PlayStation Vita FAQs Season 2 | Never Stop Asking.

Thảo luận trong 'Sony' bắt đầu bởi Niarbrebyc, 31/7/12.

  1. atlans89

    atlans89 The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

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    Có lão Shahid đang tease nhiệt tình, chả biết cái title mà tease trước đó có phải là Freedom Wars ko hay là title khác nữa.
  2. transyphu

    transyphu Legend of Zelda

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    Đất là nhà
    Cơ bản là nếu tương lai Vita càng u ám có khi SONY phải tung ra chiêu cuối cho Vita là game PS2 classic có thể chạy được trên Vita chăng :1cool_byebye:. Lúc đó chỉ còn rung đùi ngồi chờ các chú hacker biến PSVita thành 1 PS2 di động thôi (1 trong những lí do mình mua Vita)
  3. Yukira88

    Yukira88 Mega Man

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    Bears Holy Land
    PS2 classic ko chạy nổi đâu, PS3 CPU với GPU mạnh hơn Vita bao nhiêu lần mà còn ko kham đc nữa là .
  4. k3nji2kid

    k3nji2kid Sora, Wielder of Keyblades

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    PlayStation VN
    Biết đâu E3 này nó announce PS2 Classic Games Collection cho Vita ý nhể?!

    "A Dozen" mà k hiểu là nh game gì. Indie Title?! Chắc có MOH của tụi Slant6 rồi.


    Sony to stream E3 conference on PlayStation Vita

    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 28/5/13
  5. Bayoneda

    Bayoneda Legend of Zelda

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    Stream mà đông người giật tưng từng từng luôn :8cool_tire:
  6. Yukira88

    Yukira88 Mega Man

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    Bears Holy Land
    Hồi stream PS4 cả triệu lượt người vào có xi nhê đâu.

    Trách là trách mạng mình cùi thôi.
  7. Sharius

    Sharius SPARTAN John-117 GameOver

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  8. hp3979

    hp3979 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Từ giờ tới mùa quýt năm sau mà vita ko có game nào bom tấn là bán vita mua ps3:6cool_sure:
  9. canchigiaonhieu

    canchigiaonhieu One-winged Angel Lão Làng GVN

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    somewhere : ở mỹ
    somehow : sau khi sự kiện diễn ra vài ngày và có trên youtube chúng ta sẽ xem đc qua app youtube của vita
  10. leanhhaodeptrai

    leanhhaodeptrai The Warrior of Light

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    1 bài viết khá hay về George Kamitani cũng như sự ra đời của Vanillaware
    [SPOIL]Got his start in the gaming sector in high school during the Famicom heyday when a friend at a software company gave him a part-time job doing pixel art. He tricked his parents into saying okay by saying it would improve his mathematics grades.

    Later entrusted with doing porting work to different consoles. Did the graphics graphics for Famicom port of AD&D Hillstar.

    Moved to Osaka from Hiroshima after college and applied to Nintendo, Capcom, etc. Went with Capcom which was really thriving then under Executive VP Yoshiki Okamoto (Time Pilot, Sonson director)

    At Capcom, entered as a planner in order to see how games were built from ground up, around 1992-1993 when SF II was a huge hit. When he entered the company, his department was mostly working on side-scrolling action games.

    Worked on Muscle Bomber, heavy on the throwing techniques, making for complicated graphics--putting different graphical parts together and animating. This experience was important in developing Vanillaware's 2D tools later on.

    Worked on D&D Tower of Doom after Muscle Bomber, on red dragon and stage layouts. Lots of fun, and wished he'd been on project at start rather than mid-way through. This shows in Dragon's Crown, too.

    Left Capcom after feeling he could never direct there--too many talented people. Invited by an old upperclassman from school to join a small game company in Kansai that formerly did adult games but that was diversifying. Started building the foundation of what would become Princess Crown there.

    Princess Crown originally from idea of making a Princess Maker 2 type of "raise your character" game with many endings. Character training/raising sections would be replaced by fighting action sections instead.

    Strong RPG elements in Princess Crown because when shopping the game to Sega, it was assumed that it was an RPG, and he answered yes, of course, it will have 40 hours of playtime!---Sega really needed RPG's for the battle with Sony (Saturn vs. PS) then. Talked with his two main programmers on the train back and said that they'd really need to make it an RPG now that they'd said it was one.

    Entered development at the end of 1995 but problems a year later because the development company went bankrupt. A friend at Sega introduced him to Atlus, which totally saved him and the project. Deep appreciation for them still.

