no longer twitches when players leave his lair
    Lesser Wraith Health now properly scales with time


    Champion Search Tags

    Summary: Now, champion search tags more accurately represent the team role each champion plays and better explains the recommended play style for a particular champion to new players. In future releases, we'll continue to refine these tags and how they appear in PvP.net. For more information on our changes, read more here.

    Champions will now be tagged with a single, primary role from the following:
    Assassin, Fighter, Mage, Marksman, Support, Tank
    You'll see these changes across PvP.net

    Ready Check

    Summary: In order to get players into games faster, those that habitually fail to accept matched games will be temporarily removed from the queue. This should help players with longer queue times in addition to removing some fringe abuse cases.

    Players that frequently fail a Ready Check will be given time-outs from re-entering the queue to prevent them from lengthening the queue times of other players
    Normal play patterns (including missing a Ready Check every once in a while) will not trigger this penalty


    Fixed a bug where the /mute chat command did not work
    Fixed a bug where you could not use the /mute @ChampionName chat command unless the target was on your friends list[/spoil]
  10. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The Hell
    Patch 3.10a notes



    Summary: LeBlanc’s base health regeneration and attack damage per level have been slightly increased.

    Context: With unorthodox skills, unmatched mobility and a supremely squishy face, LeBlanc’s always been a difficult champion to master. While this is intended, the changes we made to her in Patch 3.9 made her even more vulnerable, especially during her laning phase. These minor buffs should improve her play experience and even her out a little.

    Base health regen increased to 7.05 (from 5.05)
    Attack damage per level increased to 3.5 (from 3.1)

    Master Yi

    Summary: Highlander now reduces ability cooldowns per kills and assists by a percentage amount rather than a flat second reduction. This means Master Yi will never get a “full reset” to chain Alpha Strikes together even if he kills with his first Alpha Strike. Additionally, Master Yi’s attack speed per level has been reduced, while Meditate’s damage reduction at later levels has been increased. Wuju Style’s passive attack damage bonus is now higher at earlier levels and lower at later levels.

    Context: New Yi quickly emerged as a powerhouse champion, and while we soon identified the need to reduce his power, we wanted to do it in an intelligent way that created windows of opportunity for both Yi and his opponents, rather than by simply reducing his overall damage. We like Highlander’s reset mechanic, but the flat second reduction on it meant that solid Yi players could effectively chain Alpha Strikes together with no window of vulnerability after scoring a kill. These changes mean Master Yi needs to land a few basic attacks after earning resets in order to Alpha Strike, which should give his opponents opportunities to fight back. Yi’s Meditate buffs give him ways of bridging those cooldown gaps defensively if needed, and offer more viable options when upgrading abilities.


    Attack speed per level decreased to 2% (from 2.75%)

    Double Strike

    Fixed a bug where the second strike would damage targets even when Master Yi was blinded


    Damage reduction increased at later ranks to 50/55/60/65/70% (from 40/45/50/55/60%)

    Wuju Style

    Passive attack damage bonus changed to 10% at all ranks (from 7/9/11/13/15%)


    Now passively reduces the remaining cooldown for Master Yi's basic abilities by 70% on a kill or assist (instead of 18 seconds on kill or 9 seconds on assist)


    Summary: Riven can now leap over walls with the third hit of Broken Wings.

    Context: Riven's Broken Wings started crossing walls on live following a few engine fixes. We looked at this and decided we want to fully support the emergent gameplay while cleaning up the ability’s environmental interactions. This change promotes Riven’s high mobility playstyle and skirmish play pattern, so we’ll balance around it rather than simply remove the change if it affects her power significantly.


    Fixed an issue where several of Riven's particle effects were missing

    Broken Wings

    Third hit now knocks up affected targets rather than knocking them back
    Only the third cast can now leap over walls
    Hitbox has been retuned to more closely match the particles


    Summary: Shen’s Feint shield has been weakened, while Stand United can now be interrupted by root effects.

    Context: As a dominant force in the competitive scene, Shen gets just a little too tanky in the late game – to the point where even primary damage dealers have a tough time eating through his shields. This small nerf should reduce some of Shen’s strong dueling potential. Additionally, our Stand United change has been brought in to increase the consistency with which we handle delayed movement abilities. Specifically, Shen’s Stand United channel will be interruptible by root effects, similar to Twisted Fate’s Gate. We’ll continue looking at other cases in the future.


    Shield amount reduced to 60/100/140/180/220 (from 70/115/160/205/250)

    Stand United

    Can now be interrupted by root effects


    Summary: Twitch’s Expunge now deals less damage at early to mid levels.

    Context: Currently Twitch's laning phase trades are too strong, even when he’s forced to pop Expunge before reaching full stacks of Deadly Venom. These changes should balance out the Plague Rat’s early game power without affecting his team fight potential.


    Base damage reduced to 20/35/50/65/80 (from 40/50/60/70/80)


    Summary: Zac's passive healing blobs will now be harder to pick up for both him and his opponents. Additionally, Zac’s ult no longer grants him Tenacity while active.

    Context: Previously, Zac’s pickup range was so large he would sometimes regain health from his blobs even if he stood still after using an ability. The blob radius change creates more potential counterplay in lane, since Zac and his opponents now have to specifically move to blobs to regain or deny health. The tenacity portion of Let’s Bounce has removed to allow for more gameplay in fights, notably by giving enemies the chance to lock Zac down while protecting vulnerable targets.

    Cell Division

    Blob absorption and squish radius reduced to 25 (from 100)

    Let's Bounce

    No longer grants tenacity
    Fixed the tooltip to state that Zac removes all slows affecting him upon activation


    NOTE: If an item value or statistic is not mentioned, it is still present on the item.

    Bilgewater Cutlass

    Range reduced to 450 (from 550)
    Active now takes into account the bounding boxes for each champion

    Blade of the Ruined King

    Range reduced to 450 (from 550)
    Active cooldown increased to 90 (from 60)

    Locket of the Iron Solari

    Fixed a bug where it was granting more health regen than intended

    Spirit Visage

    Combine cost increased to 500 gold (from 375). Total cost increased to 2750 gold (from 2625)

    Phage & Trinity Force’s Icy Passive

    Summary: Phage and Trinity Force no longer have the “Icy” slow passive. Instead of a percentage chance to slow an enemy champion on hit, these items now grant movement speed for a short duration of time, along with even more movement speed on minion, monster, and champion kills. Frozen Mallet’s function remains unchanged, but its recipe has changed.

    Context: Following the nerfs to Blade of the Ruined King, we wanted to create more tools to help bruisers stick to their targets. Ultimately we focused on in-skirmish mobility as a valuable and healthy stat for all champions.


    UNIQUE Passive - Icy removed
    New UNIQUE Passive - Rage: basic attacks grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds on hit. Minion, monster, and champion kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds
    Combine cost reduced to 375 gold (from 590). Total cost reduced to 1250 gold (from 1465)

    Trinity Force

    UNIQUE Passive - Icy removed
    New UNIQUE Passive - Rage: basic attacks grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds on hit. Minion, monster, and champion kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade
    Damage increased to 200% base attack damage (from 150%)
    Due to Phage's price reduction, total cost is now 3628 gold (from 3843)

    Frozen Mallet

    Recipe Changed: Giant's Belt + Pickaxe + Ruby Crystal + 950 gold = 3300 total gold
    UNIQUE Passive – Icy retained


    Summoner's Rift

    Lesser Wraith
    Fixed a bug where lesser wraiths were granting less experience than intended (4 instead of 15)

    Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar

    Blade of the Ruined King
    Now available on the Crystal Scar
    UNIQUE Passive - Icy removed
    New UNIQUE Passive - Rage: basic attacks grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds on hit. Minion, monster, and champion kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds
    Due to Phage's price reduction, total cost is now 3400 gold (from 3615)
    Kitae's Bloodrazor
    Removed from the Crystal Scar

    Howling Abyss

    No change. Still awesome[/spoil]
  11. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Patch 3.11 notes

    [spoil]Patch 3.11 Notes
    By Riot Pwyff

    Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline
    Game Interface
    League System
    General Changes



    Summary: Draven’s passive will now consume all stacks on kill to grant bonus gold, although the gold granted per stack has been reduced by 1. Additionally, Draven’s passive will grant at least 50 bonus gold per kill.

    Context: Considering Draven is obviously the greatest champion ever in League of Legends, his new League of Draven passive feels a little flat right now. We’re looking at ways of making his Adoration mechanic more rewarding - both functionally and visually – during late game and multikills.

    League of Draven

    Now grants a base 50 Gold bonus upon killing an enemy champion (from 0)
    Now consumes all Adoration stacks on kill to reward Draven with Gold (previously only consuming half)
    Gold per Adoration stack consumed reduced to 2 (from 3)
    Visuals and sounds for League of Draven play on every Draven kill, instead of only playing on kills which consumed a large number of stacks


    Context: Fiora’s Blade Waltz has been hindered by reliability issues for a while now, so we’re making some quality of life changes to help ensure that her ultimate is suitably satisfying to use.

    Blade Waltz

    Will now choose untargetable and invisible targets if necessary to continue the Blade Waltz. If Fiora needs to jump to such a target to continue Blade Waltz, she will do so, though the ability will not deal damage to untargetable/invisible units. If the target is revealed when Fiora jumps to them (in brush), she’ll deal damage as normal


    Summary: We’re reducing Idol of Durand's cooldown at all ranks and fixing the mana cost to a flat number (lower overall) at all ranks.

    Context: Galio's ultimate has several measures in place to keep it in check, but between the counters and the resource costs (mana and cooldowns), we feel it’s currently too constrained overall. By reducing his ult’s cooldown and mana cost, we should ensure that Galio stays a viable pick at all levels of play.

    Idol of Durand

    Cooldown reduced to 150/135/120 (from 170/150/130)
    Mana cost reduced to 100 (from 100/150/200)


    Iron Man

    Now displays shield amount in segments, similar to health segments



    Fixed a bug where Fling was dealing more damage than the tooltip values indicated


    Death Sentence

    If the target cleanses the initial spell or blocks it with a spell shield, the chain will now shatter, preventing Thresh from casting Death Leap


    Phoenix Stance

    Phoenix Stance's buff now displays a timer for Udyr's next Phoenix Breath attack


    Summary: Zac's chunk drops are now more contestable by opponents.

    Context: When we first designed Zac, our initial concern was that his chunks would be difficult for Zac players to use if we didn't stack the variables in his favor. So we coded the chunks so Zac would absorb them even when his enemies were closer and should have been able to crush the chunks. Then we launched Zac, who in turn launched himself straight into the “awesome” category over multiple levels of League play. We’re still balancing Zac out, but these changes should give Zac's opponents a fair and equal chance to stomp out the chunks in lane and stop the green goo champ from sustaining so effectively.

    Cell Division

    Adjusted passive chunk drops to be more contestable by enemies
    If an enemy champion is within 1000 units of Zac, his chunks will spawn in a contestable zone between him and his opponent (this isn’t a change, but is listed for clarification)
    Increased the range at which champions cause chunks to be contestable (fly away from Zac) to 1000 (from 700)
    Slightly increased the distance contestable chunks travel from Zac
    Chunks are now credited to whoever is closest to them in the event that both Zac and an enemy champion are present (rather than automatically going to Zac)
    Reduced chunk invulnerability time to 0.25 seconds (from 0.75)
    Chunk invulnerability now applies to both Zac and enemies (previously only applied to enemies – Zac now has to wait 0.25 seconds before he can absorb his chunks)
    Zac now has an increased chunk pickup range and bypasses the chunk invulnerability delay timer during Let's Bounce

    Elastic Slingshot

    Fixed a bug where the landing point visual effect was not appearing for enemies


    Guinsoo's Rageblade

    Fixed a bug where the visual effects included the generic "increased Movement Speed" visual


    Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline

    The following changes are for Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline only

    Sanguine Blade

    Context: Similar to the removal of Needlessly Large Rod in 3.10, we’re changing the recipe on Sanguine Blade to alleviate frustrations that come with saving for a B.F. Sword.

    Recipe Changed: Pickaxe + Vampiric Scepter + 500 Gold = 2175 Total Gold (previously: B.F. Sword + Vampiric Scepter + 500g = 2850 Total Gold)


    Context: Nidalee’s Bushwack traps grant too much vision and zone control on wardless maps. We’ve lowered the trap durations to reflect the shorter games on Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline.

    Bushwhack reveal and Armor and Magic Resist shred duration reduced to 6 seconds (from 12)
    Bushwhack trap duration reduced to 2 minutes (from 4)


    Context: Like Nidalee, Teemo's Noxious Traps grant too much vision and control on wardless maps. We've reduced their durations to reflect the shorter games on Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline.

    Noxious Trap duration reduced to 3 minutes (from 10)

    Crystal Scar

    The following changes are for Crystal Scar only


    Context: Kassadin is in a much better place after his initial changes, but he's still a little strong. This change to his silence duration should bring him in line while still allowing him to remain competitive.

    Null Sphere silence duration reduced to 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds (from 1/1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6)


    Context: Kha'Zix's isolation mechanic is too accessible on Dominion. With these changes, he’ll still have plenty of killing power, but his enemies will have a chance to react and dish some damage back.

    Taste Their Fear isolation damage reduced to 35% bonus (from 45%)
    Evolved Enlarged Claws additional missing Health damage reduced to 6% (from 8%)


    Context: Turns out giving Lulu an ult with amazing team utility almost every fight was giving the Fae Sorceress a little too much power. Oops.

    Wild Growth cooldown increased to 120/110/100 (from 110/95/80)


    Context: Wukong was getting a lot of free tank stats which allowed him to build damage without being too squishy. We've increased the cooldown on Cyclone to help remedy the situation.

    Stone Skin changed to 2/4/6 Armor and Magic Resist per rank (from 4/6/8)
    Cyclone cooldown changed to 120/110/100 (from 120/105/90)


    Context: Solo lane Yorick has some strong opponents, but if you don’t specifically counter him, he tends to crush his lane opponent. These changes are meant to reduce some of his harass and sustain.

    Omen of Famine cast range changed to 500 (from 550)
    Omen of Famine cooldown changed to 8 (from 10/9/8/7/6)

    Game Interface

    Undo Button in the Item Shop

    Context: Accidentally bought a B.F. Sword on Swain? We’ve added an undo button to the item shop, giving Runeterra’s most mis-clickiest of players the chance to undo their recent purchases. Purchases can’t be reversed if those items have had an irreversible impact on the game (dealing damage, mitigating damage, healing, providing a bonus that is used by a teammate, etc).

    Players can now undo recent transactions within the in game item shop
    Undo history is cleared under certain events such as leaving the shopping area, dealing damage, receiving damage, or casting a spell
    Items will remove benefits they granted you when undone, such as gold gained from gold over time items
    Certain items cannot be undone such as Homeguard or Captain's Boot enchantments


    Mousing over a champion's passive icon will now show a range indicator if the passive has a range of influence (e.g. Soraka's Consecration)

    Spectator Mode

    Team Fight UI

    Context: We’ve developed a new Team Fight UI for spectator mode that minimizes and concentrates the UI so that it’s easier to focus on the action during team fights. With this change we’ve optimized the display of battle information in team fights, including who’s involved in the fight, who’s winning, and how many people have died on either team.

    While spectating, press 'A' to toggle the Team Fight UI
    Minimalist UI mode that focuses on presenting information relevant to on-screen conflicts
    Team health bars communicate the momentum of the fight and impact of AoE damage
    Crowd control indicators visualize the power of crowd control abilities
    Pentakill counter tracks progress towards double, triple, quadra and pentakills

    Automatic Dragon and Baron Timers

    Timers will display in the upper left corner of Spectator Mode with a countdown showing Dragon and Baron spawn times

    League System

    Loading Screen Reward Borders

    Loading screen borders will now show a border from your highest rank achieved in the previous season in any tier (previously displayed your Season 2 rank for the specific game type you’re loading)

    You guys have spoken - this will be reverted in patch 3.12! Click here for more information regarding end of season rewards


    Context: With 3.10 the minimap bug was occurring with greater frequency than before. We've patched one particular instance but a complete fix for this will take much longer due to the highly technical nature of it.

    Fixed an instance of the bug showing champions in the wrong place on the minimap when coming out of fog of war. We are looking into a more complete fix.

    The minimum time any games need to last to be eligible for IP/XP rewards has been increased to 7 minutes (previously 5 minutes)

    Cancelled Auto Attacks will no longer fire a damage-less missile at the target
    The damage-less missile will no longer consume buffs or passives
    You may still hear a sound effect without the missile. We are still investigating a fix for this

    Minions will now disappear from the map sooner after their death

    Cursors will be set to the center of their window by default, preventing the camera from panning to the far left or right corners of the map at game start

    Cursors will also be set to the center of their window for a short period of time after player switches full-screen focus (alt-tab)

    Removed the default key bind for "Show/Hide Summoner Names" (previously, Shift-K). The function can still be bound in the Key Bindings menu if you wish to use it

    Reduced the amount of time you can spend AFK before being kicked from the game

    Tower health is now updated even if you've never had the tower out of the fog of war

    The Champions tab in the Summoner Profile has been updated with a new layout
    The Champion grid has been widened, allowing more Champions to be seen at once
    The primary role selector has been changed from a button group to a dropdown in the upper right

    Friends List

    Parts of the friend list view have been rewritten in order to increase stability and performance
    Fixed a bug causing the friend list to be corrupted with duplicate and missing entries when scrolling
    Friend Notes are now visible in friend tooltips without needing to hover over the note icon

    Custom Games

    AFK detection reduced to 3 minutes (from 8)
    The game now kicks you at 5 minutes (previously 12 minutes)
    A minimum number of human players must now participate in a custom game to receive IP/XP rewards. The current thresholds are:
    5 players minimum for Summoner’s Rift, Crystal Scar, and Howling Abyss
    3 players minimum for Twisted Treeline
    A notification has been added in the end of game results screen to explain why players did not receive IP/XP
  12. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    The Hell
    Patch 3.12 Notes

    [spoil] Important note on 3rd party apps!

    Due to some of the changes made this patch, using 3rd party applications has a higher risk of crashing your game. If your game is crashing, please try updating or uninstalling any applications you use alongside League of Legends. Now back to our regularly scheduled patch note programming…

    We took Sight and Vision Wards into the shop for a model and texture update. The new wards function in exactly the same way as before, but look much prettier
    We've also revamped ranged minion attack particles. The new particles have trails that show the direction they're traveling in, giving players more information when quickly looking for minion aggro indicators


    Context: Skillshot missiles fired from brush or the fog of war sometimes don't register on the receiving player's screen until they've landed, leading to sad and bewildered champions. This fix ensures missiles are registered faster, giving players the chance to react and realize they're being attacked.

    Skillshots fired from fog of war should appear on the enemy's screen sooner if their champion is in the path of the missile

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    Jinx, the Loose Cannon, is in this build but will be turned on at a later date.


    Context: The cost of Cassiopeia's Petrifying Gaze is too damn high. To remedy this, we've reduced its mana cost at all levels to bring it more in line with other ultimate abilities.

    Petrifying Gaze

    Mana cost reduced to 100 (from 120/160/200)



    Garen has received a visual upgrade! Check out the full details here.


    Summary: Death Lotus now deals more damage at later levels, and has been kicked up a notch overall with higher AP and AD ratios. We've increased the channel time of Death Lotus and removed its cast time delay, meaning Katarina's overall damage should remain roughly the same (if not higher) even if interrupted. The slightly reduced cooldown on Death Lotus means that at rank three it will take exactly three kills or assists to reset her ultimate.

    Context: We wanted to re-focus more power and gameplay into Katarina's Death Lotus by increasing its high-threat damage. Ultimately, we think Katarina is more fun and unique when both she and her opponents are focused on executing or stopping Death Lotus. While the increased channel duration might seem like a nerf if interrupted early (since the ability deals damage over time), we removed the cast time delay to accommodate.

    Death Lotus

    No longer has a cast time delay before channeling (previously had a 0.25 second delay)
    Total damage increased to 400/575/750 (+2.5 ability power)(+3.75 bonus attack damage) (from 400/500/600 (+2.0 ability power)(+3.0 bonus attack damage))
    Channel time increased to 2.5 seconds (from 2)
    Cooldown reduced to 60/52.5/45 seconds (from 60/55/50)


    Summary: Piercing Light's hitbox width has been reduced slightly, but it now leads its target when cast on an enemy champion. When Lucian kills someone with the first shot of Lightslinger, Lucian will always try to find another target, prioritizing the closest enemy unit to the slain target.

    Context: Lucian's Piercing Light can sometimes be sidestepped by its primary target without them even trying to do so. To help the ability land, we've added a leading mechanic to Lucian's Piercing Light. This means that if the target just keeps moving - oblivious to the ability being cast - Lucian is now practically guaranteed to hit. However, the ability will be slightly easier to juke for players who've got their eye out for incoming abilities.

    Finally, a bug in Lucian's passive meant that Lightslinger's second shot could sometimes hit a different target! We decided to embrace the bug and properly support it as a feature. Now, if Lucian's target dies before the second Lightslinger round lands, Lucian will always try to find another target, prioritizing the closest enemy unit to the slain target. There are certain filters in place to prevent disrupting Lucian's last hitting or accidentally hitting a champion under the tower.


    Updated Lucian's recommended items
    Base mana regeneration increased to 7 (from 6)
    Mana regeneration gained per level increased to 0.7 (from 0.65)


    When Lightslinger's target dies before the second shot hits, the second shot will now always attempt to find another target

    Piercing Light

    Laser hit box width reduced to 100 units (from 120)
    Piercing Light now leads its target by 80 units when cast on an enemy champion


    Summary: Olaf's kit has been significantly overhauled, with changes to each of his skills and new opportunities for counterplay, particularly when the Berserker gets ahead. In terms of major alterations, we've given Undertow a minimum throw distance and a reduced slow duration, but increased its slow amount and removed the slow decay to compensate. Vicious Strikes no longer provides attack damage or spell vamp, but instead increases Olaf's attack speed and grants bonus healing based on Olaf's missing health . Next up is Reckless Swing. We've reduced its base damage and increased the cooldown, but given the ability an attack damage ratio and allowed basic attacks to lower its cooldown. Finally, we've added a passive armor and magic resistance bonus to Ragnarok, and made it so that activating the ult converts the defensive bonuses into attack damage. Ragnarok's crowd control immunity has been retained.

    Context: Old and Busted Olaf circumvented a lot of healthy interactions within the game when played well. When he got ahead, Old and Busted Olaf had everything at his disposal to take out opponents with no opportunity for counterplay, including a permanent slow (when used correctly), crowd control immunity and significant true damage while building tanky. Our core goal with these changes is to create more gameplay interaction with New Hotness Olaf so that players can react and play smart against him even if he gets ahead. We realize that these changes are fairly drastic so, as ever, we'll closely monitor how he performs over the coming days and weeks.


    Base mana reduced to 235 (from 270)


    Base damage reduced to 70/115/160/205/250 (from 80/125/170/215/260)
    Slow percent increased to 35/40/45/50/55% (from 24/28/32/36/40%)
    Slow duration reduced to 1-2 seconds based on distance traveled (from 2.5 seconds flat)
    Slow no longer decays
    Minimum distance added (400)
    Axes now stick in walls and structures only if they would land in impassible terrain
    Axes now make jungle monsters ignore unit collision (to better enable Olaf's axe pickup play in the jungle)

    Vicious Strikes

    Mana cost reduced to 30 (from 40/45/50/55/60)
    Now grants 20/35/50/65/80% attack speed
    Now provides 1% extra healing for every 2.5% health that Olaf is missing
    Attack damage removed
    Spellvamp removed
    Lifesteal retained

    Reckless Swing

    Cooldown increased to 12/11/10/9/8 seconds (from 9/8/7/6/5)
    Damage reduced to 70/115/160/205/250 (from 100/160/220/280/340)
    0.4 total attack damage ratio added
    Health cost is equal to 40% of total damage dealt (unchanged ratio)
    Health cost is now refunded if it kills the target
    Basic attacks lower the cooldown of Reckless Swing by 1 second


    Cooldown changed to 120/100/80 (from 100)
    Mana cost removed
    Now provides 10/20/30 armor and magic resist passively
    Active reworked: now removes the bonus armor and magic resist passive and grants 40/60/80 bonus attack damage while active
    Olaf now turns red when Ragnarok is active
    Crowd control immunity retained


    Summary: We've improved the responsiveness of Ryze's basic attacks. Additionally, we've increased his base movement speed along with Desperate Power's movement speed bonus.

    Context: We like Ryze's current direction as a mid-range, face-melting mobile caster, and these changes represent further iterations on that same path. Having additional base movement speed and a more responsive basic attack will also help out his laning phase.


    Adjusted recommended items to incorporate Spirit Visage instead of Banshee's Veil
    Base movement speed increased to 340 (from 335)
    Improved basic attack to be more responsive

    Desperate Power

    Movement speed increased to 80 (from 60/70/80)


    Summary: Previously, Shen's Shadow Dash reduced physical damage dealt by his taunted target, whether that damage was from an enemy ability or basic attack. We've altered the skill so that Shadow Dash now only reduces basic attack damage dealt by taunted champions.

