[Mediafire]Comic share

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi AndyKEhn, 12/12/09.

  1. AndyKEhn

    AndyKEhn Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cụ thể là titans gì mới tìm được chứ ;)
  2. RavenOmega

    RavenOmega Baldur's Gate GVN CHAMPION ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Titans nói đến có phải là cái bộ của DC, sau khi teen titans đã trưởng thành không
    hình như bên comixvn có thấy, ko nhớ nữa
  3. tta269

    tta269 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nói thật là bộ đấy càng đọc càng nhảm :(

    Đọc Young Justice ấy, tiền thân của Teen Titans hiện giờ. Cực kì hài hước và tâm lý.
  4. Nanami Genkaku

    Nanami Genkaku Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Có ai có bộ Power Rangers Mighty Morphin Comic không cho tớ xin với?Hồi mẫu giáo đến bây giờ kết phim này lắm:-* muốn xem thử truyện nó như thế nào:D.
  5. AndyKEhn

    AndyKEhn Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Trang 2, trang 3 của trang này, lục mấy file cbr
    Đây là link xem online 5 tập đầu tiên của truyện này, xem mấy cái album bên trái
    Bộ này vừa cổ vừa ít người đọc, chỉ tìm được thế này thôi =(
  6. Nanami Genkaku

    Nanami Genkaku Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Đã đọc thử vài trang và cũng hơi thất vật:(,dù sao cũng cảm ơn nhiều:).
  7. tta269

    tta269 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
  8. - X -

    - X - Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    1 thời tìm cái này suốt, nay đọc thì ôi thôi =((
    Vẽ xấu quá, gọi Zord ra thì toàn kill quái trong 1 nốt nhạc :|
  9. AndyKEhn

    AndyKEhn Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    Đi trên mạng thó được bộ này về, mừng chết đi được

    Bộ truyện trên là V, hiện nay đang được chuyển thể thành một bộ phim truyền hình ăn khách. Nội dung về việc người ngoài hành tinh trực tiếp đến liên lạc với người trái đất yêu cầu chung sống hòa bình. Nhưng nếu đã hòa bình thì không có chuyện gì để nói nhỉ...

    Link download
  10. tta269

    tta269 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
  11. cu_long_than

    cu_long_than Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Share các event của Marvel từ House of M -> Dark Reign:



    [spoil]01 - House of M Prelude - Excalibur v3 11
    02 - House of M Prelude - Excalibur v3 12
    03 - House of M - Excalibur v3 13
    04 - House of M - Excalibur v3 14
    05 - House of M - House of M Sketchbook
    06 - House of M - House of M 01
    07 - House of M - House of M 01 - Director's Cut
    08 - House of M - House of M 02
    09 - House of M - Spider-Man - House of M 01
    10 - House of M - House of M 03
    11 - House of M - Iron Man - House of M 01
    12 - House of M - Fantastic Four - House of M 01
    13 - House of M - Incredible Hulk v3 83
    14 - House of M - The Uncanny X-Men 462
    15 - House of M - Mutopia X 01
    16 - House of M - House of M 04
    17 - House of M - Spider-Man - House of M 02
    18 - House of M - Cable & Deadpool 17
    19 - House of M - Incredible Hulk v3 84
    20 - House of M - Secrets of the House of M
    21 - House of M - New X-Men - Academy X 16
    22 - House of M - The Pulse - House Of M Special 01
    23 - House of M - The Pulse 10
    24 - House of M - Fantastic Four - House of M 02
    25 - House of M - Iron Man - House of M 02
    26 - House of M - The Uncanny X-Men 463
    27 - House of M - House of M 05
    28 - House of M - Incredible Hulk v3 85
    29 - House of M - New Thunderbolts 11
    30 - House of M - Mutopia X 02
    31 - House of M - Spider-Man - House of M 03
    32 - House of M - Black Panther v4 07
    33 - House of M - New X-Men - Academy X 17
    34 - House of M - Captain America v5 10
    35 - House of M - House of M 06
    36 - House of M - Exiles 69
    37 - House of M - Fantastic Four - House of M 03
    38 - House of M - Incredible Hulk v3 86
    39 - House of M - Iron Man - House of M 03
    40 - House of M - The Uncanny X-Men 464
    41 - House of M - Mutopia X 03
    42 - House of M - Exiles 70
    43 - House of M - Spider-Man - House of M 04
    44 - House of M - House of M 07
    45 - House of M - New X-Men - Academy X 18
    46 - House of M - Wolverine v3 33
    47 - House of M - The Uncanny X-Men 465
    48 - House of M - Wolverine v3 34
    49 - House of M - Mutopia X 04
    50 - House of M - Exiles 71
    51 - House of M - Wolverine v3 35
    52 - House of M - New X-Men - Academy X 19
    53 - House of M - House of M 08
    54 - House of M - Spider-Man - House of M 05[/spoil]


