Wow Clan : Dragons Of Viet

Thảo luận trong 'World of Warcraft' bắt đầu bởi GamePRO., 12/12/04.

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  1. Ares Darkblade

    Ares Darkblade Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hồ Chí Minh
    Đang cần các anh giúp đây, đang rất cần các matos sau đây để craft đồ:
    _ 2 elixir of defense.
    _ 1 elixir of minor agility.
    _ 2 Spider's silk.

    Ai là mage có thể craft được các elixir vui lòng craft giúp đỡ đàn em, cám ơn nhiều.
  2. Sungai

    Sungai The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Em định chơi bên phe A,class sẽ là Warlock,các anh khuyên nên chọn Race nào cho thích hợp?
  3. GamePRO.

    GamePRO. Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    HCM City
    theo anh thì người Gnome rất thích hợp vì có chỉ số inteligent ghê lắm,ngay cả mage Gnome cũng đáng sợ hơn
  4. willy_willy

    willy_willy Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tính đến nay có 2 warlock rồi á ... Tui và vinamilk ^^ ... cần Priest lắm lắm lắm .... *= lắm
  5. Andy_koo

    Andy_koo Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    clan đéo gì ko có luật lệ gì hết. Cần set lại giờ raid hoặc luật lệ trong clan . Chứ mỗi lần kêu giúp làm quét thì có mặt liền , lúc kêu đi raid thì ............. hỏi cha teddy đi.......
  6. Sungai

    Sungai The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Anh nói nghe khó nghe quá........
    Nhưng nếu đúng thì anh Teddy set rules đi.
    Uhmm,em vẫn chưa hiểu giữa Shaman,Priest,mage và Warlock có điểm gì khác biệt,nên còn lưỡng lự đôi chút
  7. Andy_koo

    Andy_koo Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Priest khó giết
    Warlock càng khó giết
    Mage dmg like shit
    Shaman chỉ có 1 chữ GẤU (mà chơi bên alliance làm gì có GẤU O.o )
  8. vampiremaster

    vampiremaster Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    lol Shâman khó giết bỏ bà ! nó chay nhanh như thú !(ý quên nó là thú mà )
    Nó mặc đồ mail nên nó dày thấy mợ . Mà còn bơm máu nửa chứ . Má ơi ! cái
    giống này nó mạnh như thú.
  9. Ares Darkblade

    Ares Darkblade Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hồ Chí Minh
    Hiện em đang theo nghề leatherworking đã lên được 170/225 và làm được một vài món đồ cũng cool, cho nên ai cần gì thì có thể liên lạc thì em sẽ làm cho free trong guild (tuy nhiên có một số đồ blue cần một vài material hiếm thì phải tự mua hoặc tìm matos vì em không có sẵn). Có thể vào link này để xem những món em đã làm được, Click here .

    Tiện thể cho em hỏi luôn là NE hunter thì đi theo đường bow hay rifle ngon hơn vì em thấy dps cũng xem xem ( với lại rifle thì phải train skill lai từ đầu ). Tuy nhiên bow và rifle rất khó tìm, có ai biết ở đâu rớt bow lvl từ 24-30 thì chỉ đàn em với. Thx in advance. ::)
  10. GamePRO.

    GamePRO. Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    HCM City
    xài cái gì cũng có cái ghê của nó hết em àh,nếu tìm được bow ahy gun xịn anh sẽ gửi phát chuyển nhanh cho em.Anh cũng đang lẹt đẹt học leather working O_o
  11. Ares Darkblade

    Ares Darkblade Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hồ Chí Minh
    Hehe bây giờ anh cũng đang học craft à, nếu có gì cần thì anh kêu em gửi material cho anh.
    Đang cần gấp 1 shadow oil, ai làm được vui lòng làm cho em 3-4 bình, pls. :hug:
  12. lathlong

    lathlong Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Xin chào, tôi không biết ông Gatt có đây không, nhwng chiều nay có pm cho ong Gatt nhwng không được. Cám ơn đã làm cho tôi mấy món đồ mail lvl 17, tôi lại gửi tiếp lên một số material, ông xem giúp tiếp nhé. :D

    Cám ơn các thành viên trong guild, tôi cảm thấy không bị lẻ loi mặc dù mình vẫn là lvl thấp nhất. hy vọng có dịp được raid cùng nhau. :hug:

    Thông báo: ông nào lvl cao, đánh mob rớt đồ lvl thấp cho warior lvl 16 - 25 thì bán cho tôi thay vì bán vào trong shop nhé cám ơn.

    @ Abysswalker: có gì thì pm nhé :wink:
  13. Ares Darkblade

    Ares Darkblade Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hồ Chí Minh
    Ai thấy cái này Pattern: Gemmed Studded leather beltleather vendor suplied trong Stranglethorn Vale làm ơn mua giùm em một item cực rare cho lvl 32-38. :o
    Cám ơn nhiều.
  14. Andy_koo

    Andy_koo Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hồi tối tất cả đều chơi hay lắm .Vậy mới vui chứ ,cho tụi nó biết clan DoV ko phải nub :P ,cứ vậy đi ha, hẹn 9h30' tối hằng ngày sẽ raid horde . Ai biết chỗ có nhiều horde để giết sẽ được trọng thưởng hihihihi......
  15. ars102

    ars102 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hello, có ai có Billing Addr + CC ở US không, giúp tôi register new WOW acc với. Tôi có retail box mà hiện nay chưa đăng ký acc được từ VN. Tnx !
  16. thanh.nd

    thanh.nd Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    nick gì đấy
    Gatt nó ở AUS , nó ko biết GAMEVN đâu
    ars102 : đưa thử tôi key xem , để tôi nhờ friend reg cho
  17. V.I.P

    V.I.P C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cai clan bên server này vui thiệt
    tối nay tui làm 1 cái acc bên dây chơi
  18. willy_willy

    willy_willy Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hôm nay server down 4 giờ đề update bản patch mới....ngồi chờ 4 giờ suốt ruột ghê...còn hơn là chờ người yêu nữa...hehe...đúng là chỉ có WOW ^^ ...
    PS: mà GM ko có cho người mới vào, 1 gold áo choàng rồi ^^
  19. GamePRO.

