(WOT) Cập nhật những thông tin trang chủ

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi Op2, 25/8/11.

  1. nst810

    nst810 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    nói chung nên cày lên IS7, con này giờ khá trùm, con IS4 coi chừng lên tier 10 sẽ trở thành con tier 10 nhục nhất đám, nói j chứ front ammor của nó theo lịch sử chỉ có 140mm thôi, mà tốc độ còn rùa bò nữa thì xác định
  2. Kingofocean

    Kingofocean Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Lịch sử front armor là 200mm thưa bác, nó nerf xuống 160mm để làm tier 9, lên tier 10 sẽ về lại 200mm. Lúc đó bắn nghe coong-coong thì đừng hỏi tại sao.
  3. ngocnhung017

    ngocnhung017 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    IS7 thì mình có lâu rồi, chủ yếu chờ xem lên tier 10 thì IS4 sẽ như thế nào thôi... Mong là nó có thêm 1 cây súng như E100 haha...
  4. oSeveno

    oSeveno Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mình cũng có cả IS7 và IS4 rồi, chờ xem nó buff giáp IS4 thành thế nào thôi :-?
  5. hunghun2999

    hunghun2999 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ko hỉu sao chơi is4 (full op) mình cảm thấy ko thik = is3, is4 chậm quá, còn 90k để lên is7:(
  6. anhdietmuoi

    anhdietmuoi Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    đang kv3 có lên kịp is4 stock khi 7.2 k ạ, em nonpre :-ss
  7. oSeveno

    oSeveno Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chắc kịp thôi, 7.2 chưa up IS4 thì phải :-?
  8. namnh01283

    namnh01283 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    IS4 full op bắn thick mà , giáp trâu , súng mạnh còn mong j nữa mình nghĩ IS-4 là con tank điển hình của HV tear 9
  9. onehit1

    onehit1 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    is4 là con ngon nhất trong đám tier 9 mà riêng mình thì mình thấy như vậy.
  10. Kingofocean

    Kingofocean Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    trước khi có e75 thì đúng, e75 ra là đối trọng với is4 rồi.
  11. hunghun2999

    hunghun2999 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ồ, hix có lẻ mình ko hợp với HT trâu pò rùi, thik HT có speed nên có cảm giác như vậy^^ (tất nhiên ko tính HT của Pháp^^!giáp của mấy bác í quá ư là...:>)
  12. hstungtunghs

    hstungtunghs Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Theo thằng overlord nói thì khi lên Tier 10 sẽ thay bằng khẩu khác, dam yếu hơn. exp/cre reseach S70 đc trả lại mà k biết trả exp vào xe nào. nó trả vào IS-4 thì lại tốn G để đổi :D

    ---------- Post added at 13:03 ---------- Previous post was at 13:00 ----------

    theo nhận định của tui thì IS-4 sẽ là dạng Maus, giáp mạnh, pháo yếu, chạy chậm. IS-7 mới giống E-100: giáp mỏng, chạy nhanh, hỏa lực mạnh :D
  13. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Wibu Kingdom
    trả vào con thay chỗ IS-4 chứ sao nữa
  14. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    - Added a base line of French tanks (18 vehicles): Renault FT, D1, D2, B1, BDR G1B, Arl 44, AMX M4 (1945), AMX 50 100, AMX 50 120, AMX 50 68t, Hotchkiss H35, AMX 38, AMX 40, AMX 12t, AMX 13 75, AMX 13 90, Lorraine 40t, Bat Chatillon 25t.
    - Automatic and semiautomatic weapons transferred to the new system with drum.
    - The maximum level of the tank battles "Type 59" is increased by 1. More information can be found here.
    - The performance of the tank "Type 59" has been increased by 5%. More on this can also be found here.
    - The maximum level of fighting SPG tier 4 and 5 decreased by 1.

