Ngày về của Fallout 3 không còn xa nữa ...

Thảo luận trong 'Fallout' bắt đầu bởi hai phong, 20/4/07.

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  1. hai phong

    hai phong One-winged Angel Lão Làng GVN

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    -Tin mới từ web của Fallout 3 :

    Xài Fallout 3 : Van Buren bản Demo ( đa phần lỗi tất ) nhưng chất lượng cực tốt

    Cấu hình : 1,5 Ghz , 256 Ram , VGA 32

    Đã sài ! ăn hết 700 MB ( Khi download nguyên đai về chỉ có 241 MB , thế mới lạ chứ ! ) , cấu hình tương đối nhưng thuộc bản chơi thử gần đến 90% . Tạo hình nhân vật con trai hết trê nhưng con gái bị lột hết quần áo . Cách chơi theo kiểu Tatic có thể quay sát nhân vật 360 độ và quay tầm nhìn gần sát nhân vật vì hình nền 3D , vẫn chơi theo kiểu nhìn từ trên cao xuống vì hình ảnh trong game đẹp không còn bàn cãi nhưng ko thể save , lỗi xuất hiện nhiều nhât là khi trao đổi qua cac Menu . Có nhiều vũ khí mới , khi bắt đầu game có 1 tay cầm 6 nòng đi kèm , các mục chơi khác ko xài được chỉ có chay được New game . Giao diện trao đổi trong game xấu nhưng nhìn trung chơi game từ đầu đến cuối ko Save được là bó tay . Nhưng có một điểm lạ là vào game rất chậm so với phần khi bắt đầu chơi ....

    Website chính thức của Fallout 3 có link sau :
  2. hai phong

    hai phong One-winged Angel Lão Làng GVN

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    -Tin mới từ web của Fallout 3 :

    Chiến tranh vẫn tiếp diễn , sự hủy diệt vẫn nhiều ...

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  3. hai phong

    hai phong One-winged Angel Lão Làng GVN

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    -Tin mới từ web của Fallout 3 :

    Giống nhau đến bất ngờ từ chiến thuyền USS Oriskany trong Fallout ( Bản tin từ Box Fallout 3 ) :


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    -Tin mới từ web của Fallout 3 :

    Bethesda sử dụng hình tượng Fallout ( bằng hình thàng bé Vault Boy ) vào con tem . Như vậy thương hiệu về Fallout có thể đan xắp được sử dụng rông rãi hơn trong những ngày tới ...


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  4. hackimbao

    hackimbao Youtube Master Race

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    mừng wé,,,, nhưng đến bây giờ mà chỉ có trong box của fallout mới biết tin này thôi, sao thế giới game hay pc game ko có bài giới thiệu nhỉ, mấy game khác có bài giới thiệu chi tiết hơn cả năm lận đoá!
    game này hay wá mà sao ko nổi tiếng nhỉ!!!
  5. Microwage

    Microwage Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    fallout được đánh giá là loạt game huyền thoại mà bác kêu nó ko nổi tiếng ! pó tay bác =.=
  6. hai phong

    hai phong One-winged Angel Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Viet Nam
    -Tin mới từ web của Fallout 3 :

    Tổng số website fan về Fallout mà bên Bethesda thu gom được trên thế giới bao gồm ...

    Duck and Cover
    Fallout Hub
    Fallout 2 Wasteland merc mods
    Fallout 3: A Post Nuclear Blog
    Fallout 3 Survival Kit
    Fan made fallout
    No Mutants Allowed
    Fallout Forum @ Tommorowland
    The Radiated Society
    Shattered Destiny
    The Vault
    Wasted: A Post Apocalyptic Animated Comic Strip

    Brazilian Portuguese
    Vault of Broken Dreams

    Fallout Vault BG

    Vault 13

    Fallout Blog

    Vault Silene Brahminy (Vault of Mad Brahmin)

    Au Mutant Sanglant
    Fallout 3 Nucléar
    Nuclear Cleansing
    The Vault


    Fallout trilogia magyaritas
    Magyar Poszt-nuklearis Oldal

    Fallout Center
    Fallout Corner
    Fallout Modding Center
    Pustkowia (Wasteland)
    Sierra Army Depot
    Trzynasty Schron (Vault Thirteen)
    The Vault

    Fallout Encyclopaedia
    GraveDigger's Original Reseach
    Wasteland Chronicles


    Viet Nam
    Fallout VN ( ) Đã die

    Tùy ... nếu ai muốn hỏi về link xẽ nói sau ...