    GamePRO. Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    HCM City
    tin vui đây : patch mới shaman của phe Horde bị giảm cool down cast chưởng Earthbind Totem (add 15 sec) xuống rồi.Từ nay sẽ cân bằng hơn trong pvp khi đối đầu với shaman horde hic :O

    anh em tham khảo đi :


    Happy Holidays!
    The holidays are here and the citizens of Azeroth are celebrating the
    occasion with festive decorations and winter time activities. Keep an
    eye out for some fun and exciting surprises throughout the world!

    New Dungeon - Maraudon
    In the vast gray of Desolace lies the earthen tomb of Zaetar, fallen
    Keeper of the Grove and son of Cenarius.  Zaetar rejected his Keeper
    heritage when he joined with the princess of the chaotic earth
    elementals, Theradras. Their unholy union gave birth to the misshapen
    and cursed centaur, who promptly slew their father for his part in
    their misbegotten creation. Fearful of Cenarius' wrath, the
    grief-stricken Theradras sequestered her dead lover's body in her
    secret sanctuary, the Crystal Caverns of Therramok, where she watches
    over him to this day. Travelers who come to Desolace have little
    trouble spotting Zaetar's tomb, for the blessing of nature that
    permeates his being transformed his resting place into a verdant
    paradise of flora and tranquil pools. Today, this tomb is now trodden
    by the hooves of Zaetar's children, who have claimed this great cavern
    as their sacred stronghold Maraudon.

    Maraudon, a level 40-49 dungeon in Desolace, is now open and ready for

    Cloak & Helm Graphics
    There are now interface options that let you not display your helm
    and/or cloak on your character. These options will allow a player to wear a
    cloak or helm, but not have it show up in the game world. The check
    boxes to control this functionality are in the Options menu under
    "Interface Options."

    - Players will now receive credit for killing a monster even if
    they die during battle.
    - Players will now be able to purchase and train mounts from other
    races in their faction. However, you will first need to obtain
    "exalted" reputation status with that race in order to do so.
    Mounts of the opposing faction are not available for purchase.
    - A "Looking for Group" channel has been added. Additional improvements
    in looking for group functionality will be added in future patches.
    - Daze chance has been reduced in degrees depending on the level of the
    monster versus the level of the player. Thus, a monster will have a
    better chance to Daze a player equal in level than it would Dazing a
    player five levels higher.
    - If you die in Molten Core, you will now be able to retrieve your
    corpse at the Blackrock Depths instance line.
    - Several instance bosses and sub-bosses have had their levels slightly
    - Giant Clams in the Vile Reef now drop Blue Pearls.
    - Spell Reflection no longer reflects abilities.
    - You can initiate a trade by dropping money onto a player.
    - You can no longer select targets while under the effects of charm.
    - Most non-elite creatures in non-instanced areas of the world have had
    their hit points slightly increased starting from level 20.
    - Messages in the chat window provide feedback when you are getting
    drunk or sober.
    - Skill gain messages will no longer appear for auto-ranking class
    skills when you gain a level.
    - Training costs for all classes are in the process of being rebalanced.
    For this patch, training costs have been adjusted for the Rogue and
    Warlock classes and we will be making similar adjustments to all
    classes in the future.

    - Damage bonus for the Warrior's One-Handed Weapon Specialization
    (Protection tab) increased to 2% per rank.
    - Amount of threat generated by Shield Bash when Shield Discipline is
    active has been increased.
    - Mortal Strike changed to deal weapon damage + a flat amount (85, 110,
    135, 160) instead of percentage-based damage. Additional ranks
    available on Warrior trainers.
    - A bug causing the Hurricane talent to not require channeling has
    been fixed. This spell now correctly requires channeling.

    Player versus Player
    - Gurubashi Arena - The arena in Stranglethorn Vale has been changed so
    that free-for-all PvP will only take place on the floor of the arena,
    and no longer in the stands or on the entrance ramp.  Please keep in
    mind that on PvP realms, members of the opposite faction can still
    attack you anywhere in the arena because Stranglethorn Vale is a
    contested area.
    - There is now a short countdown before a duel starts.

    - Fishing for high-level zones has been restored.
    - Monetary value of fished items sold to vendors has been significantly
    - Chances of acquiring green weapons and armor from fishing have been
    - Fishing profession now requires a minimum character level, like the
    other professions do.  Any character who already has a fishing
    profession past the intended level will not be affected.
    - The recipes for Heavy Mageweave Bandage, Runecloth Bandage, and Heavy
    Runecloth Bandage can be learned by visiting your faction's Artisan
    First Aid questgiver.
    - Sell prices on Runecloth Bandages and Heavy Runecloth Bandages have
    been reduced.
    - Expert First Aid books moved to a more appropriate vendor for the
    Horde. New vendor is still within the same general area as the
    previous one.
    - Spider Sausage added to cooking trainers.
    - Negative effect on Fletcher's Gloves has been changed.
    - Alchemists' Stone effects have been changed.
    - Gnomish Death Ray ingredients have been changed.
    - Small Spider Legs drops have been increased to aid night elf cooks.
    - Embossed Leather Boots are now correctly marked as Soulbound.
    - Enchant 2H Weapon with Intellect is now correctly giving +3 to
    - Enchanter's Cowl minimum level to use set to 28 instead of 38, as was
    originally intended.
    - Decrepit Darkhounds are now skinnable.
    - Bloodstone Ore was made easier to mine.

