[MOD]Europa Barbarorum II (MED2)

Thảo luận trong 'Total War' bắt đầu bởi White_Falcon, 23/12/13.

  1. choidep123

    choidep123 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

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    Middle Earth
  2. nbanx

    nbanx Mario & Luigi

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    La Mã
    Cuối cùng thì sau 5 năm chờ đợi, Europa Barbarorum II - một trong những mod hay nhất của M2TW đã ra mắt vào ngày 25/8.
    [spoil]Dear Europa Barbarorum Fans,

    When the Europa Barbarorum Team set out in 2007 to create the sequel to the award-winning mod, Europa Barbarorum I, few of us guessed what a long and winding road it would be from then to this moment. The original goal of Europa Barbarorum I was, to a large degree, to add to and improve the historical experience of Rome: Total War. Our goal when we set out to create Europa Barbarorum II was much grander. This time, we wanted to go to the limits of what we could create within the bounds of the M2TW engine, in order to create the best and most detailed historical strategy game possible. This proved to be a greater challenge than any of us anticipated.

    To begin, most background research was done from scratch, and in addition to the 20 factions of EBI, we now had another eight to cover with as much care and historical detail in both concept and design. The new graphical features of the M2TW engine allowed us to utilize the mixing of model parts to avoid the so-called "clone wars" of RTW. However, this meant an exponential increase in the amount of work to be done by our unit artists, not to mention the higher poly count and better texture qualities. Likewise, the gameplay in EBI, although innovative, was still very much a variation on the vanilla gameplay from RTW. For EB II, we set out to create unique and historically accurate government systems for all factions, as well as making the campaigns more interesting with unique events and features.

    Through sweat, blood and tears we worked, but also through much joy, excitement and laughter. Many of our initial ideas had to be revised and thrown out as impossible, but just as many new and interesting ideas were born to replace them. Sometimes work was fast and the mod took great strides; at other times, unforseen bugs, hard-coded limits, or just that small distraction called life stepped in and brought the mod to the shores of the river Styx. But through all these ups and downs, a few things kept us going, and gave us the will to call "once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more". One of these things was of course you, the fans, who stayed with us for all these years. But perhaps greatest of all was our passion for the history of our time period, and our desire to bring the world of the late first millennium BC to life. One of our main motivations for creating EB has been, besides creating a great game, to bring out the fascinating history that we are so passionate about. It is our hope that EB will not only provide players with many hours of fun, but that it will also inspire in others the same fascination and passion for history that we in the Team share. If, through our work, others discover how exciting and interesting history can be, or if we can make even the most weathered history buff learn something new, then our work will not have been in vain. It was this desire to tell the story of all the many cultures and peoples within our mod, even the ones that are generally passed by in history class, that kept us going even through the hard times. And so, once more unto the breach we charged...

    Now, seven years later, we have at last reached the point where we feel ready to release this labour of love to you, our fans. We know that it has been a long wait for you, and still we have a long way to go. This instalment is not a finished product, and we have many grand plans that are yet to be implemented. There are new and exciting units to be added, game mechanics to be coded, and historical texts to be written. So even though this is a major milestone in the history of the mod, it is by no means the end of the journey. This is but a first release, a beta version if you wish, and it will be some time still before we can call it a finished product (if such a thing even exists), and to take our mod further we will rely on you to provide us with feedback, bug reports and suggestions.

    None the less, we take great pride in hereby presenting the first release of EB II. We have all poured our hearts and souls into this mod, and even though it is but early days, we hope that this dedication will shine through, and, to use the old cliché, that you will have at least as much fun playing it as we've had making it (for, let's face it, it's not all been rainbows and roses). With this release, we now look to the road ahead. It has, as we have said, been a long and winding road, and what lies ahead is no less daunting. We do hope that you who have been with us all this time will be willing to keep walking this road with us, and that many new faces may join along the way. We in the EB Team will continue our work, and especially we are hoping for many new modding talents to join us and help bring our vision for EB II to life.

    In the meantime, Ladies and Gentlemen: Enjoy![/spoil]
    Unit cards
    [spoil]In this dev blog I will try and cover Unit Cards in EB2.
    With EB2 we wanted to bring more life to the still parts of the game, like the unit info cards, and bring something more than before.
    Thus we opted with the similar idea from RTW and EB but to bring them to a new level, so I was assigned to do some unit scenes to be easily used for creating unit cards.
    The scenes created tried to cover most of the areas of the regions where they live, but also the diversity and because of these tens, close to a hundred, of scenes were done.
    Scenes like you may previously seen in the previews:
    And more cards for those interested:
    And siege units:
    [spoil] MOD DB: http://www.moddb.com/mods/europa-barbarorum-2/downloads/europa-barbarorum-2-first-release
    Cách down: Bấm vào ô Download Now nhé
    Torrent Link:: http://www.moddb.com/news/edit/magn...nce&tr=udp://tracker.publicbt.com:80/announce
    Cách Download: Dùng Utorrent để download nhé các bạn[/spoil]
    Installation instructions:
    [spoil]1. Download the EBII installer using one of the provided download links.

    2. The downloaded file is a zip archive, which means you need to unpack the installer files from the zip file. Windows Explorer should allow you to simply copy the contents out. If not, you can download 7-zip for the purpose.

    3. Run EBII.exe.

    4. Step through the install wizard.

    5. Wait for the installer to copy all the files.

    6. Run the mod using the shortcut placed in your start menu or desktop.

    In the wizard, the default installation path is where your copy of M2TW is installed. Unless you know what you're doing, leave this unchanged.

