[Trại điên] 9 năm gắn bó với box ^^

Thảo luận trong 'Pokémon FanClub' bắt đầu bởi dark_dragons, 26/4/13.

  1. Lonely Sky

    Lonely Sky Thân Tạ

    Tham gia ngày:
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    everywhere ~~
    tu tại tâm mà đệ tử gì :3 chủ yếu là do mình cả thôi :))
  2. dark_dragons

    dark_dragons Hyperion Captain ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    TP. HCM
    Kể, từ hỏi kêu là Jus, giờ đổi qua Già Lone...

    6 năm rồi mọi người ạh! :))
  3. Lonely Sky

    Lonely Sky Thân Tạ

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    everywhere ~~
    ta giờ còn không biết mình là ai =(( thằng nhóc Song Nhi chết xó nào rồi ít thấy xuất hiện dữ :-ss
  4. dark_dragons

    dark_dragons Hyperion Captain ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    TP. HCM
    Giặt đồ, nên khỏa thân đi vòng vòng phòng trọ để... lấy móc, lấy nước xả... blah blah.

    Giặt đồ xong, thay quần áo vào, mang kính vào mới biết cửa sổ nó vốn không đóng các bạn ạh T__T
  5. darkpro_??

    darkpro_?? C O N T R A

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    Sau một thời gian dài phiêu bạt Facebook và thành trẻ trâu. Giờ bạn trẻ quay lại chốn cũ để thanh tịnh :2cool_burn_joss_sti
    Nhiều bô lão quay về trại rồi à?
  6. pious_nick

    pious_nick Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    phải là chính mình ,tránh 1 số thành phần tiêu cực của xã hội nhìn như bọn africa .
  7. darkpro_??

    darkpro_?? C O N T R A

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    Cần giúp đỡ: lỡ gỡ cái driver Rec.Playback rồi. Giờ sao mà re-install được vậy? :9cool_too_sad:
  8. dark_dragons

    dark_dragons Hyperion Captain ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    TP. HCM
    Sửa cái Laptop gần 1 tháng trởi =((

    Giờ mang về nhà - tự xử tiếp T__T
  9. dark_dragons

    dark_dragons Hyperion Captain ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    TP. HCM
    Trap, trap everywhere =)))))))))

