Emilia the Sage Total Stat Points: 32 Str: 4 Agi: 5 Con: 4 Dex: 5 Int: 8 Cha: 6 Starting Level: 40 Armor: Leather Armor, Coat Stances: No Weapon First Aid - ESP - Incantation Rod Psychokinesis - ESP - Levitation - Incantation How to get her: Cash shop
Rescue Knight Total Stat Points: 30 Str: 6 Agi: 5 Con: 7 Dex: 6 Int: 3 Cha: 3 Starting Level: 52 Armor: Leather Armor, Metal Armor Stances: Sword Defending Guard Rifle Defending Shot How to get her: As you progress through the high level quests in Ustiur Base Camp (lvl 80+)... You'll be able to get her.
Gracielo Total Stat Points: 30 Str: 6 Agi: 7 Con: 6 Dex: 5 Int: 3 Cha: 3 Starting Level: 40 Armor: Leather Armor Stances: Knuckle Bare Knuckle Leg Guard Chapter of Wind How to get him: Suggested level: Around lvl 40 1) Talk to Gracielo. He will ask you to give him Ferruccio Bread, Milk & Chocolate. Bread and milk can be purchased from the girl at Queen's Gate. Chocolate can be purchased from Lisa Lynway. 2) Once done, Gracielo will ask you to speak to Camille, here. She will ask you to fight Gracielo (lvl 40). 3) Return to Gracielo to receive your Gracielo NPC card. How to get Book of Wind: Gracielo's Level requirement - 40 *Note: In the following parts, ONLY Gracielo can participate in the mission battles. You will not be able to control ur other 2 characters during instance battles. So it is recommended that you stock up lots of HP pots for Gracielo to use* 1) Gracielo must be in your 3-men team. Set Gracielo as leader and go to the highest point in Coimbra. 3 Thugs will appear and Gracielo has to defeat them. 2) Talk to Camille, then go to Reboldoeux and speak to Menendez, the Head of the Combat Squad of the Reboldoeux Guards. You will then battle 100 Reboldoeux Soldiers. They will come in groups of 1, followed by groups of 2, followed by groups of 3, and towards the end of ur 100 soldiers they will come in groups of 4. [Rewards: Lvl 48 Leg Guard, 3x Lvl 40 (19,400 Exp) Cards & 8,000 House Gate points] Gracielo's Level requirement - 42 3) Menendez will tell you to challenge the Combat Squad of the Coimbran Guard. Talk to Coimbra's Combat Master. You will have to defeat 4 Coimbran Guards & Epoite. Epoite, who is Camille's brother, dies after the battle. 4) Talk to Camille. She does not accept your excuses for killing Epoite. You will be teleported to an instance area to break boxes and barrels (Yes. Nothing to kill... just break the boxes) 5) Next, go back to the highest point of Coimbra. You will battle with the 3 Thugs again. Upon defeating them, 5 Coimbran Guards will appear to seek revenge for Epoite. Defeat the Guards. 6) Talk to the Substitute Combat Master of Coimbra. You will be teleported. Click on the Tomb of Epolite. Fritz will appear and tells you to go find a hut located at Porto Bello, A Deserted Quay. Gracielo's Level requirement - 46 *Note: For the subsequent missions located at the Hut, there are barrels by the side of the hut which can be broken during battles for temporary atk/def/spd bonuses* 7) Click on the Door of the Hut. Fritz will appear and tells Gracielo to begin his training. Talk to the Scarecrow beside the hut at Porto Bello, A Deserted Quay. Gracielo will begin his first day of training - Killing Tortoise. You have to kill a lot of Cannon Tortoise (lvl 35) 8) Talk to the Scarecrow again to begin the second day of training - Killing Wolves. As usual, you have to kill a lot of Grey Wolves (lvl 35). 9) Talk to the Scarecrow again. On the third day of training, Gacielo will battle against a Grizzly Scavanger (lvl40). Defeat the beast and you will be able to break the Stone. You will fight a pack of Wolves again, but this time they won't attack you. 10) Fritz will tell you to go challenge his 3 disciples. 11) Look for Las Casas, near the warp point. Gracielo will have to fight him. [Rewards: Secret Skill Book ~Crazy Rush~ & 3x Lvl 40 (25,000 Exp) Cards] 12) Next, Talk to Reen, the female soldier standing in the center of Reboldoeux Stone Pit. Gracielo will have to defeat her. [Rewards: Secret Skill Book ~Tornado Vortex~, 3x Lvl 40 (25,000 Exp) Cards & 20,000 House Gate points] 13) Then, Look for a Worker (Hey! Guess what... It's Selden!!) near the giant stone statue in Ferruccio Junction. Gracielo will have to defeat him. [Rewards: Secret Skill Book ~Dragon Kick~, 3x (27,000 Exp) Cards, 2x Health-fillers & 25,000 House Gate points] 14) Return to the hut at Deserted Quay and click on the Door. Gracielo will have a talk with Fritz. [Rewards: Chapter of Wind skillbook] Congrats! =P
Coimbra Trooper Total Stat Points: 28 Str: 5 Agi: 5 Con: 7 Dex: 5 Int: 3 Cha: 3 Starting Level: 16 Armor: Leather Armor, Metal Armor Stances: Sword + Shield Back Guard, High Guard 2 Sword Hack and Slash Pole Arm Blandir Cruz, Penetrar Cruz Blunt Weapon + Shield The Defender How to get Coimbra Trooper: Complete Lisa Lynway's 1st Quest to obtain Coimbra Trooper NPC Card. Check Lisa's quest below.