    - The damage effect on Deathblow, Diabolic Skiver, and Pendulum of Doom
    is now considered physical damage instead of Shadow damage.
    - Area effect of Piccolo of the Flaming Fire has been reduced.
    - Common shields sold at the shops have had their levels shifted to
    provide for a greater variety of choices.
    - The damage effect from Circle of Flame no longer gets increased by
    items with fire bonuses.
    - Area effect on Explosive Rockets has been reduced.
    - Damage over time effect on Demonshear should no longer be increased
    by items with Shadow bonuses.
    - Effects from Stormstout, Trogg Ale, Raptor Punch, and Keg of
    Thunderbrew Lager no longer stack.
    - Enriched Manna Biscuit now regenerates mana correctly.
    - Wolfmane Wristguards are now Uncommon instead of Common.
    - Lowered stats and armor on the Forcestone Buckler, which is rewarded
    from the Compendium of the Fallen quest. Existing Forcestone Bucklers
    have not been modified.
    - Smokey's Explosive Launcher and Smokey's Fireshooter from When Smokey
    Sings, I get Violent quest have been improved. Additional item reward
    added to this quest as well.
    - Heart of the Scale should apply the correct Fire resistance now.
    - Fixed a bug that caused Wildheart Boots to have duplicate stats.
    - Loamflake Bracers now have stats.
    - Effect on Cloak of Flames has been reduced.
    - Dog Training Gloves are now Uncommon instead of Common.
    - Murkgill Murlocs in Stranglethorn no longer drop Encrusted Tail Fin.
    - Fixed texture on Rageclaw Belt to look like a belt instead of pants.
    - Armor values for some Leather and Mail armor between levels 15 - 36
    have been slightly changed to address an error with armor values.

    - Many Stranglethorn Vale quests had their experience rewards changed
    to be more in line with the difficulty of the quests. Some
    Stranglethorn Vale quests were also increased in difficulty, due to
    increased kill requirements or balance changes to the quest target
    creatures. The Green Hills of Stranglethorn and Big Game Hunter
    quests also now reward different items upon completion.
    - Two new quests added to Desolace involving the Kodo Caravan.
    - Number of centaur required to kill to unleash Warlord Krom'zar in
    the Barrens Counterattack! quest has been reduced to 20.
    - Time limit for the Counterattack! quest has been increased to 20
    - Thazz'ril's Pick is now easier to spot.
    - Bloodfury quest in Stonetalon Mountains is now marked elite.
    - Catch of the Day quest in Desolace now requires 2 Bloodfish instead
    of the previous 5.
    - New quest rewards added to the Allegiance to the Old Gods quest in
    - Wildhunter Cloak reward item from the Ashenvale Hunt quest has been
    - Vagash in Dun Morogh now properly shows his Elite status.
    - The Encrusted Tail Fin quest item now only drops off the Saltscale
    Murlocs in Stranglethorn.
    - The Bloodfury Ripper's Remains quest item now only drops off the
    Bloodfury Ripper in Stonetalon Mountain.
    - The Blueleaf Tubers requirement of the Barrens’ Blueleaf Tuber quest
    was decreased to 6.
    - Quest text for the Elemental War quest is changed. It no longer
    implies that a choice of rewards is available.
    - The Summoning Shadra quest level has been increased from 50 to 55,
    to reflect the level of Shadra.
    - Quest related drop items from A Sample of Slime quest and a Batch of
    Ooze quest have been reduced in value.

    - Entangling Roots: Rank 4 moved to level 38.
    - New Spell: Gift of the Wild (Level 50) - Longer lasting Mark of the
    Wild spell that buffs the entire group. Requires a reagent to cast.
    (Spell is available via loot drop only.)
    - Bear Form: Armor bonus increased from 65% to 180%.
    - Dire Bear Form: Armor bonus increased from 125% to 360%.
    - Hibernate: Players now have an increasing chance to break free of the
    effect, such that it is unlikely the effect will last more than 15

    - Hunters can no longer sit while under the effects of Feign Death.
    - Disengage will cause the Hunter's target to immediately check for a
    new target.
    - Hunters will no longer show mana while they are under the effects of
    Feign Death.
    - Claw: Ranks 3-8 focus costs increased to match ranks 1-2.
    - Beasts under the effect of Beast Lore will now display whether they
    are tameable or not.
    - Pets: Bite and Claw tooltips now list the damage that is dealt when
    the pet is content. Actual damage is unchanged.
    - Scare Beast: Beasts now have an increasing chance to break free of
    the effect, such that it is unlikely the effect will last more than
    15 seconds.

    - Portals: Each portal spell now has an individual cooldown.
    - Polymorph: Players now have an increasing chance to break free of
    the effect, such that it is unlikely the effect will last more than
    15 seconds.

    - Sense Undead: No longer available via the trainer; quest reward only.

    - Power Word: Shield: Now usable on party members only.
    - New Spell: Prayer of Fortitude (Level 48) - Longer lasting Power
    Word: Fortitude spell that buffs the entire group. Requires a reagent
    to cast. (Spell is available via loot drop only.)
    - Mind Control: Can no longer be cast on tapped targets.

