Musical Talk

Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Hank Williams, 23/12/03.

  1. monte_cristo_2k

    monte_cristo_2k T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    =)). noodle . " You 're Vietnamese so U must love all VNese songs " . Who said that :-/ ? Yes. Music is part of culture, but the shame on it [-(. VNese music nowaday is just ....... [-(. If they are a half of Red songs ( or Trinh Cong Son's songs ) , then i will proud of them.
  2. Quistis-th

    Quistis-th T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    đâu đó trên heaven
    Yeah , i think so . VNese songs nowaday are so stupid , their contain always is same ... Very boring . If Vietnamese must love VNese songs , i will go to another country to live ^^
  3. Cigar

    Cigar Độc Xà Vương

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    Before bring out that very suck idea,all of you..please stop at the moment and think twice,because I can't stop laughing about that stupid idea,especially mr Monte_Cristo_2k.
    It's very stupid of you,who always said the same thing at many times,all you get is some crap song in your friend's mouth when they humbling those melody,from all the cafeterias you cost all the evening to kill time in them...they are just the flowing part of the very big ice mountain,and the will nerver get it..
    I bring some example to stop your stupid mouth before it's too late..
    "..Tìm bài hát,quê mình là lời ru mẹ...
    Tìm điệu múa,phong tình cánh cò lả lơi...
    Tình tình tình tình trống hội đầu đình..
    Tình tình tình tình,ánh mắt em trao..."
    Who said that is suck...
    Phạm Minh Tuấn creat the very nice lyrics in my favourite song:
    ..Hãy sống như biển trào,như biển trào...để biết bờ bến rộng...
    ===>And you,who always cover yourself in the end of the tiny well,so you can see the sky like the small circle,ha ha ha,he he he...suck till the very end..
    I have some more example,but I think that's enough,don't blame the music of VN was the fault of the manager who conect the music with money,the fault of the teen who bless some bad song ,so they become popular,it's the shame of VN music,not because we don't have some exellent it??
  4. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

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    So basically, it all comes down to the evil capitalism and the importance of money inside our society nowadays. True.

    This is hilarious ... Are we even in a S.R. (Soc.Rep.) considering this wonderful fakely free-market paradise we have ?
  5. monte_cristo_2k

    monte_cristo_2k T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    =)) lol, that's just a competition in VNese musics. My favourite songs are Pop, Rock Ballard, some R&B songs...... NOODLE :cool:.

    Damn, your small brain can only think like that =)). I wonder how u can enjoy music or something in this life with it =)). Now , i can see. You're such an idiot :cool:.
    You must learn how to know people before you say that stupid words :cool:. who can see the sky like the small circle :-/ . It's U. With many crap melodies in VNese music nowaday, you don't even know the wonderful world of music. L-)

    I said that their lyrics have no meaning . You know why , don't U ?
    Because there is nothing more to say except love in VNese music nowaday. But even VNese love songs is not romantic, the words were used in them to say 'bout love so wet ( VNese called " sến " :)) ).
    Simple example : U can hear the song : Fall again - artis:Glenn Lewis. Then u compare with some VNese love songs and U will see Vnese love songs is crap more than crap . :-@ ( including lyric and melody ).
  6. Cigar

    Cigar Độc Xà Vương

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    Ha ha,please stop..because you will show to all your damn bad face.
    My favourite,not only VietNam but Rock,Pop, are too young and your knowledge is not enough to talk with me,little boy.
    I was ot wrong when I said:you always has the thin sight about Vietnamese's song,because what you talk about is some damn stink song(For example,some cheap love song you heard in the cafeteria,it was not the songs I talk about,your stupid)
    Because it was all you can see in VN songs nowaday,and you has admit that you look the sky from the end of the well.
    If you want to talk about Rock,Pop or something are not my opponent,only my old friend Hank,Silver Falcon... can understand,get out please...
    Comepare the suckest song of VN with this song,all you can do is something like that..
    But if I compare some song of hope,song of mother land loveness....with your song,I will never do that,because it's hard because you can't comepare song thing excelent with something sacre,understood??
  7. monte_cristo_2k

    monte_cristo_2k T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Maybe i'm too young, but don't compare with me about knowledge . OK? 'coz something I know but U don't. U're not a genius , so don't think U bigger than me L-). Don't ever think U're good enough to talk with me 'bout world music. You are just a little man in this place. Your foolish mind made me look down on you.

    =)) The chicken thought he was an elephant.=))

    You said: I will never do that=? :-/.When U hear one song , U think u can do whatever was talked in the song then u will like it. Laught at you :)).

