[vnteamspeak.com:1159] BATTLEFIELD 1 GVN HQ

Thảo luận trong 'Tin tức - Giới thiệu - Thảo luận chung về game' bắt đầu bởi Myopia.Os, 6/5/16.

  1. zerglingno1

    zerglingno1 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    nhìn không cũng không giống WW1 lắm nhỉ , trong video thấy toàn lao lên bắn nổ xì đùng . thích simu thì chơi bf2 project reality , bắn trúng 2 phát chết , không đi đội thì không giết nổi 1 thằng bot :v
  2. meteora1194

    meteora1194 Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

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    The Grid
    Rush mode đỉnh cao là BC2, chơi mà cảm giác pump adrenaline liên tục.
    Qua 3,4 nhịp chậm vãi
  3. Hồng_Sư_Vua

    Hồng_Sư_Vua T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Đáng tiếc nhất phải nói đến cái DLC Naval Strike của BF4 đấy. phần Titan mode bên 2142 hay bao nhiêu thì qua bên BF4 làm lại chán bấy nhiêu
  4. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    Area 51
  5. huyetmalk

    huyetmalk The Warrior of Light

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    mi còn nhớ ta ko :">
  6. S.I.L.X

    S.I.L.X Space Marine Doomguy

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    Nhớ, nhưng mà fb là gì quên rồi =] tại cũng ko hay online lướt fb lắm =]
  7. tieulyquang

    tieulyquang Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

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    The Witcher 3
  8. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    Area 51
    Xe cộ
    Heavy and light tanks, armoured trucks, cavalry, biplanes, triplanes, scout planes and bombers. You can even get yourself on board a battleship sitting out in the ocean and literally barrage the enemy, creating chokepoints or stopping them from achieving objectives.

    Within each vehicle class, like the tank class, there's everything from smaller, lighter tanks, more maneuverable to heavy tanks that are larger, fits more people. And the cool thing about these vehicles: each of these tanks, they have very unique gameplay. They look very different and play very different.

    [regarding plane wing damage affecting the vehicle, as shown in the trailer] Yeah! Sharp eyes. Yes, you're correct. That will have an effect on you as the players.

    LC: Get an entire squad into a tank. So, it sounds like tanks are gonna be much more a team-oriented vehicle.

    LC: There was also footage of twin-propeller bombers…there are twin-prop airplanes, bigger airplanes that were dropping bombs.

    LC: There's a few quick clips of extremely large aerial battles. If I had to guess, I'd at least 10 airplanes in the air at once, maybe more.

    LC: There were some armored jeeps.

    LC: There was a few other tanks that I want to talk about now that I was able to identify from the gameplay. This guy made an appearance…he's known as the A7V Strumpanzerwagen (armored assault vehicle in German).

    LC: ...is the French Renault FT. This is a light tank.

    There are lots of vehicles we’re going to unveil in the future, a lot more to come. The battleship is just one of them.

    ...these metal monsters coming at you on wheels. That’s what we’re trying to express, the power and weight of these vehicles as they roll in. That’s been the goal as we design the vehicles.

    It’s definitely rooted in history. There’s no alternate mix of anything else. All the stuff you see is equipment that was available. All the vehicles you see were available at this time.

    ... gameplay is king. We need to make sure the vehicles and weapons are fun to use. With the variety of stuff that’s available, we can push and keep the pace you see in previous Battlefield games. We can also deliver the kind of rock-paper-scissor gameplay you’re familiar with.

    The one new aspect: Vehicle classes. “Tank Officer” and “Pilot” were both listed, though what advantages those vehicle-specific classes entail I’m not certain.

    JF: Dedicated vehicle classes: so if you want to be a tank driver, you're dedicated to that role if you spawn in a tank or if you want to be a pilot. So that's kind of different than BF3 and BF4.

    ...for three large vehicles -- the Frontline Camouflage Train, the Night Raid Airship, and the Dazzle Camouflage Dreadnought.

    ...tanks, planes, machine guns, artillery

    JF: Yes, biplanes are in the game...a much slower pace of aerial combat with no lock-ons and it's gonna involve lots of skill.

    Battlefield 1 will include dogfighting in biplanes and airships with external manned guns...

    Biplanes can drop bombs. Tanks can escort infantry. Planes can have dogfights in the air.

