Rũ rê aem qua EpicDN cùng chơi cùng vui

Thảo luận trong 'Dragon Nest' bắt đầu bởi zuko86, 22/2/15.

  1. caothủcôđơn

    caothủcôđơn Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    2D world
    gold thì ok rồi, mấy cái đồ EDN với cả exchange coupon kiếm ở đâu nhỉ :( mở 500 cái pandora ko thấy cái nào
  2. vuhaidao

    vuhaidao Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Sao mình vào game không được. Nó báo là tạo acc thành công rồi, nhưng đăng nhập trên web lẫn trong game đều báo là sai tài khoản? @@
  3. Azukori

    Azukori Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Mình có bộ cài, cần up hộ lên đâu ko ?
  4. yumihamasaki

    yumihamasaki Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    có ai ko vào đc game ko nhỉ? vừa upd hôm nay xong chả vào đc rồi, nó cứ báo unable to connect the world gì gì đó :O khổ vãi, vừa mới vào chơi thử :((
  5. mrdream2

    mrdream2 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mình thì vào được rồi! nó mới up lên ver.87 cơ
    nhiều cái thay đổi lắm gold it hơn! pandora tăng giá lên 7000 dnc
    tăng giá gold khi mua dnc( h chỉ bán 3k dnc giá 150k gold-rất chua chat-)
    đồ epic thì đi nest 80 mới có, pandora cũng có mà tỉ lệ thì cực kì thấp.
    đây là update ver.87 nguồn : http://forum.epic-dn.com.

    - Pact Of Anja (Bringer skill) has been fixed

    - Siege Stance (Bow Master skill) has been fixed

    - All elemental drop skill values have been fixed

    - New skill bugs occured since V82 have been fixed

    - Guardian Force (Guardian Skill) now gives more armor

    - Some skills that has got 2 charges can now only be cast once

    - Bone Crasher (Barbarian skill) now adds 5x more additional damage

    - Ultimate skills now affect both cooldowns but have a reduced cooldown

    - Justice Crash (Guardian skill) has been fixed but doesn't trigger EX yet if double jump cast


    - Revival scroll has been added

    - Hellfire Pegasus has been removed

    - Goddes' Sadness item rate has been reduced

    - EpicDN equipment item rate has been increased

    - Hellfire Pegasus Exchange Coupon has been added

    - Dimensional Crystal Fragment item rate has been reduced

    - Advanced Item Protection Jelly item rate has been increased

    - Night Sky Wings, Tail and Decal item rate has been increased

    - Cold Sober Wings, Tail and Decal item rate has been increased

    - Christmas snowflake new ordinance item rate has been increased

    - Golden Sober Goddes Exchange Coupon item rate has been increased

    - Frozen Sapphire Wings, Tail and Decal item rate has been increased

    - Sober Champion Special Exchange Coupon item rate has been increased

    - Fallen Black Soldier Wings, Tail and Decal item rate has been increased

    - Constellation Wings of dazzling universe, Tail and Decal item rate has been increased


    - Revival scroll price has been increased

    - Dragon Coin 3K price has been increased

    - Hellfire Pegasus has been added to all mount merchants

    - Dragon Coin 5K has been removed from all supply merchants

    - Quality Altheum now costs 2x Superior Onyx instead of only 1x

    - Ladder NPC in the arena now sells 3K dragon coin for 1300 ladder points

    - Black Dragon's Wrath (L grade) now exchanges you 8x life essence instead of only 5x

    - Desert Dragon's Wrath (L grade) now exchanges you 5x life essence instead of only 3x

    - Ladder NPC in the arena now sells 100x Advanced Item Protection Jelly for 900 ladder points

    - Blacksmith merchants now exchanges you 5K dragon coin for the price of 3x Green Dragon's Wrath (L grade)

    - Dragon Coin 1K has been added to all supply merchants and can be exchanged for EpicDN 1K Dragon Coin Exchange Coupon

    - EpicDN 1K Dragon Coin Exchange Coupon has been added to all merchants, can be bought for 50K gold and is tradeable (2nd currency)


    - Sea Dragon Nest Hardcore's HP, elemental resistance and defense has been increased

    - Volcano Challenge Nest's elemental resistance and overall defense has been balanced

    - Green Dragon Nest Hardcore's HP, elemental resistance and defense has been increased

    - Gold drop rate of all monsters and chests in every dungeon now have the same gold value


    - Item Protection Jelly is tradeable now

    - Calm Warrior Necklace is tradeable now

    - Ashen Wing School Bag is tradeable now

    - Halloween Dark Demon Wings is tradeable now

    - Cold Sober Decals veterans is tradeable now

    - EpicDN weapons no longer got elemental attack

    - EpicDN weapons now have 1/3 enhancement stats

    - Light Weapon Exchange Coupon is tradeable now

    - decals night is sitting down is tradeable now

    - Cold Sober wings of the might is tradeable now

    - Cold Tail of the sober warrior is tradeable now

    - Advanced Item Protection Jelly is tradeable now

    - Desert Dragon's Wrath (L grade) is tradeable now

    - The normal stats of all costumes have been halfed

    - Black Dragon Breath Weapon Coupon is tradeable now

    - Purple Charm Weapon Exchange Coupon is tradeable now

    - Space pirates Wings, tail and Decals are tradeable now

    - Monarch Fairy Wings, Tail and Tattoo are tradeable now

    - Dragon Keeper's Wings, Tail and Spirit are tradeable now

    - Spirit of gentemicin are Sober (Growth Type) is tradeable now

    - Constellation Wings of dazzling universe, Decal and Tail are tradeable now

    - Night sky wings sitting down and night sky sat down tail are tradeable now

    - Black Dragon Sparking Emerald Ring (Physical) and (Magical) are tradeable now

    - Black Dragon Sparking Emerald Necklace (Physical) and (Magical) are tradeable now

    - Black Dragon Sparking Emerald Earrings (Physical) and (Magical) are tradeable now


    - Package from the Heart has been removed

    - Hero's Experience Book (300%) has been removed

    - Diamond Pandora Heart Package price has been increased to 7000 cash

    - Dark Fire costume set now costs 150,000 cash (can be bought for dragon coin next patch)

    - Space Pirate costume set now costs 40,000 cash (can be bought for dragon coin next patch)
  6. yumihamasaki

    yumihamasaki Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mình mới chơi, mn add fr hướng dẫn mình pharm phọt nhé :D tên mình là Rolek :D
  7. zRai

    zRai Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    sv này còn ai chơi nữa ko nhỉ?
    mình xin vào G cả ngày nay mà ko thấy ai accept :(
  8. mrdream2

    mrdream2 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    tại down khó khăn quá! vs lại sv chỉnh lại hết rồi fram gold mở pandora cực lắm nên nghĩ rồi!
  9. yuhiko0305

    yuhiko0305 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    E mới lọt tọt qua chơi,mọi người ai còn chơi thì để lại IGN cho e vào buddy.
    AE nào k chơi nữa có thể cho e xin acc đc k ạ :(
    Plz :((
  10. yukihaku

    yukihaku Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    sv này còn ai chơi đâu bạn :-s
  11. yuhiko0305

    yuhiko0305 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bạn có từng chơi hông. cho mình xin acc đi :D
  12. yukihaku

    yukihaku Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mình cũng chả nhớ, sv pri nào cũng đảo qua tí nên chả nhớ đc :-s

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