Phụ lục hoàn thiện nhân vật của Tearing Saga

Thảo luận trong 'Turn Based Strategy' bắt đầu bởi KNIGHT_1988, 19/6/05.

  1. c108099

    c108099 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ha ha, mình hoàn thành map trước 4 turn, tụi nó không xuất hiện nhưng vẫn xí xô xí xoa ở cuối map! Bác tolamba, Richard khi chết có trăn trối gì ko? Mình nghỉ tụi nó ko chết đc, giống như thằng Leonheart ở map làm NPC đánh hoài không chết, cứ mỗi lần hết máu là miss liên tục!
  2. tonlamba

    tonlamba Comic Sans MS>╬ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hoàn thành map trước 4 turn?Đựoc, chuyện đơn giản..
    Richard chỉ kêu a 1 tiếng tui, chả có trăn chối gì cả, vẫn sống nhăn mà :D
  3. tk_rio

    tk_rio Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ( từ tonlamba: Chắc gì, dragon lord xuống rồng sprite y hệt mà, chắc gì ổng đã không phải dragon lord )

    Balka là King Knight có 2 lý do:
    1. là DL kô thể xuống rồng, trong màn 35 cho kon Nacus giả dạng Julius mà có xuống rồng được đâu.=((
    2. là khi lên hay xuống vật cưỡi đều hiện class giống nhau ( mà ông ta khi xuống vật cưỡi là King Knight ). Muốn tự kiểm chứng thì cứ xem phần giới thịu cách đấu card, khi đấu nó có hiện : tên + class + vũ khí : để đấu test thử sẽ biết:D

    sẵn tiện cho hỏi là đấu trường mà 35 quánh liên tiếp ngựa vàng sẽ có cuốn
    " pent att " sao mình quánh 4 ngày rồi mà kô thấy gì hết vậy.
    << Có ai đã từng lấy được xin khẳng định lại dùm tin này được ko >>:((
  4. tonlamba

    tonlamba Comic Sans MS>╬ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Không biết gì đừng có nói....
    class lên ngựa có số là A thì class xuống sẽ là A+1
    Golden knt có class trên ngựa là 15-> Class xuón ngựa sẽ là 16
    Đều này ai hack tearring saga đều biết
    Bất kì class nào cũng có thể xuống vật cưỡi, chỉ là class xuống vật cưỡi của dragon lord không có sprite thôi(trong event thực ra là 1 đoạn phim nên có sprite)
    Trong giới thiệu đấu card làm gì có thằng này.. Thằng king knt duy nhất trong đấu card là Richard
  5. tk_rio

    tk_rio Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    sac kai này là dựa theo story nói chứ hack gì ở đây, ong chơi theo story lấy narron class GK vậy khi xuống ngựa nó ghi là GK + 1 hả, nó nằm chổ nào sao tui không thấy vậy:-/

    trong đoạn phim mới có spite vậy ông hack nó ra kái gì nói kì cục vậy:-/

    thằng Richard nó có giáp màu đen ( map 40 koi rồi biết ) kòn thằng này nó giáp màu trắng mà đi chung Julius vậy nó là thằng nào giải thích thử :-/

    Mấy kái này tui kiểm tra biết nhiu lần rồi mới nói trên đây chứ ai rãnh hơi đâu phao tin đồn nhãm, kòn mấy kái ông nói không hĩu ở đâu ra:-/
  6. tonlamba

    tonlamba Comic Sans MS>╬ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Không ở đây nói là các value khi hack,
    Trong đoạn film có sprite là bởi vì:
    VD chỗ richard đánh guen chao có king knt xuống ngựa tóc xanh, trên thực tế chẳng có ai như vậy(Hack kiểu gì njos cũng ra tóc vàng giống loff cả) nên nói trong máy đoạn event có 1 số class mà bình thường không có Sprite
    Richard có giáp màu trắng, king knt xuống ngựa có giáp trắng
  7. tk_rio

    tk_rio Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    thôi ông zai quá kô kải nửa chi mệt, ông muốn nghĩ sao thì nghĩ,chơi mà kô để ý thôi vậy
  8. longmagic

    longmagic Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Dark Load
    trong chuyện này thấy tonlamba cũng hơi bướng,tk rio tuy nói có chỗ chưa đúng lắm nhưng theo mình thấy thế là được ồi ^^
  9. witfox

    witfox Khoái ăn nho tím Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Thiên đường
    Fox không bênh ai hết, nhưng các bạn muốn biết vì sao có 1 số class lý ra nó như vậy nhưng không như vậy (Class Dragon lord ký ra có sprite xuống rồng và anime nhưng thực tế trong game không có dù hack thì ra được 1 class theo hệ thống như tonlamba nói đó(A-> A+1)...)

    Fox đã nói TRS chưa hoàn chỉnh và được páht hành chưa chỉnh sửa để không ứ hàng (Nintendo kiện, hàng bị kiện không được tung ra thị trường, Enterbrain không tung ra thị trường là lõ vốn của nguyên dự án TRS!)
    Đó là nguyên nhân vì sao có nhềiu sai sót.
    Ví dụ như ông Bahanuk thực tế có sprite là ông Emperor nhưng lại mang sprite King và sprite của Embperor là hình 1 thằng y như ca sĩ nhạc Rock!, cũng như Narga với muse có sprite y chang nhau....
  10. longmagic

    longmagic Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Dark Load
    thực ra những điểm chưa hoàn chỉnh mà ông kể chính là điểm hoàn chỉnh của trs đấy,chính vì n~ khiếm khuyết ấy mà đến bây h vẫn còn có người ngâm cứu nó,phải ko ^^
  11. witfox

    witfox Khoái ăn nho tím Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Thiên đường
    Mâu thuẫn quá đi...chưa hoàn lại cho là hoàn chỉnh....lý giải dùm Fox chỗ Dark Load đi....

    Happy New year, everyone!
  12. longmagic

    longmagic Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Dark Load
    dark load->kí ức bóng tối
    dark lord->chúa tể bóng tối
    dark knight->siek =))
  13. witfox

    witfox Khoái ăn nho tím Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Thiên đường
    Bó tay...Bạn dịch được như vậy rồi thì vui lòng dịch cái câu của nó ra cho có nghĩa thử xem, Fox cũng dịch được từng chữ nhưng dịch ra nguyên câu thì khó khăn với Fox...
  14. Shigenvs

    Shigenvs Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hic hic hic hình nó bị hư hết rồi máy huynh ơi làm ơn ai có hình thì up lại dùm
  15. tk_rio

    tk_rio Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    pac Knight tuan sau post tiếp nha:D
  16. Roy Wangtta

    Roy Wangtta Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Vua moi choi xong TRS, hehe hay that.
    Ai co nhu cau muon xem skill list thi day:
    Cac Nhan Vat:
    Trich dan tu gameFAQs:
    || IX. CLASSES ||

    - Max HP is 60, Max LV is 40, Max Luk is 30, and Max Mv is 12 (for all).
    - All indexes of each char are Max! However, the Str index of all magicians
    (Mages, Priests, Sisters...) is EXTREMELY HARD to rise (maybe never)!
    - (P): promoted class.
    - Additions: The stats additions when this character is promoted.
    - Wpns: Weapons usable by this class before and after promoted.

    1/ SPECIAL CLASSES \======================================================

    They're specific classes in the game. Most of them are promoted.


    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Knight Lord | 20 | 20 | 20 | 19 | 15 | 18 | 5 | Swd |
    | Lord (P) | 23 | 23 | 23 | 22 | 19 | 19 | 6 | Swd |
    | Additions | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +4 | +2 | +1 | HP+3 |

    Only Runan has this class.
    A perfect class w/ great stats! No more word!

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Hero Bow | 22 | 22 | 22 | 19 | 15 | 20 | 5 | Bow |
    | Hidden Hunter (P) | 23 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 15 | 20 | 6 | Swd/Bow |
    | Additions | +1 | +1 | | +2 | | | +1 | HP+2 |

    Only Holmes has this class.
    Can use both Swd n' Bow. Besides, he has an impressive offensive - look
    like Lloyd in Legend of Dragoons. A great class as well.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Prince | 23 | 23 | 23 | 22 | 19 | 20 | 5 | Swd |

    Only Sennet has this class.
    Less than Lord in Mag n' Mv. However this is a perfect class as well.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Leda Princess | 21 | 23 | 25 | 21 | 25 | 20 | 5 |Swd/Fi/Thd/Wi/Lt|

    Only Tia has this class.
    The only class can use both Swd n' Magic! A combination of Sword Master n'
    Sage. One of the most formidable chars!