    Biplanes, horses, battleships and zeppelins all make an appearance, with the developers noting that the game includes some of the largest vehicles they have ever built

    "This was the first time ever that people saw light tanks, heavy tanks, armored trucks," he said. "If you pop your head up from a trench and see a tank about to roll over you--you should get out of there."

    Battlefield 1's air combat will be just as nuanced, with dogfights, bombing raids, and strafing runs.

    "We have bombers to clear the way for your troops," he said. "If you're in a bomber, you might want to have a buddy scouting, covering you from the ground.

    "You can have these dogfights, with multiple people in planes--your buddy is in the rear seat shooting back at that guy while you fly alongside a bomber clearing the way for your troops."

    Battleships are also entirely controllable. You can "demolish an entire shoreline" in one, Berlin said. Battlefield 1 will also include lighter, more agile ships to reflect the dynamism present in the infantry combat and air battles.

    JF: Battleships were also mentioned, as well as zeppelins. So, I imagine you'd gonna be able get inside those and rain down fire. And hopefully we can take them out, as well.

    Vũ khí

    A huge variety of gameplay choices to make so that they actually matter when they choose the weapon.

    All kinds of weapons present in the game, like in all Battlefield guns: pistols, rifles, shotguns, LMGs, SMGs, sniper rifles, and all the goodness that is between. Within each of these categories, there is a huge variety of different types of versions of LMGs: carry-able to the super-heavy ones that you couldn't even carry yourself.

    LC: There was definitely a clip of somebody reviving another player with a syringe. So basically the defibrillator mechanic is in the game.

    LC: There's a little bit more footage with the gas mask on….it seemed to not only obstruct your vision pretty substantially, like your peripheral vision, but also the sound of the game changed entirely once the mask is on. So I imagine you won't be able hear very well.

    LC: I saw some SMGs….a top-loading magazine--it was small, very cool looking…a gun that fed the magazine or the clip through sideways, which was a really cool looking effect…

    LC: There was also a clip of somebody throwing dynamite as you would throw C4 in a current BF game. And then they pressed in a little rotating detonator that was hand-held to set it off. So, essentially, C4 is in the game.

    LC: The spike mace; another soldier seemed to be carrying a very large knife in the background; one even seemed like they might have some sort of spear weapon…actually had a spear.

    LC: Stationary mounted machine guns like some water-cooled machine guns.

    LC: There also looked like there was a dual-mounted machine gun--water-cooled machine gun--in a stationary emplacement intended to shoot at aircraft coming by.

    LC: One of the guys on the horse actually had a pistol in his hands.

    LC: Shotgun gameplay: one that showed a guy blowing through a wooden door with a shotgun. The door splintered as he shot through it…some old-school pump action thing

    Everything you saw in the trailer, those were real weapons used by soldiers in this time period. Shotguns, pistols, automatic rifles, everything.

    [regarding melee weapons] That was definitely a focus for us. It was a big part of the era, that mix between powder-based weapons and hand-to-hand combat. It was important for us to lift the importance of hand-to-hand combat, and also the depth and meaning of what weapon you choose or what types of gameplay you want to focus on. I can’t go into detail on how the new system works, but we did mention the bayonet charge. That’s a very powerful melee skill.

    Gas masks, trench guns, and bayonets were present—the latter in the form of a soldier burying his gun in someone’s chest.

    ...as well as the World War I staples you'd expect like trench warfare, French tanks, mustard gas, and gas masks.

    Melee combat will be more of a focus, with weapons including a spiked baton, trench shovel, rapier, and more.

    JF: So behind the scenes we also saw stuff like dynamite

    It features the history of World War I, without any modernized “alternate history” weaponry, according to EA. But there will be some license on the historical accuracy when it comes to having fun.

    JF: No lock-ons in the game.

    JF: The weapons in this are very analog. So it's bringing back the skill, like nothing is locking on for you or doing things for you. You've got to be the one who's aiming and shooting the weapons.

    JF: Emplacement guns for infantry--so I'm thinking that's going to be really powerful machine guns or anti-air emplacements on the ground

    JF: They had pistols, SMGs, shotguns, sniper rifles, semi-auto rifles, lots of different melee weapons, as well, apparently. Apparently different stats.

