█ Spring 2018 █ Nanatsu no Taizai ► Ngạo Sư 12h trưa.

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi kidmax9, 9/5/13.

  1. Gà Con Siêu Nhân

    Gà Con Siêu Nhân Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thông tin của các nhân vật chính
    Height: 152cm
    Weight: 50kg
    Birthday: 25th July
    Age: Over 3000?
    Magic: Full Counter, repelling magical attacks
    Weak point: Elizabeth
    Birthplace: Demon Realm
    What he likes about himself: His ahoge
    Dream/Hope: Lifting his curse
    Regrets: That he couldn’t save (people I guess?)
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: His past self
    What he wants the most right now: Skinship with Elizabeth
    Favorite animal: Elizabeth (I’m not kidding here, it says animal, omfg)
    Favorite scent: Elizabeth’s body
    Power Level: 32500 (at the end of volume 22)
    Magic: 2700 Strength: 27700 Spirit: 2100


    Weight: 162cm
    Weight: Secret
    Birthday: 12th June
    Age: 16
    Magic: No name yet
    Weak Point: Her butt
    Birthplace: Danafor
    What she likes about herself: Her long hair
    Dream/Hope: Peace
    Regrets: That there are people who were hurt because of her
    The most embarrassing thing in her life: When Meliodas hugged her when she was bathing naked
    What she wants the most right now: Meliodas’ heart
    Favorite animal: Pigs
    Favorite scent: Meliodas
    Power Level: 1925 (at the end of volume 22)
    Magic: 1700 Strength: 5 Spirit: 220

    Height: Length: 100cm Height: 50cm
    Weight 140kg
    Birthday: 6th August
    Age: 16
    Magic: Transpork
    Weak Point: Leftovers
    Birthplace: Hawk Mama’s belly
    What he likes about himself: his looks
    Dream/Hope: Become the strongest pig
    Regrets: He wanted to defeat Hendy by himself
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: Nothing
    What he wants the most right now: Leftovers
    Favorite animal: Humans
    Favorite scent: Leftovers
    Power Level: 30 (at the end of volume 22)
    Magic: 0 Strength: 25 Spirit: 5

    Height: 915cm
    Weight: Secret
    Birthday: 24th December
    Age: Ca 750
    Magic: Creation, controlling earth and metals
    Weak Point: Bugs
    Birthplace: Megadozer
    What she likes about herself: Her eyes
    Dream/Hope: Become the giant clan’s best dancer
    Regrets: That she only ever fought with Matrona
    The most embarrassing thing in her life: Was there something?
    What she wants the most right now: Her lost memories
    Favorite animal: Cows, pigs, sheep
    Favorite scent: Green and flowers (King too)
    Power Level: 3250 (at the end of volume 22)
    Magic: 900 Strength: 1870 Spirit: 480

    Height: 210cm
    Weight: 70kg
    Birthday: 14th February
    Age: 43 (became immortal with 23, so his body is 23)
    Magic: Snatch, steal things and powers
    Weak Point: Elaine
    Birthplace: Ravens
    What he likes about himself: Nothing really ♪
    Dream/Hope: Revive Elaine
    Regrets: That he couldn’t save (again, people I guess)
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: That he felt all fuzzy when Zhivago called him his son
    What he wants the most right now: Skinship with Elaine
    Favorite animal: Foxes and pigs
    Favorite scent: Alcohol
    Power Level: 3220 (at the end of volume 22)
    Magic: 1380 Strength: 930 Spirit: 910

    Height: 160cm (180cm in his old man form)
    Weight: 48kg (120kg in his old man form)
    Birthday: 1st April
    Age: Ca 1300
    Magic: Disaster, drawing out the power of the spirit spear 100%
    Weak Point: His lack of muscles
    Birthplace: Fairy Realm
    What he likes about himself: His elegance (in his old man form)
    Dream/Hope: Marrying Diane
    Regrets: Too many
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: That he doesn’t have wings yet
    What he wants the most right now: Diane’s heart
    Favorite animal: No in particular
    Favorite scent: Diane’s cleavage
    Power Level: 4190 (at the end of volume 22)
    Magic: 3370 Strength: 0 Spirit: 820

