Skyforge - Open Beta 16/7

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi kangtha, 8/5/15.

  1. TKH

    TKH Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hồ Chí Minh
    Đua xe mãi được 1 phát 25 điểm rồi ăn 200 cục heal item =))

    Có lẽ đến ngày cuối thì rush vài phát thử. Event này có khi phải để cả tháng thì bọn Free player mới may ra có được Dual Spec. 2 tuần thì chỉ có cực hên với rush = argent thôi :))
  2. T90

    T90 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tui 14k pres đã max Knight, Kinetic với Cryo rồi o|\~
    Tui chơi bên server EU có mấy mống VN ko lập được guild :-(||>
  3. TKH

    TKH Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hồ Chí Minh
    ^Mình 22k mới max được 3 class theo thứ tự là Kinetic, Cryomancer và Gunner. Giờ đang cày Alchemist với nhét Revo spark cho Paladin : P
  4. TKH

    TKH Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hồ Chí Minh
    Có bác nào chơi sang hay ăn hên được cái second ability set từ event đua xe chưa? :D
  5. plzforgiveme1998

    plzforgiveme1998 Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    sit down be humble
    Còn 4 ngày nữa done mà chỉ mới có 66 điểm nè =]].

    Raid 4 witch :o
  6. Crashed

    Crashed Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Có ai chơi sv NA của bị dis liên tục ko ? (error code 2). Nhân tiện cho hỏi về cách khắc phục lỗi đó luôn, cảm ơn :(
  7. plzforgiveme1998

    plzforgiveme1998 Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    sit down be humble
    thua. nếu là full message queue. thì giờ cao điểm tele ra region newbie đứng là ok. vì nhiều người , mạng vn bắt qua đó load k nổi đó.

    Video guide invasion mới. Đi chung với các bạn việt nam :).
    Crashed thích bài này.
  8. plzforgiveme1998

    plzforgiveme1998 Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    sit down be humble
    Test DPS class "yếu" nhất game.
    Bỏ cả tháng. đồ chả có =]]
  9. Bigggggy

    Bigggggy Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cho mình hỏi trò này nó bị cái gì mà mình đk băng WASD mà nó cứ bị hiện bảng chat lên làm ko di chuyển dc là sao ta
  10. RickBe

    RickBe Thy Phương Nhi Thảo Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    tắt việt key hoặc unikey
    Bigggggy thích bài này.
  11. luanking

