đề nghị anh em chia buồn với gaquay. H5N1 đã tung hoành. The following fleets are facing each other at 11-18 16:04:03, as it came to a battle: Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 1 L.Fighter 4 H.Fighter 10 Defender Master Chief [xxxx] Miss. 36 Witty Comment Attacker NNK [xxxx] Destroyed Defender Master Chief [xxxx] Miss. 7 The defender has won the battle! The attacker has lost a total of 128.000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 58.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 23.400 Metal and 15.000 Crystal. -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.----- tiếp sau đó: The following fleets were facing each other on 11-18 18:24:20, as it came to a battle: Attacker MONOTONIC [xxxx] S.Cargo 9 L.Fighter 35 H.Fighter 7 Defender NNK [xxxx] S.Cargo 5 L.Cargo 1 Col. Ship. 1 Recy. 1 Esp. Probe 3 Miss. 3 S.Laser 1 Witty Comment Attacker MONOTONIC [xxxx] S.Cargo 9 L.Fighter 35 H.Fighter 7 Defender NNK [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 19.619 Metal, 2.058 Crystal and 641 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 89.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 10.800 Metal and 13.500 Crystal. 3 Missile Launcher, 1 Small Laser could be repaired. -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
Thành tâm kính báo, gia quyến có gì sơ sót xin bà con cô bác bỏ quá, Chúng tôi thành thật đau lòng ^_^ poor GaQuay... H5N1
ông cuong gì đó đánh ở đâu dza^.y huh ? bi giờ đã có colony với recycler ở uni11 rồi hả O_O ... có impulse 4 chưa ? trước đó mấy tiếng , tui mới cướp được : He captures 5300 Metal, 5300 Crystal and 5300 Deuterium He captures 3500 Metal, 3500 Crystal and 3500 Deuterium ặc ặc, giờ bị cước lại, được rồi, chơi thêm 2-3 account support lại , khi nào đập thèng này lòi đít ra thì chơi bình thường kakaka :P . Attacker M i r [xxxx] S.Cargo 11 L.Cargo 1 L.Fighter 5 H.Fighter 19 Defender VitaminM [xxxx] S.Cargo 5 L.Fighter 24 H.Fighter 2 Esp. Probe 3 Sol. Sat 2 Miss. 10 S.Laser 5 The attacking fleet fires a total of 37 times with the power of 4741 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 240 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 51 times with the power of 3957 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 612 damage points Witty Comment Attacker M i r [xxxx] S.Cargo 6 L.Cargo 1 L.Fighter 1 H.Fighter 19 Defender VitaminM [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 18.890 Metal, 6.311 Crystal and 9.166 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 36.000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 173.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 34.800 Metal and 18.900 Crystal. 5 Missile Launcher, 4 Small Laser could be repaired. -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.----- Vui bạo, thằng này esp tech 5 hay 6 gì đó, impulse chắc có 4 rồi, combustion 6, energy 4, weapon 5, shield 3, armour 6, ko biết có bao nhiều con recycler và dĩ nhiên LF thằng này làm gì mà ít vậy, HF thì lại nhiều hơn, rất khó cho việc đi cướp cái vùng chỗ mình vì thằng nào cũng có defense, nếu ko build LF trước thì die ráo . Chắc thằng này chơi wa' giỏi, thức 24 giờ mỗi ngày, cướp 1 ngày được mấy chục lần ặc ặc, nếu có resource cỡ đó cho cướp hoài O_O . Hic, chắc phải theo đường đạo tặc trong game này mới sống nổi giống kỉu 12sq hồi xưa . Nói Gm thì nó nói clean mà rõ ràng là có 2 nick O_O . Ai ko tin thì search nick Mir, có 2 nick giống nhau trong top 100 cùng chung alliance, thằng rank 3 là thằng đánh mình, còn thằng rank 65 ở tuốt xa, có transport chứ ko đánh được, mà thằng GM nói là nó clean ... ^^ . Fake ip = clean ? .