    [spoil]000- Marvel Official Checklist
    001- The New Avengers Illuminati
    002- Fantastic Four 536
    002- Fantastic Four 537
    004- Amazing Spider-Man v2 529
    004- Amazing Spider-Man v2 530
    004- Amazing Spider-Man v2 531
    007- Civil War Opening Shot Sketchbook
    008- Civil War 1
    009- Marvel Spotlight - Mark Millar, Steve McNiven
    010- She-Hulk v2 08
    011- Wolverine 42
    012- Amazing Spider-Man v2 532
    013- Civil War Frontline 1
    014- Thunderbolts v3 103
    015- Civil War 2
    016- Civil War Frontline 02
    017- Civil War Frontline 03
    018- Amazing Spider-Man v2 533
    019- New Avengers 21
    020- Fantastic Four 538
    021- Wolverine 043
    022- X-factor v2 8
    023- Thunderbolts 104
    024- Civil War 3
    025- Civil War X-Men 1
    026- Civil War X-Men 2
    027- Cable & Deadpool 30
    028- Cable Deadpool 31
    029- X-Factor v2 9
    030- New Avengers 22
    031- New Avengers 23
    032- Black Panther v4 18
    033- Wolverine v3 44
    034- Wolverine v3 45
    035- Young Avengers & Runaways 1
    036- Young Avengers & Runaways 2
    037- Daily Bugle - Wednesday July 19, 2006
    038- Civil War Frontline 4
    039- Civil War Frontline 5
    040- Amazing Spider-Man 534
    041- Fantastic Four 539
    042- Ms. Marvel v2 6
    043- Ms. Marvel 7
    044- Thunderbolts 105
    045- Heroes for Hire v2 1
    046- Civil Wars Files
    047- Civil War 4
    048- Wolverine v3 46
    049- Wolverine v3 47
    050- Civil War X-Men 3
    051- Civil War X-Men 4
    052- Amazing Spider-Man 535
    053- Civil War Frontline 6
    054- Civil War Frontline 7
    055- Young Avengers & Runaways 3
    056- Young Avengers & Runaways 4
    057- Heroes for Hire v2 2
    058- Heroes for Hire v2 3
    059- Cable & Deadpool 32
    060- Captain America v5 22
    061- Captain America v5 23
    062- Fantastic Four 540
    063- Ms. Marvel 8
    064- New Avengers v4 24
    065- Civil War Choosing Sides
    066- Black Panther v4 21
    067- Civil War 5
    068- New Avengers 25
    069- Invincible Iron Man v4 13
    070- Invincible Iron Man v4 14
    071- Amazing Spider-Man 536
    072- Civil War Frontline 8
    073- Civil War Frontline 9
    074- Wolverine v3 48
    075- Punisher War Journal v2 1
    076- Black Panther v4 22
    077- Black Panther v4 23
    078- Captain America v5 24
    079- Civil War War Crimes
    080- Iron Man Captain America Causalties of War
    081- Fantastic Four 541
    082- Winter Soldier Winter Kills
    083- Moon Knight 7
    084- Moon Knight 8
    085- Moon Knight 9
    086- Moon Knight 10
    087- Civil War 6
    088- Civil War Frontline 10
    089- Amazing Spider-Man 537
    090- Punisher War Journal v2 2
    091- Punisher War Journal v2 3
    092- Blade 5
    093- Civil War The Return
    094- Black Panther v4 24
    095- Fantastic Four 542
    096- Civil War 7
    097- Amazing Spider-Man 538
    098- Black Panther v4 25
    099- Civil War Frontline 11
    100- Civil War Battle Damage Report
    101- Fantastic Four 543
    102- Invincible Iron Man v4 15
    103- Captain America v5 25
    104- Civl War The Confession
    105- Civil War The Initiative
    106- Marvel Spotlight Civil War Aftermath[/spoil]