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Sister | 15 | 19 | 20 | 16 | 20 | 19 | 4 | Wand |

    Enteh n' Katri have this class.
    An useless class! Low stats, very hard to LvUp! However, you must protect
    them. If not, the game will over >_<

    * NOTE: Tia has this class as well, before her joins your team.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Princess | 17 | 17 | 18 | 17 | 15 | 17 | 4 | Swd |
    | Pegasus Knight (P) | 20 | 19 | 22 | 18 | 21 | 17 | 7 | Swd/Spr |
    | Additions | +3 | +2 | +4 | +1 | +6 | | +3 | HP+2 |

    Sasha has this class.
    Princess is an averange class. However, once you've upgraded her to Pegasus
    Knight, then to Dragon Knight, she'll become very formidable!
    (see Cavaliers part for more details)

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | King Knight | 25 | 25 | 25 | 23 | 15 | 20 | 7 | Swd/Spr/Ax/Bow |
    |<dismounted> | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 15 | 20 | 4 | Swd |

    Loffaru has this class.
    One of the strongest classes! Less than Golden Knight in Mv n' when

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Dark Knight | 22 | 20 | 20 | 21 | 15 | 19 | 7 | Spr/Ax |
    |<dismounted> | 20 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 15 | 19 | 4 | Spr |

    Only Zeek has this class.
    The stats go INSANE n' can use cussed wpns! This is a formidable class.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Saintly Woman | 15 | 20 | 22 | 18 | 22 | 20 | 5 | Wand |

    Renee has this class.
    Can't atk. However, this is the best healing class w/ great stats!

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Priest | 15 | 17 | 18 | 16 | 19 | 18 | 4 | Wand |

    Plum, Lyria, Rebecca, Leteena have this class.
    Less than Saintly Woman. However, each of them (except Rebecca) has a
    special wand. You can expect from them.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Bishop | 15 | 20 | 22 | 18 | 22 | 20 | 5 | Fi/Thd/Win/Wand |

    Lee has this class.
    Good stats, can use both Magic n' Wand. However, Lee is one of the worst
    chars in the game.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Witch | 15 | 18 | 21 | 17 | 20 | 20 | 3 | Fi/Thd/Win/Dark |

    Sherra has this class.
    Expert in black magic. Besides, w/ a Transmission Skl, this is one of the
    most useful classes.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Troubadour | 17 | 18 | 18 | 17 | 18 | 18 | 7 | Swd/Wand |
    |<dismounted>| 16 | 18 | 18 | 16 | 18 | 18 | 4 | Swd/Wand |

    Only Mel has this class.
    A good healer w/ high Mv. Good stats, sometimes the Mv index can rise.
    However, it's not a fighting class!

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Pirate | 19 | 16 | 18 | 18 | 15 | 16 | 4 | Ax |

    Garo has this class.
    A crappy class!

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Thief | 16 | 20 | 25 | 15 | 15 | 18 | 5 | Swd |

    Yuni, Bud n' Narsus have this class.
    Not-so-great Str n' Def but expert in pilferages. However, this is an
    useful class.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Bandit | 22 | 17 | 19 | 19 | 15 | 18 | 4 | Swd |

    Maerhen has this class.
    This is the WORST, WORST class! Look at Maerhen n' you'll see.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Wood Shooter | 20 | 20 | 20 | 30 | 15 | 18 | 3 | Bow |
    | Ballistic | 15 | 15 | 15 | 20 | 15 | 20 | 0 | Bow |
    | StoneThrower | 15 | 15 | 15 | 20 | 15 | 20 | 0 | Bow |

    Tom n' Hagaru have this class.
    Could also be called "tank". Great Def, but others are low, especially Mv!
    A crappy class as well.

    2/ CAVALIERS \============================================================

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Rook Knight | 19 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 15 | 16 | 7 | Swd/Spr |
    |<dismounted> | 18 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 15 | 16 | 4 | Swd |

    * GENERAL NOTES: The basic class in the game
    - Great Mv n' stats. Well ballanced for Str, Skl, Agl n' Def.
    - Hard to move on complicated terrains. Some parameters will decrease a bit
    when dismounted. Weak against anti-horse wpns.
    From this class, you can promote to advanced classes hence: Commando
    Knight, Golden Knight, Black Knight n' Paladin.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Commando Knight | 21 | 20 | 19 | 20 | 15 | 19 | 7 | Swd/Spr |
    | <dismounted> | 21 | 20 | 19 | 20 | 15 | 19 | 5 | Swd/Spr |
    | Additions | +2 | +2 | +1 | +2 | | +3 | | HP+2 |

    Raffin, Arkis n' Kreiss have this class.
    Good stats. All parameters won't decrease when dismounted (except Mv). Can
    use both Swd n' Spr on foot.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Golden Knight | 25 | 25 | 25 | 23 | 15 | 20 | 8 | Swd/Spr |
    | <dismounted> | 22 | 22 | 21 | 21 | 15 | 20 | 5 | Swd |
    | Additions | +6 | +7 | +7 | +5 | | +4 | +1 | HP+8 |

    Narron has this class.
    One of the strongest n' the most formidable classes in the game! Look at
    these stats. No more word!

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Black Knight | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 15 | 19 | 8 | Swd/Spr |
    | <dismounted> | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 15 | 19 | 5 | Swd |
    | Additions | +3 | +4 | +4 | +4 | | +3 | +1 | HP+4 |

    Mintz n' Sun have this class.
    A great class w/ the Charge Skl!

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Paladin | 22 | 22 | 22 | 21 | 15 | 19 | 8 | Swd/Spr |
    |<dismounted>| 20 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 15 | 19 | 5 | Swd |
    | Additions | +3 | +4 | +4 | +3 | | +3 | +1 | HP+3 |

    Roger, Estelle n' Liena have this class.
    Less than Black Knight in Def n' when dismounted. However, this is a great
    class as well.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Lady Knight | 19 | 20 | 20 | 18 | 15 | 18 | 4 | Swd/Bow |
    | Arrow Knight (P) | 20 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 15 | 19 | 7 | Swd/Bow |
    | <dismounted> | 19 | 20 | 20 | 18 | 15 | 19 | 4 | Swd/Bow |
    | Additions | +1 | +1 | | +1 | | +1 | +3 | HP+2 |

    Kate n' Sharon have this class.
    An averange class. Don't expect much from it.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Pegasus Knight | 20 | 19 | 22 | 18 | 21 | 17 | 7 | Swd/Spr |
    | <dismounted> | 18 | 17 | 19 | 17 | 15 | 17 | 4 | Swd |
    | Dragon Knight (P) | 23 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 15 | 19 | 7 | Swd/Spr |
    | <dismounted> | 20 | 18 | 19 | 19 | 15 | 19 | 4 | Swd |
    | Additions | +3 | +1 | -1 | +4 | -6 | +2 | | HP+5 |

    They're flying units.

    * Pegasus Knights: Sasha, Mahter, Frau, Verna
    Excellent Mv n' Mag! Can fight well on most terrains. Strong against magic
    but weak against bows.

    * Dragon Knights: Raffin, Sasha, Mahter, Frau, Verna
    One of the strongest classes! Only weakness is vulnerable to bows.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Bow Cavalry | 21 | 20 | 21 | 18 | 15 | 17 | 7 | Bow |
    |<dismounted> | 20 | 19 | 19 | 17 | 15 | 17 | 4 | Bow |
    | Mameluke (P) | 22 | 21 | 22 | 20 | 15 | 19 | 7 | Swd/Bow |
    |<dismounted> | 20 | 19 | 21 | 18 | 15 | 19 | 4 | Bow |
    | Additions | +1 | +1 | +1 | +2 | | +2 | | HP+3 |

    Shirou n' Lionheart have this class.
    An averange class as well. Don't expect much from it.

    3/ OTHER CLASSES \========================================================

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Sword Fighter | 18 | 22 | 23 | 17 | 15 | 19 | 5 | Swd |
    | Sword Master (P) | 21 | 25 | 25 | 18 | 15 | 20 | 6 | Swd |
    | Additions | +3 | +3 | +2 | +1 | | +1 | +1 | HP+2 |

    Max Skl n' Agl, great S.Skls, expert in all fields of combat! This is the
    most formidable class in the game, in my opinion!

