PS Thảo luận, tin tức và tất cả những thứ có liên quan về PlayStation

Thảo luận trong 'Tin tức - Giới thiệu - Thảo luận chung về game' bắt đầu bởi F22Raptors, 5/9/16.

  1. Warfield

    Warfield Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cho muợn acc chơi GOW R với, fen !then
  2. katt1234

    katt1234 The Chosen Undead GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đang tính sale 50%_mới mua

  3. dread_nought

    dread_nought The Dragonborn Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    TP HCM
    Anh cơ phó anti fan số 1 của sony, game nào ra cũng mua về chửi chứ chờ 50% gì !gian
  4. Heardless

    Heardless シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Azkaban prison
  5. Yukianesa

    Yukianesa ξ (⩌‸⩌ )ξ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Edith City 8th Borough 5-21-3-201
    Con này thấy lại đang drama và bọn gamer tây lông "đạo đức" lại đòi boycott để ủng hộ nữ quèn !gai
    UltraSmash thích bài này.
  6. katt1234

    katt1234 The Chosen Undead GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    10/10_must buy

    Gowr cút

  7. libikey44

    libikey44 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Khác mẹ gì BnS .
  8. UltraSmash

    UltraSmash Gordon "λ-2" Freeman

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bọn này thì cứ quăng phụ khoa cho nhanh!ram
  9. PeepingTom

    PeepingTom nguyện bú liếm thông tắc mũi cho ong nâu...

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Auto must buy, góp 1 phần đẩy lùi phì quyền, xấu quyền xàm quần !ram
  10. baodien2412

    baodien2412 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đợt đi jump arena thấy hai mẹ con người hàn có bo đỳ kiểu vậy. Trước cứ tưởng đám manhua nhà nó vẽ nhân vật nữ kiểu fantasy chứ. =))

    Btw: mông của snake với đội mgr vẫn ngon hơn.
    PeepingTom thích bài này.
  11. Sir Artorias

    Sir Artorias John Marston's Redemption Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Anor Londo
    Pic or Tế
  12. baodien2412

    baodien2412 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thời buổi camera khắp nơi. Chụp bậy lên đồn ngồi combo thêm kiện thì bỏ bu. Mình dalit và không biết tiếng hàn. XD
  13. Nikomen_Aisha

    Nikomen_Aisha One-winged Angel

    Tham gia ngày:
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    DF chơi cùng ổ với bọn SJW resetera riết bị nhiễm, mà các anh resetera nâng quả mông của 2b giờ quay qua chửi quả mông này, hypocrite vcl !sacsua. Hôm nay có thằng bên cái động resetera viết một cái wall of text vì sao mông 2b là ko offense nhưng quả mông trong con game này lại offense !sacsua
    UltraSmash thích bài này.
  14. dalit-đbrr

    dalit-đbrr T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Quả body thế này thì bất chấp bọn woke nhé.
    Bán đc vài triệu bản thì vảo mặt bọn xấu quyền đi :3
    Bọn xấu người, xấu cả nết nữa
    UltraSmash thích bài này.
  15. Mernandez.3

    Mernandez.3 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chắc hốt luôn sale Bayo 3 rồi, chị già nhìn mặt như trung niên, ngực cũng éo có. !then
  16. UltraSmash

    UltraSmash Gordon "λ-2" Freeman

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bọn xấu người nhưng chẳng có tài năng lại hãm nữa, thay vì cố để cho đẹp hơn thì kéo người khác xuống cho bằng. Vậy mà cũng có thằng đi ủng hộ lũ rác rưởi này
  17. Yukianesa

    Yukianesa ξ (⩌‸⩌ )ξ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Edith City 8th Borough 5-21-3-201
    Vừa check qua, ko hay lượn đây lắm nên ngạc nhiên thấy lần đầu chúng nó cho topic tắm máu !nguong
  18. Mernandez.3

    Mernandez.3 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đọc cười bò, đem về đây thẩm!sacsua
    Automata's designs are purposeful, yeah. 2B isn't designed like that because "Yoko Taro just likes girls", and it's frankly a little irritating that people take him on his word for that, and don't immediately realize he's fucking with them, just like he does, with literally every other thing he says.

    2B's entire character arc and theme revolves around the concept of objectification. Not just figurative, but literal objectification. Her entire life is spent as a thing that is working toward this unattainable goal of pleasing or serving a vaguely defined "Mankind" which she has never seen, barely understands and that may not even exist as far as she knows. Even despite her desires to keep 9S safe, she's just a videogame character so she lacks the agency to step away from her predetermined ("programmed") purpose.

    Her death is a stark reminder that in the end she is just parts, that can easily malfunction, break, and cease to be. All in the service of Mankind. She lives to be a thing for service. If it isn't obvious from the ending which spawns the first NieR, "Mankind" is you.

    If you've ever played other Taro games, you'll see this kind of theme often. In Drakengard 3, the Intoners are sexually addicted psychopaths who keep literal male slaves, some of them of questionable age. Their kinks are so extreme that they're never even sexualized at all from a behaviour standpoint, because to any normal person they come off as absolute maniacs. Zero herself has such an absurdly overactive libido that she can't even feel aroused by sex itself anymore, but rather by the aggressive exherting of power over others. She is so sexually attracted to violence that she pillow talks with her dragon about scorching human beings alive and eating them -- Zero, like all of the Intoners, each representing a type of fetish, is a monster. Despite their outward appearance being very easy to imagine becoming people's waifu, their actual demeanor and principles are completely unattractive, if not outright aggressively repulsive.

    It's also worth noting that almost all of the Disciples (the slaves) show immediate despise for the Intoner the moment they die. Some of them even going as far as dismembering the Intoner that once kept them enslaved. There's an allegory to be noted here, of humans being enslaved by fetishes in media, particularly Japanese media, but I think this post will go on long enough as is -- you can kinda make the leap yourself if you've ever played it.

