Tales Of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X English Patch

Thảo luận trong 'Sony' bắt đầu bởi killmek2x, 29/9/10.

  1. k3nji2kid

    k3nji2kid Sora, Wielder of Keyblades

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    Nhấp vào Nhân vật đó bạn :)
  2. ryukbn

    ryukbn Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

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    Bạn ơi còn Tales nào có bản Eng trên psp nữa k? hoặc có Eng patch đã patch sẵn cho mình xin nhé :(
  3. raydic

    raydic Youtube Master Race

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    Các Side quest của game

    http://forum.gamevn.com/showthread.php?726328-Tales-of-Phantasia-Narikiri-Dungeon-X-JPN/page9 :)

    Cách thu phục summon cho Klarth và cách mở hòm vàng nè.'@^@|||

    To start the whole quest, after the first half of the game recruit Klarth. Then leave the village and reenter his house, you´ll have an event with Milard. Go to Efreet´s cavern and go straight up, but before entering Efreet´s room, turn left. There should be a shiny object in the end of that intersection, it´s a key to open those chests you couldn´t open before, which contain pact rings/materials.

    Sau khi đánh thắng Dhaos và hoàn tất phần end game đừng tắt máy nghĩ nhé game còn dài bạn mới đi được 1/2 game thôi. Tới nhà của Klarth để mời gia nhập, sau đó ra khỏi làng rồi vào nhà lại sẽ có Event. Sau khi event này bạn sẽ nhận được cách cần thiết để mở hòm vàng và thu phục Summon.
    Tới hang của Effect, ngay trước cửa vào đánh trùm, đi qua bên trái, sẽ thấy vật lóe sàng, lấy cái àny sẽ được Keys để mở hòm vàng, và Pact Ring để thu phục.

    Mấy đoạn sau lười dịch nên bạn theo dõi dùm nhé, lỡ chơi game JAP rồi ráng học EN luôn để được Walkthrough

    In the order:

    Efreet- You start with it

    Undine- Get the chest that is behind Klarth´s house, revisit her dungeon and choose the second option to contract her, she will fight you.

    Sylph- Opal is found on the underground of Undine´s dungeon, in the left stair of the final room before the hallway to fight Undine. Revisit Sylph´s dungeon and choose the second option, they won´t fight you and join you.

    Shadow: Amethyst is in Sylph´s dungeon, revisit Shadow´s dungeon and talk to him and choose second option, he won´t fight you and join you.

    Fenbeast: Ebony is found on Shadow´s dungeon, you do can talk to him but... some people have reported you need some other requirments that are yet still unknown to contract him. If you can´t contract him, come back later, anyway you need to fight to contract him

    Aska: Topaz is found in Fenbeast´s dungeon, you just go back to Thor, talk to her and Aska will join without fighting.

    Luna: Moonstone is gotten through an event in Olive Village (4306). Go back to her dungeon and contract her without fighting.

    Ishrantu: Go to Cless´ timeline (4306) and enter Ecluid Village´s restaurant (top right corner), talk to the maid and accept working there, then talk to the three girls in the top right corner and talk to the maid again, the answer is the one that has "???" on it, outside the kanjis.
    Now go to your Dio and Mel´s time (4408) and enter Ecluid Village´s restaurant and talk to the same maid. Then master (or get to a high rank, unsure due to Judas´ post) 2 dancer costumes and go to Namcot Island. Talk to the robot to get an event which gets you the Coral.
    -phew- Long quest, anyway, you get the Coral and now all you gotta do is go to Ishrantu´s dungeon and contract him without fighting.

    Gremlin Lair: Sapphire is in Ishrantu´s dungeon, go back to Gremlin Lair´s dungeon and contract him, he will try to fight you.

    Gnome: Get the Ruby in Gremlin Lair´s dungeon, contract him without fighting.

    Maxwell: Having gotten the Turquoise from Luna´s dungeon, go talk to Maxwell. Then go back to Gnome´s dungeon and go through all of it, before the room you fight Gnome turn left and go to a little area where there are lots of little red enemies, there should be a shining object on the top left corner which you need to bring back to Maxwell. THEN you can contract him.

    Flambelk: Get Mercury from Efreet´s dungeon, then go back to his dungeon and contract him.

    Jestona: Get his pact material from Arche´s tower, revisit his dungeon and contract him.

    Big Eye: Get Marble from the final dungeon (it is on the last part, the crystal part, on the leftmost area, somewhere), then go back to his dungeon and contract him.

    Volt: Get Sardonyx in Big Eye´s dungeon and return to Volt´s dungeon and contract him.

    Origin: Finish Expert arena with Arche to get Diamond (to get Expert beat the arena with 3 different characters, then you can choose from begginer or expert before fighting). Highly recommended to fight in Easy and to leave this as the last one so Arche can get as many level ups as possible. Then go back to Origin´s dungeon and contract him.

    Pluto: Having one of the Ninja costumes on a high rank, go to Ninja village in Suzu´s time and talk to a ninja staring at the river. If succesful on the quest you should get a feather. You need the Jet Boots from now on... which I have no idea where to get, sorry.
    Having Archer and Healer branches mastered (or almost mastered, according to Judas´) go to Toltus village in Cless´ timeline, and talk to a guy who should stand on front of the church (if he isnt there you are missing some requeriments). He should give you the Emerald. Go to Cless´ dojo and talk to this guy again, he should give you the Eternal Sword.
    Now with all the summons possesed and the Emerald and Eternal Sword, plus the Jet Boots, you can just talk to Pluto to contract him.

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