Legends' update - Patch notes

Thảo luận trong 'Thư viện' bắt đầu bởi AndyKEhn, 4/6/10.

  1. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The Hell
    Patch 5.5 notes


    Bard, the Wandering Caretaker, will be released a bit later during Patch 5.5!


    Increased the range at which soldiers can attack and spears 'pass through' to hit things further. Also base attack speed up.

    Recent balance changes haven't been kind to Azir, so we're giving the Emperor some love targeted at his early-game feel when it comes to commanding soldiers. While these buffs don't solve all of Azir's problems, strengthening his sustained damage should ensure he isn't totally mummified.

    BASE ATTACK SPEED 0.600 ⇒ 0.625
    SPEAR PASSTHROUGH RANGE 100 ⇒ 50 (total range unchanged)

    Weird bugs, man.

    Passive - Grog-Soaked Blade
    BUGFIX Fixed a bug where slow immune targets were also unaffected by the DoT

    Base mana up, damage cap versus monsters also up.

    While not always thought of primarily as a Jungler, with the Buff Barge 2K15 docking at Jungle Island we thought it'd be a great time to pull back some of Graggy's stat restrictions to help drink Gromp and his friends under the table.

    MANA 300 ⇒ 400
    W - Drunken Rage
    E - Defiance (Mantra)
    BUGFIX Fixed a bug where allied champions were granted the inspire portion of the shield, instead of half of the defiance damage
    W - Wall of Pain
    BUGFIX Fixed a bug where enemy champions could sometimes dash through Karthus' Wall of Pain without being slowed

    R cooldown and mana costs are down, range up slightly.

    Unlike Riftwalk, we went a little too far last patch. The focus of the changes were to lower the amount of instant mobility Kassadin had access to without changing his long-term movement too dramatically - this patch, we're tuning up his ultimate to put a little spring back into his Riftstep.

    VISUALS Updated model, textures, animations and slight VFX changes for base and all skins
    ICONS New ability icons
    R - Riftwalk
    COOLDOWN 7/5/3 seconds ⇒ 6/4/2 seconds
    RANGE 450 ⇒ 500
    COST 60 mana ⇒ 50 mana

    Q damage down.

    In all levels of play, Lissandra can be summed up in one word: consistency. In each lane she sees play, her relative safety (thanks to her amazing waveclear) sets her up as a top-tier threat thanks to Frozen Tomb's unforgiving CC. Not wanting to over-do it, we're hitting Ice Shard as a way to tone down her damage, clear (and by extension, safety) all in one go.

    Q - Ice Shard
    DAMAGE 75/110/145/180/215 magic damage ⇒ 70/100/130/160/190 magic damage

    W damage down, E's cooldown, mana costs, and slow duration are all reduced.

    By being the cornerstone to both his offensive AND defensive ability, Titan's Wrath forces Nautilus into a playstyle that is very binary - break the shield and he's harmless, or suffer if you fail to do so. Shifting power into Riptide lets him clear faster and take more actions per teamfight, which are two key areas we thought were weighing him down.

    W - Titan's Wrath
    DAMAGE 40/55/70/85/100 magic damage ⇒ 30/40/50/60/70 damage
    RATIO 7/9.5/12/14.5/17% max health ⇒ 9/11/13/15/17% max health
    E - Riptide
    COOLDOWN 10 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds
    COST 60/70/80/90/100 mana ⇒ 40/50/60/70/80 mana
    RATIO 0.5 ability power ⇒ 0.3 ability power
    SLOW DURATION 2 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds

    Trap damage now deals flat magic damage rather than a lower base damage + current health damage.

    With the introduction of her rework, Bushwhack's current-health paradigm existed to soften up targets for big takedowns and secure vision to play with her new Hunt passive. Now one of the hottest junglers in the scene, it's enabled her to have the fastest clears in the game. For a skill with so many different uses as-is, we're re-balancing the damage so that while still useful with ability power, doesn't trivialize fighting the toughest monsters out there.

    W - Bushwhack
    DAMAGE 10/40/60/80/100 (+10/12/14/16/18 (+0.02 ability power)% current health) magic damage ⇒ 40/80/120/160/200 (+0.2 ability power) magic damage
    E - Tunnel
    TUNNEL COUNT Now uses the ward spawning UI to show the number of existing tunnels vs the maximum as well as displaying which tunnel will be destroyed once you've reached the limit

    E's damage proc up!

    When looking to punch Shyvana's ticket aboard the Buff Barge, we decided a more general boost to her effectiveness would suffice. Often used for her mixed-damage and innate defensive stats, we like Shy most when she actually has to punch the stuffing out of you to win fights - so that's exactly what we're reinforcing here!

    E - Flame Breath
    BONUS DAMAGE AGAINST MARKED TARGETS 2% maximum health per autoattack ⇒ 2.5% maximum health per autoattack

    It's called "Mega Adhesive," not "Adequate Adhesive." Fling in peace, summoners.

    E - Fling
    BUGFIX Fixed several cases where Flinging an enemy into Mega-Adhesive would not immediately root them

    Q's mana costs down, ratio slightly up. E's mana costs up at later ranks.

    When it comes to Super-Tanks in top lane, we actually like what Sion brings to teams and how he interacts with opponents, with the exception of his laning phase - so we're keeping things "power-netural" for the big zombie. Shifting power from screaming at minions to dropping the chopper on frightened opponents means it requires a little more effort to win the wet-noodle-war than just never running out of mana.

    Q - Decimating Smash
    COST 45/50/55/60/65 mana ⇒ 45 mana at all ranks
    RATIO 0.6-1.8 total attack damage ⇒ 0.65-1.95 total attack damage
    E - Roar of the Slayer
    COST 35 mana at all ranks ⇒ 35/40/45/50/55 mana

    Q's damage up (hey, it stacks up man), E's damage at later ranks up.

    You're not the only one that misses your kind, Skarner. Another beneficiary of our focus on jungles this patch, we're aiming to give more damage back to the scorpion, especially in the later-game where his rank-ups can feel relatively poor.

    Q - Crystal Slash
    DAMAGE 18/28/38/48/58 physical damage ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60 physical damage
    BONUS MAGIC DAMAGE 18/28/38/48/58 magic damage per stack of Crystal Energy ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60 magic damage per stack of Crystal Energy
    E - Fracture
    MAGIC DAMAGE 40/60/80/100/120 ⇒ 40/75/110/145/180

    For a while we've been normalizing mana costs on ultimates, and Sona's the recipient of the next round. Sona buffs. What a time to be alive.

    Passive - Power Chord
    BUGFIX No longer consumed on hitting blue trinket ward or Kalista's Sentinel
    R - Crescendo
    COST 100/150/200 mana ⇒ 100 mana at all ranks
    Q - Starcall
    BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Starcall's bonus damage sweetspot was not multiplying the bonus damage from Soraka's AP

    Rapid Fire's cooldown is reduced by 1 second for each basic attack she lands against an Explosive Charge'd champion.

    When it comes right down to it, hyper-carries amongst marksmen usually care about one thing: basic attacking. As her primary source of damage, Tristana often felt awkward about giving up DPS to cast Explosive Shot, only to have them escape before she could make use of its damage potential. Adding the cooldown incentive should make it up to her, as well as giving her things to do when she's forced to shoot the durdling brawlers and tanks that try to scrap deep behind enemy lines.

    Q - Rapid Fire
    RAPIDEST FIRE Each basic attack against a target marked with Explosive Charge reduces the cooldown of Rapid Fire by 1 second

    Passive range upped to match experience range. W's healing amp is now the same at all ranks, and R's been slightly buffed due to a bugfix.

    What's a Tank to a King? While most of these changes are focused on bugfixes and feel improvements, we felt it wouldn't be fair to address such a large number of tanks and tank-enablers without mentioning their natural predator. Focusing on sustain and regen should let Trundle keep pace with his opponents, biding his time before he goes all-out clubbing and takes their hard-earned stats.

    Passive - King's Tribute
    RANGE 1000 ⇒ 1400
    W - Frozen Domain
    HEALING AMPLIFICATION 8/11/14/17/20% ⇒ 20% at all ranks
    R - Subjugate
    BUGFIX Fixed a bug that caused Subjugate to only steal 36% of the target's Armor and Magic Resistance instead of 40%

    Urgot's shield now also scales with total mana, and R's cooldown has been reduced at later levels.

    Urgot's going to need a lot more under-the-hood work before he can hit the big-time, but in the interim we thought he could use some help. A Mana ratio on W makes his beefy/CDR build more rewarding, keeping him active in sustained fights without adding to his snowball potential once the Acid Hunters set their sights on you. Although he has a dark, secret past, even the buff barge couldn't resist giving some love to League's original scuttle-crab.

    W - Terror Capacitor
    BASE SHIELD 80/130/180/230/280 ⇒ 60/100/140/180/220
    newMANA RATIO 8% total mana
    R - Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser
    COOLDOWN 120/110/100 ⇒ 120/100/80

    Cooldown now starts ticking the moment he starts charging.

    More of a quality of life change, Varus players should feel encouraged to charge their arrows instead of feeling penalized.

    Q - Piercing Arrow
    IONIAN SNIPER Now begins its cooldown at charge start, rather than when the arrow fires

    E's delay before walls appearing has been reduced slightly. Q is around 14% faster!

    One of the larger themes for his 5.4 update was lowering reliability in favor of creating consistent high moments for master Veigar players. It appears we overshot (not a short joke), so we're dialing back to help Veigar feel less like a sitting duck when it comes to intense situations. Throw in some 'Quality of Doom' changes for Event Horizon, and the tiny master of evil should be turning tables and cackling like a super villain all the way to the nexus.

    Q - Baleful Strike
    MISSILE SPEED 1750 ⇒ 2000 (~14% faster)
    BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Baleful Strike would fail to cast if you got CCed during the cast
    E - Event Horizon
    WARNING PARTICLE DISPLAY After cast time ⇒ On cast

    Movement speed down, R damage down at early and mid ranks.

    Known for punching first (and asking questions while punching), Vi's never been good about giving her opponents much of a chance to fight back. Being one of the toughest champions to peel (combined with devastating ganks) make fighting her feel stacked - so we're draining some power from these areas to even the odds.

    MOVEMENT SPEED 350 ⇒ 345
    R - Assault and Battery
    PHYSICAL DAMAGE 200/325/450 ⇒ 150/300/450
    E - Death Ray
    BUGFIX Fixed a bug where the detonation on upgraded Death Ray was canceling Viktor's autoattacks

    Bite a monster, get half your cooldown back. Winning!
    W - Frenzy
    newTASTES LIKE RAPTORS Refunds half of the cooldown if used on a monster
    Xin Zhao

    W's base healing up at early levels, E's damage up at later levels.

    As a jungler on the borderline of viability, we're giving X to the Z a bump towards his strengths (sustain and skirmishing) to help him get down to business.

    W - Battle Cry
    BASE HEAL 26/32/38/44/50 ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50
    E - Audacious Charge
    DAMAGE 70/105/140/175/210 magic damage ⇒ 70/110/150/190/230 magic damage

    Chunks now reduce W's cooldown, even if he casts it slightly after he picks up a chunk. E knocks up for longer.

    Smoothing out Unstable Matter's CDR mechanic and doubling E's knockup time so Zac players can feel better about doing what they've always done: throw yourself with reckless abandon into the enemy team.

    W - Unstable Matter
    SLAM CHUNK Picking up a chunk now briefly gives Zac a "reservoir" of CDR, even if he casts W within the 1 second following pickup of a chunk.
    E - Elastic Slingshot
    KNOCKBACK DURATION 0.5 seconds ⇒ 1 second
    Q cooldown down.

    As with all changes that both increase complexity and skill-ceiling, Zilean saw a pretty dramatic shift last patch. While we want to give more time for players to learn how to use him effectively, this change enables his Q+W+Q combo that folks are used to.

    Q - Time Bomb
    COOLDOWN 12/11/10/9/8 seconds ⇒ 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds
    Mass Texture Rebalance (Part 8)

    We're continuing our comprehensive pass at the game's older character textures. As with previous installments, our goal is to improve parity with newer releases and make sure everybody looks at home on the newly-updated Rift. Reminder: texture rebalancing isn't meant to replace - and doesn't delay - larger-scale updates!


    Base, Gentleman, Jurassic, Loch Ness, Nightmare


    Base, Frost Queen, Hextech, Tempest, Victorious


    Base, Armor of the Fifth Age, Bloodstone, Emerald


    Base, Big Bad, Feral, Firefang, Grey, Hyena, Tundra Hunter, Urf

    Luden's Echo


    Our new 120 ability power item is here to fill the void left by the passing of Deathfire Grasp (rest in pieces). Goals up front: we want to provide a unique item that helps out movement-focused, spell-slinging mages, like kitey Lux, bursty-train Akali, or even spell-slingy (that's a word) Karthus. Try it out and let us know what combinations work with you - we'll be keeping a close eye here as new experiments get brought out. It's also important to note that this works on spell hits, not basic attacks!

    RECIPE Needlessly Large Rod + Aether Wisp + 650 gold (total cost: 3100 gold)
    UNIQUE PASSIVE Gains charges upon moving or casting. At 100 charges, the next spell hit expends all charges to deal 100 (+0.15 ability power) bonus magic damage to up to 4 targets on hit. Applies spell Effects (e.g., Spell Vamp, Rylai's, etc).
    Sweeping Lens (Tier 2 Red Trinket)

    When the cooldown on the upgraded red trinket was increased, we missed the fact that the middle tier red trinket now had a lower cooldown than the item it upgraded into. We changed the tooltip last patch and we're making the actual change now.

    COOLDOWN AT LEVEL 9+ 60 seconds ⇒ 75 seconds
    THEATRICS Unskinned Sight and Vision Wards now have spawn and death animations to provide better feedback. Don't get distracted.

