Ngựa C chém VS lạc đà???

Thảo luận trong 'AOE: Rise Of Rome' bắt đầu bởi snowlion, 16/6/04.

  1. tran hien

    tran hien T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    nếu cùng số lượng thì chắc c thắng rùi còn gì bàn đâu :)) còn nếu cùng tài nguyên thì l thắng vì mua được nhiều hơn :)) :))
  2. Kiều_Phong

    Kiều_Phong Guest

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    Đời có nhiều việc phải làm hơn là trở thành Top10 của một trò chơi. AoE thì hay nhưng chơi nhiều qúa sẽ không biết được nhiều cái hay hơn, đấy cũng là 1 thiệt thòi; và đấy cũng là lý do mà Kiều Phong tôi không bao giờ trở thành đệ nhất cao thủ trong thiên hạ. Tôi chơi sau mọi người rất nhiều (Từ 6/2002)và cũng chỉ chơi cho vui thôi, nhưng mà ai đó mà hoà được với tôi thì cũng hết hơi.

    Top10 2002 thì tôi cũng mới chỉ giao thủ khá nhiều với khoảng 8 người vì một số người đã không còn chơi nữa.

    10 người này cũng chỉ là sau năm 2000 thôi. Gửi các anh em một bài viết này nhé. Chịu khó tra từ điển mà đọc:

    The Top Ten in 2002

    1 Water_1_God
    2 Dakotou
    3 RFR_Gold
    4 Http_Cosmic
    5 maimin_matty
    6 VC_Vinhngo
    7 POA_Chromage
    8 hill_berries
    9 Http_Merlin
    10 UnbrokeN

    History of AoE
    Posted on Wed 23 Jun 2004 (100 reads)
    History of AoE... as I remember it...and even more.