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Axe Fighter | 20 | 20 | 21 | 18 | 15 | 18 | 6 | Ax |
    | Warrior (P) | 22 | 22 | 23 | 20 | 15 | 20 | 7 | Ax |
    | Additions | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | | +2 | +1 | HP+3 |

    Great stats, can fight on comlicated terrains. One of the best classes.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Bow Fighter | 19 | 20 | 20 | 17 | 15 | 18 | 4 | Bow |
    | Bow Master (P) | 22 | 21 | 21 | 20 | 15 | 19 | 5 | Bow |
    | Additions | +3 | +1 | +1 | +3 | | +1 | +1 | HP+4 |

    Can attack from distance, can't do direct attack. Good stats, efffective
    against flying units. However, this is an averange class (except Rennie).

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Mage | 15 | 20 | 19 | 17 | 19 | 18 | 4 | 2 types |
    | Sage (P) | 15 | 23 | 23 | 19 | 22 | 20 | 5 | Fi/Thd/Win/Lgt |
    | Additions | | +3 | +4 | +2 | +3 | +2 | +1 | HP+2 |

    Maruju, Meriah, Alicia n' Rishel have this class.
    One of the best classes! Expert in all fields of combat. Can prevent
    counter-atk! Can defeat even the highest physical defences! Weak against
    physical wpns.

    * NOTE: before promoted, each char can use 2 different types of wpn
    - Thunder, Wind: Maruju, Alicia
    - Fire, Light: Meriah
    - Fire, Thunder: Rishel

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Armor Knight | 20 | 19 | 17 | 24 | 15 | 18 | 3 | Swd |
    | Iron Knight (P) | 22 | 19 | 17 | 25 | 15 | 19 | 6 | Swd |
    | <dismounted> | 20 | 18 | 16 | 25 | 15 | 19 | 3 | Swd |
    | Additions | +2 | | | +1 | | +1 | +3 | |

    Norton has this class.
    This is an armored cavalry. Hard to fight on complicated terrains. Weak
    against anti-armor n' anti-horse wpns. The best fighting environment is city
    or flat terrains.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Soldier | 19 | 20 | 20 | 18 | 15 | 18 | 5 | Swd |
    | Hero (P) | 22 | 23 | 22 | 20 | 15 | 20 | 6 | Swd |
    | Additions | +3 | +3 | +2 | +2 | | +2 | +1 | HP+3 |

    Xeno n' Attrom have this class.
    Like Swd Master, this is one of the most formidable classes. No more word!

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Armor Knight | 20 | 19 | 17 | 24 | 15 | 18 | 3 | Swd |
    | General (P) | 22 | 22 | 19 | 25 | 15 | 20 | 4 | Swd |
    | Additions | +2 | +3 | +2 | +1 | | +2 | +1 | HP+2 |

    BillFord n' Zachariah have this class.
    Great Def n' Atk, but poor Mv n' Speed. Hard to fight on complicated
    terrains. Weak against anti-armor wpns.

    -----o-o---< >---o-o-----

    | | Str | Skl | Agl | Def | Mag | Wlv | Mv | Wpns |
    | Axe Knight | 20 | 19 | 19 | 20 | 15 | 18 | 4 | Ax |
    | Spear Knight | 20 | 19 | 19 | 20 | 15 | 18 | 5 | Spr |
    | Sergeant K. (P) | 22 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 15 | 20 | 5/6| Swd/Spr/Ax |
    | Additions | +2 | +2 | +2 | +1 | | +1 | +1 | HP+2 |

    Ezekiel n' Lionel have this class.
    One of the best classes! Great stats, can use 3 types of wpn. Look at
    Lionel n' you'll see.

    || X. SKILL LIST ||

    You should collate w/ my Skill List (GIF) for more details.

    - Name: the name of the Skl, called in my way.
    - Translated name: the original name of the Skl. Translated from Japanese
    - Symbol: the symbol, the image of the Skl.
    - Effects: effects, functions of the Skl.
    - Signal: it shows when this Skl will be performed.
    - Condition, Formula: the condition or the formula to perform the Skl.

    1/ FIGHTING SKILLS \======================================================

    [ Name ] More n' More
    <> Translated name: Saintly Area
    <> Symbol: A white star
    <> Effects: Ignore terrain effects. Increase Atc power by 2 times
    <> Signal: A white flash

    [ Name ] Astral Drain
    <> Translated name: Saintly Heaven
    <> Symbol: A heart
    <> Effects: Absorb enemy's HP n' refill your HP
    <> Signal: A red flash

    [ Name ] Ikari
    <> Translated name: Dead or Alive
    (Maybe you've realized it if you're a fan of Fighting Games ^_^)
    <> Symbol: A red dot
    <> Effects: Increase CRT effect, Evd n' Hit rates when your HP is low
    <> Condition: The more HP you've lost, the more formidable you are!
    <> Formula: Current HP x 100
    CRT = 100 - ---------------- (%)
    E.g: Current HP is 25, MHP is 60 --> CRT = 100 - [(25x100)/60] = 58 %

    [ Name ] Continual Strike
    <> Translated name: Saintly Dragon
    <> Symbol: A sword w/ 5 lines
    <> Effects: Attack 5 times
    <> Signal: A yellow flash

    [ Name ] Guard Break
    <> Translated name: Wind Water
    <> Symbol: A broken shield
    <> Effects: Reduce enemy's Def by 0
    <> Signal: An orange flash

    [ Name ] Counter Attack
    <> Translated name: Strong Wind
    <> Symbol: A green arrow
    <> Effects: Atk first when you're being attacked by the enemy
    (in enemy's turn)
    <> Signal: A white flash
    <> Condition: Spd is higher than the enemy

    [ Name ] Dead Slash
    <> Translated name: Heavy Wind
    <> Symbol: The sword w/ the shield
    <> Effects: Increase Atc power by 2 times. This is a finish Skl!
    <> Signal: A green flash

    [ Name ] Double Strike
    <> Translated name: Continual
    <> Symbol: A sword w/ 2 line
    <> Effects: Attack 2 times
    <> Signal: A white flash
    <> Formula: Spd %

    [ Name ] Rising Dragon
    <> Translated name: Flying Dragon
    <> Symbol: A feather
    <> Effects: Increase Atc power by 3 times (Max Damage is 99)
    <> Signal: A purple flash

    [ Name ] Large Shield
    <> Translated name: Large Shield
    <> Symbol: A shield
    <> Effects: Increase Def by 20
    <> Signal: A red shield in front of your character
    <> Formula: Level %

    [ Name ] Burglar
    <> Translated name: Burglar
    <> Symbol: Only Maerhen has this Skl
    <> Effects: After the enemy is killed, you'll get all non-star wpns n' itms
    However, it will reduce Hit, Evd n' CRT rates of partners n' NPC allies
    within 3 blocks by 50%!

    [ Name ] Steal
    <> Translated name: Steal
    <> Symbol: A bag
    <> Effects: Can pilfer 1 wpn or itm from enemy
    * NOTE: Can't pilfer star wpns (itms)
    <> Signal: You'll reiceve this wpn (itm)
    <> Formula: (Spd + Skl) %

    [ Name ] Clearance
    <> Translated name: Clearance
    <> Symbol: A blue orb
    <> Effects: Prevent all enemy's Skls!
    <> Condition: The char who has this Skl MUST BE WELL-TRAINED!

    [ Name ] Golden Star
    <> Translated name: Character
    <> Symbol: 2 yellow stars
    <> Effects: Doubles EXP

    [ Name ] Summon
    <> Translated name: Summons
    <> Symbol: A blazing stick
    <> Effects: Can use Summon Wands (Harpy Wand, Zombie Wand...)

    * NOTE: Most of them - especially More n' More, Astral Drain, Continual
    Strike, Guard Break, Dead Slash n' Rising Dragon Skls - are performed
    incidentally n' automatically.
    <> General formula of 6 Skls above: (Skl - enemy's Skl) %

    2/ COMMAND SKILLS \=======================================================

    They're Fighting Skls as well. Besides, you can control them as you want!

