[MOD]De Bello Mundi- Roman era (MED2)

Thảo luận trong 'Total War' bắt đầu bởi nbanx, 20/7/13.

  1. gakhongten_1988

    gakhongten_1988 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ho chi minh
    có cách nào chơi đc reform ngay turn 1 ko mấy pro, chơi lính hasati mấy chục turn sau reform lại đổi lính mệt lắm. Mình k thích chơi theo lịch sử cho lắm. Mình nghĩ có 2 cách chỉnh ví dụ đổi năm turn 1 thành sát năm có reform hoặc chỉnh event reform vào turn 1
  2. nbanx

    nbanx Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    La Mã
    thôi, chơi theo đúng lịch sử cũng dc. Mà reform thì bác cứ chia nhỏ mấy đội hastati, principes, triarii ra mỗi thành 5 đội để giữ thành, đỡ phải tốn thời gian train quân giữ cho thành mới chiếm xong
  3. gakhongten_1988

    gakhongten_1988 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ho chi minh
    mỗi lần reform phải train lại, kéo ra biên giới, thêm nữa cái đám lính cũ ko retrain lại được nữa quân số bèo bọt giữ lại thì tốn upkeep mà xóa đi lại tốn tiền train con mới >.<
  4. NDKhoa01

    NDKhoa01 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Reform xong có quân xịn đánh sướng thế còn gì. Mất khoảng chục turn để đem tụi Hastati, Principes vào các thành thôi. Reform 1 phát là hoàn toàn tự tin phang bất kì thằng nào luôn =))
  5. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cách sử dụng đơn giản nhất là cho đám quân 0 retrain đc vào ngồi thủ thành, train quân mới ra đánh
  6. gakhongten_1988

    gakhongten_1988 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    ho chi minh
  7. nbanx

    nbanx Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    La Mã
    cậu up file lên luôn đj chứ để anh em tìm kiếm cho mất công làm gì?
  8. NDKhoa01

    NDKhoa01 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đang chơi mà chỉnh cái này cũng ko reform được, phải bắt đầu campaign mới cơ, mà campaign mới mà ko chơi Rome thì vỡ đầu với nó =))
  9. gakhongten_1988

    gakhongten_1988 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ho chi minh
    tất nhiên roài xddddddddddddddddddddd
  10. ducchv

    ducchv Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    bạn nào cho mình hỏi, mình cứ chơi ( mình chơi Rome) đến năm 659AUC (khoảng 159 năm), lúc qua turn xong đến phần bầu cử thì nó bị lỗi " Encounter unspecific errors...", mình đã cài lại rồi nhưng nó vẫn bị thế, ko biết có ai như mình ko???
  11. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái này có khi phải sang TWC hỏi bọn modder bên đóa bác à :6cool_beat_brick:
  12. ShenLong1234

    ShenLong1234 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bác chủ mà ol cho em xin cái yahoo em hỏi cái này
    mà thui hỏi luôn em chơi single campaign thấy năm là 513 AUC là sao hả các bác?
  13. Hiroshii

    Hiroshii Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ờ nó đổi hệ thống lịch cho đỡ bị bug lúc đến 0 AD thôi, ko ảnh hưởng gì đến gameplay cả. 513 AUC tương đương với tầm 270 BC trong lịch thường thì phải
  14. nbanx

    nbanx Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    La Mã
    [FAQ] Frequently asked questions
    How do i install the mod on steam?
    Go here....C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods
    1- rename the americas folder something else say america_1 for it being the original
    2- create a new folder and the call it americas
    3- instal part one and part two into the new folder you created
    4- launch kingdoms through steam and select Americas

    Where do i find the manual (english version)

    How works the dating system?
    as reported by manual, "the dating system in DBM follows the Varro system by placing the 753 BC (Rome foundation) as year 0. so the start date of DBM will be the 513 AUC (At urbe condita) ie the 240 BC.
    To get the year in Anno Domini:
    Year AD/BC = Year AUC - 753
    Year AUC = Year AD/BC + 753

    What conditions it is necessary to satisfy to receive reforms to Romans, Greeks and August?
    Hellenistic reform 151 bc = 603 AUC
    Marian reform 108 bc = 645 AUC
    August 31 bc = 722 AUC

    How works the oracles?
    Their existence is linked to the presence of a sanctuary in ehich the oracle is set: as long as this building will exist there will always be a sibyl.
    if you own a settlement with a shrine of the oracle, you will receive some missions in form of ORACULAR RESPONSES TO INTERPRET.
    Even if you don't possess these settlement, bringing a character of yours to a sibyl, make you receive mission response.
    these missions are only valid for the greek and roman factions.
    If you fail a sibyl mission, you will be affected by earthquake, famine o plagues.

    CTD at pontifex election
    I fought against SPQR, I conquered Rome , The next turn, I'm asked to vote for a new "Pontifex". When that's done, the game has a CTD.
    This is a bug that we'll fix in the next patch. meantime, you can bypass it avoiding to conquest all spqr city or returning a city to SPQR if them has lost all of their city..

    How can I get elephant unit
    you can recruit elephants only where's the ivory resource. of course you have to build the appropriate barracks.

    Is Testudo present in mod?
    NO, med2 engine not support it

    Where do i find the signs for DBM?