    Height: 175cm (700cm in his armor)
    Weight: 61kg
    Birthday: 2nd June
    Age: Unknown
    Magic: Invasion, control people’s memories and perception
    Weak Point: My glasses
    Birthplace: I don’t know
    What he likes about himself: His cuteness
    Dream/Hope: Being a pretty attraction girl for the bar
    Regrets: Tell me
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: I do not understand the question
    What he wants the most right now: His memories and emotions
    Favorite animal: Humans
    Favorite scent: I don’t have one
    Power Level: 3100 (at the end of volume 22)
    Magic: 1300 Strength: 500 Spirit: 1300

    Height: 177cm
    Weight: 57kg
    Birthday: 3rd December
    Age: Unknown
    Magic: Infinity
    Weak Point: Once she concentrates on something she forgets everything else
    around her
    Birthplace: Beliaruin
    What she likes about herself: Being a passionate researcher
    Dream/Hope: Knowing everything
    Regrets: Being born
    The most embarrassing thing in her life: The one time when she confessed her
    What she wants the most right now: Lifting the curse of the commandment
    Favorite animal: Hundun’s mother (?? this is the best guess I have, 混沌
    means confusion or chaos but also Hundun, which is a chinese legendary faceless creature)
    Favorite scent: Her research facility
    Power Level: 4710 (at the end of volume 22)
    Magic: 3540 Strength: 70 Spirit: 1100

    Height: 165~325cm
    Weight: 49~355kg
    Birthday: 1st July
    Age: 40
    Magic: Sunshine
    Weak Point: Being super weak at night
    Birthplace: Castellio Kingdom
    Charmpoint: Shyness
    Dream/Hope: Opening up a store with Merlin
    Regrets: Being born
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: His noon-self - always
    What he wants the most right now: Controlling his powers
    Favorite animal: Cats, lions
    avorite scent: Wildberry
    Power Level: Unmeasurable
    Thông tin của thập đại ác ma

    Height: 152cm
    Weight: 50kg
    Birthday: 5th February
    Age: 252 (before the seal)
    Blood Type: A
    Handedness: Right-handed
    Commandment: Piety
    Magic: God (written as “demon king”)
    Birthplace: Demon Realm
    Special ability: Execution
    Hobbies: Dragon hunting
    Daily Routine: Goddess Slaying
    Favorite food: Dragon meat
    Dream/Hope: Perfect Victory
    Charmpoint: Nothing
    Power Level: 61000
    Magic: 10000 Strength: 47200 Spirit: 3800


    Height: 200cm
    Weight: 95kg
    Birthday: 14th January
    Age: 380 (before the seal)
    Blood Type: AB
    Handedness: Right-handed
    Commandment: Charity
    Magic: Full Counter
    Birthplace: Demon Realm
    Special ability: Turning others into demons
    Hobbies: Dragon Slaying
    Daily Routine: Goddess Slaying
    Favorite food: Dragon Meat
    Dream/Hope: Being the best
    Charmpoint: Nothing
    Power Level: 60000
    Magic: 3000 Strength: 53000 Spirit: 4000

    Height: 408cm
    Weight: 329kg
    Birthday: 4th January
    Age: 991 (before the seal)
    Blood Type: B
    Handedness: Right-handed
    Commandment: Truth
    Magic: Critical Over
    Birthplace: Demon Realm
    Special ability: Galan Game
    Hobbies: Galand Game
    Daily Routine: Afternoon Nap
    Favorite food: Wine, souls
    Dream/Hope: Conquering Britannia
    Charmpoint: The red control stone in his chest
    Power Level: 27000
    Magic: 1000 Strength: 24000 Spirit: 2000

    Height: 154cm
    Weight: 43kg
    Birthday: 10th October
    Age: 362 (before the seal)
    Blood Type: A
    Handedness: Right-handed
    Commandment: Faith
    Magic: Hell Gate
    Birthplace: Demon Realm
    Special ability: Stealing souls
    Hobbies: Switching souls
    Daily Routine: Human soul hunting
    Favorite food: Souls
    Dream/Hope: Revival of the demon king
    Charmpoint: Pink hair
    Power Level: 34000
    Magic: 31500 Strength: 500 Spirit: 2000