    Website chính thức của Fallout 3 có link sau :
  7. hackimbao

    hackimbao Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ThẾ NÀy CÓ PhẢi LÀ TiẾc Ko, !?
    Ko BiẾt Sau Nay Sao NhỈ!?
    Fan ChÚng Ta SẼ FẢi LÀm ZÌ ĐỂ ChỨng TỎ LÒng HÂm MỘ CỦa MÌnh Cho MẤy ThẮng Cha SẢn XuẤt Fallout BiẾt ĐỂ MẤy ChẢ LÀm TiẾp Fallout 4,5,6..........10000000006, HÍc, MƠ ThÔi CŨng Ko ThẤy NỮa ChỨ ĐỪng NÓi GÌ Khi TỈnh!
  8. shadow_judge

    shadow_judge The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

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    Pipboy, pipboy chứ không phải vault boy nào đâu bác ạ....

    Hơ hơ cả thế giới.. à không, hơi phóng đại, thì 1/3 thế giới nín thở chờ ngày Bethsoft tung ra teaser mà lại... cứ đợi đến hôm ấy (18 ngày kể từ bài post này) xem các trang web game như Gamespot, Gamespy, IGN có gì lạ không nhé?

    Về chuyện báo game VN và ủng hộ Fallout:

    Ghé qua topic này ủng hộ cái. Bài viết khoai quá....
    Chắc khi ra teaser thì báo VN phải ầm ĩ lên thôi, game huyền thoại này mà làm ngơ thì khó lắm. Căn bản Fallout có mấy cái hơi "tế nhị", như prostitude, ... (xin ko đc viết ra), ultra-violent... mà mấy cái đấy lại là nền tảng của Fallout nữa chứ....
  9. Fly

    Fly C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    Chẳng qua là những người chơi fallout cũ giờ này cũng ngoài 20 cả rồi :D. Mà mấy báo VN thì toàn nhắm vào lớp trẻ với game online và .. audition =)). Cứ ra đi xem có ầm ĩ ko ;)).
  10. mbflgizt

    mbflgizt Youtube Master Race

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    Hồi đó tui biết đến Fallout 2 là lúc đang học lớp 10!!!Giờ tốt nghiệp đại học... muốn lấy vợ rồi mà vẫn đợi Faullout 3!!!Tưởng die luôn rùi chứ!!Ai dè có ánh sáng cuối đường hầm---> có động lực để chờ!!!hehehe
  11. [Rest In Peace] Panzerklein

    [Rest In Peace] Panzerklein 16 July 2021

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    Bây giờ giới trẻ chỉ thích mấy game online hay đồ họa đỉnh như Far Cry, Fear hay Crisis thoai, không quan tâm mấy tới cốt truyện hay đâu ;)) .
  12. hai phong

    hai phong One-winged Angel Lão Làng GVN

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    Ôi giờ thì hay giở gì ! sau 9 năm trờ đợi cho phần thứ 3 này là đủ rồi . Không cần thác mắc chi đâu ...
  13. Smartman118

    Smartman118 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    đúng vậy sau gần 9 năm chờ đợi cuối cùng cũng có chút hy vọng. Thời gian dài nhưng niềm vui thích fallout không bao giờ thay đổi và mình nghĩ cũng có nhiều người giống mình...
  14. Sarevok

    Sarevok T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cùng chung sở thích bệnh hoạn với mình rồi :)). Đợi dài cả cổ...
  15. Cassidy

    Cassidy Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Vault 13 City...
    Hờ giờ bọn trẻ con chỉ thích đâm đầu vào mấy cái game đơn giản thiếu suy nghĩ , những game trí tuệ như vầy bảo sao không thích chơi ...còn 13 ngày nữa thôi lâu quá
  16. shadow_judge

    shadow_judge The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

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    Lần đầu thấy Fallout trên nhà ông anh họ (phần 1), cũng là lần đầu thấy máy tính. Chắc hồi ấy khoảng lớp 2 - 3 gì đấy. Ấn tượng đầu tiên là "trông quái quái, sợ sợ thế nào ấy" - trẻ con mà , trông cái thế giới ấy thì... sau đó thấy cảnh úynh nhau, máu me => hay đấy; lúc ngắm có cả vị trí "groin" => kì quá.

