[Thảo luận + Hỏi đáp] Dynasty Warriors 9

Thảo luận trong 'Dynasty, Samurai & Orochi Warriors' bắt đầu bởi Tiểu Di, 17/12/16.

  1. - Saber -

    - Saber - ✝ Excalibur ✝ Moderator ♞ Blade Knight ♞

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    ┐( ̄ー ̄)
    Muốn chơi free mode phải mua bản emprise
    good job KoTec
  2. Gantz89

    Gantz89 Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Giáo hội PS
    Trong lúc chờ game, xem lại bản tam quốc diễn nghĩa 1996 coing nhận hay vãi, nhất là màn quan công chém tướng qua ải :4cool_beauty:
  3. T&L

    T&L Fire in the hole!

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    Khu rừng sự thật
    Bỏ free mode cùng với chế độ coop 2 người theo ý kiến cá nhân là điểm trừ lớn nhất của bản 9 này so với bản 8, sau đó mới tới clone vk :)).
  4. hinokage

    hinokage Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bản 10 bổ sung free mode (wanderer mode) + multi-coop lại chả bán chạy :1cool_look_down:

    Bản này với Thủy Hử 1996, kỹ xảo ko màu mè mà xem chất vồn hơn khối phim bây giờ :4cool_beauty:
  5. Gantz89

    Gantz89 Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Giáo hội PS
    công nhận đánh thật vãi đái :D

    thủy hử xem quả võ tòng đồ sát cả nhà quan cứ gọi là :4cool_beauty:
  6. Gantz89

    Gantz89 Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Giáo hội PS
    biết ngay là sẽ o có côp mà , open world thì co-op kiểu gì :(, nếu trong chế độ free mode thì may ra :))
  7. hinokage

    hinokage Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Adventure Mode :>
  8. Gantz89

    Gantz89 Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Giáo hội PS
    xem phim mới thấy tào tháo bựa phết lại đa mưu nữa, kính trọng người tài :5cool_big_smile:, chả như lưu bị và viên thiệu chỉ dc mấy tướng giảoi với giỏi thu phục lòng người :))

    hồi nhỏ xem o thấm lắm , giờ xem lại mới thấy thích tào tháo hơn :D
  9. quanpn030993

    quanpn030993 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    tuần này chắc còn nghỉ tết nên ko update clip mới
  10. longlatao

    longlatao C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đéo có freemode thì chơi cm gì
  11. KytoSai

    KytoSai Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chắc sẽ có nhưng đặt tên khác thôi @@, không có thì quá chuối....
    Chơi thì sẽ chơi nhưng giá trị chơi lạm giảm thê thảm vì méo rãnh đâu mà spam hoài cái story của 1 thằng mình thích
  12. KytoSai

    KytoSai Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bình minh

    Vừa làm dàn Desktop i3-8100 với GTX1060 sẵn sàng chiến mấy game openworld rồi :2cool_sexy_girl:
    HoàngLongTrần thích bài này.
  13. Hee19

    Hee19 Sonic the Hedgehog

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sorrow World
    Chắc kiểu tóc này gọi là Vầng trăng khuyết, xấu chi mà hắn xấu :8onion38:
  14. Gantz89

    Gantz89 Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Giáo hội PS
    Đỡ hơn phần 7 trồng mới cancer =))

    Mà lưu bị trong phần này làm tư thế giống phim 1996 nhất sống kiếm cầm 1 bên tay :d

    Xem lại mới để ý tạo hình game từ bản đầu đến nay đều ảnh hưởng bởi bản phim 1996 nhiều nhất :d

    Bản Dynasty warrios đầu tiên có steelbook chất lừ :4cool_beauty: order ngay và luôn

    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 5/1/18
  15. minh_thang_pham

    minh_thang_pham The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

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  16. CuongSomboon

    CuongSomboon Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tò mò lâu rồi, muốn biết nguyên nhân vì sao Koei ko tiết lộ khuôn mặt cho 2 ng ở phe Thục là anh Diên và anh Thống, chắc tại 2 ảnh xấu trai lắm hay sao mà đeo mặt nạ vs bịt khăn kín mít thế kia?
  17. Phunguyen99

    Phunguyen99 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Không biết là đợt này sẽ có thông tin gì mới đây. Nhân vật cũng đăng hết rồi, thường phục cũng vậy. Có thể là phần story game, vì mới có 10 chapters dự là sẽ nhiều hơn nữa.
  18. Realife

    Realife Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Kẻ Chợ
  19. minh_thang_pham

    minh_thang_pham The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Phỏng vấn ở Chinajoy
    Nguồn từ page KOEI trên facebook

    Chinajoy interview:
    Why is DW9 utilizing the open world format?
    S: After we finished producing DW8 we started planning for the next title, at the time we were thinking about making the next title a game with big changes. While considering the systems to use, our attention was drawn to open world. Open world games were already very widespread; I thought that open world meshed very well with the great scale of the ROTK world, and I myself enjoy open world games as well, so I hope the open world of this title will give players a whole new experience.