    luanking Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Patch balance PvE buff/nerf class đã cập bến bên RU :x
    đây là bản Google dịch lụm trên forum:
    Gunner nhận được rất nhiều tình thương, 1 đống dmg increased :x, vừa unlock hôm nay, chắc phải đi max sớm. Kinetic nhìn qua thì chắc có vẻ bị giết chết ngắc trong bản patch này.
    • In general atlas of added 2 ranking new symbol "Marking". The duration of the Allies imposed on boards increased by 25/50% of your characteristics of your "Efficiency shields." This effect does not work on the panels superimposed on itself.
    • Damage symbol "Marked for Death" no longer increases the effect of increasing damage taken (for example, the effect on the ability to "bioscavengers").
    • Added second rank symbol "effective drugs."
    • Fixed a bug due to which infinite supported periodic damage remained the same as in the first strike.
    • Rebalance and increased damage from melee attacks.
    • Earthquake
      • Skill Name "Earthquake" is replaced by "Tremors II».
    • Lunge
      • Now for 3 seconds imposes on the opponent the effect of "wounded", stacks up to 5 times.
    • Toss javelin
      • Cooldown is now 8 seconds instead of 6.
    • Falcon Attack
      • Damage abilities reduced. Adds "lack of will" 6 seconds increases the damage taken from the hero.
    • Fly-by
      • In addition, restores one charge spurt.
    • Falcon Fury
      • Applies "lack of will" on all affected opponents.
      • The ban on the use of "Attack Falcon" and "strafing" is now 6 instead of 8 seconds.
    • Concussion Blow
      • Now acts 2.25 seconds instead of 3. reduce the delay before the jump.
    • Crazy sweep of II
      • Now, always puts a shield, the number of charges which depends on the number of infected enemies.
      • Corrected value of the damage in the description of skills.
    • Heavenly hunter
      • Now increases the damage done not "Attack Falcon" and "strafing", but reduces costs by 7 units instead of 5 will.
    • Puncture wounds
      • The effect of "wounded" imposed "Arbitrarily blow", "Arbitrarily blow II» and «attacks», lasts longer than 2 seconds and deals 25% more damage per second.
    • Salt on the wound
      • The mechanics work. Now the "crushing blow" inflicts 150% damage when triggered pulsed discharge, as well as enemies under the effects of the stun, immobilization, fear, blindness or disorientation. Damage sustained by opponents increased by 75%.
    • Youthful zeal
      • The mechanics work. Now the "ram" at the end of the run, and does increased damage when hit by enemy returns one charge spurt. The use of "strafing" restores the two charges jerk.
    • Falconer
      • The mechanics work. The effect of "lack of will" is removed from contact with the enemy "strafing" and inflicts increased damage.
    • Counterexample
      • The mechanics work. Using the "attacks" 1 unit will restore and extend the enhanced effect of "Barrier II» for 1 second.
    • Heavy foot
      • The effect is stunning and immobilization is now superimposed on one and the same goal no more than once every 5 seconds instead of 4.
    • Broken Will
      • The mechanics work. In PvP opponents under the effect of "lack of will" receive 30% more damage from all sources.
    • Perseverance
      • The mechanics work. Hercules becomes immune to the effects of control when the resistance index greater than zero control character. Incoming damage reduces the rate and outgoing attacks and triggering pulsed discharge - increased.
    Bonuses on weapons
    • Changed bonus spear "Destroyer." The cost of the use of "strong-willed strike" and "strong-willed strike II» is reduced by 12/24/36% if the target is under the effects of "lack of will."
    • Spear "Raging anger" now increases the duration of the effect of "temper tantrums" by 3/6/9 seconds instead 4/8/12 seconds.In addition, it now increases the duration of the "strong-willed protection" by 2/4/6 seconds.
    • Bonus spear "Soaring Hunter" to "Attack of the Falcon" and "strafing" further increased by 7/14/20% if less than one third of the health goals.
    • Reduced delay before using the following skills after switching machine gun rack.
    • Reduced delay before using the following skills after switching to stand-plasma rifle.
    • Reduced delay before using the following skills after switching to the missile rack, and after leaving it.
    • Context operation mode switching weapons will no longer be converted into missile rack.
    • Now the shells are recovered at a frequency of 1 pc in 6 seconds instead of 1 pc in 4 seconds.
    • Remaining charge
      • Inflicts "plasma beam" or "plasma flow" creates a residual charge on the weapon, increases damage "energy pulse" of 40% for 3 seconds. Effect builds up to 4 times.
    • Experimental fuel
      • The maximum base damage "Stream of fire" and "Sector of Fire" increased by 150%, and an additional 200% of your temper.
      • The bonus applies to the effect of "Ignition."
    • Keeping the momentum
      • Replaced by "adaptive focus":
        • Range of application "energy pulse", "Plasma Beam" and "plasma flow" increased by 5 meters.
        • Death is an enemy for 4 seconds after the application of one of these capabilities increases the damage following the use of "energy pulse."
    • Multilayer barrier
      • "The power barrier" lasts for 2 seconds or longer.
        • Power is now a wave of fires is not the end of his actions, and with repeated use skills while the barrier is active.
    • Chip self-destruct
      • Replaced by "Dangerous goods":
        • The maximum number of rounds is increased by 5 pc.
        • Stormtrooper resurrected with a full supply of missiles, and the death of its ammunition exploding and causing serious damage to surrounding enemies.
    • Advanced ammunition
      • Replaced by "barrage":
        • Maximum base damage "missile salvo" increased by 25%.
        • With a probability of indicator temper the character, "missile salvo" release into the goal just two missiles.
        • If the target is under the effects of "Landmine ring", the bonus damage will be doubled. In addition, the likelihood of double fired two missiles.
    • The module stability
      • Stormtrooper, who is in the mode rocket launcher, is immune to the effects of control.
    • Chain disintegrator