    Icy Snow Vivillon: you there
    Icy Snow Vivillon: how RUDDDDDDEEEEEEE
    nnnllllll: lol
    nnnllllll: wat
    Icy Snow Vivillon: destroying my Pokémon is unforgivable enough
    Icy Snow Vivillon: and then talk to me like that >_<
    nnnllllll: you do as if you were a girl, that's rude
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: you can't tell by just my ID >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: would any man enjoy the beauty of such a Vivillon >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: you big meanie, and weirdo too
    Icy Snow Vivillon: >_<
    nnnllllll: hey
    nnnllllll: i love vivillon
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: so you really are a weirdo after all
    nnnllllll: i have a perfect vivilion trained full evs and ivs on my Pokemon Y
    Icy Snow Vivillon: but anyway, Vivillon are cute, aren't they >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: woahhhhhhhhhhhh
    Icy Snow Vivillon: WWOOOAAHHHHH
    nnnllllll: wtf...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: what pattern do you have? :D
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ^^!
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I have Icy Snow one, as well as Tundra xD
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I may forgive you if you are willing to trade a new pattern to my, for my perfect IV, nature Icy Snow Vivillon >_<
    nnnllllll: i have that vivillon
    nnnllllll: http://nintendoeverything.com/wp-content/uploads/pokemon_xy_fancy.jpg
    nnnllllll: from the event
    Icy Snow Vivillon: that Fancy Vivillon is cool and all, I own 1, too
    Icy Snow Vivillon: as well as PokéBall Pattern
    Icy Snow Vivillon: tundra, Meadow, Prism, Garden, Solar, Highland
    Icy Snow Vivillon: hmm...
    nnnllllll: uff sorry my english is not really good i dont indertand this "I may forgive you if you are willing to trade a new pattern to my, for my perfect IV, nature Icy Snow Vivillon >_<"
    Icy Snow Vivillon: WHATTTTTTTTT
    Icy Snow Vivillon: WWHHHHAATTTTTTT
    Icy Snow Vivillon: what nationality are you >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: how could an Japanese like me can over-skilled in English to someone else >_<
    nnnllllll: i am from spain
    nnnllllll: haha
    nnnllllll: asians are op on all games
    Icy Snow Vivillon: Spain? Somewhere near American?
    Icy Snow Vivillon: Nonsense!
    Icy Snow Vivillon: You are supposed to study English better than ME!
    Icy Snow Vivillon: hey, where have you gone >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I am not finished with ya!
    nnnllllll: stop studying English for 6 years ago lol
    nnnllllll: im 22 years old
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: seriously that old >_<
    nnnllllll: yep
    Icy Snow Vivillon: *gulp*
    nnnllllll: and im not old 22 years is not old
    Icy Snow Vivillon: すみません、私はわ分からないんですから。。。
    Icy Snow Vivillon: >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: wait, 22 years old, mean you're a Goat, right?
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I mean, year of the Goat
    Icy Snow Vivillon: somewhere around 1991?
    nnnllllll: yes
    nnnllllll: 1991
    Icy Snow Vivillon: YOU NO LIE?
    nnnllllll: no
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ......
    nnnllllll: why i should lie lol
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I guess, I should say sorry after all T__T
    nnnllllll: why?
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I am sorry, senpai, I thought you were another kid >_<
    nnnllllll: no problem :)
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I am 4 years younger than you T__T
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I am SORRRRRY
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: what a shame
    Icy Snow Vivillon: T__T
    Icy Snow Vivillon: please forgive me, I think I have been so impolite to someone that old T__T
    nnnllllll: dont worry :)
    nnnllllll: It has not bothered me anything
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: arghhhhhhh
    Icy Snow Vivillon: that makes me feel even more ashame >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: kind of guilty >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: please
    Icy Snow Vivillon: erease this conversation from your mind
    nnnllllll: I think I mistyped what I wanted to say xD
    Icy Snow Vivillon: forget it completely
    Icy Snow Vivillon: arghhhhhhhhhhh
    Icy Snow Vivillon: what NOW? >_<
    nnnllllll: nothing nothing
    Icy Snow Vivillon: okay
    Icy Snow Vivillon: stop making me feel bad, please >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I won't cry, you know! You big meanie!
    nnnllllll: explain to me what I'm doing to make you feel bad
    Icy Snow Vivillon: you made me act so impolite
    Icy Snow Vivillon: and then say it as if you are not hurt at all
    Icy Snow Vivillon: >_<
    nnnllllll: >.<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: you made me feel that I have hurt a really gentle heart yet still so kind to forgive my naughtyness >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: arghhhhhhhhhh
    nnnllllll: just wanted to say you do not have to ask forgiveness
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I did NOT ask for it! >_<
    nnnllllll: yes you did
    Icy Snow Vivillon: what on Earth did you think!
    Icy Snow Vivillon: it was just an polite reaction >_<
    nnnllllll: is hard to me to know that because my english is really bad
    Icy Snow Vivillon: do all Western senpai are that bad >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: you do not know how to calm a girl down at all T__T
    nnnllllll: hey what spenai means?
    Icy Snow Vivillon: talking to you even made me feel more ashame and...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ... what
    nnnllllll: ...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: oh, it means "the older" in Japanese
    Icy Snow Vivillon: >_<
    nnnllllll: i can calm a girl talking my language, not English
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: what an excuse!
    nnnllllll: is not an excuse
    nnnllllll: try to speak spanish to me
    Icy Snow Vivillon: WHAAATTTTTTT
    nnnllllll: waht
    Icy Snow Vivillon: do you even think before you type, you big meanie weirdo Western old guy!!!
    Icy Snow Vivillon: how in the heaven a Japanese girl that 4 years younger than you, really bad at English, could speed Spanish >_<
    nnnllllll: oh you are from japan?
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I mean, speak >_<