    JF: In terms of weapon customization: obviously, they're kind of limited with it being WWI. But the developers said that there are some unique flavors to the weapons and they do have a lot of interesting stuff that maybe wasn't used that often in WWI, but it was actually real and in that time period, so we're gonna see some elements of weapon customization.

    Berlin said there will be more meaning to the hand-to-hand combat, and depth. You can beat an enemy to death with a shovel or stab them with a knife or bayonet.

    Melee with prove more brutal and gritty than previous games, clear with the shovel and mace bashing in the trailer.

    "There's this common misconception that World War I was just muskets or something," Berlin said, laughing. "But it wasn't. It was a time of new weapons--bolt-action rifles, automatic rifles, semi-automatic rifles. The freedom we have is massive."

    In fact, DICE designed the hand-to-hand combat from the ground up for Battlefield 1, complete with a bayonet-charge ability, sabers, trench clubs, and even shovels

    JF: There were also flamethowers and what looks like a guy in a suit of armor, kind of like an armor suit, maybe that's some sort of a hero pickup in the game. I doubt that's gonna be like a class you can spawn in with. We'll see what happens with that.

    Singple Player
    There is a single-player campaign too, though not much was actually said about that. “Players will travel the world and discover things that really have been forgotten for a very long time,” explains the game’s multiplayer lead.

    LC: Pretty different from any other BF game in the sense where they're going to follow different characters throughout the war--so you're going to get different stories and different theaters of war. And it seemed like they want to focus on everything that makes Battlefield Battlefield. So it won't just be an infantry-based single-player.

    You can see in the trailer that there’s a Bedouin woman warrior on a horse. She’s a playable character in the single-player campaign.

    Our single-player will focus on different stories and different personalities across the world.

    There's a campaign. We didn't see any of it today, but DICE said it "revolves around multiple people" and stressed they want to "Bring more Battlefield into the singleplayer," meaning larger environments and more vehicular warfare

    Battlefield's campaigns have mostly been set in tight corridors with close-quarters combat, lacking the openness and variety that the multiplayer provides. That doesn't seem to be the case with the newly announced Battlefield 1, however, as lead designer Danny Berlin told GameSpot at an event that the campaign "will more accurately reflect Battlefield's open sandboxes."

    Berlin continued, saying DICE's World War I game will feature "much more choice and variety than [it's] done before." He also said the upcoming Battlefield's story will be about a multifarious group of people "dealing with the changing world in their own ways," and it'll allow players to take various, more open approaches.

    JF: In terms of Single-player: they didn't show us any single-player. But they actually touch on what it's gonna be: so apparently the SP is designed around battlefield moments. And it's gonna focus on the density of several different people involved in WWI. And how their world kind of changes and comes together and it's kind of like old versus new. You've got horses v. tanks, you've got swords, you've got all this new technology like tanks were pretty new back.


    We were told that the environments would be more destructible and that you would have a more physical presence within them; a more personal experience. If it looks and feels like you can go there, or open that door, chances are you can.

    This setting made sense to us. What's cool: we'll get to go to some really cool places. Some expected places, like, yes, you'll be going to the Western Front. But, also there is [sic] some unexpected places like…a heavily-defended mountain fort high in the Italian Alps or the sand dunes in Arabia.

    LC: Bunch of cool concept art was shown. One of them looked like some sort of a D-Day-style map. There was people coming onto a beach from boats; there's guys getting mowed down on the beaches….there was imagery showing horses riding next to a train in a desert…there was a clip of a horse riding towards a tank.

    LC: One of them [gameplay clips] showed a train track going right through the forest.

    It’s such a rich world, too, with so many locations. It’s not just Europe. It’s all over the place – the Dolomites, the Italian Alps, the deserts.

    We watched a short pre-alpha video of game footage, slim on info but full of big explosions. Arabia, the Alps, and “the fields of France” were mentioned as key locales for the game.

    Locations confirmed so far include France, Italy, and the Arabian Desert.

    Settings include the Italian Alps, the Argonne Forest in France (the site of the Allies’ final push of the war), and Saudi Arabia. These landscapes were beautiful.

    DICE plans to incorporate new frontlines beyond the familiar western front, including Italian alps, undersea fortresses, and the deserts of Arabia. These settings provide new gameplay opportunities both in multiplayer and campaign modes, they shared.