    - Backstab will automatically target the nearest enemy if no target is
    - Distract is now effective against creatures that are already distracted.
    - Sap: Players now have an increasing chance to break free of the
    effect, such that it is unlikely the effect will last more than 15
    - Training costs adjusted. Total training cost was decreased.
    - Vanish will now break root and slow effects.

    - Earthbind Totem: Added a 15-second cooldown.

    - Warlock demons have a wide selection of names based on the demon
    type. This only affects new demons; existing demons will keep their
    - Warlocks can no longer kill players in duels.
    - Death Coil won't give health until it actually hits the target.
    - Death Coil will only give the amount of health that it actually
    drained from the target.
    - Create Soulstone: Reduced the Soul Shard cost from two shards to one
    - Curse of Shadow: Increased duration from two minutes to five minutes.
    - Curse of the Elements: Increased duration from two minutes to five
    - Fear: Players now have an increasing chance to break free of the
    effect, such that it is unlikely the effect will last more than 15
    - Devour Magic (Felhunter): Fixed a bug where the felhunter would be
    healed every time the spell was used, in addition to the healing
    gained from successful dispelling.
    - Tainted Blood (Felhunter): The reactive effect no longer causes
    - Training costs adjusted. Total training cost was decreased.
    - Enslave Demon: Can no longer be cast on tapped targets.

    - Warriors will start swinging after performing a Slam attack.
    - New Ability: Pummel (Berserker Stance) (Level 38) - Instant attack
    that causes damage and interrupts spellcasting for a short duration.
    - Shield Bash: No longer usable in Berserker Stance.
    - Intercept: Cost reduced from 15 rage to 10 rage, damage reduced
    - Bloodrage: Now generates 10 rage immediately and 10 rage across the
    - Improved Bloodrage: Now reduces the health cost of Bloodrage by 25%
    (rank 1) and 50% (rank 2).
    - Berserker Stance: Now increases critical strike chance by 3% instead
    of granting 10% melee haste. Extra damage taken reduced from 20% to

    - The vertex and pixel shader based graphic options have been
    reactivated on certain combinations of drivers and GPU hardware. As
    Apple releases future improvements to drivers we will continue to
    re-test and re-activate features on a case by case basis. A more
    detailed list of which driver/hardware combinations are enabled for
    shader capabilities, along with any known bugs will be posted on
    the Tech Support forum. Further optimization work on the client is
    ongoing, and we welcome your feedback at
    - Added reverb to sound effects when a player is in enclosed spaces.

    User Interface
    - The Minimap arrows that point to locations/players/etc. are now
    easier to see.
    - Tooltip information on players and monsters in the game has been
    - Alternative keyboard types (such as Dvorak) will now work correctly.
    - Macros that cast spells will show spell feedback (e.g. cooldowns,
    etc.) on the action bar.
    - Lua single line comments now work in script blocks embedded in XML
    - There is a new user interface to enable and disable add-ons for the
    current account, available at the character selection screen.
    - FontString has a new attribute, "maxLines,” which is used to limit
    the number of lines the FontString will render.
    - Any text that goes beyond the extents of a FontString will be
    truncated and replaced with "..."

    - When a player breaks the surface of the water going up (i.e. heading
    out of the water), the camera will move to the above-water position
    regardless of whether or not the player is holding down the right
    mouse button.
    - The visual effect for unlearning talents will happen after you accept
    the dialog instead of immediately.

    Bug Fix
    - A bug with bandages has been fixed.  Previously, only the lowest rank
    bandage (Linen Bandage) was working correctly in that it brought up a
    channeling bar and required you to remain still while bandaging.  All
    of the other bandage types (Heavy Linen through Heavy Runecloth) were
    working incorrectly, but have been fixed to operate the same way that
    Linen Bandages do.
    - Cenarion Vindicators no longer summon Forces of Nature as quickly.
    - Severed Dreamers no longer summon Nightmares as quickly.
    - Several elite creatures that were missing their elite tags have been
    - Will of the Forsaken is no longer grayed out on the action bar while
    you are fleeing.
    - The Emerald Dragon Whelp will assist you when summoned.
    - Aquatic creatures will no longer eventually teleport to you if you
    harass them from land.
    - Undead players will no longer be invisible when they first log in
    after watching the intro cinematic.
    - Fixed the rotating animations of the crystals in Un'Goro Crater.
    - Reginald Windsor's yell can be heard during The Great Masquerade.
    - Kodos in the Barrens will no longer stomp incessantly while in combat.
    - The Ward of Laze is now summoned at a more appropriate level, instead
    of level one.
    - Some elite creatures in outdoor areas of the world had higher than
    normal experience modifiers, and were corrected to award the proper
    amount of experience.
    - Rare creatures in many of the higher level outdoor zones will now 
    use their appropriate combat abilities.
    - Autoloot has been fixed to work with skinning.
    - Fixed durability display on vendor buyback items.
    - Some creatures in the outdoor world had much less armor than
    intended. This has been corrected.
    - A bug causing war stomp to not affect some targets within melee range
    has been fixed.

    - World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.1.2 (2004-12-6)

    - Removed time zone tabs from realm list for U.S., all servers now appear
    in one list.

    - World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.1.1 (2004-11-17)

    Item durability costs have been greatly decreased for Superior (blue)
    and Epic (purple) items.

    Improved Unstuck
    We've added an auto-unstuck feature that you can use prior to
    petitioning a GM. You can use this feature in situations where you
    are caught in a part of the terrain and cannot get out. You can find
    the unstuck option by clicking on the "Help Request" button found
    on the bottom right hand side of the user interface.

