Torchlight II

Thảo luận trong 'RPG Vault' bắt đầu bởi crabnoodle, 2/4/12.

  1. Quadrikegon

    Quadrikegon The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    So far away..
    mình update từ bản gốc 1.0.0 lên có đc ko các bạn
    ai update rồi test cái xài ngon ko ạ =p~
  2. The_last_Hero

    The_last_Hero Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mất bug gamble kể cũng tiếc nhỉ.Nhưng thế cũng đc
  3. Zoronoa

    Zoronoa C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    và khá nhiều mini-bug khác, đợi hot fix đi, đừng apply patch vội!

    Mả mịa, h Rapid Fire với Venemous Hail thành DPS base rồi, đành phải bán đống shotgone và đổi sang pistol/shield thôi :|
  4. The_last_Hero

    The_last_Hero Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nghe lời bác này chưa up vội.Mất file save cái thì toi ^^
  5. mr tau

    mr tau Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bắc Giang
    bug mà bác bảo là cái gì thế chỉ mình vói, ko biết gì hết à
  6. accga3

    accga3 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Berserkers dòng shadow fix xuống thảm hại àh giờ chắc chuyển qua chơi dual vậy ...
  7. blizzard9x

    blizzard9x Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    đập nhiều ngọc giảm dmg quá giờ đánh chán thật :( đứng im cho quái elite đánh mà không tụt máu =((
  8. athanh8807 .

    athanh8807 . Già Làng GVN Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đc, nhg khuyên nên xài bản gốc của Theta rồi hẵng up.
    Làm thế nào để có nhiều ngọc mà mình cần hở bác :-<
  9. LittleRabbit

    LittleRabbit C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cái enchant 26 str ảo vậy, có patch mới của Skidrow thấy toàn fix cho outlander
  10. Nusty

    Nusty Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    mình thấy cũng bt mà, ông WTH enchant 3 120str lận đó =)
  11. athanh8807 .

    athanh8807 . Già Làng GVN Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Torchlight II Update 2 - RELOADED :>

    Release Name : Torchlight.II.Update.2-RELOADED
    Size : 688 MB

    [spoil]Patch 1.12.X.7 Notes

    This patch increments the save version, and we restructured some of the boss rooms, so random levels will clear and repopulate their monsters and events.

    *Shared stash now creates a backup of itself
    *You can no longer ‘steal’ items from your buyback tab by closing the window with Spacebar
    *Can’t drag merchant items onto the buyback tab
    *Gambler does not show ‘can’t equip’ X
    *CTRL-M will instantly toggle map visibility
    *Pet equipment cannot get sockets from enchantment
    *Fixed rare crash related to Charming a monster
    *Multiplayer logging is reduced, and can be disabled with the NEVERLOG commandline argument (may improve performance for some clients)
    *Creating a player in a difficulty other than Normal, directly joining a game, and then exiting, won’t revert your stored difficulty to Normal.
    *Confirmation box added for quitting without saving
    *Fixed a few rare hardware related crashes
    *Particle update optimizations
    *Various rendering optimizations

    *Fixed an issue in multiplayer where non-killing MP players did not receive appropriate XP falloff due to level delta
    *Armor Degrade properties now apply properly – degrade armor values are reduced for newly generated item properties to compensate for them working correctly – but don’t worry, they will be better than before!
    *Zero walkspeed monsters won’t attempt to jump down
    *Fixed some display issues with Fame level progress
    *Wandering (non-town-based) Enchanters have a slightly better range of enchantment strengths. They also now have an approximately 20% chance to get a ‘powerful enchantment’, which are about 50% better than normal. This is represented by a sound and text message in game.
    *Swamp Flier scream debuff will show an appropriate name on debuff icon
    *Creep squish blood now has a censored version
    *Fixed a few areas where loot from a specific event spawned publicly
    *Fixed a few spelling errors
    *Act 4 banner should properly display
    *Pets can be sent to town from the last 2 boss rooms
    *Fixed an issue where occasionally an errant MOUSEUP event could ignore your attack in extremely fast click situations
    *DOTs now correctly calculate bonuses from +DMG%
    *XP and Fame %bonuses from gear are now capped at +/- 100%
    *HP bonus gear will properly be reflected in final health of player to other clients post-zoning
    *Game can be saved at any time from the options menu
    *Onscreen notification in bottom right of screen when saving takes place
    *Console-created items now have an effect that displays that they were cheat-created
    *Damage reduction effects on the player are capped to 75%
    *Stat expenditures when leveling up are properly synchronized in multiplayer
    *When leveling up, your health is properly recalculated on other clients
    *Skill cycle keys can now be bound to mouse buttons
    *Transmuted items are no longer destroyed if an inventory is full with no place to accept them