    [ Name ] Re-movement
    <> Translated name: Re-movement
    <> Symbol: Only Cavaliers n' flying units have this Skl
    <> Effects: Can move after the attacking

    [ Name ] Charge
    <> Translated name: Charge
    <> Symbol: The sword w/ the red dot
    <> Effects: Can continue fight to 2-5 turns
    <> Condition: Spd is higher than the enemy

    [ Name ] Transmission
    <> Translated name: Loom
    <> Symbol: A golden S (Sherra n' Alfred have this Skl)
    <> Effects: Can move to anywhere (except some places)

    [ Name ] Open
    <> Translated name: Key to open
    <> Symbol: A lock (Holmes, Yuni n' Narsus have this Skl)
    <> Effects: Can open chests, doors n' gates

    [ Name ] Transform
    <> Translated name: Unique
    <> Symbol: Only Narsus has this Skl
    <> Effects (incomplete): Can disguise as any chars (not all), n' receive
    some abilities of this class

    [ Name ] Dance
    <> Translated name: Dance
    <> Symbol: Only Plum has this Skl
    <> Effects (incomplete): Allow allies to move again. Besides, sometimes it
    has effects like the *STR Wand, *DEF Wand n' *MAG Wand
    <> Condition: Just focus on 1 ally for a long time!

    [ Name ] Sing
    <> Translated name: Sing
    <> Symbol: Only Lyria has this Skl
    <> Effects (incomplete): Restore some HP for allies nearby. Sometimes it
    can allow allies to move again
    <> Condition: Testing...

    3/ ENVIRONMENTAL SKILLS \=================================================

    GENERAL EFFECTS: Hit+10%, Evd+10%, Mv+1 while fighting on the respective
    terrains. It means the battle will become more profitable as well.

    [ Name ] Forest
    <> Translated name: Soldier of forest
    <> Symbol: The tree w/ the upper red arrow

    [ Name ] Meadow
    <> Translated name: Soldier of grassland
    <> Symbol: The small meadow w/ the upper red arrow

    [ Name ] Mountain
    <> Translated name: Soldier of mountain
    <> Symbol: The mountain w/ the upper red arrow

    [ Name ] Sea
    <> Translated name: Soldier of sea
    <> Symbol: The wave w/ the upper red arrow

    [ Name ] Frontier
    <> Translated name: Soldier of remote region
    <> Symbol: 3 stones w/ the upper red arrow

    [ Name ] Castle
    <> Translated name: Soldier of castle
    <> Symbol: The white brick w/ the upper red arrow

    4/ SPECIAL SKILLS \======================================================

    [ Name ] Charisma
    <> Translated name: Charisma
    <> Symbol: A golden diadem
    <> Effects: Increase support effect (Hit, Evd, CRT rates) to partners
    within 3 blocks by 5%

    [ Name ] Anti-devil
    <> Translated name: Destruction wickedness
    <> Symbol: The black bat w/ the upper red arrow
    <> Effects: Effective against devil. Increase Hit, Evd n' CRT rates by 20%

    [ Name ] Gladiator
    <> Translated name: Sword fighting loyal retainer
    <> Symbol: The brown brick w/ the upper red arrow
    <> Effects:
    - Hit+10%, Evd+10%, Mv+1 in the Competition
    - Increase Hit n' Evd rates in the arena by 20%

    || XI. WEAPON LIST ||


    Highlight the wpn, press Triangle button to open Board 1. Then press it
    again to open Board 2.

    B1 B2
    /--------------\ /--------------\
    |Negate enemy's| | Lunar Sword |
    |Def. Restore | | _ |
    |HP. | | Att. Ken |_| |
    | | | Pow. 14 |
    | | | Hit. 100 |
    |.------------.| | Crt. 7 | ORDINARY WPN
    || || | Rng. 1 |
    || Picture || | Wt. 3 |
    || || | Wlv. 7 |
    |'------------'| | WHP. 25/30 |
    \--------------/ \--------------/

    /--------------\ /--------------\
    |Reduce all dmg| | *Kusanagi |
    |by 1/2. | | _ |
    |@ Devil | | Att. Ken |_| |
    |* Vega | | Pow. 10 |
    | | | Hit. 80 |
    |.------------.| | Crt. 20 | SPECIAL WPN
    || || | Rng. 1 |
    || Picture || | Wt. 2 |
    || || | Wlv. - |
    |'------------'| | WHP. 40/60 |
    \--------------/ \--------------/

    <> Board 1: the effects n' the picture of this wpn.

    <> Board 2: the parameters of the wpn.

    | Lunar Sword: name of the wpn. |
    | |
    | - Att (attribute): Type of the wpn (Ken is Sword, Yari is Spear...). |
    | - Pow (power): Power of the wpn. |
    | - Hit (percentage): Accuracy of the wpn. |
    | - Crt (critical): Dangerous level of the wpn. |
    | - Rng (range): Atk range of the wpn. |
    | - Wt (weight): Weight of the wpn. |
    | - Wlv (weapon level): Rank of the wpn. |
    | - WHP (weapon HP): Durableness of the wpn. Once this index reached zero, |
    | the wpn will be vanished (w/ ordinary wpns) or broken (w/ special |
    | wpns). Can be recovered by the Repair Hammer (w/ ordinary wpns) or |
    | the *Repair Wand (w/ special wpns). |

    -----[ STAR WEAPONS ]-----

    There are 4 types of star: white, black, blue n' red.

    A] White star wpns:
    E.g: *Kusanagi for Vega, *Masamune for Shigen, *Warp Wand for Renee...
    - Can't be stolen.
    - They will be broken when the WHP reached zero. Can be recovered by the
    *Repair Wand.

    B] Black star wpns:
    - They're ordinary wpns or special wpns. Can be used by all chars or
    specific chars. Effective against / kill some respective units. It means
    they cause SPECIAL EFFECTS.
    E.g: Bows against all flying units, *Kusanagi against all devil units,
    Horse Slayer kills all mounted units...
    - Can be stolen. SOME of them can't be.
    - They will be vanished (w/ ordinary wpns) or broken (w/ special wpns) when
    the WHP reached zero.
    - Can be recovered by the Repair Hammer BEFORE the WHP reaches zero (w/
    ordinary wpns) or by the *Repair Wand (w/ special wpns).

    C] Blue star wpns: read this part carefully
    - They're ordinary or special wpns. They're called upgraded wpns, in my way.
    Can be used by all chars or specific chars. If they're equipped for the
    char, the CRT effect will increase.
    - Can be stolen (except the special wpns).
    - They will be vanished (w/ ordinary wpns) or broken (w/ special wpns) when
    the WHP reached zero.
    - Can be recovered by the Repair Hammer BEFORE the WHP reaches zero (w/
    ordinary wpns) or by the *Repair Wand (w/ special wpns).

    HOW TO UPGRADE? Look at these boards for examples
    /--------------\ /--------------\ /--------------\
    | Lunar Sword | | Lunar Sword | | Lunar Sword |
    | _ | | _ | | _ |
    | Att. Ken |_| | | Att. Ken |_| | | Att. Ken |_| |
    | Pow. 14 | | Pow. 14 | | Pow. 14 |
    | Hit. 80 | | Hit. 80 | | Hit. 80 |
    | Crt. 7 | --> | Crt. 7+1 | --> | Crt. 7+50 |
    | Rng. 1 | | Rng. 1 | | Rng. 1 |
    | Wt. 3 | | Wt. 3 | | Wt. 3 |
    | Wlv. 7 | | Wlv. 7 | | Wlv. 7 |
    | WHP. 25/30 | | WHP. 10/30 | | WHP. 3/30 |
    \--------------/ \--------------/ \--------------/

    - After you've eliminated 50 enemies, the Crt index will increase. It will
    increase by 1 when you've killed 1 more enemy. Once you've erased 100
    enemies, the Crt index will reach 50. It's the max limit.
    Don't forget to recover this wpn!
    - Just look at the Iron Swd n' the Iron Spr you've found in Map 1 n' 3. The
    Crt+1, it means they'll become "blue star" wpns once you've eliminated
    50 enemies.


    However, BE CAREFUL, read this part below!

    D] Red star wpns:
    They have the same explanation as "blue star wpns". However, sometimes
    can injure their wielders! They're called cussed wpns. Very dangerous!

    How to prevent?
    1] Keep upgrading this wpn. When the Crt reaches 49, just STOP! Save the
    game, then back to the battle n' kill 1 enemy. Check the star! If it's a
    red star, just replay this battle by the Soft Reset Function.
    2] Only Zeek - the Dark Knight - can use all cussed sprs n' axes!
    3] Use the "Blue star" wpns Code below. It's a cheat.

    How to repair?
    Your entire "red star" wpns can be repaired! Just enter the secret shops
    in Map 14 (price is 600G) n' Map 35 (price is 3000G).