    JF: It's got all the stuff in the game that made, like, Battlefront look awesome: like the photogrammetry, it's got physically-based rendering--it looks absolutely insane.

    JF: In terms of destruction, that just looks like it's been turned up to #10; there was buildings falling over, holes in walls, it looked crazy. And it kind of feels like they went a lot further than they did in BF3 and BF4. And maybe taking it back to the BC2-level. It didn't look like you could level every building in the game because, obviously, you're gonna forsake the map design if you end up doing that. But, it looked like a lot of stuff could be destroyed and the developers actually spoke about that.


    ...it’s the type of game where you can literally “bring a horse to a tank fight”, we’re told.

    Hand-to-hand combat is not just as simple as meleeing a person and will require skill and poise.

    Land, air and sea are huge emphasises for the sandbox gameplay Battlefield multiplayer is renowned for, and there’s an even larger focus on team play with structured rewards, apparently (not a lot of detail was gone into here)

    We have the assault class, the medic class, we have the support class, and we have the recon class. However, we also have the two vehicle classes. We have dedicated tanker class and a dedicated pilot class. So, as those classes, your primary weapon are the vehicles themselves. We really want people to play the roles of those vehicles and be fully absorbed into that type of experience.

    With the available machinery and available weapons at hand, we can keep the same type of pacing that players are used to. It’s not slowed down in any way. We can push the pacing up or down. It’s a scale that we’re always working along.

    To be honest, though, we’re still tweaking that end of things [classes]. We’re still throwing weapons and gadgets around. That rock-paper-scissors quality is important. The classes need to be perfect for this setup. So we’re still working on it.

    We also got brief information on the game’s classes, which are…pretty much the same as always. Assault, Medic, Support, and Scout should all be familiar to longtime Battlefield players.

    You can play as a medic, support, or a scout-sniper and engage in air-land-sea combat.

    JF: We've got 4 classes: assault, medic, support,scout. So it looks like they separated the medic and assault class, which is kind of what people wanted. You know, obviously medics in BF3 and BF4 get the medpacks and they also get the best guns, the assault rifles. Doesn't like that's going to be the case anymore.

    JF: Assault players: SMGs

    JF: Medic: maybe semi-autos

    JF: Support: LMGs

    JF: Scout: sniper rifle guy

    “You can play a lone wolf approach or spotting for your teammates,” said Andreas Morrell, the multiplayer lead for the game, in a briefing for the press at EA’s headquarters today. “You have to change your tactics for the ever-changing battlefield. We can have interesting tactics. Battlefield gives you the tools to help you decide how to win.”

    There will be a Persistent Squad System to allow four players to form a squad and enter matchmaking together to guarantee they're grouped for an entire session

    Danny Berlin, the lead game designer at DICE, emphasized the importance of going back to the Great War and how it shaped today’s conflicts.

    “It’s important to stress this is the next big episode in the Battlefield experience. This goes back to World War I. This is the genesis of the modern battlefield today. we are stressing emergence, immersion, team play, and gameplay. It is super-exciting to bring Battlefield to the stage of World War I.

    This was the most technologically divergent war ever, with cavalry running alongside tanks and biplanes flying overhead. Hand-to-hand combat was important. It was a technological arms race. It ends up being a perfect fit for the Battlefield game play, with an ever-changing world.”

    Morrell said there’s still a “rock, paper, scissors” feel to the gameplay, with all of the weapons and vehicles balanced so that no side has an absolute advantage.

    You can fight on horses and take on zeppelins. Pool Shark said that team play is really going to matter in the multiplayer combat. You may not be as successful as a one-person army.


    Pre-orders will receive the Harlem Hellfighter Pack and seven day early access to a free map this year.