    Jungle Items
    Bami's Cinder

    Baby sunfire.

    We've mentioned this before, but one of our goals with this 'new' tanky jungle enchant was to provide an item that not only provides valuable tank stats but also helps junglers with their early to mid game clears. We've had to be very careful in balancing champions with this new item (ie: Amumu and Sejuani probably don't need anything in addition to the new Cinder), but we're excited to see what possibilities emerge. Want to play a tank jungler? GET FIRED.

    RECIPE Ruby Crystal + 600 gold (1000 gold total)
    HEALTH 300
    UNIQUE PASSIVE Immolate - Deals 5 (+ 1 per champion level) magic damage to nearby enemies. Deals 50% bonus damage to minions and monsters.
    Cinderhulk Enchantment

    Juggernaut has been replaced by Cinderhulk.

    See above with our point regarding a tanky item that also boosts clear speeds. This is that item all grown up. It's also important to note that +25% bonus health stat. Note it. Appreciate it.

    RECIPE Tier 2 Jungle Item + Bami's Cinder + 350 gold (2200 gold total)
    HEALTH 350
    UNIQUE PASSIVE Grants +25% bonus health
    UNIQUE PASSIVE Immolate - Deals 16 (+ 1 per champion level) magic damage to nearby enemies. Increases with time in combat up to 24 (+ 1.5 per champion level).
    Sunfire Cape

    Sunfire now builds out of Bami's Cinder instead of Giant's Belt.

    Just a very small directional change to make Sunfire Cape more focused on wave clearing for tanky dudes. There's a little less health on that build path, but you can get to your area-effect burn a little faster.

    RECIPE Chain Vest + Bami's Cinder + 850 gold (2600 gold total [unchanged])
    STATS Unchanged. Just so you know.
    newPASSIVE Is now UNIQUE so you know you can't stack it

    Strategic Itemization
    Raptor Cloak


    Since those two item build paths are so situational, we want you to feel better about just sitting on a Raptor Cloak.

    ARMOR 30 ⇒ 40
    newUNIQUE PASSIVE Point Runner - You now gain the movement speed while near fallen turrets
    Zz'rot Portal


    Now that we think players have good ways to deal with this (see: ability power damage to structures, etc), we're giving it some extra love. Also, please don't build this item against Nasus. Trust us.

    ARMOR 50 ⇒ 60
    newUNIQUE PASSIVE Point Runner - You now gain the movement speed while near fallen turrets
    VOIDSPAWN TIME UNTIL THEY BEGIN TO DECAY 4 seconds ⇒ 5.5 seconds


    newUNIQUE PASSIVE Point Runner - You now gain the movement speed while near fallen turrets
    Righteous Glory

    This item is actually very close to a healthy spot. We're just pushing it a little further so getting it earlier in the game improves its synergy with the new Cinderhulk enchantment.

    HEALTH +500 ⇒ +650
    Banner of Command

    This item seems to actually be in a pretty healthy state. It's good for breaking delayed out sieges against an Anivia or Ziggs, and it's a strong augment to your own siege with a Baron buff. Only calling this out to note that we're still looking if it needs anything for later patches. In other words, we're just talking. Hello, how are you. We're fine.

    UNCHANGED UNCHANGED. We just wanted to talk about Banner of Command, man.

    Global Summoner's Rift Changes
    Inhibitor Turrets

    Inhibitor turrets give reduced gold and no experience.

    This is going to get a little designer-talkish but here we go: the main advantage of taking down a laser turret is mainly to modify the game state - that is, access to either the inhibitor or nexus. Since taking (or not taking) these turrets are more about access to strategic buildings, the gold they provided acted as more of a "win more" mechanic than an incentive for the opposing team to take action. We're clarifying that! Designer talk over.

    Global team gold on inhibitor turrets 175 ⇒ 50
    Global team experience on inhibitor laser turrets 100 ⇒ 0
    Nexus Turrets

    Laser turrets give reduced gold and no experience.

    See above! We can copy paste it here, that's okay: this is going to get a little designer-talkish but here we go: the main advantage of taking down a laser turret is mainly to modify the game state - that is, access to either the inhibitor or nexus. Since taking (or not taking) these turrets are more about access to strategic buildings, the gold they provided acted as more of a "win more" mechanic than an incentive for the opposing team to take action. We're clarifying that! Designer talk over.

    Global team gold on nexus laser turrets 150 ⇒ 50
    Global team experience on nexus laser turrets 120 ⇒ 0
    Shield Turrets (inner turrets)

    Middle lane inner turrets no longer have a shielding mechanic. Top and bottom lane turrets shield for less, but all turrets have more health.

    The goal of turret shields has always been to mitigate the oppressiveness of poke-heavy teams when they hit their stride. That said, the shields are a little too weighted in favor of the defending team, and we're seeing common stallouts on mid-lane inner turrets. With this change, we still want to reward split pushing and smart map rotations as counters to stall-focused teams, but we're reducing a little strength here so they're not just artificially drawing out games.

    removedGET POKED Middle lane inner turrets no longer shield nearby champions
    Top and bottom lane turret shield health 200 ⇒ 30
    Inner turret health 2000 ⇒ 2300
    Minion Health

    Minions got healthier, but turrets still do the same damage to them.

    The unsung hero of sieging in League of Legends: minions. That said, they're currently not living up to their full potential and are getting washed out before any meaningful sieging can be done. Realizing this, we sent the minions to the gym so they'll be a little more resilient when marching down the lane. Our goal wasn't to affect last-hitting under turrets (hence the weird turret damage upgrade), but a bug made the timing slip by about 1.5 minutes. In other words, from 9:00 to 10:30, when you're last hitting minions under the turret, melee minions will have 6 more health when in "last hit" range (ie: after two turret shots), caster minions will have 3 more health (after one turret shot), and siege minions will have 9 more health.

    CASTER MINIONS Caster minion health increased by 3 at 9 minutes, and an additional 3 every 90 seconds thereafter
    MELEE MINIONS Melee minion health increased by 6 at 9 minutes and an additional 6 every 90 seconds thereafter
    SIEGE MINIONS Siege minion health increased by 9 at 9 minutes and an additional 9 every 90 seconds thereafter
    OUTER AND INNER TURRETS Outer and inner turrets (non-laser) deal 3 damage per minion upgrade at 10.5 minutes and an additional 3 every 90 seconds thereafter
    Jungle Camps

    Some of the inequalities between camps were a bit too pronounced, with some jungle routes being much, much better than others. Since one of our goals with the 2015 season was to ensure there wasn't a single best path for the jungle, but that junglers had to modify their clears (and jungle buffs) according to the pace of the game, we're adjusting. TLDR: Making camps easier.

    BIG WOLF REWARD 48 gold ⇒ 53 gold
    SMALL WOLF REWARD 14 gold ⇒ 16 gold
    Gromp Buff Buffs

    Say that three times fast. Gromp buff now scales with bonus health so jungle tanks can scale better in their jungle clears, even without Cinderhulk.

    GROMP POISON 4 + (8 x level) ⇒ 10 + 10% of bonus health
    Rift Scuttler Speed Boost

    This includes all other things considered 'pets,' so Tibbers, Voidlings, and even clones. It's technically a Shaco buff too, which is concerning.

    newHERE COMES TIBBERS The Rift Scuttler speed shrine now affects pets
    Dragon Buff Counter for Spectator

    Counts buffs, not kills. Also glows when a team hits 5 stacks. Very exciting.

    newEXISTS Is now a thing

    End of Summoner's Rift Beta

    Patch 5.5 marks the end of the Summoner's Rift Beta we launched last November! We're celebrating this milestone with a comprehensive colors pass and the animated Victory/Defeat screens we teased back in our beta announcement video.

    Though the beta has come to an end, we're continuing to look for opportunities to update the rift. We really appreciate all the feedback you've given us and hope that, together, we've made Summoner's Rift a place you want to spend your game time in.

    Visual Rebalance

    We've heard a lot of player feedback around the art style of the updated Rift: many of you feel the new map is less vivid and lively than the original. We've been working on a comprehensive pass to bring back some of the vibrance of the old Summoner's Rift without sacrificing the clarity and readability the update offers.

    HUE & SATURATION Amped up to make the environment feel warmer and help the more colorful map elements pop
    VALUE RANGE Widened while maintaining champion and particle contrast against the environment
    MAP DETAILS More have been added to help anchor your champion on the map, similar to how each quadrant of the jungle has a distinct feel. We also added a duck, but he's pretty noncommittal so you might not see him too frequently.
    LIGHTING & SHADOWS Redone to be more consistent across the map and give a greater sense of direction and three-dimensionality
    Victory & Defeat Banners

    Looks cool but we ran into technical issues when we launched the beta, so we decided to ship without them. That's…about all the context we have.

    VICTORY & DEFEAT BANNERS Image ⇒ Animated

    Landing Page Articles

    We're making a change to the landing page which'll allow you to read news articles in-client instead of being linked out to your web browser. We've got a bit more testing to do following the release of patch 5.5 so this won't be active right off the bat, but look for this quality-of-life improvement in the weeks to come!
  2. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    The Hell
    Patch 5.6 notes


    Massacre fills Aatrox's Blood Well.

    Often times Aatrox would find himself wanting to use Dark Flight for a massive knockup into the enemy team, only realizing he didn't have much to be doing once he was in. Whether you're diving the backlines or just brawling the old-fashioned way, Massacre makes sure you've got enough fire in your veins when you decide to dive-kick your way into combat.

    R - Massacre
    newDRINK THEIR BLOOD Now grants 20% of Maximum Blood Well for each enemy hit


    This wasn't the most abusive thing around because it requires you to be out of mana, so you couldn't very well gank or defend yourself, but nonetheless unintended. Don't cry, Amumu (at least wait until you have enough mana).

    W - Despair
    NO MORE TEARS Fixed a bug where Despair would not toggle off when Amumu ran out of mana

    Tibbers aura damage scales with rank.

    For a long time we've been pushing Annie into being League's Premier "bear-mage" (that's a thing), be it by lowering Tibbers' cooldown, giving him better defenses, or sharing Molten Shield. With plays beginning to fully respect Tibbers as an entity (he has feelings too, you know), we're pulling back on some of the free damage you get just for being within hugging distance.

    R - Summon: Tibbers
    TIBBERS AURA BASE DAMAGE 35 magic damage ⇒ 20/30/40 magic damage

    Q damage up. E cooldown down, plus some bugfixes/improvements.

    Bard's been out for less than a patch, and while we're already seeing the growing pains of players and teammates alike coordinating around his unique abilities, it's clear he released on the wrong note. We're taking it slow for now, but some more power on Q and some improvements to his signature E means that you'll have a better time on your Magical Journeys this patch...assuming bard isn't too busy collecting chimes to open one for you.

    NO MORE LICHBANE Bard's recommended items have been updates to reflect a more supportive playstyle
    Q - Cosmic Binding
    DAMAGE 75/100/145/180/215 magic damage ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240 magic damage
    removedCOSMIC COINCENDENCE Cosmic Binding can no longer tether to unusual units such as Jarvan's Demacian Standard, Syndra's Dark Orbs, Jayce's Acceleration Gate, and Wards
    E - Magical Journey
    COOLDOWN 26/24/22/20/18 seconds ⇒ 20/19/18/17/16 seconds
    SPIRITED AWAY Clicking on a Magical Journey portal is now more forgiving
    TRAVEL GUIDE Allies that go on a Magical Journey will grant Bard an assist on their kills for a short time afterwards
    MAGICAL EQUALITY Clones (such as those created by Shaco, Leblanc, Mordekaiser and Yorick) can now be commanded to take a Magical Journey
    R - Tempered Fate
    TEMPERED MONSTERS Neutral Monsters will no longer have their health reset while under stasis

    Cassiopeia gets less AP when combined with %AP amplifying effects

    Last patch we modified how the first Dragon buff interacts with Rabadon's Deathcap (from multiplicative to additive, with an expected ~1-2% ability power change), but failed to document the larger hit to Cassiopeia, who was tripling (quadrupling?) down on it with her passive, Dragon buff, masteries, and Rabadon's Deathcap. We're documenting it now and realize this is late game Cassi nerf, but we're watching how this shakes out first.

    LATE GAME CASSI NERF Dragon buff and Rabadon's Deathcap now interact additively rather than multiplicatively. When these two ability power % modifications (and masteries) interact with Cassiopeia passive, they now give roughly ~12% less bonus ability power at late, late game.

    Human form's slower, Spider form's faster. Rappel is easier to use. Cocoon's faster.

    A champion that toes the line of viability, it's been a long time since we've seen Elise terrorizing the top tables. While the usability fix to Rappel shouldn't be understated (that move is really difficult to use), our changes are to increase power in ways that you can feel. A slight nerf to Elise's speed allows us to make her transformation even more deadly, and her cocoon follow-up a little easier to land.

    E - Rappel
    USABILITY Elise can now right click while in the air to descend on a target in addition to pressing E again
    E - Cocoon
    MISSILE SPEED 1450 ⇒ 1600

    Evelynn stealths faster lategame. W now works off of spellcasts.

    For one of League's most tactical champions, Eve's been struggling since her days on top. While we've seen improvements with recent jungle changes, we wanted to play up some of Evelynn's unique positioning play. Skirting in and out of Shadow Walk becomes much faster later, keeping opponents guessing after clearing wards or attempting an ambush - combined with Dark Frenzy's spell-based cooldown paradigm, we're aiming for a more 'hit-and-run' pattern, giving her more control in bursts but less strength when just training someone down.

    Passive - Shadow Walk
    COOLDOWN ON ENTERING STEALTH 6 seconds ⇒ 6/5/4/3 seconds (at levels 1/6/11/16)
    W - Dark Frenzy
    removedGOTTA GO FAST Spell hits no longer passively grant stacking movement speed
    newULTRA RAPID FRENZY Spell hits now lower Dark Frenzy's cooldown by 1 second

    E's cooldown gets lower with rank.

