Những nhân vật trong 7 viên ngọc rồng, ai hâm mộ khỉ con thì vào !!!

Thảo luận trong 'Fighting Game Club' bắt đầu bởi Long Kiếm Phi, 10/5/05.

  1. Long Kiếm Phi

    Long Kiếm Phi Guest

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    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    One of the most powerful characters in all of Dragonball/Z/GT, Gogeta is the result of the fusion between Goku and Vegeta. Gogeta appears only in DBZ Movie 12, and in GT. Done by the fusion dance Gogeta is many times more powerful than either Goku or Vegeta alone. Gogeta is a totally different person, and so his personality is completely different than either of the two Saiyan's that fused to become him. Gogeta's power is simply enormous as he takes out Janemba effortlessly in DBZ Movie 12 after reaching Super Saiyan 2. By GT, his power is almost beyond comprehension as Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Vegeta fuse to create Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta, probably the most powerful character in the entire history of the series. His special attack is Big Bang Kamehameha. The only reason that Gogeta does not completely obliterate Omega Shenronis because of his own cockiness. Gogeta toys with the Dragon but happens to defuse early because of his enormous power.
    tạm dịch 1 tý (anh văn tui kém lắm):
    đic - ku là 1 trong hững nhân vật mạnh nhất của bộ 7 viên ngọc rồng / 7 VNR Z/ 7 VNR GT, đic ku là kết quả của hợp thể giữa songoku và cađic. Đicku chỉ xuất hiện trong phim DBZ tập 12 (hình như lúc đấu với broly) và trong DBGT. Hợp thể đicku tất nhiên mạnh hơn 1 mình goku hay cađic. đicku là 1 người khác hoàn toàn, và tính cách của đicku là kết hợp hoàn hảo của 1 trong 2 siêu xayda....
    ặc, hình như hơi rối rồi, mấy bác thấy ko hợp lý chổ nào thì sửa lại dùm, thnk
  2. Long Kiếm Phi

    Long Kiếm Phi Guest

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    General Rilldo:
    The top officer and administrator of "Planet M2," the mechanical world that serves as Dr. Myuu's base of operations. General Rilldo was ordered to bring the Saiyans (Pan, Tunks, and Goku) and the Dragon Balls to Dr. Myuu. When he runs into the Saiyans he turns Trunks into metal and gets the Dragon Balls. When he fights Goku they are about the same in power but Rilldo is forced to transform when Goku goes Super Saiyan. In Rilldo's second form he absorbs the Sigma Force Cannon and is now about equal with Goku once again. He still can't beat Goku so he transforms again. In this form he can now become one with metal and considering the whole planet is made of metal this makes him very strong. Eventualy he is killed by Goku but it takes some time since Rilldo knows all of Goku's moves and Goku knows almost none of Rilldo's. This happens because Giru has been hanging around Goku for some time now and when Giru pretends to go on Rilldo's side he shows Rilldo all of Goku's moves. Goku messes around with Rilldo of course so he can find out some of Rilldo's moves. If you want to see all of Rilldo's transformations
  3. Long Kiếm Phi

    Long Kiếm Phi Guest

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    Ghost Usher:
    This little ghost that works for Fortuneteller Baba (Master Roshi's sister). Ghost Usher's job is to direct people around Fortuneteller Baba's place when they show up for her services.
    Captain Ginyu:
    With purple skin and black horns, Captain Ginyu is the strongest of the Ginyu Force, and its leader. He has the powerful ability to switch bodies with his opponents. He switches bodies with Goku giving Captain Ginyu the advantage of fighting with Goku's powerful body and also of confusing the team of good guys. This capability does lead to his ultimate demise as he accidentally and forever changes bodies with a frog.
    Giru (Gil):
    After Goku, Pan, and Trunks crash land on a strange planet, the lost little robot, Giru, consumes the Dragon Radar as a food source. Because of this the device is integrated into his system causing him to "become" the Dragon Radar. Prone to malfunction, Giru is often a coward, but will charge into action to protect his friends.
    Ghastel (Gasuteru):
    A giant red demon in Dragonball Movie #2, "Dreaming Princess in Devil's Castle," he rides a cloud and attacks with ribbons.
  4. Long Kiếm Phi