một vài trận an ủi anh em. The following fleets are facing each other at 11-25 02:26:48, as it came to a battle: Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 2 H.Fighter 38 Cruiser 23 Esp. Probe 7 Defender PaNTo [xxxx] L.Cargo 5 L.Fighter 70 H.Fighter 30 Recy. 2 Esp. Probe 5 Witty Comment Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 2 H.Fighter 32 Cruiser 23 Defender PaNTo [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 11.859 Metal, 8.932 Crystal and 6.834 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 67.000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 677.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 142.800 Metal and 80.400 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 2 % -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.----- tiếp The following fleets are facing each other at 11-24 22:51:20, as it came to a battle: Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 1 H.Fighter 38 Cruiser 20 Defender NeiAngel [xxxx] S.Cargo 3 L.Fighter 10 H.Fighter 2 Esp. Probe 1 Sol. Sat 1 Miss. 20 S.Laser 10 H.Laser 2 Witty Comment Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 1 H.Fighter 38 Cruiser 20 Defender NeiAngel [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 19.758 Metal, 4.517 Crystal and 2.935 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 151.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 14.400 Metal and 8.100 Crystal. -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.----- tiếp The following fleets are facing each other at 11-24 04:02:34, as it came to a battle: Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 1 H.Fighter 15 Cruiser 5 Defender Tanis [xxxx] S.Cargo 4 L.Fighter 4 H.Fighter 3 Esp. Probe 4 Miss. 20 S.Laser 2 Witty Comment Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 1 H.Fighter 14 Cruiser 5 Defender Tanis [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 8.993 Metal, 5.807 Crystal and 5.336 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 10.000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 110.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 13.200 Metal and 9.600 Crystal. -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.----- tiếp The following fleets are facing each other at 11-24 07:29:41, as it came to a battle: Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 1 H.Fighter 15 Cruiser 5 Defender Morrandir [xxxx] S.Cargo 1 Col. Ship. 1 Esp. Probe 1 Miss. 10 S.Laser 10 Witty Comment Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 1 H.Fighter 15 Cruiser 5 Defender Morrandir [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 17.057 Metal, 5.133 Crystal and 1.418 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 75.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 3.600 Metal and 6.900 Crystal. -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
thêm trận nữa: The following fleets are facing each other at 11-25 10:57:15, as it came to a battle: Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 2 H.Fighter 34 Cruiser 26 Defender DreAmeR [xxxx] S.Cargo 10 L.Cargo 1 L.Fighter 29 H.Fighter 17 Cruiser 3 Recy. 4 Esp. Probe 3 Miss. 12 S.Laser 5 H.Laser 2 Witty Comment Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 1 H.Fighter 29 Cruiser 26 Defender DreAmeR [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 19.334 Metal, 11.201 Crystal and 15.062 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 62.000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 536.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 105.300 Metal and 59.100 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 1 % -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
Mình mới tập chơi trò này thôi, có gì mọi người giúp đỡ tí nha. Koz [3:30:12] 2(6278 of 9160) Mới chơi được có 9h chưa hiểu hết trò này, ai chơi nhiều cho xin nick YM! được không? Có gì hỏi cho dễ. Cám ơn.
làm tí nữa: The following fleets are facing each other at 11-25 15:58:13, as it came to a battle: Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 2 H.Fighter 29 Cruiser 28 Defender slawek_91 [xxxx] S.Cargo 7 L.Fighter 27 H.Fighter 16 Esp. Probe 6 Miss. 4 S.Laser 6 Witty Comment Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 2 H.Fighter 29 Cruiser 28 Defender slawek_91 [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 17.845 Metal, 9.597 Crystal and 1.600 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 322.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 57.300 Metal and 33.300 Crystal. -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.----- đập phá def: The following fleets are facing each other at 11-25 21:36:26, as it came to a battle: Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 1 H.Fighter 33 Cruiser 20 Defender Orgasmus [xxxx] Esp. Probe 1 Miss. 7 S.Laser 53 Witty Comment Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 1 H.Fighter 33 Cruiser 20 Defender Orgasmus [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 10.859 Metal, 7.417 Crystal and 5.765 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 121.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 0 Metal and 300 Crystal. -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