    As of this writing, none of Galio's basic abilities had scaling cooldowns...UNTIL NOW. Righteous Gust is one of the gargoyle's cooler moves, so we're letting him toss some more tornadoes around as the game goes on.

    E - Righteous Gust
    COOLDOWN 12 seconds ⇒ 13/12/11/10/9 seconds

    E damage lowered.

    Balance Trivia! Despite the 'Better Nerf Irelia' jokes, did you know her last nerf was 3 years ago (March 2012), and that she's only been nerfed 4 times ever? We thought that was neat.

    As for these changes, they're pretty light - Equilibrium Strike gives access to a heap of CC, easily turning a losing fight into a winning one. For being such a game-changer, we're lowering the amount of raw damage it does so she doesn't always come out of trades ahead.

    E - Equilibrium Strike
    DAMAGE 80/130/180/230/280 magic damage ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240 magic damage

    Base Health and regen down. Health per level up.

    For one of the heaviest snowball champions in league, Katarina's lane-bully potential is enabled by having the base-stats to win wars of attrition with enemy mids, whittling them down for the kill. We're pulling back on that to give her opponents a better window of vulnerability to exploit.

    HEALTH PER LEVEL 80 ⇒ 83
    BASE HEALTH 560 ⇒ 510
    BASE HEALTH REGEN 7.7 ⇒ 4.5

    Karthus' basic attack is less bad.

    For when spamming Lay Waste just doesn't cut it.

    BASIC ATTACK FRAME Really Bad ⇒ Improved

    R's copied spells deal less damage.

    Let's level here: We actually think LeBlanc is pretty okay. Though she's polarizing in the same way Nidalee can be when successful, she serves as a counterbalance to a lot of other strong picks and keeps things interesting. We're tuning her damage back slightly to relieve some of the pressure other midlaners have to deal with against her, but Leblanc as a champion is performing pretty close to our expectations overall.

    R - Mimic
    MIMIC: SIGIL OF MALICE RATIO 0.65 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power
    MIMIC: DISTORTION RATIO 0.975 ability power ⇒ 0.9 ability power
    MIMIC: ETHEREAL CHAINS RATIO 0.65 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power

    R does more damage when popping Lux's passive. (This was always intended, but not always functional)

    When we gave Illumination an AP ratio way back in 4.13, it worked when your basic attacks triggered it but never for Final Spark. For all you light mages out there: this adds a 20% AP ratio when banishing the shadows.

    R - Final Spark
    CHARGING MY LASER Fixed a bug where triggering Illumination with Final Spark didn't add Illumination's AP ratio to the detonation

    Nothing to see here.

    Let's talk Nidalee.

    Nid's a polarizing champion where, when she succeeds, generates more hate posts on forums around the world than most other champions combined. That said, with tank junglers picking up steam, Nidalee's got some very real challenges coming her way. Hard engage has traditionally been one of Nidalee's big weaknesses - when she can't dictate the pace of a fight by wearing down her opponents - so if big, beefy champs are constantly running at her face (and this becomes a trend), we want to see what that world looks like before taking action.


    R cooldown down.

    For a champion that's not too far off the mark, the biggest pain point for Nocturne players is lacking enough opportunities to impact a game before it's too late, so we've cut the cooldown to give him just that. Don't worry Noc - we got your darkness right here.

    R - Paranoia
    COOLDOWN 180/140/100 seconds ⇒ 150/125/100 seconds

    Bugfixes and general improvements to E.

    Quinn's problems don't begin and end with Vault, but as one of the most flexible tools in her arsenal she'll often live or die by it. Smoothing out some interactions and fixing some bugs should see her and Valor's synergy in top form for the fighting, and now even resets her basic attack for some high-level Harrier optimization. Look Val, buffs!

    E - Vault
    newGOT THE RESET Now resets Quinn's basic attack timer upon landing
    VALOR, TO ME! Fixed a bug where Harrier was occasionally not applied by Vault
    TOO FAR Fixed an issue where Vault could sometimes move Quinn out of her basic attack range when casted on close-range targets
    EVASIVE MANUEVERS Vaulting off of an enemy to pass through terrain is now easier

    Q cost down.

    Though Rammus has certainly benefited from Cinderhulk, his mana pool still manages to spin out in the late-game. This should help. OK? OK.

    Q - Powerball
    COST 70/80/90/100/110 mana ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80 mana

    Q damage up.

    We've all seen this one before. A true terror in toplane, Ryze has become a shadow of his former self - so we're slapping some charge back into Overload to see if we can't inch him back to reasonable levels. Carefully.

    Q - Overload
    BASE DAMAGE 40/60/80/100/120 magic damage ⇒ 55/75/95/115/135 magic damage

    W damage down. R slows less when you fail to land the stun.

    One of the scarier opponents in the jungle pre-Cinderhulk, the changes to the jungle in 5.5 benefited no one champion greater than Sejuani. While we're not strictly nerfing her ability to jungle, we're aiming to reduce her damage spike midgame which often comes before opponents can itemize properly, let alone contain her spree of sustained lockdown. Finally, we're putting a real penalty for missing your bolas, as in a lot of cases the Sejuani that managed to miss was rewarded with such a heavy slow that many teams would just get run over anyways.

    W - Flail of the Northern Winds
    INITIAL DAMAGE 4/6/8/10/12% ⇒ 4/5.5/7/8.5/10% of target's maximum health
    R - Glacial Prison
    SLOW 90% ⇒ 30%

    E deals max health damage.

    Whether he's shaking up the toplane or stirring up a skirmish, every player knows what happens when you mix it up with an unstoppable Singed. That said, when he finds himself unable to dive into the enemy team's deep end, even the Mad Chemist needs a pick-me-up. This should let him flexibly fling fighters out of the fray when the fight's not in his favor.

    E - Fling
    DAMAGE 80/125/170/215/260 (+0.75 ability power) magic damage ⇒ 50/65/80/95/110 (+0.75 ability power) + (6/6.5/7/7.5/8% of target's maximum health) magic damage

    Q hurts monsters less. E's passthrough damage down.

    Primarily thought of as top tier laner, Cinderhulk saw Sion shamble on into the jungle and dominate without breaking a sweat. The changes themselves are simple enough, but underscore an important point - Sion should be a powerful pick for the crowd control and durability he brings to a composition, not necessarily his damage output (especially when building tank).

    Q - Decimating Smash
    DAMAGE TO MONSTERS 90% ⇒ 80%
    E - Roar of the Slayer

    Passive damage up.

    A pungent late-game threat, Twitch combines damage, subterfuge and foul stenches to put teams on his back...given that you don't exterminate him before he scales up. Even with a weaker early-game than most other marksmen, we're adding some punch back to his poison to encourage and reward the smart trades so necessary to his success.

    Passive - Deadly Venom
    DAMAGE PER STACK 1/2/3/4/5/6 true damage (at levels 1/4/7/10/13/16) ⇒ 2/3/4/5/6 true damage (at levels 1/5/9/13/17)

    Passive regen up. Q range up. E stops dashes.

    After 5.2's updates, opponents are able to play around Event Horizon well enough that we decided to add something special to make it stand out as an ability. Coupled with some tuning to help his early laning, a master Veigar player can lock mobile enemies in his cage for him to torment without fear of them escaping his tiny clutches.

    Passive - Equilibrium
    MANA REGEN +1% per 1% missing mana ⇒ +1.5% per 1% missing mana
    Q - Baleful Strike
    RANGE 850 ⇒ 950
    E - Event Horizon
    newDO NOT PASS GO Enemy dashes through Event Horizon's walls will stop at them instead

    In this specific interaction, a Vel'Koz ulting in a bad spot wouldn't be able to click Thresh's Lantern to save himself - instead, needing to cancel using R and then click and usually dying anyways because that takes too long. Clicking now lets you passage to Thresh safely, undoing what may have been a poor decision. (Imagine if taking lantern didn't stop your ult though??)

    R - Life Form Disintegration Ray
    newKEEP AN EYE OUT Vel'Koz can now cancel his ultimate by taking Thresh's Lantern

    Feel improvements for Q.

    Most of our basic attack resets (that don't come paired with dashes or some other mobility) have a little bit of extra reach to make them easier to connect. Omen of War didn't, so we're hooking him up with some range and a sweet animation to ensure whoever's on the other end will remember Yorick Mori.

    Q - Omen of War
    newFOR SHOVELRY Yorick now uses his Critical Strike animation when hitting people with Omen of War
    RANGE 125 ⇒ 175

    Q cost down.

    Hoo boy. Ziggs buffs. Long since the poster-child for stalling games and siege stand-stills, this lovable lunatic hasn't been able to keep up his special brand of madness against the top players in midlane for a while. Thanks to the season's changes making mana regeneration weaker, we feel comfortable adding some fuel to the fire and letting him get back to bombarding as usual.

    Q - Bouncing Bomb
    COST 50/60/70/80/90 mana ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70 mana

    We're buffing everything.

    While we've been digging the future Zilean's update set out for him, we realize that we missed the mark numbers-wise (especially for midlane). These changes are all about enabling him to take risks on making intricate plays and ensuring he's rewarded should he succeed.

    HEALTH PER LEVEL 71 ⇒ 77
    Q - Time Bomb
    RATIO 0.8 ability power ⇒ 0.9 ability power
    COST 60/70/80/90/100 mana ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80 mana
    W - Rewind
    COOLDOWN 18/15/12/9/6 seconds ⇒ 14/12/10/8/6 seconds
    COST 50 mana ⇒ 35 mana
    E - Time Warp
    COST 50/55/60/65/70 mana ⇒ 50 mana
    Mass Texture Rebalance (Part 9)

    We're continuing our comprehensive pass at the game's older character textures. As with previous installments, our goal is to improve parity with newer releases and make sure everybody looks at home on the Rift.


    Base, Battleborn, Judgment, Silver, Unmasked, Viridian

    Lee Sin

    Base, Acolyte, Dragon Fist, Muay Thai, Traditional


    Base, Full Metal, Myrmidon, Perseus, Ruthless


    Base, Bilgerat, Rumble in the Jungle


    Base, Dark Crystal, Human, Pirate, Professor, Tribal, Triumphant, Uncle, Zombie

    Chalice of Harmony


    We'll give real context below, promise.

    COST 1000 ⇒ 900 (total cost of Athene's and Mikael's unchanged)
    Athene's Unholy Grail

    More mana regeneration, EVERYWHERE.

    The challenge with Athene's Unholy Grail is that it's an item basically designed for passive play. Defensive stats, tons of mana regeneration (and, in previous iterations, mana regen that ramped up the more mana you used), cooldown reduction - you get the deal. Because of this, we're a little reticent to just outright bring this bad boy back onto the scene. That said, there's also (currently) a world where Morellonomicon is the default mana regeneration item, which skews certain stats (healing, health regeneration) in different ways as well. We're trying hard not to make this a patch note about Morellonomicon (too late), but can at least afford to bring some parity between mana regeneration items.

    MANA REGEN 50% ⇒ 100%
    Righteous Glory

    GLORIOUS STRUCTURES Fixed a bug where you wouldn't get the active movement speed running towards turrets and capture points

    Summoner's Rift
    Rift Scuttler

    Fixed a bug where the Scuttler's vision radius was much larger than the speed shrine it was intended to cover.

    This is a pretty significant range reduction on vision, but when gameplay doesn't match up with actual visuals, something's gotta give. There's an argument to be made that the shrine buff should be increased to 1350 to match the bugged vision, but then you'd be crazy.

    VISION RADIUS 1350 ⇒ 525
    Base Gates
    THE GATES ARE OPEN You can now summon pets, structures, and minions in your team's base gates (i.e. Void Portals, Heimerdinger Turrets, Shaco's Jack-in-the-box)
    Jungle XP

    Jungle gives more base experience at higher levels.

    In terms of early level progression, we intend for junglers to be somewhere between solo lanes and duo lanes - with successful junglers edging more toward solo lane level progression. Right now, however, jungle experience falls off a little too hard, which means junglers have a tougher time keeping up. These seem like small bumps, but we know these kind of changes can have dramatic impacts, so we're proceeding carefully.

    LEVELS 1-4 Unchanged
    LEVELS 5-7 3% more experience
    LEVELS 8-10 6% more experience
    LEVELS 11-18 10% more experience
    Post-Beta Updates

    We've got a few more updates for Summoner's Rift in the wake of the beta's conclusion! In one case the update is actually an un-update - we've noticed the new animated victory/defeat screens have been causing performance issues for some of you, so we're taking them back offline while we fix the problem.

    newDRAMATIC EFFECT New champion select music has been added for Summoner's Rift queues!
    MORE TEXTURE WORK Adjusted terrain detail in a number of locations
    CONSISTENT MESSAGING "Beta" has been removed from the Summoner's Rift map name in various queue/lobby locations
    removedCALL IT A TEASER The animated victory/defeat screens have been deactivated while we resolve a performance issue

    Twisted Treeline & Crystal Scar
    Luden's Echo


    You don't have to think of this as a "farewell," but more of a "I'll see you soon!" ... "With a functional build path!"

    Howling Abyss
    Orb of Winter

    Streamlining that build path.

    Look, if Negatron Cloak is back, we might as well use it.

    RECIPE Null-Magic Mantle + Null-Magic Mantle + Rejuvenation Bead + Rejuvenation Bead ⇒ Negatron Cloak + Rejuvenation Bead + Rejuvenation Bead
    COMBINE COST 850 ⇒ 990
    TOTAL COST 2210 ⇒ 2200

    Player Tooltips

    As we've mentioned before, our goal for Player Tooltips is to make them a convenient, accessible point of reference for basic player information. Adding them to Suggested Players just makes sense.