    Long Kiếm Phi Guest

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    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Majin Buu (Buu, Mr. Buu, Fat Buu, Evil Buu ETC):
    Majin Buu was conjured into existence long ago by the evil wizard Bibidi. A powerful fighter who has destroyed many planets in his past, Majin Buu's body is rubbery giving him great advantage in battles. He has now been unleashed by Bibidi's son, Babidi, to destroy Earth. Like many of the bad guys in Dragon Ball Z, Majin Buu exists in multiple forms. The series starts off with child-like Majin Buu, in his more evil being called Evil Buu and in an even more powerful form called Super Buu. He is in his Evil Buu form very briefly before transforming to Super Buu. Child-like, Majin Buu does not have a strongly developed sense of good and bad. He agrees to stop hurting people when he discovers it bothers Hercule. Unfortunately the threat to Earth is not over. For from Majin Buu, Evil Buu emerges. He manages to survive until the end of DBZ, becoming best friends with Mr. Satan, and competing in the World Martial Arts tournament.
    In DBGT Uub fuses with Fat Buu and gains his ability to turns anything into chocolate along with Fat Buu's other moves of course. He fires his turn into chocolate move at Baby Vegeta but gets the move thrown back at Majuub, turning him into chocolate instead. Little did Baby know Majuub is strong enough to reverse this and starts powering up inside Baby!
    One of the monsters on Mt. Paozu. She changes into a nice, looking lady and lures children into her home and eats them. When she meets Goku Jr. and Pack, she misses them and gets pissed. She goes after them and Yao shows up. Yao is defeated and Manba and the others run away.
  5. Long Kiếm Phi

    Long Kiếm Phi Guest

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    Master Mutaito:
    The master of Roshi and Shen. Mutatio is never seen in the manga, but he shows up an episode of the Anime. He is the creator of the Evil Containment Wave technique, and used it many years ago to trap King Piccolo in the Denshi Jar. Unfortunatly this killed the great martial arts master.
    Master Roshi (Kame-senin):
    An ancient and wise master of martial arts, Roshi has accumulated great power and knowledge. Because he has lived for countless years on a deserted island with only a turtle for companionship, he is also called the 'Turtle Hermit.' His home, the Kame house, continues to serve as a gathering place for the good guys. Although he may appear strange, frail and harmless, Master Roshi is indeed a great warrior. He originally trained Goku and Krillin when they were young boys. The first earthling to ever understand how to nurture and control the Power of Light, Roshi trains Goku and Krillin in its use. It was Master Roshi who taught Goku the Kamehameha attack. Master Roshi's Rival is the Crane Elder.
    [​IMG] (sư phụ của thên xin hăng)
    Master Shen (Crane Hermit/Elder):
    Tsuru Sennin means "Crane Hermit," as opposed to Kame Sennin, or "Turtle Hermit" (Master Roshi). The Crane Elder trained alongside Master Roshi at Mutaito's martial arts school. The two were born rivals, and their rivalry carries through to Crane Elder's pupils Tien and Chaotzu. Tsuru Sennin's younger brother is the infamous assassin Tao.
  6. yugifan83

    yugifan83 This is Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Chời, làm ơn dịch ra đi, post lên 1 mớ thế này ai chả post được chứ. Dịch ra mới hay. Mà dễ kiếm MP thế nhỉ :))
  7. Long Kiếm Phi

    Long Kiếm Phi Guest

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    bác này bắt bài của tui hết roài :D , vồn anh văn của tui có hạn, dịch ba mớ bị sai lại nghe chửi nữa à, oải lắm
    Mr. Popo :
    Kami’s faithful servant, Mr. Popo is very old, and he has served every Kami (Gurdian of the Earth) of the past. His job consists of tending to Kami’s Palace, keeping the lookout clean, and most importantly, taking care of Kami. He also tends to the ancient butterfly garden that he planted thousands of years ago, and enjoys the more simple things in life. While FUNi’s Mr. Popo speaks using complete, highly intelligent sentences, the Japanese version proves him to be a slightly more primitive figure. His grasp of the common tongue is somewhat less than the dubbed version makes it out to be. Though it is not obvious, Mr. Popo is an excellent martial arts master. In Dragonball, Mr. Popo is far stronger than Goku when he first arrives at Kami’s Palace. He trains Goku for 3 years until the boy learns everything he knows. Some of the techniques he teaches Goku later prove valuable, for example the ability to sense ki.
    Mr. Satan (Hercule):
    He is the "World's Martial Art's Champion", although there are much stronger people than Mr. Satan, he seems to win the tournaments by luck and get credit for killing Cell and other villians. Mr. Satan is good friends with Majin Buu, although when their puppy gets injured, Majin Buu goes bad. Mr. Satan's daughter, Videl was trained by Gohan and is a lot stronger than Mr. Satan and he seems to hide his weakness during a fight and makes up some excuse to make everyone like him.
    [​IMG] (anh fide)
    Meta Cooler:
    After being blasted by Goku into the sun, Cooler's remains are found by the Big Ghetti Star in movie #6. Assimilating his brain into itself, the Big Ghetti Star was now controlled by Cooler. Unable to fight in his badly damaged state, Cooler used the giant metal planetoid to create metal clones of his original form. These replicas, known as Metal Coolers, can regenerate from a reserve of metal in their bodies. Flaws in the Metal Coolers are instantly corrected when they are found, making each robot a very formidable opponent.
  8. Long Kiếm Phi