    Height: 2580cm
    Weight: 2950kg
    Birthday: 6th April
    Age: Ca 880 (before the seal)
    Blood Type: A
    Handedness: Can use both
    Commandment: Patience
    Magic: Ground
    Birthplace: Megadozer
    Special ability: Creating labyrinths
    Hobbies: Competitions
    Daily Routine: Training
    Favorite food: Pork
    Dream/Hope: Overthrowing the demon king
    Charmpoint: Magic eye
    Power Level: 54000
    Magic: 14000 Strength: 36500 Spirit: 3500

    Height: 162cm
    Weight: 53kg
    Birthday: 18th March
    Age: Ca 1400 (before the seal)
    Blood Type: B
    Handedness: Right-handed
    Commandment: Repose
    Magic: Disaster
    Birthplace: Fairy Realm
    Special ability: Creating forests
    Hobbies: Hide and seek in the great tree
    Daily Routine: Praying
    Favorite food: All fruits
    Dream/Hope: Destroy mankind
    Charmpoint: Wings
    Power Level: 50000
    Magic: 47000 Strength: 0 Spirit: 3000

    Height: 182cm
    Weight: 78kg
    Birthday: 8th August
    Age: 415 (before the seal)
    Blood Type: O
    Handedness: Can use both
    Commandment: Reticence
    Magic: Trick Star
    Birthplace: Demon Realm
    Special ability: Interpreting Derieri
    Hobbies: Protecting Derieri
    Daily Routine: Skipping out
    Favorite food: Souls
    Dream/Hope: Conquering Britannia
    Charmpoint: Muscular body below his mant
    Power Level: 53000
    Magic: 34000 Strength: 16000 Spirit: 3000

    Height: 162cm
    Weight: 62kg
    Birthday: 30th October
    Age: 377 (before the seal)
    Blood Type: O
    Handedness: Left-handed
    Commandment: Purity
    Magic: Combo Star
    Birthplace: Demon Realm
    Special ability: Beating up people in 1 on 1 fights
    Hobbies: Playing in the water
    Daily Routine: Skipping out
    Favorite food: Souls, meat
    Dream/Hope: Conquering Britannia
    Charmpoint: Abs
    Power Level: 52000
    Magic: 1500 Strength: 48000 Spirit: 2500

    Height: 480cm
    Weight: 250kg
    Birthday: 30th March
    Age: 156 (before the seal)
    Blood Type: ?
    Handedness: ?
    Commandment: Pacifism
    Magic: Curse (?, written as “no fighting”)
    Birthplace: Demon Realm
    Special ability: Command ones of hid kind (grey demons)
    Hobbies: Self conferences
    Daily Routine: Nothing
    Favorite food: Souls
    Dream/Hope: Revival of the demon king
    Charmpoint: Nothing
    Power Level: 39000
    Magic: 26500 Strength: 10000 Spirit: 2500

    Height: 419cm
    Weight: 690kg
    Birthday: 15th October
    Age: 554 (before the seal)
    Blood Type: A
    Handedness: Right-handed
    Commandment: Selflessness?
    Magic: Full Size
    Birthplace: Demon Realm
    Special ability: Possessing humans
    Hobbies: Act like a human
    Daily Routine: Goddess Slaying
    Favorite food: Souls, meat
    Dream/Hope: “Reviving” Gowther
    Charmpoint: His borrowed body
    Power Level: 31000
    Magic: 13000 Strength: 15000 Spirit: 3000
    Thông tin của các nhân vật phụ
    Height: 185cm
    Weight: 73kg
    Special ability: Monster knowledge
    Hobbies: Thinking up monsters
    Weak Point: Loves festivals
    Dream/Hope: Become stronger than his father
    Regrets: Not being able to save Margaret earlier
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: When he misunderstood something and thought Margaret would marry a prince from another kingdom
    What he wants the most right now: The newest monster encyclopedia
    Power Level: 2330
    Magic: 1130 Strength: 670 Spirit: 530


    Height: 183cm
    Weight: 74kg
    Magic: Great Thunder
    Hobbies: Adventuring
    Weak Point: Weak to Alcohol
    Dream/Hope: Save his brother and friends
    Regrets: Not being able to help his brother and friends
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: Having lost to Meliodas
    What he wants the most right now: A word from his son
    Power Level: 3060
    Magic: 1180 Strength: 930 Spirit: 950