    WHAT DO YOU EVEN PLAY Lobby members will now see Player Tooltips when hovering over Suggested Players


    Resolved a crash issue with the Windows 10 technical preview
    Veigar Bot has learned how to use his new Q - Baleful Strike
    As mentioned last patch, outer and inner turret damage vs. minions now properly begins scaling at 9 minutes
  3. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The Hell
    Patch 5.7 notes

    Ultra Rapid Fire changes still in effect

    When you're living in the future, the present is your past.

    Just a quick note before we get started that the champion balance changes specifically called out in the U.R.F. patch notes are still in effect for the game mode, completely unchanged. Everything else has been graciously accepted by our manatee overlord.


    Base AD and Armor up. Chimes grant more mana, and meeps respawn faster. Q damage up.

    Bard's laning relies heavily on two core patterns to function: playing meep-away with basic attacks and lay on the harrassment, which then opens him up to fulfil his cosmic duties by roaming and powering up through the collection of chimes. This patch we're targeting both of these with changes to his passive and base stats, focused at fine-tuning his flute-smacking in lane and making his roams more rewarding when you're all out of cosmic energies.

    BASE ARMOR 21 ⇒ 25
    Passive - Traveler's Call
    MEEP RESPAWN TIME 12/11/10/9/8 seconds (with chimes) ⇒ 10/9/8/7/6 seconds (with chimes)
    CHIME MANA RESTORE 15 + 8% missing mana ⇒ 12% of Bard's maximum mana
    Q - Cosmic Binding
    BASE DAMAGE 80/120/160/200/240 (+0.5 ability power) ⇒ 80/125/170/215/260 (+0.65 ability power)

    W now gives a focused, high-speed burst that slows Blitzcrank after it's over.

    Blitzcrank by nature is a champion all about risk vs. reward. Land Rocket Grab on a priority target and you've single (robot) handedly won an entire teamfight - miss, and you're out of a sizeable cooldown and inviting your opponents to a big ol' counter-attack party. For a champion so steeped in this mindset however, Overdrive's up-time mitigated Blitzcrank's risk a little too much, leaving enemies still fleeing in fear even after a grab gone wide. Shortening the windows 'Crank has to make his big plays while increasing his burst of speed pushes this dichotomy further, but beware running out of steam if you misplay the moment.

    W - Overdrive
    removedMOVEMENT SPEED 16/20/24/28/32% movement speed over 8 seconds
    newMOVEMENT SPEED Now gains a burst of 70/75/80/85/90% movement speed, rapidly decaying over 5 seconds
    YOUR STEAM IS ESCAPING When Overdrive ends, Blitzcrank is slowed by 30% for 1.5 seconds

    Dunking refunds mana. At max rank, R's cooldown resets on kill.

    One of the most feared lane bullies of his day, Darius had only one natural predator: the late-game. As metas have shifted however, the once proud Hand of Noxus lost his luster amidst a sea of flighty assassins, tanky titans and mobile marksmen. Make no mistakes: his primary counters are still intact - a jumble of crowd control and sustained damage (often from range) will still shut him down - but now, failing to contain him using these tools will open him up to killing your entire team.

    R - Noxian Guillotine
    ATHENE'S UNHOLY DUNK Refunds 25/50/100 mana on kill
    WITNESS TRUE STRENGTH At rank 3 only, Noxian Guillotine's cooldown resets completely

    Hate Spike damage up.

    5.6's changes saw Evelynn stealthily making waves as games went on, but still suffering in early skirmishes. To turn that suffering onto her opponents, we're returning some of her combat power.

    Q - Hate Spike
    DAMAGE 30/45/60/75/90 ⇒ 40/55/70/85/100

    Moving the execute damage back to W's passive DoT and putting the AP ratio back to W's active on-hit.

    Back in 5.2 we made some changes to Fizz that reduced the amount of reliable damage he did with his in-and-out pattern, leaving him feeling a little less tricky (and certainly less playful) than usual. By switching the passive and active components once again, we're aiming to help Fizz's AP builds chum the waters of success by landing sharks and capitalizing at key moments. We'll continue to monitor Fizz's performance, but the hope is to have him back up to his old 'risky assassination tricks' and less 'building full tank and killing everybody'.

    W - Seastone Trident
    PASSIVE DAMAGE (OVER TIME) 20/30/40/50/60 + (0.45 ability power) over 3 seconds ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60 (0.45 ability power) + 4/5/6/7/8% of target's missing health over 3 seconds
    ACTIVE DAMAGE (ON-HIT) 10/20/30/40/50 + 4/5/6/7/8% of target's missing health ⇒ 10/20/30/40/50 + (0.25 ability power)


    Garen's gonna need more than this change to hit the bar on strategic diversity we've set out with our champion work, but making his ultimate less restricted should give him the courage to stand up to the ruffians and scoundrels in top lane more easily.

    R - Demacian Justice
    COOLDOWN 160/120/80 seconds ⇒ 120/100/80 seconds

    Base health and mana regeneration down.

    Compared against other toplaners, having access to a strong self-heal and low mana costs is a pretty sweet deal - so we're toning down some of his innate staying power so it's easier to send Hecarim back to the stables.

    BASE HEALTH REGEN 9.26 ⇒ 7
    BASE MANA REGEN 7.5 ⇒ 6.5

    R's stack lockout decreased.

    With Kassadin's functionality as a constantly blinking must-answer threat late game still intact, we're looking to facilitate earlier aggressive roams by pulling the lever back a little on Riftwalk's lockout mechanic.

    R - Riftwalk
    EMPOWERED STACK DURATION 20 seconds ⇒ 15 seconds

    Maokai's passive heal down at early levels.

    Maokai's enjoyed a lengthy reign as one of the top Tops in the competitive scene for a while, and for good reason - he's a healthy baseline for what we expect from our Tank class. Despite this, his level of sustain can make it an uphill battle to uproot this twisted treant, so we're chopping down his passive's early effectiveness to open some room for other picks to grow.

    Passive - Sap Magic
    HEALTH RESTORE 7% of maximum health ⇒ 5/6/7% of maximum health (upgrades at levels 7 and 13)

    Morgana's abilities have updated looks and sounds.
    AUDIO & VISUALS Morgana's autoattack and ability SFX and VFX have been updated for her base and all skins! Check here for the full details.
    ICONS Morgana has also received new ability icons!

    Base health and health per level down.

    Though it's tough to say Nidalee's gone untouched with the rise of the incredible Cinderhulks, she's still at the forefront of any conversation concerning jungle dominance. To keep her claws sharp and her hunting skills intact, we're doubling-down on the natural weakness of any in-and-out skirmisher: durability. While not the easiest to pin down, cutting her defenses makes pouncing in even more of a risk, as well as actually putting her in danger when she's the one getting pounced on.

    BASE HEALTH 541 ⇒ 511
    HEALTH PER LEVEL 90 ⇒ 80

    Blinds work intuitively.

    Previously, Blinds would check your status when you began your attack. This meant that sometimes attacks that looked like they should have missed would land right on target. With this fix, you should feel a lot better about your tossing a bird into the eyes of enemy marksmen.

    Q - Blinding Assault
    newGOUGE 'EM VALOR Blind 'miss' window changed from on-attack declaration to on-attack launch (For reference, 'attack launch' is when the missile is created for ranged champions, and the moment before an attack hits for melee champions)

    Q damage down. Rek'Sai can use tunnels more often

    High clear speeds, high damage, and the best tool for hunting enemies through the Fog of War - Rek'Sai has many, if not all the tools you'd want in a jungler (or a hungry void predator). As we've done in previous patches, we're taking the edge off of her bite in exchange for more end-game usability and tunnel-enabled mobility.

    Q - Queen's Wrath
    RATIO 0.3 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.2 bonus attack damage
    E - Tunnel
    COOLDOWN ON REUSING TUNNELS 10 seconds ⇒ 10/9/8/7/6 seconds


    Once hailed as the map presence pick in the toplane, Summoner Teleport steals some of Shen's identity when it comes to saving your teammates from the shadows (we never said he was a great ninja). Making Stand United more available for cross-map action, especially in the late-game should help Shen find his place among the Tanklords.

    R - Stand United
    COOLDOWN 200/180/160 ⇒ 180/160/120

    E's monster cap wasn't factoring in E's base damage.

    Adding % damage to Fling last patch introduced a bug where the whole ability's damage was capped at 300 vs monsters instead of the %HP portion. Jungle Singed buffs!

    E - Fling
    ELBOW GREASE Fixed a bug where the 300 damage cap to monsters was being applied improperly

    Blinds work intuitively.

    Previously, Blinds would check your status when you began your attack. This meant that sometimes attacks that looked like they should have missed would land right on target. With this fix, you should feel a lot better about your tossing poisonous darts into the eyes of enemy marksmen.

    Q - Blinding Dart
    THAT'S GOTTA STING Blind 'miss' window changed from on-attack declaration to on-attack launch (For reference, 'attack launch' is when the missile is created for ranged champions, and the moment before an attack hits for melee champions)

    E cooldown slightly increased. Q reduces E's cooldown when basic attacking.

    The nature of Tristana's reliance on Rapid Fire and Explosive Charge mean that she doesn't scale as well as you'd expect from the traditional marksman builds. Adding further incentives for Cooldown Reduction (hint: ghostblade, y'all) gives her a different angle on itemization that enables her explosive potential.

    Q - Rapid Fire
    newULTRA RAPID FIRE Basic attacks while Rapid Fire is active reduce the cooldown of Explosive Charge by 0.5 seconds (doubled against champions)
    E - Explosive Charge
    COOLDOWN 16/15/14/13/12 ⇒ 16/15.5/15/14.5/14

    Enchantment - Cinderhulk

    Health down, gold cost up to parity with other enchants.

    Two nerfs, one very much intended (base health reduction), one technically a bug fix that's in line with what we want anyway (+50 gold cost). We don't think anyone should be surprised by these power reductions, but additional context goes like this: an item doesn't need to be a "one stop shop" of core stats for it to be ideal. It might seem counterintuitive that we're reducing Cinderhulk's tanky stats while saying we want to preserve its identity as a tanky jungler item, but that's because Cinderhulk incentivizes its wearers (users? holders?) to further itemize down an intended path (health for more scaling, tanky stats to stay in the battle longer, etc) so we can rely on those second, third, and fourth items to round out the build. Making an item that does everything just encourages off-role champions to pick it up because they get 'everything' they need rather than having to commit to a playstyle to support it.

    This is a very long context to say that Cinderhulk doesn't kill champions, champions building the health to support Cinderhulk kill champions.

    HEALTH 350 ⇒ 300
    COST 2200 gold ⇒ 2250 gold

    Tiamat's passive damage now scales linearly. Also affects Ravenous Hydra.

    Previously, Tiamat's Cleave passive only had three 'stages' of damage based on whether you were 'close', 'close-ish', or 'kind of close' to the center of the proc. This led to some weird situations where targets that were visually farther away would still take damage as if they were closer. Now that Cleave scales linearly, you'll always take damage appropriate to how close/far you are from the target. Also affects Ravenous Hydra (we stole this part from the summary).

    PASSIVE CLEAVE DAMAGE Scales in three damage 'stages' ⇒ linearly with distance

    Summoner's Rift
    Gift of the Toadstool (Gromp Smite buff)

    We know this is a pretty sizable damage reduction on Gromp buff for lategame tank junglers, but there were two reasons: first, this thing was getting a little bonkers against squishy auto-attacking marksmen (with little to no meaningful counterplay). Second - and more important - from a philosophical perspective no smite buff should be so insanely head and shoulders above any other, but Gromp buff was getting very close to that. We want all jungle buffs to have varying degrees of usefulness (based on the state of the game), but it's important there be at least some choice in the matter.

    DAMAGE SCALING 10% bonus health ⇒ 5% bonus health
    Minion Spawn Animations

    Minions are people too! ...Kind of.

    newDO THEY HAVE HOMES? Minions now have a spawn animation!
    End of Game Banners
    LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN Animated Victory/Defeat banners have been re-enabled following resolution of a performance issue
    Loading Screen Art
    newA SCENIC VISTA The loading screen for Summoner's Rift matches now has background art
    FAT BORDERS Loading screen borders have been slightly thickened to maintain contrast against the new background

    Twisted Treeline & Crystal Scar
    Luden's Echo

    Is there an echo in here...?

    Is there an echo in here...?

    RECIPE Blasting Wand + Aether Wisp + 1090 gold (2800 gold total)
    ABILITY POWER 120 ⇒ 100
    SOUND IS PURPLE? VFX for the proc effect have been updated!


    Fixed the "ward hop crash". Special thanks to NA summoner Xaad for helping us squash this bug!
    Spirit Guard Udyr's champion interaction VO has been fixed
    Fixed a bug where Team Builder's minimap role icons were sometimes zoomed in too far
    Team Builder lobbies no longer occasionally forget to display the captain's minimap role icon
    Suggested Players now consistently prioritizes "Previous premade" over "Recently won a game" when deciding how to tag someone who fits both categories
  4. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The Hell
    Patch 5.8 notes


    Back in 5.7 we re-wrote how spell inputs worked, which introduced quite a bit of disruption for players who used Quick Cast with Range Indicators. While we've since restored functionality to the old ways, we decided that we could at least make our work available for those who want it. Check out the "Quick Cast with Indicator" label under the hotkeys tab to try out this new behavior!

    We're also piggybacking a few new features with this change, including the ability to individually bind abilities as Quick Cast with Indicator, the ability to aim / fire spells through your HUD, and some general minimap aiming cleanup (so when you Riven players accidentally hop back into the enemy team, that's on you).