    01 - War War Hulk Prologue - World Breaker
    02 - The Incredible Hulk # 106

    03 - World War Hulk 01
    04 - Incredible Hulk v3 107
    05 - Iron Man # 19
    06 - Ghost Ride # 12
    07 - Heros For Hire # 11
    08 - World War Hulk - X-Men 01
    09 - World War Hulk Frontline 01

    010 - The Irredeemable Ant-Man 010
    011 - World War Hulk - Gamma Corps 01
    012 - World War Hulk 02
    013 - World War Hulk - X-Men 002
    014 - World War Hulk - Frontline 02
    015 - Avengers - The Initiative 04
    016 - Ghost Rider 13
    017 - Iron Man 020
    018 - Heroes for hire 12
    019 - Incredible Hulk v3 108
    020 - Marvel Spotlight - World War Hulk

    021 - World War Hulk 03
    022 - World War Hulk - Frontline #3 of 6
    023 - World War Hulk - Incredible Hulk #109
    024 - World War Hulk - Avengers, The Initiative #5
    025 - World War Hulk - Gamma Corps 02
    026 - World War Hulk - X-Men #3 of 3
    027 World War Hulk - Frontline 04
    028 - World War Hulk - Heroes For Hire #13
    029 - World War Hulk - Gamma Files

    030 - World War Hulk - The Incredible Hulk # 110
    031 - World War Hulk 04
    032 - World War Hulk - Gamma Corps 03
    033 - World War Hulk - Frontline #5 of 6
    034 - World War Hulk - Heroes For Hire #14

    035 - World War Hulk Gamma War Corps 04
    036 - World War Hulk - #5 of 5
    037 - World War Hulk - Punisher War Journal #12
    038 - World War Hulk Frontline 06
    039 - Heroes For Hire (2008) - #15 - Extermination (Post World War Hulk)
    040 - Incredible Hulk 111[/spoil]



    Secret Invasion #001 - Secret Invasion #1 of 8
    Secret Invasion #002 - Mighty Avengers #12
    Secret Invasion #003 - New Avengers #40

    Secret Invasion #004 - Secret Invasion #2 of 8
    Secret Invasion #005 - Captain Britain and MI 13 #1
    Secret Invasion #006 - Incredible Hercules #117
    Secret Invasion #007 - Mighty Avengers #13
    Secret Invasion #008 - Mighty Avengers #14
    Secret Invasion #009 - Ms. Marvel #27
    Secret Invasion #010 - New Avengers #41
    Secret Invasion #011 - Secret Invasion Fantastic Four #1 of 3

    Secret Invasion #012 - Secret Invasion #3 of 8
    Secret Invasion #013 - Avengers - The Initiative #14
    Secret Invasion #014 - Captain Britain and MI 13 #2
    Secret Invasion #015 - Incredible Hercules #118
    Secret Invasion #016 - Mighty Avengers #15
    Secret Invasion #017 - Ms. Marvel #28
    Secret Invasion #018 - New Avengers #42
    Secret Invasion #019 - Secret Invasion Fantastic Four #2 of 3
    Secret Invasion #020 - Secret Invasion Runaways & Young Avengers #1 of 3
    Secret Invasion #021 - Secret Invasion Who Do You Trust

    Secret Invasion #022 - Secret Invasion #4 of 8
    Secret Invasion #023 - Avengers - The Initiative #15
    Secret Invasion #024 - Black Panther #39
    Secret Invasion #025 - Captain Britain and MI 13 #3
    Secret Invasion #026 - Incredible Hercules #119
    Secret Invasion #027 - Mighty Avengers #16
    Secret Invasion #028 - Ms. Marvel #29
    Secret Invasion #029 - New Avengers #43
    Secret Invasion #030 - New Warriors #14
    Secret Invasion #031 - Secret Invasion Fantastic Four #3 of 03
    Secret Invasion #032 - Secret Invasion Frontline #1 of 05
    Secret Invasion #033 - Secret Invasion Runaways & Young Avengers #2 of 3
    Secret Invasion #034 - She-Hulk #31
    Secret Invasion #035 - Thunderbolts #122
    Secret Invasion #036 - X-Factor #33