    The beginning days of AoE were long and drawn out. Games were unpredictable because there were as many strategies as players. There were what some called, teams from day one, but only by friendship or acquaintance were they held together because there were no known players. One would think with everyone starting on the same level that making a name for yourself at this time would be easy, but the contrary proved true to many. What happened is there were many different groups who played with one another or played completely random. One may know 20-25 players ranging from poor to as good as you can expect. However, to the satisfaction of many who will read this, one of the first big names I remember is Matty.
    Today in RoR games rarely last 30 minutes due to rushing or fast booming and quick conquest. In the first few months of AoE's existence a lot of games lasted less than 30 minutes due to somebody dropping, which happened to be very common due to the number of poor ISP's and slow modems as well as the number of outdated computers that were barely meeting requirements. If you were fortunate enough to keep all of the players in the game and persist through the incessant lag then the game would likely last more than an hour and a half.
    Another interesting thing about AoE's beginning on the zone is the separation of the RM and DM players. I personally always played RM and very little DM. My reasoning was DM was too fast for me. I actually looked at DM players as superior players. Fact is most of the better players were both RM and DM players. One of the first teams to dominate Cases ladder was a team simply called DM. They're actually the people that shortened the words death match and random map to DM and RM. After RM players flooded out DM the team broke up and reformed a RM team. The team ended up letting go of some diehard DM players and recruiting some new RM players. All of the members on this team DM were named after different things you would find on a Monopoly board.
    The new RM team they created was named The Ninth Legion, better known as IX. It had dominant players such as _IX_Meridea, _IX_Freepark, _IX_ParkPlace, _IX_Go2Jail, and new members for RM purposes like _IX_Snyder and _IX_Zoooop. Snyder and Zoooop ended up making big names for themselves. Snyder became adam_snyder, and started a team I'll talk about later by the name of Warlords as well as being on teams such as School, OoC, and 420; as well as many others I'm sure I don't know of. Zoooop may be better known to most as United_States and being the founder of the team United. Zoooop was also referred to often as a giant pain in the keester. He may be compared nowadays to players such as Goldy, Puma and Hill. He was cocky but a great player. Some accredit Zoooop for the first effective scout rusher.
    Competition began to rise as more as more people signed onto Cases Ladder. Singles ladder was a must in order to be in team ladder and to get into team ladder you had to have a name and record to support your desperate requests to be on a team. I think that team ladder and singles ladder went hand in hand for most players. I know that the best teams naturally had players that were in the top 100, and the competition was quite large. I remember at one time I accidentally started printing a list of all the players in ladder, thinking that I was only printing out the top 50. After canceling the print I scrolled to see just how many I would have printed out; I was amazed to find more than 9000 players signed up for Cases. These were 9000 active players, because if you weren't active then cases removed you...unless you got a gold membership, which is one of the best 8 dollar purchases I ever made in gaming.
    About a year in strategies began, teams began to dominate in cases and the Koreans began to make a name for themselves. There were two untouchable teams that always stood at #1 and #2. They were Koven and Jutso. Koven and Jutso were, as far as I know, all Korean teams (with exception of one player). Koven usually sat at #1, but ask anybody that played at that time and they'll tell you that Jutso was the better team...and the record they had proved it. Out of some 200 games they lost less than 10!
    A guy named Ikaruss_II ruled Koven. Now, I don't know whatever happened to Ikaruss, but I do know this; I beat him one time and only once. He held the #1 spot for over a year straight! At that time there was nobody that could touch him. Most of the players that were on Koven I have forgotten because of either my bad memory or the peculiar names Koreans have. As memory serves _Dustyn, the only non-Korean, DVT_Cool and Jazper were on Koven. Other than the four I have named I can remember no more. DVT_Cool was a hard hitter who came at you with Shang. I give credit to him as being the first Shanger, and this was pre-RoR days. I remember Jazper being a tough player who never made into the top 10 in singles, and Dustyn always fighting me for top 10 spot.
    As far as Jutso goes I am ashamed to say I only remember two players names. Jutso_Bromion, who doesn't need me to speak for him, his legend goes before him, and Jutso_Wife, who was always tough as nails. From the Jutso "family" I only remember Bromion playing in singles, other than him they played as a team.
    The #3 spot in Cases usually belonged to us, Apocalypse. I remember all of our players. Our Captain Apoc_Disease, Apoc_Rematch_123, Apoc_Gucci, Apoc_DeAnza Apoc_NoOne, Apoc_Brainysmurf, Apoc_Puff and Apoc_Jaume, well as myself. Those were our consistent players; others had come and gone. Apocalypse could never consistently hold #1 or #2 spot, but we were normally not far behind. We ruled the singles ladder never having less than 3 of our players in top 10. There was a point in time where Disease was #1, Rematch_123 was number 2 and I was number 3. Guys by the name of Iketh and DeAnza, both Apocs, eventually broke up Apocalypse. He took some of our players and formed a team by the name of Praetors...the Praetors ended up ruling the zone when the ladder went down and zone ratings came out. I was bitter at the Praetors, but they ended up doing more help to the game then harm.
    There were other teams that were consistently contending. You had Esca; a team made up of all UCLA students. They were great players but had an advantage of playing with computers next to each other. I will give a list of the players I remember from each team I mention at the bottom of the page.