    - You need no upgrade all your wpns. Just upgrade some of them, especially
    the Lunar Swd. Then use the Extreme Skl of Krisheena to multiply them.
    - The wpn w/ HIGH ACCURACY n' LIGHT WEIGHT is your best choice!

    -----[ SPECIAL SPOILS ]-----

    They will drop from some respective units after you've killed them.

    - Lunar Swd: from Dark Cavaliers.
    - Dragon Spr: from Dark Infantries.
    - Solar Swd: from Armored Skeletons.
    - Iron Sld: from Skeletons.
    - Stellar Swd: from Black Golems.
    - Moonlight: from Yellow Golems.
    - Dragon Ax: from Yellow Ogres.
    - Repair Hammer: from Green Ogres.
    - Dragon Bow: from Dragon Corpses.
    - Death: from Witches.
    - Herb: from Zombies n' Mummies.
    - Fruit: from Eye Splitballs.
    - Amulet: from Harpies.
    - Gold Bag: from Gargoyles.

    Now, here is my weapon list!

    1/ SWORD \================================================================
    Slim Swd | 3 | 53| 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |46/46| 460g|
    Iron Swd | 6 | 70| 0 | 1 | 4 | 3 |50/50|1000g|
    Steel Swd | 9 | 60| 0 | 1 | 6 | 4 |50/50|1500g|
    Silver Swd | 12| 80| 0 | 1 | 4 | 10|30/30|3000g|
    Ir Claymore | 12| 60| 0 | 1 | 8 | 7 |50/50|2000g|
    St Claymore | 15| 55| 0 | 1 | 10| 8 |50/50|2500g|
    Saber | 7 | 60| 3 | 1 | 5 | 2 |33/33| 660g|
    Scimitar | 11| 75| 7 | 1 | 7 | 7 |40/40|2800g|
    Epee | 4 | 90| 7 | 1 | 2 | 5 |22/22|1320g| Effective against armor
    Rapier | 5 |100| 3 | 1 | 3 | - |25/25|2500g| Effective against armor
    |n' cavalry. For Runan only
    Killer Blade| 7 | 90| 20| 1 | 3 | 7 |24/24|2880g| Increase CRT effect
    ArmorSlasher| 7 | 55| 0 | 1 | 7 | 8 |22/22|2200g| Effective against armor
    Thunder Swd | 8 | 65| 0 |1-2| 7 | 8 |23/23|3450g| Atks w/ thunder magic
    Hero Swd | 10| 70| 0 | 1 | 5 | 12|70/70|7000g| Atks 2 times
    SwordBreaker| 3 | 50| 0 | 1 | 1 | 13| 8/8 |2400g| Destroys non-star Swds
    Evade Swd | 2 | 45| 12| 1 | 1 | 5 |14/14|2520g| Increases Evasion
    Thief Swd | 5 | 65| 0 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 8/8 | N/A | Pilfers non-star wpns
    |n' items
    Shield Swd | 7 | 70| 0 | 1 | 6 | 6 |22/22|6600g| Increases 1-20 Def (random)
    Holy Swd | 1 | 50| 4 | 1 | 1 | 14|16/16| N/A | Increases 7 MDf
    Solar Swd | 16|100| 7 | 1 | 3 | 7 |30/30| N/A | Effective against devil
    Lunar Swd | 14| 80| 7 | 1 | 3 | 7 |30/30| N/A | Restores HP, reduces
    |enemy's Def by 0!
    Stellar Swd | 12| 85| 7 | 1 | 3 | 7 |30/30| N/A | Doubles EXP
    *Kusanagi | 10| 80| 20| 1 | 2 | - |60/60| N/A | Reduces all dmg by half,
    |effective against devil.
    |For Vega only
    *Soul Eater | 12| 80| 0 | 1 | 3 | 5 |55/55| N/A | Absorbs HP, effective
    |against devil
    *Lethal Swd | 15| 65| 80| 1 | 7 | 15|40/40| N/A | Effective against devil,
    |reduces 7 magical damage,
    |extremely high increase
    |CRT effect!
    *Masamune | 12| 50| 0 | 1 | 10| - |40/40| N/A | Revives after death,
    |restore all HP.
    |For Shigen only

    *Leeve | 20| 78| 15| 1 | 7 | - | - | N/A | Effective against dragon
    Saintly Swd | |n' devil. For Runan only

    *Canan | 22| 73| 0 | 1 | 8 | - | - | N/A | Effective against dragon
    Saintly Swd | |n' devil. For Sennet only

    *Salia | 17| 88| 20| 1 | 5 | - | - | N/A | Effective against dragon
    Saintly Swd | |n' devil. For Holmes only

    *Leda | 17|100| 25| 1 | 3 | - | - | N/A | Effective against dragon
    Saintly Swd | |n' devil. For Tia only
    << How to get? >>
    - Slim Swd, Iron Swd, Steel Swd, Claymores, Saber: Most shops.
    - Silver Swd: M12 boss. Wpn of Zachariah n' Yoda. M24, M35 shops.
    - Scimitar: M15, M29, M30 shops. Sosol cave, Morse Tower 2F chests.
    - Epee: Wpn of Kate, Mahter n' Mel. Before M9, M14, M29, before M37 shops.
    Ilial cave (S), Morse Tower 3F chests.
    - Rapier: Runan's wpn. Sosol cave, Morse Tower 2F chests. M26a shop.
    (Note: it's a "black star" wpn. However, only Runan can use it)
    - Killer Blade: Julia's wpn. Before M9, M15, M26a, M30 shops. M14, M24
    - Armor Slasher: Roger's wpn. M7 house. M14 shop. M14, Ilial cave (S), Morse
    Tower 3F chests.
    - Thunder Swd: M8 chest. M9, M18 secret shops. M13 enemy. M17 house.
    - Hero Swd: M15 secret shop. Sosol cave, Morse Tower 2F, M37 chests.
    M23, M27 bosses.
    - Sword Breaker: M7 boss. M9 secret shop. Morse Tower 4F chest.
    - Evade Swd: M9 secret shop. M26a shop. Ilial cave (S), Morse Tower 3F
    chests. Krisheena's wpn.
    - Thief Swd: M15 armory. Ilial cave (S), Morse Tower 3F chests. M26b enemy.
    Steal from enemies in Morse Tower.
    - Shield Swd: M12 enemy. M15 armory. Ilial cave (S), Morse Tower 3F chests.
    M26a secret shop.
    - Holy Swd: M15 armory. Morse Tower 4F. After M36, Estefane will give it
    for Runan.
    - Solar Swd: From Armored Skeletons. Morse Tower 1F chest.
    - Lunar Swd: From Dark Cavaliers. After M29, Holmes will receive it.
    (Remark: this is the most useful sword in the game, in my opinion)
    - Stellar Swd: From Black Golems.
    - *Kusanagi: Vega's wpn.
    - *Soul Eater: M19, let Runan talk to Loffaru.
    - *Lethal Swd: M26, let Vega or Julia defeat Rentzen.
    - *Masamune: Shigen's wpn.
    - *Leeve Saintly Swd: M37, let Runan get it.
    - *Salia Saintly Swd: M33, let Holmes get it.
    - *Canan Saintly Swd: Sennet's wpn.
    - *Leda Saintly Swd: Tia's wpn.