    Secret Invasion #037 - Secret Invasion #5 of 8
    Secret Invasion #038 - Avengers - The Initiative #16
    Secret Invasion #039 - Black Panther #40
    Secret Invasion #040 - Captain Britain and MI 13 #4
    Secret Invasion #041 - Guardians of the Galaxy #4
    Secret Invasion #042 - Incredible Hercules #120
    Secret Invasion #043 - Mighty Avengers #17
    Secret Invasion #044 - Ms. Marvel #30
    Secret Invasion #045 -The New Avengers #44
    Secret Invasion #046 - New Warriors #15
    Secret Invasion #047 - Nova #16
    Secret Invasion #048 - Secret Invasion Front Line #2 of 5
    Secret Invasion #049 - Secret Invasion Inhumans #1 of 4
    Secret Invasion #050 - Secret Invasion The Amazing Spider-Man #1 of 3
    Secret Invasion #051 - Runaways & Young Avengers #3 of 3
    Secret Invasion #052 - Secret Invasion Thor #1 of 3
    Secret Invasion #053 - Secret Invasion X-Men #1 of 4
    Secret Invasion #054 - She-Hulk #32
    Secret Invasion #055 - Thunderbolts #123
    Secret Invasion #056 - X-Factor #34

    Secret Invasion #057 - Secret Invasion #6 of 8
    Secret Invasion #058 - Avengers - The Initiative #17
    Secret Invasion #059 - Black Panther #41
    Secret Invasion #060 - Deadpool #1
    Secret Invasion #061 - Deadpool #2
    Secret Invasion #062 - Guardians of the Galaxy #5
    Secret Invasion #063 - Iron Man - Director of Shield #33
    Secret Invasion #064 - The Mighty Avengers #18
    Secret Invasion #065 - New Avengers #45
    Secret Invasion #066 - Nova #17
    Secret Invasion #067 - Secret Invasion Front Line #3 of 5
    Secret Invasion #068 - Secret Invasion Inhumans #2 of 4
    Secret Invasion #069 - Secret Invasion The Amazing Spider-Man #2 of 3
    Secret Invasion #070 - Secret Invasion Thor #2 of 3
    Secret Invasion #071 - Secret Invasion X-Men #2 of 4
    Secret Invasion #072 - She-Hulk #33
    Secret Invasion #073 - Thunderbolts #124

    Secret Invasion #074 - Secret Invasion #7 of 8
    Secret Invasion #075 - Avengers - The Initiative #18
    Secret Invasion #076 - Deadpool #3
    Secret Invasion #077 - Guardians of the Galaxy #6
    Secret Invasion #078 - Iron Man - Director of Shield #34
    Secret Invasion #079 - Mighty Avengers #19
    Secret Invasion #080 - New Avengers #46
    Secret Invasion #081 - Nova #18
    Secret Invasion #082 - Punisher War Journal #24
    Secret Invasion #083 - Secret Invasion Front Line #4 of 5
    Secret Invasion #084 - Secret Invasion Inhumans #3 of 4
    Secret Invasion #085 - Secret Invasion The Amazing Spider-Man #3 of 3
    Secret Invasion #086 - Secret Invasion X-Men #3 of 4
    Secret Invasion #087 - Secret Invasion Thor #3 of 3
    Secret Invasion #088 - Thunderbolts #125

    Secret Invasion #089 - Iron Man - Director of Shield #35
    Secret Invasion #090 - Punisher War Journal #25
    Secret Invasion #091 - Secret Invasion Inhumans #4 of 4
    Secret Invasion #092 - Secret Invasion X-Men #4 of 4

    Secret Invasion #93 - New Avengers #47
    Secret Invasion #94 - Mighty Avengers #20
    Secret Invasion #95 - Avengers - The Initiative #19
    Secret Invasion #96 - Secret Invasion #8 of 8
    Secret Invasion #97 - Secret Invasion Front Line #5 of 5[/spoil]


    [spoil]1 - December
    Avengers Initiative 020 (2009) (Minutemen-Zone)
    Dark Reign - New Nation 01 (2009) (Minutemen-RocZone)
    Invincible Iron Man v5 08 (2009) (Kryptonia-DCP)
    Ms. Marvel 034 (2009) (Minutemen-Dizzy & Rocafella)
    New Avengers 048 (2009) (Kryptonia-DCP)
    Secret Invasion - Dark Reign 01 (2009) (both covers) (Minutemen-ZonesBitches)
    Secret Invasion - War of Kings 01 (2009) (ArchAvenger-DCP)
    Secret Invasion Requiem (2009) (FB-DCP)
    War Machine 01 (2 covers) (2008) (Zone & Archangel-DCP)