    Context: This is a fairly small tweak we brought in to clarify Shadow Dash. Previously, Shadow Dash would reduce only physical damage dealt by the taunted target, so if he taunted a Garen mid-Judgment, Shen would take reduced damage from Mr. Spin-to-win's trademark ability and his basic attacks. However, if Shen taunted a mid-Defile Karthus, Shen would only take reduced damage from Karthus' basic attacks. This change simplifies Shadow Dash by greatly reducing damage from just the basic attacks of Shen's taunted enemies.

    Shadow Dash

    Shen's damage reduction from taunted enemies now only applies to their basic attacks (previously reduced all physical damage)


    Summary: We've extended Death Sentence's standard cooldown, but added a mechanic that reduces the skill's overall cooldown amount whenever he lands a hook. Additionally, Thresh no longer gains mounting bonus magic damage in between chained auto attacks – he'll need to deliberately stop attacking in order for it to start "winding up" again.

    Context: Thresh's laning phase can be overbearing when played correctly. We're making these changes to punish speculative hook attempts while also rewarding precise use of Death Sentence. At early levels, landing a hook will still reduce its cooldown to below its prior cooldown level, while at later levels, landing hooks will reduce its cooldown significantly (especially when combined with cooldown reduction). We changed Flay because its passive "wind up" damage was growing even in between Thresh's auto attacks. This reduced the importance of his powerful intermittent auto attack harass as he was still getting a small bonus from Flay's passive even when constantly auto attacking.

    Death Sentence

    Cooldown increased to 20/18/16/14/12 (from 18/16.5/15/13.5/12)
    Cooldown now reduced by 3 seconds if Death Sentence strikes an enemy


    Passive basic attack "wind up" damage now only grows when Thresh's basic attack cooldown completes

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    Minor Changes and Bug Fixes


    H-28G Evolution Turret

    Fixed a bug that caused cooldown values to be extraordinarily high under certain conditions



    Warning buff on enemy champions now has a duration that matches the impact delay



    Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed Nidalee to perform Takedown from range.



    Noxious Traps are now worth 10 gold (from 0)



    Ghouls are now worth 5 gold (from 0)

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    Combine cost increased to 475 gold (from 375)
    Total cost increased to 1350 gold (from 1250)
    UNIQUE Passive – Rage: movement speed bonus now halved for ranged champions

    Trinity Force

    Total cost increased to 3728 gold (from 3628)
    UNIQUE Passive – Rage: movement speed bonus now halved for ranged champions

    Spirit of the Elder Lizard

    Fixed a bug causing the item to deal less damage than intended

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    Maps & Game Modes

    Summoner's Rift

    Context: Turns out towers have some pretty complex mechanics! Instead of forcing players to earn cryptography degrees to figure them out, we decided it might be best to add items to towers that explain their nuances.

    Towers now have an item inventory that can be seen by clicking on them (no changes to how towers actually work). Each item in the inventory explains a specific tower mechanic.

    Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar

    The following changes are for Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar only

    Moonflair Spellblade

    Total cost increased to 2600 gold (from 2300)
    Tenacity effect is no longer ranged only


    Context: Kayle naturally builds a lot of cooldown reduction, making her level three Intervention a little too available. Given that Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar games are more focused on frequent skirmishes, increasing the cooldown on Intervention should force Kayle players to be more conscious of when they use their ultimate.

    Intervention cooldown increased to 100/90/80 seconds (from 90/75/60)

    Twisted Treeline

    The following changes are for Twisted Treeline only


    Context: Cassiopeia's bonus movement speed on Noxious Blast and the high damage of Twin Fang allowed her to effectively kite and dish out damage to opponents with relative safety, particularly on Twisted Treeline. These changes should balance her out a little.

    Noxious Blast movement speed boost reduced to 16/17/18/19/20% (from 15/17.5/20/22.5/25%)
    Twin Fang ability power ratio reduced to 45% (from 55%)


    Context: We liked the Crystal Scar changes we made to Lulu's ult in patch 3.11, and are extending Wild Growth's cooldown changes to Twisted Treeline, too.

    Wild Growth cooldown increased to120/110/100 (from 110/95/80 seconds)


    Context: Tryndamere went and spun himself right into our cooldown nerf machine! We've increased the cooldown on Spinning Slash and Undying Rage to help balance the high mobility and value they bring on TT's smaller map.

    Spinning Slash cooldown increased to 15/14/13/12/11 seconds (from 13/12/11/10/9)
    Undying Rage cooldown increased to 120/110/100 seconds (from 110/100/90)


    Context: We're extending the Cyclone cooldown and Stoneskin armor/magic resist changes we made to Crystal Scar Wukong in patch 3.11 to Twisted Treeline Wukong.

    Stoneskin armor and magic resist boost reduced to 2/4/6 (from 4/6/8)
    Cyclone cooldown increased to 120/110/100 seconds (from 120/105/90)

    Co-op vs. AI


    Zyra Bot is now available in the Co-op vs. AI rotation

    Basic Tutorial

    Fixed a target bar bug that was showing incorrect minion health and damage

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    Game Menus

    When playing in windowed mode, players can now interact with the game even while the options menu is open
    While playing in windowed mode your mouse cursor will be constrained to the game window regardless if the options menu is open or not
    Pressing F9 (default hotkey) releases the mouse from the game window so you can interact with your desktop or other applications

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    League System

    Added notification icons in the profile that show players the number of team wins they need to claim season rewards if they're below the threshold

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    Revamped Trade System

    Summary: We've rebuilt the champion trade system to be more reliable when attempting a trade and more informative when you cannot complete a trade.

    Simultaneous trade actions will be resolved automatically without breaking your trades
    Clearer Messaging:
    <Player 1> is busy trading. Try again when their trade is complete.
    <Player 1> has declined your trade request.
    <Player 1> has canceled the trade.
    <Player 1> no longer has the champion you wanted. Try trading again.
    You will no longer be able to request a trade with a player who doesn't own your champion

    Bug Fixes

    The following bugs with the trade system have been fixed:

    Friends list not updating friend's current champion after a trade
    Players rerolling during a trade and then giving one player a different champion than they expect
    Trade icon not appearing after refusal of trade request
    Client denying a trade request
    Trade system displaying the wrong champion
    Simultaneous trade requests causing trades to lock and become unavailable
    Trade window would not time out for either player, leaving those two players unable to trade with anyone else

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    In-Game Options Menu

    Summary: The in-game options menu has been rebuilt to be more responsive and intuitive. Keybinds are now organized in a graphical layout by action – after clicking the square you can hit any key to bind the action to it. We’ve renamed “Smart Cast” to “Quick Cast” for clarity purposes, and you can turn Quick Cast on for each hotkey with a simple toggle. Additionally, a few game-affecting options (volume, HUD scale, chat scale, etc) will preview their changes without having to save your changes, and the time to switch resolutions or to window modes has been drastically reduced. Finally, we’ve added an option to disable camera movement on revive (under the game section).

    Reorganized the menus for clearer navigation
    Changes are preserved across pages until you hit OK
    Restore now defaults to a per-screen basis so you don’t clear all of your settings at once
    You can now scroll through the menu with your mouse wheel


    "Smart Cast" has been renamed "Quick Cast"
    It is now faster and easier to rebind your primary keys and turn Quick Cast on and off for each of them.


    Several options such as Sound Volume, Hud Scale, and Chat Scale will preview their changes without having to save your option changes.
    An option to disable camera movement on revive has been added to the Game section
    The "More Options" section has been removed and its contents have been re-organized into other, more appropriate sections


    A new slider has been added to adjust all video and graphical settings to an overall quality level
    The time required to switch resolutions or window modes has been drastically reduced.

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    Spirit Guard Udyr

    Added extra VO lines triggered by interactions with specific champions
  13. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The Hell
    Patch 3.13 Notes

    [spoil] General

    PvP.net Service / Client

    We made some changes that allow us to dynamically provide “Loss Forgiven” to servers experiencing hardware or connection issues. Players should see this more often if their game servers are having issues
    We can now disable in-game items and features on the fly, so if there are new bugs or exploits, we’ll disable things on a more sophisticated level rather than turning off all ranked games

    Improved Champ Select Timer accuracy and reliability (to be turned on at a later date).
    The client will now actively sync its timer with the server during every phase. If your original timer is behind, you may see a jump as it syncs up with the server (e.g. jumping from 60 to 50 if you are 10 seconds behind). But you will no longer run into situations like having seconds left on your timer but having your selection window end prematurely.
    We've also reintroduced the numbers 89 to the beginning timer, and 9 into the post Lock-In timer (did you realize they were missing?).
    Fixed an issue which would cause the screen to briefly flicker black when selecting a skin in Champ Select
    Temporary summoner icons for the Season 3 World Championship teams have been removed from the client
    Fixed an issue where purchased champions or skins would disappear in rare circumstances

    Friends List

    Added redundancies to fix corrupted friends lists commonly caused by 3rd party chat clients
    This will fix the following:
    Online friends appearing offline
    Opening the wrong friend when clicking on another
    Friends appearing to be another friend
    Fixed an issue where a player with a pending friend request would appear online after sending them a game invite
    Group Chat Panels received a visual update to match the new updated friends list

    Game Interface

    Fixed a bug where some options, such as move camera on respawn, would not save
    Players who receive messages while scrolling through chat history will no longer have their chat jump to the bottom

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    In-Game Mechanics

    Attack Speed slows

    Summary: Attack speed slows (IE: Nasus' Wither) were immune to cleanse or other forms of debuff removal unless attached to a movement impairing effect. Now all attack speed slows can be cleansed and are treated like movement speed slows.

    Context: We’re updating attack speed slows in order to have more consistent counterplay related to debuff removal. Essentially, we're looking to treat all slows the same, whether they're movement or attack speed based.

    Attack Speed slows can now be cleansed as if they were movement-impairing crowd control effects
    Affected champion abilities and items:
    Gragas’ Barrel Roll
    Malphite’s Ground Slam
    Randuin's Omen
    Warden's Mail

    Champions with dashes tied to their ultimates

    Summary: The following champions will now be affected by snaring or stunning crowd control abilities after they complete their dashes. Their spells will still be unstoppable, but most forms of crowd control landed while the champion’s using the ability will be applied after the spell completes. CC duration will tick down while a champion is mid-dash.

    Context: We're adding more counterplay for champions who have long-range dashes tied to their ultimates by making them susceptible to certain forms of crowd control after they complete a dash - like snares or stuns. Now if a teammate lands a snare in the middle of a champion's dash, the ulting champion will complete their ability, but be snared at the end.

    Crowd control effects can now be received during "unstoppable" movement ultimates (they previously discarded all crowd control effects), but those ultimates will still finish their movement regardless (crowd control effects can persist after the cast finishes)
    Affected champions:
    Jarvan IV's Cataclysm
    Nocturne's Paranoia
    Vi's Assault and Battery
    Malphite's Unstoppable Force
    Hecarim's Onslaught of Shadows

    Stealth Champions

    Stealthing now causes a self-only screen tint visual effect.
    Affected champions:

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    Summary: Blood Well’s passive attack speed bonus now scales with character level (lower at earlier levels, higher at max level). Blades of Torment’s damage has been reduced (equal at lower levels, lower at max levels).

    Context: Any champion can be frustrating to play against when they’re capable of building very tanky while still outputting considerable DPS, so we're lowering some of Aatrox’s innate damage. With this change, Aatrox must build items for damage and won’t be able to simultaneously tank and smash face as easily.

    Blood Well

    Passive Attack Speed changed to 30/35/40/45/50/55% (upgrades every 3 champion levels) (from 50% flat)

    Blades of Torment

    Damage reduced to 75/110/145/180/215 (from 75/120/165/210/255)


    Summary: Charm has had its mana cost changed to a flat amount at all levels but now increases the magic damage Ahri deals to a Charmed target. Essence Theft now heals her for a specific amount based on the number of enemies she hits with her passive-enhanced spell, as opposed to getting straight spell vamp. Fox Fire now deals less damage when multiple wisps hit the same target. Spirit Rush's base damage and AP ratios have been slightly reduced.

    Context: Ahri is a champion with a lot of strengths and few weaknesses, given her high versatility and reliability, so she can consistently apply a lot of pressure on her opponents from relative safety. Ahri’s strengths should be better defined than they currently are. These changes give Ahri players (and her opponents) clear areas of mastery that differentiate the good Ahris from the great Ahris. Our core focuses are:

    Make Ahri’s default lane patterns more clear, so both Ahri and her opponents can make plays around them
    Make Ahri’s “all-in” gameplay more closely tied with landing Charm to establish Charm as Ahri’s “kiss of death” that needs to be avoided, as well as lower her threat/presence while Charm is on cooldown
    Keep Ahri’s core gameplay intact while trimming away strength from the low-gameplay patterns that don’t feel rewarding

    Essence Theft

    Now heals Ahri for 2 (+1 per champion level) (+0.09 Ability Power) each time her passive-enhanced spells hit an enemy (previously 35% Spell Vamp)


    Mana cost reduced to 50 (from 60)
    Diminishing returns effect on same-target hits increased to 70% (from 50%) (best case is now 100% + 30% + 30%)
    This reduces the same-target damage to 64/104/144/184/224 (+0.64 Ability Power) (from 80/130/180/230/280 (+0.8 Ability Power))
    Fixed a bug that caused Fox-Fire to sometimes deal reduced damage to a target that should receive the standard damage amount


    Now increases the magic damage Ahri deals to the target by 20% for 6 seconds
    Mana cost changed to 85 (from 50/65/80/95/110)

    Spirit Rush

    Base damage reduced to 70/110/150 (+0.3 Ability Power) (from 85/125/165 (+0.35 Ability Power))
    This reduces the max damage per target to 210/330/450 (+0.9 Ability Power) (from 255/375/495 (+1.05 Ability Power))


    Summary: Corki's base attack speed has been reduced. Missile Barrage's base damage has been reduced at earlier ranks and the cooldown between missile shots has been increased. Additionally, the cooldown between missile shots can no longer be reduced by cooldown reduction, but CDR will still affect how quickly you can gain missile ammo.

    Context: Overall, we like the direction we pushed Corki toward with Trinity Force, but currently he's too overwhelming to play against. Here we're reducing excess power in a few areas to put him more in line with other similar spell-based ADCs. Ultimately, Missile Barrage should function as a powerful sustained damage tool rather than a source of burst damage.


    Base Attack Speed reduced to 0.625 (from 0.658)

    Missile Barrage

    Base damage reduced to 100/180/260 (from 120/190/260)
    Cooldown between missile shots increased to 2 seconds (from 1.2)
    Cooldown between missile shots can no longer be reduced by Cooldown Reduction (Cooldown Reduction still affects how quickly you gain missile ammo)


    Summary: The active ability power ratio of Seastone Trident has been reduced significantly.

    Context: We’re aiming to reduce some of Fizz’s late game damage so that he has to rely more on successfully landing his ultimate or finding a way to stall until his next set of cooldowns come up in order to successfully assassinate targets in late game fights.

    Playful / Trickster

    Fixed a bug where Fizz became targetable while still descending from Playful (he now only becomes targetable after landing, just like Trickster)

    Seastone Trident

    Active Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.15 (from 0.35)


    Summary: Heimerdinger’s kit has been significantly reworked this patch. Techmaturgical Repair Bots no longer works on friendly turrets. H-28G Evolution Turrets now fire a beam every twelve seconds in a projected line shot in addition to their regular attacks. Additionally, H-28G Evolution Turret will now shut down after a period of time if Heimerdinger leaves the area. Hextech Micro-Rockets have been reworked to unleash a barrage of rockets that converge at your cursor before fanning out. Enemies hit by more than one rocket take reduced magic damage from additional rockets. CH-1 Electron Storm Grenade now travels in an arc.

    UPGRADE!!! makes Heimerdinger’s next spell free while also applying bonus effects. Upgrading H-28G Evolution Turret transforms it into a giant H-28Q Apex Turret that deals higher damage with a lower cooldown beam. Upgrading Hextech Micro-Rockets transforms it into Hextech Rocket Swarm, where Heimerdinger fires out four waves of rockets that deal damage on impact. Finally, upgrading the CH-1 Electron Storm Grenade transforms it into a CH-3X Lightning Grenade that bounces three times (dealing damage and stunning with each bounce) before disappearing.

    Context: Heimerdinger’s got some new toys! Our core goal was to give Heimerdinger the tools to differentiate himself in ability use and build optimization. In particular, we focused on diversifying the Heimerdinger experience so that each of Heimer’s abilities comes with its own form of gameplay and interaction – players will need to think carefully about how to use each in an optimal way. Raise your turrets!

    Passive: Techmaturgical Repair Bots

    Heimerdinger gives nearby allied champions and H-28G Evolution Turrets 10/15/20/25/30 bonus Health Regen

    H-28G Evolution Turret

    Places a Turret at target location. Turret attacks prioritize Heimerdinger’s targets and enemies attacking Heimerdinger
    Heimerdinger generates a Turret Kit every 24/23/22/21/20 seconds (modified by Cooldown Reduction), and he can hold up to 1/1/2/2/3 Kits at once
    Cost: 20 Mana and 1 Kit
    Cooldown: 1s
    H-28G Evolution Turret Stats
    Health: 150 (+25 per champion level)
    Attack - Cannon: 15/22/29/36/42 (+0.125 Ability Power) magic damage
    Attack - Beam: 50/75/100/125/150 (+0.5 Ability Power) magic damage in a line, 12 second cooldown
    Maximum Turrets: 3

    Hextech Micro-Rockets

    Unleashes a barrage of 5 rockets that converge towards your cursor and fan out past it. Each rocket deals 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.45 Ability Power) magic damage
    Enemies that are hit by more than one rocket take 20% magic damage for each additional rocket (max damage 108/162/216/270/324). Minions take 60% instead
    Targeting the ability closer to Heimerdinger increases projectile spread
    Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 Mana
    Cooldown: 11s

    CH-1 Electron Storm Grenade

    Hurls a grenade that deals 60/100/140/180/220 (+0.6 Ability Power) magic damage to enemy units and slows their Movement Speed by 35% for 2 seconds
    Enemies in the center of the blast are also stunned for 1.25 seconds
    Cost: 85 Mana
    Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10


    Heimerdinger's next basic spell is free and has bonus effects
    H-28Q Apex Turret: Places a Turret that deals 90/110/130 (+0.33 Ability Power) magic damage with its cannon and 225/300/375 (+0.8 Ability Power) magic damage with its beam for 8 seconds
    Hextech Rocket Swarm: Fires 4 waves that deal 135/180/225 (+0.45 Ability Power) magic damage each. Champions and monsters hit by multiple rockets take reduced damage (max 550/690/865 (+1.83 Ability Power))
    CH-3X Lightning Grenade: Throws a grenade that discharges three times, dealing 150/200/250 (+0.6 Ability Power) magic damage each time. Both the stun and slow areas are larger, and the slow is improved to 80%
    Cooldown: 100/85/70
    Cost: 100 Mana


    Summary: Switcheroo!’s Minigun attack speed bonus has been reduced at early ranks. Zap!’s base damage has been reduced at early ranks and its mana cost has been slightly increased. Zap! also no longer reveals stealthed units.

    Context: We feel that while Jinx's kit has a lot of built-in weakness in the mid and late game, her early lane dominance is so overwhelming that it distorts her overall power across the entire game. The goal here is to address Jinx’s early damage potential while trying to minimize effects on her late game.

    Switcheroo! - Minigun

    Total Attack Speed bonus reduced to 30/55/80/105/130% (from 50/70/90/110/130%)


    Base damage reduced to 10/60/110/160/210 (from 30/75/120/165/210)
    Mana cost increased to 50/60/70/80/90 (from 45/55/65/75/85)
    No longer reveals stealthed units


    Summary: Null Sphere has had its mana cost and damage reduced at later levels. The silence duration of Null Sphere has been increased at lower levels but very slightly lowered at max level. Riftwalk’s base damage and bonus damage per stack has been increased in addition to having a small AP ratio added per stack. Additionally, Riftwalk now refunds 50% of the total mana cost when it damages an enemy champion. Finally, Kassadin no longer gains magic resistance per level.

    Context: Currently we feel like Kassadin’s play beyond the laning phase is too safe, especially when he gets ahead. He can deal consistently high damage at range with Null Sphere and Force Pulse while holding on to Riftwalk for a safe escape. These changes are focused on forcing Kassadin to use Riftwalk as a significant part of his damage output, which also gives opponents opportunities to capitalize on his mistakes.


    Magic Resist per level reduced to 0 (from 1.25)

    Null Sphere

    Base damage reduced to 80/115/150/185/220 (from 80/130/180/230/280)
    Silence duration changed to 1.5/1.75/2.0/2.25/2.5 seconds (from 1/1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6)
    Mana Cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 (from 70/80/90/100/110)


    Base damage increased to 80/100/120 (from 60/70/80)
    Base damage per Riftwalk stack reduced to 50/55/60 (from 60/70/80)
    Added 0.1 Ability Power ratio per stack
    Now refunds 50% of the total mana cost when Riftwalk damages an enemy champion


    Summary: Morgana’s attack range, base attack speed, and basic attack animation have been improved across the board. Tormented Soil no longer reduces magic resistance per tick, instead it deals additional damage based on an enemy's missing health. Morgana should deal roughly the same amount of overall damage, although there’ll be some variation due to how the new Tormented Soil works.

    Context: This change is more of a modernization of Morgana and her Tormented Soil by rewarding her for being continuously aggressive with landing her Dark Bindings. Specifically, we wanted to reinforce Morgana's standard damage combo of Dark Binding to Tormented Soil, rather than the "ideal" combo of using Tormented Soil's magic resistance reduction to make Dark Binding deal more damage.


    Attack Range increased to 450 (from 425)
    Base Attack Speed increased to 0.625 (from 0.579)
    Improved basic attack responsiveness

    Tormented Soil

    Damage per second changed to 24/38/52/66/80 (+0.22 Ability Power) (from 25/40/55/70/85 (+0.2 Ability Power))
    Tormented Soil's damage now increases by up to 50% based on the enemy's missing Health
    Damage application cadence increased to every 0.5 seconds from every 1 second
    No longer applies a Magic Resist reduction debuff


    Summary: Undertow’s slow duration has been increased and its mana cost changed to a flat cost. Vicious Strikes grants more attack speed at lower levels. Reckless Swing deals slightly less self-damage to Olaf on use.

    Context: We were overly cautious with our initial rework changes for Olaf, which left him undertuned, but not Old and Busted. However, now that we’ve addressed some of his old core issues, we feel like we can be more aggressive with tweaking his kit balance. These changes are focused on allowing Olaf to better stick to his opponents when he’s landing his skillshots properly, which will, in turn, allow him to better melt face when he’s in the zone.


    Slow duration increased to 1.5 - 2.5 seconds (from 1.0 to 2.0)
    Mana cost changed to 60 (from 55/60/65/70/75)

    Vicious Strikes

    Attack Speed increased to 40/50/60/70/80% (from 20/35/50/65/80%)

    Reckless Swing

    Self-damage reduced to 30% damage dealt (from 40% damage dealt)



    Rammus received a texture update


    Summary: Sivir has received a visual upgrade! Sivir’s Ricochet will now be active for the next three attacks after casting and each attack bounces infinitely, provided it can find new targets to bounce to (it will never hit the same target twice). Additionally, targets hit by a bounce will take a flat percentage amount of damage. Spell Shield no longer costs mana to cast. On The Hunt no longer has a cast time but doesn’t provide a flat bonus attack speed aura. On The Hunt now provides a large movement speed boost that wears off to a smaller, longer lasting movement speed buff. On The Hunt also provides a passive attack speed bonus when Sivir activates Ricochet. Finally, Sivir no longer runs in slow motion (her movement speed remains unaffected).

    Context: When we approached reworking Sivir, we shied away from homogenizing her as another generic Marksman. Instead we took a route where we wanted to highlight Sivir’s unique traits, like her ability to deal high area-of-effect damage with Ricochet and her large team-wide mobility boost in On the Hunt. Our focus here is to ensure that dedicated Sivir players will still be able to enjoy the core gameplay mechanics they’ve come to appreciate while also bringing Sivir up to our modern gameplay standards and aesthetics.


    Sivir has received a visual update!
    Attack Speed per level reduced to 1.6 (from 3.28)


    Now when activated, Sivir's next 3 basic attacks will Ricochet
    No longer has a maximum number of bounces (each Ricochet can still only strike a target once)
    Now bounces to the closest target (instead of a random target within the bounce radius)
    Deals 50/55/60/65/70% damage to all secondary targets
    No longer has a base damage
    Cooldown increased to 9/8/7/6/5 seconds (from 7/6/5/4/3)

    Spell Shield

    Reduced Mana cost to 0 (from 75)
    Mana return reduced to 60/75/90/105/120 (from 150)

    On The Hunt

    No longer has a cast time
    Active no longer grants Attack Speed
    Now grants Sivir a new Passive: Sivir gains 40/60/80% bonus Attack Speed while Ricochet is active
    Movement Speed bonus now begins at 60%, then reduces to 20% after 4 seconds
    Cooldown changed to 120/90/60 seconds (from 100/90/80)


    Summary: Living Shadow and Death Mark have had their cast wind-up time increased. Death Mark now spawns the shadow at Zed’s starting position rather than behind the target. Death Mark’s shadow will stay around longer and Zed can switch places with it at any range.