    Lần đầu tự chơi Fallout là năm lớp 8 hay 9 gì đấy (khoảng hè lớp 8 hay sao). CHỉ chơi phần 2 vì phần 1 đĩa đã hỏng. May mà có hướng dẫn trên GVN nên mới rút đc thời gian chơi + làm quen xuống còn gọn 3 tháng (có sự giúp đỡ của ông anh họ). Giờ thì đang đầu độc mấy thằng bạn, bọn nó khoái phết! CÒn bây giờ thì lớp 10.. chưa đủ tuổi chình thức chơi Fallout :D!

    Đã ai thử chơi nhân vật kiểu thú hoang chưa nhỉ? - tức là để 2 chỉ số IN và CH là 2 (có trait là gifted). Nghe thằng n/v chính mình nói chuyện hài vãi ạ! Lúc gặp thằng ngu như mình (thằng Torr ở Klamath) hai ông ngu như nhau, nói chuyện nghe hài cực (đến nỗi phải có phiên dịch mở ngoặc bên cạnh). Nhưng lúc đấm nhau thì hết hài!
  17. [Rest In Peace] Panzerklein

    [Rest In Peace] Panzerklein 16 July 2021

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    Tui cũng thử đầu độc thằng bạn nhưng không được, nó bảo hình gì xấu quắc, không chơi, nó chỉ thích đồ họa đẹp nó mới chơi =)).
    Hy vọng Fallout 3 có nhiều vũ khí và giáp hơn :D
  18. hai phong

    hai phong One-winged Angel Lão Làng GVN

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    -Tin mới từ web của Fallout 3 :

    Những người anh em , sự chiến thắng của hộ với những binh đoàn rô bốt ...

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  19. hai phong

    hai phong One-winged Angel Lão Làng GVN

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    -Tin mới từ web của Fallout 3 :

    Fallout 3 những cái nhất từ sự đánh giá ...
    While Black Isle is probably best known for their work on the Baldur's Gate series and Planescape: Torment, they made a name for themselves by spurning a tabletop legend, introducing a game by shooting a man in the head and dropping Douglas Adams references into a nuclear wasteland. In its genesis, Fallout was a Biblical affair, grim, humorless and rooted in the tabletop RPG ephemera of the '80s. Out of this chaotic beginning, Black Isle created a gritty, tongue-in-cheek adventure that irrevocably changed the way we look at the End of Times. The series has recently found new life at Bethesda Softworks and a new generation of gamers raised on Halo and Knights of the Old Republic are soon to experience their first taste of Fallout's irradiated, hilarious world.

    The original Fallout was supposed to be a completely different game. The developers had originally enlisted the help of Steve Jackson, whose tabletop rule system, Generic Universal Roleplaying System (GURPS), was to be the framework for their post-apocalyptic adventure.

    Black Isle was hoping to get Jackson's stamp of approval in order to drum up sales. However, Jackson pulled his support for Fallout after viewing the opening scene, which he found too violent. As a result, Black Isle was forced to go it alone, creating their own rule system, "SPECIAL ."

    Their straightforward design hung all character actions on a series of simple attributes and skills, and nearly matched the degree of flexibility seen in Jackson's GURPS. This open-minded outlook extended to the gameplay and story, as well. The "do what you want" sandbox concept made famous by Grand Theft Auto and The Elder Scrolls series was still something of a rarity in 1997. (For instance, Fallout's competition that year was the on-rails Japanese RPG Final Fantasy VII.) By empowering players, the Black Isle developers made the game world's drama and emotion more poignant. The dystopian imagery and black humor laced throughout the game drew the player in, making him a party to a joke that was one-third funny and two-thirds horrifying. In short: it worked.