    Long Kiếm Phi Guest

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    [​IMG] (Tào Pảy Pảy)
    Mercenary Tao:
    Tao is a deadly assasian, who lives for money. He is hired by Commander Red to emilinate Goku. The first time they fight Goku is defeated. But after Korin's training Goku mops the floor with Tao. He returns at the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai as part cyborg, but is beaten again by Tenshinhan. He returns in the Cell Saga. He is hired by a rich coward who is forcing people to build a protective dome against Cell. Gohan shows up to put a stop to this, and when Tao realises who Gohan's father is he runs off.
    Mariko (Maraikoh):
    From the West Quadrant of the Other World, Maraikoh has to fight Froug at the beginning of the Other World Tournament and beats Froug by throwing him from the ring. His efforts were wasted after Goku decided to triumph over Mariko the same way he had taken Froug.
    Krillin's first girlfriend, Maron is very ditsy and uncommitted. She's very out-spoken and often calls Chichi and Buruma 'old ladies' which makes them want to kill her. Thinking that Krillin wouldn't marry her, she takes off with another guy. During the Android Saga, she shows up at Kame House looking for Krillin saying that he was the only guy she ever loved. After a while she gets bored and takes off with her boyfriends to never be seen again.
    Krillin's and #18's daughter, Marron is born without a nose like her father, but has one in Dragon Ball GT. She is born late in the DBZ series, and doesn't play a very large role in GT either.
  9. Long Kiếm Phi

    Long Kiếm Phi Guest

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    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Pan: (cháu nội songoku)
    Daughter of Gohan and Videl, granddaughter of Goku. Born in the year 779 AD, she competes in the 28 th Tenkaichi Budoukai when she is only 5 years old. She proves her Saiyan bloodline by completely wrecking her opponents, including Goten, her 17-year-old uncle. Pan plays a larger role in GT, where as a teenager she embarks on a long journey in space with Trunks and Goku to find all of the Black-star Dragonballs scattered across the galaxy. Originally, it was Goten who was supposed to travel with Trunks and Goku, but while Goten sleeps late, Pan sneaks onboard the ship and takes his place. She develops quite an attitude, and gets into a lot of trouble on different planets. Giru, the helpful little robot who travels with them, tries to protect Pan, but usually ends up getting yelled at by the independent teenager. However, deep down Pan really has feelings for the little guy. With the exception of Android 18, Pan is the most powerful female fighter in the anime series.
    The son of King Piccolo, Piccolo followed his father's plans, until the beginning of DBZ. During the Saiyan Saga, he means only to join the side of good, for the time being, but ends up on their side for good. Gohan helped him to become the Piccolo we now see. Even Goku helped. He later fuses with Nail and Kami, which makes him the strongest fighter on Earth. (For the time being.) Though he is a strong fighter and helps out in every series a lot, he can not match a Super Saiyan's powers.
    Piccolo Daimoa (King Piccolo):
    The evil side of Kami, Piccolo Daimoa was sealed inside a jar by the Mafuba technique. Emperor Pilaf releases him to help in his domination of the Earth. However, the Demon turns out to be more than Pilaf bargained for. Piccolo Daimoa is killed by Goku, but before he dies he gives birth to another child, Ma Jr. (Piccolo).
  10. Long Kiếm Phi

