[Part 3] C9 - Continent Of The Ninth

Thảo luận trong 'Continent of the Ninth Seal' bắt đầu bởi LNeo, 28/10/09.

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  1. Kazuma-san

    Kazuma-san Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    The eclipse
    vào guild house thì vào cái cửa có thằng đội mũ giống người ả rập ấy

    ở làng 1 thì nó đứng trên đường ra chỗ học skill , còn ở làng 2 thì đứng cạnh chỗ dịch chuyển
  2. -|Big$hit|-

    -|Big$hit|- T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh City
    GH map2 ở bên tay phải thằng pvp với con mụ warp ... còn map1 thì trên đường lên chỗ học skill có căn nhà bên tay phải đó
  3. tulaisky1

    tulaisky1 Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cảm ơn cục .... và kazuma nhá =))! mà tháng 12 này nó up char wich blade có đứa nào định thử o ;))!
  4. Kazuma-san

    Kazuma-san Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    The eclipse
    ** má đợi mai nó update war xem thế nào chứ kiểu này yếu như sên , thua bọn shaman nhục nhã :-w mẹ con ilu nó cứ dùng chiêu quay kiếm + hóa mana shield hóa con cóc rồi đứng nhà bắn chưởng có né giỏi mấy thì thế nào cũng dính vì lag với delay , mà chiêu quay kiếm của nó đau *** chịu được nó rút máu con guard của mình như rút nước chưa kể skill của nó cool down nhanh vl nó vừa bắn quay kiếm xong mà mình lùa nó nó lộn né rồi dùng chiêu đó được luôn :-w , con cóc trì trước đứng gần nó thì bị mất máu khựng lại 1 tí thì bây giờ dính cả confuse luôn cứ cắm đầu vào con cóc hoài

    sắp tới thế *** nào nó cũng phải fix lại cho mà xem vì giờ shaman gần như vô đối rồi :-w
  5. -|Big$hit|-

    -|Big$hit|- T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh City
    chỉ có illu thôi chứ taoist có dc. update j` nhìu đâu _ _" ... illu damge trap PvP của nó = damge PvE =.=!
  6. Intothesky

    Intothesky Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ^ Còn con ele damge PVP chỉ = 1/3 damge PVE =)) Cái skill meteor PVE đc 15k trong khi PVP chỉ đc cao lắm có 2k =))
  7. tulaisky1

    tulaisky1 Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    :-w j mà dame pve to hơn pvp nhiều vậy :-w. bọn này hâm rồi :|
  8. Kazuma-san

    Kazuma-san Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The eclipse
    thế mới bảo thế nào nó cũng update lại lúc đó dame của tụi shaman = 1/3 bây giờ :-"
  9. KaZzuki

    KaZzuki Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cái kiếm chém toàn 500 1 phát thì éo ai đỡ được bọn ilu:-<
  10. Kazuma-san

    Kazuma-san Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The eclipse
    update rồi danh sách update dịch theo google đây