    Wasteland Revisted
    Fallout 2 was even more robust. The pre-existing engine allowed the designers more time to develop the second title's story, and as a result, Fallout 2's dark humor was sharp enough to cut glass. In the original game, players were charged with
    finding a rare "water chip", a piece of high-tech doodadery without which the player's family and friends in "the vault," an air-tight fallout shelter, might perish. The resulting quest is epic in scope, and finding the water chip begins to feel akin to searching for the Holy Grail. In the sequel, while searching through another fallout shelter, the protagonist stumbles upon boxes and boxes of water chips ... all lying around for the taking. Later in the game, the protagonist has the option to enter a portal that leads to the past. There the hero finds himself in an isolated area of the original Fallout's shelter. As he moves around in the enclosed space, the hero enters an incorrect command into a console. The system informs him
    that, indeed, he has broken the shelter's only remaining water chip. You gotta love a game design based on nihilism.

    The series is a testament to a type of game we don't see much of in a console-focused, MMOG-obsessed industry. Literate, effortlessly funny, sprinkled with social commentary and very, very dark, the two Fallouts became cult classics, and a rabid fanbase demanded follow-ups, and indeed a third installment was planned - and abandoned. More than 10 years after Fallout debuted, Fallout 3 is still nowhere to be found .

    Interplay, desperate for cash near the turn of the century, pimped out the license for the Fallout series to developer Micro Forté , who released the poorly-received Fallout Tactics in 2001. Two years later, in further cost-cutting measures, Black Isle studios closed up shop and a month later, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel debuted - for consoles only. Fans of the series considered it an abomination. It abandoned the satire that made the world so charming and even featured the Bawls Guarana energy drink as an in-game
    advertising tie-in. The apocalypse had fallen on hard times.

    Interplay announced they are working on a massively multiplayer version of Fallout. Aware that the company was deep in debt to a wide array of business partners, Fallout's fanbase despaired further. Would a half-assed MMOG further disenchant RPG players who had already endured Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel? Had the apocalypse finally turned grim - for good? Apparently not.

    Thankfully, those missteps around the turn of the century didn't kill Fallout for good. Roughly six months after Black Isle closed, hope arrived from the East, in the form of RPG juggernaut, Bethesda Softworks. In July of 2004, the makers of the best-selling Elder Scrolls series announced they had licensed the IP from Interplay to create a third sequel to the original game. While fans still hope to see the inside of the Vaults again, Bethesda has had little to say about the game since the original announcement, working in silence, polishing Oblivion, and quietly moving on to perfect their own vision of Fallout's wasteland.

    Apocalypse When?
    As the games themselves have proven, there's always some reason to hope. Early last month, Bethesda Softworks surprised fans by purchasing the Fallout IP from Interplay outright. Even more gratifying, the sale came with stipulations: The Fallout MMOG is still under development, but now Interplay is the one licensing from Bethesda. Bethesda has also set u

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    -Tin mới từ web của Fallout 3 :

    Fallout 3 những cái nhất từ sự đánh giá ... :hug:
    While Black Isle is probably best known for their work on the Baldur's Gate series and Planescape: Torment, they made a name for themselves by spurning a tabletop legend, introducing a game by shooting a man in the head and dropping Douglas Adams references into a nuclear wasteland. In its genesis, Fallout was a Biblical affair, grim, humorless and rooted in the tabletop RPG ephemera of the '80s. Out of this chaotic beginning, Black Isle created a gritty, tongue-in-cheek adventure that irrevocably changed the way we look at the End of Times. The series has recently found new life at Bethesda Softworks and a new generation of gamers raised on Halo and Knights of the Old Republic are soon to experience their first taste of Fallout's irradiated, hilarious world.

    The original Fallout was supposed to be a completely different game. The developers had originally enlisted the help of Steve Jackson, whose tabletop rule system, Generic Universal Roleplaying System (GURPS), was to be the framework for their post-apocalyptic adventure.