Romina Total Stat Points: 33 Str: 7 Agi: 6 Con: 7 Dex: 7 Int: 3 Cha: 3 Starting Level: 60 Armor: Leather Armor, Metal Armor Stances: Sword Defending Guard Rifle Defending Shot How to get her: As you progress through the high level quests in Ustiur Base Camp (lvl 80+)... You'll be able to get her.
Catherine the Summoner Total Stat Points: 33 Str: 5 Agi: 5 Con: 5 Dex: 5 Int: 5 Cha: 8 Starting Level: 1 Armor: Leather Armor, Coat, Robe Stances: No Weapon Marionette Control How to get her: http://granadoespada.cc/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=593
Catherine of Str - Dex - Int Total Stat Points: 33 Catherine of Str : Str: 8 - Agi: - 5 - Con: 5 - Dex: 5 - Int: 5 - Cha: 5 Catherine of Dex : Str: 5 - Agi: - 8 - Con: 5 - Dex: 5 - Int: 5 - Cha: 5 Catherine of Int : Str: 5 - Agi: - 5 - Con: 5 - Dex: 5 - Int: 8 - Cha: 5 Starting Level: 1 Armor: Leather Armor Stances: Sword + Shield Back Guard - High Guard 2 Sword Hack and Slash Sword/Sabre + Pistol Heaven or Hell Pistol Aiming Shot - Freestyle Shot 2 Pistol Doublegun Shot Rifle Standing Shot - Kneeling Shot Shotgun Shotgun Blaster Dagger Escrima Dagger Dobolada Corte Rapier - Epee Garde Sabre Garde Rapier + Main Gauche Main-Gauche Garde Sabre Middle Guard 2 Sabre Twin Blades Great Sword Plow Guard - Roof Guard - Tail Guard Pole Arm Blandir Cruz - Penetrar Cruz Staff Psychokinesis - The Illutionist Rod Psychokinesis, ESP Bracelet of Flame/Lightning/Cold Possession Fire - Possession Lightning - Possession Ice 2 Bracelet of Flame/Lightning/Cold Evocation Fire -Evocation Lightning - Evocation Ice Lord of Elemental Bracelet Lord of Elemental - Possession Fire - Ice - Lightning How to get her: http://granadoespada.cc/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=593
Grandice (Grand Ma) Total Stat Points: 34 Str: 7 Agi: 6 Con: 9 Dex: 5 Int: 3 Cha: 4 Starting Level: 60 Armor: Leather Armor, Metal Armor Stances: Great Sword Plow Guard - Roof Guard - Tail Guard - Side Winder How to get him: As you progress through the high level quests in Ustiur Base Camp (lvl 80+)... You'll be able to get him.
M'Boma Total Stat Points: 30 Str: 3 Agi: 3 Con: 6 Dex: 4 Int: 7 Cha: 7 Starting Level: 44 Armor: Coat, Robe Stances: No Weapon The Illutionist - Possession Fire Bracelet of Flame Possession Fire 2 Bracelet of Flame Evocation Fire - Domination Fire Staff The Illutionist - Levitation - Anathema How to get him: Level requirement - 44 1) Talk to M'boma. He will ask you to give him 1xPercha Ingellina. 2) Look for Panfilo in Reboldoeux. He will ask you to hunt 30 Fresh Octopus Arms from Barrel/Crate Octopus (lvl 36/35). [Rewards: 1xPercha Ingellina] 3) Go back to M'Boma and give him the Percha Ingellina. [Rewards: 3x Lvl 40 (23,000 Exp) Cards] 4) Talk to M'Boma again. This time, you will have a duel with him, and Claude will come to aid him. Defeat them within 4 minutes. 5) Return to M'Boma to receive your M'Boma NPC Card.
