Musical Talk

Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Hank Williams, 23/12/03.

  1. BROOM

    BROOM Mario & Luigi

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  2. Guo Jia

    Guo Jia C O N T R A

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    Hội Vườn Đ
    Thanks to Little Angel,I will go there and find it right way.Hoping...::)
  3. m47

    m47 Dragon Quest

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    anywhere but Home
  4. metal_29091989

    metal_29091989 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Raccoon graveyard
    anyone knows where to download rock ? i was looking for it for a long time and i still couldn't find a good site.
    mp3shits?? sh*t !! i tried it , it won't let u download a FULL song
    on yahoo launch , if u haven't got ADSL then u'll be sorry 'cause it loads too slowly f*ck it ! :)
  5. WoRd_LiFe

    WoRd_LiFe Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    fu*k enough ?? it's time for some hiphop here , u think so ? fu*k man , i love hiphop just like my b*tch loves my d*ck ! hiphop's untouchable just like me
    i'm livin' a word life and i'm lovin' it , yo , anyone wanna rap? come on , it's just a basic thugonomic
  6. Hank Williams

    Hank Williams Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Teenage Wasteland
    Oh, yeah? Hip-Hop sucks. I just like what it was years ago. Nowadays, it's bull****. I do know today's the age of nigga's hip-hop, and even R&B, but Rock's always the best choice. While your struggle with words, we're playing awefully with musical instruments and healthy throats.
  7. Cigar

    Cigar Độc Xà Vương

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    He he,yesterday..the radio of the Dong Nai sound caster read the article..I listen and I cant stop laughing...
    The article said about the title of the VN song nowadays..they have the very long lenght...and it called:the special work of Ung Hoang Phuc(Ex:Anh chi biet cam nin khi nghe tieng em khoc..too long T_T),they cant imagine that those song can be famous and they can be the teen favourite,but it was sucess under the good work of HCMC televisions..
    The Hip know about the song:Chuyen nho(MTV) the song that write as hip hop,this song reached the top of Lan Song Xanh with the"tam xam ba lap" words...
    Do chua giat.. a` ha' chuyen nho ;))
  8. WoRd_LiFe

    WoRd_LiFe Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    what do u mean "watch your words" ? i don't understand your so-called english,dead that =))
    yo... sorry but i'm just talking in my opinion
    ya know what , i'm talking about my hiphop,i don't touch your rock
    so , keep fu*kin' but please , don't touch my hiphop ok ?
    'cause just like i said , hiphop's untouchable just like me
    u can't touch me because u can't see me , u can't touch hiphop because u don't know what hiphop is
    but u might be right about this : rock is AWFUL,very very AWFUL , too AWFUL , certainly , more AWFUL than hiphop =))
    sorry once again : i don't understand your english,(don't get hot man just kidding) =))
  9. WoRd_LiFe

    WoRd_LiFe Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    once again , i don't touch your rock so keep fu*kin' but please , don't touch my hiphop ok ?'cause it's untouchable
    delete my post ? that's ok , sucker , i'll just keep rappin' around ,kickin' some asses and fu*kin' some b*tchs
    u might be right , rock is very very AWFUL
    once again , i don't understand your fu*kin' so-called english =))
  10. Cigar

    Cigar Độc Xà Vương

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    Hội Vườn Đ
    Oaaaaaa,the war of hip hop and rock..
    That guy talk like the Veteran of the US army after VN's War :))
    Made me remember the man in FF7(uhmm I forgot his name..may be Ballack :-?)
  11. WoRd_LiFe

    WoRd_LiFe Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    yo..sorry if there're many rude remarks in my posts , that's my habit ya know
  12. Hank Williams

    Hank Williams Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Teenage Wasteland
    I didn't want to make any offend, you know. And I know my English is not good enough to make you understand. But listen, don't ever use bad words here. You think this place is where you can show off your offensive words huh, lil brat? If so, shut the hell up, and find yourself another one that's appropriate to you. Once again, you can do anything you like, rapping, f**king your dirty bitches, holding your d**k tight, but not here.
    I don't like hip hop, but that doesn't mean I don't know anything about hip hop. FYI, I was into it sooner than you, lil brat. But I kicked that habit long ago coz hip hop's more and more sucked.
  13. WoRd_LiFe