    - Fixed tanks reservations: IS-3 (forehead top of the tower), EC-4 (aircraft hull and 122mm guns mask BL-9), T95 (enhanced booking ramps).
    - Fixed or refined damage model tanks: StuG III, Pz II Luchs, Pz B2 740 (f), BT-SV, T95, M5 Stuart, M4 Sherman, Maus (irregular land-mines to be penetrated by a frontal sheet).
    - ISU-152 moved to a new reservation system with 16 groups of armor and shields.
    - Tank Churchill was transferred to a new reservation system with 16 groups of armor and shields.
    - Fixed some bugs camouflage tanks: VK4502A, SW-220, Pz II, M26 Pershing, M3 Lee.
    - Fixed some models of tanks: T1 Cunningham, T34, Maus, Pz III, T-46, Churchill, SW-1C, Object 212, Pz VI Tiger, T32, Grille, Pz II Luchs, VK3001P, Lowe.
    - Fixed incorrect effects of the shot: JagdPz IV instrument with 7,5 cm StuK 42 L/70, PzVI Tiger with the gun 8,8 cm KwK 43 L/71, PzIV Ausf G with the gun 7,5 cm KwK 42 L/70.
    - Fixed the same model guns and 7.5cm L/70 8.8cm L/56 in JagdPanther.
    - Fixed some bugs in the effect of burning tanks destroyed.

    - Fixed some bugs in the maps
    - Fixed the minimap map "Fjords".

    - Fixed appearance of out of sync client and server in the destruction of the tank battering ram.
    - Fixed bug with restoration of ammunition "by default" after returning from a tank battle.
    - Fixed keep healthbars from closing the windows of private chat channels.
    - In service interface for all communications (chat, information about damage and destruction, etc.) after the player's name in parentheses added by the name of the tank (short version).
    - The notice on the login queue now displays the name of the server.
    - Fixed some bugs in the mechanism for automatically selecting a game server at login.
    - Significantly reduced the conclusion of the session when switching from server to server.
    - Fixed some bugs in the replays.
    - Fixed a crash when client boot record long battle.
    - From the records battles deleted contact list player.
    - Added the interface in action (press "v").
    - Fixed appearance of the red square that says "Texture not found" on the site of a clan logo when switching settings.
    - For an alternate color scheme, added color change indicator marker armor penetration.
    - Fixed bug with unmapped new invitations for an open channel invitations.
    - Fixed blinking channel in the absence of active invitations invitations.
    - Fixed a modifier disappearance of Commander in the tooltip when you hover over a crew member.
    - Fixed a bug with a hit in pre-room ready but uncommitted players of the company.
    - Corrected a system message in the calculation of an existing player's tank.
    - Fixed hang hangar at the entrance to the game while holding the "Enter" at the login screen.
    - Fixed "sticky" indicator recharge in some cases.
    - Fixed the displacement of the tank level display in the list of different commands.
    - Fixed non-voice chat in some cases.
    - Fixed an animation display voice chat, which sometimes continued to operate after the termination of connection.
    - The company commander interface restored designation of finding players in the company commander battle.
    - The company commander interface Fixed inability to press "ready" if the company is in a battle.
    - The company commander interface Fixed a rare unauthorized transfer of the player to "not ready".
    - Fixed incorrect message when installing on existing stock consumable.
    - Fixed a rare bug with the inability to close the pop-up modal message when you change graphics settings.
    - Fixed display of signal 'attention to the square' located on the player's profile.
    - Adapted vnutriboevoe menu, called by pressing "Esc".
    - Added a "substrate" on a number of remaining rounds on the icon of the projectile in combat.
    - Fixed incorrect display of the list of available permits the transition from full screen to windowed mode.
    - Fixed a sharp change in the transparency of the trees moving in the sniper mode.
    - Fixed a shorter name E-series tanks.
    - From the voice alerts gets deleted the phrase "Yes" and "There is a hit."
    - Fixed non-functional interface for switching between the tanks in the maintenance window.
    - Fixed crash in some cases the client in the sale of units in stock.
    - Notice of application to amend the text of camouflage that the current camouflage the replacement will be destroyed.

    Changed the game parameters of the following tanks and guns:

    German tanks:
    Ferdinand: recharge time gun 8.8cm PaK 43 L/71 increased from 4.8 to 5.3 sec.

    Jagdpanther: reload time gun 8.8cm PaK 43 L/71 increased from 4.8 to 5.3 sec.