    - - - Updated - - -

    PATCH 1.1 LOG
    We're working on patch 1.1. This is what we're doing

    Rebalanced squallor and pubblic order.
    Rebalanced general economy.
    Rebalanced money bonus for ia and malus for player

    Macedonian Peltast with Spear (helmet, linothorax, hoplon, spear)
    Macedonian Peltast with Sword (helmet, linothorax, hoplon, sword)
    Macedonian Agema (helmet, linothorax, pelte, sarissa)
    Ptolemaic Peltast with Spear (helmet, linothorax, hoplon, spear)
    Ptolemaic Peltast with Sword (helmet, linothorax, hoplon, sword)
    Ptolemaic Agema (helmet, linothorax, pelte, sarissa)
    Paonian Light Cavalry (helmet , spear)
    Seleucid "hypaspist" with Spear (helmet, linothorax, hoplon, spear)
    Seleucid "hypaspist" with Sword (helmet, linothorax, hoplon, sword)
    Barbarian Levy Phalanx
    Barbarian Thureophoros
    Nubian Levy Phalanx
    Nubian Thureophoros
    Indian Levy Phalanx
    Indian Thureophoros
    Steppe Levy Phalanx
    Steppe Thureophoros
    Arabs Heavy Swordman (chaimail, hellenistic helmet, thureos, sword, javelin)
    Axum Heavy Swordman (chaimail, hellenistic helmet, thureos, sword, javelin)
    Numidian Heavy Swordman (chaimail, hellenistic helmet, thureos, sword, javelin)
    Germanic Heavy Swordman (chaimail, gallic helmet, thureos, sword, javelin)
    Illyrian Heavy Swordman (chaimail, helmet, thureos, sword, javelin)
    Thracian Heavy Falxman(chaimail, helmet, thureos, romphaia, javelin)
    Iberic Scutati Spearman (shield, spear)
    Iberic Scutati Heavy Spearman (shield, spear, leather armour)

    AOR Changes
    Hastati, principes, triari and equites recruitable only in italy.
    Marian legions recruitable only in italy and southern gaul
    Augustus Legions recruitable in all regions of roman empir at its maximum expansion
    Auxiliaries recruitable everywhere, except italy
    Pretorians only in rome
    Hellenistic factions
    Levy phalanx and thureophoros has the appearence based on area of recruitment.
    The area are : Steppe, India, Central Asia, North-Africa, Horn of Africa, Northern Shore of Mediterranean Sea, Northern
    Macedonian and Ptolemaic can recruit the fourth level of phalanx, the agema. only one unit can be recruited.
    Bactrian can recruit cataphracts
    Other Factions
    After augustus reform , arabs, axum, numidian, garamantes, germans, thracian and illyrians can recruit heavy swordman armed with javelin, sword, chainmail and helmet. These units aren't really historical, but they are a possible heavy infantry if that factions would had developed at more advanced level.

    NEW UI
    Northern Interface from Finlander
    Roman Interface from Hyeratic
    Greek Interface from Sloan of MTWItalia
    Unit Icons from Morfeasnikos

    Different models for King, Heir and general
    Replaced old wagon trade model of riczu (5000 poly) with a low poly version (1000 poly). This should reduce the lag on campaign map
    Replaced vanilla ship trade model (258 poly) with a low poly version of riczu for classical era (650 poly).
    Replaced medieval siege icon model of riczu (12400 poly) with a low poly version of riczu for classical era (4900 poly). This should reduce the lag on campaign map
    Replaced old blockade icon model of riczu (9600 poly) with a low poly version (1600 poly). This should reduce the lag on campaign map

    Indian Elephants are now bigger than african elephant
    Replaced arab head with model and texture from Sumskilz

    Neck of carthaginian militia town model
    Persian baliste invisible
    Secondary weapon floating for Han Mounted crossbow
    Silver Surfer for rebel captain
    Paphlagonian spearman throw their pilum backwards
    Pontic Chalkaspides has problem with face texture
    Greek Thorakites hasn't sprite
    Javelinman Floating on Indian Elephant
    African Elephant floating on the groung
    Armenian Legionaires throw their pilum backwards
    Numidian Legionaires throw their sword
    Iberic Bodyguard and Schytian heavy cavalry hasn't shield value in their stats
    Macedonian Later Cavalry now throw their javelins
    Macedonian Tarantine Cavalry now throw their javelins
    Some thracians units hasn't shield value in their stats
    Cappadocian skirmishers have wrong description.
    Agrigentum battle, ia has problem with wooden spike
    Fixed many minor problems of unit models for axum, thracians and iberic

    Settlement On BattleMap
    Undestroyable and/or uncrossable wall/gate for Roman City (there's still the problem for eastern large city)
    Two side of Barbarian Town not attackable
    CTD when destroy tower of greek large city.

    Campaign map
    Ptolemaic Phalanx switched with Ptolemaic Machimoi
    Landbrige too close to cities
    Victory conditions for rebels
    Resource Icon wrong for salt
    Roman Auxiliary cavalry not recruitable
    Carthaginian Siege engine are persian
    A faction can request to became federati while a bellum is ongoing against it
    Marian legion recruitable only in Noricum, Siria and Narbonense.
    Legio III Augusta recruitable in Carthagine before augustus reform
    Natural Disaster message popup without the corresponding building
    Icon bug
    Retrain cost too high
    Seleucid barracks give access to silvershield earlier than to the normal phalanx
    Spqr give legions as reward before marian reform
    No spy and murders in Carthagine
    Roman city returned to Spqr haven't garrison
    Some building give Weapon+2 (maximum is 1)
    Noricum faction summary is misleading
    Clientes request text contains mistake
    The name of money isn't unified
    Cretan archers aren't available as AoR on Crete
    Corsica city under the ground on campaign map

    Added which script are in each campagin

    Fixed CTD of pontifex election when spqr lost its last city.

    Wall and gate return intact after destruction animation for eastern large city (btw, they can be crossed)
    UI for eastern, mauryan and steppe culture. (any help is welcome)

    - - - Updated - - -

    tiện thể up luôn thêm cái reform:

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