Musical Talk

Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Hank Williams, 23/12/03.

  1. Brad Pitt

    Brad Pitt Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    I only listened to:"Ao Anh Sut Chi Duong Ta" performed by Elvis Phuong and:"Ngay Xua Hoang Thi" by Le Hang.They are really good songs!Sentences such as:" Em tan truong ve, duong mua nho nho"...vvv.are very wonderful! About Asia 50, i think that you can purchase easily if you are living in USA! In VN,it was called :"phan dong" program!
  2. PhúcĐạtBích

    PhúcĐạtBích Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    My idol is Eminem. Does any1 here is his fan too?
  3. Yakumo

    Yakumo C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thủ Đức
    When I'm Gone,Clean out my closet<= 2 songs of E i lke most,but not a fan,he ues so much f*** words
    Have u ever heard a song names:Honest & Honesty?
  4. Aya!Love_

    Aya!Love_ T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hell if tell u ;))
    i have many song that i really love :X , and i just notice the main song of Daisy ( korea's movie) is very nice . If u ever watch this movie , im sure u'll love this . The movie worth ur money , the movie with full classical music and romantic screen ( it got some action screen too =P ) . Believe me , if u ever have chance too know Daisy's lyric and know the meaning of it , u'll fall in love with it =D
  5. judgeman

    judgeman Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đà Nẵng City
    I'm so sick of Vn music(now) it seem all of them are same(too sad,too bad) and i realize that Linkinpark is my life
  6. judgeman

    judgeman Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đà Nẵng City
    what do u think about "sao mai điem hen"? i think it's too bad(songs and singer)
    exemple:the dance&hiphop night.......
    it's not hiphop( the real hiphop is "remember the name" of FM )
  7. thatsatmatinh

    thatsatmatinh Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    VN's musics are just good in theme music, but the lyrics are too badddddddddd. Do you think I will faint if listen to the lyrics ? I will.
  8. Kidies

    Kidies Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đâu nhỉ :-/
    Just one thing: Double post can bring very,very bad result ^_^
    And about the VN music,I tottaly agree with you.Beside,they can' compose their own melody.So many songs use the Chinese or English songs'melody,and whenever,wherever I hear that,it makes me sick >.<
  9. thatsatmatinh

    thatsatmatinh Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Do you know "All Rise", a great song of Blue ? Then, someone wrote it in Vietnamese, and then, you can't hear that. The story of "All Rise" is about the jury, but they wrote into a boy find a missing girl, who is his girlfriend.
  10. Aya!Love_

    Aya!Love_ T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hell if tell u ;))

    So I sing a song
    To reel 'em in
    It's a song I sung before
    And a song I'm gonna sing again
    I mean every word
    I don't mean a single one of them
    Oh Lord
    Make me pure
    But not yet

    Tell a joke
    Tell it twice
    If no one else is laughing
    Then why am I
    I split my sides both times
    And laugh untill I crie
    Oh Lord
    Please, make me pure
    But not yet

    Don't have to try
    I just dial it in
    I've never found a job
    That for me was worth bothering
    I've got a ton of selfish genes
    And lazy bones beneath this skin
    Oh Lord
    Make me pure
    But not yet

    Smoking kills
    Sex sells
    I've got one hand in my pocket
    But the other one looks cool as hell
    I know I'm gonna die
    So my revenge is living well
    Oh Lord
    Make me pure
    But not yet

    I stopped praying
    So I hope this song will do
    I wrote it all for you
    I'm not perfect
    But you don't mind that, do you?
    I know you're there to pull me through
    Aren't you?

    So I look for love
    I like the search
    And I'll be standing for election
    All across the known Universe
    That every president
    Get the country she deserves
    Oh Lord
    Make me pure
    But not yet

    And I've been seeing
    Somebody's wife
    She said she'd leave him for me
    And I said that wasn't wise
    You can't lie to a liar
    Because of all the lies
    Oh Lord
    Please make me pure
    But not yet

    nothing special , i just like it , so i want to share with some1
    bad day.... bad dream...
  11. Light Knight

    Light Knight The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    I like music but I can't understand some part of song's lyrics
    example: lyric of Soledad
    Walking down the streets of Nothingville
    Where our love was young and free
    Can't believe just what an empty place
    It has come to be
    I would give my life away
    If it could only be the same
    Cause I can't still the voice inside of me
    That is calling out your name

    or lyric of Shape of my heart
    Baby, please try to forgive me
    Stay here don't put out the glow
    Hold me now don't bother
    If every minute it makes me weaker
    You can save me from the man that I've become

    Looking back on the things I've done
    I was trying to be someone
    Played my part, kept you in the dark
    Now let me show you the shape of my heart

    plz someone translate it for me, thx
    PS: em đang cần học TA nên có chỗ nào sai sót mong các pro sửa giúp
  12. Eros Virgo

