Thông tin Update/Event/Promotion của SEA AVA (Asiasoft)

Thảo luận trong 'Alliance of Valiant Arms' bắt đầu bởi LoveBoAFE, 2/9/11.

  1. luly92

    luly92 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nha Trang
  2. viplathe

    viplathe Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Death Valley
  3. luly92

    luly92 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nha Trang
    25th Sep update:
    AKS74U Euro capsule 3k/1cap.
    M4A1 Chrome Cash capsule 42cash/1cap.
    Walther Wa2000 shopgun

  4. luly92

    luly92 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nha Trang
    Oct 2nd update:


    And also remove Blue Tiger Box.
  5. viplathe

    viplathe Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Death Valley
  6. viplathe

    viplathe Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Death Valley
    login từ ngày 2 đến 9/10 để nhận quà

  7. luly92

    luly92 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nha Trang

    Event diễn ra từ 07-27/10. 1 ID chỉ được nhận 1 lần. ID phải là thành viên của 1 clan. Cứ 1 thành viên của clan có rank ko thấp hơn Sergent First Class 1th class (Level 11) sẽ được tính 1 điểm cho clan đó. Clan nào có từ 15-30 điểm: Tất cả các thành viên được thưởng 50k Euro. Clan có trên 30 điểm: tất cả thành viên của clan đó được thưởng 100k Euro. Giải thưởng được trao trực tiếp vào tài khoản ngày 29/10.

    P/S: Mấy cháu clan Infinity khỏi lo nhá, tau đếm sơ sơ clan mình cũng tầm 7x cháu trên rank trung sĩ nên chắc cmn 100k euro ngày 29/10 rồi.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 5/10/13
  8. luly92

    luly92 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nha Trang
  9. squall9588

    squall9588 Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
  10. squall9588

    squall9588 Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
  11. pesvn20

    pesvn20 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Event Philippines đăng bởi CM Shazzti
    Event Mechanics:
    *All AVAPH players are eligible to join.
    *The quest period is from October 14 to November 14, 2013.
    *The shooter must login and play in Philippine Server only.
    *The shooter must complete the monthly quest in order to win the jackpot.
    *Any surrender games will not be recognized by the system, each game must be fully completed either wins or loses.
    *Prize will be automatically inserted into your account within ten (10) working days after the monthly quest period.

    Jackpot Quest Event
    -Play a total of 1000 completed games and win 1,000,000 Euro.
    -Server: Philippine Server only
    -Channel : All CHANNELS
    -Mode/Course: All Modes
    -MAP: All Maps

    Event mechanics are subject to change without prior notice.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Tiếp nào
    PlayFPS Mini Online Tournament
    Alliance of Valiant Arms (A.V.A)

    1st Place – 408 AVA Cash/Member + ak47 Seroja
    2nd Place – 20,000 Euro + M14 EBR
    3rd Place – Double Up EXP_7days + Viper Mask_7days.

    October 14, 2013

    October 21, 2013 - 4PM

    October 25, 2013 (SUNDAY)- 6:00PM

    How to register?

    Team leader MUST send the important details below to

    Team Name: ______________________
    Team Leader: ______________________
    Contact Number: ______________________
    Full Name/IGN (registered PlayID account only)

    Member 1: ______________________
    Full Name/IGN(registered PlayID account only)

    Member 2: ______________________
    Full Name/IGN(registered PlayID account only)

    Member 3: ______________________
    Full Name/IGN(registered PlayID account only)

    Member 4: ______________________
    Full Name/IGN(registered PlayID account only)

    Sub1: ______________________
    Full Name/IGN(registered PlayID account only)
    Sub2: ______________________
    Full Name/IGN(registered PlayID account only)

    Team leader MUST always check our PlayFPS PH AVA Forum and will brief his team members with the following details before the match:

    Match Schedule
    Event Mechanics
    Rules and Regulations

    Room Name: Team A vs Team B
    Password: AVA12345 <-- password will be given by CM Shatzzi

    Event Mechanics:

    -Match Type: 5v5 Demolition,7 Wins Tournament, FF ON, Single Elimination (Best of 3 for Finals)
    -Maps - All demolition maps (except for Supply, Showdown, Airplane)
    ------Map Selection - CM to decide
    ------Side Selection - CM to decide
    -Number of Teams: Minimum of 8 Teams
    -Date: October 25, 2013
    -Time: 6:00PM onwards
    -Server: PH Server
    -Channel: Warzone 2

    You MUST be able to play in the Philippines server to take part.
    -All participating teams are to report to Philippines Server Warzone 2 at 5:45PM.
    -Any team late for more than 15 minutes will be given 1 warning.
    -Any team late for more than 30 minutes will be deemed absent.

    Banned Items?

    Event Rules & Regulations:
    -No 3rd party programs that alter gameplay are allowed.
    -No glitching or bug exploits are allowed.
    -Ping Limit 200 (If over the limit for 2 minutes, player must drop from game and be subbed out)
    -Screenshots must be taken at the end of all maps by the winning team and sent to match will be deemed void, and both teams will have to restart the match if no screenshots are presented)
    -Switching accounts during the match will not be tolerated and will result to disqualification of the team.
    -Tournament Marshalls will be spectating.
    -Approach the Tournament Marshalls on the tournament day should you have any need of clarification.

