Đọc tin này trong lúc chờ có direct đi nè <Update 9: Remember what i said: "There is a Nintendo Direct planned before the Nintendo Investor meeting."Nintendo will announce it within the next few days. One of the highlights: "Star Fox news" Nintendo of Europe (UK) teasing Star Fox:> Hóngggg
Cũng hóng mấy hôm nay, nếu đúng vài ngày nữa mà có Direct thì xác định là có thêm SuperMetalDave thứ 2 Và ngược lại thì big faker
Mua máy xong mới đổi chớ. Có điều giờ nhìn mấy cái VR đang thèm quá nà. Ko biết có giữ đc tiền đến lúc release nX ko đây? Update 11: A Neogaf user has made a CPU/GPU/RAM Chart based on recent leaks/rumors and what they have heard from sources: If you calculate the difference: you will get the number 12. Zelda NEX (Definitive Edition) was confirmed today by multiple sources, have said "expect some info soon.." The Nintendo Direct is coming. I can't give too more details at this point.
<<<Update 13: One source told me there will be NEX news tomorrow. "Nintendo is trying very hard to keep everything secret but i will leak some info" he said. Update 14: "Nintendo is trying very hard to keep everything secret but i will leak some info" : After Zelda NEX definitive Edition (Wii U port), some sources are now leaking Smash Bros NEX Definitive version (Wii U port) So what if i told you my source told me the name of the other two games? Would you believe me now? :>>> I'm so hyped!