Mạnh vì gạo, bạo vì tiền, điên vì New 3DS...

Thảo luận trong 'Nintendo' bắt đầu bởi shenlong213, 11/6/10.


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  1. taditest

    taditest Leave Luck to Heaven ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

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    Dùng chức năng AR của camera để bắt mấy con Denpa (nhân cách hóa từ sóng wifi nhà hàng xóm) rồi mang vào đánh dungeon với hệ thống battle gần giống Dragon Quest IX. Có gì khó hiểu đâu? :-??


    Gameplay demo của The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds tại Comic Con 2013:

  2. dark_dragons

    dark_dragons Hyperion Captain ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    TP. HCM
    ^ Cuối cùng có một người comment thế này! :))

    Mình nói vậy là mình đánh vào cái gameplay nhí nhố, lộn xộn, xôm xôm của nó ấy! :)) Luyện con Denpa Men lên level 3, mừng húm, bị quánh hội đồng chết thế là phải đi bắt lại con khác, chơi lại từ đầu. Nhộn cực kì! :))
  3. shenlong213

    shenlong213 シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

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    Chơi bản Denpa men 1 từ hồi có J kia. Scan thì hên xui lắm, mỗi con mỗi skill khác nhau, cứ luyện nhiều rồi đến lúc nó mạnh hơn sẽ học được thêm skill mới
  4. taditest

    taditest Leave Luck to Heaven ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

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    Đi đến lúc mở được chức năng scan QR code thì thoải mái, muốn skill gì lên mạng scan về là có :cuteonion4:
  5. alucard92

    alucard92 Chrono Trigger/Cross Lão Làng GVN

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    đâu kệ tui
    Atlus bankruptcy news time. The famed RPG and quirky game maker is in a tight spot now, through no fault of its own. Its parent company has been implicated in certain shady dealings, best not discussed in polite company, and is on the verge of splitting up THQ style. Atlus, the most interesting part of the excitingly named Index Corporation, is up for sale. And guess what? Nintendo is going to buy it.

    Follow Us
    Evidence of Nintendo and Atlus's already close collaboration. Will they tie the knot? (Image: Nintendo of America)
    Evidence of Nintendo and Atlus's already close collaboration. Will they tie the knot? (Image: Nintendo of America)

    The Atlus bankruptcy came to a head late in June, when Index Corporation declared bankruptcy in light of accounting fraud. Index Corporation is a large holding company with a wide variety of holdings, from Atlus to movie and anime studios, telecommunication infrastructure, and a soccer "football" team. Like traditional American conglomerates, it has no particular core business. It dabbles in everything.

    It also dabbles in accounting fraud, which led to the Atlus bankruptcy. The company's stock is being delisted on July 28, and bids for various and sundry subsidiaries will start basically next week. It's unclear exactly which subsidiaries are up for sale, but presumably all of them. Index is essentially being broken up. And that means Atlus is on the chopping block.

    The single most likely bidder for Atlus in the Atlus bankruptcy case is Nintendo. As a matter of fact, I'd like to suggest that a Nintendo-led acquisition of Atlus may actually have been in the works for some time. That's because Nintendo has been working unusually closely with Atlus lately, treating them practically like an in-house studio. That may be because Atlus is about to become one.

    Look at the evidence surrounding the Atlus bankruptcy. Atlus traditionally publishes games on every console and platform; for a long time, it had a heavy PlayStation focus thanks to the Persona games. But more recently it has worked very closely with Nintendo. That's not new; the Trauma Center series came from Atlus.

    But newer projects suggest a closer partnership between Atlus and Nintendo in the wake of the Atlus bankruptcy. One of the most notable is Shin Megami Tensei IV, which is offering a major crossover promotion with Fire Emblem. Specifically, if you register both titles with Club Nintendo by August 31, you'll get a $30 eShop credit (North America only, sorry). Nintendo doesn't offer deals like that with third parties. Ever. You're not going to see a discount on Mario and Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games if you buy Sonic Lost World and Super Mario 3D World. It's unprecedented.

    But that's not the biggest evidence that Ninty will bail out the Atlus bankruptcy. The biggest is their actual crossover title, Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem, in active development for Wii U. This is only the second major crossover Nintendo has ever done, after the Mario & Sonic Olympics series. It's just not in their DNA. And they've talked lately about how closely Atlus has been working with Intelligent Systems, the Fire Emblem team.