    ...will include extra vehicles, weapons and emblems including the Red Baron Pack, the Lawrence of Arabia Pack

    Red Baron Pack containing:

    Vehicle: Red Baron’s Triplane

    Sidearm: Red Baron’s P08

    Emblem: Red Baron’s Flyer Pin

    Lawrence of Arabia Pack containing:

    Horse: Lawrence of Arabia’s Black Stallion

    Weapon: Lawrence of Arabia’s SMLE

    Melee: Lawrence of Arabia’s Jambiya

    Emblem: Lawrence of Arabia’s Emblem

    Harlem Hellfighter Pack containing:

    Weapon: Hellfighter Trench Shotgun

    Sidearm: Hellfighter M1911

    Melee: Hellfighter Bolo Knife

    Emblem: Hellfighter Insignia


    “We wanted to prove to ourselves we could maintain the core pillars of ‘Battlefield’ and that we could transfer all the knowledge we’d built up from ‘Battlefield 4’ and ‘Battlefield Hardline’ into a totally different era,” Gustavsson said. “We’ve been to the future. We’ve been to Vietnam and the second World War. But now that we go back in time, it was another test for us.”

    Lars Gustavsson, design director for “Battlefield 1,” said the idea of having WWI as the environment has been around in the development team’s mind for a long time, but it never seemed to feel right until after “Battlefield 4.”

    It won’t be flying too many “Hooah” American flag moments, and looks to be delivering one of the most personal and brutal games in the series where offence such as mustard gas and flamethrowers, were commonplace.

    LC: The graphics look stellar; they look just as good as the trailer graphics. So, first-person visual candy is just top-notch, right up there.

    We thought it was a cool image for the cover. When we set out on this game, we wanted to depict not just the common view of what the war was like. We wanted to challenge some preconceptions. We want to delve into some of the unknowns of World War One. Maybe people don’t know that this person fought or that person fought, that this army was involved. We’re stretching out and bringing all those stories into the game. But I can’t go into any specific details as far as which armies or characters we’re depicting at this point.

    [regarding black character on the cover] That’s the thing. People don’t know that this was the case. We want to show diversity in the game. That’s been a key goal.

    [regarding a WWI megalodon] Again, I can’t say anything about that. But it’s the most important question.

    [regarding BF4's launch] It’s a focus for us. We know it was a difficult launch. We’ve been working on this for a long time. We released Battlefront, which did really well. We’re pushing an open beta to ensure stability. We’ve taken a lot of learnings from that experience, and we feel like we succeeded with Battlefront. We’ll take everything we learned there and apply it to Battlefield One as well.

    zantan thích bài này.
  9. Eazy.

    Eazy. The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

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    most dislike do Bieber nắm giữ chứ, 6m
  10. NKDuy93

    NKDuy93 Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

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    The Land Between
    most disliked game trailer mà bác :D
  11. aramir

    aramir The Chosen Undead Lão Làng GVN

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    Hà Nội
    DlC toàn item ko thế
  12. kingblackcat

    kingblackcat Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

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    most dislike phải tính theo tỉ lệ xem video mới đúng
  13. OrkHUnter

    OrkHUnter Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    Heaven And Hell
    Éo biết con máy cùi đủ chạy ko :3cool_nosebleed::3cool_nosebleed:
  14. nneo

    nneo Legend of Zelda

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    damage như thế nào nhỉ, chứ súng bắn từng viên một mà xả cả băng mới chết thì có vẻ sai sai =))
  15. huyetmalk

    huyetmalk The Warrior of Light

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    1 viên chắc tầm 40 -> 60 tiết :">
  16. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    Area 51
    The headshots in this game feel very satisfying and they do have that "ping" sound effect from BC2. According to someone I don't quite remember, sniper headshot blows up your face, thereby making it impossible to revive.

    BF1 will be analog in nature, meaning there won't be any lock-on weaponry. You're going to have to aim and shoot in this game and this applies to everything. <--- No more aimasshit =))
  17. Kronpas1997

    Kronpas1997 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

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    ^ nghĩa là không có lock-on weapon như JAVELIN và Stingers, chứ ko phải là no aim assist. Không aa bắn fps trên console khó chết cha chết mẹ ra.
  18. solowing

    solowing Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

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    Bf1 kì này sẽ đòi hỏi kĩ năng nhiều đây,chơi bf3 với 4 dùng các loại kính quen rồi.bây h phải xài toàn ironsight khó chết mợ.
  19. OrkHUnter

    OrkHUnter Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    Heaven And Hell
    nói mới nhớ ngày xưa cái COD5 chơi MP unlock các thể loại ống ngắm tự nghĩ ra của mấy ảnh Trey =))
  20. lBatMan

    lBatMan Fire in the hole!

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