      • Two consecutive hit "plasma beam" stunning the target for 3 seconds, the second hit inflicts increased damage.
      • This effect works on the same opponent is not more than 1 time every 10 seconds.
    • Feedback
      • Hit the "energy pulse" in the "vast field" momentarily stuns everyone in the field of enemies and destroys the field.
      • Imposed so stun lasts longer than 2 seconds, but increases cooldown time of 10 seconds.
    • Engineering preparation
      • Replaced by "Energy armor":
      • "The power barrier" to absorb 100% additional damage.
      • "The vast field of" attack aircraft reduces all damage taken by 50%.
    • Forecasting Module
      • Replaced by "high-temperature alloys":
        • If overheating "heavy fire" continues to shoot at a normal pace and puts the target effect of "Ignite", but not more than 1 time every 5 seconds against the same opponent.
        • If overheating "massive shelling" inflicts "Ignition," but not more than 1 time every 30 seconds against the same opponent.
    • Temporal duplicate
      • Reapply "Beacon transfer" after teleporting attack aircraft returns to its previous position and consumes one charge spurt.
      • Assault can thus move within 12 seconds after the initial launch of the lighthouse.
      • Cooldown reduced capacity to 6 seconds.
    • Avtopritsel
      • Damage "heavy fire" at enemies in a stunning effect, immobilization, fear, blindness or disorientation, increased by 100%.It was 75% on stunned, immobilized and delayed.
      • Damage sustained by opponents increased by 40%.
        Now increases damage is not "heavy fire" at the beginning of the fight.
    • Regeneration armor plates
      • Now one can collect only the armor plates, but it absorbs 7% instead of 5%.
      • Using the sphere of health instantly restores the armor plates.
    • The entropy factor
      • The use of "liquidation" reduces the remaining cooldown on "Accelerating the heat" for 15 seconds instead of 20.
      • Murder schooling monster now reduces the remaining cooldown on "Accelerating the heat" for 0.5 seconds, the murder of the usual monster - 2 seconds, the murder of an elite monster or champion - 15 seconds.
    • Fractal shrapnel
      • Now increases the damage "guidance systems" the main goal of a 15% rather than 50%.
      • Damage is increased by around 55%, and the affected area is increased by 50%.
    • Heavy fire
      • Damage increased by 60%.
      • Fixed a bug which caused the "heavy fire" could double trigger pulse damage.
    • The massive bombardment
      • Damage reduced by 4%.
    • The stream of fire
      • Damage reduced by 19%.
      • Damage overlay them "Ignition" is reduced by 10%.
      • Now 75, it recovers heat energy.
      • Recharge time is now 8 seconds instead of 12.
      • Reduced delay before using the following skills after using the "stream of fire."
    • Sector of fire
      • Damage inflicts "Ignition" is reduced by 35%.
      • Energy pulse
      • Damage reduced by 10%.
      • Slightly reduced the delay before using the following skills after the application of "energy pulse."
      • Now skill can be applied with insufficient thermal energy, but its own damage will be lower.
    • Plasma Beam
      • Damage increased by 100%
      • Plasma Beam is now consumes 60 units of heat energy instead of 45.
      • Slightly reduced the preparation time and the delay before using the following skills after the application of the "plasma beam."
    • Plasma flow
      • Damage increased by 11%.
      • "Plasma Stream" now costs 105 units of heat energy instead of 90.
      • Cooldown is now 5 seconds instead of 15.
      • Slightly reduced the preparation time "plasma flow."
      • Reduced delay before using the following skills after using "plasma flow."
    • Plasma Field
      • Periodic damage increased by 50%.
      • Damage from falling "pulse of energy" in the field is reduced by 9%. This damage now does three times
      • more damage to shields.
      • The radius of the field is increased by 25%.
      • Rollback capability is now 8 seconds instead of 15.
    • The vast field
      • The lifetime of "The vast field" is now 7 seconds.
    • A rocket salvo
      • Damage increased by 24%.
    • Self-guidance system
      • Damage increased by 3%.
    • Mine ring
      • Damage increased by 17%.
      • This ability is now used at a distance of 40 meters.
      • Indicator accuracy is increased by 20% for the purpose of this attack in duration as it remains within the mine ring, and within 6 seconds after the successful detonation min.
    • The mine strip
      • Now apply at a distance of 30 meters instead of 25.
      • Mines exhibited this ability now react to enemies and explode independently. Damage Explosion antipersonnel mines increased by 90%.
      • The lifetime of the mines exhibited this ability is now 12 seconds instead of 10.
    • Power barrier
      • Now when removing the shield it creates a wave of force that pushes the surrounding enemies and inflict damage.
      • The cooldown of "Power of the barrier" is now 24 seconds instead of 27.
      • Using this ability no longer triggers the restoration of all abilities.
    • Lighthouse transfer
      • Now apply at a distance of 35 meters instead of 30.
      • Recharge time is now 12 seconds instead of 15.
    • Accelerated heat
      • Now it works differently:
        • Plasma gun inflicts 100% damage and consumes heat.
        • The duration of effect - 10 seconds.
    • Contusion cartridges
      • Now it works differently:
        • Stormtrooper gets 16 charges contusion.
        • Each application is "heavy fire" consumes 1 charge each use of "mass fire" consumes 2 charge.
        • The consumption charge stricken slows enemies by 60% and the multiple hit knock them down to 2.5 seconds, but no more than once every 5 seconds.
    • Vulnerability Analysis
      • Replaced by "Synthesis shells':
        • Instantly generates 10 additional shells, existing for 20 seconds.
        • While this skill is ready for use, the rate of recovery of shells increased by 50%.
        • Preparation time ability is reduced by 1.5 seconds every time you change the level of thermal energy.
    • Liquidation
      • Now restores 6 rounds instead of 3 and provides 90 units of heat energy instead of 60.
