List champion tier [Tham khảo khi chọn cham]

Thảo luận trong 'League of Legends' bắt đầu bởi ApocalypseNova, 14/6/10.

  1. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

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    Sao tình yêu của mình toàn nằm dưới đáy ko nè 8->
  2. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

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    Tình hình rất là tình hình, cái list của Elementz bị nhiều đứa ghét quá :)), và rất có thể bị remove :|.
  3. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    [spoil]* Sona moved to top of tier 1 - Sona is the new Kayle in my eyes. She can fill the role of a AP carry while also being an extremely powerful support champion. She is beyond godlike and I find lately if anyone managed to get her on your team the chance you have of winning is increased massively. She is simply at the top of tier 1 because she is hands down the single strongest champion in the game for any team.

    * Amumu moved to bottom of tier 1 - With the introduction of Galio a while back now and Galio being the stronger overall pick I find Amumu can stand to fall a little bit behind in terms of being picked. Say the enemy team picks Amumu. Then you get Galio and Warwick. Thus having a stronger Tank and a stronger Jungler as Warwick is superior in terms of dragon control and speed of clearing the jungle. WW is also a lot harder to stop in the jungle where Amumu can be ganked quite easily. I often find I want the other team to pick Amumu early so my team can grab WW and Galio as the superior combo. He’s still a very good jungle champion and having him on your team is defiantly a good thing but when it comes to picking and counter picking I find Amumu doesn’t need to be picked over a lot of other champions now.

    * Rammus moved up to tier 2 - Jungle Rammus is the reason I moved him up to tier 2. He’s the 2nd strongest jungle ganker in the game behind Shaco and then if he has a couple of successful ganks he turns into this godlike ball of fury that will hunt you down and CC you. He’s a very strong tank and those small buff’s Riot gave him really pushed him into high tier viability. Jungle Rammus is a great jungler and a great tank. He deserves his spot in tier 2.

    * Miss Fortune moved up to tier 1 - Yeah yeah yeah. I know it took me long enough but whenever I played 5v5 she wasn’t being picked too much in competitive play until a little later hence her spot as a tier 2 pick. I simply cannot ignore her strength anymore as a carry though. She is the 2nd best carry in the game imo. With lane dominance, great team fight ability, and she has Teemo’s W as a passive. She’s so good. Her spot is well deserved in tier 1.

    * Ashe moved down in tier 1 - Still a great pick. Champions simply move around tiers as I learn more about the game and gauge where they should properly be placed. She won’t be moving out of tier 1 anytime soon :p

    * Corki moved up to tier 1 - 700 damage Big One Rocket of zomg I can’t believe Corki’s R is so damn good now. Riot could of probably left the Corki buffs to just fixing Valk but oh noooo! They were like let’s give him more dps! BUFF HIS ROCKETS1!! So now Corki is hands down the best carry in the game currently. His early game isn’t whats OP about him. Its after you get 1-2 items that you realize the scaling on him is so incredibly strong that his mid and late game is just unrivaled in terms of ability to carry a team.

    * Mordekaiser moved up in tier 3 – He got some buffs and his ulti bursts now. + His Q is boss vs single targets as well. Rightfully moved up a bit as the buffs did help him.

    * Fiddlesticks moved up to tier 3 – Fiddle is a god damn allstar when it comes to team that doesn’t have a lot of interrupts. His drain is AWESOME now and if he’s allowed to freely cast it it going to hurt you A LOT and it’s going to heal him A LOT. Fiddle is great vs teams that don’t pack a whole lot of CC / Interrupts I find. Moved up because drain is boss.

    * Karthus moved up in tier 3 - I’ve been seeing Karthus a bit now and played him myself. I find him to really shine vs X champions in lane. If you properly set yourself up to vs someone in lane as Karth you can really put a hurting on them. For instance vs ranged carries he really can make their laning experience hell. Touche good Karthus’s I’ve seen. You proved he needed to be bumped up a bit!

    * Poppy moved up in tier 3 - Poppy seems to be catching on with a lot of players and I can see why. It’s not for her conventional use of “Kill X person” which is what everyone is used to seeing her do. I see a lot of Poppy’s actually counter jungling a enemy jungler. They will leave lane and just go roam for a jungler and just wreck them. They will plant wards in the jungle and hunt them down. With a wall slam + Q combo on a 1/2 HP jungler at red it can really make that jungler hate life. I find she has some practical use in doing this and I expect to see more of it in the future. Counter jungling is becoming a lot more popular strategy it seems.

