Làm một phát chào mừng nhận acc rank3. Ngắm nghía lâu gòi mà do không đủ rec nên đành để nó nhởn nhơ ngoài vòng pháp luật # # # . Hôm qua thấy nó không thèm FS, tức quá đánh colony cho đỡ ghiền. Hôm nay lại không thèm FS, chỉ build thêm def. Chắc nó tưởng mình không attack nổi. Nó có moon rồi mà thằng Ogame này không chịu loại trừ At 03-02 05:05:21, as it came to a battle: Attacker fogvn (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% L.Fighter 2.000 Battleship 724 Battlecr. 67 Defender viper20 (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% L.Cargo 35 Battleship 216 Recy. 49 Esp.Probe 114 Bomber 3 Sol. Sat 1 Battlecr. 60 R.Launcher 1.000 L.Laser 52 Gauss 26 Ion C. 34 S.Dome 1 L.Dome 1 After battle... Attacker fogvn (X:XXX:XX) L.Fighter 1.242 Battleship 722 Battlecr. 67 Defender viper20 (X:XXX:XX) destroyed! He captured 11.011 metal, 18.611 crystal and 83.279 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 3.152.000 units. The defender lost a total of 22.111.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 4.420.200 metal and 2.136.900 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %. The enormous amounts of drifting metal and crystal particles attract each other and slowly form a lunar satellite in the orbit of the planet. Moon was given. -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana --
Sáng nay nhận được mess của thằng friend báo là rank10 FS mà quên dem theo res. Có ngay kế hoạch dánh cho nó hết Deu và blind phalanx. Thằng đó tính được chính xác giờ về vì rank10 FS debird. Chính xác luôn. Ghê thiệt. PS: Thanks bác fogvn đã hy sinh 6 fleet trong vòng 6h và hy sinh luôn một ngày crash để helprec Thanks ktmn (rank4, member VN luôn) giúp đỡ kill nó Đầu tiên là phải lấy free res (toàn bằng SC ) The attacker has won the battle! He captured 955705 metal, 212838 crystal, and 17298 deuterium The attacker has won the battle! He captured 477851 metal, 106419 crystal, and 8649 deuterium The attacker has won the battle! He captured 238925 metal, 53209 crystal, and 4324 deuterium The attacker has won the battle! He captured 119463 metal, 26605 crystal, and 2162 deuterium The attacker has won the battle! He captured 59731 metal, 13302 crystal, and 1081 deuterium Attacker fogvn (X:XXX:XX) ______________L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Battleship Esp.Probe Battlecr. __________________2.804 _______37 ____346 _______732 ______280 _______81 -1.686 ______-17 ___-110 _______-23 _____-197 _______-1 __________________1.118 _______20 ____236 _______709 _______83 _______80 Attacker fogvn (X:XXX:XX) L.Cargo _______________________ ____188 _______________________ ____-99 _______________________ _____89 _______________________ Attacker zhugeliang (X:XXX:XX) L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser ___ _______40 _______10 ______2 ___ ______-20 _______-5 _____-0 ___ _______20 ________5 ______2 ___ Attacker zhugeliang (X:XXX:XX) L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Battleship _______15 _______50 ______2 _________4 _______-6 ______-30 _____-1 ________-0 ________9 _______20 ______1 _________4 Attacker fogvn (X:XXX:XX) L.Fighter H.Fighter ___________ ______203 _______23 ___________ _____-128 ______-12 ___________ _______75 _______11 ___________ Attacker kttmn (X:XXX:XX) L.Fighter Battleship Battlecr. L.Cargo S.Cargo _______49 ________20 _______10 _____40 ______6 ______-31 ________-2 _______-0 ____-23 _____-3 _______18 ________18 _______10 _____17 ______3 He captured 7.489 metal, 2.124 crystal and 1.025 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 14.364.000 units. Defender Notorious (X:XXX:XX) S.Cargo L.Cargo L.Fighter Battleship Recy. Esp.Probe Battlecr. ____100 ______1 ____1.478 _______559 __200 ________6 ______193 __________________________ destroyed __________________________ The defender lost a total of 56.580.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 14.308.500 metal and 6.974.700 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %. Moon was given. -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana --
Canh thằng này 3 ngày, ngày nào cũng fs, định canh nó fs về thì đánh, mà ai ngờ hôm nay tự tin tới mức ko fs. :devil: Kết wả: At 03-04 12:35:12, as it came to a battle: Attacker fogvn (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% Type: L.Fighter Battleship Battlecr. Total: 1.955 711 106 Defender kurius (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% Type: S.Cargo L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Battleship Col. Ship Recy. Esp.Probe Battlecr. L.Laser H.Laser Total: 177 43 60 50 179 337 1 201 197 50 2 1 After battle... Attacker fogvn (X:XXX:XX) Type: L.Fighter Battleship Battlecr. Total: 805 701 106 Defender kurius (X:XXX:XX) destroyed! He captured 104.854 metal, 48.209 crystal and 73.527 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 5.200.000 units. The defender lost a total of 33.972.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 8.177.100 metal and 3.570.900 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %. -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana -- DF sẽ hốt sau 1h kể từ lúc post
Mấy bữa nay toàn crash hụt. Tốn hết bao nhiêu là Deu mói kill được thằng này. At 03-10 04:12:21, as it came to a battle: Attacker baby (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% L.Fighter 1.000 Battleship 583 Battlecr. 163 Defender steel111 (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% S.Cargo 1 L.Cargo 26 L.Fighter 553 H.Fighter 30 Cruiser 115 Battleship 296 Esp.Probe 6 Bomber 3 L.Dome 1 After battle... Attacker baby (X:XXX:XX) L.Fighter 423 Battleship 576 Battlecr. 163 Defender steel111 (X:XXX:XX) destroyed! He captured 129.460 metal, 294.297 crystal and 68.113 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 2.728.000 units. The defender lost a total of 24.024.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 5.943.900 metal and 2.051.700 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %. -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana --
