The World God Only Know: We will fill the missing D with Dream

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi kylanbac91, 26/8/10.

  1. lORl

    lORl Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tomboy Yui : "I love you !" :-<
    Chả còn hy vọng gì ở em này, cái ngày xưa ấy khi em còn bận váy :((
  2. lemonade56

    lemonade56 Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Who Knows?
    Hakua với Shiori đứng ngoài mắt tròn mắt dẹt =))
    Mà anime ss2 luôn à, ss1 mình còn chưa xem ep nào, drop ngay từ ep 1 :-<
  3. vulcan300

    vulcan300 Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Beginning of the End
    nếu cho Yui vào goddess thì thà cho Chihiro còn tốt hơn :-<
  4. nevilarus

    nevilarus T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đồng ý kiến. Em Chihiro nhộn nhộn vui tính thế sao mọi người lại ghét nhỉ =((

    Crossdressing cũng không sao, tomboy cũng không sao ( miễn đẹp là được), nhưng kiểu tán trai đầy nam tính thế này thì không chấp nhận nổi nữa rồi :-s
  5. Eruur

    Eruur Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    biết đâu cho yui vào rồi nữ tính lại thì sao ;)) xem cái omake của yui xem em ấy cũng nữ tính fết đấy :-"
  6. taykiemquy

    taykiemquy Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    chả nữ tính nổi đâu...nhưng tại nó ko chịu mặc đồ con gái chứ như lúc ban đầu nó mặc Kimono thì Chihiro thua xa...kỳ này God bị phản kế hoạch rồi, bị Yui tỏ tình kiểu đấy thì phải cao tay lắm mới dụ Goddess ra nổi
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 23/12/10
  7. vulcan300

    vulcan300 Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Beginning of the End
    yêu em Yui thì chỉ có bị dominate thôi :-<
    chắc quái gì Yui đã có goddess =)
  8. taykiemquy

    taykiemquy Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
  9. nevilarus

    nevilarus T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Còn tùy first met là khi nào nữa, theo mình hiểu thì quan trọng là memory chứ không phải feeling :-? ( mấy em white list god mà cưa lại mình bảo đảm cũng đổ ầm ầm, dù không phải goddess >:) )
  10. vulcan300

    vulcan300 Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Beginning of the End
  11. fray92

    fray92 Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Cambridge, UK
    Cho Yui vào làm vợ cả \m/
    Tombog cho nó thêm phần thi vị.
    Mà biết đâu sau này lại trở về như cũ thì càng nuột.

    Btw, tập này god xà vào lòng Haqua nhw trẻ con =))
  12. taykiemquy

    taykiemquy Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    coi ep 12 thể hiện tính thần thánh của GOD....mở cả chục cái XBOX360 1 LÚC, chơi cả chục game với tốc độ thần thánh =))
  13. novices

    novices C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Reality Marble
    theo như tin vỉa hè thì ss2 April mới air
    ^đâu phải chỉ XBOX PS3 WII rùi Dreamcast etc... + 6 cái LCD chắc 32' chắc tốn lắm đây 8-} mà có Kami-sama kôg chơi PC nhỉ :-?
  14. taykiemquy

    taykiemquy Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    chơi bàn phím thì choáng chỗ + nhiều nút thì sao tiện bằng tay cầm
  15. 7juve7

    7juve7 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Spoiler 126
    [spoil] Keima tries to conquer all five girls at once with afterschool event but gets tired with Tsukiyo alone. When Ayumi appears, he decides to change his plan, but gets interupted because Miyako is with her. Chapter ends with the reality not proceeding as he hoped.
    Keima plans to proceed with after school one by one.He managed to accomplish an event with Tsukiyo, but took too much time returning to school..Not to mention, as Haqua performed well, the club finished earlier than expected.Yui returns by herself, and Shiori is no where to be seen.
  16. numt001

    numt001 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Misty Lake
    cruel reality !
  17. deconkeu

    deconkeu T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cái spoil trên đã confirm chưa thế, đọc thấy hơi ảo
  18. 7juve7

    7juve7 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Long spoiler
    [spoil]Third day of goddess conquest. Today, important matter for Keima is now when school has finished.