    TOGGLES, TOGGLES EVERYWHERE There are two toggles at the bottom of the key bind menu - one that enables Quick Cast with Range Indicators on all keys bound by the quickbind UI (that fancy thing at the top of the menu), and one that makes it so that if you're holding down one quick cast key and press a second key, it will immediately fire the first ability.
    KEYBINDS, KEYBINDS EVERYWHERE You can now individually bind keys to be Quick Cast with a Range Indicator, but it requires you to manually bind each that you want (we couldn't get it stuffed into the quickbind hotkey UI without some considerable recombobulations)
    newWHO AIMS WITH THE EDGE OF THE MAP? Added a new option "Disable HUD Spell Click," where abilities can now be aimed through the HUD unless the ability can normally be aimed through self / ally portraits. Technically this doesn't affect the mini-map but we're rolling out a second change below...
    WELL THIS IS AWKWARD Fixed a bug where a player would misfire their ability in a different direction if their cursor landed on the minimap. Generally speaking, short-range abilities should no longer be affected by having your cursor on the minimap.


    Ryze has been updated! Check out the article if you want the full story, or just below if you want the specifics.

    SPELL SWAG Ryze's ability visual effects, audio and icons have been updated!
    ARMOR GROWTH STAT 3.9 ⇒ 3.0
    newPassive - Arcane Mastery

    Casting a spell grants a stack of Arcane Mastery for 12 seconds. At 5 stacks, Ryze becomes supercharged for 3/4/5/6 seconds (increasing with ranks of Desperate Power), gaining a shield that blocks (20 + 5 per level) (+8% of maximum mana) damage and causing his spellcasts to reduce the cooldown of his other spells by Overload's cooldown, to a minimum of 0.25 seconds.
    Q - Overload
    removedOVERLOADED No longer passively grants cooldown reduction
    newIT'S A SKILLSHOT Is now a line skillshot that stops at first enemy hits
    newWIDTH 50
    RANGE 625 ⇒ 900
    COST 60 mana ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50 mana
    DAMAGE 55/75/95/115/135 ⇒ 65/90/115/140/165
    MANA RATIO 6.5% of maximum mana ⇒ 2/2.5/3/3.5/4% of maximum mana
    ABILITY POWER RATIO 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.55 ability power
    COOLDOWN 3.5 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds
    W - Rune Prison
    BASE DAMAGE 60/95/130/165/200 ⇒ 65/95/125/155/185
    MANA RATIO 4.5% of maximum mana ⇒ 2.5% of maximum mana
    ABILITY POWER RATIO 0.6 ability power ⇒ 0.4 ability power
    newE - Spell Flux

    Unleashes an orb that deals damage and reduces the Magic Resist of targets hit by a percentage, stacking up to 3 times.

    After hitting, Spell Flux bounces to nearby enemies and Ryze (up to a total of 6 secondary targets) before returning to the original target.
    DAMAGE 50/66/82/98/114 (+2% maximum mana) (+0.3 ability power)
    RETURN DAMAGE 25/33/41/49/57 (+1% maximum mana) (+0.15 ability power)
    MAGIC RESISTANCE REDUCTION -12/15/18/21/24 magic resistance ⇒ -8/9/10/11/12 percent magic resistance
    R - Desperate Power
    COOLDOWN 70/60/50 seconds ⇒ 80/60/40 seconds
    DURATION 5/6/7 seconds ⇒ 4/5/6 seconds
    newDESPERATE MASTERY Increases Arcane Mastery's duration to 4/5/6 with rank
    newDESPERATE COOLDOWNS Passively grants 10/20/30% cooldown reduction

    Never trust nine-tails and a smile.
    E - Charm
    IRRESISTIBLE Charm no longer interrupts 'Unstoppable' effects (such as Malphite's R - Unstoppable Force, Hecarim's R - Onslaught of Shadows and Vi's R - Assault and Battery)

    Chimes spawn in safer locations early-game and grant more experience over game-time.

    Patch 5.7 saw Bard's mellifluous meandering trending in a positive direction, so we're adding a few last tune-ups to his passive before we feel comfortable allowing players to embark on the magical journey of learning Bard rather than over-buffing him.

    Passive - Traveler's Call
    SAFE AND SOUND Chimes will avoid spawning in the enemy jungle before 5 minutes
    EXPERIENCE PER CHIME 20 flat XP ⇒ 20 + 1 XP per minute (after 5 minutes)

    Overdrive has a minimum speed, and decays more slowly.

    Though we liked the direction of Blitz's last changes the numerical values we went with left the ability feeling much more like an Underdrive, so we're beefing up the boost by keeping too much of his speed from leaking too fast.

    W - Overdrive
    GATHERS NO RUST Movement speed bonus decays more slowly over 5 seconds
    PUTTING THE 'GO' IN 'GOLEM' Overdrive's movement speed bonus cannot decay below 10%

    Caitlyn's traps are more visible in brush.

    While it's still a good idea to place your traps in brush, you should be ensnaring enemies by exploiting their habits, not their inability to see.

    W - Yordle Snap Trap
    TRAP CLARITY Increased visibility when placed in brush.
    Dr. Mundo

    Q refunds its cost on kill. Passive and R tooltips are cleaner.

    Ever a staple among the tanks of toplane, Dr. Mundo's a safe option for those that want to go where they please in teamfights. We're tossing him an infected bone to ease the pain of health costs when behind without pushing his jungling to be just as crazy as he is.

    Passive - Adrenaline Rush
    DYNAMIC! Added dynamic recovery numbers to the tooltip (no value change)
    Q - Infected Cleaver
    newREFUND ON KILL Now refunds 100% of the health cost on killing blows
    R - Sadism
    ALSO DYNAMIC!Added dynamic recovery numbers to the tooltip (no value change)

    Buckshot deals less damage at max range and slightly more damage at close range.

    Tough as nails and strong like Gromp, Malcolm Graves is the go-to when you need a lane demolished. We want him to keep his signature explosiveness (and all that southern Bilgewater charm), but at a distance he prefers: up close and personal. Simply put, trading at long-range will see Graves getting less bang for his buck-shot but, once he gets in their comfort zone, it's the end of the line.

    Q - Buckshot
    BASE DAMAGE 60/95/130/165/200 ⇒ 60/90/120/150/180
    RATIO 0.8 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.75 bonus attack damage
    MAXIMUM DAMAGE (3 hits) 108/171/234/297/360 (+1.44 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 120/180/240/300/360 (+1.5 bonus attack damage)

    Super Mega Death Rocket's close-range damage has been severely reduced.

    Jinx nerfs? EVERYBODY PANIC! Jinx is a champion that plays the game fast and loose, manipulating her range and using her toolbox of diverse (and colorful) explosions to control the battlefield. The only real way to stop this swiss-army-machine-gun was to get in her face, at which point she'd Super Mega Execute You At Close Range and gleefully skip away. It's worth highlighting that Super Mega Death Rocket still has that execute, which means Jinx can continue to get those mid to long range snipes but will just need to be more strategic about it, rather than just shotgunning it into the nearest baddie.

    R - Super Mega Death Rocket!
    MINIMUM DAMAGE 125/175/225 (0.5 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 25/35/45 (+0.1 bonus attack damage)

    W heals for more at early ranks.

    With potent ganks and snowball potential, Kha'Zix's risks might outweigh some of his reward when it comes to taking him into the jungle. Bumping up the early heal to impact his early clears should see this bug working as intended.

    W - Void Spike
    HEAL AMOUNT 40/70/100/130/160 ⇒ 60/85/110/135/160

    W doesn't stop your movement to cast and auto-targets the nearest ally when self-cast.

    The last time we visited the Master of Metal, we changed Creeping Death to be all about bringing people together (so you could crush your opponents and command their souls). We're adding some improvements this patch to benefit Mordekaiser and all of his murder-buddies when engaging in their favorite pastime.

    W - Creeping Death
    CAN'T STOP THE ROCK Mordekaiser can now move while casting Creeping Death (previously would be instant when cast on self, but stopped a quarter second to cast on allies)
    MISERY LOVES COMPANY Now automatically targets the nearest Allied champion if self-cast

    Health per level down. Blood Boil auto-targets the nearest ally when self-cast.

    For a champion that has two separate avenues of multiplying his health (thanks to Consume and Cinderhulk), it didn't make as much sense for Nunu to have one of the higher health pools in the game without items, so we're toning it down to make up for his gains later.

    W - Blood Boil
    LET'S MAKE TRACKS Now automatically targets the nearest Allied champion if self-cast


    Like Rek'Sai and Twisted Fate before him, League's battle-baker is exercising his manners and letting his team know where he's landing for easier follow-ups.

    R - Grand Skyfall
    REAL MEN USE SMART PING Now issues an 'On My Way' ping after fully committing to casting Grand Skyfall

    Shen is a better bodyguard (but still not that great at being a ninja).

    Already a potent guardian, Shen's leveled up his teleport game to naturally position himself in the best spot to defend his teammates.

    R - Stand United
    WHAT A GENTLESHEN Now places Shen between his target and the closest visible enemy champion

    W's health ratio is lower at early levels and takes longer to reactivate.

    The undead hulk that is Sion dies more often to jungle monsters than champions these days, mostly due to the strength of Soul Furnace. While we like that he takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin' (do zombies tick?), Soul Furnace's offensive capability often seals a winning lane for him once he's able to build enough Health, creating a situation for opponents where beefing up makes the shield's damage more effective (as it scales off an enemy's maximum health), while building more damage to pop Soul Furnace opens them up to being crushed by a Decimating Smash. Limiting his shield's flexibility offensively while keeping it sturdy enough to mosh 5v5 should keep him as threatening as ever without being a catch-all solid pick.

    W - Soul Furnace
    SHIELD DETONATION TIMER 2 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds
    RATIO 10% maximum health ⇒ 6/7/8/9/10% maximum health

    This was a notorious bug that kept particularly sneaky players from taking full advantage of their ability to ambush unsuspecting base structures. Shout-outs to the community for helping sniff this one out!

    R - Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat
    SEWER SKEWERS FOR EVERYBODY! Now hits inhibitors and the Nexus

    We cleaned up some of Blood Scent's coding behind-the-scenes that was keeping him finishing off his prey.

    E - Blood Scent
    BLOODY NOSE Fixed a bug where it could take Warwick up to 2 seconds to detect low-health enemies with Blood Scent

    We tried to fix this with an earlier hotfix but that didn't stick. This should do it.

    R - Rite of the Arcane
    ARCANE HAT Fixed a bug where Xerath could accidentally fire his first Arcane Barrage on top of himself if he presses R too fast

    Yasuo's flow shield is stronger at every level, but takes more effort to build early-game.

    While we're excited to give Ionia's roamin' ronin some love, it'd be a lie to say the task was easy. One of League's most complex and stylish champions, the slightest change can instantly turn this wind-waking warrior into a whirlwind of pain. We're increasing the shield's amount at all levels to soften the blows he's had to his early-game, but at the cost of his early flow generation; we want Yasuo players to have ways to be successful but, as always, he'll have to work for them.

    Passive - Way of the Wanderer
    SHIELD STRENGTH 60 - 470 ⇒ 100 - 510
    FLOW CHARGE RATE 100% at every level ⇒ 78/89/100% effectiveness (at levels 1/7/13)
    Mass Texture Rebalance (Part 10)

    With this last bundle of champions, the "Mass" part of our Texture Rebalancing has been completed. That doesn't mean we'll never update a texture again - we'll continue to do so as opportunities arise - but this is the end of seeing these as a major patch note item. Thank you everyone for your continued feedback!

    For those interested in final numbers, these ten installments have rebalanced around 311 skins across 62 champions over 7 months (we started back in patch 4.17)!


    Base, Commando, Imperial, Sorceress, Spellthief, Steel Legion


    Ravager (update to a previous rebalance)


    Base, Battle Regalia, Blacksmith, Lollipoppy, Noxus, Ragdoll, Scarlet Hammer


    Base, Asylum, Nutcracko, Mad Hatter, Roya, Workshop
    Base Jack-In-The-Boxes have also been updated for all skins that use them


    Base, Boneclaw, Darkflame, Ironscale


    Base, Astronaut, Badger, Cottontail, Happy Elf, Panda, Recon, Super
    Base mushrooms (for all skins that use them) and custom mushrooms for Astronaut, Panda and Super skins have also been updated

    The Black Cleaver

    New build path, much more health, much, much more armor shred stacking, but no more flat armor penetration. More cleaver-y, if that makes sense.

    We're going to be blunt - when The Black Cleaver's good, it's good at many things: blowing up squishies via flat armor penetration and busting down tanks with its stacking armor shred. Because of this, we've had to tune the item accordingly, making it pretty mediocre at both of its aforementioned jobs.

    No longer!

    Well, sort of. One of our goals with a revisit to The Black Cleaver was to basically choose one of those paths and go sprinting down it. There are already a bevy of options when it comes to blowing up squishies, so tank busting became the name of the game for the new Black Cleaver. The design here should make sense for anyone who wants sustained, tank busting combat patterns, so we won't dwell too much on that. Go try it out!

    newRECIPE The Brutalizer + Ruby Crystal + 1263 gold ⇒ Phage + Kindlegem + 825 gold
    TOTAL COST 3000 gold (unchanged). In case you couldn't do the math.
    removedARMOR PENETRATION 10 ⇒ 0
    HEALTH 200 ⇒ 400
    ATTACK DAMAGE 50 ⇒ 40
    ARMOR SHRED DURATION 4 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds
    newUNIQUE PASSIVE Rage - Dealing physical damage grants 20 movement speed for 2 seconds. Killing any unit or receiving an assist on a champion that has any amount of Black Cleaver armor shred grants 60 movement speed for 2 seconds instead.
    Recurve Bow

    Now builds out of daggers, costs slightly more, and deals 10 damage on hit.

    Can we say build path betterment? Yes.

    newRECIPE Base item ⇒ Dagger + Dagger + 200 gold
    TOTAL COST 900 gold ⇒ 1100 gold
    newUNIQUE PASSIVE Deals 10 physical damage on hit
    Blade of the Ruined King

    You can now lifesteal the bonus health damage you're dealing!