    Spirit Healer
    Using the Spirit Healer now results in a 25% loss in durability for a
    player's equipped gear and items in inventory, instead of the
    previous 100% loss. The length of resurrection sickness suffered
    from using the Spirit Healer has also been decreased to a maximum of
    10 minutes.

    Reagent requirements have been removed from the following spells:
    Druid: Mark of the Wild
    Mage: Arcane Intellect
    Priest: Power Word: Fortitude

    - The Daze effect has been reworked to have a smaller chance of
    occurring against players level one to 29. The chance of a
    successful Daze effect against players 30 and above remains the same.

    - The Improved Renew talent has been reduced in effectiveness per rank.
    - The effect chance of Seal of Command has been reduced slightly.
    - Redoubt now lasts either 10 seconds or five blocks, whichever comes
    - The effect of Improved Moonfire has been reduced per rank.

    - Bear Form has been improved to hold aggro more effectively.
    - Growl: removed rage cost and global cooldown.
    - Cower: increased the effect, added a cooldown.

    - Judgment: Moved to level 4.
    - Divine Protection: Moved to level 6.
    - Purify: Moved to level 8.
    - Seal of the Crusader: Now introduced at level 6.

    - Feint: increased the effect, added a cooldown.

    - New Spell: Reincarnation (Level 30). Reincarnation is a passive
    ability that will give you to option of letting you resurrect
    yourself once every half hour upon death.

    - Inferno: Now dismisses your pet before casting to allow the Infernal
    to start Enslaved. Useable outdoors only.

    - Defensive Stance has been improved to hold aggro more effectively.
    - Taunt: removed rage cost and global cooldown.

    Bug Fixes
    - Night Elf characters in Wisp form will now have correct collision
    - Damage modifiers will now be calculated before armor points are
    considered, instead of after.

    - World of Warcraft Client Patch (2004-11-07)

    Racial Traits
    Racial traits are now available for all races. Each race receives at
    least 4 traits (several passive and at least one active trait per
    race). Undead racial traits have changed to be more consistent with
    the new traits and Undead players are now considered Humanoid targets
    rather than Undead targets. The following is a full list of traits:

    Stoneform: Activate to gain immunity to poison, disease, and bleed
    Gun Specialization: Increase Gun Skill
    Frost Resistance: Increase Cold Resistance
    Treasure Finding: Activate to see treasure chests on mini map -
    lasts until canceled - no cooldown

    Escape Artist: Activate to break out of a Root or Snare effect
    Expansive Mind: Increase Intelligence
    Arcane Resistance: Increase Arcane Resistance
    Engineering Specialist: Increase skill bonus to Engineering

    Perception: Activate to increase stealth detection radius
    The Human Spirit: Increase Spirit
    Diplomacy: Bonus to faction point gain
    Sword Specialization: Increase Sword skill

    Night Elf
    Shadowmeld: Activate while immobile and out of combat to enter
    stealth mode
    Quickness: Dodge chance increased
    Wisp Spirit: Become a wisp when dead with movement speed increase
    Nature Resistance: Increase Nature Resistance

    Blood Fury: Activate to increase Strength
    Hardiness: Increase resistance to stun & knockout effects
    Command: Pet melee damage increased
    Axe Specialization: Increase to Axe skill

    War Stomp: Activate to stun opponents
    Endurance: Max Health increased
    Cultivation: Increase skill bonus to Herbalism
    Nature Resistance: Increase Nature Resistance

    Berserking: Activate when "Wounded" to increase melee &
    spellcasting speed
    Regeneration: Increase health regen bonus
    Beast Slaying: Increase damage bonus to Beasts
    Throwing Weapon Specialization: Increase Throwing Weapon skill.

    Will of the Forsaken: Activate to become immune to fear, sleep,
    and charm effects
    Cannibalize: Increase health regeneration while consuming a corpse
    Underwater Breathing: Underwater breath increased
    Shadow Resistance: Increase Shadow Resistance

    New Raid Encounters
    Rumors of Onyxia, an enormous black dragon, have been heard through
    out Azeroth. Be sure to bring many brave warriors for she won’t
    take kindly to intruders in her lair. Both factions will need to
    complete unique, and challenging quests to gain access to the
    Onyxia encounter. **During the beta testing there will be a
    temporary placeholder vendor who sells keys to Onyxia’s lair for
    testing purposes.

    Discovered in the heart of Blackrock Mountain beyond the Depths,
    lies the Molten Core. Within the Molten Core lives a multitude of
    ancient and powerful evil. Adventurers be ware, for the dangers found
    within the Molten Core are many and takes many forms.

    **Raid loot is being worked on and temporary loot has been placed in
    raid encounters

    New Kodo mounts!
    There is but one creature in all of Kalimdor that possesses the
    strength and stamina to bear a tauren rider into battle: the
    majestic kodo beast. Swifter and slightly smaller than their
    wild cousins, kodo mounts nevertheless demonstrate the same
    resilience and fearlessness found in their untamed brethren, traits
    that serve them well when bearing their equally resolute riders. It
    is said that only the most virtuous of tauren can win the affection
    of a kodo war mount, for these mighty beasts only serve those that
    approach them with honor and respect in
    their hearts.

    Tauren players will no longer have the Plainsrunning ability, due
    to the availability of Kodo mounts! Tauren players can purchase the
    Kodo mount at Bloodhoof village.

    **Currently there is an active bug that prevents players from
    purchasing mounts from different races regarding of reputation, this
    bug will be addressed in the next patch.