    Height: 182cm
    Weight: 73kg
    Special ability: Eating fast, sleeping fast
    Hobbies: Drinking after work
    Weak Point: Can’t deal with women
    Dream/Hope: Not losing to Gil
    Regrets: Not having realized that Gilthunder was suffering
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: His self when he was playing the commander of the kids (with the three misfits probably)
    What he wants the most right now: The best weapon
    Power Level: 2350
    Magic: 1090 Strength: 700 Spirit: 560

    Height: 213cm
    Weight: 181kg
    Special ability: Being Veronica’s horse
    Hobbies: Knitting
    Weak Point: Not good with words
    Dream/Hope: …with Lady Veronica…
    Regrets: I should have trained a lot harder
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: When he was seen naked by Veronica in Pernes
    What he wants the most right now: Getting his father back
    Power Level: 410 (in child form)
    Magic: 390 Strength: 10 Spirit: 10

    Height: 165cm
    Weight: 53kg
    Special ability: Baking cakes
    Hobbies: Going on a walk with Zeal
    Weak Point: Zeal
    Dream/Hope: Living together in peace with Zeal
    Regrets: Drinking the demon blood
    The most embarrassing thing in her life: When Meliodas drew on her face
    What she wants the most right now: Someone she really loves
    Power Level: 1350
    Magic: 700 Strength: 400 Spirit: 250

    Height: 160cm
    Weight: 50kg
    Special ability: Whistling
    Hobbies: Arm Wrestling
    Weak Point: Hates bugs
    Dream/Hope: Finding another good man
    Regrets: I should’ve behaved a little more girly!!
    The most embarrassing thing in her life: Being stripped by Ban
    What she wants the most right now: Magic Power
    Power Level: 270
    Magic: 40 Strength: 130 Spirit: 100

    Height: 182cm
    Weight: 72kg
    Special ability: Extracting poison
    Hobbies: Brewing medicines
    Weak Point: Is a bit out of it sometimes
    Dream/Hope: Getting Dreyfus back
    Regrets: Too many
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: A lot of different misunderstandings…
    What he wants the most right now: The lives of the people he killed
    Power Level: 2650
    Magic: 1280 Strength: 800 Spirit: 570

    Height: 185cm
    Weight: 82kg
    Special ability: Fighting with two swords
    Hobbies: Cooking
    Weak Point: Griamore
    Dream/Hope: Getting rid of Fraudrin
    Regrets: Fighting with Anna
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: That he let himself being possesed
    What he wants the most right now: His body
    Power Level: 3000
    Magic: 1000 Strength: 1000 Spirit: 1000

    Height: 180cm
    Weight: 80kg
    Special ability: Dancing
    Hobbies: Deer hunting
    Weak Point: His three daughters
    Dream/Hope: Restoration of the kingdom
    Regrets: That he let Hendrickson and Dreyfus go to Danafor
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: Shitting his pants after seeing Escanor
    What he wants the most right now: Peace
    Power Level: 530
    Magic: 120 Strength: 230 Spirit: 180

    Height: 165cm
    Weight: 57kg
    Special ability: Dancing
    Hobbies: Drinking tea
    Weak Point: Gil
    Dream/Hope: Being Gil’s wife
    Regrets: Nothing
    The most embarrassing thing in her life: Showing herself in an embarrassing state in front of Gil
    What she wants the most right now: Peaceful days with Gil
    Power Level: 110
    Magic: 0 Strength: 10 Spirit: 100

    Height: 162cm
    Weight: 51kg
    Special ability: Kicks
    Hobbies: Adventuring
    Weak Point: An angry Denzel
    Dream/Hope: Being the strongest princess
    Regrets: Having said terrible things to Elizabeth
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: Getting a piggyride from Griamore
    What he wants the most right now: The strongest secret technique
    Power Level: 80
    Magic: 0 Strength: 35 Spirit: 45

    Height: 210cm
    Weight: 89kg
    Age: 30
    Special ability: Make-up!
    Hobbies: Dates
    Weak Point: His butt
    Dream/Hope: Serving Bartra for the rest of his life
    Regrets: Making his comrades go with Dreyfus
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: Nothing
    What he wants the most right now: I never wanted this and I will never want this (what does he mean?)
    Power Level: 2790
    Magic: 980 Strength: 930 Spirit: 880