    * Sivir moved up to tier 3 - Who would of thought a simple Q buff would do so much? I didn’t but hey I got proved wrong! Get a Sivir that’s stacking Bloodthirster’s and have her Q hit you twice and watch as you just took 1k damage off an AoE ability. If you allow Sivir to farm damage now you WILL pay for it. Those Q’s hurt so much! + She over the last couple patch’s she got little mini buffs. So adding those + the Q buff she’s a pretty decent carry now but still requires A LOT of farm to be as good as the other carries. If you’re good at last hitting then you’ll be a damn good Sivir :p

    * Teemo moved up in tier 4 - I find that the buff to his ulti is very, very powerful. If you’re about to Dragon or Baron “Ploop ploop ploop” 3x mushrooms out and you’re good to go. Or even just Mushrooming all over the map in random spots can really be very devastating if a enemy champion is foolish enough to chase you. He’s really only good for counter a handful of champions still and a Oracles still completely ruins Teemo’s day. But hey, he’s moving up in viability at least :p

    * Eve moved up to tier 4 - Same as Poppy. I find a good Eve is one that makes the enemy junglers day a living hell. Then after ganking that red buff she proceeds to gank every other lane. The problem with her though is after her early game she really falls behind if she isn’t completely fed early. It takes a REALLY good Eve for her to be viable I find but she does have a role in competetive play. Mid and late game + pink wards in lane can really ruin her day so she absolutely has too have a awesome early game. It’s hard but it can be done.

    * Leblanc is a tier 4 champion after the hotfix I find. Before the hotfix she was a tier 1 or very high tier 2 champion easily. Her laning power was stupid strong. Q,R,Q KEKE UR AT 1/3 HP! I find after the nerfs she is just a weak Kassadin now with less mobility and WAY harder to use. She’s like a really hard to use less viable Kass now. I really feel like there could be something added to her to make her more viable but all she is right now is a strong laner and decent Assassin that’s very hard to be effective with.
  4. nớp ni nớp ni

    nớp ni nớp ni Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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  5. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã update tháng này, mọi người xem trang 1 nhé
  6. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Update list cho tháng này ( xem trang 1 ), sivir tier 1 :))
  7. Catnarok

    Catnarok Cat of high place

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Má ơi con Ram của mình lên Tier 1 hồi nào vậy :o
  8. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

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    Mã Pí Lèng
    Nerf rammus \m/
    @ elementz : help me to nerf rammus, just put him top tier 1
  9. syvil

    syvil Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    con Anivia dạo này imba quá X_X
  10. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Anivia lv 6+ blue buff thì miễn push trụ của anivia
  11. beginner10

    beginner10 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    sao mundo thân iu
    nằm tuốt
    ở nơi
    ko đc xếp hạng
  12. kid2110

    kid2110 Moderator Moderator

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    nãy chơi mord con anivia bên nó mới lv 6 được feed 4 mạng rồi nó lên top xử mình luôn. cứ chơi ulti rồi ăn combo là mord die :(
  13. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Update mới cho patch tháng này. Nerf nhiều quá, nhiều em đang ở tier cao bị đá xuống tận cùng :))
  14. eddiez

    eddiez Youtube Master Race Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hic cầm ryze lúc nào cũng kill >8 ... siêu nuker X_X
  15. storm5794

    storm5794 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chưa có update ak`??? Patch này ra buff kha khá chắc 1 số champ sẽ quay lại vị trí trước kia. Nóng lòng xem em Cait được xếp ở đâu ;))
  16. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Update cho tháng 1. ..................
  17. storm5794

    storm5794 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    bik ngay cait sẽ nằm cuối giường mà =))
  18. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mã Pí Lèng
    Hôm nay cầm Ez ra mid đụng cait ^_^, đầu game nó ép lane mình 4-1
    Cuối game nó bị mình 3 hit, còn mình kill thứ 2 game
  19. star9ocean

    star9ocean Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Malz với Swain đã được lên tier 3 rồi ;;)
  20. Anji Mito

    Anji Mito Persian Prince ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Champ Veigar từ tier 3 xuống tier 4, còn Kayle từ tier 4 lên tier 3, champ mà mình sở hữu có tier cao nhất là Tristana ở tier 2. Tui nhớ là Veigar với Kayle có thay đổi gì gần đây đâu.

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