    We have tested the mod's stability as far as we could, considering we are a small group and the game is huge. It runs pretty well for us, but we have not been able to run long campaigns with all factions. You may encounter problems, possibly even at the start of your campaign.

    If the game crashes, please remember to post the log and savegame where it happened in the tech help subforum, this will help us a lot. Along with a description of what you were doing when it crashed, obviously. But before you do that, remember to check if there are any hotfixes available - it might just be that your problem has been solved already.[/spoil]

    Nguồn: http://www.moddb.com/mods/europa-barbarorum-2
    Cuối cùng là cảm ơn team EB II đã làm ra 1 mod rất hay này.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 26/8/14
  3. choidep123

    choidep123 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Middle Earth
    Map chỉ nhỏ thua R2 tý thôi nhỉ.đồ họa nhìn khá được đấy
    Đáng để hóng
  4. JediDarkLord

    JediDarkLord Dante, the strongest Demon Slayer Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chaos of The Force
    MTW 2 bực cái nó chia ra 2 loại thành nên replenish lính khó khăn quá. Ko biết cái này có bị ko nhỉ?
  5. canhwoi

    canhwoi Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    1 mod rất đáng hóng !! :6cool_ah:
  6. DlDoY

    DlDoY T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cái hay của MTW 2 đấy bác..........
  7. canhwoi

    canhwoi Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Công nhận là MED 2 chia ra 2 loại là City và Castle là rất hay ! Cân bằng giữa kinh tế và quân sự !
  8. hugoking1

    hugoking1 Commander-in-Chief

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    hấp dẫn quá :x lót gạch ngồi hóng :6cool_sure:
  9. huydaybn3000

    huydaybn3000 Mega Man ⚜ Duel Master ⚜ Lão Làng GVN

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    Hà Nội
    ghét cái là city cấp cao nó k cho lại thành castle đc,nhiều lúc bị khủng hoảng địch đánh vào tận trung tâm kinh tế mà ếch có quân xịnbật :9cool_pudency:
  10. choidf

    choidf Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    theo mình thấy vụ phân chia city và castle hay cực. Nó khiến cho chúng mình phải cân bằng quân sự và kinh tế như khi gần tới lúc các thành phố lên city hết thì phải suy nghĩ vị trí sẽ chọn làm castle nhằm tiếp quân lực cho khu vực đó nhưng ko chuyển quá nhiều castle để có nguồn kinh tế tốt và vào đời cuối khi chúng ta chỉ còn vài hoặc 1 hay thậm chí là ko còn city nào có thể chuyển nữa thì mình sẽ quan trọng vấn đề chiếm castle để có quân mạnh. 1 quyết định sai có thể khiến cho việc mở rộng bờ cõi bị chậm lại thậm chí ngắt quãng hay vh/vh thì khu đó có nhiều khả năng là máy nó tràn vào thì chết luôn :6cool_sure:
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 18/8/14
  11. nbanx

    nbanx Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    La Mã
    Đúng vậy, dẫu biết đó là Cái hay của MTW 2 đấy, nhưng vẫn thích kiểu auto-replenish như S2 hay R2 hơn, cứ phải về thành retrain chán chết.
  12. canhwoi

    canhwoi Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sao chơi bản Kingdom thấy đẹp lòi ra mà thấy cái mod này xấu xấu thế nào ấy nhỉ ? :9cool_pudency:
  13. choidep123

    choidep123 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Middle Earth
    Thế này mà xấu thì chịu bác luôn
    Muốn đẹp thì Rome2 thẳng tiến
  14. nbanx

    nbanx Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    La Mã
    Vãi, cùng 1 engine mà còn nói 1 bên đẹp lòi 1 bên xấu xấu à?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Update thêm video preview:
  15. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hi vọng 0 bị trò custom battle toàn Merc =.= .

    BTW mod này đáng để hóng đấy XD
  16. Cuppid

    Cuppid Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Có điều bọn này nó cho chuẩn theo lịch sử quá nên hơi khó nuốt, chơi thử bản EB I vào thử nhà Ptolemaios nó cho đúng chuẩn lịch sử luôn, nhìn kiến trúc TP 1 lúc chán đi ra, coi như là sock nhẹ.
  17. choidep123

    choidep123 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Middle Earth
    Theo lịch sử thấy hay mà,bản gốc nhiều cái imba vl
  18. Aomari0

    Aomari0 Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sao lại shock ? Kiến trúc Hellenistic pha với Egypt sao lại chán được.
  19. canhwoi

    canhwoi Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ha ha , đôi lúc cảm giác nó thế !! :9cool_haha:
  20. JediDarkLord

    JediDarkLord Dante, the strongest Demon Slayer Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Chaos of The Force
    Nhưng trên thực tế không có như vậy vì trong city vẫn có trại huấn luyện lính để bổ sung cho các quân đoàn. Nếu có chia thì nên làm Castle khó tấn công hơn, lính train từ castle có exp hoặc vũ khí tốt hơn, trong castle có 1 2 loại lính elite thì nó thực tế hơn. :D:D

    Theo lịch sử hay chứ làm theo vanilla lính Rome với Hellenic mạnh vcl ra. Egypt, Barbarian, Eastern cứ xìu xìu ển ển ra trong khi thực tế đánh trận quân mạnh mà tướng ngu đi bậy cái thảm bại như thường
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 20/8/14

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