    Context: Zed’s been a balance pain point for a while, especially at the competitive level. In particular, Zed’s current play patterns – while satisfying for the player – can be executed so quickly that they offer little to no reaction time for his opponents. In its current iteration, Death Mark sets up Zed’s gameplay for free with little execution needed beforehand. Because Zed’s intended gameplay focuses so heavily on manipulating his shadows, we want to force him to actively think about how he’ll use his tools to assassinate his targets.

    Living Shadow

    Significantly increased the time it takes for the Living Shadow to reach its destination (missile travel speed reduced to 1500 from 2500)

    Death Mark

    Now spawns the Living Shadow at Zed's starting position rather than behind the target
    Increased the time Zed remains untargetable before dashing to the target to 0.75 seconds (from 0.35)
    Death Mark shadow duration increased to 6 seconds (from 4)
    Increased the range at which Zed can switch places with his Death Mark shadow to 2000 (from 1100)


    Summary: We’ve slightly increased the damage on Short Fuse. Bouncing Bomb can now be cast at targets outside of max range but will only travel the set distance. Satchel Charge's radius has been increased. Hexplosive Minefield and Mega Inferno Bomb are both more effective against minions, with minions no longer taking reduced damage from multiple hits of Minefield and Mega Inferno Bomb dealing double damage to minions.

    Context: We've improved Ziggs in terms of general utility while also trying to more effectively carve out his niche as a pushing /counter-pushing champion. Bombs away!

    Short Fuse

    Max damage increased to 150 (from 139) (now scales non-linearly)

    Bouncing Bomb

    Bouncing Bomb will now cast when targeted outside of its maximum range (will fire to the maximum range in the targeted direction)

    Satchel Charge

    Radius increased to 325 (from 275)

    Hexplosive Minefield

    No longer deals reduced damage on multiple hits to minions
    Damage radius per mine increased to 150 (from 135)

    Mega Inferno Bomb

    Now deals double damage to minions


    Summary: Deadly Bloom's damage has been reduced overall but her AP ratio has been increased. Rampant Growth's passive cooldown reduction has decreased. The plants spawned from Rampant Growth have had their base damage reduced at lower levels, but increased later on. We’ve also improved Zyra’s overall feel by making seed transformation/enraging plants more intuitive.

    Context: Our overall strategy here is to tone down Zyra's early level poke damage and, while we are reducing some of her overall power, we also want to improve her ability to fluidly combo cast with seeds. Additionally, reducing the base damage of her spells while increasing the AP ratios is aimed at reducing her power as a support without hurting her capabilities as a mage.

    Deadly Bloom

    Range reduced to 800 (from 825)
    Damage changed to 70/105/140/175/210 (+0.65 Ability Power) (from 75/115/155/195/235 (+0.6 Ability Power))

    Rampant Growth

    Passive Cooldown Reduction reduced to 2/4/6/8/10% (from 4/8/12/16/20%)
    Plant base damage changed to 23 (+6.5 per champion level) (from 26 (+6 per champion level))
    Reduced the delay before seeds can be stepped on by enemies to 1.5 seconds (from 3)
    Range increased to 825 (from 800)
    Fixed a bug where spells would rarely not turn seeds into plants


    Stun no longer persists after the knockup ends
    Now properly enrages plants created within the bramble zone after Stranglethorns has been cast

    Back to top
    Minor Changes and Bug Fixes

    Jarvan IV

    Context: This change forces Jarvan to be more accurate with his Demacian Standard / Dragon Strike combo while giving opponents some breathing room when trying to dodge it.

    Dragon Strike / Demacian Standard

    Jarvan's knockup collision radius reduced to 180 from 260


    Void Spike - Evolved Spike Racks

    Slow increased to 30% from 20%

    Master Yi

    Context: Our original reasons for having Meditate's mana cost scale so high no longer exist, as we were primarily concerned with AP Yi bullying lanes or Meditate refreshing multiple times in a fight.

    Alpha Strike

    Master Yi will no longer be hit by targeted spells during Alpha Strike


    Mana cost reduced to 50 (from 50/65/80/95/110)


    Siphoning Strike

    Fixed a bug where Siphoning Strike ignored Spell Shields


    Context: Rengar's leap out of stealth has insufficient warning for his target, so we changed him to de-stealth at the beginning of his leap instead of mid-leap in order to give his target a fighting chance.

    Thrill of the Hunt

    Rengar now de-stealths at the beginning of his leap when attacking a target from out of stealth


    Context: Shadow Dash had a fairly large start and end radius to make the spell more forgiving to land. We no longer believe this is necessary.

    Shadow Dash

    Collision radius has been reduced at the start and end points of the dash


    Context: We saw Carrion Renewal as a place to add strength without significantly impacting the phases of the game where Swain already excels.

    Carrion Renewal

    Now additionally restores 9% of maximum Mana on champion kill/assist


    Summary: Syndra received a number of usability improvements to her abilities. Scatter the Weak now indicates where a Dark Sphere will travel and Unleashed Power indicates how many Dark Spheres will be fired.

    Scatter the Weak

    Range increased to 700 (from 650)
    Dark Spheres now have arrow indicators to show the direction they will travel if hit by Scatter the Weak

    Unleashed Power

    Now displays a counter over the spell icon that tracks the number of Dark Spheres that will be fired


    Noxious Trap

    Fixed a bug where mushrooms gave experience



    Attack Speed per level increased to 3% (from 1%)
    Thresh's basic attack wind up is reduced by 0.25% per 1% attack speed, rather than the standard 1%


    Context: We’re trying to reduce the overall map mobility of Tryndamere so it’s harder to safely split push all day, but to do it without hurting his mobility in team fights.

    Spinning Slash

    Cooldown refund upon critically striking minions/monsters reduced to 1 second from 2 (refund upon striking champions unchanged)



    Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented casting of Transfusion and Tides of Blood for longer than the spell's 0.5 second cast animation

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    Mana Cost Reductions on Ultimates

    Context: Reiterating our stance on high mana cost ultimates, we want ultimate abilities determined more by cooldown than mana cost. Rather than doing an individual context paragraph for each ultimate (which is what we did originally until someone pointed out how stupid that was), we gave them their own section.


    Enchanted Crystal Arrow

    Mana cost reduced to 100 (from 150)


    Solar Flare

    Mana cost reduced to 100 (from 100/150/200)



    Mana cost reduced to 100 (from 100/175/250)


    Chain of Corruption

    Mana cost reduced to 100 (from 120)


    Chaos Storm

    Mana cost reduced to 100 (from 125/175/225)

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    Alternate Map Balance
    Twisted Treeline out of beta

    Context: With the competitive season almost done, Twisted Treeline is finally ready to emerge from beta! This doesn't mean design iteration will stop – we'll continue with champion balancing, system tweaks, and maybe even a new item or two!
    Crystal Scar

    The following changes are for the Crystal Scar only

    (Crystal Scar) Map-Specific Change: Self-Healing Penalty

    Context: Dominion has evolved in such a way that this healing restriction no longer serves its original intent of preventing turtling. Instead, it's only hurting champions that rely on regen or healing to be effective, so we’ve removed it.

    Removed global self-healing reduction buff

    (Crystal Scar) Map-Specific Change: Speed Shrine Buffs

    Context: The previous version of speed shrine buff allowed for people ganking bot lane to come in at basically Ghost movement speeds, with the gankee having very little reaction time on a wardless map. This change is meant to alleviate some of the pressure to bot lane while making teams invest more if they want to continually pressure the lane.

    Speed shrine buff now decays over its duration


    Fixed a bug where his Move Quick passive Movement Speed was not being removed by Dominion turrets

    Crystal Scar, Howling Abyss, and Twisted Treeline

    The following changes are for Crystal Scar, Howling Abyss, and Twisted Treeline only

    Grez's Spectral Lantern

    Summary: Grez’s Spectral Lantern’s combine cost has gone up and the damage has been reduced slightly. The active’s vision duration, cast range, and how long enemy champions stay revealed after exiting the dust have all been reduced significantly.

    Context: This item was too cost effective for what it offered and these changes are to bring it more in line with other vision items in terms of cost and utility.

    Combine cost increased to 350 Gold (from 150)
    Total cost increased to 1450 Gold (from 1250)
    Damage reduced to 15 (from 20)
    Vision dust duration decreased to 5 seconds (from 10)
    Lingering reveal reduced to 3 seconds (from 6)
    Cast range decreased to 800 (from 1200)

    The Lightbringer

    Summary: The Lightbringer’s cost is being increased (partially due to Grez’s Spectral Lantern’s cost increase), and it is gaining additional defensive stats (health / armor / lifesteal) in exchange for a damage reduction. The active’s vision duration, cast range, and how long enemy champions stay revealed after exiting the dust have all been reduced significantly.

    Context: Lightbringer is a niche item and will still be a niche item, but this build change will open it up to more champions.

    Combine cost increased to 575 Gold (from 300)
    Total cost increased to 2500 Gold (from 2425)
    Now builds from Ruby Crystal instead of Pickaxe
    Now grants +200 Health
    Damage reduced to 20 (from 50)
    Armor increased to 25 (from 20)
    Lifesteal increased to 15% (from 12%)
    Vision dust duration decreased to 5 seconds (from 10)
    Lingering reveal reduced to 3 seconds (from 6)
    Cast range reduced to 800 (from 1200)

    Hextech Sweeper

    Summary: Hextech Sweeper now builds out of a Kindlegem and Fiendish Codex. The overall cost has gone up and most stats have been reduced (health / AP). The movement speed bonus has been removed and the cooldown reduction has been increased. The active’s vision duration, cast range, and how long enemy champions stay revealed after exiting the dust have all been reduced significantly.

    Context: Hextech Sweeper is a staple item on Twisted Treeline / Dominion and we don't want to change that, but we're making it a little less universally appealing by reducing the stats and removing the movement speed bonus. We're also giving it a cooldown reduction boost to help out with some AP itemization issues.

    Combine cost increased to 530 Gold (from 200)
    Total cost increased to 2300 Gold (from 1920)
    Now builds from Fiendish Codex (from two Amplifying Tomes)
    Health reduced to 250 (from 300)
    Ability Power reduced to 40 (from 50)
    No longer grants Movement Speed
    Cooldown Reduction increased to 20% (from 10%)
    Cooldown Reduction is no longer UNIQUE
    Vision dust duration reduced to 5 seconds (from 10)
    Lingering reveal reduced to 3 seconds (from 6)
    Cast range decreased to 800 (from 1200)

    Sanguine Blade

    Context: At 50 AD, this item was too cost efficient for what it offered. We’ve reduced some of the stats and raised the cost in order to bring this item more in line.

    Combine cost increased to 600 Gold (from 500)
    Total cost increased to 2275 Gold (from 2175)
    Attack Damage reduced to 40 (from 50)


    Jack in the Box

    Fixed a bug where Shaco boxes were not properly revealed by the passive on Hextech Sweeper and The Lightbringer

    Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar

    The following changes are for Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar only


    Turrets now have inventory items that describe turret mechanics

    Blackfire Torch

    Summary: Blackfire Torch has gained bonus movement speed in exchange for a higher overall cost and a shorter duration on the magic damage amplification active.

    Context: Blackfire Torch is gaining the movement speed bonus that Hextech Sweeper had because while not everyone who uses AP should get an easily-accessed movement speed item, we do feel that AP casters should have one in smaller maps like Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar.

    Combine cost increased to 970 Gold (from 720)
    Total cost increased to 2650 Gold (from 2400)
    Now grants +10% Movement Speed
    Magic damage amplification decreased to 4 seconds (from 6)

    Twin Shadows

    Summary: Twin Shadows’ overall cost has been reduced and the cooldown on the active has been reduced significantly, however the bonus ability power and magic resistance is being lowered.

    Context: Twin Shadows is a great item on wardless maps, but the cooldown was too long to really make use of it. It's been made cheaper to increase accessibility, while the stats have been reduced to reflect the new cost.

    Combine cost reduced to 535 Gold (from 735)
    Total cost reduced to 1700 Gold (from 1900)
    Ability Power reduced to 30 (from 40)
    Magic Resist reduced to 30 (from 40)
    Cooldown on active reduced to 60 seconds (from 120)
    Wraiths are now affected by speed shrines

    Tutorial, Co-op vs. AI, Custom Games with bots

    The following changes are for bot game modes only

    Turrets in bot game modes (Tutorial, Co-op vs. AI and custom games with bots) now display an indicator of their attack range and their current attack state. You can disable this feature in the Game menu

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    League System

    Players who earned silver in Season 2 will now have silver profile borders until the end of the season

  14. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    The Hell
    Patch 3.14 Notes

    [spoil] General
    General PVP.net Updates

    We've fiddled with the client so you can now do things like mass dismiss notifications and suppress notification popups
    We've also given the friends list and notifications a makeover, and overhauled the way notifications work significantly
    Group Chat's been reworked and will generally perform faster and smoother across the board
    Your skin selection will now lock in place a few moments before you enter the loading screen! Previously, you could still flick through your skins up to the last second, only to be met with a friendly “Error: Null” message if you attempted to select a different skin

    In-Game UI

    Context: Health bars give vital information in-game but become muddled and difficult to read when you and your team are bunched together. We're updating them to deliver important information at a glance while also allowing for instant identification of your champion, your allies and your enemies.

    Updated champion health bars
    Champion health bars now glow when the character is highlighted
    Updated Smite particle, sound and icon

    Back to top

    We're showing ability default hotkeys to more easily identify which abilities are being changed


    Summary: We've increased the cast range and reduced the mana cost of Phosphorus Bomb while adding in a new mechanic to the ability so that bombs are now lobbed before exploding instead of instantly damaging an area. We've also reduced Gatling Gun's mana cost and increased Missile Barrage's total attack damage ratio at later levels.

    Context: By adding more gameplay depth to Phosphorous Bomb, we can more effectively balance Corki's abilities, especially his mana costs. Historically, Corki was too dependent on his overpowering early game damage, allowing him to abuse his lane opponents and snowball the game. Now that we've addressed that issue, we have room to make him more competitive in the later parts of the game.

    Q - Phosphorus Bomb

    Mana cost reduced to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 (from 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120)
    Now lobs a bomb through the air that explodes at the end location, instead of instantly damaging the area
    Cast range increased to 825 (from 600)
    Now additionally grants vision while the missile is in the air

    E - Gatling Gun

    Mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks (from 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80)

    R - Missile Barrage

    Total Attack Damage ratio increased to 20 / 30 / 40% (from 20%)


    Summary: Barrel Roll's cast range has been decreased, but to compensate we've slightly changed the mechanics of the ability. Now, if a player continually presses the hotkey for Barrel Roll just as the barrel reaches its destination, it will immediately explode on arrival. Body Slam now deals full damage to all targets hit and has a longer cooldown that's cut in half whenever Gragas collides with a unit.

    Context: We want to reward Gragas for fighting strategically in close combat as opposed to sniping opponents with his barrel. The changes to Body Slam encourage Gragas to get into the fight if he wants to hit his full damage potential and maximize his mobility.

    Q - Barrel Roll

    Now has a small buffer before the barrel reaches its destination (not when Gragas casts it) where Barrel Roll can be activated again to explode on arrival
    Cast range reduced to 950 (from 1100)

    E - Body Slam

    Now deals full damage to all targets hit (rather than divided amongst them)
    Cooldown increased to 12 seconds (from 7)
    Cooldown reduced by half if Gragas collides with a unit


    Context: We believe Leona has the tools to provide consistent disruption in team fights, but we wanted to bolster her survivability and let her evolve into a full tank as the game progresses.

    W - Eclipse

    Changed base bonus Armor / Magic Resistance to 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (from 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70)
    Eclipse gains Armor equal to 20% of Leona's bonus armor
    Eclipse gains Magic Resistance equal to 20% of Leona's bonus magic resistance


    Context: Sometimes we want to adjust a champion's overall power without affecting their balance and functionality, we first look for ways to add gameplay and readability for their opponents. In Morgana's case, that means displaying the radius of Soul Shackles to both Morgana and her victims.

    R - Soul Shackles

    Now displays the leash radius to Morgana and her victims for the duration of the effect


    Context: Nasus has received a visual update! By hitting Nasus' sustain in the early levels, we're hoping to tone down his ability to indefinitely stay in lanes by playing passively. Opponents should be able to capitalize on harassing Nasus in the early game if they don't want him to become an unstoppable force in the late game.


    Nasus has received a visual update!

    Passive - Soul Eater

    Lifesteal rescaled to 10 / 15 / 20% (at levels 1 / 7 / 13) (from 14 / 17 / 20% (at levels 1 / 6 / 11))


    Context: We're buffing Nautilus' late game utility to further define his role in teamfights.

    Passive - Staggering Blow

    Root duration increased to 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 seconds (at levels 1 / 6 / 11 / 16 / 18) (from 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 (at levels 1 / 7 / 13))


    Summary: We've changed the mechanics of Javelin Toss so that it now gains bonus “travel” damage only if the ability travels further than Nidalee's human auto attack range. Additionally, we've changed the damage calculations to be based on where the ability was cast from, instead of where Nidalee is when the Javelin hits the target. We’re also reducing Bushwhack’s vision and armor/magic resistance shred duration.

    Context: We wanted to clarify that the optimal way to play against AP Nidalee is to get up close and personal in order to limit her poke damage. Bushwhack’s old debuff duration was oppressively long given current game flow, so we shortened it.

    Q - Javelin Toss

    Now calculates damage based on where the Javelin was initially cast rather than where Nidalee is when the Javelin hits the target
    No longer gains damage from distance traveled until it exceeds Nidalee's human auto attack range (maximum damage unchanged)

    W - Bushwhack

    Vision and Armor / Magic Resistance shred debuff duration reduced to 8 seconds (from 12)


    Context: The damage, cooldown, and heal of Consume have all been lowered at early ranks in order to keep the ability in line with new Smite.

    Q - Consume

    Cooldown at earlier ranks reduced to 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds (from 17 / 15 / 13 / 11 / 9 seconds)
    Damage at earlier ranks reduced to 400 / 550 / 700 / 850 / 1000 (from 500 / 625 / 750 / 875 / 1000)
    Heal at earlier ranks reduced to 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+0.75 Ability Power) (from 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 / 250 (+.75 Ability Power))


    Summary: Boomerang Blade will do less base damage and scales with total attack damage instead of bonus AD. As a tradeoff for stripping some early to midgame power, we're making it so that each target hit by Boomerang Blade will feel it a little more.

    Context: In the early game, when Sivir gets slightly ahead with attack damage items, she can deal a large amount of burst damage with just one well-placed Boomerang Blade. This allowed her to shut down her opponents and control the lane. We didn't want to simply nerf all of Sivir's numbers, so we approached her changes with two goals in mind. First, reduce Boomerang Blade's burst damage on a single target during the laning phase and midgame. Second, allow Boomerang Blade to remain strong in AoE situations, especially later in the game, to be more in line with Sivir's strengths.

    Q - Boomerang Blade

    Now scales with Total Attack Damage rather than Bonus Attack Damage
    Damage changed to 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 / 105 (+0.7 / 0.8 / 0.9 / 1.0 / 1.1 Total Attack Damage) (from 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+1.1 Bonus Attack Damage))
    Damage falloff per target hit reduced to 10% (from 20%)


    Summary: We're taking some of the hidden power away from Vayne's Condemn. The targets she condemns will no longer be unable to act at the end of the effect unless she stuns them against a wall. Additionally, we've removed the ability for Vayne to get a free auto attack on her victims while condemning them away.

    Context: Similar to our Morgana changes, when we want to reduce some power on a champion without directly reducing their numbers, we first look to introduce more gameplay for opponents or to shave off hidden power. Highly-skilled Vayne players were getting a lot of trading power in lane by landing a free basic attack on a champion after hitting them with Condemn.

    E - Condemn

    Vayne can no longer queue up a basic attack on a champion after hitting them with Condemn.
    Fixed a bug where the target would be briefly unable to act at the end of the effect, even if they did not hit a wall.
    Condemn now deals all damage after knocking the target back. Wall hits are now displayed as critical strikes.

    Back to top
    Support Champion Changes

    Context: We're making changes to the way abilities scale on champions designed for the support role. Our goal is to emphasize utility and protection over damage output and, with more gold flowing to supports, we had to tweak numbers to ensure certain champions didn't become too oppressively powerful.

    Check out our microsite for some of the high level changes we're making.


    Summary: We're removing Janna's global passive and making it a local effect while increasing the movement speed bonus. We've also reduced the overall damage of Howling Gale, but it will scale more with ability power the longer it is charged. The active and passive movement speed affecting portions of Zephyr now also scale with ability power. The ability power ratio of Eye of the Storm's shield has been reduced, but it now has the added benefit of providing additional attack damage based on Janna's AP.

    Context: We've been saying for a while that we wanted to hit global passives that provide hidden power, and we're using this opportunity to tweak Janna's Tailwind. As for her Tornados, the additional ability power scaling per second means that Janna will need to fully charge her Howling Gale in order to do high damage at end game.

    Passive - Tailwind

    Tailwind is now local instead of global (800 range)
    Tailwind movement speed buff increased to 5% (from 3%)

    Q - Howling Gale

    Now gains +0.1 Ability Power ratio per second that Howling Gale is charged before release
    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.35 (from 0.75)
    Charge damage reduced to 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 (from 25 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60)

    W – Zephyr

    Passive self-movement speed buff now scales at +1% per 50 Ability Power (0.02 AP ratio)
    Passive self-movement speed buff changed to 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12% (+0.02 Ability Power) (from a flat 4 / 7 / 10 / 13 / 16%)
    Slow debuff now scales at +3% per 50 Ability Power (capped at 80% total)
    Base slow reduced to 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40% (from 24 / 30 / 36 / 42 / 48%)
    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.5 (from 0.6)

    E - Eye of the Storm

    Attack Damage buff of the shield now scales at +1 Attack Damage per 10 Ability Power (0.1 AP ratio)
    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.7 (from 0.9)


    Summary: Several aspects of Lulu's kit are being adjusted to scale with ability power in this patch. The damage of Pix, Faerie Companion, Glitterlance's minimum slow decay and Whimsy's movement speed boost now all scale with AP. However, we did remove the AP bonus from Whimsy and slightly lowered its base movement speed buff.

    Context: As with the other supports, our goal with Lulu is to focus on utility, not damage. The changes that best demonstrate this philosophy are the buffs to Pix, Faerie Companion and Whimsy. These better highlight Lulu's ability to bolster high attack speed allies and grant large speed boosts where needed. With Glitterlance, we wanted to improve her slow as she gained additional ability power, but didn't want to alter her strong base value.

    Passive - Pix, Faerie Companion

    Added a 0.15 Ability Power ratio
    Base damage reduced to 9 / 18 / 27 / 36 / 45 / 54 / 63 / 72 / 81 (+0.15 Ability Power) (from 9 / 21 / 33 / 45 / 57 / 69 / 81 / 93 / 105 (+0 Ability Power)

    Q – Glitterlance

    Rather than decaying to 0% over a certain duration, the slow now decays to 1% per 7.5 Ability Power over its duration

    W – Whimsy

    Movement Speed bonus now scales at +1% per 10 Ability Power (0.1 AP Ratio)
    Removed the Ability Power boost
    Base movement speed increase reduced to 30% (from 35%)

    E - Help Pix!

    Offensive damage Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.4 (from 0.6)


    Summary: We've reduced the ability power ratio of Aqua Prison and Tidal Wave but buffed Surging Tides along with Ebb and Flow. The bonus movement speed of Surging Tides and bounce power of Ebb and Flow now both scale with ability power. In fact, with enough AP, subsequent bounces of Ebb and Tide will actually heal and damage more per bounce.

    Context: While Nami's general scaling is in a good place, we saw opportunities to add additional utility to her movement speed buffs and debuffs. The most unique change with Nami's AP utility scaling is on Ebb and Flow. Additional AP now improves the power of each bounce and can eventually reach positive values where each bounce is more powerful than the last.

    Passive - Surging Tides

    Bonus movement speed now scales at +1 bonus movement speed per 10 Ability Power (0.1 AP Ratio)

    Q - Aqua Prison

    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.5 (from 0.65)

    W - Ebb and Flow

    The percentage power of later bounces now scales. Each bounce gains 0.75% more power per 10 AP.

    E - Tidecaller's Blessing

    Slow percentage now scales at +1% slow per 20 Ability Power (0.05 AP Ratio)

    R - Tidal Wave

    Reduced Ability Power ratio to 0.6 (from 0.7)


    Summary: With new gold flowing into Sona's support coffers, it turns out Crescendo and Hymn of Valor would rock just a little too hard. We've reduced the ability power ratio on both, as well as adjusting the base heal amount of Aria of Perseverance at later ranks. She can still hit the high notes with her Power Chords, though, and we've added an AP ratio that'll allow Sona to scale better into the late game. Finally, the base activated speed boost of Song of Celerity has been slightly reduced, as it now scales its speed bonus with ability power.

    Context: Our core focus with Sona is to take some power from her abilities to shift into her Power Chord and her Song of Celerity, which allows Sona's utility to scale into the late game while also ensuring her choice of Power Chord remains relevant at all stages.