    - Higher level dungeon monsters (level 30+) have had their experience
    values increased.
    - Experience needed to gain levels from level 30+ has been increased
    (to compensate for the dungeon monster change).
    - On death, all eqipped items will lose 10% durability.
    - Durability loss through fighting has been decreased (mainly to
    accommodate the new penalty for dying)
    - The penalty for using a Spirit Healer has been changed - there is no
    longer any experience loss, instead all items (equipped and
    inventory) will take 100% durability loss and the character will gain
    resurrection sickness for a duration that scale according to level.
    - Spells that activate (proc) on kill will work on all players, but only
    monsters that would give experience points.
    - All spears are now polearms.
    - Polearm proficiency can now be learned by Hunters, Paladins,
    - Spear proficiency has been removed.
    - Minimum range on abilities now account for size of target and
    - Armor can't be swapped out while in combat. Other equipment
    such as weapons and accessories can still be swapped out.
    - Shift-click item info linking has been added to the auction
    - You now get a 10% discount at high reputation for buying items,
    item repair, training costs, and taxi flights.
    - Line of sight calculation takes into account creature size.
    - Creatures should be more adept at chasing players.
    - Spawn animations for game objects are now visible.
    - Skills will not increase from use while dueling or engaged in
    - Texture linear filtering is turned on for the user interface.
    - Escort NPCs will assist players more often.
    - Escort NPCs and guards will no longer follow enemy players
    - NPCs which are performing work emotes will pause them and turn to
    you when you interact with them.
    - The Reanimated Corpse actually falls down now when it plays dead.
    - New graveyards have been added to many zones.
    - Players will not be able to train and purchase non-race specific
    mounts. In the next patch, we plan to implement a system in which
    players can obtain mounts from other races once they have reached a
    certain level of reputation with that race.

    - Onyxia Key Quests for both the Horde and Alliance are in and
    fully functional.
    - Eastern and Western Plaguelands have dozens of new quests.
    - Tirion Fordring's questline is now complete.
    - New PvP, Raid, and PvP Raid quests are live.
    - Quests for Molten Core have been added.
    - The completion of a quest may now result in a reputation
    adjustment of a faction or a group of factions.
    - More quests added to Desolace, including several Horde
    specific quests.
    - Horde quests added to Ashenvale, ranging from levels 19-30.
    - Hemet Nesingwary and his companions now like Horde players in
    addition to Alliance players.
    - More quests added to Stonetalon.
    - More quests added to Blackfathom Deeps. Blackfathom has been
    moved to Ashenvale and now has Horde quests.

    - Mind Control and Hunter's Mark flag you for PvP when used on
    enemy players.
    - Healing and buffing NPCs will not flag you for PvP unless those
    NPCs are in combat.
    - NPCs no longer tap creatures they are fighting.

    - Paladin talents are now available.
    - Hunter talents are now available.

    - The current high-bidder's name no longer displays in the auction
    - Each time a bid is made on an item, a small amount of time is
    added to the remaining auction duration.
    - Items you are the high bidder on will be indicated as such in the

    - Leatherworking is now complete, you can make up to 300
    leatherworking skill items.
    - Enchanting is now complete, you can perform enchantments that
    require up to 300 enchanting skill.
    - Engineering is now complete, there are engineering recipes that
    require up to 300 engineering skill.
    - Epic player crafted items that require raiding are now available.
    - Skeleton Keys added to blacksmithing. Smiths can now open locks
    (though the keys are consumed)
    - Expert and above skill tiers for secondary skills are no longer
    available on trainers, you need to find the books to teach you them.
    Expert level is on a vendor somewhere in the world, artisan level
    requires a quest to be completed.
    - Elixirs no longer stack with player spells that improve the same
    - Enchanting recipes generally require more reagents for 200-250
    skill items
    - Limited Invulnerability Potion Re-added to Alchemy, but at a higher
    level than it was previously.
    - Leatherworking recipes added to let light leather be turned into
    medium leather, medium leather into heavy and so on.
    - Light leather requirements for some 15-20th leather level items
    reduced to allow for faster skillup in that range.
    - Leatherworking Scorpid Recipes now require 2x the scorpid scales,
    but scorpids now drop the scales 4x as frequently.
    - Light leather now only takes 3 scraps to make instead of 4.
    - Starting Leatherworking recipe items improved.
    - Medium and Heavy leather now sells for less to vendors.
    - Pick pocketing now has a chance of getting you a locked Junkbox,
    which is a locked item that generally has money in it.
    - Ironweb Spider Silk now drops more often and some Tailoring
    Recipes require less.
    - The ingredients required to make some gnomish engineering items
    were changed.
    - Elixirs effects reduced somewhat for the higher level elixirs.
    - Dark Iron Armor stats have been changed.
    - Living Essence and Essence of Undeath drops decreased.
    - Silk and Mageweave cloth now sell for less to vendors.
    - All remaining profession trainers who train a single recipe
    have been turned into vendors.
    - Catseye Ultra Goggles and Catseye Elixir reduced in effectiveness.
    - Requirements to make blacksmithing recipes annihilator and
    invulnerable mail increased.
    - Artisan Level Fishing, Cooking, and First Aid quests are in the
    game. Trainers will no longer train artisan level in the
    aforementioned professions. Players must complete quests to gain
    artisan levels.

    - Pets, summons and guardians are not susceptible to charm.
    - Pets should be much better at chasing moving targets.
    - Pets and summons will use their combat abilities as often as
    - When your pet or demon learns new spells and abilities they will
    show up on the pet action bar.
    - Charmed creatures will no longer use their summon spells while
    - The pet action bar is greyed out while the pet is confused or fleeing
    - Imps no longer run around aimlessly if you turn off auto-cast for
    their firebolt.