    So it only makes sense for Nintendo to make the most of the Atlus bankruptcy and buy Atlus outright, maybe at a bit of a discount. It would not only shore up an increasingly significant third party developer - especially in its home market - but it would also simply create more capacity for Nintendo's homegrown development, which is something they've discussed expanding. Their recent collaboration suggests that the cultures mesh well together.

    What's more, the other major gaming companies aren't as interested in the Atlus bankruptcy. Sony is the biggest threat; if they decide they're interested, they can certainly outbid Nintendo. Square Enix would make a lot of sense, but wouldn't help them diversify - quite the opposite - and they don't really have the money. Capcom or Konami could pick it up, but there are no obvious synergies. And Microsoft and other Western developers just won't care.

    Atlus is Nintendo's to lose. Let's hope they don't. In the meantime, don't worry - all of Atlus's operations will continue as normal.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 23/7/13
  6. taditest

    taditest Leave Luck to Heaven ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

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    Video nhân dịp phát hành lại game Shantae bản đầu tiên (GameBoyColor) trên Virtual Console của 3DS:


    Hãng Wayforward (Contra 4, Mighty Switch Force, Adventure Time, DuckTales Remastered...) hiện đang phát triển bản thứ 3 trong series dành cho 3DS. Bản thứ 2 Shantae: Risky's Revenge là 1 game DSi Ware, có thể mua trên eShop 3DS.
  7. shenlong213

    shenlong213 シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

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  8. taditest

    taditest Leave Luck to Heaven ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

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    Code of Princess đang được ATLUS giảm giá chỉ còn 19.99$ từ giờ đến hết ngày 28/07/2013.


    Trong 1 tờ bướm của game shop tại Canada và trong quảng cáo của M&L Dream Team đã xuất hiện 3DS XL Black bản US:


  9. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

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    Mã Pí Lèng
    Có lão nào có acc bên NVN forum ko, cho mượn qua topic rao hàng bên đó cái =,=

    Nó giới hạn số bài nên ko post được vào topic đó, mà mình cũng ngại đi spam

    - - - Updated - - -

    Rao bên kia cũng băng mình bán giá thì cao nhưng vẫn cháy hàng, rao bên này hẻo quá =,=
  10. shenlong213

    shenlong213 シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

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    Có nick 1 post đây, lấy không ?
  11. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

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    Mã Pí Lèng
    À dc rồi, tạo acc mới thì post bài dc, acc cũ ko biết lí do gì ko cho post, cảm ơn lão :D
  12. dark_dragons

    dark_dragons Hyperion Captain ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    TP. HCM
    Móa, con màu đen quyến rũ quá T__T
  13. Burmy

    Burmy C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    Ngon vậy chờ con màu đen ra luôn
  14. ~Scarless~


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    Hà Nội
    Con màu đen y hệt limit MH3U :))
  15. dark_dragons

    dark_dragons Hyperion Captain ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    TP. HCM
    Dự con màu đen này lên MiMi bằng giá với 3DS XL thường đấy :x
  16. shenlong213

    shenlong213 シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

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    Khi nào có màu trắng như con Ice White của 3DS thì a xúc. Không thích màu đen lắm
  17. dark_dragons

    dark_dragons Hyperion Captain ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Con 3DS Ice White nhìn thì thấy đẹp, nhưng con 3DS XL màu trắng thì lại nhìn không đẹp đâu anh Lông :D Đổi lại bản LE của SMT IV là perfect rồi :x
  18. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

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    Mã Pí Lèng
    :5cool_still_dreamin đẹp thiệt, vào topic này thật nguy hiểm .
  19. sefer1988

    sefer1988 snake, snake, snaaaake

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    trung thành với màu xanh,trung thành với màu xanh......ôi màu đen:1cool_dribble:

    mà thật ra chỗ mấy phím màu đen phòng ngừa ra mồ hôi tay là mình ok rồi,vor ngoài kg quan tâm:1cool_byebye:
  20. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

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    Mã Pí Lèng
    Rao nintendovn forum nhanh vờ lờ =) stuck 1 tuần ở đây mà vừa rao bên kia đã có gạch hết mai giao....

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