    2/ SPEAR \================================================================
    Slim Spr | 6 | 80| 0 | 1 | 4 | 2 |50/50| 500g|
    Iron Spr | 8 | 85| 0 | 1 | 7 | 4 |60/60|1200g|
    Steel Spr | 11| 75| 0 | 1 | 10| 7 |60/60|1800g|
    Silver Spr | 14|100| 0 | 1 | 7 | 11|32/32|3200g|
    Heavy Spr | 15| 65| 0 | 1 | 14| 6 |48/48| N/A |
    Hand Spr | 7 | 60| 0 |1-2| 10| 5 |32/32| 640g|
    Javelin | 10| 68| 0 |1-2| 7 | 9 |30/30|1500g|
    Trio Spr | 13| 75| 7 |1-2| 9 | 14|30/30|3600g|
    Devil Spr | 13| 62| 0 | 1 | 12| 1 |73/73| N/A | Cursed effect
    Killer Spr | 10|100| 20| 1 | 7 | 8 |32/32|3200g| Increases CRT effect
    Hero Spr | 12| 80| 0 | 1 | 8 | 13|80/80|6400g| Atks 2 times
    Dragon Spr | 20| 80| 0 | 1 | 13| 15|30/30| N/A | Restores HP, effective
    |against devil
    *Canan Spr | 15|100| 0 |1-2| 6 | 10|20/20| N/A | Absorbs HP
    *Salia Spr | 18|100| 15|1-2| 4 | 11|74/74| N/A | Atks 2 times
    *Leda Spr | 17|100| 0 | 2 | 7 | 8 |80/80| N/A | Reduces all dmg by half,
    |effective against devil
    << How to get? >>
    - Slim Spr, Iron Spr, Steel Spr, Hand Spr: Most shops.
    - Silver Spr: M24, M29, M35 shops.
    - Heavy Spr: Steal in the arenas.
    - Javelin: M7, M14, M15, M26a, M29, M35 shops. M17 enemy. Ilial cave (N),
    Morse Tower 3F chests.
    - Trio Spr: M18 secret shop. Ilial cave (N), Morse Tower 3F chests.
    - Devil Spr: Zeek's wpn. Steal from Dark Troops.
    - Killer Spr: Raffin's wpn. Mintz's wpn. M26a, before M37 shop. Morse Tower
    3F chest.
    - Hero Spr: M15 secret shop. M26a house. Morse Tower 3F chest.
    - Dragon Spr: From Dark Infantries.
    - *Canan Spr: M35 Julius.
    - *Salia Spr: Verna's wpn.
    - *Leda Spr: Leslie's wpn. Can't be obtained.

    3/ AXE \==================================================================
    Iron Ax | 9 | 60| 0 | 1 | 9 | 3 |88/88| 880g|
    Steel Ax | 14| 50| 0 | 1 | 13| 4 |52/52|1560g|
    Silver Ax | 18| 77| 0 | 1 | 8 | 11|40/40|4000g|
    Hand Ax | 6 | 38| 0 |1-2| 6 | 1 |60/60| 600g|
    Tomahawk | 10| 54| 7 |1-2| 7 | 10|32/32|2560g|
    Horse Slayer| 10| 55| 0 | 1 | 15| 8 |44/44|2200g| Effective kill cavalry
    Killer Ax | 12| 87| 20| 1 | 10| 9 |40/40|2000g| Increases CRT effect
    Armor Slayer| 12| 37| 0 | 1 | 14| 5 |60/60|1200g| Effective kill armor
    Hero Ax | 14| 70| 0 | 1 | 11| 12|90/90|4500g| Atks 2 times
    Shield Ax | 17| 37| 0 | 1 | 17| 12|28/28| N/A | Increases 10 Def
    Dragon Ax | 20| 78| 0 | 1 | 15| 15|40/40| N/A | Restores HP, effective
    |against devil
    *Heavy Ax | 20| 64| 0 | 1 | 20| 13|94/94| N/A | Reduces all dmg by half
    << How to get? >>
    - Iron Ax, Steel Ax, Hand Ax: Most shops.
    - Silver Ax: M19 house. Ilial cave (S), Morse Tower 1F chest. M24, M35 shop.
    - Tomahawk: Garo's wpn. M10, M29, before M37 shops. Morse Tower 2F chest.
    - Horse Slayer: M2 Plum's house. Zeek's wpn. M12, M15, M19, M35 shops.
    Ilial cave (S), Morse Tower 1F chests.
    - Killer Ax: Samson's wpn. M15, M29 shops. Morse Tower 1F chest.
    - Armor Slayer: M2 shop. M12 enemy. Morse Tower 2F chest.
    - Hero Ax: M15 secret shop. Ilial cave (S), Morse Tower 1F, M37 chests.
    M21 Samson talks to Katrina.

    4/ BOW \==================================================================

    - Effective against flying units.
    - Long-range atk.
    Hand Bow | 3 | 70| 0 | 2 | 1 | 2 |50/50| 500g|
    Iron Bow | 6 | 70| 0 | 2 | 5 | 6 |40/40|1200g|
    Steel Bow | 10| 65| 0 | 2 | 8 | 8 |40/40|2000g|
    Silver Bow | 13| 80| 0 | 2 | 6 | 11|28/28|2800g|
    Hero Bow | 10| 70| 0 | 2 | 8 | 12|60/60|4800g| Atks 2 times
    Long Bow | 6 | 65| 0 |2-3| 10| 10|40/40|4800g| Long-range atk
    Dragon Bow | 17| 80| 7 |2-3| 10| 4 |30/30| N/A | Restores HP, effective
    |against devil
    Crossbow | 8 | 90| 0 | 2 | 10| 3 |44/44|1320g|
    Repeat Crb | 6 | 80| 0 | 2 | 15| 7 |40/40|1600g| Atks 2 times
    Heavy Crb | 7 | 60| 0 |2-4| 20| 15|22/22|4400g| Long-range atk
    Killer Crb | 7 |100| 20| 2 | 14| 9 |23/23|2300g| Increases CRT effect
    Gatling Crb | 5 | 65| 0 | 2 | 20| 10|60/60|3600g| Atks 4 times
    Ballistic | 15| 70| 0 |3-7| 20| 4 |22/22| N/A | Owner can't move
    Thrower| 20| 55| 0 |3-7| 20| 5 |15/15| N/A | Owner can't move
    << How to get? >>
    - Hand Bow, Iron Bow, Steel Bow, Crossbow: most shops.
    - Silver Bow: M24, M35 shops. Ilial cave (N), Morse Tower 4F cheats.
    - Hero Bow: Raquel's wpn. Sosol cave, Ilial cave (N), Morse Tower 4F chests.
    M37 chest.
    - Long Bow: Holmes's wpn. M15 armory. M18 secret shop. M26a house. Morse
    Tower 1F chest.
    - Dragon Bow: from Dragon Corpses.
    - Repeat Crb: M14, M16 chests. M26a secret shop.
    - Heavy Crb: M26a secret shop. M27 chest. Ilial cave (N), Morse Tower 3F
    - Killer Crb: M26 shop. Morse Tower 1F chest.
    - Gatling Crb: Morse Tower 1F chest.
    - Ballistic: M17 enemy.
    - Stone Thrower: Hagaru's wpn.

    5/ MAGIC \================================================================

    [ WIND ]
    Wind | 5 | 73| 0 |1-2| 3 | 5 |44/44|2640g|
    *Miracle | 10|100| 20|1-2| 5 | - |58/58| N/A | Increases CRT effect.
    Wind |For Maruju only
    *Sylph | 18| 92| 0 |1-2| 6 | 7 |47/47| N/A | Prevents counter-atk
    Blizzard | 7 | 64| 0 |1-2| 8 | 7 |30/30|3000g| Prevents counter-atk
    Tornado | 10| 70| 0 | 2 | 15| 14|12/12| N/A | Wide-range atk
    << How to get? >>
    - Wind: Maruju's wpn. M10 shop. M12 enemy. Morse Tower 3F.
    - *Miracle Wind: After M5.
    - *Sylph:
    + For Maruju: At 1st team division, put him in Holmes's army. Back to M5,
    he'll get it from Shilphy - her mother.
    + For Alicia: Let her join M21. Talk w/ Alfred n' she'll get it.
    - Blizzard: M14, before M37 shops. Morse Tower 3F chest.
    - Tornado: Morse Tower 3F chest. Alfred's wpn.

    [ LIGHT ]
    Effective against devil n' Dark attribute!
    *Starlight | 20| 97| 0 |1-2| 12| - |50/50| N/A | For Meriah only
    *Rainbow | 7 | 74| 0 |All| 15| - | 7/7 | N/A | All-range atk, use after
    |5 turns. For Meriah only
    Moonlight | 12| 93| 0 |1-2| 7 | 7 |18/18| N/A | Absorbs HP
    *Prelude | 10|100| 0 |1-2| 8 | 10|40/40| N/A | Prevents counter-atk
    << How to get? >>
    - *Starlight: Meriah's wpn.
    - *Rainbow: At 2nd team division, put her n' Rishel in Runan's army.
    - Moonlight: From Yellow Golems.
    - *Prelude: Morse Tower 6F chest.