    - Maximum HP increase skill has been added.
    - Increases maximum MP skill has been added.
    - Increase the probability of critical skills have been added.
    - Shield Attack Damage has been increased significantly.
    - Aengkeul kick skill points to stand 5 - "has been reduced to 4.
    - Aengkeulkik damage has been increased.
    - Bash direct reduced odds of skill.
    - Bash skill is easily modified to fit a little more.
    - Upper semi-swing skill in the destruction of property is a super armor.
    - Peuraeseukik skill level of the 11 features have been removed after two out of Taga.
    - (PVP) peuraeseukik kultaimyi Skill 7 - "has been increased to 10 seconds.
    - (PVP) Charge Attack Skill kultaimyi 7 - "has been increased to 10 seconds.
    - Grab-Strike damage has been increased in skill.
    - Grab-Strike skill has been changed to allow rotation In Use.
    - Sseureoseuteukik at faster speeds.
    - Sseureoseuteukik damage has been increased.
    - ↑ + F sseureoseuteukik skills have also enabled change.
    - Baekhiteugeuraep damage has been increased slightly.
    - Dipaenseumaseuteori I learn the skill points for the 5 - "has been reduced to 3.
    - Skill points for learning dipaenseumaseuteori II 6 - "has been reduced to 3.
    - Skill points for learning dipaenseumaseuteori III 7 - "has been reduced to 4.
    The Guardian
    - Basic Growth wisdom seutaetjung 1 - "You have up to 2.
    - Default growing strength seutaetjung 8 - "You have up to 9.
    - Rush, Upper level of learning skills 34Lv -> 25Lv was reduced.
    - Rush, Upper kultaimyi eight seconds of skill - "7 seconds, has been reduced.
    - Rush, Upper learn skills Lv1 Skill Points 10 - "has been reduced to 8.
    - (PVP) Upper Rush Skill kultaimyi 8 seconds - "has been increased to 10 seconds.
    - Rush, Upper Damage formula has changed.
    - Rush In Use Upper skill has been changed to allow rotation.
    - Rush, the Upper Semi-Super Armor skill 1 tae destruction of property have been added.
    - Rush, Upper skills sijeonjung one another while the state is a super armor.
    - Rush 2 Upper riding skill has been changed to hit a lying opponent.
    - Shield Smash casting speed was faster.
    - Shield smash hit around the city will open up a wide range of shock wave has been modified to attack the enemy.
    - A smash hit when opponent down so that the shield has been corrected.
    - Using the threat of the enemy dragged CALL skill performance has been improved.
    - Batting skills at the call of the threat has been greatly reduced levels protruding.
    - (PVP) swing round kultaimyi 10 seconds - "has been increased to 12.
    - Expert guard skills has increased the scope of the attack.
    - Expert for a drink in front of the guard can gauge without consuming so Guard has been corrected.
    - Expert Defense press the space bar while using the Dash Guard is available.

    (However, the State Defense Dash is available only to learn the skills.)
    - Expert Guard kultaimyi 5 seconds - "has been increased to 8 seconds.
    - Super Armor, semi-destroyed property keuraeswibombeo skills have been added.
    - Keuraeswibombeo at faster speeds raise the skill.
    - Keuraeswibombeo sijeonhu delay has been reduced.
    - Skill damage keuraeswibombeo increased.

    - Skill Stone is consumed when using the skills keuraeswibombeo 3 - "has been reduced to 2.
    - (PVP) keuraeswibombeo skill damage is reduced by 20%.
    - (PVP) keuraeswibombeo kultaimyi 30 seconds of skill - "has been increased to 50 seconds.
    - Geocheupawo skills have been added.
    - Final Round has been added to the swing skills.
    - Iron Press is a skill.
    - Iron Skin skills have been added.
    - Break Charge 4 was added skills.
    - Disenteugadieon skills have been added.
    - Beurijeuteon skills have been added
    - Basic Growth wisdom seutaetjung 1 - "You have up to 2.
    - Default growing strength seutaetjung 6 - "You have up to 7.
    - (PVP) kultaimyi sliding tackle eight seconds - "has been increased to 12.
    - A sliding tackle that level has been adjusted to learn.
    - Sliding tackle unbeaten at the time of the casting has been deleted.
    - Chajideuropkik use it to lay down action kultaimeul woke up not to use technical fixes.
    - Grab a swing damage has been increased.
    - Grab crash damage has been increased.
    - Air peu beware that damage has been increased.
    - Learn the skill levels beulreyijeukeuraetsyeo 40 - "has been reduced to 32.
    - Lv2 beulreyijeukeuraetsyeo skills with learning the skills necessary points from 7 - "has been reduced to 6.
    - Skill beulreyijeukeuraetsyeo kultaimyi 80 seconds - "40 seconds, has been reduced.
    - (PVP) beulreyijeukeuraetsyeo Skill kultaimyi 80 seconds - "has been reduced to 60 seconds.
    - Beulreyijeukeuraetsyeo consuming skill when using skill Stone 2 - "1 gaero reduced.
    - Beulreyijeukeuraetsyeo MP consumption of skills has been reduced.
    - The damage has been reduced beulreyijeukeuraetsyeo skills.
    - Baekendeutekeunisyeon skills have been added.
    - Bash IV skills have been added.
    - Beulraeyijingseulraeswi skills have been added.
    - Grab-bound skills have been added.
    - Added skill peuraeseukik II.
    - Cheinbeulreyijeukeuraetsyeo skills have been added
    Blade Master
    - Basic Growth seutaetjung wisdom that one - "You have up to 2.
    - Default growing power seutaetjung 8 - "You have up to 9.
    - Default growing strength seutaetjung 5 - "You have up to six.
    - Counter Smash skill slots to register for this skill has been fixed as action skills.