    2 - January
    Avengers - The Initiative 021 (2009) (Minutemen-Shazam!&Danger)
    Dark Avengers 001 (2009) (2 covers) (ArchAvenger-DCP)
    Deadpool v3 006 (2009) (SpacemanSpiff-DCP)
    Invincible Iron Man 009 (2009) (KryptonianAvenger-DCP)
    Marvel Spotlight - Dark Reign (2009) (c2c) (Link & ArtNet-DCP)
    Mighty Avengers, The 021 (2009) (Minutemen-Mr.Shepherd)
    Ms. Marvel 035 (2009) (Minutemen-BurningAvenger-DCP)
    New Avengers 049 (2009) (ZonesAvenger-DCP)
    Punisher 001 (2009) (Whitewolf-DCP)
    Thunderbolts 128 (2009) (both covers) (ZonesAvenger-DCP)
    Uncanny X-Men Annual 02 (2009) (Minutemen-Lockafella)
    War Machine 002 (2009) (Minutemen-ShazzyPowers)

    3 - February
    Agents of Atlas 001 (2009) (Both Covers) (Minutemen-Lockafella)
    Avengers - The Initiative 022 (2009) (ArchNet-DCP)
    Black Panther 001 (2009) (2 covers) (ZonesAvenger-DCP)
    Dark Avengers 002 (Both Covers) (Fixed) (2009) (Minutemen-Mr.Shepherd & Meganubis)
    Dark Reign Files 01 (2009) (Bravo)
    Deadpool 07 (2009) (Minutemen-Roc'n Rosie)
    Invincible Iron Man 010 (2009) (Minutemen-Shazzy!Powers)
    Mighty Avengers 022 (2009) (Champions-DCP)
    Ms. Marvel 036 (2009) (Dizzy&Rockafella)
    New Avengers 050 (2009) (Archangel-DCP)
    Punisher 02 (both covers) (2009) (Minutemen - DeliriumPowers)
    Secret Warriors 01 (2009) (2 covers) (ArchZone-DCP)
    Thunderbolts 129 (2009) (Minutemen-Locke Danger)
    War Machine 003 (2009) (Minutemen-Shaz!Powers)
    Wolverine Origins 033 (2009) (noads) (Oroboros-DCP)

    4 - March
    Agents of Atlas 002 (2009) (Minutemen-Lockafella)
    Avengers . The Initiative featuring Reptil 01 (One Shot) (2009) (Minutemen-Shazam!&Danger)
    Black Panther 002 (2009) (FB-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Elektra 01 (of 05) (2009) (c2c) (Empire-KingofKingz)
    Dark Avengers 003 (2009) (both covers) (Minutemen-Shepherdsdame-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Fantastic Four 01 (of 5) (F) (2009) (Champions-DCP)
    Deadpool v3 008 (2009) (SpacemanSpiff-DCP)
    Incredible Hercules 127 (2009) (F) (Minutemen-Dizzy&Rocafella)
    Invincible Iron Man 011 (Lerxst-DCP)
    Mighty Avengers 023 (2009) (Minutemen-ShepherdsDame-DCP)
    Ms. Marvel 037 (2009) (Minutemen-Dizzy&Rocafella)
    New Avengers - The Reunion 01 (2009) (Both Covers) (Minutemen-Shamil)
    New Avengers 51 (2009) (Minutemen-ShepherdsDame-DCP)
    Punisher 003 (2009) (Both Covers) (Minutemen-DTs&Locke)
    Secret Warriors 02 (2009) (Archangel-DCP)
    Thunderbolts 130 (2009) (Minutemen-DTs&Locke)
    War Machine 4
    Wolverine Origins 034 (2009) (FB-DCP)