Diego Yeganeh Total Stat Points: 27 Str: 6 Agi: 5 Con: 5 Dex: 7 Int: 4 Cha: 3 Starting Level: 24 Armor: Leather Armor Stances: No Weapon Install Trap - Structure Build Sword Back Guard 2 Sword Hack and Slash How to get him: Level requirement - 17 1) Talk to Diego. He will ask you to put up 2 posters, 1 each at the bulletin boards in Reboldoeux and Coimbra. Return to him when done. [Rewards: 3x Lvl 1 (4,000 Exp) Cards] Level requirement - 20 2) Talk to the Old Man in Coimbra, found here. He will ask you to fight Diego (lvl 25). Return to the Old Man once you have defeated Diego. [Rewards: Diego's Sword (lvl 24) & 3x Lvl 20 (7,840 Exp) Cards] Level requirement - 25 3) Talk to Diego again. He will ask you to look for Jack at Reboldoeux Stone Pit to fix his tool. Once done, go back to Diego. [Rewards: 3x(7,840 Exp) Cards] 4) Next, Diego will ask you to hunt 20 Jumeau plaque Rouge (lvl 22), 20 Jumeau plaque Noir (lvl 23) & 25 Phobitan Imps (lvl 23) at Tetra Hills. [Rewards: 3x Lvl 20 (7,840 Exp) Cards] Level requirement - 28 5) This time, Diego will ask you to collect 15 Persistent Rubber and 15 Steel Iron. Travel to Tetra Great Ruins to hunt Phobitan Rouges (lvl 26). [Rewards: 3x Lvl 20 (9,000 Exp) Cards, 1xHealing Ampule] 6) Now, Diego will ask you to get a licence from Domingo in Reboldoeux and Nunez in Coimbra. Speak to Domingo to get Reboldoeux's Licence. Next, Speak to Nunez in Coimbra. He will ask you to hunt 5 Jumeau plaque Eton (lvl 24) at Tetra Great Ruins. Return to Nunez to receive Coimbra's Licence. 7) Return to Diego to receive your Diego NPC Card & 3x Lvl 20 (9,000 Exp) Cards.
Claude Baudez Total Stat Points: 33 Str: 8 Agi: 5 Con: 8 Dex: 5 Int: 3 Cha: 4 Starting Level: 56 Armor: Leather Armor, Metal Armor Stances: Sabre Middle Guard 2 Sabre Twin Blades Sword Back Guard 2 Sword Hack and Slash Great Sword Plow Guard - Tail Guard Pole Arm Blandir Cruz - Penetrar Cruz Throwing Spear Stab Guard How to get him: Level requirement - 60 *Note: You have to defeat Claude in a duel (Quest: The Training) & completed his Silver Baron quest first* 1) Talk to Claude. He will ask you to collect 45 Turtle Shells from Bomber Tortoise (lvl 46) at Porto Bello, A Deserted Quay, 45 Trench Knives (Dagger Handler) from Corlien Dynamiter (lvl 50) & 45 Tungsten from Dandelion Gorilla (lvl 49) both at El Lago de Tres Hermanas. [Rewards: Trooper's Sabre (lvl 60), Durandal (lvl 60 sword) & 1x Lvl 60 (43,600 Exp) Card] 2) Talk to Claude again. This time, he wants you to collect 60 Pieces of Live Candles from Haunted Candle (lvl 54), 60 Dog Tooth from Wild Dogs (lvl 54) & 60 <can't translate the item name> from Gehcos <the other dog> (lvl 54). All can be found just outside Dr Torche's Mansion. Candles can also be found inside the mansion. 3) Return to Claude to receive your Claude NPC Card, Lvl 60 Greatsword (Slayer??) & Lvl 60 Pole Arm (Brandistock??).