    (More to attack your stance on the Q does not impose.)
    - Assault smash the ruling of skills has widened.
    - Assault with a smash of a triple height has been reduced.
    - Assault was a smash is faster actuation.
    - (Dungeon) Assault kultaimyi smashing 15 seconds - "corridor reduced to 10 seconds.
    - (Dungeon) repideueotaek kultaimyi 12 seconds - "has been reduced to 10 seconds.
    - Shining success skill letting the cutter relative inflexibility of time has been reduced.
    - Attack stance of the state has reduced the speed back to Dash.
    - Bound for a crash impact speeds up to receive an attack skill has been corrected.
    - The target has been added to guard skills.
    - Storm Wind Skill Wheel has been added.
    - Flash Strike skill is added.
    - Upper Swing II has been added skills.
    - Tachyon smashing skills have been added

    bonus thêm mấy cái

    Xiamen common

    - Skill Skill paenteomwol damage has been deleted. Basic physical damage to property, to enter into rigidity.

    - Mana Cypher moment of skill at casting the state Enemy invincible armor has been replaced by the state.

    (Activated during the existing conditions and the same is invincible.)
    - Spin Smash skill damage has been corrected to be properly applied.
    - Description of the damage reosingbayiteu skills notation errors have been corrected.
    - Skill damage reosingbayiteu abnormally doedeon bug fixes applied.

    Come here, OK violinist
    - Soul Aura skill description has been corrected.
    - Upper Phantom decision was rising.

    TAO East
    - Vera Circle of skill applied to the two heat damage doedeon unusual bugs have been fixed

    1-7. Enchanted Forest (Master)
    1-8. The Temple of Souls (Master)
    1-9. Delpaseuteu Northern Region (Expert, Master)
    2-1. Burning the central plains (Master)
    2-4. Red Mist Marsh (Expert, Master)
    2-5. Pain in the pit (Hard, Expert, Master)
    2-7. Asda shrine of Auckland (Master)
    2-8. Subterranean volcanic (Hard, Expert, Master)
    2-9. Henko Crater (Expert, Master)
    3-2. Wendigo rugged camp (Expert, Master)
    3-3. Tranquil valley of the soul (Normal, Hard, Expert, Master)
    3-4. Extremes of the plateau (the master)
    3-6. Runadeu fallen star (Expert, Master)

    - Clear any stage of the mission have been fixed at the amount of Skill Points.
    è Normal: 1 Hard: Expert 2: 2 Master: 0 (however, normals Goblin Forest 0)
    è The master does not clear the difficulty of user skill points to two payments per stay

    Is done.
    - 2-8. Master Level in the upper volcanic subterranean phenomena did not open the door has been corrected

    Three kinds of options have been changed Epic Accessories.

    - Rising Sun
    è 12% chance of bleeding 10 seconds into effect Lv14
    - Glenn's commitment to
    è 10% chance of freezing one seconds into effect Lv20
    - Darwin's sign
    è 15% chance to apply the 10 seconds video Lv12
    - 'My own place, different from the description clear, Nation, has been modified only in master mode.
    - 3:3 Pvp tournament duel 1 kweseu teuin saenggideon Fixed a problem with an error.
    - 'Cold energy' of existing conditions, the completion of the 'dragon scales' 15-5 gaero has been corrected.
    - 'Hunting skills' Completion of the existing condition 'Polar bear' has been modified to 20-5.
    - 'Master of the hunt, complete the conditions of the existing' wild Highland Wolf 'by 30-10' Wild Polar bear 'the

    20-5 has been revised.
    - 3 continents quest for president when the president got the button did pop up that has been modified.

    - Quest now condition upon completion of the notification system, the phrase appears in the message pane

    "President Pro"
    - Metal craftsmen down arrows to change the production level is required.