    nnnllllll: didnt know that
    Icy Snow Vivillon: wait, I did mention it >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: 私の名前は雪茂です、よろしく!^^
    Icy Snow Vivillon: got it, a proud highschool girl ;)
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I mean, GOT IT?
    nnnllllll: クラリチ YukiShigeru
    nnnllllll: ソラモラ イトカチト
    nnnllllll: イミカニイミシイト リラ タナイ シニキラー
    nnnllllll: ラ イトソスニコラ モチリ
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    nnnllllll: クチクチクチ
    nnnllllll: ソラモラ イトカチト
    Icy Snow Vivillon: 何を話している?
    nnnllllll: セチスイソイ タナイ ミラ イミカニイミシイト ミチシチ
    nnnllllll: カ・カ
    Icy Snow Vivillon: 。。。
    Icy Snow Vivillon: you must be kidding me -_-
    nnnllllll: ンイト ニ チモ
    nnnllllll: yes
    nnnllllll: i am
    Icy Snow Vivillon: are you seriously using some kind of translate too to translate Spanish into Japanese?
    nnnllllll: you have understood something?
    nnnllllll: yes i use windows translate
    Icy Snow Vivillon: just Katakana words randomly put together >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: no, Katakana characters, not WORD =))
    Icy Snow Vivillon: wait, stop it =))
    nnnllllll: i think google translate is better xD
    Icy Snow Vivillon: you made me LAUGH so HARD
    Icy Snow Vivillon: =))
    Icy Snow Vivillon: =))))))))))))))
    nnnllllll: hahaha ^^ :)
    Icy Snow Vivillon: it was like
    Icy Snow Vivillon: you randomly put alphabet characters together
    nnnllllll: haha
    Icy Snow Vivillon: but wait
    Icy Snow Vivillon: you got my name >_<
    nnnllllll: yeah!
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    nnnllllll: mi name is Abel
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I underestimate you after all >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: forget it! >_<
    nnnllllll: i like ur name btw
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    nnnllllll: YukiShigeru :)
    Icy Snow Vivillon: WRONG!!!
    Icy Snow Vivillon: it is Yuki Shigeru >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: Yuki means SNOW
    Icy Snow Vivillon: they call me Yuki-san, not Yuki-chan, you know?! >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: erh?
    nnnllllll: chan means brother right?
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    nnnllllll: ...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: chan is applied to someone cute and imature
    Icy Snow Vivillon: -_-
    Icy Snow Vivillon: hmm, Abel is a fine name to me
    Icy Snow Vivillon: not very special
    nnnllllll: i just learned a new thing thanks
    Icy Snow Vivillon: you must be kidding again!
    Icy Snow Vivillon: it's basic knowledge!
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    nnnllllll: nope im not kidding
    nnnllllll: i dont know what "chan" means
    Icy Snow Vivillon: wait, you Western guys don't really use them, I guess
    nnnllllll: now i know
    Icy Snow Vivillon: hmm...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: it's just like, Mr. Mrs. Mrs. or something like that in English >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: wait!
    Icy Snow Vivillon: STOPPPP IT!
    Icy Snow Vivillon: why would I have a conversation with YOU!
    Icy Snow Vivillon: a big weird meanie >_<
    nnnllllll: because talk to other people is always good
    Icy Snow Vivillon: back to business - trade Vivillon with me, no? >_<
    nnnllllll: i can train a new vivilion to you if you give me something trained
    Icy Snow Vivillon: fair enough
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I have trained 6 IVs Venomoth
    Icy Snow Vivillon: Beautifly
    Icy Snow Vivillon: Duxton
    Icy Snow Vivillon: Volcarona
    nnnllllll: wait a minute I have to clean my teeth just finished dinner brb 2 min
    Icy Snow Vivillon: Masquerain
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: WHATTTTTTTT
    Icy Snow Vivillon: you made a GIRL wait, and you only brush your teeth in 2 minutes >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: how could someone make that possible >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Icy Snow Vivillon: this is a really nonsense conversation >_<
    nnnllllll: back
    nnnllllll: lol
    Icy Snow Vivillon: why would you laugh >_<
    nnnllllll: hahaha :)
    Icy Snow Vivillon: stop making me feel uneasy >_<
    nnnllllll: you're funny+
    Icy Snow Vivillon: WHAAATTTTT
    nnnllllll: ^^
    Icy Snow Vivillon: how rude! >_<
    nnnllllll: .....
    nnnllllll: everything seems rude for you ;(
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I am really serious in Vivillon Business >_<
    nnnllllll: yes me too
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ...
    Icy Snow Vivillon: okay, back to the list
    nnnllllll: i want volcarona
    Icy Snow Vivillon: Butterfree, Volcarona, Beatifly, Dustox, Venomoth, Masquerain, Leavanny
    Icy Snow Vivillon: erh?
    nnnllllll: all bug o.O
    Icy Snow Vivillon: you are the 3rd in a row >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: what bug?
    nnnllllll: bug type
    Icy Snow Vivillon: indeed, what do you hope for beside these beauty?
    Icy Snow Vivillon: *beauties
    Icy Snow Vivillon: okay
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I have a Volcarona
    Icy Snow Vivillon: basically trained
    Icy Snow Vivillon: what will you offer?
    nnnllllll: vivillion trained
    nnnllllll: only ivs no evs
    Icy Snow Vivillon: ... your offer has TWO problems
    nnnllllll: tell me
    Icy Snow Vivillon: first, no EVs is not supposed to be trained, same goes for level
    Icy Snow Vivillon: second, when offer a beautiful Vivillon, you should say what pattern it has!
    nnnllllll: ur volcarona is lvl 50 full evs and ivs?
    Icy Snow Vivillon: WHATTTT??
    Icy Snow Vivillon: are you a trainer after all? >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: how could you have a perfect Volcarona at level 50 >_<
    nnnllllll: oh you need to be lvl 100 to learn fiery dance right?
    Icy Snow Vivillon: I mean, how can you own a level 50 Volcarona besides the one you can catch in the previous generation game?
    Icy Snow Vivillon: WROOOONNGGGGG
    Icy Snow Vivillon: argh >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: what nonsense is this >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: Volcarona can learn Fiery Dance instantly after evolving
    Icy Snow Vivillon: but it could not evolve prior to level 59!
    Icy Snow Vivillon: >_<
    Icy Snow Vivillon: how long have you been a Pokémon Trainer?
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 2/9/14
  10. Seung 승