    [ THUNDER ]
    Thunder | 6 | 84| 0 |1-2| 5 | 4 |30/30|2400g|
    Lightning | 9 | 90| 0 |1-2| 7 | 8 |25/25|3000g|
    *Twin | 12| 95| 7 |1-2| 4 | - |62/62| N/A | Atks 2 times.
    Thunder |For Alicia only
    Bolting | 16| 88| 7 |1-2| 12| 12|20/20|6000g|
    Storm| 7 | 70| 0 |2-3| 18| 15|14/14| N/A | Wide-range atk
    << How to get? >>
    - Thunder: M7 shop, enemy. M29 shop. Sosol cave, Ilial cave (N), Morse Tower
    4F chests.
    - Lightning: M15, M36 shops. Sosol cave, Ilial cave (N), Morse Tower 1F,4F
    - *Twin Thunder: Alicia's wpn.
    - Bolting: M16 enemy. M26a secret shop. Sosol cave, Ilial cave (N), Morse
    1F,4F chests.
    - Thunder Storm: Sosol cave, Ilial cave (N), Morse Tower 4F chests.

    * GENERAL NOTE: All wide-range magic only be used after 2 turn!

    [ FIRE ]
    Fire | 8 | 60| 0 |1-2| 6 | 3 |30/30|2400g|
    Hell Fire | 11| 54| 0 |1-2| 10| 6 |25/25|3000g|
    Volcano | 15| 70| 0 |1-2| 14| 12|18/18|3240g|
    Meteor Rain | 9 | 48| 0 |2-5| 15| 13|15/15| N/A |
    Fire Storm | 8 | 55| 0 |2-3| 15| 15|12/12| N/A | Wide-range atk
    *Solar Flame| 15|100| 0 |1-3| 10| - |70/70| N/A | Effective against devil,
    |increase 10 Def.
    |For Rishel only
    << How to get? >>
    - Fire: Lee's wpn. Meriah's wpn. Before M9 shop. M10, M19 shops. Sosol cave,
    Morse Tower 5F chests.
    - Hell Fire: M9 boss. M14, Sosol cave, Morse Tower 5F chests. M19 house.
    M19, before M37 shops.
    - Volcano: Sosol cave, Morse Tower 5F chests.
    - Meteor Rain: Sosol cave, Morse Tower 5F chests. Rishel's wpn.
    - Fire Storm: Sorry, I don't remember exactly how to get it.
    - *Solar Flame: Rishel's wpn.

    [ DARK ]
    Evil Insect | 8 | 60| 0 |1-3| 12| 4 |26/26|2600g|
    King Cobra | 10| 84| 0 |1-2| 8 | 7 |30/30|3000g| Absorbs HP
    Death | 7 | 70| 20|1-3| 13| 10|18/18|2700g| Increases CRT effect
    Dark Wave | 18|100| 0 |1-3| 10| 15|40/40|2800g| Prevents counter-atk
    Dark Force | 5 | 74| 0 |2-3| 15| 13|12/12| N/A | Wide-range atk
    Black Hole | 4 | 90| 0 |2-3| 15| 14|12/12| N/A | Wide-range atk
    Rock Trap | 6 | 82| 0 |2-3| 18| 14|12/12| N/A | Wide-range atk
    Earthquake | 1 | 50| 0 |All| 20| 15|10/10| N/A | All-range atk, use after
    |5 turns, not effective
    |w/ flying units
    << How to get? >>
    - Evil Insect, King Cobra, Death, Dark Wave: buy in M31 (secret shop).
    - King Cobra: Sherra's wpn. M39 chest.
    - Death: From Witches (random).
    - Rock Trap, Black Hole, Dark Force, Earthquake: steal from enemy.

    [ OTHERS ]
    Breath (S)| 1 | 80| 0 |1-2| 10| 1 | - | N/A | Reduces enemy's Def by 0!
    *Dragon | 20| 50| 0 |1-2| 20| 1 | - | N/A | Reduces enemy's Def by 0!
    Breath (L) |Wide-range atk
    *Dark | 20| 50| 0 |1-3| 15| 30| - | N/A | Reduces enemy's Def by 0!
    Breath |Wide-range atk
    *Black Rain | 20|120|100|All| 20| 0 | - | N/A | All-range atk, use after
    |20 turns. LETHAL ATK FOR
    |ALL (except for Tia)!
    Monster| 12| 68| 0 |1-2| 20| 1 |68/68| N/A | Prevents counter-atk
    << How to get? >>
    No, you can't obtain them.
    - *Dragon Breath (S n' L): for Dragons only.
    - *Dark Breath n' *Black Rain: for Dark Dragon only.
    - *Black Monster: Guen's wpn.

    6/ WAND \=================================================================
    Healing | 1 | 1 |22/22|2200g| Restores some HP
    Long Healing|All| 6 |15/15|4500g| Restores some HP
    *Save | - | 2 |18/18| N/A | Saves during the battle
    *Repair | 1 | 14 | 3/3 | N/A | Repairs star wpns
    *DEF | 1 | For Plum only |18/18| N/A | Reduces all dmg by half
    *MAG | 1 | For Mel only |10/10| N/A | Increases 7 Mag
    *STR | 1 | For Lyria only |14/14| N/A | Increases 10 Str
    *Silence |All| For Leteena only | 7/7 | N/A | Blocks all enemy's magic
    |in few turns
    *DevilKiller|All| For Renee only | 7/7 | N/A | Kills all monsters
    *Warp | 1 | For Renee only |15/15| N/A | Moves units to anywhere
    Zombie | - | 3 |12/12|3600g| Summons Zombies n' Mummies
    Harpy | - | 12 |12/12|4800g| Summons Harpies
    Golem | - | 8 |12/12|6000g| Summons Rock Statues
    Ogre | - | 5 |12/12|4200g| Summons Axe Devils
    Skeleton | - | 9 |12/12|4200g| Summons Skeletons
    Gargoyle | - | 15 |12/12| N/A | Summons Gargoyles
    << How to get? >>
    - Healing Wand: Most shops. Most equipment of Healers (Sister, Priest...)
    - Long Healing Wand: Lee's equipment. M4 lower right house. M9, M25 secret
    shops. M12 boss. M14, M39, Ilial cave (S), Morse Tower 2F,3F,5F chests.
    - *Save Wand: Enteh's equipment. M20, M37 chests.
    - *Repair Wand: M15 armory. M16, M37 chests.
    - *DEF Wand: Select Lee before M2. After this map, he'll give it for Plum.
    - *MAG Wand: At 1st team division, put Mel in Holmes's army. Back to M5,
    she'll get it from Shilphy - her mother.
    - *STR Wand: After 1st team division, put Yuni in Holmes's army. After M15
    n' before M16 (at Riguria), she'll give it for Lyria.
    - *Silence Wand: Leteena's equipment.
    - *Devil Killer n' *Warp Wand: Renee's equipment.
    - Zombie Wand: Katri's equipment. M25 secret shop.
    - Harpy Wand: M13 enemy. M25 secret shop. Sosol cave, Ilial cave (N), Morse
    Tower 5F chests.
    - Golem Wand: Rebecca's equipment. Morse Tower 2F chest.
    - Ogre Wand: M25 secret shop. Ilial cave (S), Morse Tower 4F,5F chests.
    - Skeleton Wand: Ilial cave (S), Morse Tower 3F,5F chests.
    - Gargoyle Wand: Morse Tower 2F chest.

    || XII. ITEM LIST ||

    1/ RESTORE ITEM \=========================================================
    Herb | 3 |1200g| Restores 10 HP
    Fruit | 3 |2100g| Restores 20 HP
    Elixir | 3 |3000g| Restores all HP
    Amulet | 1 |5000g| Revives after death, not restore HP
    *Panacea | 1 | N/A | Revives after death, restore all HP
    Stone | 3 | N/A | Revives all dead allies. Use in Morse Tower
    << How to get? >>
    - Herb: Most shops, everywhere. From Zombies n' Mummies.
    - Fruit: Most shops, everywhere. From Split Eyeballs.
    - Elixir: M8, Sosol cave, Ilial cave (N)x2, Morse Tower 1F,5F chests.
    Before M9, M35, before M37 shop.
    - Amulet: From Harpies. M1, M26a house. Beruje, before M9, M19, M29, M35
    shops. Ilial cave (N)x2, Morse Tower 1F x2, 3F chests.
    - *Panacea: Sherra's item. Riguria armory. M14, Ilial cave (N), Morse
    Tower 2F chests.
    - *Dakryuon Stone: M21 chest.