    - Removed facing direction requirement from Entangling Roots, Faerire
    Fire, Hibernate, and Soothe Animal.
    - New Spell: Rebirth (Level 20).
    - New Ability: Feline Grace (Level 40).
    - Bear Form abilities that target one or more enemies now generate
    additional threat.
    - Enrage: Cooldown increased.
    - Growl: Now gives the target enough threat to attack you, cooldown
    - Hibernate: Increased the chance of breaking early.
    - Mark of the Wild: Ranks 5, 6, and 7 now require reagents.

    - Glimpse of Instincts: Removed.
    - Outdoorsmanship skill line renamed Survival.
    - Ranged Combat skill line renamed Marksmanship.
    - Removed facing requirement from Hunter's Mark and Scare Beast.
    - Aspect of the Cheetah: Speed increased.
    - Aspect of the Pack: Speed increased.
    - Concussive Shot: No longer causes additional threat, duration and
    cooldown slightly increased, mana cost reduced.
    - Disengage: Effect boosted, cooldown added.
    - Hunter's Mark: Duration increased, dispels itself if the Hunter dies.
    - Mongoose Bite: Damage increased, mana cost increased.
    - Scare Beast: Increased the chance of breaking early.
    - Wing Clip: Slow effect now scales with level.
    - Feign Death: Duration increased.
    - New Spell: Track Beasts (Level 1).
    - New Spell: Track Humanoids (Level 10).
    - New Spell: Track Undead (Level 18).
    - New Spell: Track Hidden (Level 24).
    - New Spell: Track Elementals (Level 26).
    - New Spell: Track Demons (Level 32).
    - New Spell: Track Giants (Level 40).
    - New Spell: Track Dragonkin (Level 50).
    - New Spell: Distracting Shot (Level 12).
    - New Spell: Aspect of the Wild (Level 46).

    - Blink should work much more reliably and will not stop your movement.
    - Removed facing requirement from Counterspell, Detect Magic, and
    - Polymorph: Now dismounts the enemy target, increased the chance of
    breaking early.
    - Blizzard: Deals its damage in more frequent intervals.
    - Arcane Intellect: Ranks 4 and 5 now require reagents.
    - Teleport: Now requires a reagent.
    - Portal: Now requires a reagent.
    - Slow Fall: Now requires a reagent.

    - Retribution Aura: Moved to level 16.
    - Judgement: Moved to level 50, renamed Holy Wrath.
    - Removed facing requirement from Hammer of Justice and Turn Undead.
    - Cleanse: Moved to level 42, mana cost increased.
    - Holy Light: Causes less threat, heal effect and mana cost increased.
    - Purify: Mana cost increased.
    - Turn Undead: Increased the chance of breaking early.
    - Holy Strike: Removed.
    - Crusader Strike: Removed.
    - Seal of Reckoning: Removed.
    - Healing Aura: Removed.
    - Dominance Aura: Removed.
    - Wisdom Aura: Removed.
    - Redemption: Removed.
    - Resurrection: renamed Redemption, no longer useable in combat.
    - **All Seals renamed Blessings. Several new spells have been added,
    which now use the naming convention "Seal".
    - New Spell: Seal of the Crusader (Level 12).
    - New Spell: Seal of Justice (Level 22).
    - New Spell: Seal of Light (Level 30).
    - New Spell: Seal of Wisdom (Level 38).
    - New Spell: Flash of Light (Level 20).
    - New Spell: Judgement (Level 10).
    - New Spell: Blessing of Might (Level 8).
    - New Spell: Blessing of Wisdom (Level 14).
    - New Spell: Blessing of Light (Level 40).
    - New Spell: Concentration Aura (Level 22).
    - New Spell: Divine Intervention (Level 30).
    - Resistance Aura: Split up into 3 new spells...Shadow Resistance Aura
    (Level 28), Frost Resistance Aura (Level 32), and Fire Resistance Aura
    (Level 36).
    - Seal of Fury has changed significantly.
    - Seal of Righteousness has changed significantly.
    - Blessing of Sacrifice: Moved to level 46, now transfers a flat amount
    of damage per hit, and has replacements.
    - Blessing of Salvation: Moved to level 26, duration increased, cooldown
    removed, effect reduced.
    - Blessing of Freedom: Moved to level 18.
    - Blessing of Protection: Moved to level 10.

    - Resurrect spells now use the same timer as when reclaiming your corpse.
    When a player is resurrected, they will have to wait for a set amount
    before they can click the accept button.
    - Resurrect now teleports you to the location at which the spell was cast,
    not to the caster's present location.
    - Removed facing requirement from Mind Control, Mind Soothe, Shackle
    Undead and Shadow Word: Pain.
    - Resurrection: No longer useable in combat.
    - Levitate will now be cancelled if any damage is taken, now requires a
    - Power Word: Fortitude: Ranks 4, 5, and 6 now require reagents.
    - Mind Control: Increased the chance of breaking early.
    - Shackle Undead: Increased the chance of breaking early.
    - New Spell: Desperate Prayer (Level 10). (Dwarf/Human only.) (Quest)
    - New Spell: Starshards (Level 10). (Night Elf only.) (Quest)
    - New Spell: Touch of Weakness (Level 10). (Undead only.) (Quest)
    - New Spell: Hex of Weakness (Level 10). (Troll only.) (Quest)
    - New Spell: Fear Ward (Level 20). (Dwarf only.) (Quest)
    - New Spell: Feedback (Level 20). (Human only.) (Quest)
    - New Spell: Elune's Grace (Level 20). (Night Elf only.) (Quest)
    - New Spell: Devouring Plague (Level 20). (Undead only.) (Quest)
    - New Spell: Shadowguard (Level 20). (Troll only.) (Quest)

    - Vanish will now cancel spells in progress and missiles in flight if
    they are being cast at the vanished player.
    - Poisons: Should now be resistable.
    - Removed facing requirement from Blind and Pick Pocket.
    - Lockpicking: No longer auto-ranks. It must be used to improve.
    - Sap: Increased the chance of breaking early.
    - New Poison: Wound Poison (Level 32).
    - New Ability: Safe Fall (Level 40).