    Passive - Power Chord

    Added a 0.2 Ability Power ratio to the damage of Power Chord – Staccato
    Added a 0.02 Ability Power ratio to the damage reduction of Power Chord - Diminuendo
    Added a 0.04 Ability Power ratio to the slow amount of Power Chord - Tempo

    Q - Hymn of Valor

    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.5 (from 0.7)

    W - Aria of Perseverance

    Base heal amount reduced at later ranks to 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 (from 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120)

    E - Song of Celerity

    Active speed boost now scales at +1% movement speed per 50 Ability Power (0.02 AP Ratio)
    Active speed boost changed to 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12% (+0.02 Ability Power) (from a flat 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14%)

    R - Crescendo

    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.5 (from 0.8)


    Summary: Soraka's base health, health per level and base armor are all being increased and she has a new passive that makes her health/mana restoring abilities more effective when the target is missing more health or mana. Starcall now scales its magic resistance shred with ability power and if Soraka hits at least one champion with it, Astral Blessing's cooldown is reduced. Astral Blessing has been changed so its armor buff now scales with ability power. We saw an opportunity to add a new mechanic to Infuse, allowing Soraka to use her own mana as either a donation or for additional damage depending on who she targets. Turns out Wishes should probably not ignore untargetable allies, so now Soraka's ultimate affects everyone on your team.

    Context: Our changes are focused on giving Soraka additional utility scaling and rewarding tactical plays in the middle of combat. We also introduced more gameplay to Soraka's kit that promotes that in-combat healing style rather than being a simple health and mana battery.

    Base Stats

    Base health increased to 405 (was 375)
    Health per level increased to 76 (was 71)
    Base Armor increased to 9.4 (was 7.4)

    NEW Passive - Salvation

    NEW: Soraka's health and mana restoring abilities are 1% more effective for each 2% health or mana the target is missing

    Q- Starcall

    Magic Resistance shred now scales at +1 Magic Resistance shred per 100 Ability Power (0.01 AP Ratio)
    Magic Resistance reduction changed to 6 at all levels (+0.01 Ability Power) (from a flat 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12)
    If Starcall hits at least one enemy champion, Astral Blessing's cooldown is reduced by 5% / 6.25% / 7.5% / 8.75% / 10%
    Mana cost changed to 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (was 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80)

    W - Astral Blessing

    Bonus armor now scales at +3 Armor per 20 Ability Power (0.15 AP ratio)
    Bonus armor changed to 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (+0.15 Ability Power) (from a flat 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 / 105)
    Armor duration reduced to 2 seconds (from 3 seconds)
    Healing reduced to 70 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 270 (+0.35 Ability Power) (from 70 / 140 / 210 / 280 / 350 (+0.45 Ability Power))
    Mana cost lowered to 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 (from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200)

    E - Infuse

    Allied cast now gives an ally 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 mana + donates 5% of Soraka's maximum mana (was giving a flat 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 mana for 0 cost)
    Enemy cast now deals damage equal to 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 + 5% of Soraka's max mana (+0.4 Ability Power) (was 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (+0.6 Ability Power))
    Can no longer be cast on allies who do not use mana or are already at max mana

    R – Wish

    Now affects untargetable allies
    Healing reduced to 150 / 250 / 350 (+0.55 Ability Power) (from 200 / 320 / 440 (+0.7 Ability Power))


    Summary: We're switching up Taric's passive so after each spell cast, his next auto attack is empowered to deal 30% of Taric's armor as magic damage and reduce the cooldown of his abilities. Imbue's AP ratio is lower and now also scales with a percentage of Taric's bonus health. We've also removed the AP scaling of Shatter as well as lowered its base damage. Shatter now scales even more with armor, and the shred scales with a percentage of Taric's armor. Finally, we've lowered the ability power ratios of Dazzle and Radiance, as well as increased their cooldowns.

    Context: Overall we are adding additional depth and skill differentiation to Taric's gameplay through a rework of his passive. Additionally, as a tanky (and fabulous) support that excels in the middle of a team fight, we've introduced more defensive scaling for Taric to further define his intended role.

    NEW: Passive - Gemcraft

    NEW: After casting a spell, Taric gains a buff that deals 30% of his total Armor as bonus Magic Damage his next auto attack
    Passive empowered attacks reduce the cooldown of all abilities by 2 seconds


    Cooldown reduction on auto attacks removed (moved to passive)
    Base cooldown lowered to 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 (from from 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16)
    AP ratio lowered to 0.3 (from 0.6)
    Now scales with 5% of Taric's Bonus Health


    Base damages reduced to 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 (+30% total Armor) (+0 Ability Power) (from 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 (+20% total Armor) (+0.6 Ability Power))
    Armor reduction now scales with 10% of Taric's total Armor


    Ability Power ratio lowered to 0.2 / 0.4 Ability Power (from 0.4 / 0.8 Ability Power)
    Cooldown increased to 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 seconds (from 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds)


    Ability Power ratio lowered to 0.5 Ability Power (from 0.7 Ability Power)
    Cooldown increased to 75 seconds (from 60)

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    Minor Changes and Bug Fixes


    Electrical Surge

    Fixed a bug where Electrical Surge would not properly hit a target if Mark of the Storm wore off or was fully consumed before the casting time of Electrical Surge completed. This fixed two scenarios:
    Mark of the Storm will no longer wear off in the middle of Kennen casting Electrical Surge
    If Kennen casts Electrical Surge just as Mark of the Storm is consumed by another ability, he'll still deal damage and add a stack as normal


    Context: We hit Shen's end collision radius just a little too hard last patch, so we're increasing it a little.

    Shadow Dash

    Collision radius at the end-point has been slightly increased


    Improved Singed's running animation


    Improved Soraka's running animation



    Fixed a bug where the trail bonus was applying inconsistently


    Assault and Battery

    Fixed a bug where, if Vi's Banshee's Veil is popped at same moment Vi casts Assault and Battery, Assault and Battery would cause Vi to be locked into her charging animation.

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    The term "hat" is now searchable in the item shop. (Finally!)

    Item Changes

    Doran’s Blade

    Cost reduced to 440 Gold (from 475 Gold)
    Attack Damage reduced to 8 (from 10)
    Basic attacks now restore 3 health for ranged champions and 5 health for melee champions (from 5 health for all champions)

    Long Sword

    Cost reduced to 360 Gold (from 400 Gold)
    All items building out of Long Sword have had their combine costs increased to accommodate (all items building out of Long Sword should cost the same)

    Context: Because of our changes to the vision system (ward functionality, ward limits and trinkets), we're removing Oracle's Elixir from the game. We'll continue monitoring the vision system changes and make adjustments as needed.

    The following items have been removed from the game:

    Eleisa's Miracle
    Oracle's Elixir

    The following items have been remade (see below for details on new items):

    Philosopher's Stone
    Kage's Pick
    Emblem of Valour

    Support Items

    Support Item Context: Our core goal with support items in the preseason is to provide more gold generation items that also build into the late game. Players are limited to buying just one gold item though. For more information, check out our preseason website.

    NEW: Spellthief's Edge

    Costs 365 Gold
    +10 Ability Power
    +3 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
    +2 Gold per 10 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive – Tribute: Basic attacks against champions grant 4 gold, up to once every 10 seconds per enemy. Killing a minion disables this passive for 10 seconds.

    NEW: Frostfang

    Recipe: Spellthief's Edge + 485 Gold (Total 850 gold)
    +20 Ability Power
    +7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
    +4 Gold per 10 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive – Tribute: Basic attacks against champions grant 8 gold, up to once every 10 seconds per enemy. Killing a minion disables this passive for 10 seconds.

    NEW: Frost Queen's Claim

    Recipe: Frostfang + Amplifying Tome + 715 Gold (Total 2000 gold)
    +50 Ability Power
    +10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
    +4 Gold per 10 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive – Tribute: Spells and basic attacks against champions grant 8 Gold, up to once every 10 seconds per enemy. Killing a minion disables this passive for 10 seconds.
    UNIQUE Active – Arctic Embrace: Chills target enemy champion and all nearby enemies, dealing 50 magic damage and reducing Movement Speed by 50% for 2 seconds (60 second cooldown.)

    NEW: Ancient Coin

    Costs 365 Gold
    +5 Health Regen per 5 seconds
    +3 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Being near a minion death without dealing the killing blow grants 2 Gold.

    NEW: Nomad's Medallion

    Recipe: Ancient Coin + 485 Gold (Total 850 Gold)
    +8 Health Regen per 5 seconds
    +11 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
    +2 Gold per 10 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Being near a minion death without dealing the killing blow grants 4 Gold.

    NEW: Talisman of Ascension

    Recipe: Nomad's Medallion + Faerie Charm + 970 Gold (Total 2000 Gold)
    +20% Cooldown Reduction
    +10 Health Regen per 5 seconds
    +15 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
    +2 Gold per 10 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Being near a minion death without dealing the killing blow grants 4 Gold.
    UNIQUE Active: Grants nearby allies +40% Movement Speed for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown).

    NEW: Relic Shield

    Costs 365 Gold
    +50 Health
    +6 Health Regen per 5 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health. Killing a minion heals the nearest allied champion for 2% of your maximum Health and grants them the bounty plus 5 Gold.
    These effects require a nearby allied champion. Recharges every 30 seconds. Max 2 charges.

    NEW: Targon's Brace

    Recipe: Relic Shield + 485 Gold (Total 850 Gold)
    +175 Health
    +12 Health Regen per 5 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health. Killing a minion heals the nearest allied champion for 2% of your maximum Health and grants them the bounty plus 10 Gold
    These effects require a nearby allied champion. Recharges every 30 seconds. Max 4 charges

    NEW: Face of the Mountain

    Recipe: Targon's Brace + Ruby Crystal + 675 Gold (Total 2000 Gold)
    +375 Health
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    +25 Health Regen per 5 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health. Killing a minion heals the nearest allied champion for 2% of your maximum Health and grants them the bounty plus 10 Gold
    These effects require a nearby allied champion. Recharges every 30 seconds. Max 4 charges.
    UNIQUE Active - Deadly Phalanx: Consumes 20% of your current Health to shield target ally for 10% of your maximum Health for 4 seconds. After 4 seconds, the target explodes dealing 10% of your maximum Health as AoE magic damage (60 second cooldown)

    Jungle Items

    Jungle Item Context: We're adding additional gold generation patterns to several jungle items that complement the intended playstyle of those items. For more information, check out our preseason website.

    Hunter's Machete

    Now also grants 3 health on hit versus monsters

    Spirit Stone

    Now also grants 3 health on hit versus monsters

    Madred's Razors

    Armor reduced to 20 (from 25)

    REMADE: Wriggle's Lantern

    Recipe: Madred's Razors + Dagger + Dagger (Total 1800 Gold)
    +20 Armor
    +25% Attack Speed
    UNIQUE Passive - Maim: Deals 100 magic damage and heals 10 on hit against monsters
    UNIQUE Passive: Gain 40% increased gold from monsters
    UNIQUE Active: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown)

    Spirit of the Elder Lizard

    Attack Damage reduced to 30 (from 35)
    Incinerate passive now procs on physical damage, damage increased to 16-50 (from 7-40)
    UNIQUE Passive – Bounty Hunter: Champion kills, assists and epic monsters grant 40 gold and large monsters grant 10 bonus Gold.

    Spirit of the Ancient Golem

    Health reduced to 350 from 500
    UNIQUE Passive – Conservation: Gain a stack of Conservation every 1.5 seconds.
    Lose Conservation stacks and gain equal gold upon killing a large monster.
    Can gain up to 40 gold for a kill.
    Maximum stacks 80.

    REMADE: Spirit of the Spectral Wraith

    Recipe: Spirit Stone + Fiendish Codex (Total 2000)
    +50 Ability Power
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    +14 Health Regen per 5
    +7 Mana Regen per 5
    UNIQUE Passive: Returns 8% of spell damage dealt to monsters (half for area-of-effect damage) as Health and Mana
    UNIQUE Passive – Bounty Hunter: Champion kills, assists and epic monsters grant 40 gold and large monsters grant 10 bonus Gold.
    UNIQUE Passive: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 30%

    Other Item Changes:

    Context: We've updated the build paths for items that were previously built from the old gold generation items.

    Aegis of the Legion

    NEW Recipe: Rejuvenation Bead + Cloth Armor + Ruby Crystal + Null-Magic Mantle + 595 Gold (Total 1950 Gold)

    UPDATED: Banner of Command

    Recipe: Fiendish Codex + Blasting Wand + 720 Gold (Total 2400 Gold)
    +80 Ability Power
    +20% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Aura - Valor: Nearby allied minions deal 15% increased damage.
    UNIQUE Active - Promote: Transforms a nearby siege minion into a more powerful unit and grants all gold that the unit earns (180 second cooldown).

    UPDATED: Mikael's Crucible

    Recipe: Chalice of Harmony + 720 Gold (Total 1600 Gold)
    +40 Magic Resist
    +12 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Font: Increases Mana Regen by 1% for every 1% of missing Mana.
    UNIQUE Active: Removes all stuns, roots, taunts, fears, silences, and slows on an allied champion and heals that champion for 150 (+10% of maximum Health) (180 second cooldown).

    UPDATED: Ohmwrecker

    Recipe: Ruby Crystal + Blasting Wand + 665 Gold (Total 2000 Gold)
    +350 Health
    +50 Ability Power
    UNIQUE Active: Prevents nearby enemy turrets from attacking for 2.5 seconds (120 second cooldown). This effect cannot be used against the same turret more than once every 7.5 seconds.

    REMADE: Will of the Ancients

    Recipe: Hextech Revolve + Faerie Charm + Faerie Charm + 440 Gold (Total 2000 Gold)
    +50 Ability Power
    +10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Passive: +20% Spell Vamp

    Twin Shadows

    NEW Recipe: Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + Null-Magic Mantle + 730 Gold (Total 2000 Gold)
    Ability Power increased to 50 (from 40)
    On Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar this item is 200 Gold cheaper
  15. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    The Hell
    Patch 3.15 Notes

    [spoil] Introduction

    "Hey Summoners,

    Welcome to patch 3.15, the first patch of preseason (not counting that hotfix we deployed during 3.14)! We're generally happy with how things are going, so our goals today aren't to introduce a lot of new changes. Instead, we're hitting the scallywags that are skewing the game one way or the other so that we can really see what's going on.

    We'll be keeping a close eye on the state of the game – supports in particular – and we hope you're enjoying the preseason. On to the patch notes!"

    "Back in Patch 3.13, we made some changes to let us more dynamically turn on "Loss Prevented" mode for servers with hardware/connection issues. Unfortunately, there was a bug where "prevented" games showed up as losses. Turning on Loss Prevented mode is a manual process that we're improving on (including the potential to automate) in the future. Sorry for the inconvenience!"

    Fixed a bug where Loss Prevented was showing up as Defeat in the post-game lobby and in Match History. Games in your Match History that were listed as Defeat but actually Loss Prevented, will be changed to Loss Prevented.

    "As a new player, it's no fun going through unbalanced games while the system tries to figure out your appropriate skill level. We've done some work here to speed up our ability to identify new players while quickly improving their matchmaking experience."

    New players will now have their appropriate skill level identified faster in the matchmaking system

    "Explanation here: if you've been waiting in the queue for a while, the matchmaker will become less picky about making a perfectly balanced match. That said, there was a rare bug where players who were in the queue for long periods of time would become matchmaking vacuums, where they would instantly **** in all of the more "picky" players who had just queued in the nearby matchmaking vicinity. To the vacuumed player, if a match gets found quickly, that means in our system that the match is guaranteed to be high quality. Occasionally, however, this wasn't the case (due to wider ranges in matchmaking confidence), and can lead to a bad experience – we've since fixed that bug."

    Fixed a rare bug where the matchmaker would create imbalanced matches when a player had been in the queue for very long periods of time

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    "Long story short, champions with attack speed buffs will now feel the effects quicker."

    Temporary attack speed buffs now update champion's attack speed immediately, rather than after the first attack

    Damage amplification abilities no longer work on true damage
    Abilities affected:
    Poppy (Diplomatic Immunity)
    Swain (Torment)
    Talon (Cutthroat)

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    Yasuo the Unforgiven is in this patch, keep your eye out for upcoming details.


    "Ahri's very early laning experience can be unforgiving if she falls behind. These changes are to give her more breathing room before her first shopping trip or blue buff."


    Base mana increased to 250 (from 230)
    Base mana regeneration increased to 7 per 5 seconds (from 6.25 per 5 seconds)


    Summary: We've reduced the duration of Terrify at later ranks and lowered the mana cost of both Terrify and Crowstorm.

    "Terrify is rather… terrifying at later levels, especially with the current pace of the game. That said, we didn't want to straight nerf Fiddle's power without any compensation. Cutting down his mana costs means that Fiddle can stay out in the field a little longer (especially after team fights), while the slight buff to Terrify's rank 1 duration helps his unstable early game."

    Q - Terrify

    Duration reduced at later ranks to 1.25/1.50/1.75/2.00/2.25 seconds (from 1.00/1.50/2.00/2.50/3.00 seconds)
    Mana cost reduced to 65 at all ranks (from 65/75/85/95/105)

    R - Crowstorm

    Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks (from 150/200/250)


    "Given our recent support changes, Janna could use a mana cost decrease like the other ult cost reductions we've made. We're still keeping an eye on this weather lady, so stay tuned for more change."

    R - Monsoon

    Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks (from 100/150/200)

    Lee Sin

    Summary: Safeguard no longer shields minions or makes wards invulnerable when Lee Sin dashes to them.

    "We like that Lee Sin could make cool plays without relying on teammates to Safeguard to, but felt we could trim some of his extraneous power without removing the real ‘fun' of it."

    W - Safeguard

    Now only shields the target if the ally is a champion


    Summary: We've lowered the base damage of Piercing Light and shortened its cast range.

    "We're culling some of Lucian's lane dominance – especially when he gets early AD purchases (given Piercing Light's high AD ratios). Rather than relentlessly pursuing a reduction on Lucian's damage, we also shaved some range off Piercing Light, as Lucian was able to poke from just outside of auto-attack range before going in for a strong trade with his passive. I'm sure there's another ability pun to be had in here, but I got nothing."

    Q - Piercing Light

    Base damage reduced to 80/110/140/170/200 (from 80/120/160/200/240)
    Reduced cast range to match Lucian's basic attack range (now 550 from 570)


    Summary: Pix, Faerie Companion had its base damage increased, Help, Pix!'s base shield strength was increased and Wild Growth's mana cost was lowered.

    "Lulu's defensive capabilities were a little low for a traditional support, so we sent her to the gym to get buff. Like most supports, we're keeping an eye on Lulu as the preseason progresses."

    Passive - Pix, Faerie Companion

    Base damage increased to 9/21/33/45/57/69/81/93/105 (from 9/18/27/36/45/54/63/72/81)

    E - Help, Pix!

    Base shield strength increased to 80/120/160/200/240 (from 60/105/150/195/240)

    R - Wild Growth

    Mana Cost reduced to 100 at all ranks (from 150 at all ranks)


    Summary: We've reduced the duration of Puncturing Taunt at later levels and reduced the mana cost of both Puncturing Taunt and Tremors.

    "Similar to Fiddlesticks' Terrify, Puncturing Taunt scales to a frustratingly long duration (according to some, it went on forever, so some subjectivity is expected), especially when Rammus has a strong early game. We didn't want to just lower Taunt's durations, so we've made some mana cost reductions to help Rammus recover in games when he has a rough start."

    W – Defensive Ball Curl

    Can no longer be deactivated. Instead goes on cooldown when used (total cooldown of Defensive Ball Curl remains unchanged, as deactivating the ability previously did not reduce its cooldown)

    E - Puncturing Taunt

    Duration reduced at later ranks to 1.25/1.50/1.75/2.00/2.25 seconds (from 1.00/1.50/2.00/2.50/3.00 seconds)
    Mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks (from 50/60/70/80/90)

    R - Tremors

    Mana Cost reduced to 100 at all ranks (from 120 at all ranks)


    Summary: Fleet of Foot's movement speed bonus now scales up to 50 and Spell Shield has had its duration cut in half. On The Hunt also had its duration reduced and its cooldown increased while the enhanced movement speed boost scales up to 4 seconds with each rank.

    "We like the general direction of Sivir and are now in the process of tuning her power. Currently Sivir has access to a lot of raw mobility (especially in the early game), so we're hitting that to reduce some of her early game snowball potential. We also wanted to give Sivir's opponents more windows of opportunity against her."

    Passive - Fleet of Foot

    Movement speed bonus reduced, now scales to 30/35/40/45/50 (at levels 1/6/11/16/18) (from 50 at all ranks)

    E - Spell Shield

    Duration reduced to 1.5 seconds (from 3 seconds)

    R - On The Hunt

    Total duration reduced to 8 seconds (from 10 seconds)
    Enhanced movement speed duration now scales to 2/3/4 seconds (from 4 seconds at all ranks)
    Cooldown increased to 120/100/80 seconds (from 120/90/60 seconds)


    "We've got larger plans for Soraka in the long-term but for now, we're giving her some extra survivability and mobility in the laning phase to keep her healthy for the preseason."


    Base armor increased to 13 (from 9.4)
    Base movement speed increased to 340 (from 335)


    Summary: The armor scaling of Gemcraft has been reduced and Shatter had several changes made to it. Shatter's aura now increases allied champion armor by the correct amount and the armor damage scaling has been reduced. The shred of Shatter has also had its base value and armor scaling reduced.

    "We're happy with Taric's kit in the preseason, but his burst damage was just too fabulous, especially when he picks up additional armor items to scale off of. Like other supports, we'll be keeping an eye on Taric as the preseason progresses."

    Passive - Gemcraft

    Armor scaling reduced to 20% (from 30%)

    W - Shatter

    Aura amount bug fixed, will now give correct amount of 12% (from roughly 15%)
    Armor damage scaling reduced to 20% (from 30%)
    Shred base values lowered to 5/10/15/20/25 (from 10/15/20/25/30)
    Shred armor scaling lowered to 5% (from 10%)

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    Minor Changes & Bug Fixes


    Anivia, Eggnivia, and her skins (aside from Blackfrost Anivia) have received a Texture Update!


    E - Conflagration

    Fixed a bug where the cast range was longer than intended (625 from 650)


    We've improved Caitlyn's running animation!


    Q – Rupture

    "Rupture's slow after the knockup has always been 1.5 seconds – the tooltip was just incorrect."

    Fixed a line within the tooltip to correctly reflect the duration of the slow (the actual value is 1.5 seconds, where the tooltip previously stated 3 seconds)


    "If Fiora uses Blade Waltz on a stealth target that's been revealed (through true sight or abilities), she'll now properly deal damage."

    R – Blade Waltz

    Fixed a bug where Blade Waltz was not dealing damage to "revealed" stealth targets


    E - Judgment

    No longer deals reduced damage to monsters (still reduced vs. minions)
    Fixed a bug where Judgment was dealing less damage than intended


    R - Frozen Tomb

    Fixed a bug where the slow would sometimes not reapply properly


    R - Vengeful Maelstrom

    Added a counter showing how much bonus damage Vengeful Maelstrom is storing


    W - Aegis of Zeonia

    Now can be cast on enemy minions and jungle monsters


    We've improved Riven's running animation!


    E - Flame Breath

    Fixed a bug where Flame Breath was shredding armor in Dragon Form


    E – Condemn

    Fixed a bug where, if the target was being moved by a spell when Condemn's projectile hit (dash, knockup, knockback, pull, etc.) Condemn would sometimes not stun on collision with terrain.

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    Vision Items

    Vision items no longer display their current ward count to your enemies on their tooltip display

    Jungle Items

    "Bounty Hunter as a passive was a risky purchase for some junglers, as it either amped up the gold gains from successful team fights or punished junglers who couldn't get assists / kills. Rather than being seen as a niche purchase, we want the "Spirit" line of jungle items to be a core build on most junglers, so Conservation as a passive is a stronger fit."

    Spirit of the Spectral Wraith

    Now has Conservation passive (instead of Bounty Hunter passive)

    Spirit of the Elder Lizard

    Now has Conservation passive (instead of Bounty Hunter passive)


    "We're looking to enrich the interactions between the three trinkets by highlighting the core strengths of each (yellow's in a good place at the moment). The changes to the blue trinket solidify its role as a scouting tool and in-combat vision trinket. Even if you reveal a champion before they go into stealth, they won't be revealed once stealth takes effect."

    Sweeping Lens

    Cooldown reduced to 120 seconds (from 180 seconds)

    Greater Lens

    Cooldown reduced to 60 seconds (from 90 seconds)

    Oracle's Lens

    Cooldown reduced to 60 seconds (from 90 seconds)
    True sight duration reduced to 8 seconds (from 10 seconds)

    Scrying Orb

    NEW: Enemy champions hit will be revealed for 5 seconds. This does not affect stealth champions.
    Cast range increased to 1500 (from 1100)

    Greater Orb

    NEW: Enemy champions hit will be revealed for 5 seconds. This does not affect stealth champions.
    Cast range increased to 2500 (from 1500)

    Farsight Orb

    NEW: Enemy champions hit will be revealed for 5 seconds. This does not affect stealth champions.
    Cast range increased to 3000 (from 2500)

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    Summoner's Rift

    The following changes are for Summoner's Rift only
    Jungle Monsters

    "We've been watching the jungle closely during preseason and while we're happy with the general speed with which champions are making their way through the jungle, we can afford to make it a little less taxing for the first clear."