    Will the costumes in the Chinese version (of the game) be any different from those in the overseas versions?
    S: The (base) outfits for every version will be the same, but thinking from the angle of possibilities, we may make certain outfits into preorder bonuses unique to each version.

    In the video shown during the panel there was a Chinese dub. What do you think of it?
    S: I think it's pretty satisfactory. While in production we recorded the Japanese voices first, then recorded in order the voices in Chinese, English and other languages, selecting voice actors based on the unique traits of each character. However the recording process isn't finished yet, we still aren't sure (about the foreign voices) for some characters.

    Some players may think the Chinese dub sounds peculiar, will the Chinese version (of the game) be able to switch to Japanese dub?
    S: (I) don't think a Japanese dub will be included.

    Then conversely, will the Japanese version include a Chinese dub option?
    S: By principle it won't be included, since the Chinese dub is aimed towards Chinese players. But I think after the game has been out for some time, we may add the Chinese dub as a DLC option.

    Is the Chinese dub being made by a team from mainland China?
    S: Translation and voice recording are all being made by a mainland Chinese team.

    ROTK 13 and DW9 are/will be including Chinese dubs, will you use this as the standard for future Chinese localizations?
    S: There were a lot of voicelines to record for DW9, and we poured a lot of effort into it. If the reactions are good, we'll be doing the same for future games.

    In the just-released footage, the scale of the battlefield Guan Yu stood on was pretty much hard to create without utilizing open world format. However, after he traversed the castle wall, the enemy troops didn't react to him and just let him open the gates. Is it because the difficulty setting was low?
    S: It wasn't shown in the demo, in the actual game if you want to climb the walls you'll be shot at by enemy soldiers. The reason why the enemy did not react to Guan Yu was because we purposefully altered the AI to prevent a mess up (a.k.a. Dying in an embarrassing way) during demonstration, in the actual game (the enemy) will leap at you like hungry wolves.

    In this game, the appearance of characters will change over time, such as Liu Bei gaining a mustache as time elapses. Other than appearance, will the abilities/stats of characters also change over time?
    S: Changes in character abilities/stats will be dependent on the player's gameplay, not on how much time has passed.

    How did you come to decide to implement the concept of "temporal change"?
    S: This title utilizes open world, so I hope players can experience the changing scenery and weather conditions it brings. It will also impact gameplay, for example during nighttime the range of the enemy's reconnaissance will become smaller, thereby changing your raid strategies.


    Past DW games were based around stages; each stage had very clear completion requirements and progression paths. Now that DW9 is open world, would you give the players an ultimate objective like uniting China and let them have freedom otherwise, or will the story progress with the script like in past titles? If freedom is given to the players, will the enemy forces' actions change based on your decisions? How will player decisions affect game progression?
    S: The progression of the game's story will still advance step by step based on the script, completing certain big events (missions) will cause the time era to move forward, such as defeating Dong Zhuo. After the time era has changed, the status quo of the various factions will change and there will be new objectives to fulfill in the new age.
    As for changes in the enemy forces' actions, like I've said before the story still progresses act by act according to the script, so any changes in their actions won't cause a detour off of the main historical timeline, in other words, there are no what-if scenarios. So the player's choice to first attack city A or city B won't impact the ultimate ending.

    How many characters will be joining the battle in this title?
    S: All 83 characters from past titles will be returning, as well as some newcomers, but since all the officers' data are being remade, honestly saying we won't be adding a lot of people.

    Will officers have "preferred weapons" like in past titles?
    S: In past games you could switch weapons with the press of a button, but here you can only carry one at a time, if you want to switch you have to do it in a menu. Every officer will have a "preferred weapon" that they are proficient with, and when equipped they will have different (unique) moves.

    In the just-released footage we saw Guan Yu use a bow and arrow to detonate an oil jar, can you reveal other ways in which the environment can be interacted with?
    S: Presently speaking trap-like environments will only include one oil jar, we are still discussing about other possibilities. What we can reveal though is that you'll be able to carry arrows, aside from flame arrows you also have exploding and armor-piercing ones. If you do the right preparations beforehand you can freely use them on the battlefield, for example to set fire to an enemy archery tower.
    Tiểu Di thích bài này.
  20. Phunguyen99

    Phunguyen99 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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