    Another team that sticks out to me is Warlords. Warlords were started by _IX_Snyder apart from IX's knowledge. His reasons were legit, his team wasn't playing enough therefore contending, and Snyder wanted to see if he could make a great team. Indeed, he did. There are only 4 players that stick out in my mind from Warlords...but those 4 players were dominant. First there was Snyder, who was one of the first Assy players. His strategy was almost the same every game. 18 peasants, 7 wood the rest on food. Tool, build two ranges by somebody, build two bowmen, bronze, send in bowmen to slow down other player and perhaps cause them to build a tool army, then come in with the ca's.
    As you can see by the tactics, booming wasn't a popular theme yet. It was Jutso and Koven that mastered that strategy. However there were two other players that were on the ball for booming, both were on Warlords. First ObsidianBlue, Obsidian was a dominant player with any civ and usually picked a Hittite or a good bronze civ to wall in and boom. His normal teammate, an unknown player until Snyder recruited him after watching him loose in a tryout game went by the name of Clan_Leo. If Zoooop invented the scout rush Clan_Leo mastered it. He would often scout rush both of the other players (2v2 was the standard in cases ladder) while Obsidian boomed and finished the job. There was a time that the two of them won 40+ games in a row. After Cases fell and the ratings came out only two of these players continued to play for a little while. Snyder and Leo...otherwise known as _Paranoia_.
    You might ask who Clan_Leo lost to in tryouts. Clan_Leo lost to a guy that went by the name of LordWolf1. There are few players I respect as much as Leo, he's now a personal friend that I've met up with and a guy that I've never beaten. I hold to this day that when he played at the top if his game there wasn't one person who he couldn't consistently beat...that includes Matty, Ikaruss, Sheriff, Bromion etc. He could take them all...all but 1. To this day Leo will tell you that the best player he ever played against or with went by the name of LordWolf1. LordWolf1 played for Wardlords for a few months. Warlords climbed up the rankings and were about to move into the impenetrable top 10 when the rating system came out. LordWolf1 was never heard of again.
    Death of the Ladder
    There were a few faithful that continued to play the ladder and protested against playing for the ranking system the zone had just put out. Many were against it because it discouraged teams due to the lack or team rankings. It also allowed players to have multiple names and build up their rankings by simply having somebody intentionally loose to them with an invaluable name. However there were two defining points that ended up converting all Ladder Patriots to the new zone ranking system after a long fought battle. 1 was the problem of the bugs.
    First was the wood and stone bug. Since most games still lagged at this time a few players somehow found out that you could build a building and press cancel multiple times and as many times as you could press it before the building actually physically destroyed was multiplied by the amount the building would give you back. For instance, I could build a house at the beginning and then cancel the house, but while canceling press the button 10 times before the building actually collapsed. The computer would then read that as me canceling 10 houses instead of 1 thus giving me 280 wood instead of 28. (Or whatever the numbers would be)
    The other was the bug was the farm-bug. If I remember correctly you would select all of your farms that were running low, (simply hold shift while clicking on each one) then you would click on a farmer that was farming and press "stop". After he stopped all of the farms would miraculously refill. Don't ask me how someone figured this out, but if you go get your original AoE disk and throw it in without the patch installed you can try it for yourself.
    The ZRS (Zone Rating System) seemed to take care of this by issuing the patch and then reading it in the game room. If you did not have the patch you couldn't play. There was also the problem of drops and how to deal with them; ZRS had an answer of incomplete games. Ultimately the numbers constituted where players would play and for one reason or another the players chose ZRS. In the summer of 98 cases was by all means done. Today only the gold members' stand. If you would like to check out some old games and some old names go to . Then go to standings and then Display all active players. From there you can click on any players "G" and see all the games they played since their gold membership. There are a lot of fun names to see. Krad, Methos, The_Sheriff, ATSQ, Celestial_Dawn, Xerxes, Vlad_the_Impaler, Bound4Glory, Allendrengen, Staffa, Redwyn, Helegator, L_uciefe_R, Out4Blood, questar, Cruelty, Helicon, Sugeren, Menelaus, Thanos, pmp_cheese, gecko, aaiioo, esca_buffy, esca_bttleangel, 7up, Herbilizer, and many more.
    As I said, I had a bitterness toward Praetor. I blamed them for breaking up Apocalypse and for getting everyone to go to rated. However, Praetor did a lot of good for the game and changed it to what it is today. First they had most of the great players going into ZRS. Krad, Methos, Sheriff, DeAnza, Iketh, ATSQ, Staffa, Helegator, Helicon, Clan_Leo, Cruelty, and Sugeren were among those that were acquainted with Praetors. They were very dominant and played together a lot. However, this only made them better.
    Praetors basically standardized maps unlike the days of Ladder where players argued before the game on what kind of settings they would play by. Praetors also started the first major website for the elite players; they had strategies and a forum board up for people to share tactics and trash mouth all at the same time.
    If I were to write everything that went on in the "Old School" days that have gone through my mind while writing this then you'd all be more sick of this than you already are. I'll leave you with what I've written...mainly because I can't put pieces together after this, and because I'm sick of writing. :)
    I stopped playing consistently once war was released. Once in a while I'd get an old school friend wanting me to be on their clan or to smurf with them. That's about my extent of RoR until this couple of months. I'm happy to say that I'm done with the game and never plan to play again.
    Remember that I wrote all of this off the top of my head and this stuff happened a long time ago, my memory fails me in many places I'm sure...please be kind in criticism...or hell.... Criticize all you want. Just know that I tried to be as accurate as possible.