    Ancient Golem
    Damage reduced to 60 (from 65)
    Lizard Elder
    Damage reduced to 60 (from 65)
    Gold increased to 65 (from 60)

    Game Flow

    "Gold income in the preseason is generally high, which can lead to snowballing situations. In addition to clarifying assist gold, we also wanted to remove some of the "untrackable" gold in the mid to late game."

    Assist gold rewards no longer scale up with game time (now 50% of kill reward from 50-80% of kill reward depending on game time)

    "We want to better reward players for pushing down inhibitors, and felt that super minions should really live up to their name. Now players will need to be extra vigilant about lanes with a downed inhibitor."

    Super Minions
    Damage boost to nearby minions increased to 70% (from 40%)
    Armor/Magic resistance boost to nearby minions increased to 70 (from 40)

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    Howling Abyss


    Everyone will spawn with a Poro-Snax item in their trinket slot

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    Martial Mastery
    Attack damage reduced to +4 (from +5 attack damage)

    Arcane Mastery
    Ability power reduced to +6 (from +8 ability power)


    Reduced to restoring 0.7%/1.35%/2% missing health every 5 seconds (from restoring 1/2/3% missing health every 5 seconds)
    Legendary Guardian (formerly the Tenacious mastery)
    Fixed a bug where the name had gotten swapped with the Tenacious Mastery
    Required range to gain bonus armor and magic resistances from enemy champions reduced to 700 (from 900)

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    Summoner Spells

    "As a side-note, we do have plans to update Summoner Spells to better reflect the state of the preseason but they will not be coming with patch 3.15. In the meantime, enjoy the new Summoner Spell art!"

    Clarity, Clairvoyance, Revive, Barrier, Flash, Teleport and Ignite have all had their icons updated
  16. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The Hell
    Patch 4.1 Notes

    [spoil] Hey Summoners,

    Riot Pwyff here with the first update of 2014! Since this is the beginning of a new year, we’re rolling over our patch numbering from 3.x to 4.x. Aside from getting that +1, our general design philosophy for the new season isn’t changing. We’re still closely watching the state of the game as it evolves with the preseason, and this update is just another step down that path.

    The general theme of patch 4.1 is more refinement and tuning. We’re in the process of de-fogging more of those outliers like Shyvana, Riven and Annie. That said, now that the dust has settled we can also take another look at modernizing certain items (the Spirit line of jungle items, for example) and systems (2v1 lane swaps).

    Quick note, any text in red will be myself guiding you through some of our changes and our thought process behind them. On with the patch notes!

    The 2014 ranked season reset will take place within the next few days. We’ll have a full list of changes in the patch notes when it happens.

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    Vision Code Changes

    While these changes won’t be immediately noticeable at first, you should see some positive differences over time with vision becoming more dynamic and responsive. These changes let us do more with vision while tackling larger issues in 2014. No promises for now as to what timelines we’ll be hitting with our updates, but hopefully you’ll be able to see the difference.

    In-game vision should now be more responsive and dynamic as it interacts with abilities (like Lux’s Lucent Singularity)
    Ward sweeping abilities will now cause wards to darken the fog of war when they are disabled.
    Projectiles should register more quickly when a champion casts an ability from the fog of war

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    Summary: We’ve increased the speed of Anivia’s basic attack projectile and brought down the mana cost of Flash Frost and Crystallize. Additionally, Anivia’s ult will now have a warning effect when she is almost out of Glacial Storm’s range.

    We call these kinds of changes “modernizations,” where we bring a champion up-to-date with the current state of the game. Usually this means mana cost changes (typically reductions), but it also extends to playability improvements, like range indicators or gameplay improvements.


    Basic attack projectile speed increased to 1400 (from 1100)

    Q - Flash Frost

    Mana cost reduced to 80/90/100/110/120 (from 80/100/120/140/160)

    W – Crystalize

    Mana reduced to 70 at all ranks (from 70/90/110/130/150)

    R - Glacial Storm

    Now displays a warning particle over Anivia that only the Anivia player can see when she is close to the maximum range of her ultimate


    Summary: Pyromania’s stun duration is now shorter at earlier levels but Summon: Tibbers’ cooldown has been reduced at later levels to compensate.

    Annie’s a terrifying kid to play against in the early phases of the game – even before Tibbers joins the party– mostly due to her long duration stun at level 1. With these changes, we want to give Annie’s lane opponents some more room to breathe against her early threat, but we’ve given Tibbers more late game playtime to compensate. This should lessen a bit of Annie’s power without incinerating her overall strengths.

    Passive - Pyromania

    Stun duration now scales 1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds at levels 1/6/11 (from 1.75 seconds at all levels)

    R - Summon Tibbers

    Cooldown reduced to 120/100/80 seconds (from 120 at all ranks)


    Summary: We’ve slowed down Hate Spike’s missile speed, changed Ravage’s damage from magical to physical and Agony’s Embrace now grants its shield instantly.

    Evelynn’s newfound strength in the preseason is partially a result of our changes to the vision system, but she’s also been blowing up enemy champions during the mid-game when she can stack Magic Penetration. Changing Ravage’s damage to physical will reduce some of Evelynn’s burst, but our core focus is on the Hate Spike change. By reducing its missile speed, Evelynn’s victims should feel more rewarded for keeping her at a distance, especially if they have some speed boosts to outrange her spikes. We also cleaned up the response time of Agony’s Embrace – it feels pretty bad for Evelynn to die before the shield but after the cast.

    Q - Hate Spike

    Missile speed reduced to 1250 (from 2000)

    E - Ravage

    Damage changed to physical (from magic)

    R - Agony's Embrace

    Now grants the shield instantly (instead of 0.5 seconds later after the projectiles return to her)


    Summary: Monsoon now channels immediately on activation and the channel duration has been reduced. Additionally, we’re increasing Monsoon’s heal per second and total heal amount.

    Since we removed a lot of Janna’s invisible power, we can now buff up some of the cooler parts of her kit. Since Monsoon is one of Janna’s big moments in the spotlight, we decided to throw caution to the wind and buff her up with more healing potential and immediate gains.

    R - Monsoon

    Now begins channeling immediately upon activation (from an initial 0.25 second cast time)
    Total channel duration reduced to 3 seconds (from 4 seconds)
    Heal per second increased to 100/150/200 (+0.6 ability power) (from 70/110/150 (+0.35 ability power)
    Total heal amount increased to 300/450/600 (+1.8 ability power) (from 280/440/600 (+1.4 ability power))


    Summary: We’ve lowered Jinx’s base health but increased her health per level. We’re also standardizing Flame Chompers! arm time, reduced its damage at earlier levels and fixing a slight bug.

    Given all of Jinx’s other core strengths; we’re looking to reduce some of her early game laning power.

    Despite Flame Chompers! taking a little longer to arm – and doing less damage at early levels – Jinx can at least get excited about their increased reliability against champions who could use movement-based abilities to get over them (Vi, Lee Sin, etc).


    Base health reduced to 462 (from 500)
    Health per level increased to 82 (from 80)

    E - Flame Chompers!

    Standardized arm time to 0.7 seconds (from 0.5 to 0.74 seconds)
    Fixed a bug that would cause Chompers to sometimes not activate on champions dashing over them
    Reduced damage at earlier levels to 80/135/190/245/300 (from 100/150/200/250/300)


    Summary: We’re reducing Wither’s range and removing the increased Wither and Spirit Fire range granted through Fury of the Sands.

    We want to keep Nasus’ core strengths where they are while toning down some of his power. Reducing the cast range of Wither and removing Wither’s bonus cast range from Fury of the Sands means that Nasus must position better and make better decisions about which target to Wither, rather than “sniping” fragile opponents with long-range Withers before eating them.

    W - Wither

    Range reduced to 600 (from 700)

    R - Fury of the Sands

    No longer increases the cast ranges of Wither and Spirit Fire


    Summary: We fixed a bunch of bugs in Savagery and tweaked Empowered Battle Roar.

    Rengar’s overall sustain with Empowered Battle Roar is incredibly high, especially because he can transition from a tank in the mid-game to an unseen predator in the late-game. While this is definitely a nerf to Rengar’s overall sustain, we wanted to maintain his ability to survive in a fight, so the scaling heal will remain a good choice when Rengar’s low on health. The Savagery change means that Rengar now has two seconds to pull off his empowered basic attack instead of six seconds.

    Q – Savagery

    Savagery basic attack buff (not attack speed buff) reduced to 2 seconds (from 6 seconds)
    Fixed multiple bugs that allowed Rengar to use Savagery more frequently than intended

    W - Battle Roar

    Empowered Battle Roar heal changed to 20 + (10 x level) amplified by a 1% per 1% of Rengar’s missing health (from 40 + (20 x level) health)


    Summary: We lowered Riven’s base attack damage but increased her attack damage per level to compensate. Additionally, Broken Wings’ damage has been decreased and Valor’s shield duration was shortened.

    Riven’s burst damage is just too high at early levels, so we’re dulling her blade. Broken Wings scaling off total AD from bonus AD means that Riven will do better when she’s behind (because she won’t be able to buy so much raw AD), but worse when she’s far ahead. We’re reducing the duration of Valor to hit some of Riven’s flexibility in lane – if she’s going to rely on Valor’s shield to trade damage, she’ll need to commit quickly or risk losing the shield.


    Base attack damage reduced to 54 (from 56.7)
    Attack damage per level increased to 3 (from 2.7)

    Q - Broken Wings

    Damage per strike decreased to 10/30/50/70/90 (+40/45/50/55/60% total attack damage) (from 30/55/80/105/130 (+70% bonus attack damage))

    E - Valor

    Shield duration reduced to 1.5 seconds (from 2.5 seconds)


    Summary: We’re lowering Burnout’s overall damage and Flame Breath’s damage at earlier levels. Dragon’s Descent also received a bug fix and the damage now matches the tooltip.

    Shyvana’s doing a lot of damage in the early to mid-game, even when she builds tanky. It turns out that when Shyvana can push, wave clear and out-trade opponents all at once, things can get a little frustrating. We’re cooling some of that dragon blood down to make her early bullying more manageable.

    W - Burnout

    Damage per second reduced to 20/35/50/65/80 (from 25/40/55/70/85)
    Minimum magic damage reduced to 60/105/150/195/240 (from 75/120/165/210/255)
    Maximum magic damage reduced to 140/245/350/455/560 (from 175/280/385/490/595)

    E - Flame Breath

    Damage reduced at earlier levels to 60/100/140/180/220 (from 80/115/150/185/220)

    R - Dragon's Descent

    Damage now correctly matches the tooltip at 175/300/425 (from 200/300/400)


    Summary: We made it more obvious that Dark Passage is a clickable item and gave it a small collision radius. We’re also slightly increasing the time it takes for The Box to form.

    Giving Thresh’s lantern a small collision radius means that he can’t cover things like minions or wards to prevent enemies from clicking them. Similarly, this also means that minions can’t accidentally cover up a lantern, and that enemies can’t block Thresh’s lantern with a bunch of wards. Instead, Thresh’s lantern will now slightly push units out of the way when it’s thrown on top of them – or if the unit can’t be moved (ie: wards or champions), Thresh’s lantern will land beside them and champions won’t be able to walk directly on top of it. Click that lantern!

    The increased delay on The Box’s wall formation is to clarify its use as a trapping ability when Thresh has the right position. Sometimes Thresh will just throw out The Box when walking behind a fleeing opponent to “clip” them on the edge, but Thresh should fail in those situations because he didn’t bother to have the proper positioning.

    W - Dark Passage

    Now shows indicator particles to nearby allies to indicate that it is a clickable object
    Lantern now has a small collision radius

    R - The Box

    Delay on wall formation increased to 0.75 seconds (from 0.5 seconds)


    Summary: We’ve smoothed out Yasuo’s gameplay overall and made Steel Tempest auto-smartcast. Additionally, Last Breath now gives maximum Flow when cast and has a slightly shortened animation.

    While we’re still keeping an eye on how Yasuo is performing at all levels, we wanted to smooth out his gameplay and give Last Breath more use to turn around a fight when he’s behind.


    Now properly applies the 10% critical strike damage reduction to Statikk Shiv critical hits
    Improved the functionality of his E – Sweeping Blade to Q – Steel Tempest combo

    Q – Steel Tempest

    All casts are now automatically smart cast

    W – Wind Wall

    No longer blocks friendly Syndra orbs

    R – Last Breath

    Now grants maximum Flow on cast
    Spell animation shortened by 0.1 seconds
    Now less likely to be teleported out of by enemies spamming flash
    Now properly alerts spectators and allies when it is on cooldown

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    Minor Changes and Bug Fixes


    R – Ace in the Hole

    Fixed a bug where Ace in the Hole's visual effects would continue, even after the projectile was destroyed by its target becoming untargetable. Caitlyn players should now have better visual feedback for when their ultimate will not hit its target.


    R – Noxian Guillotine

    Duration after kill when Darius can re-cast Noxian Guillotine increased to 20 seconds (from 12 seconds)


    This is a change we’re planning to make with more testing, but it went out accidentally and we’re reverting it for now.

    Q - Terrify

    Fixed a bug where Terrify would cause enemies to flee in a straight line, rather than in random directions


    R – Blade Waltz

    Fixed a bug where Fiora could teleport while casting Blade Waltz


    W – Spirit of Dread

    Amount healed now correctly matches the tooltip at 20% across all ranks (from 10/15/20/25/30%)

    Jarvan IV

    Passive – Martial Cadence

    Fixed a bug where Martial Cadence would sometimes trigger on towers


    R – Final Spark

    Now goes on cooldown when it finishes casting, instead of when it begins casting
    If Lux dies while casting Final Spark, it will no longer go on cooldown


    R – Nether Grasp

    Now halts the target's movement if they were being moved by a friendly effect (dashes, jumps, etc.)


    R – Tidal Wave

    Now goes on cooldown when it finishes casting, instead of when it begins casting
    If Nami dies while casting Tidal Wave, it will no longer go on cooldown


    W - Bushwhack

    Fixed a bug where Nidalee's Bushwhack traps could be placed in walls
    If Nidalee casts a trap that would fall in a wall, the trap will instead be placed in the nearest non-wall position less than or equal to Bushwhack's maximum cast range (900 units)


    Q – Undertow

    Slow reduced to 29/33/37/41/45% (from 35/40/45/50/55%)


    E – Cutthroat

    Now teleports Talon slightly further behind his target

    Twisted Fate

    Q – Wild Cards

    Targeting indicator updated to show the individual targeting lines

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    Rabadon's Deathcap

    Tooltip now displays the amount of Ability Power gained from its UNIQUE Passive.

    Spirit Visage

    The cooldown reduction for Spirit Visage is to reduce its high gold efficiency for almost all tanky champions, especially since many were just buying Spirit Visage as part of their “core” tank build, regardless of the enemy team composition.

    Cooldown reduction reduced to 10% (from 20%)

    Sunfire Cape

    This change is to reduce the overwhelming power of early Sunfire Capes.

    Magic damage changed to 25 + character level (from 40)

    Jungle Items

    We really like Spirit of the Spectral Wraith’s healing passive, so we decided to make it a staple passive on every Spirit item.

    Spirit Stone

    Now gives 8% of damage dealt to monsters as health and 4% as mana (half effect for area of effect spells)
    No longer has health or mana regen
    No longer has Maim passive

    Spirit of the Ancient Golem

    Now gives 8% of damage dealt to monsters as health and 4% as mana (half effect for area of effect spells)
    No longer has health or mana regen

    Spirit of the Spectral Wraith

    Now gives 8% of damage dealt to monsters as health and 4% as mana (half effect for area of effect spells) (from 8% of spell damage for both health and mana)
    No longer has health or mana regen
    Now grants 2 ability power for every large monster kill (max: 30)

    Spirit of the Elder Lizard

    Now gives 8% of damage dealt to monsters as health and 4% as mana (half effect for area of effect spells)
    No longer has health or mana regen

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    Summoner's Rift

    These changes are for Summoner’s Rift only

    With these changes, we want to tackle the 2v1 lane swaps that many competitive teams have adopted in order to shut down enemy laners while also taking quick objectives. Initiating a 2v1 lane swap to shut down an opponent should have inherent risks, like leaving your bottom tower vulnerable to early pushes.


    Outer turrets no longer gain bonus armor and magic resist for the first eight minutes of the game.
    Top and middle lane outer turrets now have 20 damage reduction from champion basic attacks.

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    Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline

    These changes are for Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline only

    Much like when we removed Needlessly Large Rod from Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar (due to its high cost in a faster game mode), we’re doing the same with B.F. Sword while reintroducing items with alternative build paths. Lord Van Damm’s Pillager has the exact same stats and total cost as Infinity Edge, but is easier to build up over time.

    Blackfire Torch

    Movement speed reduced to 5% (from 10%)

    Wicked Hatchet

    Re-introduced with a new build and effect
    Builds from a Long Sword and Brawler's Gloves
    Costs 1200 (440 combine cost)
    20 AD and 10% Critical Chance
    Critical strikes cause your target to bleed 60% of your bonus AD over 3 seconds (physical damage)

    Lord Van Damm's Pillager

    Re-introduced with a new build and effect
    Builds from Wicket Hatchet, Pickaxe, Agility Cloak
    Costs 3800 (995 combine cost)
    Stats and effect are identical to Infinity Edge

    Infinity Edge


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    Crystal Scar and Howling Abyss

    These changes are for Crystal Scar and Howling Abyss only


    No longer builds out of BF Sword - Now builds out of pickaxe
    Damage reduced to 55 (from 70)
    Total cost reduced to 2700 (from 3475)
    Combine cost reduced to 500 (from 600)

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    Crystal Scar, Howling Abyss, Twisted Treeline

    These changes are for Crystal Scar, Howling Abyss and Twisted Treeline only

    Grez's Spectral Lantern

    Total cost reduced to 1350 (from 1450)
    Combine cost reduced to 250 (from 350)

    The Lightbringer

    Total cost reduced to 2200 (from 2500)
    Combine cost reduced to 375 (from 575)

    Hextech Sweeper

    Total cost reduced to 2000 (from 2200)
    Combine cost reduced to 330 (from 530)

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    New Player Experience

    We’ve introduced a stable roster of free champions for new players to play. Our goal is to improve the way players learn to play League of Legends when they’re first starting out. These champions were picked because of how easy they can be learned and how enjoyable most new players find them.

    These changes will be turned on at a later date
    Players new to League of Legends will now have a static roster of free champions to play during their first few levels; after which, they will use the normal Free to Play rotation
  17. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The Hell
    Patch 4.2 Notes

    [spoil] LoL Client Updates
    Repair System

    With our improved repair system, any 3rd party modifications to the League of Legends client are at risk of being deleted if they cause the game to crash. Be careful!

    If you crash out of the game due to corrupt or missing data, the League of Legends patcher will automatically fix that bad data the next time you open it (so you don’t crash again)
    Soft Repair will not delete custom item sets while repairing your install


    The League of Legends ticker is an important communications tool for service status, so we’re upgrading it to deliver information better, faster and more clearly.

    Upgraded the notification box to handle more service status messages while also providing more information where necessary

    Game invites

    We’re taking a closer look at game invites and making some general quality of life buffs when it comes to setting up premade games.

    Updated the layout of the invite, start game, and quit buttons in the team invite lobbies for better clarity

    Journal of Justice

    Since the Journal of Justice has been out of publication for a while now, we're removing its link from the client. While the JoJ will be missed, we're exploring future storytelling methods for League of Legends.

    The lore tab (aka the feather) has been removed from the front of the LoL client

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    Pick Order

    We’re making pick order more consistent in ranked play. In most cases the skill gap between players on a team is not significant enough to justify granting the top player first pick. Basing pick order on a behind-the-scenes number isn’t a great experience - not to mention there are some odd side effects for duo queue players - so we’re taking a different approach.

    All players will now have an equal (random) chance of being first pick
    For players in a duo, if either player is chosen as first pick, the team captain will be assigned first pick and the other member of the duo will get whatever position the captain received from the randomizer

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    Vision System

    Improving the in-game vision system is on our current hit-list, so you will see more updates to the vision system in the future.

    Fixed a bug where units in the same brush would sometimes be invisible even if they were in your line of sight

    Additionally, we’ve made some progress in our long battle against the minimap visual bug demons. Completely solving the issue is a larger project we’re hoping to tackle, but these changes should significantly improve the situation.

    Fixed a number of minimap visual bugs. While this isn’t a complete fix, it should improve things overall.

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    We’re continually updating the visual fidelity of LoL across the board! In this patch, we’ve buffed up a few icons and spells.
    Icon Updates

    The following icons have been updated:

    Soraka’s ability icons
    Ashe’s ability icons

    Particle Updates

    The following summoner spells have been updated:

    Flash (particles and sound)
    Clairvoyance (particles and sound)
    Ghost (particles)
    Revive (particles)

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    Xerath is getting a complete overhaul of his kit along with new particle effects, ability icons, VOs and some new animations. Read below for the full details.

    This rework isn’t driven by a concern for power levels. Instead, like a lot of our reworks, it’s focused on delivering a unique, cohesive champion theme. Xerath’s theme has always been the arcane sniper with huge damage potential. Give him time and the right target, and he can precisely pick off his victims. That said, with Xerath’s old kit, he had so much spell penetration and rapid-fire abilities that players would often just dump all of his damage on the nearest target. We believe his new kit delivers on a better champion fantasy.
    Base mana :: 250 (+45 per level) ⇒ 238 (+47 per level)
    Base mana regen :: 7 per 5 seconds (+0.6 per level) ⇒ 6 per 5 seconds (+0.65 per level)
    Attack range :: 550 ⇒ 525
    Visual :: Attack animation has been shortened slightly
    Passive - Mana Surge

    Every 10 seconds, your next basic attack restores between 30 and 195 mana. The amount it restores scales with your character level.
    Effect :: Attacking an enemy champion restores double the amount of mana
    Q - Arcanopulse
    First cast :: Begin channeling, gradually increasing the spell's range from 700 to 1400 while slowing down movement speed by up to 50%. Xerath can move while channeling.
    Second cast :: Damage all enemies in a line for 80/120/160/200/240 (+0.75 ability power) magic damage
    Cooldown :: 9/8/7/6/5 seconds
    Mana cost :: 80/90/100/110/120
    Range :: Channeling increases the ability's range from 700 to 1400 over 1.5 seconds
    Effect :: Xerath can hold a full range Arcanopulse for an additional 1.5 seconds
    Effect :: While channeling this spell, Xerath gradually slows his movement speed by up to 50%
    W - Eye of Destruction
    AOE Damage & Slow :: Calls down a ground-targeted blast of energy, dealing 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.6 ability power) magic damage to all enemies caught within the blast and slowing them by 10%
    Center of Blast :: Enemies caught in the middle of the blast instead take 90/135/180/225/270 (+0.9 ability power) magic damage and are slowed by 60/65/70/75/80% instead
    Cooldown :: 14/13/12/11/10 seconds
    Mana cost :: 70/80/90/100/110
    Range :: 1000
    E - Shocking Orb
    Skillshot Nuke :: Fires an orb of raw magic in a straight line. The first enemy hit takes 80/110/140/170/200 (+0.45 ability power) magic damage and is stunned for between 0.75 and 2 seconds (the stun duration is based on how far the orb traveled)
    Cooldown :: 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 seconds
    Mana cost :: 60/65/70/75/80
    Range :: 1000
    R - Rite of the Arcane
    Ultimate :: Xerath roots himself in place and gains three shots of Arcane Barrage, a very long range magic artillery that does 190/245/300 (+0.43 ability power) magic damage to all enemies hit. Xerath can cancel this effect early. Half of the cooldown is refunded if no shots of Arcane Barrage were used.
    Cooldown :: 130/115/100 seconds
    Mana cost :: 100 at all ranks
    Range :: 3200/4400/5600

    We gave Crystal Slash a stacking attack speed buff and moved its slow over to Fracture, which in turn lost its heal mark mechanic. Crystalline Exoskeleton’s movement speed bonus now ramps up over 3 seconds instead of instantly and Impale will root the target during the windup animation.

    We’re giving Skarner a moderate rework to bring him slashing and impaling into the modern day. Our goals are to improve his overall counterplay, make Fracture a more useful skill and bring him up to current jungle standards. These changes shouldn't have a dramatic effect on Skarner's overall play pattern but they should make his kit feel more cohesive overall.
    Base attack speed :: lowered by 1%
    Passive - Energize
    Effect :: Unchanged
    Q - Crystal Slash
    Effect :: When a target is hit, Skarner gains an 8/10/12/14/16% attack speed buff that stacks up to 3 times
    Slow :: No longer slows ⇒ moved to Fracture
    W - Crystalline Exoskeleton
    Cooldown :: 18 seconds ⇒ 16 seconds
    Movement speed bonus :: from 15/17/19/21/23% ⇒ 16/20/24/28/32% (now ramps up over the first 3 seconds)
    Base shield and ability power ratio :: 70/115/160/205/250 (0.6 ability Power) ⇒ increased to 80/135/190/245/300 (0.8 ability Power)
    Effect :: No longer provides an Attack speed bonus
    E - Fracture
    Cooldown :: 10 seconds ⇒ 14 seconds
    Effect :: Targets hit are now slowed by 30/35/40/45/50% for 2.5 seconds
    Missile range :: 800 ⇒ 1000
    Missile width :: reduced slightly
    Missile speed :: lowered slightly
    Effect :: Heal mark removed
    R - Impale
    Root Timing :: Impale now roots the target during the windup animation
    Voice Over :: Skarner will no longer prematurely celebrate with his catch lines ("NOW I’VE GOT YOU!") unless he has successfully grabbed a target

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    We reduced Hawkshot’s cooldown at later levels and changed its bonus gold to 3 at all ranks.