    Eros Virgo Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Walking down the streets of Nothingville
    Where our love was young and free
    Can't believe just what an empty place
    It has come to be
    I would give my life away
    If it could only be the same
    Cause I can't still the voice inside of me
    That is calling out your name

    T_T sniff * * sniff T_T
    =D> =D> =D>
    thank ya, for reminfing me about the song, yup, i've almost forgotten these sweet and sad melodies.
    i'll translate this lyric by my own opinion:

    ...bước dọc theo những con đường của nothingville
    nơi mà tình yêu của chúng ta đã từng trẻ và tự do
    Anh chỉ không thể tin được rằng, giờ đây nó trống rỗng đến dường nào
    Anh chấp nhận từ bỏ đời mình, chỉ để thấy tình yêu chúng ta trở lại như những ngày xưa
    vì anh không thể đứng vững trước tiếng nói mãnh liệt trong anh
    đang gọi to tên em từng ngày...

    T_T hic

    Shape of my heart
    Baby, please try to forgive me
    Stay here don't put out the glow
    Hold me now don't bother
    If every minute it makes me weaker
    You can save me from the man that I've become

    Looking back on the things I've done
    I was trying to be someone
    Played my part, kept you in the dark
    Now let me show you the shape of my heart

    well, next one::D for my "kid"

    " nhóc nè , tha thứ cho anh đe mà
    hãy ở đây bên anh, đừng làm tắt đi ngọn lửa đam mê
    hãy ôm anh vào, đừng lo ngại gì
    nếu mỗi phút nó làm anh trở lên yếu hơn
    em có thể cứu anh thoát khỏi con người mà anh đã trở thành
    nhìn lại những sai lầm anh đã gây ra
    anh đã cố gắng để trở thành một ai đó khác
    đóng trọn vai của mình, cố giữ em trong bóng tối
    Giờ đây, hãy để anh cho em thấy hình dáng của trái tim...em..." =))

    chớ cho coi của anh thì anh chết mất thì sao :-"

    so that's it
    have fun, hey, don't know why but i've always thought that you just wanna test the others, rite ? if so, X( have a look at this thing: b-( ...
    if i'm wrong, well nevermind then. #>:)
  13. milky_blue

    milky_blue Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    tiệm chat
    anh khoa sings very vell.
    his rock was attracked almost people
  14. Hank Williams

    Hank Williams Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Teenage Wasteland
    He sang pretty well, but his voice seems to be a little ornidary. By the way, he should thank the band for their performance during the shows, in fact, he couldn't succeed without them.
  15. lemoney

    lemoney T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ...Sài Gòn...
    ...just watching ! Another VTV show is on the way a better competition one but be it after only 2 or 3 shows and only the comments from the board much impress me. Even though a great deal of praise music outset and whether media talking about it true or not, I find singers failed to please me and the feeling they left me nothing at all. Of course I can't judge untill they would be popular names across the country not just only a few VTV shows or a province like the way Tùng Dương, Thùy Linh, LHG...just known to be under VTV schedule or other stuffs concerned and nothing in here where I've been living. Given the length of time available and the speding power of the biggest broadcaster in Vietnam then their failure to beat "instant noodles" well-known singers is funny. Once again, I just question myself stupidly about the banner "Sao Mai Điểm Hẹn", what does it mean ?...
  16. Hank Williams

    Hank Williams Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Teenage Wasteland
    Maybe "Sao Mai Điểm Hẹn" means something new or a rendevouz for various new rising "stars" (?)
    I rarely watch this show, really rarely, but I can see the show getting better than it would. However, watching a group of "fans" "turning crazy" during the shows really makes me sick! I wonder how much they're paid for that??? Fool!
  17. Brad Pitt

    Brad Pitt Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    I rarely watch :' Sao Mai Điểm Hẹn" too. The only thing impressed me is listening to comments of Mỹ Linh! So Terrible! So foolish! So impolite! However, this is my opinion:p !
    Maybe, in few next years, we wil have chances to watch: " Sao Hôm Điểm Hẹn"::)
  18. leonscott

    leonscott Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    does she have right to comment the performance of new singers like that because she is a star ?
    i don't know the truth when i read newspaper , some of them report that she is so jealous and arrogant , but i don't think Mĩ Linh is that kind .
  19. boy_tocdo78

    boy_tocdo78 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    I like music,I like Simple Plan band
  20. leonscott

    leonscott Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    simple plan is a good band , but i like green day than simple plan , or thủy triều đỏ , it's a good viêtnamese rockband ,
    i love rock but i also love lam truong too :p
    or britney spear , it is a good choíce

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