    - Removed facing requirement from Purge.
    - Rebirth: Renamed Ancestral Spirit, no longer useable in combat.
    - Water Walking: Now cancelled if any damage is taken, requires reagent.
    - Water Breathing: Now requires a reagent.
    - Earth Shock: Now causes additional threat.
    - Healing Stream Totem: Heals in smaller, more frequent intervals
    (roughly the same total over time).
    - Mana Spring Totem: Restores mana in smaller, more frequent intervals
    (roughly the same total over time).
    - Rockbiter Weapon: Now also makes your melee attacks cause additional
    - Windfury Weapon: Much more responsive.
    - Windfury Totem: Much more responsive.

    - Only party members can participate in rituals.
    - Voidwalkers will wait for enemies in the area before casting Suffering.
    - Target of summoning ritual must already be in the same instance if
    caster is in an instance.
    - Summoning gives a confirmation dialog to person being summoned.
    - Ghosts can no longer be summoned.
    - A bug has been fixed in the calculation of total mana for Warlock pets.
    - Lash of Pain (Succubus): no longer requires the succubus to be behind
    the target.
    - Seduction (Succubus): Mana cost reduced, increased the chance of
    breaking early.
    - Soulstones: Now soulbound when created, are consumed to store the
    target's soul. When that target dies, he may resurrect himself any
    time up until release. Cooldown added.
    - Removed facing requirement from Banish, Corruption, all Curses,
    Enslave Demon, and Fear.
    - Demon spells are now available as Grimoires from the Demon Trainers in
    the world. Purchase the Grimoire and read it while the appropriate
    demon is summoned to teach it the spell.
    - Enslave Demon once again requires a soul shard, increased the chance
    of breaking early if cast repeatedly on the same target.
    - Howl of Terror: Increased the chance of breaking early.
    - Fear: Increased the chance of breaking early.
    - Rain of Fire: Duration, mana cost, and damage slightly reduced, deals
    its damage in more frequent intervals.
    - New Spell (Imp): Phase Shift (Level 12).
    - New Spell: Summon Felhunter (Level 30). (Quest)
    - New Spell: Inferno (Level 50). (Monster Loot)
    - New Spell: Curse of Doom (Level 60).
    - New Spell: Ritual of Doom (Level 60). (Monster Loot)

    - Inner Rage: Removed.
    - Pummel: Removed.
    - Heroic Strike: Now available in all Stances, damage increased on some
    ranks, decreased on others.
    - Sunder Armor: Now available in all Stances.
    - Shield Bash: Now available in all Stances.
    - Hamstring: Now available in Battle and Berserker Stance.
    - Rend: Now available in Battle and Defensive Stance, damage slightly
    increased on some ranks.
    - Recklessness: Moved to level 50, moved to Berserker Stance, can be
    cancelled early, now causes the Warrior to take extra damage instead
    of decreasing armor.
    - Bloodrage: Available in all Stances, cooldown increased.
    - Cleave: Moved to level 20, available in all Stances, damage reduced.
    - Mocking Blow: Moved to level 16, damage increased, replaced more
    - Shield Wall: Moved to level 28.
    - Slam: Available in all Stances, damage reduced, casting is pushed back
    when hit.
    - Thunder Clap: Damage increased.
    - Defensive Stance: Now reduces damage taken and damage caused instead
    of increasing Defense skill.
    - Intimidating Shout: Moved to level 22, no longer causes the targeted
    enemy to run in fear, but will cower in fear. The cowering effect is
    broken by damage.
    - Warrior abilities that target one or more enemies now generate
    additional threat.
    - Taunt: Now gives the target just enough threat to attack you.
    Cooldown added.
    - Berserker Rage: Moved to level 32.
    - New Ability: Retaliation (Level 20).
    - New Ability: Execute (Level 24).
    - New Ability: Intercept (Level 30).
    - New Ability: Whirlwind (Level 40).

    Shader based options are still disabled on the Mac client and are
    awaiting release of driver bug fixes from Apple and GPU vendors. We will
    release a patch to re-enable shader based graphic effects in Mac WoW when
    that becomes feasible

    Bug Fixes
    - Monsters with extra dodge chances have been corrected.
    - Abilities that activate off critical hits work off critical hits from
    abilities as well (Blood Craze, Enrage).
    - Blessing of salvation correctly affects healing over time spells.
    - If you tame the leader of a herd of Kodo with the Kodo Kombobulator the
    whole herd won't follow you.
    - If you close the disenchanting loot pane without looting the item, the
    Dust or Essence or Shard is automatically looted for you. (You no
    longer destroy the enchanted item if you close the loot pane with the
    results of the disenchantment)

    - Vocal emotes now display a normal emote to the chat window, instead of
    the "Player says..." text. Voice Emote Audio is unchanged.
    - There is now a checkbox to turn off audio emotes.
    - Many boxes and crates ready to be looted have been added around the
    - Many new rare vendors selling weapons/armor/potions have been added
    around the world.
  20. NNBNNB

    NNBNNB Youtube Master Race

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