    WoRd_LiFe Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    so hot man ? sh*t!!, i've just said u'll get the FU and now, you've just get it!!!!! =))
    well , i have no idea if u understand "FU" or not ,or may be "my English is not good enough for u to understand" , right man ? ok fu*ker ,forget it=))
    u think hiphop sucks ? ok that's just fine with me,i'm not forcing u to love hiphop 'cause you're a shame
    you tell me to "shut the hell up" ? and u tell me to "keep rappin' and fu*kin' " ? what the fu*k do u think i will do ?
    certainly ,i'll keep rappin' and fu*kin' just like before=)) but how can i "shut the hell up" when there's a fu*kin' guy like u? tell me , please,su*ker?=))
    and ya know what? i don't want to make any offends either , but you're the guy who started all this crap
    and i just didn't want to make any offends to a bunch of crap like u
    and now , just like i said, i didn't touch your rock , and u , please , please , don't touch my hiphop either , is that fine with u su*ker ?
    because hiphop's untouchable , it's a basic thugonomic
  14. Hank Williams

    Hank Williams Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

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    Teenage Wasteland
    It's kinda funny here. OK, keep praticing your f***ing rap, and I'm not touching your hip-hop. Btw, remember this, no body's allowed to use dirty words.
    You lamebrain. If you don't wanna "shut the hell up", I'll have to report this to the admins. I know this sounds pretty silly, just like kids, but there's no choice for me to kick your ass. I do know you love hip-hop, love rapping, and even f***ing, but don't try to show off your so-called "beautiful" words here.
    You say I was the guy started all of these things? Sh**, you don't even realize who's crap lol. Telling me this really has me rolling. Who's the f***ing crap came here and used bad words first?
    Last but not least, I'm not touching your hip-hop anymore.
  15. WoRd_LiFe

    WoRd_LiFe Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    18 wow..the boy's cryin'.."huhu..mama,this man's bullying me.." =))
    well, u can do whatever u want, u can lock my account,u can tell your daddy or your mama,and i'll just keep using bad words,fu*k it
    i'll not stop using my "beautiful" words just because a bunch of sh*t like u tell me to stop
    ya know , may be it was my fault to make this forum dirty with my "beatiful" words
    i won't do it again 'cause this's a good forum(not a bunch of crap like u), and i'll keep rappin' and ****in' somewhere else
    but u know what , i'll practice 1 more thing : kickin' ass, just like i'm doing to u, fu*ker
    word life
    PS:i don't show off anything,i use them just to fu*k up guys like u
    understand ?
    ok may be u can't understand me 'cause my english's too beatiful for u to understand hah?
  16. Hank Williams

    Hank Williams Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Teenage Wasteland
    Hey, listen, smiley. Did I tell you this sucks to report to the admin?
    Keep using your beautiful words? F*** that! I'll say no more.
    Once again, m/f, I think this board's not appropriate to you. Don't try to make it dirty. Find yourself another place that's filled up with crap like you. F*** off!
    Stop here, OK?
  17. WoRd_LiFe

    WoRd_LiFe Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    yo..yeah... and u should find a place to fu*k yourself too , don't try to fu*k others.
    this room's dirty because of the likes of you ,fu*ker , and if anyone here who's got all the fu*king crap , it's you ,bi*tch !
  18. Hank Williams

    Hank Williams Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Teenage Wasteland
    Alright, this is my last post with you, mulebrain. Look at your "Mức Cảnh Cáo" and mine, here's lil something I can do now.
    See ya around, mulebrain.
  19. WoRd_LiFe

    WoRd_LiFe Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    oh my fu*kin' god ! i'm so scared right now , i'm pissin' in my pants=))
    oh come on su*ker ! that the best u can do ? yo yo no , i don't think so , u could do better than that , could ya ??
    once again , i can't understand the " ko trong sáng" words :D
    and i believe if i used that words then some fu*ker in here used them too =))
    and now , just like i said , u can do whatever u want ,b*tch, then go home,cry and tell your mama that u can't kick me out , because i kicked your ass first =))
  20. Silver Falcon

    Silver Falcon T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Where the Wind blows
    well Word fire
    welcome u to our little box but I ( may be some of us ) dont welcome tabbo words around this box
    u c : we come here to relax , not to hear **** ( u got wat I mean ) that wat I ( or U ) heard alot during hours day. I enduranced cuz I must get used to it but we r all *người có học*
    rite ?
    and 1 more reason : this box is the last peaceful box in GameVN ( may be some where I dont know 2 ) where can I find polite ppl who doesnt f%$%^& around 2 much and dont , well *chửi thẳng vào mặt tui for wat little mistake
    And if u want to play with Hank why not go to other box , with lot of members ^^ ? Sure U will find some allies there .
    I'm sorry If I insult u ^^

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