    Match Reporting Format:
    Email Title: (Example) Team A vs Team B - Team A Wins
    Email Content:
    Map Name: Hammer Blow
    Attach the screenshot image of the end game score page

    All match results are to be emailed to immediately after match completion, leaders are to report to the Tournament Marshalls as well.

    Reminder: Event mechanics are subject to change without prior notice. Please always check this PlayFPS PH forum for any changes.
  12. pesvn20

    pesvn20 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Event PARA Special Event do CM Shazzti đăng nhé
    Event Mechanics:
    •October 16 - November 16 only
    •M-W-F (4PM and 5PM)
    •SA58 Para ONLY
    •Demolition Mode
    •Philippine Server
    •1st Map – Cannon, 2nd Map - India
    •10 Wins
    •Auto-team Balance: ON, Friendly Fire: On, Ghost Chat: Off, 3rd Person Spectate: Off
    •A player who gets 28 kills above wins (win or lose)
    •Prizes - 20k Euro + 60% Exp Up 7days

    Rules & Regulation:
    •Only SA58 PARA is allowed on this event. No other type of guns.
    •Nades, smoke and flash bang allowed during the event.
    •In case of disconnection the player will be forfeited
    •CM’s decision is FINAL
    •Disruption of event is a ban able offense

    *Event mechanics are subject to change without prior notice.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Tiếp nào
    Promo Mechanics:
    1.Promo period is from October 14 to November 14, 2013 only.
    2.All AVA players are eligible to join. Take a creative in-game screenshot.
    3.Post it at the SCREENSHOT OF THE MONTH! thread under Events and Promotions section of the PH Forum following the format below:
    ------->AVA IGN: CM Shatzzi
    ------->(You may use image hosting sites such as photobuket, imageshack, etc to be able to post larger images.)
    ------->Submission of entries is until November 8, Friday at 2PM only.
    ------->Voting starts on November 11 - 13.
    ------->Announcing of winner will be on November 14.
    4.The AVAPH team will choose the 3 most creative screenshots.
    5.CM will post the best three (3) entries on the PlayFPS PH Fan Page for voting (3day voting only).
    6.An entry who received the most number of “likes” WIN!
    ------->Prizes: 30,000 Euro + PGM Sniper [permanent]
    7.Prizes will be awarded directly onto your account within ten (10) working days after the promo period.

    Promo mechanics are subject to change without prior notice.
    *Non-winning submission may be resubmitted on the following screenshot event.
  13. viplathe

    viplathe Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Death Valley

    UPDATE Ngày 16/10


    3,000 Euro / Capsule



    42 FPSPoint / Capsule
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 14/10/13
  14. K3IIy

    K3IIy The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
  15. luly92

    luly92 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nha Trang
  16. viplathe

    viplathe Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Death Valley
  17. squall9588

    squall9588 Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thông báo: Ngày mai 06/11/2013 AVA SEA chính thức đóng cửa gần 1 ngày để update

    [spoil]Attention Shooters!

    We will be having scheduled server maintenance and content update on 6th November 2013 from 0900hrs - 1300hrs (GMT+7)

    Change Log

    Euro Item Update
    - Diemaco C7A2

    Cash Item Update
    - Camo Hand Axe

    - Shovel

    New Mode
    - Escort Scorpion (Sniper)

    2nd AVA Box Update
    3z vv; 3 khẩu kia 15-30-90 và vv.

    Addition of Vasily Package Item sale in shop
    ps: Hình như có lỗi xài Vasily nhưng Mosin không chuyển thành Zaytsev Custom. FPS sẽ sớm fix cho các bạn. Còn chừng nào Fix thì do FPS :-"

    Removal of Helloween Item sale in shop

    [Sniper] Gallery map fix

    Kindly log-out before the stipulated timing to prevent any game account issues.

    We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

    -PlayFPS Administrator

    Up 1 map mới + Up 1 box CAP mới + up package Vasily thì ngày mai các bạn cứ xác định là nghĩ chơi cả ngày nhé :-"
  18. squall9588

    squall9588 Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Event 1: 7 ngày tặng 7 khẩu súng.


    Thông tin:
    Bắt đầu: lúc 3PM ngày 13/11/2013
    Kết thúc: lúc 11.59AM ngày 26/11/2013
    Mỗi ngày login rồi nhận 1 khẩu súng tương ứng với ngày bằng code lúc 3PM.
    - Monday. PPSh41 (1 Day).
    - Tuesday. AK200 (1 Day).
    - Wednesday. Desert Eagle Camo (1 Day).
    - Thursday. Dual TMP (1 Day).
    - Friday. AMD65 (1 Day).
    - Saturday. M16A2 Pristis (1. Day).
    - Sunday. DSR 1 Black Bear (1 Day).

    Event 2: Tặng nade New Year


    Thông tin:
    Bắt đầu: lúc 00.01AM ngày 16/11/2013
    Kết thúc: lúc 11.59PM ngày 18/11/2013
    Mỗi ngày login rồi nhận 7 ngày nade New Year bằng code.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 14/11/13
  19. viplathe

    viplathe Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Death Valley
    UPDATE 20/11












    Package Ginny


    Phần Thưởng Đặc Biệt : M4A1 Freedom ( Vĩnh viễn ) + Freedom Grenade A ( 30 Ngày )

    Char Ginny


    Char Marek


    Char Vasily


    Char Lei

    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 16/11/13
  20. squall9588

    squall9588 Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Update skin character

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