Small hit , Crash turtle :devil: At 03-11 06:12:55, as it came to a battle: Attacker baby (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% Type: Battleship Battlecr. Total: 616 163 Defender System Lord Anubis (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% Type: S.Cargo L.Cargo Cruiser Battleship Esp.Probe Bomber Sol. Sat R.Launcher L.Laser H.Laser Gauss Ion C. S.Dome L.Dome Total: 6 50 3 75 26 13 10 1.000 400 40 41 12 1 1 After battle... Attacker baby (X:XXX:XX) Type: Battleship Battlecr. Total: 604 161 Defender System Lord Anubis (X:XXX:XX) destroyed! He captured 228.565 metal, 14.894 crystal and 260.001 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 860.000 units. The defender lost a total of 10.997.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 1.499.100 metal and 626.700 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %. The enormous amounts of drifting metal and crystal particles attract each other and slowly form a lunar satellite in the orbit of the planet. Moon was given. -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana -- DF hốt sau 1h30 nữa kể từ thời điểm post
Có Ally nào ở U27 không, cho tôi gia nhập với. Thông tin: BaoDien Diameter 12.800 km (98 / 163 fields) Temperature approx. 26°C to 66°C Position [3:413:4] Points 4.402 (Rank 2.911 of 7.992)
Tập tành theo bà con thử crash vài chuyến :) Crash xong kô đủ recy. hốt , phải chia hốt thành 2 đợt mới hết At 03-13 04:37:39, as it came to a battle: Attacker vq_iou (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: 100% Shields: 80% Armour: 90% S.Cargo 46 L.Fighter 192 Cruiser 30 Battleship 153 Defender Dr Evil (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: 100% Shields: 100% Armour: 90% S.Cargo 20 L.Cargo 49 L.Fighter 168 H.Fighter 12 Cruiser 26 Battleship 60 Col. Ship 1 Recy. 19 Esp.Probe 12 Sol. Sat 4 H.Laser 7 Gauss 3 Ion C. 4 S.Dome 1 After battle... Attacker vq_iou (X:XXX:XX) S.Cargo 14 L.Fighter 59 Cruiser 22 Battleship 142 Defender Dr Evil (X:XXX:XX) destroyed! He captured 105.163 metal, 105.163 crystal and 93.222 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 1.536.000 units. The defender lost a total of 6.329.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 1.634.400 metal and 661.200 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %. -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana --
hix đang chán vì suốt ngày bị tấn công,chả kịp làm cái gì cả. thui giờ ko chơi nữa,tui để lại cái acc lởm cho anh em đây ai có hứng thú thì vào lấy chơi acc:aramis200x pass:prelipoliti ai vào trước thì đổi pass luôn mà chơi acc này rank có khoảng 3000/8000 thui <br> ___________________________ <br> hix đánh pass nó bị nối kí tự nên ra hình mặt cười >.< pass đúng là prelipoliti nha
New Number 2 U27 ^^: Baby aka Diablo91 #6 vs thant #66 At 03-17 16:08:19, as it came to a battle: Attacker baby (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% Type: S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Battleship Battlecr. Total: 1.250 4.055 90 536 662 200 Defender thant (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% Type: S.Cargo L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recy. Esp.Probe Sol. Sat Battlecr. L.Laser Total: 453 75 2.574 1 40 396 230 59 50 152 200 After battle... Attacker baby (X:XXX:XX) Type: S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Battleship Battlecr. Total: 767 2.465 67 467 658 200 Defender thant (X:XXX:XX) destroyed! He captured 1.036.540 metal, 848.025 crystal and 582.280 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 10.625.000 units. The defender lost a total of 52.737.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 12.599.400 metal and 6.289.200 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %. -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana -- 1/The attacker has won the battle! He captured 489.933 metal, 424.012 crystal, and 291.133 deuterium 2/The attacker has won the battle! He captured 273.324 metal, 212.006 crystal, and 145.566 deuterium 3/The attacker has won the battle! He captured 136.686 metal, 106.013 crystal, and 72.783 deuterium 4/The attacker has won the battle! He captured 68.610 metal, 53.123 crystal, and 36.449 deuterium
At 03-25 10:59:11, as it came to a battle: Attacker StKnight (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% Type: Cruiser Battleship Total: 22 17 Defender WNxBlueFire (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% Type: S.Cargo H.Fighter Esp.Probe Sol. Sat R.Launcher L.Laser Total: 15 28 1 29 35 38 After battle... Attacker StKnight (X:XXX:XX) Type: Cruiser Battleship Total: 22 17 Defender WNxBlueFire (X:XXX:XX) destroyed! He captured 4.714 metal, 3.257 crystal and 891 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 0 units. The defender lost a total of 545.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 59.400 metal and 60.300 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 1 %. -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana -- 03-25 12:48:32 Fleet Harvesting report from DF on [1:373:4]. Your 6 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 120.000. At the target, 59.400 metal and 60.600 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 59.400 metal and 60.600 crystal. hiz gà làm trận nhỏ tý xíu vậy tiện thể ai trade 100k Deu ko
Đem cái này lên xì pam cho bay mấy cái quảng cáo xuống. Vào đây xem lại mới biết ông beenbtx chơi từ hồi ấy đến giờ. VN còn lại từ U27 điểm danh trong topic này chắc còn mỗi bác