    *Berserkers are still targetable while performing Savage Rush
    *Bramble walls and Ice Prison will properly die offscreen, and if the originator leaves the zone
    *Battle Standard’s properties are properly exclusive (they don’t stack)
    *Fixed charged versions of Fire Bash from levels 9-15 using the incorrect effects (weaker when charged!)
    *Howl duration fixed (Extended)
    *Berserker Wolf Shade master healing property was reduced from 5%+5% per rank to 5% + 2% per rank – and the first rank properly provides healing
    *Vortex Hex won’t target smashables
    *Fixed two ranks of Seismic Slam incorrectly doing electrical damage
    *Glaive Throw has had a damage nerf (25% reduction in max damage and decreased growth per rank ) with less additional bounces per tier
    *Elemental attunement properly benefits from owner’s level
    *Elemental Boon should properly speed up cast time on last rank
    *Shadowbind should properly rank up duration
    *Blast Cannon’s armor reduction effect no longer stacks and works for both fire and physical damage
    *Fixed sped up hitframe for male shield skill anim so that it is never skipped when a subsequent skill is queued
    *Outlander Long Range Mastery should now affect wands as well
    *Prismatic Bolt gains charge at half the previous rate
    *Spider Mines should show debuff icons
    *Spider Mine summon duration fixed
    *Shadowling procs from wand chaos or weapon affixes properly last 20 seconds instead of 3
    *Elemental Attunement shouldn’t attack smashables
    *Tremor rank 6 should properly perform its charged effect
    *Immobilization Copter damage effect shouldn’t stomp on other damage effects
    *Berserker Retaliation can only trigger once per second per given target – and no longer procs/leeches
    *Rapid Fire and Venomous Hail now use DPS instead of Damage

    *Fixed some issues with Grom’s arena in multiplayer when another player speaks to the NPC while the main area is completed
    *Several boss rooms have had structural changes to make it more difficult to cheese them with certain skills
    *Various minor level scripting or layout repairs
    *Fixed farmable Gel phasebeast room so that XP gain isn’t overblown
    *Fixed various other farmable phasebeast unitspawners which incorrectly granted XP
    *Fixed a few areas where the player could get stuck

    *Fixed a case where backlog of messages for resend would escalate and disconnect the client
    *Friends-only games are fixed to synch correctly across lobbies
    *Fixes for various serverside issues
    *Erroneous ‘Connection Failed’ messages should be fixed
    *Games can now be filtered near your level

    *Many wardrobe tweaks and fixes

    *Various alterations were made to better support translated versions of the game, and to detect and deal with other language items during trading[/spoil]
    Y chóc mà =))
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 5/10/12
  12. SillyGamer

    SillyGamer Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    ngọc nào mà ngon vậy?
    lên elite quái toàn hơn 1000 dam, đứng yên hơn 5s kiểu gì cũng chết.
  13. angelhell93

    angelhell93 Mr & Ms Pac-Man GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cái bug đó bạn dùng để mua mấy đồ trong shop với số tiền cực thấp, bạn click chuột trái vào món đồ kéo qua cái ô buyback (vẫn giữ chuột trái) mình đánh dấu dưới hình, sau đó lập tức chuyển qua chuột phải (giữ chuột phải) kéo vào 1 ô bất kỳ :)
  14. WTH

    WTH The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Chắc là The Eye of Grell. 3% reduce all dam :-ss
    Quái đánh hơn 1k dam là thế nào. Char của mình armor 1k5 hp 8k còn 1 hit die kìa :-ss
  15. The_last_Hero

    The_last_Hero Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    thằng reloaded update toàn hàng khủng @@ sao khác nhau thế nhỉ
    Mình dow của bản skidrow update của THETA vẫn ngon lành ^^

    - - - Updated - - -

    patch 1.12 hả bạn ơi.Cho mình cái link đi
  16. haiduong87

    haiduong87 Knee before Eden Lord Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    TP HCM
    Thôi khỏi up, để cheat thằng gamble @@!
  17. angelhell93

    angelhell93 Mr & Ms Pac-Man GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    changelog như nhau mà chênh nhau cả trăm mb X_X
  18. The_last_Hero

    The_last_Hero Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Pass patch 1.12 của THETA là gì thế sao nó toàn báo lỗi
  19. SillyGamer

    SillyGamer Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    lúc chỗ buyback đầy rồi thì làm cách nào để reset lại vậy :-?
  20. athanh8807 .

    athanh8807 . Già Làng GVN Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Link nào bạn, nếu là 2 link đầu thì pass đúng rồi đó, đánh vào, đừng copy.

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