    Basically, we wanted Hawkshot to feel more valuable at rank 1.
    E - Hawkshot
    Cooldown :: 60 at all ranks ⇒ 60/55/50/45/40
    Bonus gold on kill :: 1/2/3/4/5 ⇒ 3 at all ranks
    Dr. Mundo

    Mundo’s cleavers got skinnier.

    Designers keep watch over Mundo with skinny cleaver change. Now Mundo get no corporate bonus for bad cleaver. This separate good Mundo from great Mundo.
    Q - Infected Cleaver
    Missile width :: 80 ⇒ 60

    The closer Evelynn is to her target, the faster her Hate Spike projectile travels.

    We still like the notion behind our last Hate Spike change, but we’re not really happy with how it feels in game. Adjusting the ability’s missile speed still rewards enemies for keeping their distance, but also rewards Evelynn for getting up close and personal.
    Q - Hate Spike
    Missile Speed :: Re-adjusted missile speed to more consistently hit close targets (now has a high initial missile speed that rapidly decelerates as it travels)

    We lowered Reckoning’s AP ratio while raising the AP ratio of Divine Blessing’s heal. We also added an AP ratio to Divine Blessing’s movement speed bonus and removed Intervention’s mana cost.

    Once she gets ahead, Kayle's burst damage can be overwhelming to play against. While we're taking away some of Kayle's up-front burst, the utility scaling on Divine Blessing should help her and her team get INTO (and out of) THE FRAY.
    Q - Reckoning
    Ability power ratio :: 1.0 ⇒ 0.6
    W - Divine Blessing
    Heal/Ability Power Ratio :: 0.35 ⇒ 0.45
    Movement speed bonus :: now scales with ability power (+7% per 100 ability power)
    R - Intervention
    mana cost :: 100/75/50 ⇒ none

    We lowered Riven’s base health regen and increased the power of Valor’s shield.

    We’re reinforcing one of Riven’s core philosophies: she's a champion who should rely on mitigating or avoiding damage to be successful. Enemies who harass Riven should feel rewarded for hitting her when her defenses are down, while Riven players can feel better about using her buffed shield to prevent that damage in the first place.
    Base health regen :: 5.5 per 5s ⇒ 2.5 per 5s
    E - Valor
    Shield :: 70/100/130/160/190 ⇒ 90/120/150/180/210

    Flamespitter looks… okay.

    Rumble now spits real flame instead of meatballs.
    Q - Flamespitter
    Visual Update :: Spell effect has been updated

    Thresh’s very long range basic attack is a powerful threat in lane, so this change introduces a little more vulnerability to his kit.
    Basic attack range :: 475 ⇒ 450

    It now takes more movement to generate flow and Sweeping Blade gives less flow when Yasuo dashes. We also reduced Last Breath’s cast range.

    We made some general quality of life changes to Yasuo in patch 4.1 , but as players begin to master him, we’ve seen how strong he is when played to maximum effectiveness. We looked at areas where we could reduce some of that power without messing with his core playstyle. We were also unhappy with how Yasuo was using Last Breath to engage in fights by teleporting from thousands (and thousands) of miles away.
    Passive - Way of the Wanderer
    Movement to generate a unit of flow :: increased by 15%
    Q - Steel Tempest
    Visuals :: Now passively displays a range indicator around Yasuo when Steel Tempest's Whirlwind is available
    E - Sweeping Blade
    Passively grants flow when he dashes :: 4/8/12/16/20% ⇒ 3/6/9/12/15%
    R - Last Breath
    Cast Range :: 1300 ⇒ 1200
    Bug Fix :: Fixed a bug where Last Breath could sometimes be used beyond the maximum range

    Hexplosive Minefield will deal less damage to minions as they hit successive mines. Short Fuse’s base damage and AP ratio were both reduced at lower levels.

    Our changes to Ziggs in patch 3.13 turned him into monster when it comes to pushing and counterpushing. While we like the philosophy behind the change, Hexplosive Minefield is a little too good as a wave clear tool, letting Ziggs play passively without any repercussions. The Short Fuse change has a bunch of numbers, but the TL;DR is that it’s just a small nerf to Zigg’s early game harass.
    Passive - Short Fuse
    Base damage :: 20/27/34/41/48/56/64/72/80/88/96/105/114/123/132/141/150/160 (20 +7 at levels 1-5 / +8 at levels 6-11 / +9 at levels 12-17 / +10 at level 18) ⇒ 20/24/28/32/36/40/48/56/64/72/80/88/100/112/124/136/148/160 (20 +4 at levels 1-6 / +8 at levels 7-12 / +12 at levels 13-18)
    Ratio :: 0.35 at all levels ⇒ 0.25 ability power at levels 1-6, 0.3 at levels 7-12 and 0.35 at levels 13-18
    E - Hexplosive Minefield
    Minion Damage :: 100% from all mines ⇒ 40% damage for each mine they hit beyond the first

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    Minor Changes and Bug Fixes

    In our ongoing effort to create a more consistent League of Legends viewing experience, we’re standardizing certain elements of our user interface. Players using the old legacy floating combat text prior to this change will be assimilated into the collective player experience. Beep boop.

    Removed legacy floating combat text

    Added ticks to Vilemaw's health bar
    Fixed a bug that stopped the HUD from scaling while the game was paused

    R - Shadow Dance
    Clarity :: Akali's Shadow Dance stacks can once again be seen in her buff bar
    R - Spider Form
    Collision Size :: Fixed a bug where Elise's spider form size was smaller than intended for gameplay collision purposes.
    R - Vengeful Maelstrom
    Bonus Damage :: Fixed a bug where bonus damage stored was lower than intended (now 25% higher)
    E - Song of Celerity
    Tooltip Text :: Fixed a bug where the tooltip improperly showed Song of Celerity as having a .04 AP ratio for both effects - only the slow should have a .04 AP ratio
    Haste Ratio Bug :: .01 AP Ratio ⇒ .02 AP Ratio
    Slow Ratio Bug :: .02 AP Ratio ⇒ .04 AP Ratio
    Spell effect :: Fixed a bug where Toxic Shot could apply some spell effects like Tribute or Spell Weaving
    Ghoul Immunities :: Yorick's ghouls are no longer immune to slows (both Movement and Attack Speed)

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    Statikk Shiv
    Passive Crit :: Passive now only critically strikes when the associated attack critically strikes
    Warden’s Mail
    UNIQUE Passive - Cold Steel
    Slow Bug :: Fixed a bug where Annie’s Tibbers, Malzahar’s Voidlings, and Elise’s Spiderlings were not being affected by the slow
    Randuin’s Omen
    UNIQUE Passive - Cold Steel
    Slow Bug :: Fixed a bug where Annie’s Tibbers, Malzahar’s Voidlings, and Elise’s Spiderlings were not being affected by the slow

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    Perseverance as a mastery is incredibly powerful in comparison to other equivalent masteries - particularly once you get your first big HP item - so we're bringing it more in line.
    Health Regen :: 0.7%/1.35%/2% of missing health per 5s ⇒ 0.35%/0.675%/1% of missing health per 5s

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    Summoner’s Rift

    The changes affect Summoner’s Rift Only

    Back in Patch 4.1 we made this change to directly counter fast push strategies in competitive play. Reducing the timing to 8 minutes from permanent is more in line with what we wanted to accomplish, so we did just that.
    Top and mid lane outer turrets
    Flat Damage Reduction against Champions :: permanent ⇒ first 8 minutes

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    Twisted Treeline

    These changes affect Twisted Treeline only

    Same changes that exist on the Crystal Scar
    Q - Taste Their Fear
    Isolation damage bonus :: 45% ⇒ 35%
    Evolved Enlarged Claws
    Missing health damage :: 8% ⇒ 6%
  18. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    The Hell
    Patch 4.3 Notes

    [spoil] LoL Client

    “With our LoL client work ongoing, game invites were next on our hit list. The below changes should help out with client performance. ”

    Players can now be invited to and accept game invitations while already in a lobby
    Lobby owners can now select a teammate to be the game owner and “draft captain” in charge of bans and first pick
    Improved invitee and lobby status updates:
    Accepted - Lobby Full
    Accepted - Quit
    Joined - Quit
    Invitations to games that are no longer available will now read “The invitation from «Summoner» has expired.”
    You can now grant invite privileges in custom games
    Chat lobbies will remain intact if someone leaves champ select
    You can still send and receive game invites if chat goes down
    You can now send game invitations to offline players - they’ll see them when they log in
    Chat’s no longer restricted when sending out large amounts of invites at once

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    Vel’Koz, the Eye of the Void is somewhere in this patch but will be turned on at a later date.

    Corki players can now see Phosphorus Bomb’s area of effect indicator and Phosphorus Bomb now scales with bonus AD.

    “Way back, we added more gameplay to Phosphorous Bomb in the form of a travel time, thereby increasing the difficulty of the skill but not the reward. We’ve added some extra gunpowder to the bomb this patch to rebalance the ability.”
    Q - Phosphorus Bomb
    newbonus attack damage ratio +0.5 Bonus Attack Damage Ratio
    newclarity Now shows area-of-effect indicator for Corki (previously displayed only for enemies)

    We lowered Body Slam’s AD ratio at early levels and reduced Explosive Cask’s AP ratio.

    “Short-term, we’re making these changes to slightly tone down Gragas’ overall power curve without making him “Old and Busted.” In future patches we’ll look at Gragas and make changes that leave him feeling like more of a drunken brawler than a fat mage.”
    E - Body Slam
    total attack damage ratio 0.66 at all ranks ⇒ 0.3/0.4/0.5/0.6/0.7
    R - Explosive Cask
    ability power ratio 1.0 ⇒ 0.9
    old mana cost 100/125/150 ⇒ 100 at all ranks (legacy patch note from an undocumented change in 4.2)

    We reduced Null Sphere’s damage and silence duration and lowered the damage of Force Pulse.

    “We’re currently working on more aggressive changes for Kassadin in the future. In the meantime, these are short term tweaks to knock his power levels down a peg while we continue testing. Maybe, someone, somewhere, will get to play him in a ranked game.”
    Q - Null Sphere
    damage 80/115/150/185/220 ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200
    silence 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds ⇒ 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds
    E - Force Pulse
    damage 80/130/180/230/280 ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240

    “Kha’Zix can be oppressive to play against if he starts snowballing in the early game. Even if his opponents stick together to prevent isolation, the bug deals stupendous amounts of all-in damage before leaping to safety with his E resets. Even though we trimmed down his explosive initiations and crazy fast Dragon/Baron killing speed, we still like Kha’Zix as a speedy hunter, so we buffed his ability to maneuver in fights.”
    Q - Evolved Enlarged Claws
    missing health damage 8% ⇒ 6%
    maximum damage vs. monsters 200 ⇒ 100
    E - Leap
    bonus attack damage ratio 0.8 ⇒ 0.2
    R - Void Assault
    newutility Kha’Zix ignores unit collision while in stealth
    R - Evolved Active Camouflage
    newutility Void Assault Duration +1 seconds (total 2 seconds)

    We’ve buffed Ryze’s base health and increased Overload’s range.

    “In previous patches, we cemented Ryze’s role as a mid-range mage. Now, we’re helping him adjust.”
    base health 446 ⇒ 500
    Q - Overload
    range 600 ⇒ 625

    We lowered Crystal Slash’s mana cost and increased Fracture’s slow.

    “We’re giving Skarner some help in the early game with a focus on his crowd control capabilities.”
    Q - Crystal Slash
    mana cost 20/22/24/26/28 ⇒ 16/18/20/22/24
    E - Fracture
    slow 30/35/40/45/50% ⇒ 45/50/55/60/65%

    Teemo’s shrooms are now slightly less annoying.

    “Late game, Teemos stacking pure AP could pretty much opt out of fighting by laying deathshrooms everywhere and spamming the laugh button. If you’re ever close to losing it after dying to a shroom, just remember; millions of Teemos die each day .”
    R - Noxious Trap
    ability power ratio 0.8 ⇒ 0.5

    We’ve reduced Way of the Wanderer’s shield duration as well as its value at higher levels.

    “We want to further emphasize Yasuo’s defensive weaknesses, like triggering his shield with a basic attack and then waiting out the duration, or making him more vulnerable to lots of things hitting him at the same time.”
    Passive - Way of the Wanderer
    shield duration 2 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds
    shield (rough values) 60~690 ⇒ 60~470
    shield (real values) 60/65/70/75/85/95/110/125/145/170/200/240/290/350/420/500/590/690 ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80/90/100/110/125/140/160/185/215/250/290/340/400/470

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    Terrify(ing) Changes

    “The randomness of Terrify made it unreliable in most cases, both in coordinating with teammates and for opponents, so we’re making it more predictable.”

    In addition to the Terrify changes, we’ve increased Drain’s cast range.
    Q - Terrify
    utility Affected units run around in fear ⇒ Affected units now run away from Fiddlesticks with impaired movement
    W - Drain
    cast range 475 ⇒ 575 (tether range remains at 750)
    E - Unspeakable Horror
    utility Affected units run around in fear ⇒ Affected units now run away from Nocturne with impaired movement speed
    W - Jack In The Box
    utility Affected units run around in fear ⇒ Affected units now run away from the Jack in the Box with impaired movement speed

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    Minor Changes & Bug Fixes
    newprettiness Updated Ability Icons!
    W - Flail of the Northern Winds
    bugfix Fixed a bug where % increases to Sejuani’s health were not being included in the bonus damage calculation
    Twisted Fate
    W - Pick A Card
    newprettiness New Particles!
    W - Frenzy
    bugfix Fixed a bug where % increases to Volibear’s health were not being included in the bonus damage calculation

    We increased the interaction radius of Zac’s blobs.
    Passive - Cell Division
    chunk pickup / stomp radius 25 ⇒ 50

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    Tear of the Goddess

    “Not enough tears on the Rift.”
    newpassive Additionally grants +1 maximum mana per 8 seconds (+1 maximum mana per 6 seconds on Crystal Scar)
    mana regen 7 ⇒ 6
    Doran’s Shield

    “We want Doran’s Shield to be a strong pick for countering ranged attack harassment, but its high defensive stats were making it a must-buy early item for some champions. We’re clarifying its strengths while toning down some of the power.”
    health 100 ⇒ 80
    health regen 10 ⇒ 6
    Spirit Stone Items
    (Spirit Stone, Spirit of the Elder Lizard, Spirit of the Ancient Golem, Spirit of the Spectral Wraith)

    “We like the changes we made to the Spirit Stone line in patch 4.1, so these are just some general tweaks to promote a wider variety of junglers.”
    butcher passive health restore 8% damage dealt ⇒ 6% damage dealt
    butcher passive mana restore 4% damage dealt ⇒ 3% damage dealt
    butcher passive utility Health / Mana restore no longer halved for area-effect spells
    Boots of Mobility

    “As the premiere set up boots for getting into - and initiating - fights, we’re introducing a strategic tradeoff. There has been some discussion that this change will hurt some junglers, so we’ll keep an eye on this change.”
    movement speed 45 in combat / 105 out of combat ⇒ 25 in combat / 105 out of combat
    total cost 1000 gold ⇒ 800 gold
    Ruby Crystal

    “We don’t expect Ruby Crystal to suddenly be a great starting item, but we want to lower its barrier of purchase. Same’s true of the Sightstone items.”
    health 180 ⇒ 150
    total cost 475 gold ⇒ 400 gold
    health 180 ⇒ 150
    total cost 950 gold ⇒ 800 gold
    Ruby Sightstone
    health 360 ⇒ 400
    total cost 1550 gold ⇒ 1600 gold

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    Gold Generating Items

    All stats will be displayed per item while changes will be noted.

    We’re doing a polish of the mini-games associated with gold generating items.
    Spellthief’s Edge Line

    Buying a Spellthief’s Edge is a commitment to harassing your opponents from afar. It’ll be the highest risk and reward item in terms of gold generation.
    Spellthief’s Edge
    newpassive tribute Old Tribute Passive ⇒ Spells and basic attacks against champions or buildings deal 10 additional damage and grant 5 Gold. This can occur up to three times every 30 seconds. Killing a minion disables this passive for 12 seconds.
    ability power 10 ⇒ 5
    mana regen 3 ⇒ 2
    gold per 10 2 gold per 10 seconds
    newpassive tribute Old Tribute Passive ⇒ Spells and basic attacks against champions or buildings deal 15 additional damage and grant 10 Gold. This can occur up to three times every 30 seconds. Killing a minion disables this passive for 12 seconds.
    total cost 850 gold ⇒ 865 gold
    ability power 20 ⇒ 10
    mana regen 7 ⇒ 5
    gold per 10 4 gold per 10 seconds
    Frost Queen’s Claim
    newpassive tribute Old Tribute Passive ⇒ Spells and basic attacks against champions or buildings deal 15 additional damage and grant 10 Gold. This can occur up to three times every 30 seconds. Killing minions does not disable the passive.
    newunique active Old Unique Active ⇒ Fires an ice lance that explodes dealing 50 (+5 per champion level) magic damage to nearby enemies while slowing their movement speed by 80%, decaying over 2 seconds (60 second cooldown).
    recipe Frostfang + Amplifying Tome ⇒ Frostfang + Fiendish Codex (total cost remains 2000 gold)
    newcooldown reduction +10% Cooldown reduction
    ability power 50 ⇒ 40
    gold per 10 4 gold per 10 seconds
    mana regen 10 mana regeneration
    Relic Shield Line

    We’re reinforcing the Relic Shield line as “all-in” tanky support items for those who want to scrap in lane all day. This is the moderate risk, moderate reward item.
    Relic Shield
    newpassive spoils of war Old Spoils of War Passive ⇒ Melee basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health. Killing a minion heals you and the nearest allied champion for 40 Health and grants them kill gold. These effects require a nearby allied champion. Recharges every 60 seconds. Max 2 charges.
    newclarity Allies who benefit from Spoils of War now also gain +1 to their minions killed score
    health 50 ⇒ 75
    health regen 6 ⇒ 0
    Targon’s Brace
    newpassive spoils of war Old Spoils of War Passive ⇒ Melee basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health. Killing a minion heals you and the nearest allied champion for 50 Health and grants them kill gold. These effects require a nearby allied champion. Recharges every 30 seconds. Max 3 charges.
    newclarity Allies who benefit from Spoils of War now also gain +1 to their minions killed score
    total cost 850 gold ⇒ 865 gold
    health regen 12 ⇒ 8
    health +175 health
    Face of the Mountain
    newpassive spoils of war Old Spoils of War Passive ⇒ Melee basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health. Killing a minion heals you and the nearest allied champion for 50 (+1% of your maximum Health) and grants them kill gold. Recharges every 30 seconds. Max 4 charges.
    newclarity Allies who benefit from Spoils of War now also gain +1 to their minions killed score
    newunique active Old Unique Active ⇒ Shield target ally for 10% of your maximum Health for 4 seconds. After 4 seconds, the target explodes dealing 100% of their total Attack Damage plus 30% of their Ability Power as magic damage in an area (60 second cooldown).
    health 375 health
    health regen 25 health regeneration
    cooldown reduction 10% cooldown reduction
    Ancient Coin Line

    We’re giving the Ancient Coin line a reduction in combat-related stats so that we can focus on its hold-out pattern of staying alive in lane. This is definitely the lowest risk line of them all, but it also provides the lowest overall rewards.
    Ancient Coin
    newpassive favor Old Favor Passive ⇒ Being near a minion death without dealing the killing blow grants 2 Gold and 5 Health.
    health regen 5 ⇒ 0
    mana regen +3 mana regeneration
    Nomad’s Medallion
    newpassive favor Old Favor Passive ⇒ Being near a minion death without dealing the killing blow grants 3 Gold and 5 Health.
    health regen 8 ⇒ 5
    mana regen 11 ⇒ 7
    total cost 850 gold ⇒ 865 gold
    gold per 10 +2 gold per 10 seconds
    Talisman of Ascension
    newpassive favor Old Favor Passive ⇒ Being near a minion death without dealing the killing blow grants 3 Gold and 10 Health.
    mana regen 15 ⇒ 10
    active Grants nearby allies +40% movement speed for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown).
    health regen 10 health regeneration
    gold per 10 2 gold per 10 seconds
    cooldown reduction 20% cooldown reduction

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    Team Builder

    “Some Team Builder assets are included in this patch in preparation for an eventual two-day live beta test.” [/spoil]
  19. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    The Hell
    Patch 4.4 Notes

    [spoil] LoL Client

    Continuing the work we did in patch 4.3, we've got some general cleanup and bug fixes.

    Game owners are now labeled as “Owner” in the lobby invites panel
    Players can no longer accept invites while in a matchmaking queue
    Fixed an issue where players who relogged with an on-hold invite (the lobby entered champion select) experienced various issues preventing them from entering games
    Fixed an issue where the invite system counted spectators when determining whether a custom lobby was full
    Fixed a reconnect issue where players who restarted the client while spectating a custom game were stuck on a blank landing page upon relogging

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    Old Kassadin's combination of high mobility, strong disables and high burst damage left his victims with very few to no options against him (other than banning him in every single ranked game), especially when he snowballed ahead. Our focus here is to introduce more counterplay to Kassadin's kit, something we couldn't do with number tweaks alone. For example, lowering Kass's damage doesn't make for an interesting gameplay interaction (it just means you can turn around and smash him in the face if you survive the burst), while increasing his cooldowns means he just needs to wait longer before blowing somebody up.

    In the end, we opted for a full-on kit rework to reinforce his core theme as an anti-magic assassin with unrivaled mobility. These changes mean Kassadin must rely on his mobility to pick fights while finding opportunities to dive in and out of combat to take out targets. It's worth stressing: these changes are to make Kassadin less of a "blow someone up when you can" champion and more of a mobile attacker who wants to get in to fight while using Riftwalk to stay safe. Obviously, this is a significant change, so we'll be watching his performance very closely.

    We've increased Kassadin's attack range and changed his passive so it no longer grants attack speed but avoids unit collision. We reduced Null Sphere's damage and pulled off the silence, although it will still interrupt channeled abilities. Instead, Null Sphere now grants Kassadin a shield on use. Nether Blade now passively deals bonus magic damage per autoattack and, when activated, deals higher bonus magic damage as well as restoring some of Kassadin's missing mana. No big changes to Force Pulse though we did reduce its damage a bit. Riftwalk, on the other hand, has a lot of changes. We've reduced its cooldown and it now scales with max mana instead of AP. Each stack now doubles the mana cost of the next Riftwalk but we reduced the mana cost and the number of max stacks to compensate. It also no longer refunds mana on hitting enemy champs.
    Visuals Kassadin's particles have been updated!
    Attack Range 125 ⇒ 150
    Passive - Void Stone
    newUtility Kassadin now additionally ignores unit collision
    Attack Speed Bonus Bonus attack speed per magic damage reduced ⇒ No longer grants attack speed
    Q - Null Sphere
    newUtility Now additionally grants Kassadin a shield for 1.5 seconds that absorbs 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.3 Ability Power) magic damage
    newUtility Silences the target ⇒ No longer silences, instead it interrupts channel spells
    Damage 80/110/140/170/200 (+0.7 ability power) ⇒ 80/105/130/155/180 (+0.7 ability power)
    newW - Nether Blade
    Passive Kassadin's basic attacks draw energy from the void, dealing 20 (+0.1 ability power) bonus magic damage.
    Active Kassadin charges his Nether Blade, causing his next basic attack to deal 40/65/90/115/140 (+0.6 ability power) bonus magic damage and restore 4/5/6/7/8% of his missing mana (increases to 20/25/30/35/40% against champions).
    Cooldown 6 seconds
    Mana Cost No cost
    Utility Resets Kassadin's basic attack timer on activation
    E - Force Pulse
    Damage 80/120/160/200/240 (+0.7 ability power) ⇒ 80/105/130/155/180 (+0.7 ability power)
    R - Riftwalk
    newDamage 80/100/120 (+0.8 ability power) ⇒ 80/100/120 (+2% maximum mana)
    newStacking Damage 50/55/60 (+0.1 ability power) per stack ⇒ 40/50/60 (+1% maximum mana) per stack
    newRiftwalk Stacks Costs +100 mana per stack ⇒ Now doubles its mana cost per stack
    newUtility Refunds mana on hitting enemy champions ⇒ No longer refunds mana on hitting enemy champions
    Cooldown 7/6/5 seconds ⇒ 7/5/3 seconds
    Mana Cost 100 ⇒ 75
    Maximum Stacks 10 ⇒ 4
    Stack Duration 8 seconds ⇒ 12 seconds

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    We like Annie's versatility, but some of her base damage is too high for how she's currently being used. Our goal is to introduce more interesting choices in Annie's kit (particularly on that Disintegrate buff) as we looked for ways to buff her late game scaling when she builds more traditional AP items.

