Musical Talk

Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Hank Williams, 23/12/03.

  1. shadow_cat

    shadow_cat Lonely in Gorgeous

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    Flower Field
    who set the fire up? it was you Kou, the word of ya toward Cigar were not acceptable.I warn you.And you get upset about that.THe one childish here is you.
    The Vnese grammar problem is not somẹthing you can use to attack dont dig in it .
  2. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

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    .... ok ... 1337 writing, the color used, ... I guess you're a girl, am I right ^^ ?

    If you want to search for that song, you can use eMule, or a p2p program to search for it, torrentspy or torrentreactor should do the work. ::)
  3. Kou Akari

    Kou Akari Dragon Quest

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    Bro, I wasn't saying all the vnese olds songs are boring, just most of them :D. You know? I really dissappointed while listening. I like the first part but I can not like it being repeated again and again :D.
    And that "spear", it can only kill insects :)).

    @ Cat: lol, forgot your words at V-Newtype? You're the childish one, saying without thinking. You want you posts to be post to the homepage and pay no attention about how they sounds. When rejected, you complain, and now, you warn? :)) . THat sucks, I repeat. So what if I'm warned?
  4. pliskin

    pliskin Totally Badass!!! Moderator

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    have you ever enjoy " Đêm đông " , my favorite old-song , have you ever heard about Trịnh Công Sơn , the true musician / artist out there , or even Mỹ Linh, the best VNese singer.

    some of anime or Jap song, the words are too boring, sometime meaningless, I think a kid like you only enjoy the music , but not the whole song. U dont know anything about VNese music, so " dont get involved " :lol:

    The true song must have some meaning behind the words, so we listener must discover it ----> it's " the " way to enjoy music.
  5. Kou Akari

    Kou Akari Dragon Quest

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    My, I think I listened to it and I admit it meaning and beauty :D. "Hà Nội đêm trở gió" is also one of my fav. It raises my love for my home city :D.

    I also agree that many many anime/jpop songs are meaningless.

    You know what? You're the kid. I've never say anything bad about the old vnese songs. I've never say anything bad about Trinh Cong Son or else. I was complaining about the modern songs.

    And you, you old hag, you understand japanese, don't you? If you do, then you mostly have no ability to find the meaning behind the words. If you don't, then, noob, don't get involved :)).
  6. nam4

    nam4 Legend of Zelda

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    Anybody listen "linkin park" ,It's so great ,"in the end" í also one of my favorite
    "in the end it doesn't event matter......." Wow I'm crazy ..........
  7. Cigar

    Cigar Độc Xà Vương

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    So Funny
    When I ask you,which songs you like best???And I bring out my idea:Uoc Vong...the song of Pham Minh Tuan,and I also said that I will expalin for all of you what I felt about that song,(the song of hope)...of course I will explain later,without caring what you said,you think you are important enough to stop my feeling???
    So you are the 1st one who not read my posting carefully...
    What you said:read my post more careful before make your damn showing off is very impolite,angry and disapoint(cause many child around this box nowaday),i waas the hot one...
    And don't tourch my friend,Redeemer....
  8. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

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    Please stop it you two, Kou Akari and Cigar. I know I'm in no position to say this to both of you, but please listen to me .. what's the point in arguing anyway ?

    I think Galileo can say this better than me ...
    [​IMG]You cannot teach people anything. You can only help them to discover it within themselves.[​IMG]

    Please, don't make this topic become a flaming thread ....
  9. Kou Akari

    Kou Akari Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hey mate, it did, so now you should be a ... "pompier" :)) !!! You know what? It's really funny to argue this way. You can use ENG very naturally, with your mere instict :)). Should that be good? Sure it is since it can remind me "TOUCH" and "TOURCH" are not the same :)). Wow, it was just a simple mistake. Let's get the fire on if it can burn down stupid faults :)) !!!

    And cigar, would you be the one who can not even understand the alphabet song? Hope thing doesn't go that way :)) !!!

    See that, IE? We're helping each other see our own selves. Sure thing :))! !!!
  10. shadow_cat

    shadow_cat Lonely in Gorgeous

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    Flower Field
    now its fun to to watch this, with no JOb on my neck^^
    GO on Cigar.
  11. Redeemer

    Redeemer T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Đáy sông
    Who did I touch? :nailbit:

    It's just a typing mistake,there's no point in digging it.