    At the end of project, rather than Vanillaware becoming a smaller unit of Atlus, all of the development members scattered, so later Vanillaware games with entirely new staff. 10 years later, still hard to make games now!

    After being saved by Atlus, he became a staff member there at "Atlus Kansai" (Atlus Osaka Development Office, from which some members later broke off to form Noise Factory). Was very attached to his Princess Crown team and always wanted to make another work and thought of Dragon's Crown at that time. However, Atlus Kansai dissolved soon after.

    Though Princess Crown was highly praised, it came at the end of the Saturn's life and sales weren't huge---bankruptcy of the development company was a big loss, too. Princess Crown was branded as a "red ink project"/money-loser and people who worked on it weren't looked upon favorably.

    He really wanted to keep his team together and make even better things with them, but he didn't have the grit or the guts to start his own company at that time. An Osaka development company called Racjin took on his team members.

    So, after Princess Crown, there was no sort of "Team Kamitani" around to make games.

    Later invited to Tokyo by Shigeo Komori, who helped with Princess Crown development, and went to work at Sony Computer Entertainment in Tokyo (Kamitani's work at Sony is not well-known and much of it is confidential). Wanted to do game planning there but the team he assembled ended up in pieces.

    In the end, he and Ohnishi (current Vanillaware programmer) were the only ones left, in dire straits with no money, living on 200 yen a day and eating bread ends. This was 2001 and he was 32 then. Couldn't just go back to Osaka with no job so stayed in Tokyo, got introduced to a job that would become involved in development of Fantasy Earth~The Ring of Dominion (MMO). His involvement shifted the world theme from a humans vs. vampires thing into a more princess/fantasy thing. His team that was contracted for this work was an early version of Vanillaware.

    This was his most harrowing project. He owes a lot to Shigatake (now a Vanillaware illustrator), who at the time told Kamitami he was in love with Princess Crown---Kamitani says he "tricked" poor Shigatake into joining the project based on this!

    Vanillaware gets established soon after Kamitani leaves the Fantasy Earth project. Princess Crown 2--later to be known as Odin Sphere, started out with only 5 developers. Only two members, Kamitani & Nishii, were from the original Princess Crown. Despite Kamitani's bad credentials doing no help to gather people up for his suspicious company (He was only known for Princess Crown til then), his staff eventually grew to 10 members.

    His reputation really didn't help him to get a funding from Atlus either. When he proposed Odin Sphere to them, a lot of voices were heard in the company saying that it's a bad decision considering that Princess Crown was a flop and Kamitani hasn't even made a new game in 7-8 years. Their R&D cheif decided to go with it though, and the proposal miraculously went through.

    Everything went smoothly with Odin Sphere except for its schedule. But that alone brought down Atlus' trust, and after development was finished, they refused to begin talks on a new project until they see how well the game will do. What's more, Atlus was going to delay the game's sale to accomodate their release schedule. Given that Vanillaware needed money to keep alive, Kamitani had to seek around for new funds. This led to Nipponichi Software's Grimgrimoire and Marvelous AQL's Oboro Muramasa.

    By the time Grimgrimoire was completed, Vanillaware was so dead out of funds that Kamitani had to personally borrow money. About 20 million yen. He went so mental that the ceiling looked like it was morphing whenever he lied down.

    Odin Sphere came to the rescue. Atlus had set its loyalties pretty high that Kamitani got enough money to pay back his debt and even give bonuses to his workers. Still, Vanillaware was down to its knees again by the time that Oboromuramasa was done.

    His company just ignores deadlines and keeps working until its funds run out. That hasn't changed even as of now. It's bad practice as a company, but Kamitani is just happy being able to make games. Given that Vanillaware has more employees now, he realizes that he needs to reconsider his dangerous approach-- even though Vanillaware exists to make games, doing so til' money runs dry is simply not ideal.

    Reason he doesn't do sequels is that he can't usually, so he makes games such that they're stuffed full of all the ideas he wanted to have, with no potential for regrets over things left out. Dragon's Crown is one such game, where he's completely exhausted all the ideas he wanted and implemented them, so that it'd be hard to make a sequel quickly even if asked.

    Agrees that it's unusual for an independent developer to be able to continue to make originals rather than sequels, suggesting that Princess Crown's influence was probably there---even if it didn't sell well, it was critically acclaimed within the industry.