    Bonuses on weapons
    • Changed bonus hand-guns "Squall" by "Mine ring." Now every shot "missile salvo" increases the damage taken by 3/6/9% for 3 seconds. Stacking up to 10 times.
    • Bonus Hand gun "Impulse" is changed. Now "Plasma Stream" deal 15/30/45% more damage. Furthermore, it can immediately recover and return the spent thermal energy chance 15/25/35%.
    • Changed bonus hand-guns "Volcano". The first attack on the enemy ground attack increases the damage on it 30/60/90%.Effect ends after 10 seconds or when the damage caused exceeds the maximum health of a stormtrooper.
    • Bonus bandolier "Defender" remade. Cooldown "Orbital strike" is reduced to 50/100/150 seconds.
    • Bonus bandolier "Podmoga" changed. Recovery time "force barrier" reduced to 6/8/10 seconds if health stormtrooper falls below 30/40/50%.
    • Prosecution
      • Shields imposed on the Paladin now absorb 100% damage instead of 60%.
      • Time to provoke the monster ability "Onslaught" c 4 is reduced to 3 seconds.
      • All of the "Sentences" also provoke monsters for 3 seconds.
    • Holy Light
      • When using the paladin's health is the scope of injured target within 30 meters and be healed from it. This effect on more than once in 30 seconds.
    • Evocation
      • Fixed a bug due to which effect could be activated after the death of the paladin.
      • Now PvE-death adventures of Paladin resets the cooldown effect.
    • A wave of holiness
      • Time to provoke the monsters reduced to 3 seconds.
    • Mass sentence
      • Training skills reduced from 3 to 2 seconds.
      • Damage increased by 40%.
    • The cost of fully charged "Stone projectile", "shot rock" and "Stone spear" increased from 50 to 80 units.
    • Cooldown after using the "shot rock" reduced from 1.6 seconds to 1.2 seconds.
    • Gravity Trap
      • The cost of the use of skills has been reduced from 75 units to 50.
    • Gravitational kick
      • The cost of the use of skills has been reduced from 15 units to 0.
    • Gravity Chain
      • The cost of applying skills increased from 75 units to 100.
    • Stone projectile
      • When fully charged, "Stone projectile" in the case of energy shortages causing 2/3 less damage.
    • The kinetic momentum
      • The damage of the first level of the charge of 'kinetic momentum "increased by 87%, while the second and third - 40%.
      • Charges of "kinetic momentum", remaining on the enemy, and now personal for each kinetics and duration of the charge has been increased from 12 to 20 seconds.
    • Explosion ether
      • Radius has been increased from 10 to 12 meters.
      • Now start the damage 7x base damage and increases for each additional enemy hurt in excess of one to 2 base damage up to 13x base damage at four of affected opponents.
    • Standstill
      • This talent now increases damage output by 25% instead of 35%.
    • Bouncer
      • Remove the bonus damage from the "gravitational impact."
    • Railgun
      • This talent now makes use of "Stone spear" free.
    • The security circuit
      • Now the shield absorbs a portion of the damage directed to the allies, instead of two.
    Bonuses on weapons
    • Weapons on the "stone spear" now increases the damage on 0,6h / 1.2x / 1,8h.
    Guardian of Light
    • Changed aura. The increase in power and performance of health is as usual, but the performance of good luck, strength, spirit and courage increased by 15% from the spirit of the guardian of the world.
    • The light flux
      • The increase to the power indicator goes as usual, but the performance of good luck, strength, spirit and courage of the object the ability to use increased by 8% from the spirit and courage of 8% figure guardian for each level of the effect. The maximum effect level - 5.
    • The blessing of the sun
      • Ability lasts 8 seconds instead of 7, increases damage by 40% and an additional 1/5 of the index temper keeper.
    • The embodiment of the light
      • Now, this skill increases the damage by 50% and an additional 1/5 of the index temper keeper, and also reduces damage taken by 35%.
    • Gift keeper
    • Now talent reduces the cooldown of the "inviolability of the barriers," respectively characteristic "Restoring the discharge."
    • Heavenly Fire
    • Now recovers charges for "Flaky shield" every 15 seconds rather than every 12 seconds. However, this time is reduced by 1 second for every 10% of the index characteristics of the "Restore the discharge."
    The Alchemist
    • Changed aura. Power and health are added as usual, but good luck, strength, spirit and courage increased by 15% from the spirit of the alchemist.
    • Fixed problem with incorrect playback animation skills "acid solution" and "Cumulative solution" that occurred in the presence of a group of several alchemists.
    • Injection stimulator
      • The increase in performance of power is as usual, but the performance of good luck, strength, spirit and courage of the object the ability to use increased by 32% from the spirit and 32% of the index luck alchemist.
    • Bioscavengers
      • Now, this skill increases damage by 30% and additionally by 3% for every 10% of the index characteristics of the "Critical damage 'alchemist, and the duration of effect increased from 10 to 12 seconds.
    • Firming effect
      • The duration of the talent has been increased from 3 to 4 seconds.
    • Rapid Synthesis
      • Now the usual hit "acidic solution" restores 30% more catalyst and critical - 70%.
    • A series of experiments
      • Now the "Death Experiment" allows the use of two of the following skill for free with a probability equal to the characteristic "Critical damage" alchemist.
    • Extractor "Rekuperant" now reduces the cooldown of "Alchemy terminal" 1 second for every 3 / 2.5 / 2% figure characteristics "Restoring discharge" alchemist.
    • Manipulator "injective" now reduces the cooldown of "Injection stimulator" for 2/3/4 seconds with each activation of a pulsed discharge. Bits with a "double digit" is also counted.
    • Fixed a bug due to which the ability to "Black Panther" is sometimes not to renew stunning.
    • Fixed a bug due to which the character stayed during the explosion of animation skills "explosion of darkness" and "extermination."
    plzforgiveme1998 thích bài này.
  12. RickBe