    We've reduced Disintegrate's cooldown by half on any kill (champion or minion). We've also fiddled with Incinerate and Tibbers so they do less base damage but scale better with AP.
    Q - Disintegrate
    newUtility Reduces cooldown by half on all kills (champion or minion)
    Base Damage 85/125/165/205/245 ⇒ 80/115/150/185/220
    Ability Power Ratio 0.7 ⇒ 0.8
    W - Incinerate
    Base Damage 80/130/180/230/280 ⇒ 70/115/160/205/250
    Ability Power Ratio 0.75 ⇒ 0.85
    R - Summon: Tibbers
    Base Damage 200/325/450 ⇒ 175/300/425
    Ability Power Ratio 0.7 ⇒ 0.8

    The Lich Bane changes affect Diana pretty hard, so we're tweaking her numbers a little to make sure she still packs a punch.

    More on Lich Bane below.
    Passive - Moonsilver Blade
    Ability Power Ratio 0.6 ⇒ 0.8

    Reiterating what was mentioned in the foreword of the patch notes, we like champions that have different strengths and weaknesses at various points in the game, but jungle Elise was an extreme outlier with her super strong spider-of-all-trades early game. This is definitely a nerf, but we'll keep an eye on Elise as she adjusts.

    We lowered Neurotoxin/Venomous Bite's damage versus monsters while making Cocoon's stun shorter at early levels and higher at later levels. We also shortened the cooldown of Rappel and lowered spiderling health at early levels but raised it at higher levels.
    Q - Neurotoxin
    Base Damage 40/80/120/160/200 ⇒ 40/75/110/145/180
    Maximum % health damage vs. monsters 60/120/180/240/300 ⇒ 50/75/100/125/150
    Q - Venomous Bite
    Base Damage 60/110/160/210/260 ⇒ 60/100/140/180/220
    Maximum % health damage vs. monsters 60/120/180/240/300 ⇒ 50/75/100/125/150
    E - Cocoon
    Stun duration 1.5 seconds ⇒ 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds
    E - Rappel
    Cooldown 26/24/22/20/18 seconds ⇒ 26/23/20/17/14 seconds
    R - Spider Form
    Spiderling Health (Rough Values) 90~260 ⇒ 85~390
    Spiderling Health (Real Values)
    90/100/110/120/130/140/150/160/170/180/190/200/210/ 220/230/240/250/260 ⇒ 85/95/105/115/125/135/145/160/175/190/210/230/250/ 275/300/325/355/390

    We saw the Lich Bane changes as an easy opportunity to preserve the AP Ezreal off-build without jeopardizing the health / balance of his primary build.

    More on Lich Bane below.
    Q - Mystic Shot
    Ability Power Ratio 0.20 ⇒ 0.40

    Lich Bane's a pretty key item for Fizz, so we're giving the little fish dude a buff to compensate for the item change.

    More on Lich Bane below.
    W - Seastone Trident
    Active Ability Power Ratio 0.15 ⇒ 0.25

    We've been paying close attention to Heimerdinger since his kit rework and felt he could use a little more late game help. Turret basic attacks deal a hell of a lot more damage than people realize, so we're tying their power in with the “flashier” big sister: The Beam. This way, Heimerdinger must position his turrets for maximum effectiveness on both attacks (basics and beams).

    Heimer's got a visual update! We bumped up Heimer's move speed and made some changes to his turrets. Turret health now scales with AP and champion levels, and turret basic attacks now reduce the cooldown of turret beams instead of CDR. Also, turrets are now a little worse at last hitting minions unless Heimer orders them to attack specific ones.

    Heimerdinger has received a visual update, including one hell of a haircut! Check out the full details here.
    Base Movement Speed 335 ⇒ 340
    Q - H-28G Evolution Turret
    newUtility Heimerdinger now spawns with maximum ammo count
    newUtility Turret Health now scales with Ability Power at a ratio based on level (flat 0.05 Ability Power ratio from levels 1-8, increases by 0.035 per level from levels 9-18 ending at 0.40 at level 18)
    newUtility Turret basic attacks now restore 1/2/3/4/5% Beam charge
    newUtility Cooldown reduction modifies beam cooldown ⇒ Cooldown reduction no longer modifies Beam cooldown
    Smarts Turret AI is less reliable at last-hitting minions unless Heimer himself has ordered the Turret by attacking that minion

    Late game, Caustic Spittle's lower cast range often clashed with Kog's Bio-Arcane Barrage empowered attack range, so we're clarifying Kog'Maw's role as an artillery-lobbing, tank-shredding, spittle-spitting, purple people-eating, puppy-monster… thing.

    Caustic Spittle is now a straight line skill shot with a longer range. It has a higher base damage and now shreds the target's armor and magic resistance.
    Q - Caustic Spittle
    newUtility Targeted ability ⇒ Now a straight line skill shot
    newArmor and Magic Resistance Shred Flat 5/10/15/20/25 ⇒ 20/22/24/26/28%
    Range 625 ⇒ 1000
    Base Damage 60/110/160/210/260 ⇒ 80/130/180/230/280
    Ability Power Ratio 0.7 ⇒ 0.5
    W - Bio-Arcane Barrage
    newMana Cost 50 ⇒ Now has no mana cost
    R - Living Artillery
    BUGFIX Fixed tooltip to reflect that only the base damage is amplified versus champions

    We're giving Nautilus some love so he can be a little safer in the jungle while scaling better into the late game (particularly with his slow early game).
    W - Titan's Wrath
    Cooldown 22/21/20/19/18 seconds ⇒ 18 seconds at all ranks
    Bonus Health Ratio 10% ⇒ 15%

    Continuing our Sivir watch since her rework. These nerfs mean Sivir can't create an unhealthy lane by auto-pushing her opponents to the tower without interacting with them. The higher mana costs combined with a buffed mana restore on Spell Shield means Sivir needs to take more risks to keep using her abilities.
    Q - Boomerang Blade
    Damage loss per enemy hit 10% ⇒ 15% (still a minimum of 40% damage)
    W - Ricochet
    Mana Cost 40 ⇒ 60
    E - Spell Shield
    Mana Restore 60/75/90/105/120 ⇒ 80/95/110/125/140

    We said we'd monitor Skarner after his changes, and we're continuing to do so. The buffs in patch 4.3 were a good direction but it looks like Skarner could use a little more reliability.
    E - Fracture
    Missile Width 60 ⇒ 70
    Missile Speed 1400 ⇒ 1500

    8 seconds is really all the time a soul needs before it realizes it can escape from Thresh. The shorter window to pick up souls means Thresh will have to take more risks as he tries to collect distant souls.
    Passive - Damnation
    Soul Despawn Rate 15 seconds ⇒ 8 seconds

    Using Rapid Fire is about timing and opportunity (not mana costs!), so we're clarifying its use.
    Q - Rapid Fire
    newMana Cost 50 ⇒ Now has no mana cost
    Twisted Fate

    Twisted Fate was another Lich Bane fan who relied on its extra damage to stay strong. Now that we've knocked Lich Bane down a few notches, we're giving the Card Master a couple buffs to keep him happy.

    More on Lich Bane below.
    W - Pick A Card
    Ability Power Ratio 0.4 ⇒ 0.5
    E - Stacked Deck
    Ability Power Ratio 0.4 ⇒ 0.5

    Vi deals a lot of damage when building tanky and we want to incentivize her to go back to what she does best: punching things. The change to Assault and Battery gives a little more breathing room for her opponents between her oppressive early ganks while also giving foes more opportunities to capitalize on poorly planned ults.

    Vault Breaker has a lower base damage now but scales better with AD. We also raised Assault and Battery's cooldown at early ranks and reduced the knockback duration and distance to secondary targets.
    Q - Vault Breaker
    Minimum damage 50/80/110/140/170 (+.7 Bonus Attack Damage) ⇒ 50/75/100/125/150 (+.8 Bonus Attack Damage)
    Maximum damage 100/160/220/280/340 (+1.4 Bonus Attack Damage) ⇒ 100/150/200/250/300 (+1.6 Bonus Attack Damage)
    R - Assault and Battery
    Cooldown 130/105/80 seconds ⇒ 150/115/80 seconds
    Knockback duration on secondary targets 0.5 seconds ⇒ 0.25 seconds
    Knockback distance on secondary targets 350 ⇒ 250

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    Minor Changes & Bug Fixes
    Font Updates

    We're switching our loading screen and in-game announcer fonts to a better recognized, stable font.

    We changed the loading screen and in-game announcer fonts!

    Attacks and damaging spells that hit a shielded target will now cancel a recall cast in progress, even if the shield is not broken by the incoming damage

    We've gussied up the health restoration particle you get when you kill large jungle monsters. Now comes with 100% extra swirl
    R - Blade Waltz
    Bugfix Fixed a bug where Fiora would occasionally be locked out of using Flash if Blade Waltz was interrupted

    We fixed a bug that caused Karthus to lose certain item buffs for varying amounts of time when he became a spirit. We'll keep an eye on Karthus after this patch as this fix is a significant buff to his damage while in his undead-er form.
    Passive - Death Defied
    Bugfix Fixed a bug that was causing Karthus to lose the multipliers on Deathcap, Last Whisper, and Void Staff for varying amounts of time after becoming a zombie
    E - Ethereal Chains
    Bugfix Fixed a bug where Ethereal Chains could still root an enemy even if LeBlanc was out of range when the secondary effect procced

    We're updating Final Spark's targeting indicator so players who use quick cast can see the range of the spell easier.
    R - Final Spark
    newUtility Now displays a targeting circle when highlighting the ability

    With this change you'll still have to figure out what Valor likes to do, but at least you'll know when he's taking a break and won't help you out on his own.
    Passive - Harrier
    Utility Now displays as 'on cooldown' when Valor is unable to mark a target on his own due to recently marking a target
    E - Bear Stance
    Bugfix Fixed a tooltip bug to reflect that Udyr can stun the same target once every 5 seconds, not 6
    Visuals We've updated base Vel'Koz's texture fidelity!

    We fixed a bug that caused Yorick's Omen of Death'd target (well that's awkward to write) to lose certain item buffs for varying amounts of time when they became a zombie. We'll be watching Yorick after this patch as this fix is a significant buff to Omen of Death.
    Q - Omen of War
    Bugfix Fixed a bug where Yorick could permanently ignore unit collision after casting Omen of War.
    R - Omen of Death
    Bugfix Fixed a bug that was causing Omen of Death's target to lose the multipliers on Deathcap, Last Whisper, and Void Staff for varying amounts of time after becoming a zombie.

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    Lich Bane

    Historically we've run into a lot of problems with champions who use Lich Bane because of its high-power AP burst, so we're taking a look at the item itself. Lich Bane is designed to be a damage supplement for AP champs that incorporate basic attacks into their spell rotations, unlike Deathfire Grasp which is for champions who want to optimize their burst damage. This adjustment lets us take a look at champions who traditionally depend on Lich Bane for their damage output. We've given a bit of power back to Diana, Ezreal, Fizz and Twisted Fate for now and we'll keep a close eye on the state of the game after this change to see if we need to help out anyone else.

    We're lowering Lich Bane's damage.
    Empowered Damage Deals 50 (+0.75 ability power) magic damage ⇒ Deals 75% Base AD (+0.5 Ability Power) magic damage
    Trinkets (Warding Totem, Sweeping Lens, Scrying Orb)

    A lot of players were relying on the early Warding Totem to protect standard invade paths, which ended up preventing meaningful aggression. We like that invading can be a team strategy, so we're hoping this helps out. Plus, lowering the swap cooldown for trinkets should allow for more flexibility.
    Start Cooldown (for all trinkets) 90 seconds ⇒ 120 seconds
    Swap Cooldown (for all trinkets) 180 seconds ⇒ 120 seconds
    Wriggle's Line

    We're currently working on the Wriggle's line of items and, in patch 4.5, we'll be introducing an "evolution" to Wriggle's Lantern where it transforms into a more powerful item called Feral Flare when you accumulate a large number of monster kills. Once again, that item will hit in 4.5 but you can play with the minor Madred's and Wriggle's changes for now.

    The specific goal here is to fill in the “missing link” of jungle items for basic attack reliant champions. We really want to give 'carry' junglers an item that focuses on a weaker early game for mid to late game payoffs.

    Madred's Razors now gives attack speed rather than armor. Wriggle's Lantern now gives attack damage and a little more attack speed rather than armor and attack speed.
    Madred's Razors
    newRecipe Cloth Armor + Hunter's Machete + 100 gold (total cost 700g) ⇒ Dagger + Hunter's Machete + 50g (total cost 750g)
    newAttack Speed +15% Attack Speed
    Armor +20 Armor ⇒ Removed
    Passive Maim Basic attacks deal 60 bonus magic damage and restore 5 health on hit versus monsters ⇒ Basic attacks deal 60 bonus magic damage and restore 8 health on hit versus monsters
    Wriggle's Lantern
    newRecipe Madred's Razors + Dagger + Dagger + 150 gold (total cost 1650 gold) ⇒ Madred's Razors + Long Sword + Dagger + 140 gold (total cost 1650 gold)
    newAttack damage +12 attack damage
    Attack speed 25% ⇒ 30%
    Armor +20 Armor ⇒ Removed
    Passive gold bonus 40% increased gold from monsters ⇒ 30% increased gold from monsters
    Passive Maim (Unchanged) Basic attacks against monsters deal 100 bonus magic damage and restore 10 health.
    Active (Unchanged) Places a stealth ward that lasts 180 seconds (cooldown: 180 seconds)

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    Summoner Spells

    We like the offensive pressure that comes from taking Teleport, but its defensive use (ie: lane recovery or base protection) could use some love.
    newUtility Teleporting to an allied turret reduces the cooldown of Teleport by 100 seconds (total 200 second cooldown. 300 seconds if Teleport is used on an object.).
    Cancellation Penalty Cancelling a Teleport in progress reduces the cooldown of Teleport to 150 seconds ⇒ 200 seconds
    Graphical Updates

    We're continuing along our goal of making gameplay more readable, satisfying, and visceral. Also pretty.

    Barrier particles and sound effects updated
    Heal particles and sound effects updated
    Teleport particles and sound effects updated
    Ignite particles updated
    Ghost sound effects updated
    Screenshots in the spells tab of your profile have been updated according to recent changes.

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    Twisted Treeline

    The crocodile can be pretty overwhelming in a 3s match, so we're taking a little power off.
    R - Dominus
    Bonus Health 300/450/600 ⇒ 200/350/500
    Damage per second 40/70/100 ⇒ 30/60/90

    As a zone control mage, Syndra was designed and balanced to fend off 5 attackers, but she can be oppressive in 3v3 matches.
    E - Scatter the Weak
    Cooldown 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 seconds ⇒ 20/18.5/17/15.5/14 seconds
    R - Unleashed Power
    Cooldown 100/90/80 seconds ⇒ 120/105/90 seconds

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    Crystal Scar

    Talon's invisibility is really strong on wardless maps, so we're upping the cooldown a bit to compensate. We're also lowering his mid/late game burst because really, it's too damn high.
    Q - Noxian Diplomacy
    Base Damage 30/60/90/120/150 ⇒ 30/55/80/105/130
    R - Shadow Assault
    Cooldown 75/65/55 seconds ⇒ 85/75/65 seconds

    Thresh's soul pickup rate on Dominion is pretty low in comparison to SR, which leaves him lackluster in the stats department. So, we're giving him some help to hit parity with other tanks and supports.
    Passive - Damnation
    Gains per Soul Collected 1 soul = 1 stack ⇒ 1 soul = 4 stacks
    R - The Box
    Cooldown 150/140/130 seconds ⇒ 120/110/100 seconds
  20. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    Patch 4.5 Notes

    [spoil] LoL Client
    Game Lobbies

    Minor improvement to invite statuses to better document the history of the lobby.

    When the creator of a game lobby transfers ownership to another player, their status will now change to "Creator" rather than "Joined".

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    Team Builder

    Captains now see a spinner animation when friends in the group are still determining their spec
    Captains can now invite friends to their group before determining their own spec
    Friend invite statuses are now properly updating

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    Combat Text

    Switching text labels for gold gain and crits to icons for faster readability and a more consistent experience across languages.

    Gold gain text is now indicated by a gold coin, rather than the letter 'g'
    Critical strike text is now indicated by a bursty icon, rather than the symbol '!'

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    Gameplay Updates

    Rengar's received some buffs to his teamfight capabilities. Battle Roar is more effective the more people (or large monsters) he hits (there's no limit!) and empowered Bola Strike deals more damage and roots for longer (Bola Strike is also a long range skill shot). Thrill of the Hunt now only gives a speed boost for Rengar when he's chasing down his prey, but it now gives him tons of movement speed when he breaks out of stealth. In exchange, targets will be alerted when Rengar is stealthed and near leap range (he still won't be revealed). Ferocity abilities now scale independently of the base skill rank so they're always equal in power. Bonetooth Necklace is now a trinket (still offers vision) and doesn't stack attack damage, but it no longer loses stacks on death and yields additional utility as Rengar scores kills or assists.

    Overall, the Rengar rework set out to accomplish two goals: add more depth to his gameplay and allow Rengar to contribute meaningfully to team fights as a hunter of weaker targets. Old Rengar's problem was that he was binary in design - he either got ahead and blew up squishies without recourse, or he fell behind and split pushed indefinitely, relying on his stealth for safe escapes. On its own, split pushing isn't an unhealthy strategy, but Rengar could do it with few tradeoffs (especially given his split pushing speed). Ultimately we preserved the more skill-intensive parts of Rengar, like his ability to stalk foes while moving around the fight, and tuned down his less interactive power. Final point on Bonetooth Necklace: now that it's a trinket it can be positioned as a core progression item for Rengar rather than a risky snowball item slot. Tonight we hunt!

    Health per level 85 ⇒ 90
    Ferocity effect scaling Per ability level ⇒ Per champion level
    Passive - Unseen Predator
    Stealth Rengar becomes visible mid-leap ⇒ at the beginning of the leap
    Q - Savagery
    Bugfix Fixed a bug where the bonus damage from Savagery could crit
    Cooldown 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds ⇒ 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 seconds
    Damage 30/60/90/120/150 (+1.0 attack damage at all ranks) ⇒ 20/40/60/80/100 (+1.0/1.05/1.10/1.15/1.20 attack damage)
    removedAttack Speed buff 30/35/40/45/50% attack speed for 4 seconds
    Basic attack buff window 2 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds
    removedUtility Usable on structures
    Q - Empowered Savagery
    Damage 30/60/90/120/150 (+2.0 attack damage) based on skill level ⇒ 20-235 (+1.5 attack damage) based on champion level
    Attack Speed buff +60/70/80/90/100% attack speed based on skill level ⇒ +50-101% attack speed based on champion level
    Attack Speed buff duration Unchanged (5 seconds)
    newAttack Damage buff +10% attack damage for 5 seconds
    W - Battle Roar
    Cooldown 15/14/13/12/11 seconds ⇒ 12 seconds at all ranks
    Damage Unchanged (50/80/110/140/170 (+0.8 ability power))
    Bonus Armor & Magic Resistance +15/22/29/36/43 armor & magic resistance ⇒ +10/15/20/25/30 armor & magic resistance
    Bonus Armor & Magic Resistance duration 3 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds
    newUtility Bonus armor & magic resistance increases by 50% per enemy champion or large monster hit (no cap)
    W - Empowered Battle Roar
    Damage 50/80/110/140/170 (+0.8 ability power) based on skill level ⇒ 40-240 (+0.8 ability power) based on champion level
    Minimum heal 20 + (10 x level) ⇒ 12 + (4 x level)
    Maximum heal 40 + (20 x level) ⇒ 75 + (25 x level)
    E - Bola Strike
    newUtility Targeted ability ⇒ Skillshot
    Cooldown 12/11/10/9/8 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds at all ranks
    Damage 60/105/150/195/240 (+0.7 attack damage) ⇒ 50/100/150/200/250 (+0.7 attack damage)
    Range 575 ⇒ 1000
    Movement Speed slow -50/55/60/65/70% movement speed ⇒ -60/65/70/75/80% movement speed
    Movement Speed slow duration Unchanged (2.5 seconds)
    E - Empowered Bola Strike
    Damage 60/105/150/195/240 (+0.7 attack damage) based on skill level ⇒ 50-340 (+0.7 attack damage) based on champion level
    Root duration 1 second ⇒ 1.75 seconds
    R - Thrill of the Hunt
    Cooldown 140/105/70 seconds ⇒ 120/95/70 seconds
    newUtility Rengar only gains movement speed when moving toward enemy champions
    Movement speed bonus +20/25/30% movement speed ⇒ +15% movement speed
    newUtility After breaking stealth, Rengar gains +25/35/45% movement speed for 5 seconds
    newUtility After breaking stealth, Rengar gains 1 ferocity per second for 5 seconds
    newUtility Targets are alerted when Rengar is within 1000 range and stealthed, but do not gain vision of him.
    Bonetooth Necklace
    Item type Basic item ⇒ Trinket (different versions for Warding Totem, Scrying Orb and Sweeping Lens trinket lines)
    Cost 800 gold ⇒ Free
    Trophy gain Unchanged (+1 per kill or assist)
    removedDeath penalty -1 stack on death
    removedBonus attack damage +5 attack damage (+2 additional Attack Damage per level)
    3 trophy bonus +10 armor penetration, +5% cooldown reduction ⇒ +25 movement speed out of combat and in brush
    6 trophy bonus +25 movement speed ⇒ +125 Unseen Predator leap range, Tier 2 vision active
    removed9 trophy bonus +150 Unseen Predator leap range
    new12 trophy bonus +5 seconds to Thrill of the Hunt duration
    removed14 trophy bonus +3 seconds to Thrill of the Hunt duration, first ability used after Thrill of the Hunt generates an additional point of Ferocity
    new20 trophy bonus Thrill of the Hunt movement speed bonus doubled to +30% movement speed, Tier 3 vision active (Warding Totem version gains Greater Stealth Totem active)

    Gragas gained stronger close-combat abilities! Drunken Rage now empowers his next attack to deal additional magic damage (plus a large portion of the target's maximum health) and Body Slam stuns and knocks back stricken foes. In exchange, Graggy's lost some of his long-range damage in both Barrel Roll (although Barrel Roll now slows movement speed) and Explosive Cask. Gragas just makes more sense as a fat, scrappy brawler than a long-range...barrel...sniper?

    When we initially designed Gragas, we intended for him to be a drunken brawler who jumped into the fight to mess things up. As players began to master him, however, they focused more on his high ability power ratios and sniping potential while relying on Body Slam and Drunken Rage to get away. While we like to support emergent strategies for champions, playing Gragas like a long-range mage created some very imbalanced situations where either he could one-shot his opponents (success) or he couldn't (failure) and therefore became more sad than drunk. With this rework, Gragas should deliver on the core fantasy of a tanky drunkard who takes on his foes belly first.

    Magic Resist per level 0 ⇒ 1.25
    Movement Speed 340 ⇒ 330
    Passive - Happy Hour
    Health restore 2% max health over 4 seconds ⇒ 4% max health instantly
    newCooldown 8 seconds
    Q - Barrel Roll
    newMovement Speed slow 30/35/40/45/50% for 2 seconds
    Cooldown Unchanged (11/10/9/8/7 seconds)
    Mana cost 80/90/100/110/120 mana ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80 mana
    Range 950 ⇒ 850
    Base Damage 85/135/185/245/285 ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240
    Ability Power ratio 0.9 ⇒ 0.6
    removedAttack Speed slow -20/25/30/35/40% attack speed for 3 seconds
    newUtility Damage & slow increase by up to 50% over 2 seconds as the barrel sits out before detonation
    W - Drunken Rage
    Cooldown 25 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds
    Mana cost Unchanged (No cost)
    newDamage Gragas' next basic attack deals 20/50/80/110/140 (+0.3 ability power) plus 8/9/10/11/12% of the target's maximum health as bonus magic damage
    Duration 20 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds
    Damage reduction Unchanged (10/12/14/16/18%)
    newUtility Gragas can now move at 80% movement speed while drinking
    removedAttack Damage buff +30/40/50/60/70 attack damage
    removedMana restore Restores 30/40/50/60/70 mana
    E - Body Slam
    Cooldown 12 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 16/15/14/13/12 seconds
    Mana cost 75 ⇒ 50
    Base Damage 80/120/160/200/240 ⇒ 80/130/180/230/280
    Ability Power ratio 0.5 ⇒ 0.6
    removedAttack Damage ratio 0.3/0.4/0.5/0.6/0.7
    Utility Cooldown reduced by 50% on unit collision ⇒ Cooldown reduced by 3 seconds on unit collision
    Crowd Control 35% Movement Speed slow for 2.5 seconds ⇒ 1 second stun & slight knockback
    R - Explosive Cask
    Cooldown Unchanged (100/90/80 seconds)
    Mana cost Unchanged (100)
    Base Damage 200/325/450 ⇒ 200/300/400
    Ability Power ratio 0.9 ⇒ 0.7
    Utility Unchanged (Knocks back all enemies hit and grants vision of the area)

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    Global Stat Changes

    Armor seals have become such a standardized rune that players have learned to play with - and around - them. These buffs are to compensate for that dependency.