  3. Sphinx_2488

    Sphinx_2488 The Warrior of Light

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    Broa - GMS
    sao toàn tiếng anh thế , chỉ đọc được 1 số thôi bác nào là trùm sò english dịch sơ sơ cho anh em cai..... như bài luận tiếng anh thế này thì ...... :((
  4. kingofgamefox

    kingofgamefox Dragon Quest

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    chịu chả hiểu nó nói cái gì cả , giờ mà ngồi tra mấy cái này thì chết mất , có ai nhảy ra dịch một chút , hay tác giả bài nay dịch luôn đi cho tiện
  5. whitedragon1088

    whitedragon1088 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chắc bác kiều phong ko biết dịch nên mang đến đây đúng ko
    hahhahhaaa mà cái top mười đó là của thế giới hay của VN
    mà bác đấu với họ thì thắng hay thua
    hay lại thua bét nhè thì nói làm gì
  6. tran hien

    tran hien T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    đọc được nhưng chả hiểu gì cả hehêhhhehehehhehe thôi ông nào biết dịch thì post luôn lên cho anh em đỡ mỏi mắt nhé :)) :)) :))
  7. longcodon***

    longcodon*** Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hâhhhhahhâhhhaa dung la may con ga`
    cai do thi co troi moi bietma dich
    no co qua nhieu nghia nen chac rang chung ta se hieu sai nhieu do''
    tot nhat al tac gia hay dich ra di
    hay tac gia cung al ga not chi biet pót o dau do ve roi bat anh em dich thi teo``````
  8. tran hien

    tran hien T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cha longcodon*** này không biết gõ tiếng việt hay sao ý nhỉ bà con :)) :)) :)) mà ông bảo ai là mấy con gà vậy cho địa chỉ anh em trong box giao lưu đê :)) :)) :))
  9. tran hien

    tran hien T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cha longcodon*** này không biết gõ tiếng việt hay sao ý nhỉ bà con :)) :)) :)) mà ông bảo ai là mấy con gà vậy cho địa chỉ anh em trong box giao lưu đê :)) :)) :))
  10. Kiều_Phong

    Kiều_Phong Guest

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    Một nguyên nhân khiến trình độ của chúng ta quá lạc hậu so với thế giới là do các bạn lười quá. Tôi hiểu nội dung của bài viết này và thấy nó là một bài viết hay nên mới post lên cho mọi người cùng tham khảo và mở mang kiến thức. Tuy nhiên hiện tại tôi không có thời gian để làm công việc dịch thuật.

    Ngoài ra cơm đã bưng đến tận miệng rồi thì các bạn cũng cố mà làm nốt công việc đơn giản cuối cùng là đớp đi. Trên mạng còn rất nhiều bài về chiến thuật do các đệ nhất cao thủ tổng kết lại, nếu các bạn đọc và hiểu được sẽ thấy nhiều chiến thuật hay hơn nhiều (chồng cánh, tấn công tổng lực, đánh Scout.....) chứ không chỉ là kỹ năng lên đời nhanh (cái này chỉ là ABC).

    Nếu có được kỹ năng nhận biết thông tin tốt, các bạn sẽ có rất nhiều thuận lợi khác trong cuộc sống đấy !!!
  11. Kiều_Phong

    Kiều_Phong Guest

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    Danh sách Top 10 gamers 2002 do các gamer trên Gaming Zone bầu ra. Trên toàn thế giới thì Gaming Zone là sân chơi tiêu chuẩn (cùng với các giải đấu chính thức do microsoft tổ chức hay WCG)

    matty_maiming là gamer huyền thoại số 1 của AoE;AoC;AoK. Tên của gamer này đã được đặt cho 1 rated_room (room tính điểm) của Zone.; Các gamer người Việt chiếm các vị trí thứ 1,4,6

    Bài viết bên dưới điểm qua lịch sử phát triển của AoE (từ 1997), các cao thủ (đánh đơn và đánh đội), các clan từng thống trị bảng xếp hạng trong nhiều tháng và các chiến thuật được sử dụng qua những giai đoạn phát triển khác nhau. Tác giả bài viết là một cao thủ từng đứng đầu bảng xếp hạng trong nhiều tuần.