    Black Isle was hoping to get Jackson's stamp of approval in order to drum up sales. However, Jackson pulled his support for Fallout after viewing the opening scene, which he found too violent. As a result, Black Isle was forced to go it alone, creating their own rule system, "SPECIAL ."

    Their straightforward design hung all character actions on a series of simple attributes and skills, and nearly matched the degree of flexibility seen in Jackson's GURPS. This open-minded outlook extended to the gameplay and story, as well. The "do what you want" sandbox concept made famous by Grand Theft Auto and The Elder Scrolls series was still something of a rarity in 1997. (For instance, Fallout's competition that year was the on-rails Japanese RPG Final Fantasy VII.) By empowering players, the Black Isle developers made the game world's drama and emotion more poignant. The dystopian imagery and black humor laced throughout the game drew the player in, making him a party to a joke that was one-third funny and two-thirds horrifying. In short: it worked.

    Wasteland Revisted
    Fallout 2 was even more robust. The pre-existing engine allowed the designers more time to develop the second title's story, and as a result, Fallout 2's dark humor was sharp enough to cut glass. In the original game, players were charged with
    finding a rare "water chip", a piece of high-tech doodadery without which the player's family and friends in "the vault," an air-tight fallout shelter, might perish. The resulting quest is epic in scope, and finding the water chip begins to feel akin to searching for the Holy Grail. In the sequel, while searching through another fallout shelter, the protagonist stumbles upon boxes and boxes of water chips ... all lying around for the taking. Later in the game, the protagonist has the option to enter a portal that leads to the past. There the hero finds himself in an isolated area of the original Fallout's shelter. As he moves around in the enclosed space, the hero enters an incorrect command into a console. The system informs him
    that, indeed, he has broken the shelter's only remaining water chip. You gotta love a game design based on nihilism.

    The series is a testament to a type of game we don't see much of in a console-focused, MMOG-obsessed industry. Literate, effortlessly funny, sprinkled with social commentary and very, very dark, the two Fallouts became cult classics, and a rabid fanbase demanded follow-ups, and indeed a third installment was planned - and abandoned. More than 10 years after Fallout debuted, Fallout 3 is still nowhere to be found .

    Interplay, desperate for cash near the turn of the century, pimped out the license for the Fallout series to developer Micro Forté , who released the poorly-received Fallout Tactics in 2001. Two years later, in further cost-cutting measures, Black Isle studios closed up shop and a month later, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel debuted - for consoles only. Fans of the series considered it an abomination. It abandoned the satire that made the world so charming and even featured the Bawls Guarana energy drink as an in-game
    advertising tie-in. The apocalypse had fallen on hard times.

    Interplay announced they are working on a massively multiplayer version of Fallout. Aware that the company was deep in debt to a wide array of business partners, Fallout's fanbase despaired further. Would a half-assed MMOG further disenchant RPG players who had already endured Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel? Had the apocalypse finally turned grim - for good? Apparently not.

    Thankfully, those missteps around the turn of the century didn't kill Fallout for good. Roughly six months after Black Isle closed, hope arrived from the East, in the form of RPG juggernaut, Bethesda Softworks. In July of 2004, the makers of the best-selling Elder Scrolls series announced they had licensed the IP from Interplay to create a third sequel to the original game. While fans still hope to see the inside of the Vaults again, Bethesda has had little to say about the game since the original announcement, working in silence, polishing Oblivion, and quietly moving on to perfect their own vision of Fallout's wasteland.

    Apocalypse When?
    As the games themselves have proven, there's always some reason to hope. Early last month, Bethesda Softworks surprised fans by purchasing the Fallout IP from Interplay outright. Even more gratifying, the sale came with stipulations: The Fallout MMOG is still under development, but now Interplay is the one licensing from Bethesda. Bethesda has also set u

    ĐIểm giống nhau đến bất ngờ trong Fallout 3 dành cho những ai cực kỳ tinh mắt :o


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  20. hai phong

    hai phong One-winged Angel Lão Làng GVN

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    Viet Nam
    -Tin mới từ web của Fallout 3 :

    Bethesda Softworks công nhận Fallout 3 là thành viên chính thức trong thời gian phát triển cho cuối năm nay ...


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