    Height: 165cm
    Weight: 58kg
    Magic: Suck
    Special ability: Stalking
    Hobbies: Observation
    Weak Point: Gil
    Dream/Hope: Becoming Gil’s bride
    Regrets: Nothing
    The most embarrassing thing in her life: Date with Gil ❤
    What she wants the most right now: Gil
    Power Level: 2580
    Magic: 2200 Strength: 40 Spirit: 340

    Height: 182cm
    Weight: 81kg
    Birthday: 16th October
    Age: 58
    Magic: Judgement
    Special ability: Dancing
    Hobbies: Poetry
    Weak Point: Sweets
    Dream/Hope: Avoiding the Holy War or winning it
    Regrets: Having inflicted a serious injury on his brother
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: When he got lost for three days in the Forest of White Dreams as a kid
    What he wants the most right now: A chance to try out his “power”
    Power Level: 2870
    Magic: 1320 Strength: 880 Spirit: 670

    Height: 179cm
    Weight: 75kg
    Birthday: 8th January
    Age: 35
    Magic: Melody
    Birthplace: Edinburgh
    Hobbies: Talking with Invisible
    Weak Point: Loves cute things
    Dream/Hope: Restoring Edinburgh
    Regrets: Fleeing from Edinburgh
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: That he got a big scar on his back from a vampire when he fled
    What he wants the most right now: A house for Invisible
    Power Level: 1690
    Magic: 730 Strength: 540 Spirit: 420

    Height: 161cm
    Weight: 82kg
    Birthday: 14th August
    Age: 39
    Maguc: Hassle
    Special ability: Drinking ale from with nose
    Hobbies: Growing flowers
    Weak Point: His beard
    Dream/Hope: Marrying Deldry
    Regrets: Nothing
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: Nothing
    What he wants the most right now: More height
    Power Level: 1710
    Magic: 300 Strength: 870 Spirit: 540

    Height: 206cm
    Weight: 93kg
    Birthday: 13th April
    Age: 28
    Magic: Boost
    Special ability: Handling horses
    Hobbies: Card games
    Weak Point: Is short-tempered
    Dream/Hope: Revenge for his friend(s)
    Regrets: That he didn’t kill Hendrickson
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: Walking around for a day with a hole in his pants without noticing
    What he wants the most right now: A white horse
    Power Level: 860
    Magic: 290 Strength: 470 Spirit: 100

    Height: 159cm
    Weight: 50kg
    Birthday: 8th July
    Age: 19
    Magic: Pain
    Special ability: Acrobatics
    Hobbies: Collecting arrowheads
    Weak Point: Cute girls
    Dream/Hope: Becoming the strongest popular guy
    Regrets: That he’s always picked on by Deldry (?? I was really confused by this sentence so don’t take this too literal)
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: When he was refused by 10 girls in one day
    What he wants the most right now: More height
    Power Level: 1320
    Magic: 600 Strength: 420 Spirit: 300

    Height: 170cm
    Weight: 56kg
    Birthday: 23th May
    Age: 23
    Magic: Love Drive
    Special ability: Winking
    Hobbies: Drinking tea
    Weak Point: Loud kids
    Dream/Hope: Marrying a man she loves
    Regrets: That she loves Arden
    The most embarrassing thing in her life: When she almost kissed Arden
    What he wants the most right now: A pink armor
    Power Level: 930
    Magic: 720 Strength: 30 Spirit: 180

    Height: 150cm
    Weight: 38kg
    Birthplace: Fairy Realm
    Magic: Miracle Wind
    Special ability: Sending intruders flying
    Hobbies: Skinship with Ban
    Weak Point: Ban
    Dream/Hope: Always being together with Ban
    Regrets: That she sent Ban flying countless times
    The most embarrassing thing in her life: Bathing together with Ban
    What she wants the most right now: Ban
    Favorite animal: Little birds and Black Hounds
    Favorite scent: Ban
    Power level: 2830
    Magic: 2010 Strength: 20 Spirit: 800


    Height: 152cm
    Weight: 30kg
    Birthday: 4th May
    Age: Ca 4200
    Magic: Guardian
    Hobbies: Supporting the fairy king
    Weak Point: The fairy king
    Dream/Hope: King’s awakening
    Regrets: Nothing comes out of it even if I regret something
    The most embarrassing thing in her life: Being impolite to Ban
    Power level: 2370
    Magic: 1890 Strength: 10 Spirit: 470