    Vanillaware is now trusted to create originals that also make money, which enables them to keep creating originals, with everyone's support. He has never had any intention of taking on work for other companies because he believes most strongly of all in creating original games.

    Right now, there are 24 people at Vanillaware, slowly transitioning so they can have two lines of 12 people on 2 projects. Odin Sphere was 12, Oboro Muramasa was 16.

    As for Kamitani's direct work, he does the overall design, character and monster drawing, and scenario writing. But everyone at Vanillaware does all kinds of jobs.

    Wants to keep making consumer-oriented games (i.e. for gamers) as opposed to smart phone games, seeing as he worked so hard to have his own company.


    Dragon's Crown is Vanillaware's largest-scale production, not something they could normally make. It was a long and meandering road, taking 4 years to make. Everything they could think of was put into the game.

    Originally meant to be published by UK-based UTV Ignition but then given to Atlus, with some risk that the project would be frozen because UTV was no longer involved. Kamitani felt strongly about this project, though, begging Atlus for help, which decided to bring the money.

    Dragon's Crown is just packed with things he liked, everything he was hoping for pretty much got put in. The game system, the art, the game book style [does this mean like in Odin Sphere? I don't know.], monsters, scenario events. Now that he's made this game, he can die happy. Not that he wants to die yet----even when his game designs weren't going forward, he always was making planning documents and has tons of other ideas he wants to do. There's at least 10 that he still wants to do most of all.[/SPOIL]

    Phải nói rằng studio này mém chút nữa đi theo gót chân của Clover studio, game hay nhưng sale tệ quá, may mà mấy game gần đây có sale khá tốt, một phần Atlus cũng tin tưởng vào studio này, hi vọng cái Dragon's Crown có sale tốt để có ai đó động lòng localize Princess Crown với Grand Knight History :9cool_pudency:


    Nagoshi confirms Yakuza PSV


    Tecmo Koei E3 2013 lineup: Includes Atelier Meruru Plus, Toukiden
    Tecmo Koei has announced its lineup for next month’s E3, confirming localizations for Atelier Meruru Plus: The Apprentice of Arland and Toukiden on PS Vita in the process, as well a final release date for Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 28/5/13
  11. Yukira88

    Yukira88 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bears Holy Land
    Vanillaware từ lúc mới sinh ra đã gặp khó khăn rồi. Staff lúc đầu có 2 hay 3 người gì đó. Game làm ra xong thì bị đẩy lùi lại để ưu tiên cho IP của Atlus, sau bị bán cho IG, mấy năm sau lại bị bán lại sang Atlus, giờ thì Index Corp sắp bể nên tương lai Atlus cũng ko rõ ràng.

    Cái Princess Crown chịu khó chơi lại bản Saturn cũng đc, ko khác gì PSP đâu.

    Btw cái side quest của FFIX đc post từ thuở nào rồi chứ ko phải đến giờ mới thấy :
  12. Devil_Divine

    Devil_Divine Lão Làng GVN

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    Neo Arcadia
    vita version please TK :5cool_sweat:
  13. Horsea

    Horsea Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

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    Có Vita thì cũng phải cải tiến đồ họa đi. Bản DOA5Plus đồ họa như PS2 ấy.
  14. Sharius

    Sharius SPARTAN John-117 GameOver

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  15. Spaghetti_tomato

    Spaghetti_tomato Mario & Luigi

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    No Country For Old Men
    DOA thế là ngon rồi, chê gì nữa bố :|
  16. k3nji2kid

    k3nji2kid Sora, Wielder of Keyblades

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    PlayStation VN
    Store update sớm nhé, ai thích thì down game mai chơi luôn!


    Rayman Legends on PS Vita Gets a Gameplay Trailer, September 3rd Release Date in North America
  17. Sharius

    Sharius SPARTAN John-117 GameOver

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  18. Bayoneda

    Bayoneda Legend of Zelda

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    Tháng 6 hơi bị nhiều thứ để chờ đợi :4cool_beauty:
  19. djdangphu

    djdangphu Donkey Kong

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    12 ngày nữa là ra mắt PS4 đúng ko bác ^.^
  20. atlans89

    atlans89 The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

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    Đã cho pre-order The Last of Us rồi \m/ Bonus ngon thế này thì digital luôn :-"

    Meruru Plus tháng 9 nốt :8cool_cry: Đoán ko sai, nhưng mỗi tội list tháng 9 dày quá lại phải cancel bớt đi rồi :6cool_beat_shot:

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