    Cigar,you should show Kou Akari a mod's dignity and calm.You see,Kou(Don't know if Kou is a girl or not) has begun to discuss with us about true Vietnamese songs.Your request was fulfilled,no?If you continue to be angry,Kou will keep making fun of you(I know you don't like that).So,my brothers,stop this madness and tell me more about "Ước vọng" song. :;)
  12. Cigar

    Cigar Độc Xà Vương

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    Ah yes,but seem like he like what he looked than what he felt,ha ha.
    I hate some stink mouth pause my talking with the brainless words,if he keep on that way,ok...he will lead himself to the disgrace,everyone know unless the only one..
    Your opinion is...nothing,cause they told you that Trinh Cong Son is good,so you talk like the parrot,"I like Trinh Cong Son",ha ha ...what you learn from the songs of Trinh Cong Son????Your stupid???
    And the last word I must told you,don't think the music nowaday is suck...just the wrong choice of the teenage nowaday...many true artist do their great world,but their music not become the favourite because of 2 kinds of person:
    1.The one who bless some crap song as their"holy Music",so the others can't prove themselves..
    2.The one with the mouth of the parrot who always said:VNmese songs nowaday is crap,ha you turn your back with VN song,without caring the work of the true artist...You take a shame on Tung Duong,a shame on Le Linh Son,a shame on Pho Duc Phuong....and many unamed artist who can't show their real name...they has real talent,but unlucky fate...
  13. Cigar

    Cigar Độc Xà Vương

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    Turn back to your Japanese music,cause you have nothing with the VN songs,it will make me laugh with your brainless words,I will not understand only you,but how about you???You can understand ...good..but yourself,you will never understand Redeem or Shadow cat,it's your selfish,and your weak point,ha ha.
    When I said,turn back to your Japanese I not meant that they are suck,your Otaku have your own world,I know that they are good to you,I dont said that they are suck,so what makes you think that I agaist your music???
    Your short message,,ha ha...tooo meany to understand,but I can understand that I mustn't take care of this,I wanna share my feeling,my showing off not because of you,understood??
    Long times work on GVN,and your tiny joke does nothing,if you know someone like Stalig or hungdaubo,you will know how terrible they was,but you...the more you joke..the more meany you show to all of us..
    So please show more your words,lil brat...I welcome you,everyone welcome you,ha ha ha
  14. monte_cristo_2k

    monte_cristo_2k T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Nơi dành cho quý tộc
    @ Kou: Stop talking like that , ok ?
    @Cigar: maybe U think VNese music is the best. but don't impose your opinion on someone. With me, VNese music is nothing ( except Red musics and Trinh Cong Son's songs ).

    If U 2 don't want to stop about this, then keep arguing with each other ::). Let's see who's the winner ;)). So funny:cool: .
  15. pliskin

    pliskin Totally Badass!!! Moderator

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    at least there are me and you want to enjoy Trịnh or some VNese old song, those guy are " mixed " with " American culture ", they lose theirselves ! Nothing more to say !

    I dont understand why this Cigarette guy always want to criticize ? Is there something he like ? :lol:
  16. Cigar

    Cigar Độc Xà Vương

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    Hội Vườn Đ
    I said one more,its hard to compare VNmese songs with English or something else,you didnt understand that???
    So what makes you think I said that???Seems like you read my posting with only the glance...
  17. EndlessBlue

    EndlessBlue Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Somewhere Out There
    oviously, you have lost your mind or you are drunk. talking none sense. :)) music is part of culture, when you said vietnamese music is nothing (compare to others), you also meant the our culture cant compare to them; where is your pride of being born a Vietnamese? :o

    I dont know what Cigar had said, and I dont really care. But you told him to not impose his idea on other people, when you are oviously trying to impose your "none-sense" idea about "Vietnamese music is nothing" on others as well. I meant, WTH??? :-/

    And WTH is the "mixed" that you meant? :o If it is a "mixed" that existed there, UN wouldnt make TCS a WPMA in 2004. :p Dont say if you dont know, because it makes you look "bad". :-s

    Might because it is his nature, something he was born with. Who knows, and who even cares. But did he say something wrong? Or just because he's up against you and your idea? #>:) He might be cool actually.

    And whats so great about the other music? Why you think English music, J-pop is better than Vietnamese music? Just because you like it more doesnt make it better. In my oppinion, music is great because it represents the culture of the country where it came from, or it can represent the style of its writter, and thats what makes it different. Can all the crap pop music you hear everyday do that?
  18. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

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    Just one word Endless ... I like to use English to write. The language is part of the culture. So does that mean I like the british or american culture ? NO WAY ! ... Just because you dislike a part of one thing doesn't mean that you hate the whole thing ... You know what I mean .. right ^^ ?

    In my opinion, music is supposed to convey something. And music is supposed to be born from something poetic. (Oh, don't think of "poetic" as "poem", because it's completely different.) And when it manage to convey that something (may it be a political opinion, an ideology, a point of view on the world, it doesn't matter) with sensations, with emotions, with feelings provoked inside the one who listen, then it's a successful music.
    And strangely, I can't feel anything when I hear music which I don't like. No need to give examples, since you probably already knows which kind of music is it ...

    Oh, one more thing .. don't "đổ dầu vào lửa" ^_^ ... express yourselves, talk, debate, discuss ... WITHOUT fighting, flaming, hate-posting, etc. Please.
  19. shadow_cat

    shadow_cat Lonely in Gorgeous

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Flower Field
    Fight" o" fight" o" ^^
    kind of endless batlle. Im sure this not the end, its rather attractive today
  20. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

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    <___< ... ... *hmmmmm looks kinda good*

    ... ermmm .... I hereby give shadow_cat the position of cheerleader ... for battles, of course :))

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