    Long Kiếm Phi Guest

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    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Android #21 (Cell):
    The most dangerous of all Dr. Gero's creations, Cell, was created in Dr. Gero's lab as a genetic experiment. He comes complete with a self-destruct feature, a scorpion-like tail that opens up to absorb the energy of his opponents, and instructions to wreak revenge on the Androids which caused Dr. Gero's downfall. Cell contains the DNA of the mightiest warriors of the universe including Goku, Piccolo and Vegeta. Possessing the DNA of these great warriors, Cell is able to fight with their attacks. With these great forces combined Cell is an almost invincible being.One of his greatest advantages is being able to regenerate himself at any given time from even the smallest component of himself. We discover this in Dragon Ball Z when the good guys believe Cell is destroyed, only to find out that a brain cell has survived. From this cell, Cell regenerates himself and appears out of nowhere once again threatening Earth. One of Cell's only weak points is that his energy is finite. He gains power by draining the energy of his enemies using his scorpion-like tail to do so. Cell has three forms: the imperfect form in which we first see him, the second stage of Cell, and the final or Perfect Cell. He reaches Cell Stage Two after absorbing Android 17. When Android 18 is consumed, Cell changes into his third and most powerful form: Perfect Cell. Cell can and does create smaller versions of himself. Cell eventually dies from a one handed Kamehameha done by a very injured Gohan, and a little help from Vegeta.
  11. -nAm-pHỷ-

    -nAm-pHỷ- Mario & Luigi

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    Trùi ...huynh Long Kiếm Phi có cần xúc động đậy dữ vậy hông - post gì quá trời vậy - cao hứng à - mà sao tiếng Anh kô vậy - dịch ra tiếng Việt hay hơn hông !!!
    _Cái chữ ký Iori của huynh khá đó - sao kô thay cái avarta thành Iori luôn đi - để vậy nhìn chớt vớt à - vì 2 cái kô liên hệ gì nhau !!!
  12. -nAm-pHỷ-

    -nAm-pHỷ- Mario & Luigi

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    Post hình thôi -kô biết viết gì - !!!!!!!!!!




    HÁ..há..há !!!!
  13. Long Kiếm Phi

    Long Kiếm Phi Guest

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    tui ko có hâm mộ iori nên làm chơi thôi
    còn chuyện dịch thì ai yêu cầu mình mới làm, chứ vồn tiếng anh của tui chưa đầy lá mít sao dám dịch
    bác có thấy mp của tui tăng vèo vèo ko hả, câu cá mà, hé hé
  14. -nAm-pHỷ-

    -nAm-pHỷ- Mario & Luigi

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    Ông thì quan trọng MP à - tôi thì quan trọng Hp hơn - thấy ống Hp tôi tăng vèo vèo như nồi nưóc lèo hông - há há !!! Mp thì kô có cái nào - há há !!! :))
  15. Long Kiếm Phi

    Long Kiếm Phi Guest

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    tui quan trọng cả 2, ông làm sao mà hp dữ vậy, tui post hoài mà thấy nó có nhúc nhích gì đâu, chỉ giùm bí quyết coi
  16. kangta1510

    kangta1510 Legend of Zelda

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    Ragnarok's world
    tui chẳng wan tâm cái HP hay MP :|chỉ wan tâm cái lvl :|
  17. Heardless

    Heardless Claude, S.A gang boss Lão Làng GVN

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    Azkaban prison
    Tui thì chỉ nơm nớp lo quan tâm tới cái mức cảnh cáo :-s
  18. TAT_PKN

    TAT_PKN Youtube Master Race

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    Cái lúc mà goku đánh với con Brauli đó, tên legendary super saiyan 1000 năm có 1 lần đó, nhưng không ai biết Goku còn hơn cái đó nữa, thế mà cha Vegeta cứ ghanh tị hoài. Goku bị tên Brauli đánh tới tơi tã, thế mà cuối cùng cũng giết được :)). Với saiyan, sau trận đấu mà không chết thì công lực lên cách bội phần. Mà ngộ hen, nói tới Vegeta, Bulma sao lại dính với Vegeta mà không dính với Yamchà...cái này tôi không hiểu à.

    Một ngày em đến nghe đời bỗng thấy reo vui,
    Và rằng anh biết đã yêu nhau sẽ yêu dài lâu...
    Anh yêu em như nắng yêu trời,
    Anh yêu em không nói nên lời...
  19. -nAm-pHỷ-

    -nAm-pHỷ- Mario & Luigi

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    _Thì đơn giản như đang giỡn vậy mà - spam bài nhiều vô - 1 ngày khỏang mười mấy hai chục bài thì số phần trăm bài viết tăng cao - phần trăm bài viết tăng cao thì hp tăng cao - há há :lol::lol:
  20. yugifan83

    yugifan83 This is Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    và mức cảnh cáo cũng tăng cao nữa đó, há há. Phải vậy không Trái bắp, Nam Phỷ, và sau này còn gì nữa nhỉ =))

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