    5 - April
    Agents of Atlas 003 (2009) (Minutemen-Rocazam)
    Avengers - The Initiative 023 (2009) (Minutemen-ShepherdsDame-DCP)
    Black Panther 003 (2009) (FB-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Fantastic Four 02 (2009) (Archangel-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Hawkeye 01 (of 05) (2009) (Minutemen-Rocazam!)
    Dark Reign - The Cabal 01 (2009) (Archangel-DCP)
    Dark Reign Elektra 02 (2009) (Archangel-DCP)
    Dark Avengers 004 (2009) (both covers) (Minutemen-ShepherdsDame-DCP)
    Deadpool 009 (2009) (FB-DCP)
    Incredible Hercules 128 (2009) (Minutemen-Dizzy&Rocafella)
    Invincible Iron Man 012 (2009) (Minutemen-ShepherdsDame-DCP)
    Mighty Avengers 024 (2009) (Minutemen-ShepherdsDame-DCP)
    Ms. Marvel 038 (2009) (2 covers) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    New Avengers 052 (2009) (both covers) (Minutemen-MegansRevenge-DCP)
    New Avengers - The Reunion 02 (2009) (1920) (Minutemen-Shamil)
    Punisher 04 (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    Secret Warriors 03 (2 Covers) (2009) (Archangel-DCP)
    Skrull Kill Krew 01 of 05 (2009) (Maverick-DCP)
    Thunderbolts 131 - Magnus Opus 04 (of 04) (2009) (Minutemen-Rosie)
    War Machine 005 (2 covers) (2009) (Archangel-DCP)
    Wolverine Origins 035 (2009) (noads) (Oroboros-DCP)

    6 - May
    Agents of Atlas 004 (2009) (c2c) (Bertha-DCP)
    Agents of Atlas 005 (2009) (Minutemen-SNL)
    All New Savage She-Hulk 01 (of 4) (2009) (Minutemen - Delirium-Powers)
    All New Savage She-Hulk 02 (of 4) (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    Amazing Spider-Man 595 (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    Avengers - The Initiative 024 (2009) (Minutemen-ShepherdsDame-DCP)
    Black Panther 04 (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Hawkeye 02 (of 5) (2009) (BOOM HEADSHOT-DCP)
    Dark Reign - The Hood 001 (2009) (Steam)
    Dark Reign - Young Avengers 01 (of 05) (2009) (Minutemen-SNL)
    Dark Reign Elektra 03 (2009) (Archangel-DCP)
    Dark Reign Fantastic Four 03 (2009) (Neverangel-DCP)
    Dark Avengers 005 (2009) (both covers) (Minutemen-TipsyGirl-DCP)
    Deadpool 010 (2009) (Archangel-DCP)
    Invincible Iron Man 013 (2009) (Minutemen-ShepherdsDame-DCP)
    Mighty Avengers 025 (2009) (Minutemen-TipsyGirl-DCP)
    Ms. Marvel 039 (2009) (Minutemen-SaintsAngels-DCP)
    New Avengers 053 (2009) (both covers) (Minutemen-MegansRevenge-DCP)
    New Avengers - The Reunion 03 (2009) (Minutemen-Shamil)
    Punisher 005 (2009) (Both Covers) (Minutemen-DTs&Locke)
    Secret Warriors 04 (2009) (Minutemen-Delirium-Powers)
    Skrull Kill Krew 02 (of 05) (2009) (Minutemen-DeliriousTyler)
    Thunderbolts 132 (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    War Machine v2 006 (2009)(noads)(Big_Oink-DCP)
    Wolverine Origins 036 (2009) (noads) (Oroboros-DCP)

