Multi [PS4/XBOX] Red Dead Redemption 2

Thảo luận trong 'Tin tức - Giới thiệu - Thảo luận chung về game' bắt đầu bởi [R]ainy™, 19/10/18.

  1. [R]ainy™

    [R]ainy™ Shop Game Bản Quyền Lão Làng GVN

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    Một số mẹo nhỏ trong game:

    General Tips
    • Arthur will visibly lose or gain weight depending on how much food he eats.
    • If you lose a hat or weapon it will reappear on your horse’s saddle
    • If you set a waypoint and enable the cinematic camera while holding down X (releaseing it afterwards), your horse will automatically ride there.
    • The HUD is customisable, so you can remove the minimap and other on-screen cues if you desire.
    • Pause the game or press down on the D-Pad, and the current time and temperature is displayed.
    • Items can be purchased at general stores by walking around and picking them up off shelves, but there’s also a catalog here, too.
    • You’ll need to dress warmly when the temperature drops and shed layers when it gets unbearably hot.
    • Putting on a bandana during a crime and then taking it off afterwards makes the Wanted meter drop faster, providing you’re out of the search radius.
    • You can pay off your own bounty by visiting the nearest Post Office during the day.
    • If you get a bounty on your head in a town and then clear your name by paying the said bounty, townspeople will still remember any trouble you caused and comment on it when you return.
    • You can buy newspapers which will cover events that occur throughout the story.
    • You can pat dogs. Those dogs won’t bark at you again if you see them.
    • Health and stamina bars have an “inner core” that determines how fast your bars refill
    • The honor system is intricate and the most obvious honorable versus dishonorable choice won’t always be apparent. Killing an O’Driscoll, one of the rival gang members, won’t be considered dishonorable. But if you escalate the conversation before killing them, it will be.
    • Hygiene matters. If you're dirty or bloody or generally gross, people will shy away from you.
    • Fast Travel from camp is unlocked by upgrading Dutch’s tent then Arthur’s in the ledger.
    • Complete chores around the camp early on to get some easy points toward leveling up Dead Eye
    • When choosing your outfit, be sure to store at least one outfit for cold weather and one for warm weather on your horse - so you can easily adapt when exploring
    • Make sure to unequip you gun while going into your weapon wheel if you're about to talk to someone. Aiming your gun at someone will most likely make them run or become hostile, disabling any other actions you could have taken with them.
    • Your beard can only naturally grow to a length of 7/10. You can use Hair Tonics to make it grow further.
    • You can get a black breaker from the Fence. To access the shop that sells this you need to play through gang missions. You don't need to buy another once you have it.
    Combat Tips
    • When aiming a weapons, auto-targeting will snap your cursor to the center mass of the enemy nearest to where you're aiming.
    • This can manually be disabled in the options menu.
    • Bodies of downed enemies are marked as a small ‘x’ on the minimap.
    • Similarly, killed animals are marked with a paw print on the minimap
    • Gang members will also loot downed bodies, so move fast or they’ll bogart all the extra cash and ammo.
    • Weapons get dirty and clogged up over time, or if you get them wet, so you’ll need to clean them to get the best performance.
    • You can lengthen the time between cleanings if you keep your guns out of the harsh elements. Equip upgraded and reinforced holsters to protect weapons from degradation.
    • Tap R2 to rapidly fire from the hip.
    • If you double-tap L1 Arthur puts his gun away with a flourish.
    • Hold up on the D-pad while aiming and Arthur will fire a warning shot in the air, which can be used to attract the attention of other characters or startle an animal he’s hunting.
    • You can shoot off someone’s hat and then steal it. Enemies can shoot your hat off.
    • Kill cams are impacted by your honor. If you play honorably, the camera on a kill replay will focus on Arthur. If you’re dishonorable, it’ll focus on the kill, and represent it in a more intense way.
    • You can shoot a horse to knock an enemy off its back. You monster.
    Horse Tips
    • Your horse will get covered in mud over time, which slows it down, and will need grooming
    • Your horse can be cleaned by riding it through a body of water or a rainstorm.
    • You can 'store' horses in stables, in case you need a 'back-up' horse, because...
    • If your horse dies, it’s gone; they’re not like cars in GTA V that can be resurrected via an insurance claim.
    • You can change the style of your horse's mane and tail at stables, making it short, medium or long, adding braids or even changing to dreadlocks.
    • You can tell your horse to flee when it’s in a precarious situation to try to spare its life.
    • Increasing the bond with your horse unlocks tricks such as rearing, skid turns and dressage.
    • If you haven’t got a good relationship with a horse, watch out when walking behind them -- they’re likely to kick.
    • Be careful when searching the saddlebags on someone else's horse as it might kick you.
    • You can search other people's saddlebags.
    • Be sure to pat your horse periodically to raise its affection for you. You can do this while you're riding it by clicking the left thumbstick. This also calms it when it gets scared.
    Hunting Tips
    • If you leave the bodies of animals where you killed them, they will attract scavengers. Carcasses will decompose over time.
    • Opossums play opossum - they'll play dead when you're nearby to try and fool you.
    • Different species of fish respond to different bait and/or lures. Experiment to find the right combination to bring in the best fish.
    • The carcasses you choose to load onto your horse and bring back to camp will spoil and rot over time, attracting scavengers and disgusting people.
    • If you shoot an animal with a bullet rather than an arrow, it’ll fetch a lower price at the town butcher than a clean kill.
    • Eagle Eye can be used to track animals, but will also show the scent coming off of your body, which animals can catch wind of to track you.
    • You can mask your scent when hunting with special lotion, purchased from stores or found around the world.
    • Increase Dead Eye level by hunting animals and skinning them.
    • Alligators will jump out and eat dead bodies you leave in the water near them.
    SienRyu, tvbfn, BananaSkin and 3 others like this.
  2. Shirogane