    Itemizing against tanky bros (and sisters) can be pretty difficult for an AD champion, so we're seeing if we can give a bit of love back to Blade of the Ruined King - the present day high-health AD tank demolishing item. Giving lifesteal to the on-hit passive means the more health your enemies stack, the more you'll be able to recover while kiting around. Now everyone gets a sustained combat pattern!

    newRECIPE Bilgewater Cutlass + Dagger + Dagger + 900 gold ⇒ Bilgewater Cutlass + Recurve Bow + 700 gold
    TOTAL COST 3200 gold (unchanged)
    newGIMME THAT HEALTH On-hit passive now benefits from lifesteal
    PASSIVE MINIMUM DAMAGE 3 ⇒ 10 (bet you didn't know there was a minimum damage before)
    Runaan's Hurricane

    When you actually look at the item build in the in-game shop, it looks pretty cool. Seriously, check out that symmetry.

    COMBINE COST 600 gold ⇒ 500 gold
    TOTAL COST 2400 gold ⇒ 2500 gold (some odd math here with Recurve Bow going up by 200 gold, but we only wanted to make Hurricane slightly more expensive)
    newUNIQUE PASSIVE Deals 10 physical damage on hit
    MORE UNCHANGED THINGS Secondary Bolt damage remains unchanged
    Wit's End

    Build path betterment.

    COMBINE COST 750 gold ⇒ 550 gold
    TOTAL COST 2600 gold (unchanged)
    Enchantment - Devourer

    Build path betterment.

    newRECIPE Dagger + Dagger + 500 gold ⇒ Recurve Bow + 300 gold
    TOTAL COST 1400 gold for the enchant, 2250 including jungle item cost (unchanged)
    Righteous Glory

    We went a liiiiitttle overboard with this last time, so we're tuning back just a tiny bit.

    HEALTH 650 ⇒ 600

    Summoner's Rift
    Dragon's Might (Dragon Buff #1)

    This is a little complicated, but the short of it is that the Dragon's Might buff was calculating its +6% AD a little weird. First, it didn't multiply with bonus attack damage (so that's no good) and second, it assumed a 1.0 AD ratio for anything that used an AD ratio (even if that ratio was, in reality, much lower). This isn't to say that AD scaling spells were all using 1.0 ratios, just that the +6% AD on Dragon's Might was scaling like that. This also probably exposes a bit of how math works in our game, but that's a confusing bag of goodies in and of itself. The super short of it is expressed below:

    COMPLICATED MATH Auto attack damage for champions with Dragon's Might and AD items will now be slightly higher
    MORE COMPLICATED MATH Physical damage spells will now deal slightly less damage when interacting with Dragon's Might (unless the champion has a lot of bonus AD or their abilities scale higher than 1.0 AD)

    Howling Abyss
    Visual Updates

    The update to Summoner's Rift gave us the opportunity for some quick wins on Howling Abyss, which was using many of the same assets as the original Summoner's Rift anyway.

    newCHILL OUT The loading screen for Howling Abyss matches now has background art
    LONG LIVE PURPLE Minion, inhibitor and nexus models have been replaced with reskinned assets from the updated Summoner's Rift. We've kept the blue-purple color scheme since red doesn't fit Howling Abyss's thematics.
    REINFORCED HEALTH BARS Structures now have custom health bars
    BRUSH PHYSICS Howling Abyss brush now sways and moves when champions move through it
    THE GROUND Fixed various cases of champion ability visual effects disappearing under the ground
    Surrender Timer

    Since ARAMs tend to be shorter than Summoner's Rift matches, we're scaling down the surrender timer to a proportionately appropriate level.

    SURRENDER TIMER 20 minutes ⇒ 15 minutes
    Global Gameplay Updates

    Modernizing minions to be in line with recent changes we've made on Summoner's Rift.

    MINION RESISTANCES Minions no longer gain resistances over time. Cannon minions no longer have base armor.
    MINION HEALTH Minion health gain over time has been increased to keep minions roughly as durable as when they had resistances
    SUPER MINIONS Now grant nearby allied minions increased damage and resistances

    Tower diving is already strong on Howling Abyss as it is, and with the reintroduction of Warmog's Armor (spoilers!!) we're toning up turret damage to make sure turrets stay threatening.

    Mark / Dash

    One of our takeaways from Legend of the Poro King was that there are a ton of champions who could actually be pretty healthy on Howling Abyss if they had better engagement tools. We're introducing Mark / Dash as a summoner spell option to address that need.

    MARK Throw a snowball a long distance, dealing (20 + 10 per level) true damage to the first enemy unit hit. If it hits an enemy, this ability can be recast for 3 seconds to Dash to the tagged unit. Dashing to the target will reduce the cooldown of Mark by 25%. Mark projectiles are not stopped by spell shields or projectile mitigation.
    DASH Dash to the unit hit by Mark. Casting Dash will reduce the cooldown of Mark by 25%.
    The Bloodthirster

    It's here!

    With last season's rework which removed The Bloodthirster's stacking mechanic, our concerns over snowballing were largely assuaged. We're re-adding it to Howling Abyss as part of this patch's pass on the map.

    newIS A THING Is now a thing on Howling Abyss (same stats/effects as Summoner's Rift)
    Sanguine Blade

    It's gone!

    Sanguine Blade offered an early, cost-efficient power spike for marksmen that tapered off as the game progressed (though never really reaching "bad" status). The Bloodthirster is basically Sanguine Blade's bigger, badder brother - it'll take longer to complete but more than compensates with tons of additional lategame power. There isn't a compelling need to have both on the same map, so we're saying goodbye to Sanguine Blade.

    removedIS NOT A THING Is no longer a thing on Howling Abyss
    Warmog's Armor

    It's here!

    Similar to Mark / Dash, we're looking to give some love to tanks so they can survive poke long enough to initiate at the right time. That said, Warmog's is an HP behemoth and we're keeping a close eye on it to make sure tanks don't become too overpowering.

    newIS A THING Is now a thing on Howling Abyss (same stats/effects as Summoner's Rift)
    Skin Boosts

    Temporary random skins for the random champions played by your (sometimes) random teammates. And some IP.

    BOOST ME BRO Skin boosts have been permanently enabled on ARAM. They cost 95 RP and grant you and your teammates a one-time random skin for your randomly-selected champion, as well as 100 IP (200 for you).

    Howling Abyss, Twisted Treeline & Crystal Scar
    Twin Shadows

    Had a few items that missed updates and finally knocking those out. Sorry it took so long.

    newHOWLING ABYSS Added trap finding functionality to Howling Abyss version!
    COMBINE COST 630 gold ⇒ 730 gold
    TOTAL COST 2300 gold ⇒ 2400 gold

    Twisted Treeline & Crystal Scar
    Moonflair Spellblade

    Just getting that Negatron Cloak back in there.

    Had a few items that missed updates and finally knocking those out. Sorry it took so long.

    RECIPE Seeker's Armguard + Null-Magic Mantle + 920 gold ⇒ Seeker's Armguard + Negatron Cloak + 570 gold
    TOTAL COST 2620 gold (unchanged)
    Lord Van Damm's Pillager
    DON'T YOU WORRY CHILD Unchanged. Just in case you were concerned we were going to bring it line with Infinity Edge. Nope.

    Crystal Scar
    Odyn's Veil

    Just getting that Negatron Cloak back in there.

    Had a few items that missed updates and finally knocking those out. Sorry it took so long.

    RECIPE Null-Magic Mantle + Catalyst the Protector + 800 gold ⇒ Negatron Cloak + Catalyst the Protector + 450 gold
    TOTAL COST 2500 gold (unchanged)

    Friend List

    In preparation for the upcoming Add Friends feature, we've made a few improvements to the friend list aimed at reducing the confusion that sometimes occurs when players reach the friend list cap.

    8.33% MORE FRIENDS The friend list cap has been increased from 300 ⇒ 325
    TOO MANY FRIENDS Players will now see an alert when trying to add friends past the friend list cap
    TOO MANY FRIENDS 2 Players will now also see an alert when trying to add friends who are themselves at the friend list cap


    Skin-specific sound effects for Ghost Bride Morgana's R - Soul Shackles and Firefighter Tristana's E - Explosive Charge have been restored
    Gnar's VO while dancing has been restored
  5. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    The Hell
    Patch 5.9 Notes

    New Attack Move Functionality

    Something we've been tinkering with in the workshop - a small functional addition to the attack move command (commonly bound as shift + right click or A + left click). The explanation goes like this: whenever you issue an attack move command on the ground, your champion moves toward that location while automatically attacking anything they encounter along the way.

    This is unchanged. Don't worry about it.

    The other scenario is if you issue an attack move command on the ground and there are targets (minions, monsters, champions, etc) in your immediate attack range. In this case, your champion won't even move - they'd just attack the closest thing. Here we're adding one small tweak to the attack move targeting mechanism called attack move on cursor. What this option does is make it so that if there are multiple targets in your immediate attack range, rather than attacking the closest target, your champ will attack the target closest to your cursor.

    Functionally this means if you're Vayne trying to use attack move to hit an enemy Caitlyn with two stacks of silver bolts, but you miss her model by 3 pixels and click the ground, you won't take your frustrations out on that nearby minion hugging your left kidney. Or if you're being chased by two baddies side by side, this change allows you to clarify your targeting intentions quickly while still tapping into the speed of attack move ground click kiting (say that three times fast).

    If you're not a fan of this change, you can toggle it off in the menus. We're just trying to get as much coverage as possible so we can iterate based on feedback if need be (or if this has unforeseen consequences, we can just toggle it off).

    newATTACK MOVE ON CURSOR We've added a new feature, "Attack Move on Cursor," that will attempt to attack move the target nearest your cursor if you target the ground near them. If no target is found, you will attack the nearest target as normal (or move to the targeted area if no targets are nearby at all).
    SO MUCH CHANGE AVERSION You can toggle this feature off in the options menu. We could have shipped this already off, but we know people are lazy and then we won't get feedback and that's really no good.

    Changes to Combat Text

    This has been on the PBE for a little while, and since we haven't run into any big issues with it, we figured why not? If you run into any issues with readability or have any feedback, feel free to let us know. Otherwise... woo combat text changes. Woooo!

    BIG NUMBERS, MAN Generally, the more damage a single hit deals - the bigger it will be on screen, up to a limit. Insignificant damage numbers will be far less pronounced and will fade more quickly.
    CONTINUOUS COUNTERS Champion damage over time and multi-hit abilities now display a 'combined' total damage number, as well as the normal tick damage. This will only display the 'combined' total damage on minions.
    NUMBERS EVERYWHERE We've made some minor adjustments to the position and scroll direction of various types of text. Specifics include: on-hit procs will scroll with the original damage hit, and heals will scroll in the same direction as shield absorption text.


    Ashe has been updated! Check out the article if you want the full story, or just below if you want the specifics.

    newPassive - Frost Shot

    Spells and basic attacks slow targets by 5/11/17/23/29/35% (at levels 1/4/7/10/13/16) for 2 seconds.

    Basic attacks always critically strike targets slowed by Frost Shot for additional damage, but Ashe cannot crit normally. This bonus damage is increased by Critical Strike items.
    newQ - Ranger's Focus

    Applying Frost Shot grants Focus for 4 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Activating Ranger's Focus consumes all Focus stacks, granting 20/25/30/35/40% Attack Speed and boosting Frost Shot's slow by an additional 20% for 4 seconds.

    If 5 stacks are consumed, Ashe's basic attacks are replaced by a flurry of arrows resulting in 1.15/1.20/1.25/1.30/1.35 of her Total Attack Damage per attack for the duration.
    COST 50 Mana
    COOLDOWN 18 seconds
    W - Volley
    COST 60 mana ⇒ 50 mana
    COOLDOWN 16/13/10/7/4 seconds ⇒ 12/10/8/6/4 seconds
    ARROWS FIRED 7 ⇒ 9
    MISSILE WIDTH 1 ⇒ 20
    VOLLEY BLOCKER Enemies can now block multiple arrows, but will only take damage from the first.
    E - Hawkshot
    RANGE 2500/3250/4000/4750/5500 ⇒ Global
    newI BET THEY'RE SIBLINGS Now stores up to 2 charges upon reaching rank 2
    AMMO RECHARGE RATE 90/80/70/60/50 seconds
    removedFROZEN ASSETS No longer passively generates gold
    R - Enchanted Crystal Arrow
    SLOW ON ENEMIES IN THE AREA 50% ⇒ Frost Shot's current value

    E's cooldown is lowered. R dashes through units.

    A number of patches back, we reduced some of Akali's ability to click on - and delete - squishy enemies. This time around we're looking to give her back some viability and power, but not in the cases where she was raising alarm. In other words, we want Akali to be able to contend when she shows up, but we don't want to just do it by exacerbating her frustrating gameplay. You'll see this strategy in our changes to E's utility (wave clear and as an energy dump), as well as R positioning Akali much closer to her target so she can actually get off a Q proc.

    E - Crescent Slash
    COOLDOWN 7/6/5/4/3 seconds ⇒ 5/4/3/2/1 seconds
    RATIO 0.3 ability power ⇒ 0.4 ability power
    R - Shadow Dance
    HOLD ME CLOSER, SHADOW DANCER Shadow Dance now dashes Akali through her target

    Annie's basic attack range is shorter.

    For a bear-toting powder keg of midlane murder, Annie's ranges have always made it difficult to interact. Though her attack range is still above average, keeping it in-line with her spells helps opponents skirt the dangerous line between 'On-Fire' and 'about to be'.

    ATTACK RANGE 625 ⇒ 575

    Q costs more mana, but does more damage to monsters.