    - Speed ​​of rotation for both chassis increased by 2 deg / sec.
    - The spread of the movement and rotation to both the chassis is reduced by 5%.
    - Speed ​​of rotation of the first tower is increased to 10 deg / sec.
    - Speed ​​of rotation of the second tower is increased by 5 deg / sec.
    - A review of the first tower is increased to 300 meters.
    - A review of the second tower is increased to 350 meters.

    PzKpfw 35 (t):
    - A review of the first tower is increased to 330 meters.
    - A review of the second tower is increased up to 370 meters.
    - Changed the size of ammunition shells 3.cm KwK 34t L/40 and 3.7cm KwK 38t L/47.

    PzKpfw 38 (t):
    - Changed the size of ammunition gun 3.7cm KwK 38t L/47.
    - Time information tools 4.7cm PaK 38t L/43 in the second tower is set to 1.5 seconds.

    PzKpfw III: Review of the first tower is increased up to 380 meters.

    2.0cm KwK 30:
    - An instrument is translated into a cassette type loader with 10 rounds in the magazine with a rate of up to 280 rounds per minute.
    - Perenactroeny parameters guns on the tanks where it is installed: PzKpfw 35 (t), PzKpfw II.
    - BB shell standard armor increased to 46 mm.

    2.0cm Breda:
    - An instrument is translated into a cassette type loader with 12 rounds in the magazine with a rate of up to 240 rounds per minute.
    - Reconfigure the basic settings reload rate, velocity data and the scatter gun.
    - Perenactroeny parameters gun on a tank Leichttraktor.
    - BB shell standard armor increased to 30 mm.

    2.0cm Flak 38 L/112:
    - An instrument is translated into a cassette type loader with 10 rounds in the magazine with a rate of up to 450 rounds per minute.
    - Perenactroeny parameters guns on the tanks where it is installed: PzKpfw 35 (t), PzKpfw 38 nA, PzKpfw II, PzKpfw 38 (t), PzKpfw III, PzKpfw III Ausf. A, PzKpfw II Luchs, VK 1602 Leopard.

    2.0cm KwK 38 L/55:
    - An instrument is translated into a cassette type loader with 10 rounds in the magazine with a rate of up to 450 rounds per minute.
    - Perenactroeny parameters guns on the tanks where it is installed: Leichttraktor, PzKpfw II, PzKpfw III Ausf. A, PzKpfw II Luchs.
    - BB shell standard armor increased to 46 mm.

    3.7cm KwK 34t L/40:
    - BB shell standard armor increased to 40 mm.
    - Armor piercing projectile BP increased to 69 mm.

    3.7cm KwK 38t L/47 and 3.7cm PaK 38t L/47:
    - BB shell standard armor is increased to 41 mm.
    - Armor piercing projectile BP increased to 74 mm.

    3.7cm KwK L/46:
    - BB shell standard armor increased to 40 mm.
    - Armor piercing projectile BP increased to 74 mm.

    4.7cm PaK 38t L/43:
    - BB shell standard armor increased to 62 mm.
    - Armor piercing projectile BP increased to 115 mm.

    - Damage to the projectile 3.7cm Pzgr36 increased to 36.
    - Damage to the projectile 3.7cm Pzgr40 reduced to 36.
    - Damage to the projectile 4.7cm Pzgr39t increased to 60.
    - Damage to the projectile 4.7cm Pzgr40t increased to 60.
    - Damage to the projectile 4.7cm Sprg.18t increased to 75.

    Soviet tanks:
    - A review of the second tower is increased to 320 meters.
    - Changed the cooldown and time information for Hotchkiss guns 37mm and 37mm B-3.

    BT-7: a review of the second tower is increased to 320 meters.

    - Speed ​​of rotation of both the chassis is reduced by 5 deg / sec.
    - Changed the cooldown, the time information and the size of 37mm ammunition for the guns and the Hotchkiss 37mm B-3.

    - Speed ​​of rotation of first gear is reduced to 52 deg / sec.
    - Radius of the review of the first tower is increased to 320 meters.
    - Vision range increased to the second tower of 350 meters.