    RickBe Thy Phương Nhi Thảo Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Monk và archer bị bỏ quên cmn rồi =))
  13. luanking

    luanking Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chắc patch tiếp, bọn dev bảo là tập trung vào Gunner/LB/Alc trước, mà sau patch này thì thằng Zerker toàn diện mẹ rồi, PvP hay PvE đều kinh dị đéo có đối thủ (à có bạn Witch/WL)=))
  14. Bigggggy

    Bigggggy Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thx nha Rickbe, mà trò này nó tính lvl theo mức gì vậy mọi ng, fertigue gì đó phải ko :D
  15. [Dra]

    [Dra] Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Thanatos Tower!
    vào guild thì có cần điều kiện gì không nhỉ lội page thấy có max slot member nữa nên không biết newb vào đc ko :3cool_adore:
  16. RickBe

    RickBe Thy Phương Nhi Thảo Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ko cần điều kiện gì cả.
  17. zzMzz

    zzMzz T.E.T.Я.I.S GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ai mời ta vô guild với IGN: King OfGenii.

    PS: Mới vảo chỉ thấy chọn dc 3 class là sao nhỉ ?? Paladin, light, cry ... Còn class berserker .. các class khác đâu ?? Chưa dám chọn class nào cả
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 10/10/15
  18. RickBe

    RickBe Thy Phương Nhi Thảo Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    cứ chơi thì sẽ mở dc, nhưng bạn phải chuẩn bị tinh thần, 2 tuần mới có class khác đầu tiên. 2 tuần tiếp theo, xài spark tốt thì unlock dc class xa hơn.

    Game này cày như trâu, nều bạn ko thích cày, thì nên stop luôn. :)
  19. [Dra]

    [Dra] Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Thanatos Tower!
    game này tính ra cày cũng nhẹ nhàng hơn khối trò chạy dun khác rồi, 1 phần vì cái ascension atlas của nó ngon

    mà new vùa mới vào hỏi tí đã bàn lùi vậy :6cool_surrender:
  20. plzforgiveme1998

    plzforgiveme1998 Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    sit down be humble
    2 bạn muốn vào g vn-lengends thì lên fb group nhá :) .
    @zzMzz class mới sau này unlock thông qua accession atlas... chơi 1 hồi sẽ biết , đi từ từ đến mây cái icon bự bự hình class để unlock.

    pm Tomka Trương or Tiffany Nguyễn để liên hệ vào guild ( tên fb ) .

    t off game rồi nên k inv được :5cool_beat_plaster: ( lí do bị game nó ghét , đánh mãi toàn rớt đồ rác , đám chơi chung toàn đi 2-3 raid là rớt đồ ngon , t chạy chắc đếm cũng gần tầm 30+run thì rớt được 1 món , dẹp mịa luôn :6cool_beat_brick: )

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