Lorch Furuholmen Total Stat Points: 31 Str: 4 Agi: 6 Con: 5 Dex: 8 Int: 5 Cha: 3 Starting Level: 52 Armor: Leather Armor, Coat Stances: No Weapon Install Trap Shotgun Hunting Blaster How to get him: http://granadoespada.cc/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=521
Selden Total Stat Points: 27 Str: 4 Agi: 6 Con: 5 Dex: 6 Int: 3 Cha: 3 Starting Level: ?? Armor: Leather Armor Stances: No Weapon Install Trap - Construction Dagger Escrima
Alejandro Total Stat Points: 30 Str: 9 Agi: 4 Con: 7 Dex: 4 Int: 3 Cha: 3 Starting Level: 44 Armor: Leather Armor Stances: Pole Arm Blandir Cruz - Penetrar Cruz Great Sword Plow Guard - Tail Guard Throwing Spear Stab Guard How to get him: Level requirement - 24 1) Talk to Alejandro. You will be teleported to an instance area to defeat Escudo Pecher (lvl24) within 10 minutes. [Rewards: 3x Lvl 20 (6,760 Exp) Cards] Level requirement - 40 2) Talk to Alejandro. This time, he wants you to collect 10 Escudo Pecher's Arms from Escudo Pecher (lvl 40) at Porto Bello Deck [Rewards: 3x Lvl 40 (21,200 Exp) Cards] Level requirement - 46 3) Talk to Alejandro again. You will be teleported to an instance area to defeat Loby Dick within 10 minutes. 4) Return to Alejandro to receive your Alejandro NPC Card & 3x Lvl 40 (23,000 Exp) Cards.
Najib Sharif Total Stat Points: 31 Str: 6 Agi: 7 Con: 5 Dex: 7 Int: 3 Cha: 3 Starting Level: 44 Armor: Leather Armor Stances: Sabre Middle Guard 2 Sabre Twin Blades Rifle Aggressive Shot - Inroad Shot - Encounter Shot
Jose Cortasar Total Stat Points: 30 Str: 5 Agi: 4 Con: 5 Dex: 7 Int: 5 Cha: 4 Starting Level: 48 Armor: Leather Armor, Metal Armor Stances: Pole Arm Blandir Crum - Penetrar Cruz Canon Siege Burst - Gigantic Marksmanship How to get him: Level requirement - 401) Talk to Jose. He will ask you to collect 50 Pasiar Shells from Pasiar (lvl 43) at Porto Bello Hold & Cabin. [Rewards: 3x Lvl 40 (29,200 Exp) Cards] 2) Talk to Jose again. This time, he wants you to collect 100 Tortoise Powder from Canon Tortoise & Bomber Tortoise (lvl 46/47) at Porto Bello, A Deserted Quay. [Rewards: 3x (36,000 Exp) Cards] Level requirement - 48 3) Talk to Jose. You will engage in a duel with him. Claude will aid Jose in this duel. Defeat Jose to complete the quest. 4) Return to Jose to receive your Jose NPC Card & 3x (38,400 Exp) Cards
Brunie Etienne Total Stat Points: 30 Str: 4 Agi: 9 Con: 4 Dex: 7 Int: 3 Cha: 3 Starting Level: 40 Armor: Coat Stances: Pistol Aiming Shot - Freestyle Shot Dual Pistol Doublegun Shot How to get her: Level requirement - 32 1) Talk to Brunie. She will ask you to get 8 Hard Chalcedony to make a key. Travel to Tetra Catacombs and search for barrels (those that spawns lots of monsters when u break it). Return to Brunie when finished. [Rewards: 3x Lvl 30 (14,400 Exp) Cards] Level requirement - 36 2) Talk to Brunie again. She will go inside the door near the entrance of Tetra Golden Road, found here. You will be teleported to a mission map. You will need to proceed thru the map and defeat the boss (lvl 40) at the end within 30 minutes. 3) Return to Brunie to receive your Brunie NPC Card.
Phosphorus Don Đây là NPC chứ không phải RNPC =.= Total Stat Points: 40 Str: 8 Agi: 8 Con: 8 Dex: 8 Int: 4 Cha: 4 Starting Level: 40 Armor: Leather Armor Stances: Sword + Shield Back Guard - High Guard 2 Sword Hack and Slash Sword + Pistol Heaven or Hell Pistol Freestyle Shot Dual Pistol Doublegun Shot Sabre Middle Guard Rapier Epee Garde - Sabre Garde Pole Arm Blandir Cruz Great Sword Plow Guard - Roof Guard Dagger Escrima
Auch Infantry Total Stat Points: 28 Str: 4 Agi: 5 Con: 5 Dex: 8 Int: 3 Cha: 3 Starting Level: 16 Armor: Leather Armor, Coat Stances: Rifle Standing Shot - Kneeling Shot How to get Auch Infantry: Suggested level - Around 16 1) Talk to the Auch Soldier near the entrance here. You will have to fight a lot of Auch Infantry. Defeat enough Infantry to complete the mission. 2) Return to the Soldier to receive your Auch Infantry Card.
Irawan Total Stat Points: 30 Str: 8 Agi: 6 Con: 5 Dex: 5 Int: 3 Cha: 3 Starting Level: 1 Armor: Leather Armor Stances: Knuckles Chapter of Earth Leg Guard Chapter of Wind Knuckles + Leg Guard Chapter of Fire - Chapter of Earth - Chapter of Wind