    7 - June
    Agents of Atlas 006 (2009) (noads) (Bertha-DCP)
    Amazing Spider-Man 596 (2009) (Minutemen-Dizzy&Delirious)
    Amazing Spider-Man 597 (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    Amazing Spider-Man 598 (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    Avengers - The Initiative 025 (2009) (Minutemen-Saintsangels-DCP)
    Black Panther v4 005 (2009-Marvel) (22p) (noads) (Kritter-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Hawkeye 003 (2009-Marvel) 34p (c2c) (Kritter-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Mister Negative 01 (of 03) (2009) (c2c) (Oroboros-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Young Avengers 02 (noads)(FrankBlack-DCP)
    Dark Reign Fantastic Four 04 (2009) (Archangel-DCP)
    Dark Avengers 006 (2009) (both covers) (Minutemen-SaintsAngels-DCP)
    Dark Avengers - X-Men - Utopia 01 (2009) (Team-DCP)
    Dark_Reign - Elektra 04 (2009) (Archangel-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Lethal Legion 01 (of 03) (2009) (c2c) (LucyButler-DCP)
    Dark Reign - The Hood 02 (2009) (Archangel-DCP)
    Dark Reign - The Sinister Spider-Man 01 (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Zodiac 01 (of 03) (2009) (noads) (FrankBlack-DCP)
    Dark Wolverine 075 (2009) (noads) (Oroboros-DCP)
    Deadpool 011 (2009) (Archangel-DCP)
    Invincible Iron Man 014 (2009) (both covers) (Minutemen-SaintsAngels-DCP)
    Mighty Avengers 026 (2009) (Minutemen-SaintsAngels-DCP)
    Ms. Marvel 040 (2009) (Minutemen-SaintsAngels-DCP)
    New Avengers - The Reunion 04 (of 04) (2009) (Minutemen-Shamil)
    New Avengers 054 (2009) (Minutemen-TheAncients-DCP)
    Punisher 006 (2009) (Minutemen-Mantooth)
    Savage She-Hulk 03 (of 4) (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    Secret Warriors 05 (F) (2009) (Archangel-DCP)
    Thunderbolts 133 (2009) (Minutemen-Mantooth)

    8 - July
    Agents of Atlas 007 (2009) (c2c) (Bertha-DCP)
    Amazing Spider-Man 599 (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    Dark Avengers 007 (2009) (both covers) (Minutemen-ShepherdsDame-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Fantastic Four 05 (of 05) (2009) (Minutemen-Shampagne)
    Dark Reign - Hawkeye 04 (of 5) (2009) (TheLastKryptonian-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Mr. Negative 02 (of 03) (2009) (c2c) (LucyButler-DCP)
    Dark Reign - The Goblin Legacy - 1 shot (2009)
    Dark Reign - The Hood 03 (of 05) (2009) (c2c) (FrankBlack-DCP)
    Dark Reign - The Sinister Spider-Man 02 (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    Dark X-Men - The Beginning 01 (of 03) (2009) (Both Covers) (Minutemen-Shamil)
    Dark X-Men - The Beginning 02 (of 03) (1920) (2009) (Minutemen-Shamil)
    Dark Reign - Lethal Legion 02 (of 03) (2009) (c2c) (PeterWatts-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Young Avengers 03 (of 05) (2009) (Minutemen-Mr.Shepherd&Xander)
    Dark Wolverine 076 (2009) (noads) (Oroboros-DCP)
    Deadpool 012 (2009) (c2c) (Taft-DCP)
    Invincible Iron Man 015 (2009) (Minutemen-ShepherdsDame-DCP)
    Ms. Marvel 041 (2009) (both covers) (Minutemen-SaintsAngels-DCP)
    Ms. Marvel 042 (2009) (Minutemen-SaintsAngels-DCP)
    New Avengers 055 (2009) (Minutemen-ShepherdsDame-DCP)
    Savage She-Hulk 04 (of 4) (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    Secret Warriors 06 (2009) (Minutemen-DTs&Okaza)
    Skrull Kill Krew 03 (of 05) (2009) (Minutemen-Dizzy&Tyler)
    Thunderbolts 134 (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    Uncanny X-Men 513 (2009) (2 Covers) (Minutemen-Shami-Danger)
    X-Men - Legacy 226 (2009) (Both Covers) (Minutemen-UltimatePower)

    9 - August
    Black Panther 06 (2009) (SFBtG)
    Dark Reign - Mr. Negative 003 (2009) (Steam & PF-DCP)
    Dark Reign - The Hood 004 (2009) (Steam & BigMac-DCP)
    Dark Reign - The Sinister Spider-Man 03 (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    Dark Wolverine 077 (2009) (Whitewolf-DCP)
    Dark X-Men - The Beginning 003 (2009) (Steam-DCP)
    Dark Avengers 008 (2009) (noads) (Victorian-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Elektra 005 (2009) (SpaceEngine-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Zodiac 02 (of 03) (2009) (c2c) (Legion-CPS)
    Hulk 013
    Invincible Iron Man 016 (2009) (both covers) (Minutemen-ShepherdsDame-DCP)
    Ms. Marvel 043 (2009) (both covers) (Minutemen-SaintsAngels)
    Ms. Marvel 044 (2009) (Minutemen-SaintsAngels)
    New Avengers 056 (2009) (Whitewolf-DCP)
    Skrull Kill Krew 04 (of 05) (2009) (both covers) (Minutemen-ThePyre & Tyler with ScanDog)
    Uncanny X-Men 514 (All Three Covers) (2009) (Steam-DCP)
    X-Men - Legacy 227 (Both Covers) (2009) (Steam-DCP)