    2/ SHIELD \===============================================================
    Wooden Sld | 4 |2000g| Increases 4 Def
    Iron Sld | 4 |4000g| Increases 7 Def
    Steel Sld | 3 |6000g| Increases 12 Def
    Magic Sld | 4 |8000g| Increases 7 MDf
    Silver Sld | 2 | N/A | Increases 20 Def
    *Thunder Sld| - | N/A | Increases 12 MDf when injured by thunder magic
    *Flame Sld | - | N/A | Increases 12 MDf when injured by fire magic
    *Wind Sld | - | N/A | Increases 12 MDf when injured by wind magic
    *Goddess Sld| - | N/A | Prevents all enemy's Skl, CRT n' special effects
    *Jade Scale | - | N/A | Reduces all dmg by half
    Scale | - | N/A | Increases 40 Def n' MDf, prevent all enemy's skl,
    |CRT n' special effects
    << How to get? >>
    - Wooden Shield: Most shops, everywhere.
    - Iron Shield: From Skeletons. M7,M10,M24,M26a,M35 shops. M8, Morse Tower
    2F,5F chests.
    - Steel Shield: After M9. M14, Morse Tower 2F,5F chests.
    - Magic Shield: Zeek's item. M14, Ilial cave (S), Morse Tower 4F chests.
    M17 enemy. M24 house, enemy. Before M37 shop.
    - Silver Shield: Riguria armory. Morse Tower 2F,5F chests. M35 house (price:
    - *Thunder Shield: M8, Ilial cave (S), Morse Tower 1F chests.
    - *Flame Shield: Morse Tower 4F chest.
    - *Wind Shield: Sosol cave, Morse Tower 2F chests.
    - *Goddess Shield: Morse Tower 6F chest.
    - *Jade Scale: Kalra's item. Dark Dragon's item. Can't be obtained.
    It will be equipped for Dragons in Competition Mode.
    - *Purple Scale: For Saintly Dragons only. Can't be obtained.

    3/ BOOK \=================================================================
    Limit Proof | 1 | N/A | Lv+10 (40 is Max)
    Book| 1 | N/A | Learn Re-movement Skl
    Burglar Book| 1 | N/A | Learn Burglar Skl
    *Salia Bible| 1 | N/A | After equipped, Str, Skl, Spd, n' Def can increase
    |together when LvUp
    *Leeve Bible| 1 | N/A | After equipped, Mag, Luk, Wlv, n' HP can increase
    |together when LvUp
    << How to get? >>
    - Limit Proof: M3, M14 houses. M25 hidden item. Ilial cave (S), M26b, M27,
    Morse Tower 3F,5F chests.
    - Re-movement Book: M3, M18 houses. M25 hidden item. At 3rd team division,
    put Yuni in Holmes's army, she'll get it.
    - Burglar Book: M25 hidden item.
    - *Salia Bible (the blue book): M17 Kernel.
    - *Leeve Bible (the red book): At 1st team division, put Maruju in Runan's
    army. After M17 n' before M18 he'll get it.

    4/ PROMOTION ITEM \=======================================================
    Knight Proof| 1 | N/A | Upgrades for cavaliers, knights
    Hero Proof | 1 | N/A | Upgrades for fighters, soldiers
    Sage Proof | 1 | N/A | Upgrades for mages
    Flute | 1 | N/A | Upgrades for Princess (to Pegasus Knight)
    Flute | 1 | N/A | Upgrades for Pegasus Knights (to Dragon Knights)
    << How to get? >>
    - Knight Proof: M3, M24 house. M8, M14, M16, M26b, Ilial cave (S), Morse
    Tower 4F, 5F chests. Loffaru's item.
    - Hero Proof: M14, M18, M26a house. M15 armory. M17 enemy. M11, M14, M16,
    Sosol cave, Ilial cave (N), Morse Tower 5F chests.
    - Sage Proof: M14, M16, Ilial cave (S), Morse Tower 3F, M39 chest.
    M17 house.
    - *Pegasus Flute: M6 after the conversation between Sasha n' Mel.
    - Dragon Flute: M10 secret shop. Morse Tower 1F chest. At 3rd team division,
    put Bud in Holmes's army, she'll get it.

    5/ PLUS POTION \==========================================================
    POW Plus | 1 | N/A | Str+3
    SKL Plus | 1 | N/A | Skl+3
    AGI Plus | 1 | N/A | Agl+3
    DEF Plus | 1 | N/A | Def+3
    MAG Plus | 1 | N/A | Mag+3
    LUK Plus | 1 | N/A | Luk+3
    WLV Plus | 1 | N/A | Wlv+3
    MHP Plus | 1 | N/A | MHP+5
    MOV Plus | 1 | N/A | Mv+3
    << How to get? >>
    - POW Plus: M14, Sosol cave, Ilial cave (N), Morse Tower 1F,4F chests. M25
    hidden itm.
    - SKL Plus: M17 enemy. M14, Ilial cave (N,S), Morse Tower 2F,3F(x2),5F(x2)
    chests. M25 hidden itm.
    - AGI Plus: M8, M14, Morse Tower 3F chests. M25 hidden itm.
    - DEF Plus: M15 armory. M25 hidden itm. M14, Morse Tower 3F chests.
    - MAG Plus: M25 hidden itm. M14, Morse Tower 2F, M37 chests.
    - LUK Plus: M3 house. M14, Sosol cave, Ilial cave (N), Morse Tower 1F,5F
    chests. M25 hidden itm.
    - WLV Plus: M1 house. M14, Sosol cave, Ilial cave (S) x2, Morse Tower 4F x2,
    5F chests.
    - MHP Plus: M14, M37, Ilial cave (N), Morse Tower 1F,2F chests. M2 house.
    M25 hidden itm.
    - MOV Plus: Sosol cave, M26b, Morse Tower 5F chests.

    6/ OTHERS \===============================================================
    Door Key | 1 | 500g| Opens doors
    Bridge Key | 1 |2000g| Opens bridges
    *Guild Key | 5 | N/A | Enters secret shops
    Gold Bag | 1 | N/A | Sells for 3000g
    Hammer| 1 |8000g| Repairs non-star wpns
    Hand Mirror | - | N/A | Increases Hit n' Evd to partners within 3 blocks by
    |5%. For Plum only!
    Wristlet| - | N/A | Transforms into Fire Dragon. For Katri only
    Wristlet| - | N/A | Transforms into Water Dragon. For Enteh only
    Wristlet| - | N/A | Transforms into Wind Dragon. For Neifa only
    Wristlet| - | N/A | Transforms into Demon Dragon. For Tia only
    << How to get? >>
    - Door Key: M14, M24, before M37 shops. M39 chests. M40 enemies.
    - Bridge Key: M7 house. M12 shop. M24 enemy. M37 chest, enemies.
    - *Guild Key: M9 hidden itm. Riguria armory.
    - Gold Bag: Everywhere. From Gargoyles.
    - Repair Hammer: From Green Ogres. M7, before M9, M24, M26a, M29, before M37
    shops. M14, M26a houses.
    - Hand Mirror: M2 house. Only Plum can get it.
    - Salia Wristlet: Katri's item.
    - Leeve Wristlet: Enteh's item (later).
    - Canan Wristlet: Neifa's item. Can't be obtained.
    - Leda Wristlet: Tia's item. Only use in Competition Mode.
    She's a Demon Dragon, isn't she? So farcical! I've never let this happen.
    Con nhieu thieu sot, mong dong gop!:D
  17. Phoenix99

    Phoenix99 Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Q11 HCM
    trời ạ đưa link được rùi chép nguyên cái hướng dẫn như vậy choáng chỗ lắm nếu mọi người để ý thì toàn bộ các hướng dẫn đểu do LethalRedArmy viết bạn này rất nổi tiếng thể loaị game TBS , tuy riêng hiện giờ ít hoạt động rùi nhìn Hoạt động cuối cùng là biết ^_^
  18. Roy Wangtta

    Roy Wangtta Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Phoenix99 noi dung do, minh lay tu gameFAQs cua LethalRedArmy. Do noi dung co nhung cai khong can thiet nen chi lay nhung thu can thoi. Nhung lan sau rut kinh nghiem khong chep nua. Sory:D
  19. talavip123

    talavip123 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thế cho mình hỏi làm thế nào để có cuộc chiến phép thuật giữa 3 phái pháp sư. Và nó có thật không. Còn không hiểu sao Narron nhà tớ max gấn hết các chỉ số cơ bản thiếu mỗi luk mà chỉ có 6skill, toàn skill cùi. Giúp tớ với.
  20. MiniZoa

    MiniZoa Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nếu ko chơi x đồ, ko hack ko cheat j hết thì mỗi nv chỉ có thể có 6 kĩ năng trong bộ s.skill của mình thôi bạn.

Chia sẻ trang này