    Outside is raining. People are discussing wheather to go home straight or just wonder around for a while.

    Haqua who is disguised as Elsie asks Ayumi and Chihiro for a band practise.

    On this raining day, Keima's sure win event initiates. Flag126 [5 HOME]


    Haqua [After school event?] [You mean returning home together?]

    Keima [You're noisy, just shut up!!] [I'm coming up with the schedule!!] [All the candidates have been found.] [I'm going to deepen our relationship!!]

    Haqua [Is it that important for two people to go home?]

    Keima [Hey, how much of an amature are you?] [A couple means...!!]

    [1. After school event.] [2. Exchange of phone number.] [3. A date.] [4. Girl asks for after schoolevent.] [5. repeat 3. and 4.]

    [This is how you deepen the relationship!! In a game!!] [First step of date is after school event.]

    [If you can't understand this simple stuff... you'll be an amature in romance forever]

    Haqua [Idiot.] [And you are planning to make a move to five girls again?]

    Keima [Tomorrow is Saturday.] [If I miss this chance, we'll have to wait until Monday.]

    So this is how Keima's plans to proceed.

    After school -> 13:00 Tsukiyo(If Raining) -> 15:00 Yui(Aim for the pick up car) -> 16:00Ayumi(Have Haqua stall her until Yui is complete)
    -> 17:00 Chihiro(Same as Ayumi, plus the phone call before) -> 18:00 Shiori(Wait for the closure of library.) -> 19:00 Tsukiyo(If sunny.)

    Haqua [That's some armchair theory]

    Keima [All great plan comes from this.] [I have been conquering 5 girls in 5 games simultanuously all the time.]

    [This is piece of cake.] [Just wait and see...] [With this event, I will raise their love point by 5 each.]

    Haqua [Just how much is 5 points?] (I shouldn't have looked at the behind scenes.) (How can a guy like this capture the spirits?)

    Now the armchair theory had an aura of failure from the start.

    14:00. Waiting for an hour, Keima wasn't able to meet with Tsukiyo.

    When he finally was able to meet her, she goes to the bus lane.

    This will consume too much time after the event is complete.

    Anyways, a quick "follow" and "fool" to entice her, followed by "Fukanzen-na ketsumatu(Incomplete closure)"

    managed to raise her love point.

    Haqua (Katsuragi... I wonder when he'll come...) (Why do I have to help him with this...)

    Was it because she was in deepthought

    Ayumi & Chihiro [Elly, you are unusually good today.] [Your closure is excellent.]

    Miyako [I think so too]

    Yui [Yeah, you were splendid]

    Because of Haqua's midnight practise, she performed better than Elsie.

    With that, practise finished early. So she failed to stall them.

    Further accident awaited Keima. Bus to school is 30 minutes wait.

    Mean while, Haqua tries to stall the remaining girls but this time phone call from Keima has harmed their plan.

    Ayumi [Hmm, then I'll be going.]

    Chihiro [Bye.]

    If it comes to this, Haqua who is weak at ad lib has no idea what to say.

    Keima returns to school staggering, where he can hear the sound of his failure was sounding.

    The sound of familiar car shutting door. Yui's driver has picked up Yui and is about to leave.

    Keima tries to stop the car even if he has to jump in front of the car but fails and smash into a street light

    Car goes off not caring bleeding Keima.

    Keima (What an uncooperative situation. Do these people don't care about saving Kanon.)

    ?? [What are you doing?]

    A familiar voice is heard.

    Keima (Ayumi!!) (I've got no choice... I have to change my plan.) (Ayumi is second and Chihiro is third...)

    (and Yui... I'll just have to smash into the car somewhere.)

    Lowering Yui's priority, he decides to make a move.

    [I was thinking of going home together... So I was waiting]

    As he looks towards where the voice came from, there was an unexpected person there.

    Miyako [What are you doing Katsuragi.]

    Keima (Wha!? Why is she with Miyako...) (Reality sure is uncooperative.)

    It was an armchair theory after all!?[/spoil]
  19. jackys

    jackys The Warrior of Light

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  20. Eruur

    Eruur Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

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