    Base Armor All champions have gained +4 base armor

    Anivia's received a small quality-of-life buff to create a clear best use case (if you just want more damage) for Glacial Storm.

    R - Glacial Storm
    Utility Now deals a tick of damage when cancelled

    Did you know that when Fiddlesticks hides in a bush and you don't have vision of him, he can still affect you with Dread? Astute players knew this and learned to watch for his debuff, which made Fiddlesticks sad. We fixed that so Fiddlesticks wouldn't be so sad.

    Passive - Dread
    Utility No longer affects champions who cannot see Fiddlesticks

    Quickdraw costs less mana to use, Collateral Damage's explosion damage is now 80% of the impact damage.

    We're emphasizing the collateral part of Collateral Damage.

    E - Quickdraw
    Mana cost 50 mana ⇒ 40 mana
    R - Collateral Damage
    Collision Bonus Attack Damage ratio 1.4 ⇒ 1.5
    Explosion Damage 140/250/360 (+1.2 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 200/280/360 (+1.2 bonus attack damage)

    Apex Turret no longer spawns with a beam charge stored so it can't be dropped for an instant line-nuke. H-28G Evolution Turret and Apex Turret deal less damage.

    The 'Dinger's been whomping a little too hard in the early game, so we brought Heimer's overall power level back to a reasonable place while keeping his late game gains. Additionally, the Upgraded!!! Apex Turret changes are meant to emphasize the difference (damage now vs. maximum damage later) between an Upgraded!!! Rocket Storm versus an Upgraded!!! Apex Turret.

    Q - H-28G Evolution Turret
    Cannon Damage 15/22/29/36/42 (+0.125 ability power) ⇒ 12/18/23/29/34 (+0.150 ability power)
    Beam Damage 50/75/100/125/150 (+0.5 ability power) ⇒ 40/60/80/105/130 (+0.55 ability power)
    Beam Cooldown 12 seconds ⇒ 16 seconds
    Q - H-28Q Apex Turret
    Cannon Damage 90/110/130 (+0.33 ability power) ⇒ 70/90/110 (+0.3 ability power)
    Beam Damage 225/300/375 (+0.8 ability power) ⇒ 180/240/300 (+0.7 ability power)
    Beam Charge per cannon attack 2/4/6/8/10% ⇒ 20% at all ranks
    removedUtility Spawns with a beam charge

    Kha'Zix must stay out of stealth longer between casts of Void Assault. Evolved Active Camouflage no longer reduces damage from turrets when Kha'Zix is stealthed.

    We love seeing Kha'Zix players adapt to the changes to Evolved Active Camouflage. Unfortunately, the increased duration of Void Assault combined with extremely short between stealth windows meant that Kha'Zix was straight face-tanking abilities and turret aggro rather than swiftly moving in and out of fights. These changes let Kha'Zix's opponents have a way to respond when the bug is out hunting.

    R - Void Assault
    Bugfix Casting Flash no longer breaks Void Assault stealth
    newCooldown between casts 1 second
    R - Evolved Active Camouflage
    removedDamage Reduction Reduces turret damage
    Lee Sin

    Safeguard's cooldown will be cut in half if Lee Sin uses it on an allied champion or himself. In exchange, Safeguard's cooldown has gone up and will no longer give Lee a shield if he dashes toward a non-champion unit.

    Even though he was designed to be a high-risk early game champion, Lee Sin can get around making risky plays because of his high mobility and early game base power. We were considering some larger changes to give Lee more early game risk and a way forward into the end game, but your concerns that we would be heavily altering some of Lee's core play patterns (which wasn't our intent!) helped us decide that we should slow our roll. These changes mean Lee will need to take more risks in mobility but don't touch his overall power curve. They also give Lee a real reason to play with his teammates rather than inanimate wards.

    W - Safeguard
    Cooldown 9 seconds ⇒ 14 seconds
    newUtility Cooldown reduced by 50% if cast on Lee Sin or an allied champion
    Shield duration 5 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds
    removedUtility Lee Sin gains a shield when Safeguard is cast on non-champion units
    W - Iron Will
    Duration 5 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds

    The correct play against Leona in lane is to poke her down to make her engages riskier, but her high defensive stats and health regen were mitigating this a little too much. By reducing the bonus armor/magic resistance on Eclipse, Leona's a slightly more viable in-combat target. Plus, if she doesn't get a kill, that combat damage will stick harder.

    Base Health Regen/5 sec 9 ⇒ 7
    W - Eclipse
    Bonus Armor & Magic Resistance 25/35/45/55/65 ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60

    Help, Pix!'s duration of staying on an enemy has been reduced (ally duration remains unaffected). Casting Help, Pix! on an allied minion no longer gives that minion a shield but still puts Pix on the minion. Help, Pix! deals less base damage at higher ranks.

    When we made our 2014 Season changes to supports, we wanted to make them feel good about buying AP items. For most supports we gave them forms of additional utility with smaller gains in damage, but Lulu ended up getting a lot in both categories. We actually like mid Lulu, but want to make sure that the reasons for choosing her weren't due to her low-interaction (and high-obnoxiousness) lane harass pattern where she can get instant damage with Help, Pix! before following it up with two high-powered guaranteed Glitterlances. Choosing Lulu as a solo mage champion over being a duo-lane support should come with strategic tradeoffs, but many players were choosing her regardless of team composition or enemy matchups. Ultimately we had to hit some of Lulu's high offensive power, but we're also committed to ensuring this doesn't have a huge impact on support Lulu (who actually comes with tradeoffs like no guaranteed farm or gold generation), so we'll look at ways to help support Lulu if she comes out too weak because of these changes.

    E - Help, Pix!
    Enemy follow duration 6 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds
    removedMinion cast Minions gain a shield
    Base Damage 80/130/180/230/280 ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200
    Miss Fortune

    Miss Fortune now has a meaningful mid to late game where she can deal more damage and scale harder (via Impure Shots and Bullet Time) from her early lane advantages. In exchange, MF's lost some of her lane bully power (reduced Double Up damage and lower early damage from Impure Shots).

    In the past, Miss Fortune's been seen as the go-to markswoman with a strong early game presence who transitions to high AoE power. As the landscape of League has changed, however, she's been left in the dust for both strengths, so we wanted to give her something of her own to get excited about. So while we did need to tune down some of MF's early game bullying, we did so to further highlight the shock and awe factor of Bullet Time and Impure Shots.

    Passive - Strut
    newUtility Bonus movement speed now displayed on buff icon
    Q - Double Up
    Cooldown 9/8/7/6/5 ⇒ 7/6/5/4/3
    Mana cost 70/75/80/85/90 ⇒ 43/46/49/52/55
    1st target Base Damage 25/60/95/130/165 ⇒ 20/35/50/65/80
    1st target Attack Damage ratio 0.75 ⇒ 0.85
    2nd target Base Damage 30/72/114/156/198 ⇒ 40/70/100/130/160
    2nd target Attack Damage ratio 0.9 ⇒ 1.0
    W - Impure Shots
    Mana cost 50 at all ranks ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50
    Bonus Damage per stack 4/6/8/10/12 (+0.05 ability power) ⇒ 0.06 attack damage
    Attack Speed buff +30/35/40/45/50% attack speed ⇒ +20/30/40/50/60% attack speed
    Grievous Wounds duration 3 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds
    E - Make It Rain
    Cooldown 15 at all ranks ⇒ 14/13/12/11/10
    Movement Speed slow 20/28/36/44/52% ⇒ 25/35/45/55/65%
    Vision More closely matches the area of effect
    R - Bullet Time
    newUtility Passively increases the stack cap of Impure Shots to 6/7/8
    Base Damage 65/95/125 per bullet ⇒ 50/75/125 per bullet
    Total Base Damage 520/760/1000 ⇒ 400/600/1000
    removedBonus Attack Damage ratio 0.35
    newUtility Each bullet applies a stack and procs the damage of Impure Shots (but does not apply Grievous Wounds)

    Dominus' health bonus and AoE magic damage are lower in early ranks and higher at later ranks.

    While we're very aware of the high strength Renekton brings to the lane, we're tackling his strengths carefully over time. Dominus was the best ability to look at first, because its high strength was giving the croc an almost guaranteed lane win once he hit level 6. This change also lets Renekton scale a little better into the late game so his early advantages can be built on.

    R - Dominus
    Bonus health 300/450/600 health ⇒ 200/400/800 health
    Magic Damage per tick 40/70/100 ⇒ 30/60/120
    Twisted Fate

    We're finding a middle ground from our changes back in 3.10 to let Twisted Fate gank with a pre-picked card easier.

    W - Pick A Card
    Card selection window 8 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds
    Card use window 4 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds

    Wukong's armor shred on Crushing Blow now scales with level (starts out lower before ending up at his old value). Cyclone's total attack damage ratio has been reduced.

    Statistically, Wukong's performed very well since his launch, despite being played in a number of positions (top, mid, and jungle). Now that Wu's found a position that circumvents his natural weaknesses, we can tune some of his high damage - particularly when he comes roaring out of the jungle with raw offensive items. We considered other options but realized most didn't do enough to tackle his overbearing damage in the early ranks (as an example, removing the armor shred on Crushing Blow versus neutral monsters has minimal impact if you consider how much armor they begin with).

    Q - Crushing Blow
    Armor shred 30% at all ranks ⇒ 10/15/20/25/30%
    R - Cyclone
    Attack Damage ratio 1.2 per second (4.8 total) ⇒ 1.1 per second (4.4 total)

    Ziggs' attack range has been reduced.

    Ziggs has a super safe laning phase, even when he's constantly harassing his opponents with abilities and auto attacks. This change is to add a little more risk to Ziggs when he goes in for a hit.

    Attack range 575 ⇒ 550

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    Minor Changes & Bug Fixes
    Q - Orb of Deception
    Bugfix Fixed a bug where Orb of Deception wouldn't return if Ahri was dead or in stasis
    Q - Rocket Grab
    Bugfix Fixed a bug that prevented Blitzcrank from using Thresh's Lantern while casting Rocket Grab.
    Jarvan IV

    Cataclysm should now be more reliable for Jarvan IV to land.

    R - Cataclysm
    Utility The walled area is now centered between Jarvan and his target.
    R - Super Mega Death Rocket!
    newBugfix Now goes on cooldown when Jinx finishes firing, rather than when she begins firing
    newBugfix If Jinx dies while firing her Super Mega Death Rocket! it will no longer go on cooldown

    Malzahar's voidling's attack priority system has been reworked to function more intuitively and not just occasionally sit there.
    Passive - Summon Voidling
    newPriority system

    Attack the target of Nether Grasp.
    Attack the nearest champion with Malefic Visions.
    Attack the nearest non-champion with Malefic Visions.
    Attack the nearest enemy.
    Attack priorities no longer conflict with each other, causing the Voidling to continuously switch targets.

    Recommended Items Recommended Items have been updated
    Passive - Aegis Protection
    Bugfix Now blocks any attack of a siege minion or large monster even if they don't meet the 40 damage threshold
    R - Shadow Assault
    newUtility Flash no longer breaks Shadow Assault stealth
    Bugfix Activating Noxian Diplomacy no longer breaks Shadow Assault stealth (attacking still breaks stealth as normal)

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    Blue Trinkets

    Still in the process of making Blue Trinkets less sad. Maybe it's the color.

    Scrying Orb (level 1)
    Vision Duration 1 second ⇒ 2 seconds
    Range 1500 ⇒ 2500
    Scrying Orb (level 9)
    Vision Duration 1 second ⇒ 2 seconds
    Range 2500 ⇒ 3500
    Farsight Orb
    Vision Duration 1 second ⇒ 2 seconds
    Range 3000 ⇒ 4000
    Spirit of the Elder Lizard

    We're a little concerned that Spirit of the Elder Lizard is skewing the landscape of the early jungle toward high damage champions who sustain (and thrive) thanks to their offensive prowess. We're still keeping a close eye on Elder Lizard, but are moving conservatively in the meantime.

    Damage amplification vs. monsters 30% ⇒ 20%
    newFeral Flare

    It's finally here! Picking up after our 4.4 changes to Wriggle's Lantern, we wanted to introduce a new jungle item that "rounds out" the pool. Feral Flare specifically focuses on late-game farming in the jungle at the expense of meaningful early to mid game power.

    Transform Upgrades from Wriggle's Lantern after killing 25 large monsters
    Attack Damage +15 attack damage
    Attack Speed +35% attack speed
    Unique Passive Maim Basic attacks deal 100 damage (reduced by 67% against champions) and heal 10 health on hit. Kills, assists, and large monster kills increase the damage by 3 and heal by 1.
    Unique Passive +30% gold from monster kills
    Unique Active Places a stealth ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown)
    Utility Ward cast range greatly increased versus normal ward cast range
    Support Itemization & Build Paths

    We've introduced two new foundational items for supports in the form of Aether Wisp (ability power, movement speed), and Forbidden Idol (mana regen and cooldown reduction). Several items have had their build paths strealimed (or changed) to accommodate.

    These changes are a mid-season followup to our 2014 Season Changes for supports and support itemization. We noticed that while we succeeded in giving supports more gold, we didn't give them enough itemization paths that paced well with their gold gain. With these new items, this means we can also look at support itemization in the future to offer more interesting choices.

    newAether Wisp
    Recipe Amplifying Tome + 515 gold
    Total cost 950 gold
    Ability Power +30 ability power
    Unique Passive +5% movement speed
    Lich Bane
    Recipe Sheen + Blasting Wand + 940 gold ⇒ Sheen + Aether Wisp + 850 gold
    Total cost Unchanged (3000 gold)
    Twin Shadows
    Recipe Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + Null Magic Mangle + 730 gold ⇒ Aether Wisp + Fiendish Codex + 780 gold
    Total cost 2000 gold ⇒ 2400 gold
    removedCrystal Scar & Twisted Treeline Recipe Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + Null Magic Mangle + 530 gold = 1800 gold
    Ability Power +50 ability power ⇒ +80 ability power
    newCooldown Reduction +10% cooldown reduction
    removedMagic Resistance +40 magic resistance
    Active Cooldown (Summoner's Rift & Howling Abyss) 120 seconds
    Active Cooldown (Crystal Scar & Twisted Treeline) 60 seconds
    newUtility If the ghosts fail to find a target, they attempt to return to the caster. Each ghost that successfully returns to the caster reduces the cooldown of this item by 40 seconds (20 seconds on Crystal Scar & Twisted Treeline).
    newForbidden Idol
    Recipe Faerie Charm + Faerie Charm + 390 gold
    Total cost 750 gold
    Mana Regen/5 sec 8
    Unique Passive +10% cooldown reduction
    Recipe Amplifying Tome + Faerie Charm + Fiendish Codex + 765 gold ⇒ Fiendish Codex + Forbidden Idol + 630 gold
    Total cost Unchanged (2200 gold)
    Talisman of Ascension
    Recipe Nomad's Medallion + Faerie Charm + 955 Gold ⇒ Nomad's Medallion + Forbidden Idol + 585 Gold
    Total cost 2000 gold ⇒ 2200 gold
    Mana Regen/5 sec 10 ⇒ 15
    Frost Queen's Claim
    Combine cost 315 gold ⇒ 515 gold
    Total cost 2000 gold ⇒ 2200 gold
    Ability Power +40 ability power ⇒ +50 ability power
    Face of the Mountain
    Combine cost 185 gold ⇒ 385 gold
    Total cost 2000 gold ⇒ 2200 gold
    Health Regen/5 sec 25 ⇒ 20
    Health +375 health ⇒ +500 health
    Will of the Ancients
    Recipe Hextech Revolver + Faerie Charm + Faerie Charm + 440 gold ⇒ Hextech Revolver + Fiendish Codex + 480 gold
    Total cost 2000 gold ⇒ 2500 gold
    Ability Power +50 ability power ⇒ +80 ability power
    removedMana Regen/5 sec 10
    Aegis of the Legion
    Recipe Rejuvenation Bead + Cloth Armor + Ruby Crystal + Null Magic Mantle + 670 gold ⇒ Rejuvenation Bead + Ruby Crystal + Negatron Cloak + 600 gold
    Total cost 1950 gold ⇒ 1900 gold
    newMagic Resistance +20 magic resistance
    removedArmor +20 Armor
    Locket of the Iron Solari
    Recipe Aegis of the Legion + 600 gold ⇒ Kindlegem + Aegis of the Legion + 50 gold
    Total cost 2550 gold ⇒ 2800 gold
    Health +300 health ⇒ +400 health
    newMagic Resistance +20 magic resistance
    removedArmor +20 Armor
    Warden's Mail
    Recipe Cloth Armor + Cloth Armor + 400 gold ⇒ Chain Vest + 280 gold
    Total cost Unchanged (1000 gold)
    Glacial Shroud
    Recipe Sapphire Crystal + Chain Vest + 230 gold ⇒ Cloth Armor + Sapphire Crystal + 250 gold
    Total cost 1350 gold ⇒ 950 gold
    Armor +45 Armor ⇒ +20 armor
    Mana +300 Mana ⇒ +250 mana
    Iceborn Gauntlet
    Combine cost 700 gold ⇒ 750 gold
    Total cost 3250 gold ⇒ 2900 gold
    Armor +70 armor ⇒ +60 armor
    Frozen Heart
    Combine cost 550 gold ⇒ 650 gold
    Total cost 2900 ⇒ 2600
    Armor +95 armor ⇒ +100 armor
    Attack Speed reduction aura -20% attack speed ⇒ -15% attack speed
    Boot Enchantments

    Because Homeguard boots are so strong as a defensive item, we realized we needed to bring the offensive boot enchantments up to parity. Boot enchants should be an opportunity to personalize your play, so... have a few more choices!

    Enchantment: Alacrity
    Movement Speed +15 movement speed ⇒ +20 movement speed
    Enchantment: Captain
    Cost 750 gold ⇒ 600 gold
    Approaching ally Movement Speed +8% movement speed ⇒ +10% movement speed
    Enchantment: Distortion
    Summoner Spell Cooldown Reduction 25% ⇒ 20%
    newUtility Increases Ghost movement speed to 40% from 28%
    newUtility Grants +30% movement speed for 1 second after using Flash
    newUtility Grants +30% movement speed for 3 seconds after successfully using Teleport
    Enchantment: Furor
    Cost 650 gold ⇒ 475 gold
    Enchantment: Homeguard
    Fountain healing Instant full restore ⇒ Restores a portion of missing health and mana per second
    Activation delay 8 seconds out of combat ⇒ 6 seconds out of combat

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    We promised rune balance changes for the 2014 season but when we took a deeper look we realized that we needed to do more fundamental work on the system itself. That said, we wanted to get a few balance changes in for the 2014 season, so we targeted midseason as the right time. We've heard a lot of feedback from players on the pains surrounding the rune system, and we'll be taking that into consideration in the future! It may not be a holistic fix right now, but these balance changes allow us to open up a little more diversity in rune choice. We've also made some compensation buffs for the two runes we nerfed.

    As a side note, we specifically tackled armor runes and lifesteal quintessences because they were becoming the "best in slot" choice for any champion that could use them. In the case of armor, the answer was "everyone," while lifesteal quintessences had a slightly narrower appeal. The buffs we made across other runes were to focus on adding more options without affecting any larger systems while also bringing some runes up to parity in terms of gold value.

    Tier 3
    Tier 2
    Tier 1
    Greater Seal of Armor
    Per Seal +1.41 armor ⇒ +1.00 armor
    Per 9 Seals +12.69 armor ⇒ +9.00 armor
    Supplementary Base armor of all champions increased by 4
    Greater Seal of Scaling Armor
    Per Seal +2.7 armor at lvl 18 ⇒ +3.00 armor at lvl 18
    Per 9 Seals +24.3 armor at lvl 18 ⇒ +27.00 armor at lvl 18
    Greater Seal of Health
    Per Seal +5.35 health ⇒ +8.00 health
    Per 9 Seals +48.15 health ⇒ +72 health
    Greater Seal of Scaling Health
    Per Seal +19.44 health at lvl 18 ⇒ +24.00 health at lvl 18
    Per 9 Seals +174.96 health at lvl 18 ⇒ +216.00 health at lvl 18
    Greater Seal of Health Regeneration
    Per Seal +0.43 health regen/5 sec ⇒ +0.56 health regen/5 sec
    Per 9 Seals +3.87 health regen/5 sec ⇒ +5 health regen/5 sec
    Tier 3
    Tier 2
    Tier 1
    Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction
    Per Glyph +1.11% cooldown reduction at lvl 18 ⇒ +1.67% cooldown reduction at lvl 18
    Per 9 Glyphs +9.99% cooldown reduction at lvl 18 ⇒ +15% cooldown reduction at lvl 18
    Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
    Per Glyph +2.7 magic resistance at lvl 18 ⇒ +3.00 magic resistance at lvl 18
    Per 9 Glyphs +24.3 magic resistance at lvl 18 ⇒ +27.00 magic resistance at lvl 18
    Greater Glyph of Mana Regeneration
    Per Glyph +0.31 mana regen/5 sec ⇒ +0.33 mana regen/5 sec
    Per 9 Glyphs +2.79 mana regen/5 sec ⇒ +3 mana regen/5 sec
    Greater Glyph of Scaling Mana Regeneration
    Per Glyph +0.99 mana regen/5 sec at lvl 18 ⇒ +1.20 mana regen/5 sec at lvl 18
    Per 9 Glyphs +8.91 mana regen/5 sec at lvl 18 ⇒ +10.80 mana regen/5 sec at lvl 18
    Tier 3
    Tier 2
    Tier 1
    Greater Quintessence of Cooldown Reduction
    Per Quintessence +1.67% cooldown reduction ⇒ +2.50% cooldown reduction
    Per 3 Quintessences +5.01% cooldown reduction ⇒ +7.50% cooldown reduction
    Greater Quintessence of Scaling Cooldown Reduction
    Per Quintessence +2.5% cooldown reduction at lvl 18 ⇒ +5.00% cooldown reduction at lvl 18
    Per 3 Quintessences +7.5% cooldown reduction at lvl 18 ⇒ +15.00% cooldown reduction at lvl 18
    Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed
    Per Quintessence +3.4% attack speed ⇒ +4.50% attack speed
    Per 3 Quintessences +10.2% attack speed ⇒ +13.50% attack speed
    Greater Quintessence of Life Steal
    Per Quintessence +2% lifesteal ⇒ +1.5% lifesteal
    Per 3 Quintessences +6% lifesteal ⇒ +4.5% lifesteal
    Supplementary The offensive mastery, Feast, now restores 3 health on unit kill (up from 2)

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    Similar to our armor seal changes, lifesteal quintessences are a fairly standardized rune on certain champions, so we wanted to compensate for the change in specific cases.

    Health on kill 2 ⇒ 3

    Completely unrelated buff here - we noticed that Scavenger's range was smaller than Ancient Coin (occasionally resulting in one granting gold while the other didn't), so we fixed it.

    Range 900 ⇒ 1100

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    Summoner Spells

    Exhaust has fallen out of favor as Ignite has become the staple for kill lanes around the world. Additionally, the successful "use case" of Exhaust has grown more difficult as burst damage combinations become the norm (both through the current popular support roster and overall damage contributions in lane). These buffs to Exhaust are to give it a stronger defensive use case while also letting the player feel better about using it in a timely manner.

    Attack Speed reduction -50% attack speed ⇒ -30% attack speed
    Damage debuff -30% damage ⇒ -50% damage
    Range 550 ⇒ 650

    While the current live environment heavily favors all-in engagements, we wanted a summoner spell that could be reliably used for defensive lanes. These changes let us expand the scope of Heal so that it has more cool use cases and playmaking opportunities.

    Cooldown 300 ⇒ 240
    Heal 90-345 ⇒ 90-495
    newUtility Heals all allies in range ⇒ Heals the caster and the allied champion nearest to the caster's cursor (or the most wounded ally if no target is near the cursor)
    newCrazy Removes healing reduction effects on affected champions
    newCrazy-Awesome Affected champions gain +30% movement speed for 2 seconds

    Partially to compensate for the Heal changes and because when you set someone on fire, that should make them real visible.

    Vision Now grants vision of the target while ignited - does not reveal stealthed champions.

    We heard your feedback and have tuned up the uniqueness of the Barrier particle.

    Visuals Gold ⇒ Off-white

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    Summoner's Rift

    Dragon now deals a percentage of the target's current health as damage (this goes up over time). Dragon's debuff now reduces total damage dealt by 20%. Dragon gains additional armor and magic resistance over time.

    In the mid to late game when champions have enough damage, taking the Dragon becomes a high value, low risk objective. These changes should help the Dragon scale better as a late game objective (rather than a quick gold boost).

    Attack Damage 145 ⇒ 110
    newBonus Armor & Magic Resist +13 armor and +5.85 magic resist per level after level 9
    new% Current Health Damage 5% (+0.5% per level after level 9) current health as physical damage per attack
    newDamage debuff -20% damage
    removedAttack Speed slow -20% attack speed

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