    - Add Chaos Stone
    è item options can be changed at random Chaos Stone added.
    - Magic bonginseo
    è been sealed off items belonging to seal in the seal of magic have been added.


    - Exchange of goods is 개편.
    è item gets sold item fees used to exchange goods sold 10% of payment will be reclaimed.

    è registration, regardless of whether or not sales registration fee will be charged 300 gold.

    è All items sold will also be delivered by mail.

    (Item purchased from the market after the "exchange item has arrived at. Please check your mailbox"

    A message that will be exposed.)

    ※ enrolled in an existing goods market goods, please visit.

    ※ If you pay items shown in the search field, select the auto-complete items during the search be delayed or

    If you are not open caused symptoms are present.


    - Anonymous board has been modified to impossible.
    (Items acquired during the message board is self-acquired items are displayed.)
    - The Guardian Legend Speedmaster attack speed of -4 to +2 is applied to effect the bug has been fixed.
    - Have your pet boarded him murdered, signs of blood clots, fixes a bug that does not receive the item.

    Wait while the update is in progress, given the family and we thank you,
    Always pleasant and happy today, I wish C9
  11. -|Big$hit|-

    -|Big$hit|- T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh City
    đang thả auto update ... 45kb/s :-<
  12. Intothesky

    Intothesky Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Update cho ele đâu ko thấy :((
  13. BoAMyLove

    BoAMyLove Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Over the Rainbow ^^
    huhuhuhu mạng bị gì mà update có 10kb/s thế này :(( :((...... tắt đi mở lại hoài vẫn thế... hôm qua update Aion cũng có 1x kb/s :(( :((... FPT ơi là FPT :((
  14. LNeo

    LNeo Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tụi mình đổi wa VNPT đê, sắp đến ngày tàn của FPT rồi mà :D
  15. Kazuma-san

    Kazuma-san Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    The eclipse
    haiz có lẽ mình nên quay lại war thôi đánh guard không rust được mặc dù đánh guard cũng khá hay ................thôi kệ ta cứ focus guard xem thế nào đã
  16. westknight

    westknight Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    하 이 ^^ lâu rồi không vào hôm nọ vào đánh sai pass rồi nó bay ra cái trang web bảo mình nhập Kssn :(( trời ơi em Witch Blade của mình , giấc mộng tan thành mây khói àh =((

    PS: có bác nào rành tin tức search giúp em với , em search cả tháng nay chỉ biết là Nurien nó đã mở lại server ( lúc trước nó đóng server để nâng cấp) mà giờ chạy lại cái Launcher cũ không được , down lại thì không biết down ở đâu :((

    còn thằng Tera thì .... tên mình không có trong danh sách 300 "Ứng Viên" :(( lại đợi tiếp

    Giúp tui với , thanks nhiều ㄳㄳ
  17. Kazuma-san

    Kazuma-san Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    The eclipse
    tôi cam đoan là ilu sẽ bị fix lại

    bọn ilu rất bẩn bựa , chiêu immu của nó hồi có 1 phút mà dùng trong 20s lận , chơi war thì nó chạy ra ngoài cắn mình vài cái thấy mình đuổi thì nó chạy vào cái vòng , chơi ele thì nó cứ ru rú trong đấy rồi dùng phantom blade bắn ra

    chiêu phantom của nó thì đã khó nhìn thì chớ lại có 2 chiêu , bắn vừa xa vừa rộng lại khỏe chuối *** tả được
  18. MewSoSick

    MewSoSick Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    có bác nào có nguồn kssn còn sài dc ko:( muốn chơi thử C9 tìm mấy trang kssn trên mạng thì toàn đa số là ko dc cái cần siren cái thì đã giói hạn:|
  19. baoden2k5

    baoden2k5 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    kssn thì giờ ko dễ có đâu bạn.....nhưng mình có cái acc để dành cho những người muốn test C9 1 chút , nếu cần thì down game cài xong rồi pm mình share cho test.
  20. LeCord

    LeCord Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    quái đãng!!!
    update nó ghi la 10h-12h (8h-10h) mà sao giờ này tui vào game vẫn ko dc là sao vay trùi!!
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