    Still terrorizing the top stables, Hecarim's snowball potential quickly becomes an avalanche for teams without a way to keep him down. We're curbing some of his repeated aggression when it comes to sustained Q usage, but unlocking its full potential against monsters so he can gallop freely in the jungle. (That's where horses are from, right?)

    Q - Rampage
    CAME IN LIKE A HEC'ING BALL Now deals full damage to monsters
    COST 20/23/26/29/32 mana ⇒ 32/34/36/38/40 mana

    Passive no longer gains bonus distance dashing backwards.

    Between being a hell-bent specter of vengeance as well as a flashy marksman, Kalista is nothing if not polarizing. One small misstep can be all she needs to begin her hopping-spree and litter the rift with spears - a task made even easier when there's a convenient tank or fighter to backpedal off of. We like the finesse required to use Martial Poise to dart and dodge through opposing skillshots, but in the interest of throwing a bone to melee champions everywhere, she'll need to rely more heavily on good ol' fashioned positioning to get her away from some of the beefier bouncers on the battlefield.

    Passive - Martial Poise
    removedFANCY FOOTWORK No longer gains bonus distance when dashing backwards

    Tormented Soil's damage is lowered at early ranks.

    While Morgana's strong crowd control and top-tier denial tool in Black Shield make her fantastic for those looking to protect a priority target or pick off a straggler, they also toe the line of making her a 'fallen-angel-of-all-trades'. In the interest of keeping her strengths strong, we're limiting her early lane control with the powerhouse pushing of Tormented Soil so she isn't great in every situation.

    W - Tormented Soil
    DAMAGE 12/19/26/33/40 damage per second ⇒ 8/16/24/32/40 damage per second

    R's bonus health appears instantly.

    No longer will Nasus have his sick baits outplayed by random cast time interference. Ult safely, my friends.

    R - Fury of the Sands
    LET THE DOGS OUT Fixed a bug where it could take up to 0.25 seconds to grant the bonus health

    E's base damage up.

    While Nocturne's not in the worst spot as far as living nightmares go, his early-game's a little softer than we'd like considering how reliant he is on the post-6 paranoia pressure he puts on lanes. Mixing in a tad more spookiness to Unspeakable Horror's damage output should up his effectiveness when murdering frightened Teemos.

    E - Unspeakable Horror
    DAMAGE 50/100/150/200/250 ⇒ 80/120/160/200/260
    FEAR FACTOR Speed bonus towards scared targets now correctly works with allied fears (such as Hecarim's Onslaught of Shadows and Shaco's Jack-In-The-Box)


    True to his viking origins, Ragnarok's double-edged sword of offense vs. defense paints an interesting decision point for Olaf players. The trade-offs become much less clear the further he falls behind, creating an uphill battle through waves of sustained damage and crowd control to even land a hit in. Adding a speed boost doesn't solve all of Olaf's problems, but it'll help him close the gap on mispositioned targets, forcing them between Ragnarok and a hard place.

    R - Ragnarok
    newFOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROK Now grants 50/60/70% bonus Movement Speed towards enemies for 1 second

    W has more range and self-stuns for less when empowered.

    These days Renekton's looking more like his old lane-dominant self than a pair of shoes, but that doesn't mean he couldn't use some polish around the edges. We're increasing the usability of Ruthless Predator both as basic-attack reset and a powerful CC tool so his trades can feel as weighty as they should without going too far in either direction.

    W - Ruthless Predator
    newSHREDATOR Now grants 50 bonus range
    SELF STUN ON EMPOWERED CAST 0.75 seconds ⇒ 0.5 seconds
    R - Dominus
    LET THE CROCS OUT? Fixed a bug where it could take up to 0.25 seconds to grant the bonus health

    Movement speed lowered. Wind Slash's speed reduced.

    Known for fast-paced combos and even faster executions, Riven's a flurry of strikes and shouts that every solo laner has to pay respect to. We're toning down this blade-wielding blitzkreig by shaving some of her mobility and reliable damage, meaning she'll have to rely on getting up-close and personal with her abilities if she wants to enjoy the same level of effectiveness.

    MOVEMENT SPEED 345 ⇒ 340
    R - Wind Slash
    MISSILE SPEED 2200 ⇒ 1600

    No longer one-shots people with Muramana.

    Not much to see for the Rogue Mage in this patch besides some changes to a pretty goofy interaction between Muramana and his opponents' melting faces. We're still evaluating what kind of love Ryze will need (if any) post-update as people learn what builds and skill orders work best, but he's right at the top of our radar for emergency rations if need be.

    Passive - Arcane Mastery
    CLARITY While stacking, Arcane Mastery's icon is grey to differentiate 'charging' and 'ready' states
    E - Spell Flux
    YOU KNOW WHY No longer triggers single-target spell effects (Rylai's, Muramana) on instances of damage beyond the first
    R - Desperate Power
    BUGFIX Fixed a bug where casting a spell as Desperate Power's buff expired caused that spell to not go on cooldown

    E does more damage per stack. E's cast time scales with attack speed.

    Even though Bandle City's most famous commando is never far from the front lines, Explosive Charge is having less of an impact that we'd hoped for being the cornerstone of both her damage output and strategic niche of 'breaking every tower forever'. We're tacking on an extra bit of boom, as well as smoother cast-times when Tristana gets trigger-happy so she'll get more bang for the effort required.

    E - Explosive Charge
    newGOTTA SHOOT FAST Cast time is now reduced by Attack Speed

    Pillar's slow is stronger and knocks units further away.

    For a fighter so hyped as the ultimate Tank-Buster, Trundle's been pretty underwhelming in the age of Cinderhulk. Much of this isn't even due to his stat-stealing nature - his presence in fights simply isn't there when compared to his peers. To power-up the truly unique clubbing experience Trundle provides, we're giving him some oomph on his most iconic spell so he can put any lopsided skirmishes (or mispositioned marksmen) on ice.

    E - Pillar of Ice
    SLOW 25/30/35/40/45% ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50%
    Xin Zhao

    R's knockback applies a brief stun.

    Though often seen as a high-damage diver, we're beefing up Xin's crowd control to boost his potency when functioning as a team's initiator. He'll still need additional follow-up from his team to not splat immediately afterwards, but at least he'll hit with all the force of a great typhoon before going down.

    R - Crescent Sweep
    newTHINK ALISTAR'S HEADBUTT Now applies a 0.75 second stun to knocked back targets

    Zed can't teleport back to his Death Mark shadow instantly.

    Another one of the League's flashiest champions, Zed isn't well known for letting his opponents get a word in (let alone a single spell-cast) once he's marked them for death. Now even the most unsuspecting of prey has a small window to throw a wrench in Zed's plans before he vanishes to safety.

    R - Death Mark
    EMBRACE THE SHADOW Now has a 1 second cooldown before it can be reactivated to return to Death Mark's shadow.

    Enchantment - Cinderhulk

    Cinderhulk no longer ramps up in damage while in combat and deals less base damage. HOWEVER, it now deals double damage to monsters. Which is nice.

    It's clear that Cinderhulk's got two big strengths - a scaling defense component (+25% bonus health) and a lot of ramping ambient damage against champions. After our initial investigations, we realized we didn't want to reduce the defensive component of Cinderhulk, so we instead tackled its offensive potential. This is a slightly designer-y way of saying we want Cinderhulk to keep its tanky identity, but is probably overtuned in its champion-mauling capabilities. That said, we're trying to not just straight nerf it, so re-clarifying Cinderhulk as a jungle clearing pickup seems like a good idea.

    newTECHNICALLY WE'RE PROMOTING FOREST FIRES Now does +100% bonus damage to monsters
    removedFIRE CONTROL Cinderhulk's Immolate passive no longer increases in damage while in combat
    BASE DAMAGE 16 (+1 per champion level) magic damage scaling up to 24 (+1.5 per champion level) magic damage ⇒ 15 (+0.6 per champion level) magic damage
    Skirmisher's Sabre

    When we first shipped Skirmisher's Sabre, we made that debuff duration long to really emphasize its extended combat use. Plonk it on an invading Lee Sin, smack him around a few times, and suddenly he's reconsidering his decisions in life. That said, we're now seeing this thing really pick up in popularity (particularly in top lane), and we've realized that 6 seconds is probably too long. Particularly when there are focused summoner spells (Ignite and Exhaust) that Challenging Smite straight up outclasses with its breadth of uses. It's worth re-emphasizing that we do like emergent gameplay when it pops up - as long as it doesn't stifle champion diversity (ie: if top lane becomes "who can use Challenging Smite the best?" that would be concerning).

    P.S. That bugfix would have been done regardless of the strength of Skirmisher's, given the definition of true damage. C'mon.

    removedCHECK THAT DEFINITION No longer reduces incoming True Damage from the Challenged target

    Summoner's Rift

    Every season we make Dragon a more difficult encounter and then, at some point in time, he gets old and trivial and nobody's actually scared of this scaly baddy. It's that time. We're just amping up a bit of his early game here. By mid to late, this change should be pretty negligible.

    ATTACKS PER SECOND 0.45 ⇒ 0.5
    BASE DAMAGE 75 ⇒ 100
    FOR CLARITY % current health damage is unchanged, in case you were concerned.

    Howling Abyss
    Mark / Dash

    We've taken 75% of Mark's damage and put it into Dash so... if you want to execute someone with a snowball, you're going to have to go on a trip.

    IT'S COMPLICATED SEE BELOW Mark/Dash still deals 20 (+10 per champion level) true damage. If you're wondering why we're reiterating something, see below. It makes sense, we promise.
    MARK DAMAGE Mark damage now deals 25% of total damage (above)
    DASH DAMAGE Dash damage now deals 75% of total damage (above the above)

    Match History

    Last year we introduced Match History to the web; we'll be bringing a good chunk of that functionality to your profile page in the days following 5.9's release. The web experience will remain the place to go for shareable (show-offable?) match details like build paths or damage stats, but the client should now be sufficiently leveled up for effective review!

    In-Profile Summary View
    PUBLIC Ranked matches are visible to any player who visits your profile
    PRIVATE Normal matches are only visible to you and your friends
    MORE PRIVATE Custom games are only visible to you
    In-Profile Full View

    The full view of the in-profile Match History now displays much of the information from the web view's "Match Overview" tab.
    SCOREBOARD Shows champion, summoner spells, items, KDA, CS and gold per playeras well as gold, kills and objectives taken per team
    GOLD GRAPH Tracks Team Gold Advantage, Team Gold or Champion Gold across the duration of the match
    TIMELINE Tracks champion and objective kills by time interval. Hovering over an interval breaks down who took what during that time.
    EVENT MAP Interactive map of champion and objective kills for both teams. Hovering over the gold graph or timeline causes the event map to reflect the state of the game at that point in time.


    Fixed a bug where Bard was unable to self-cast W - Caretaker's Shrine
    Chromas are now selectable in Team Builder!
    VFX for Cassiopeia's R - Petrifying Gaze have been adjusted to match the area of effect
    Rammus no longer goes on an ARAM space journey if he collides with another unit while Dash-ing to his Mark-ed target while Q - Powerball is active
  6. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    The Hell
    Patch 5.10 notes


    Ekko, the Boy Who Shattered Time, will be released a bit later during patch 5.10!


    If Akali Qs someone, Shadow Dance will bring her much closer to them. Otherwise all of her R dashes are slightly closer in general.

    Our bad on this one. Adding a little more intelligence to Akali's dashes, where they'll try to adjust distance according to her needs.

    R - Shadow Dance
    newCAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE TONIGHT Now gives 50% less passthrough distance versus targets marked by Mark of the Assassin

    These are two changes aimed at two different things, so we'll explain. First, while we did intend for late-game Cass to be an unstoppable force of a half-snake, the scaling heal on Twin Fang makes her borderline unkillable for some team compositions (particularly given her zone control). Second, when we were looking for ways to trim power on Cass, we saw that her champion update came right before our big refactor of the mana regeneration stat of the 2015 season (with most champions ending up with less mana regen in general). Given that these original numbers were tuned around competing mid-laners of the time (and higher baseline mana regeneration expectations like Athene's Unholy Grail), we decided to modernize accordingly. Cassi's still going to hit like a truck in the lategame - we just wanted to give more windows of opportunity for opponents to take advantage.

    Passive - Aspect of the Serpent
    PASSIVE BONUS At 100 stacks, Twin Fang heals for 6/8/10/12/14/16 +0.1 ability power ⇒ +0.06 ability power
    E - Twin Fang
    MANA REFUND If Twin Fang kills the target, it refunds its mana cost plus 3% of Cassiopeia's maximum mana ⇒ 1.5% of Cassiopeia's maximum mana

    Non-fat body slams.

    Following up on our Cinderhulk changes, we still think 'ol Graggy's taking up too much space in the jungle, so we're trimming some fat (not literally - that's gross) where we can. This might not be the change that gives jungle competitors some space to breathe, but at least letting his belly hitbox match the visuals is a good first step.

    E - Body Slam

    In terms of objective power shifts, this reduces some of Jinx's early game strength and trades it for a bit more lategame power. Philosophically we want to continue highlighting Jinx's late, late game potential, but we were also seeing her start to crush turrets early on once she got a snowball rolling. You might call a change like this a power curve Switcheroo! but then we'd have to hit you for trying too hard.

    Q - Switcheroo!
    MINI-GUN BONUS ATTACK SPEED 30/55/80/105/130% ⇒ 30/40/50/60/70%
    newPOW-POW'S LEVELING UP Mini-gun now gains 0/2/4/6/8/10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50/55/60/65/70% additional attack speed based on Jinx's level

    Spell hits and basic attacks on champions reduce Mantra's cooldown by a lot more at later levels. W has a higher AP ratio and can be used on monsters. E has a shorter cooldown, a lower mana cost, and shields for slightly less at later ranks. Instead of bonus damage, Mantra'd W now adds to the root duration and Mantra'd E now increases the base shield by a large amount and gives a greater area-of-effect shield.