    (Trong nhiều năm trước đây, luôn đồng thời có hàng chục ngàn gamer chơi AoE online, hệ thống tính điểm tự động tương tự như của Yahoo Pool cho phép liên tục cập nhật danh sách của các gamer, team hàng đầu trên Zone)

    Chơi AoE mà không biết về điều này giống như chỉ được xem bóng đá nhi đồng trong nước mà không biết Arsenal, Real, AC Milan là những thằng nào; hay suốt ngày đá gôn tôm xếp gạch 50K/goal mà cứ tự cho mình là giỏi nhất thế giới. Phủi rút cục vẫn là phủi thôi. >:d< :hug: :hug:
  12. bluerose1

    bluerose1 |Cực Kì Xinh Đẹp|Lina|

    Tham gia ngày:
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    thành phố TN
    Chà chà.tui cũng rất hay đánh zone nhưng chẳng để ý đến mấy cái tên tuổi này.
    Nếu lên zone gặp những thằng có tên Punic_(tên của nó) thì các bác phải cẩn thận vì tui thấy thằng nào có tên như này đánh cũng đều hay cả.
  13. Kiều_Phong

    Kiều_Phong Guest

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    Punic_ Clan thì có đến 90% là hàng lởm. Ngoài ra hầu như chỉ đánh có mỗi Korean Setts thôi nên trên Zone hầu như không được xếp hạng.

    Đối với Korean Setts thì cũng chỉ có mỗi thằng Punic_Nirvana (leader của Punic_) là được đứng vào hàng tàm tạm thôi; còn những thằng khác thì vớ vẩn, chỉ bắt nạt được mấy ông mới tập chơi. Bọn này được cái là học tập rất bài bản cách lên đời nhanh và chuẩn + bo tường kín; mà những cái này thì mới chỉ là điều kiện cơ bản.

    Nói chung Punic_ chỉ là một clan hạng Serie C thôi. Nirvana nếu thi đấu ở các Setts khác thì trình độ còn dưới trung bình. Còn ở K setts thì cũng còn phải kém 10-15 người nữa. Unbroken hay Hill Berries có trình độ cao hơn rất nhiều.
  14. Mimimog

    Mimimog Youtube Master Race

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    he he he lạc đà chỉ có lợi thế đánh ngựa thui chứ gặp quân đi bộ thì chỉ có nước té cho nhanh ha ha ha
    nói chung trong các quân thì lính nhà BY là mạnh nhất 1 vs 1 thì vô địch(khoái loại này nhât + thích quân Greek)
  15. ca com

    ca com Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chân cầu Thăng Long
    week đấu với Mac ko,chấp luôn,Mac 0+5 giáp đồng là đỉnh nhất,week chỉ dc cái đi nhanh ko à
  16. bluerose1

    bluerose1 |Cực Kì Xinh Đẹp|Lina|

    Tham gia ngày:
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    thành phố TN
    week là quân gì thế? em chẳng biết nó là quân gì cả???? cao thủ đế chế chỉ cho em biết quân week:D là quân gì thế ???
  17. Sphinx_2488

    Sphinx_2488 The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Broa - GMS
    hắc là hắn nói về xiên greek ấy muh , he he nghe ngộ vãi lúa , ah góp ý luôn với cậu cacom , cậu bỏ cái chữ ký ấy đi , tui thấy nó không được đẹp lắm đâu lại hơi quá khổ nữa , anh em có tấn thành thì bỏ phiếu nào !!!
  18. RichterRosenheim

    RichterRosenheim Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Tuy Centurion của Macedonia mạnh hơn thật vì Greek không có Metalurgy(+3 attack ấy mà),nhưng cái +2 giáp chống tên của Mac thì có giá trị gì trong đấu hai con Centurion thế.
  19. bluerose1

    bluerose1 |Cực Kì Xinh Đẹp|Lina|

    Tham gia ngày:
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    thành phố TN
    2 cái giáp chống tên không có giá trị khi chọc nhau với BY nhưng mà nếu đánh nhau với cung A hoặc là Chariot thì nó vô địch kekeke
  20. GIUN ĐẤT

    GIUN ĐẤT Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    theo tôi thì yamoto thắng là cái chắc vì khi lên đời 3 phu per không có bánh xe rõ là lì,quân nó mà chân phu thì chi có mà tèo,C yamoto nếu nâng cấp 8+4,0+4 thì có thể đánh ngang với lạc đà 6+2,0+2 với lại c yamoto cực rẻ lấy thịt đè người 2 quây 1 thì bố lạc đà cũng thua .đanh yamoto 27 phu thì lên đời cực phê xây 3 nhà L mà xuất C thì sướng phải biết.Nếu nhà ngèo mà lên đời chậm thì đẻ xiên với lại phù thuỷ ra mà chơi thích cực vì per không có phù thuỷ mà.nếu chọn quân thì tôi chọn yamoto bác nào đánh hay thì thử với tôi không cho bá chon pẻ đấy thử xem có lai được không.Thân ái!

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