thằng này bảo gì tui vậy các bác nhỉ? Oh thought you were german cause you never replied me, everybody i talk to in this universe seems to be european... Theo yêu cầu của các đồng chí. Chú X thứ nhất ăn đòn. The following fleets are facing each other at 11-26 05:39:55, as it came to a battle: Attacker NNK (1:16:11) L.Cargo 4 H.Fighter 33 Cruiser 30 Esp. Probe 10 Defender kojak (1:4:8 ) S.Cargo 4 L.Cargo 4 L.Fighter 3 H.Fighter 40 Recy. 2 Esp. Probe 6 Miss. 25 S.Laser 3 Witty Comment Attacker NNK (1:16:11) L.Cargo 3 H.Fighter 29 Cruiser 30 Esp. Probe 2 Defender kojak (1:4:8 ) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 42.957 Metal, 6.719 Crystal and 5.122 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 60.000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 570.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 99.300 Metal and 72.900 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 1 % -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.----- chú này chết oan The following fleets are facing each other at 11-26 09:27:20, as it came to a battle: Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 2 H.Fighter 29 Cruiser 31 Defender Beave [xxxx] S.Cargo 2 L.Fighter 7 H.Fighter 3 Esp. Probe 3 Miss. 40 S.Laser 24 H.Laser 7 Witty Comment Attacker NNK [xxxx] L.Cargo 2 H.Fighter 29 Cruiser 31 Defender Beave [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 17.097 Metal, 7.094 Crystal and 4.008 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 253.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 12.900 Metal and 7.800 Crystal. -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
Nó tưởng bác là người Đức bởi vì bác không bao giờ trả lời với nó, tất cả mọi người mà nó biết ở trong U11 là người Châu Âu, pó tay bác trả lời cho nó "Vietnamese Rules"
hic. bác này lại xui dại rùi. Bảo việt nam để nó căn giờ nó đợi à. Thêm một chú vừa dính nè: The following fleets are facing each other at 11-26 13:43:15, as it came to a battle: Attacker NNK (1:16:11) H.Fighter 29 Cruiser 31 Defender PreDatoR (1:23:12) S.Cargo 16 L.Cargo 1 L.Fighter 14 H.Fighter 1 Esp. Probe 7 Sol. Sat 3 Witty Comment Attacker NNK (1:16:11) H.Fighter 29 Cruiser 31 Defender PreDatoR (1:23:12) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 11.040 Metal, 11.040 Crystal and 5.618 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 155.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 25.800 Metal and 20.700 Crystal. -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
Bác phải nói là WoW Ruler chứ kô là Vietnamese như thế chúng sẽ biết giờ để tấn công anh em khác. Góp vui tí nào: The following fleets are facing each other at 11-26 05:18:42, as it came to a battle: Attacker crazydog [xxxx] L.Cargo 2 H.Fighter 21 Cruiser 18 Defender Maximillian [xxxx] S.Cargo 3 L.Fighter 10 Miss. 10 S.Laser 31 Witty Comment Attacker crazydog [xxxx] L.Cargo 2 H.Fighter 20 Cruiser 18 Defender Maximillian [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 7.606 Metal, 4.783 Crystal and 1.193 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 10000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 134.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 12.600 Metal and 6.000 Crystal. -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
thằng nào tui cũng nói Vietnamese Rules, nó mang xác qua cho tui hốt DF thôi, tại tui đâu ở vn lâu lâu chọc bọn nó cho vui nói vậy chứ ngu gì nói
lâu lắm không vào post bài có bác nào biết bảng phong thần U11 ko cho tôi xem nhờ cái The attacker has won the battle! He captures 42957 Metal, 6719 Crystal and 5122 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 60000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 570000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 99300 Metal and 72900 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 1 % ko dám post cả sợ em_tin cho cái seo. nữa chú .X. đầu tiên
The following fleets are facing each other at 11-26 22:13:55, as it came to a battle: Attacker crazydog [xxxx] L.Cargo 2 H.Fighter 22 Cruiser 24 Defender szfans [xxxx] L.Cargo 5 L.Fighter 1 H.Fighter 16 Esp. Probe 5 Miss. 14 S.Laser 24 Witty Comment Attacker crazydog [xxxx] L.Cargo 2 H.Fighter 17 Cruiser 24 Defender szfans [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 32.166 Metal, 18.293 Crystal and 11.907 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 50000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 305.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 47.700 Metal and 36.000 Crystal. -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.----- Góp vui tí nhá DF kô hốt được vì luc đó đang ngủ, dang cho đi hốt sáng nay, kô biết được kô, gần 4h rùi
hic. tưởng anh em tui có ít ship thui. ai ngờ bác mèo mướp lại hoành tráng hơn. May mà ngày mai lên BS rùi. Hôm nay chủ nhật mà đói kém quá. Từ sáng tới giờ chả được trận nào ra hồn cả. Chúa phù hộ chúng nó.
Cái này chủ yếu đập phá DEF và cướp bóc The following fleets are facing each other at 11-27 17:25:16, as it came to a battle: Attacker crazydog [xxxx] L.Cargo 3 Cruiser 35 Defender rest [xxxx] Miss. 32 S.Laser 38 Witty Comment Attacker crazydog [xxxx] L.Cargo 3 Cruiser 35 Defender rest [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 31.082 Metal, 21.574 Crystal and 10784 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units. The defender has lost a total of 140000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 0 Metal and 0 Crystal. -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----