    Let's talk Karma.

    Right now, while Karma does have a small - but dedicated - player base, she's someone we've put on our radar as an opportunity to improve. Specifically, while Karma does a number of things well (mid-range poke, movement-based team engagement, solo lane dueling), she hasn't really been stand-out in any category for some time and hasn't been able to scale well as the game progresses. Up front: these changes aren't going to "fix" everything (honestly no change does that!) - we just wanted to highlight more of Karma's unique strengths (utility and control) while also giving her that lategame scaling potential (a ramped up cooldown refund on Gathering Fire and much stronger utility potential in R-W / R-E). While these changes do reduce some of Karma's dueling threat, it's important to note that we're not trying to commit her to a duo-support lane or a solo lane specifically - just that we're trying giving her access to an end game fantasy (there's a word we haven't heard in a while) and feel we can do it through her more distinctive powers. Quick note on removing the damage on Mantra'd W / E - a goal here was to differentiate Karma's contextual decision making when selecting an ability to Mantra (super root? mega shield?), so we went down that path. Additionally, removing damage on R-E means we can up the ante on Gathering Fire's cooldown reduction without seeing Karma throw out a Mantra'd E every 6 seconds in clumpy team fights.

    Passive - Gathering Fire
    MANTRA COOLDOWN REFUND - SPELL HIT 2 seconds at all levels ⇒ 2/2.5/3 seconds at levels 1/7/13
    MANTRA COOLDOWN REFUND - BASIC ATTACK 1 second at all levels ⇒ 1/1.25/1.5 seconds at levels 1/7/13
    W - Focused Resolve
    newPUT A LEASH ON IT Focused Resolve can now target monsters in addition to champions
    W - Renewal (Mantra'd Focused Resolve)
    newPUT A ROOT ON IT Using Renewal now increases the duration of Focused Resolve's root - if triggered - by 0.5/0.75/1/1.25 seconds
    removedBONUS DAMAGE 75/150/225/300 (+0.6 ability power) ⇒ No longer adds additional damage
    E - Inspire
    COOLDOWN 10 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds
    COST 60/70/80/90/100 mana ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80 mana
    SHIELD 80/120/160/200/240 ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200
    E - Defiance (Mantra'd Inspire)
    newYOU MIGHT SAY IT'S DEATH DEFYING Using Defiance now increases the primary target's shield amount by 30/90/150/210 (+0.3 ability power)
    removedDAMAGE 60/140/220/300 (+0.6 ability power) magic damage ⇒ No longer damages enemies
    AREA-OF-EFFECT SHIELD 30/70/110/150 ⇒ 50% of the primary target's shield amount

    Non-fat Zenith Blades.

    Skinny Zenith Blade. Leona's actually been climbing the power rankings for a little while, so we're applying a light touch here. Zenith Blade's actually got a super wide hitbox that nobody notices (it was close to Sona's Crescendo width!), so we're just matching up those visuals.

    E - Zenith Blade
    MISSILE WIDTH 90 ⇒ 70

    Base mana regeneration is up, but mana regen per level is down slightly.

    Trying to throw some love to support Lulu without just cranking up solo-lane Lulu, who we think is in a pretty decent spot.


    Base health down.

    Rek'Sai's one of those gals who's been very strong for some time, and it's something we couldn't help but notice when she stayed viable and competitive through two large shifts in the jungle item metagame (Warrior and Cinderhulk). That said, we don't just want to kick her out of the feasibility forest (the diversity dirigible flies over it), so we're going for a light change to reduce the reliability of her level 3 ganks.

    BASE HEALTH 611.2 ⇒ 570

    Q damage up at later ranks, Arcane Mastery and Desperate Power now last 6 seconds at all ranks.

    We've got some follow-up adjustments for everyone's favorite rogue mage with bad teeth - specifically just streamlining some of those buff durations.

    Passive - Arcane Mastery
    SUPERCHARGED MASTERY All buffs (stacks, shield, etc) associated with Arcane Mastery now apply at the end of the spells' cast time ⇒ beginning of spells' cast time
    SUPERCHARGED DURATION 3/4/5/6 seconds (based on ranks in R - Desperate Power) ⇒ 6 seconds at all ranks
    Q - Overload
    BASE DAMAGE 65/90/115/140/165 magic damage ⇒ 65/95/125/155/185 magic damage
    R - Desperate Power
    DURATION 4/5/6 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds at all ranks

    W's on-hit bonus damage now deals less of the target's max health.

    Heads up: Due to a behind-the-scenes mistake, we only changed Sejuani's tooltip and not her actual in-game damage. In other words, no functional power change has been made but her tooltip will read otherwise. We're going to get this change into the next hotfix or the next patch. Sorry!

    For a tanky, crowd-control focused armor lady, Sejuani's dealing a whole boar-load of damage (sorry) in addition to her super disruptive glacial powers. Reducing some of that damage lets us focus Sej on what she does best - being a tanky, crowd-control focused armor lady (we just said that).

    W - Flail of the Northern Winds
    BONUS MAGIC DAMAGE 4/5.5/7/8.5/10% of target's maximum health ⇒ 4/4.5/5/5.5/6% of target's maximum health

    Weird bugs, man.

    R - Unstoppable Onslaught
    USE YOUR OWN AXE, SION Fixed a bug where Unstoppable Onslaught was scaling with the target's bonus attack damage instead of Sion's

    Imbueing has never been cheaper.

    We wanted to give this fabulous Gem Knight a little love and realized that the mana cost of Imbue was pretty outrageously high. So we reduced it.

    Q - Imbue
    COST 60/80/100/120/140 mana ⇒ 60/70/80/90/100 mana

    Shop Performance

    We actually shipped this behind-the-scenes performance upgrade in 5.9, but weren't sure if it would 'stick' or if it solved everything in the first place. Now that it's had a patch to bake, we think it's... doing well? Let us know if you run into issues with the shop freezing.

    NO LONGER AN ICE CREAM STORE We've added some performance upgrades to the shop to (hopefully) solve most issues with freezing - let us know if they helped!
    Ancient Coin Line

    Short story: Ancient Coin's in a pretty rough spot. Not only does it give less combat stats and less gold than its gold generating brethren (aka you give up a lot of lane presence and don't get much in return), but Righteous Glory has also gone and stolen Talisman's premier "push a button and run at them fast" item identity. We're not going to take away Righteous Glory's hard-earned... glory, but we're just bringing some parity to the playground while also giving some more "run at your fast" potential with that lower active cooldown.

    Ancient Coin
    BONUS GOLD 2 gold per nearby minion death ⇒ 3 gold per nearby minion death
    Nomad's Medallion
    BONUS GOLD 3 gold per nearby minion death ⇒ 4 gold per nearby minion death
    Talisman of Ascension
    BONUS GOLD 3 gold per nearby minion death ⇒ 4 gold per nearby minion death
    ACTIVE COOLDOWN 60 seconds ⇒ 40 seconds
    Ardent Censer

    Ardent Censer now gives slightly less attack speed but now grants +30 bonus magic damage on hit to the buffed target. Also doesn't work on creeps anymore. Sorry Alistar.

    The real important thing here is the crit text. It looks all floaty and satisfying for people who like to buff other people.


    When Ardent Censer was first released it had a lot of potential for shield / heal-based champions but they often found themselves trying to decide what to give up for what was effectively an attack speed buffing item. On reconsideration, we think this item could be a pretty sparkly pickup if it just had a wider range of applications. Now it's like a mini Help, Pix! that can scale off your allies' attack speed!

    newBUFFS ON BUFFS Ardent Censer's attack speed buff now also grants +30 magic damage on hit
    ATTACK SPEED BUFF Your heals and shields on another unit grant them +25% bonus attack speed ⇒ +15% bonus attack speed
    newTEXTUAL SATISFACTION Magic damage proc shows critical hit texts for the champion who buffed his/her/its (hi Bard) friends
    removedSORRY ALISTAR Ardent Censer's buff is now only applicable to champions, as giving an entire creep wave +30 magic damage on hit would be obnoxious
    Bilgewater Cutlass

    See below for context.

    ACTIVE CAST RANGE 450 ⇒ 550
    Blade of the Ruined King

    We get a decent amount of 'bug reports' for Blade of the Ruined King, but they're mostly related to the fact that the active range of BotRK is slightly out of sync (that is, shorter) than basic ranged autoattack ranges. This item actually used to have a 550 range, but it was pretty terrifying on melee champions. That said, since we've reduced the active damage portion of this item, we think we can bring that range sync back.

    ACTIVE CAST RANGE 450 ⇒ 550
    Banner of Command

    Tweaking a few numbers. Basically the indicator said the range to use Banner was 700, but it was really 1000. We're increasing it to 1200 anyway to match that aura range.

    CAST RANGE 1000 (indicator said 700) ⇒ 1200

    Utility Masteries

    Little hard to summarize - each change is pretty clear so we're not doing your reading for you here.

    Right now, going deep into the utility tree isn't a super viable path, so we're adding a little spice where we can.

    LANE SWAP Meditation has swapped positions with Expanded Mind on the Utility Mastery tree
    GOTTA SPEND IT TO GET IT Gives 1/2/3 mana regeneration every 5 seconds ⇒ Restores 0.5/1/1.5% missing mana every 5 seconds
    Expanded Mind
    LANE SWAP Expanded Mind has swapped positions with Meditation on the Utility Mastery tree
    SORRY RYZE Grants 2/3.5/5% maximum mana ⇒ Grants 25/50/75 mana
    INSPIRATIONAL BUFFS While near an allied champion with a higher level, grants 5/10 experience every 10 seconds ⇒ 10/20 experience every 10 seconds
    Bandit (Melee)
    WE SHOULD CALL IT PICKPOCKET Champion kills and assists grant 15 bonus gold ⇒ Grants 8 gold each time an enemy champion is attacked (5 second cooldown)
    INTELLIGENTER Reduces the cooldown of activated items by 4/7/10% ⇒ 8/14/20%
    WANDERERER Grants +5% movement speed ⇒ +20 movement speed (that's from a percentage to a flat amount)

    Summoner's Rift
    Super Minions

    A few patches back we made a functionally non-impacting change to Super Minions. Short summary: they used to give themselves their own armor / resistance / damage aura. We thought that was a little janky so we just gave them higher base stats and didn't allow for the self-aura application.

    The previously described change is completely unrelated to the reasoning behind this change - we just wanted to highlight it so the below numbers make sense. Here we've just realized that magic damage dealers don't have enough sustained damage to deal with these tanky brutes, so we're reducing a bit of that MR.

    Monster Leashing

    We're cleaning up a few exploit cases where solo ranged attackers are resetting monster aggro to clear camps without taking damage. Be careful with those leashes!

    newRANGED RESET SHENANIGANS When a monster loses aggro due to range, its leash counter increases by 1 (the same as if that monster had targeted a different champion). If the monster re-acquires a ranged target after being hit, it will also increase its leash counter by 1 (the same as if that monster had re-acquired its original target). This basically means that ranged attackers can now only solo-reset a monster camp 3 times, down from 6.
    LEASH RANGE 750 ⇒ 700
    Visual Adjustments

    Some people were asking for more critters; others were asking for them to go away. Let's...do both.

    SUGAR FREE Added a "Hide eye candy" toggle in the Game tab of the Options menu. Disabling this option will hide visual flair such as persistent critters (the ones that hang around after 1:55), water ripples and other moving elements which aren't relevant to gameplay.
    SWEET STUFF Added a few more critters to Summoner's Rift!

    On a side note, we've been making a bunch of small touch-ups to the map over the past couple of months (as promised when we launched the updated Rift). We prefer to avoid overhyping these updates patch-by-patch, but we'll at least take this opportunity to confirm that you're not going crazy: Baron pit did not always have purple disco runes.

    Howling Abyss
    Mark / Dash

    We like a good snowball fight, but things were getting a little ridiculous. Our primary goal was to give bruiser/tanky types the balls (snowballs, man) they needed to get into the fight, but when you see Ashe running Mark/Dash trying to snipe off a squishy backliner, something's probably up.

    COOLDOWN 20 seconds ⇒ 40 seconds
    DAMAGE SPLIT Damage is split between Mark and Dash by 33.3%/66.% ⇒ 50%/50%
    HOLY THAT WAS A LONG RANGE 2500 ⇒ 1600

    Ranked Inactivity Notifications

    Ranked decay is an extremely impactful component of the Leagues system, but one that didn't make a lot of noise as it was about to kick in. Previously, you'd only get a one-time notification as you approached the decay threshold. We're dialing up the frequency of inactivity warnings to ensure that the risk of decay stays front-of-mind, hopefully cutting out cases where players simply forget to maintain their ranking.

    Some clarification for below: we haven't changed our inactivity thresholds, this is just a good opportunity to resurface them.

    LIKE A SNOOZE BUTTON Players in danger of ranked decay will receive an inactivity warning notification just once ⇒ every time they log in until becoming active again
    MASTER & CHALLENGER SOLO Decay starts after 10 days of inactivity, with warnings during the final 3 days
    MASTER & CHALLENGER TEAM Decay starts after 28 days of inactivity, with warnings during the final 9 days
    PLAT & DIAMOND Decay starts after 28 days of inactivity, with warnings during the final 9 days (both solo and team queues)
    BRONZE, SILVER & GOLD Unaffected by ranked decay. No warning notifications needed!

    Featured Game Modes
    Hexakill: Twisted Treeline

    Hexakill: Twisted Treeline will be making a return during patch 5.10!


    Fixed a bug where enemy Stealth Wards placed and immediately caught by Sweeping Lens (or its upgrades) would still briefly turn invisible at the moment they naturally stealth after placement
    Banshee's Veil now properly blocks the active effect of Frost Queen's Claim

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