    Shirogane Dolce Far Niente Moderator ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

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    Thực sự lâu lắm mới được "sống" trong game kiểu như thế này, tương tác môi trường tương tác npc...miễn chê :))
    Vậy mới thấy mấy cái review 10/10 chẳng phải theo trend. Đành rằng có vài cái chưa hoàn hảo, nhưng hầu hết không đáng kể.
    Miễn tiếp các thanh niên chuyên bới bèo ra bọ nhé :))
  3. Int.Blackmoon

    Int.Blackmoon Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

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    thạt ra thằng gamespot nó đánh giá cũng đúng chứ ko sai.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 27/10/18
  4. For4v3r

    For4v3r The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thế tức là đeo mặt nạ vật bị wanted và phải trả bounty à :(
  5. libikey43

    libikey43 Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

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    Lên pc quất thêm bản pc liền à !!!
  6. trunganhcaothu

    trunganhcaothu T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Từ hôm qua đến h thấy game 90% chạy trên ngựa loanh quanh loanh quanh, 9% bị bounty hunter dí và bị giết, 1% action =))

    Chắc do mải đi khám phá làm side quest Treasure Hunter nên vậy =))
  7. a121220

    a121220 The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hải Phòng
    Làm sao để đang đi mà cởi vs mặc áo khoác các bác nhỉ với làm soa để đeo mặt nạ luôn
  8. thang_lau_ca

    thang_lau_ca Lao Công Gamevn Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Lên ngựa giữ L1 ròi đổi qua horse sẽ có
  9. For4v3r

    For4v3r The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    có b nào ghét vụ bắn phải bấm 2 lần ko? Toàn quên thôi @@
  10. quanghuy_1993

    quanghuy_1993 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Middle Earth
    Cái vụ bắn 2 lần chỉ có nếu nó chưa rút súng bắn mình thôi. Chủ yếu để mình không bị lỡ tay bấm cò.

    Mà có ai biết cách mở nút sơ mi hở ngực không. Mấy cái outfit sẵn thì hở ngực mà custom sơ mi cứ cài nút nghiêm chỉnh như quý ông :::^^:::
  11. b1u3-5ky

    b1u3-5ky Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Muốn đổi áo khoác thì phải về trại lưu cái áo muốn đổi lên ngựa ,xong thì đang cưỡi ngựa cứ bấm L1 đổi sang item horse rồi xài thôi
  12. For4v3r

    For4v3r The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đâu có. E bắn ai cũng phải nháy 2 lần mà. Nháy 1 lần bắn sau đó nháy 1 lần để lên đạn
  13. a121220

    a121220 The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hải Phòng
    Cái nháy 2 lần bất tiện quá nhiều lúc nháy tưởng game bị lag vs ko phản ứng kịp
  14. quanghuy_1993

    quanghuy_1993 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Middle Earth
    Trong trường hợp này là do xài vũ khí "single action". Kiếm vũ khí nào trong tên có dòng "double action" là bắn bình thường không phải lên nòng mỗi lần bắn.
    RedXH thích bài này.
  15. Gantz89

    Gantz89 Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Giáo hội PS
    hôm nay vào game tự hhieen thấy mượt vl, cảm giác như 60fps vậy [​IMG]
  16. tvbfn

    tvbfn Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chính xác rồi , vũ khí single action cần 1 lần bấm R2 để lên đạn , lên đạn xong mới bắn đc
  17. Gantz89

    Gantz89 Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Giáo hội PS
    trò này HDR màu nhạt quá, mấy trò khác đẹp mà, hay phải chỉnh gì nhỉ [​IMG]

    mà có cách tắt vẠCH đen khi cắt cảnh o nhỉ [​IMG]
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 27/10/18
  18. KOJIMA

    KOJIMA ! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Có ai có kinh nghiệm săn gấu hay báo ko? Bắn bao nhiêu viên thì chết? :(
  19. tvbfn

    tvbfn Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Xài Dead eye xả đạn thôi chứ bắn bt nó cào cho chết :(
  20. President Devils

    President Devils Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Winner Game Award 2024 Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Promised land
    Về trại nhiều thứ làm phết, nào là cho ngựa ăn, lấy nước, làm cu li khuân vác :5cool_big_smile:
    Mà đm thế kỷ 19 đã có pommade để tạo kiểu tóc r ah :3cool_angry: Mình mấy năm gần đây mới biết xài pommade, đi sau thời đại đến cả 100 năm :4cool_confuse:

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