    Height: 162cm
    Weight: 50kg
    Special ability: Teasing King
    Hobbies: Observing humans
    Weak Point: The lives of his friends
    Dream/Hope: Looking after King
    Regrets: That he was fooled by humans
    The most embarrassing thing in his life: That he was fooled by humans
    What he wants the most right now: A bowgun
    Power level: 1400
    Magic: 750 Strength: 200 Spirit: 450

    Height: 955cm
    Weight: Doesn’t know
    Birthday: 21th December
    Age: Ca 820
    Blood Type: A
    Handedness: Right-handed
    Birthplace: Megadozer
    Magic: Creation
    Special ability: Hunting and fighting
    Hobbies: Training
    Daily Routine: Training
    Respects: Drole
    Weak Point: Right leg
    Dream/Hope: Living together with Zalpa
    Regrets: Her former self
    The most embarrassing thing in her life: When she got drunk at Vaizel and went on a rampage
    What she wants the most right now: Kids with Zalpa
    Power level: 7600
    Magic: 2200 Strength: 4400 Spirit: 1000


    Height: 745cm
    Weight: It’s emarrassing
    Race: Giant
    Birthday: 19th February
    Age: Ca 750
    Blood Type: 0
    Magic: Creation
    Charm Point: Her fluffy hair
    Complex: Being chubby
    Respects: Drole
    Doesn’t want as her enemy: Matrona

    Height: 162cm
    Weight: 62kg
    Race: Human
    Birthday: 25th May
    Age: 51
    Blood Type: A
    Magic: None
    Charm Point: Nothing
    Complex: Nothing
    Respects: The dragon god
    Doesn’t want as his enemy: Giants

    Weight: 18kg
    Race: Human
    Birthday: 4th September
    Age: 8
    Blood Type: 0

    Height: 85cm
    Weight: 35kg
    Race: Human
    Birthday: 5th September
    Age: 11
    Blood Type: B

    Height: 155cm
    Weight: 47kg
    Race: Human
    Birthday: 14th April
    Age: Ca 1800
    Blood Type: O
    Magic: Seal
    Charm Point: Being super energetic
    Power level: 3000
    Magic: 2050 Strength: 450 Spirit: 500

    Height: 155cm
    Weight: 47kg
    Race: Human
    Birthday: 14th April
    Age: Ca 1800
    Blood Type: O
    Magic: Thunder Ray
    Charm Point: Her eye color
    Power level: 3000
    Magic: 2540 Strength: 10 Spirit: 450

    Height: 190cm
    Weight: 103kg
    Race: Human
    Birthday: 17th February
    Age: 15
    Blood Type: A
    Magic: Gift
    Charm Point: His Smile
    Power level: 1650
    Magic: 650 Strength: 650 Spirit: 350

    Height: 181cm
    Weight: 79kg
    Race: Beast Man
    Birthday: 22th December
    Age: 65
    Blood Type: B
    Magic: Hide Cloak
    Charm Point: His breed (?? it’s the best guess I have)
    Complex: Being a fox man
    Respects: No one
    Doesn’t want as his enemy: Humans

    Height: 89cm
    Weight: 36kg
    Race: Beast Man
    Birthday: 6th February
    Age: 10
    Blood Type: 0

    Height: 70cm
    Weight: 10
    Race: Human
    Birthday: 5th April
    Age: 4
    Blood Type: A

    Height: 170cm
    Weight: 64kg
    Blood Type: A
    Special ability: Carving with his sword
    Hobbies: Challenging new things
    Charmpoint: His weird front hair
    Complex: That he became a king all of a sudden
    Respects: Meliodas
    Doesn’t want as his enemy: Merlin
    Dream/Hope: Making Camelot in a wonderful country
    Regrets: That he couldn’t save Merlin
    Power level: 40000
    Magic: 37600 Strength: 900 Spirit: 1500

    Height: 25cm
    Weight: 5kg
    Race: Cat?
    Birthday: 17th August
    Age: 16
    Blood Type: AB
    Special ability: Not letting go of Arthur no matter what