    10 - September
    Dark Avengers 009 (2009) (Minutemen-ShepherdsDame)
    Dark Reign - Made Men 01 (2009) (Minutemen-D.T.Rocafella)
    Dark Reign - The Hood 005 (2009) (Steam-DCP)
    Dark Reign - The List - Avengers 01 (2009) (Minutemen-ShepherdsDame)
    Dark Reign - The Sinister Spider-Man 04 (of 4) (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    Dark Reign The List X-Men (2009) (FB-DCP)
    Dark Reign - The List - Daredevil 01 (2009) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)
    Dark Wolverine 078 (2009) (Whitewolf-DCP)
    Dark X-Men - The Confession 001 (2009) (Steam-DCP)
    Dark Avengers - Uncanny X-Men - Exodus 001 (Both Covers) (2009) (Steam-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Young Avengers 004 (2009) (Steam-DCP)
    Invincible Iron Man 017 (2009) (Minutemen-ShepherdsDame)
    Invincible Iron Man 018 (2009) (Minutemen-ShepherdsDame)
    MODOK - Reign Delay 01 (2009) (GreenEngine-DCP)
    Ms. Marvel 045 (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    New Avengers 057 (2009) (Whitewolf-DCP)
    Thunderbolts 136 (2009) (Minutemen-DTs)

    11 - October
    Dark Avengers 010 (2009) (c2c) (Doomsday-DCP)
    Dark Reign - Lethal Legion 03 (of 03) (2009) (c2c) (Legion-CPS)
    Dark Reign - The List - Hulk 01 (2009) (Both Covers) (Minutemen-Fiji)
    Dark Wolverine 079 (2009) (noads) (Legion-CPS)
    Dark Avengers Ares 01 (of 03) (2009) (Minutemen-Calamity_Coyote)
    Dark Reign - The List - Punisher 01 (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    Dark Reign - The List - Wolverine 01 (2009) (two covers) (Minutemen-FallenSoldiers)
    Dark Reign - Young Avengers 005 (2009) (SpaceEngine-DCP)
    Invincible Iron Man 019 (2009) (Team-DCP)
    Ms. Marvel 046 (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    New Avengers 58 (Malos scans)
    Skrull Kill Krew 05 (of 05) (2009) (both covers) (Minutemen-Salamander)
    The List Secret Warriors (scan by mr B)
    Thunderbolts 137 (2009) (GreenGiant-DCP)

    12 - November
    Dark Avengers 11 (2010) (descargandocomics)
    Dark Avengers - Ares 02 (of 03) (2010) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)
    Dark Reign the List Spiderman (2010) (DCB Malos S)
    Dark Wolverine 080 (2010) (c2c) (Legion-CPS)
    Dark X-Men 01 (of 05) (2010) (Minutemen-Meganubis)
    New Avengers 059 (2010) (Kryptonia-DCP)
    Thunderbolts 138 (2010) (GreenGiant-DCP)

    13 - December
    Dark Avengers 012 (2010) (GreenGiant-DCP)
    Dark Avengers - Ares 03 (of 03) (2010) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)
    Dark Avengers Annual 01 (2010) (Minutemen-Sha-Hic!)
    Dark X-Men 002 (2010) (Steam-DCP)
    Dark Wolverine 081 (2010) (noads) (Legion-CPS)
    The New Avengers 060 (2010) (Fixed) (Hatful Of Hollow-DCP)
    The New Avengers Annual 003(2010) (Hatful Of Hollow-DCP)
    Thunderbolts 139 (2010) (GreenEngine-DCP)[/spoil]​
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 15/4/10
  12. cloud952004

    cloud952004 Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đang cày Civil War. Có 1 cái thắc mắc là liệu chỉ cần cày cái main event trong đó [ý tớ là Civil War 001, 002 -> 007] vẫn ok chứ hay có cần phải coi những cái râu ria khác? Vì tớ coi theo thứ tự list ở trên nó cứ loạn loạn sao ấy 8-}.

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