    20mm TNSh:
    - An instrument is translated into a cassette type loader with 20 rounds in the magazine with a rate of up to 600 rounds per minute.
    - Perenactroeny parameters guns on the tanks where it is established that the MC-1, BT-2.
    - BB shell standard armor increased to 28 mm.

    23mm BR:
    - An instrument is translated into a cassette type loader with 9 rounds in the magazine with a rate of up to 300 rounds per minute.
    - Perenactroeny parameters guns on the tanks where it is installed: T-26M, MC-1, BT-7, BT-2.
    - Armor standard BB shell is reduced to 30 mm.

    37mm H-37:
    - An instrument is translated into a cassette type loader with 5 rounds in the magazine with a rate of up to 170 rounds per minute.
    - Perenactroeny parameters guns on the tanks where it is installed: T-46 T-50 T-52, A-20.

    37mm B-3: armor piercing projectile BP increased to 40 mm.

    37mm Hotchkiss: armor piercing projectile BP increased to 34 mm.

    45mm 20K: armor piercing projectile BP increased to 88 mm.

    45mm (1932):
    - BB shell standard armor increased to 51mm.
    - Armor piercing projectile BP increased to 88 mm.

    American tanks:
    M2 Light Tank: an overview of the first tower is reduced to 300 meters.

    M5 Stuart: review of the first tower is increased up to 380 meters.

    12.7mm MG HB M2:
    - An instrument is translated into a cassette type loader with 40 rounds in the magazine with a rate of up to 450 rounds per minute.
    - Perenactroeny parameters gun on a tank M2 Light Tank.

    20mm Hispano Suiza Birgikt gun:
    - An instrument is translated into a cassette type loader with 15 rounds in the magazine with a rate of up to 600 rounds per minute.
    - Perenactroeny parameters guns on the tanks where it is established: T1 Cunningham, T2 Light Tank, T2 Medium Tank, M5 Stuart, M3 Stuart, M2 Light Tank.

    37mm Gun M1916:
    - Reconfigure the basic settings reload rate, velocity data and the scatter gun.
    - Armor standard BB shell is reduced to 28 mm.
    - Armor piercing projectile BP decreased to 45 mm.

    37mm semiautomatic gun M1924:
    - An instrument is translated into a cassette type loader with 5 rounds in the magazine with a rate of up to 120 rounds per minute.
    - Perenactroeny parameters guns on the tanks where it is installed: T2 Medium Tank, T1 Cunningham.
    - Armor standard BB shell is reduced to 33 mm.

    37mm Browning semiautomatic gun:
    - An instrument is translated into a cassette type loader with 5 rounds in the magazine with a rate of up to 120 rounds per minute.
    - Perenactroeny parameters guns on the tanks where it is installed: T2 Medium Tank, T1 Cunningham.
    - Armor standard BB shell is reduced to 39 mm.

    37mm M-6 L/53 M2:
    - Base spread decreased to 0.36.

    37mm M-5:
    - Changed the reload rate and rate information in tanks where it is installed: M3 Stuart, T2 Medium Tank.

    ---------- Post added at 14:11 ---------- Previous post was at 13:57 ----------

    mấy con tank bé bé dc buff kinh vcd =)), mua về chơi lại mới dc
  15. ricky_martin9765

    ricky_martin9765 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Chỉ cần comment 1 câu là được rồi. Lại còn bê nguyên cái thông báo fix của game vào, nhức mắt quá @-)
  16. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    comment là phụ, info là chính chứ =))
  17. bupbechanh

    bupbechanh Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ủa khi nào thì nó đóng server test vậy bà con. Bên RU update patch 7.1 mà tối qua vẫn vào SVR test ầm ầm. Chả bù mấy lần trước, đóng trước khi up server.
  18. onehit1

    onehit1 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    tình hình up patch mới mà không thấy even chắc tết tây nầy không có even rồi.
  19. GhostKingGk

    GhostKingGk Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    sẽ có sẽ có ...Overlord hứa roài bữa dt tui nói mà :D
  20. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    bonus con này

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