    Seung 승 Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    tải thử Demo Smash Bros. về chơi mọi người ơi, đồ họa đẹp mà đánh cũng phê vãi :x.

    chưa chơi qua thì bật 4 đứa NPC level 9 tụ lại đánh nhau coi cũng hài :))
  11. darkpro_??

    darkpro_?? C O N T R A

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    Định viết một bài về các item hay dùng trong Battle và các kiểu build Pokémon cho item ấy. Các bác với anh DD thấy như thế nào? :-?
  12. cô chủ nhỏ

    cô chủ nhỏ T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Melbourne, Victo
    chào các đồng chí, Pokemon TCG vừa có bản official trên ipad :3 có ai đam mê không nhẩy
  13. dark_dragons

    dark_dragons Hyperion Captain ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    TP. HCM

    Không có iOS T__T

    Mà iOS cũng không có Emulator T__T
  14. Rooney2112

    Rooney2112 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tháng 10 rồi mà chưa có thông tin gì về vụ pre-order OR/AS à????
  15. cô chủ nhỏ

    cô chủ nhỏ T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Melbourne, Victo
    nó có bản digital download lo gì :|
  16. dark_dragons

    dark_dragons Hyperion Captain ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    TP. HCM
    ^ Fan họ sưu tập thôi chứ ít ai xài Digital lắm!
  17. Seung 승

    Seung 승 Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Theme chất vãi :-s...

    Bữa hội Pokémon trên FB có bạn nào bảo là order trước từ NinVN được rồi mà nhỉ, cọc 500k, hôm nào ghé mua Smash Bros. hỏi thử xem :))
  18. shenlong213

    shenlong213 シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nghe nói rồng đen định tổ chức tour cho box hở em ?
  19. dark_dragons

    dark_dragons Hyperion Captain ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Hiện tại đang bị nhắc nhở về vụ bản quyền - nên tạm thời mình back up dữ liệu các topic download trong box nhé!

    Nếu bạn nào cần tìm link download để thì nhắn tin cho mình :)
  20. dark_dragons

    dark_dragons Hyperion Captain ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Sao mà vắng thế nhỉ? :">

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