    You also find similar themes in the first NieR, where Kainé's oversexualized outlook heavily contrasts with her almost overly masculine behaviour, baiting players to fantasize about the character only to discover that not only is she not exactly a cis-woman, but there's heavy sexual assault implications related to that fact in her past as well, which would make the idea of fantasizing about her at any point make any normal person feel gross about themselves.

    Backtracking a bit, and in summary: Taro's games use sex and violence as allegories and themes. And the core object of each game is a deconstruction of people's base instincts around those two concepts, and how often we are manipulated by them; how often we forego logic in lieu of opting for violence or fantasy.

    The idea of "tricking" players with that fact is obviously not something that has aged well in some cases but I hope it's transparent that these themes are there. There's always intent to play with people's sexual expectations and then take them away. To make people feel bad about their sexual fantasies over these deeply traumatized or damaged characters whose lives are usually one big tragedy. It's never played for laughs, always very respectful to the characters themselves, and it's telling that any no point do any of the YoRHa characters ever address their appearance whatsoever. They are not sexy for them, and they're not sexy for each other. They are sexy for you. Because you're a fucking weirdo that likes to watch innocent androids murder each other in high heels. And you should feel bad about it. Taro fully understands that people would be driven to consider the YoRHa characters as nothing but sex things. In a way, the fact that people do that is integral to his theme. So when a bunch of fucking morons told him that they're making sexual fanart of 2B, he asked them to collect it all in a folder and send it to him, and those people went and did it, because they're actually braindead. I can imagine the hearty laugh the man belched when that landed in his inbox. If he ever even saw it at all.

    I know this is what Taro intended, because that's his style. He once described his impetus for writing Caim from Drakengard 1 as a completely unrelatable murdering psychopath: Watching Dynasty Warriors games. He felt that it's strange how characters in that franchise can murder people -- so many people -- and never seem to have any personality flaw, never seem to develop any mental issues for it. Human life to them is so inconsequential that it becomes a 4 digit number by the end of the mission; like points in an Arcade. He carefully considered how being that powerful and doing that so regularly would ruin your mind over time, and how it would slowly corrupt your humanity. Or, rather, your consideration for humans. And he reflected that in Caim's personality, as a result. Lots of people only get as far as surface-level and consider Caim some sort of anti-hero, but the point here is that Caim's a completely irredeemable monster. He is an allegory for you, the player, enjoying the idea of taking lives by the thousands if it's presented to you in a game format. When you step into the shoes of a character in Dynasty Warriors and, as the player, enjoy murdering entire armies with cool weapon combos watching them scream in agony as you piledrive their bodies into the ground, the only difference between you and Caim is that you weren't born in a fantasy world with magic, where you get to take lives in a context that is devoid of moral or legal repercussion. This concept is taken to such extremes that by Drakengard 3 the people you're fighting are the good guys, while you're objectively the villain. By NieR, Shades are actually just people who are afraid of you. And by Automata, they aren't even people at all anymore, and even so the game goes to great lengths to humanize them in subsequent routes after ending A, to further establish that you're doing nothing but killing these little things that just wanna be in peace. These things that never really asked to be there to begin with. You'd be forgiven for forgetting this, but it's worth remembering that the machine lifeforms never actually did anything, because humans were already long gone by the time the Aliens arrived. None of them, including their Alien creators, have ever even seen a human.

    Taro acts like an idiot, but he isn't one. He deeply wants to comment on a lot of the surface-level things we take for granted in video games, and when Taro decides to incorporate sex or violence at all in his games, there's a history of it being conveyance for something else. Never for its own sake. So when people use Taro's games as some sort of comparison to Stellar Blade and other guff like it, it really annoys me because it shows people are only thinking about his games at a surface level.

    Don't get me wrong, the Kainé shit does make me whinge a bit when I think about it for too long, since the premise of the "gotcha" moment of her presentation is that she'll "trap" the viewer into thinking they're fantasizing about a cis-woman when that's not the case. I don't think people would disagree that it's a little transphobic. But given that it was so long ago, and given that the theme can be taken in a number of ways beyond that, especially given the sexual assault angle, I think it's clear that Kainé was only ever visually sexualized for the purpose of de-sexualizing her. Same applies to 2B, and A2, and the Intoners, etc.

    The term I've been avoiding thus far is meta-commentary. But now that I've explained in some detail why Taro's works are meta-commentary rather than just saying it, hopefully it's easier to see how it applies.

    It was never about making a sexy character into a strong woman protagonist. The point was always to make people feel like shit for sexualizing these tragedies, by making it effectively impossible not to, for large swathes of the audience. It's 5D chess in a way that only Taro could ever hope to achieve. In a way, when you see some dumbfuck's fanart of 2B's ass and you feel kinda weirded out by it, you're still playing NieR: Automata. You're still experiencing its theme. At least insofar as 2B is concerned.

    But this? This Stella Blade bullshit?

    This isn't a Taro game. It's just another example in the long running trope of South Korean games being absurdly and overtly mysogynistic. And as a South Korean myself, I can't help but laugh when people make the mistake of presuming the creators of this thing have remotely any intention of empowering women.
    Warfield thích bài này.
  19. Yukianesa

    Yukianesa ξ (⩌‸⩌ )ξ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Edith City 8th Borough 5-21-3-201
    Cuối bài chốt 1 câu "tao dân chym ngắn", tự hỏi nó nó dân chym ngắn hay chuối mẽo :2onion58:
  20. Mernandez.3

    Mernandez.3 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Dân Hàn nói tiếng Mẽo, hoặc là Hàn mất gốc. Chứ dân chym ngắn nào dùng mấy chữ cis tả lị

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