    Too much mistake in your typing, or you really forgot the word u want to use.L-) Your knowledge is really good :devil:.
    Maybe some of my opinion is not exactly, but i can talk what i want to show up. :cool:
  8. Redeemer

    Redeemer T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    My brother,I think you're too hasty here.Why don't you compare our "Sến" songs with their "Sến" songs?Foreign country have many meaningless,wet,sexual,violent lyrics covered with good dancers,fashions,great sound,excellent marketing... Our ancestor said "Ngưu tầm ngưu,mã tầm mã",that's always right.I don't know who Glenn Lewis is,but from what you said,i guess he's a good singer,so you should compare him with Đỗ Bảo,Vũ Thiết,and many more talented people(Although they are in the shadow...) You're too heavy on the "Famous" term,my brother.
    I wholeheartedly agree with you,Cigar,but you should be"hot".Yeah,i see that you are too "hot" right now,brother(Doesn't mean you're sexy,I'm not gay :))) The words you said weren't fit for a mod,you know.Now where has the calm,polite "Độc xà vương" I once knew gone?
  9. monte_cristo_2k

    monte_cristo_2k T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    ::) As i said Maybe some of my opinion is not exactly, but i can talk what i want to show up .

    And Glenn Lewis has a good voice but he's not famous . Really. That's song on soundtrack : Maid in Manhattan :p.
    There're too many singers like him in this world::).

    At least , when i talk to you, i'm not in the fire :D.
  10. Cigar

    Cigar Độc Xà Vương

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    I don't want to talk with someone who only think about VNmese music in one way,without caring what I said,may be his ear was the empty sewer line,so the word is "good_bye"
    Sorry to make you disappoint,but if you have the great patience to talk with this kind of person,so you are godly good,I will listen to you brother...
    Time moved....slow or fast,but it will never stop,so the Độc Xà Vương you know in the past just fade away,but if I talk with you,I promise to become "Độc Xà Vương" as you wish,brother...
  11. Frog

    Frog Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Ah , though I might be the youngest, inexperienced member around here( damn Vietkey ^"^), I have my own oppinions too. I was born into somewhat a musical family(you understand what I mean ??) , I've listened to almost every KIND of songs ... I know that Vietnamese songs are great, not only songs of Trinh Cong Son, but there were a lot in the old days . But I don't care what you say , I hate the music nowadays ... either Vietnamese or English ... I don't underestimate songs of any country but I consider the quality as the most important thing .
    _What a shame , I have never listened to a true Japanese song. Maybe I'll like them 'cause I just love FF songs ... :D
  12. monte_cristo_2k

    monte_cristo_2k T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    [-(. Yeah, so do I. I don't wanna talk anymore to someone who have no ear [-(.

    Sorry, but i don't understand this : either Vietnamese of English :-/
  13. Mr.K

    Mr.K T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    yeah, me too. At this time, they just like Hip hop, sến music :p, chế music :p, too bad.
    I dont say Hip hop is bad, but, hate it..... X(
  14. Frog

    Frog Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Sorry Monte ... Typing error,y'know ... ??
    Hey Mr.K , Romeo wouldn't say anything like that , eother would Juliet do ... :D
    Anyway , I'm kind of tired from talking about modern music ...
    Do you enjoy CCR music ,eh (that's the name of a band , y'know ??? )
  15. monte_cristo_2k

    monte_cristo_2k T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Now, what kind of music can we talk about :-/. Soundtrack? Pop? Ballard ? Classic ? .......or something else :-/ .
  16. Hank Williams

    Hank Williams Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

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    Teenage Wasteland
    I think you can talk with me about this band. CCR stands for Crredence Clearwater Revival. This is one of my favourites of all time. Yay!
  17. Redeemer

    Redeemer T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Glad to hear that :p,so you accept my words.But my words are just some "small auxillary weapon" for Cigar's,so you accept him too :D
    The problem is,both of you were too "hot"(Yeah...) to talk to each other.Just remove your prides and you'll be fine :hug: .
    Cigar,did you say " I promise to become "Độc Xà Vương" as I wish" ?So,become your old person right here,right now :)) I see that you and Monte could be good comrades :;)
    CCR,i heard that they were a good old band,but unfortunately,i've never listened to their music.May be this weekend i'll go buy some CDs..
    Well,I truly want to discuss happily with you about our "true songs",brothers...
  18. monte_cristo_2k

    monte_cristo_2k T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Thanks for your comment ::). But it's hard to be like that when we hate each other :-".
    Hey, guys. Do you have the song :En Ausencia de Ti - artist: aura Pausini . If someone have it then share with me , please ;;) .
  19. Bác Học Light

    Bác Học Light Legend of Zelda

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    My Lab in Megaman City
    Does someone have "bup be khong tinh yeu" French version ?
  20. Frog

    Frog Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Ah, so someone really enjoys it ...!! I know not much but maybe enough :D...
    So,err, was your name Hank William ??? I've listened to about 12 songs of them , well , they're all good ... But I only knows some titles of them : "Who'll stop the rain ???" , "Have you ever seen the rain??? ",and ... so on . There's a very rocky song(understand what I mean ???) that I can't hear anything in order to guess its name ... :(( .Can you let me know and give me its lyric too???Please,pretty please ...!!!

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