    Charmpoint: His roundness
    Power level: 10010
    Magic: 5000 Strength: 10 Spirit: 5000
    nguồn từ:coffin-of-eternal-darkness.tumblr.com
    Về nơi sinh của Escanor :
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 18/8/16
    Trùm online thích bài này.
  2. Max[SaD]

    Max[SaD] You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Old Trafford
    Cái đống này ở đâu ra thế? :))
  3. Gà Con Siêu Nhân

    Gà Con Siêu Nhân Donkey Kong

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    lấy từ trong Fan Book về
  4. Max[SaD]

    Max[SaD] You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

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    Nơi ở:
    Old Trafford
    Cái này của tác giả vẽ và xác nhận luôn à? Nếu đúng thế thì loạn quá, 2 thanh niên Dolor và Gloxinia riêng mỗi thằng đều mạnh vl, hơn cả Meliodas thế mà 2 thằng hợp lực đánh toàn ngậm hành, thế là thế ếu nào? :2cool_sad:
  5. Gà Con Siêu Nhân

    Gà Con Siêu Nhân Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Vừa bị chú Escanor vả vỡ mồm , đang tí ngỏm thì Meliodas ra tát thêm 1 phát
  6. Max[SaD]

    Max[SaD] You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Old Trafford
    Sau đó Gloxinia heal lại cho cả 2 thằng rồi mà.
  7. diego_simone

    diego_simone The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Escanor sức mạnh không đo đc à 8-} .
    MÀ sau khi cho Estarossa và Zeldris biến mất sao không quay ra thịt nốt 2 đứa còn lại nhỉ thời điểm đấy thì mỗi đứa cũng chỉ 1 bổ là xong :-??
  8. gin-1994

    gin-1994 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    nghĩa là 12h trưa thì es mạnh vô hạn à 8-} mà tính ra thì cái hồi đánh với galan là sáng sớm es đã mạnh hơn 50k rồi, nghĩa là vừa mới ngủ dậy anh đã đã mạnh hơn 1 nửa thập giới 8-}
    mà thằng arthur có ghi dư chữ số 0 nào k vậy ? tới 40000 khiếp thế X_X
  9. gin-1994

    gin-1994 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    who is the boss now ??? \m/\m/\m/

    trong 1 diễn biến khác , phải đợi eng ra mơi hiểu tại sao anh mel sống dậy nhanh vậy
  10. UltraSmash

    UltraSmash Gordon "λ-2" Freeman

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái tướng lùn xủn mà bồng con eli nhìn tục bm =))
    đám ma thần lúc mới xuất hiện aura kinh hoàng lắm, về sau như creep farm exp
  11. sleepybear

    sleepybear Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Lơn mẹ aka demon king bá vãi nồi
  12. gin-1994

    gin-1994 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mà đm thằng gloxiana 50k mà 1 trong 3 chỉ số của nó = 0 8-} thế này mà lỡ có đứa nào cást được cái phép cắt đi magic thì coi như cái tiên tộc này chết sạch =))
    bảng tóm tắt
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 18/8/16
  13. Max[SaD]

    Max[SaD] You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Old Trafford
    Vô lý, không, tôi không chấp nhận, quá vô lý. :-(||>:-(||>:-(||>
  14. Shooter_CD

    Shooter_CD Gian thương trốn thuế Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Boss cuối ra trận =))
  15. namkhapro

    namkhapro snake, snake, snaaaake Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đậu ku athur là dân mage cầm kiếm ah :))
  16. March Four

    March Four シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Whale Island
    Gowther tuổi error là sao?
  17. gin-1994

    gin-1994 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chắc vì bản thân nó k phải sinh vật sống ( doll ) nên k có tuổi....
  18. silversoul_16

    silversoul_16 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thấy bảng mới nhớ còn 1 đứa là Gray Lord sao trước ko thấy nhỉ, cũng ko nhớ là còn sống hay ko :|
  19. gin-1994

    gin-1994 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    còn sống chứ, ngay 2 chap trước còn xuất hiện mà
  20. Chojin Locke

    Chojin Locke Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Làm gì có sinh vật nào ko có tuổi. Đến tảng đá nó còn có niên đại nữa là sinh vật có tri giác.
    Không biết thì ghi unknow chứ sao lại ghi error?

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